Growing up way to fast

Art thingy 2
Art thingy 2
After been giving the this test as I like to call it I found myself wanting to create more. So several of times i found myself coming home and drawing people in my household, one of them being my little brother jose. He is five and maybe not the best still model. This is what made this a challenge, which I enjoyed. I love this kid with all my heart and drawing him was a pleasure not only did he make it fun but he gave me an honest opinion through out the process. At a certain point I found him being a teacher to me.

 The ending result is one of my favorites which is why i decided it would be best to post this one. I found myself drawing random things that went along with who he is. Being a high risk pregnancy for my mom his birth is a miracle. Which is why the clouds are drawn. They represent his calm peaceful side as well as him being my little angel. Also along with the clouds are lighting striking. I find him to be this little big ball of energy that makes me want to enjoy life even more.

Don't Ask Don't Tell Policy (1993 - 2011)

DADT Policy Prezi Presentation, By: Thomas Nicolella

           I chose the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy to talk about because it is a policy that has had such a large impact on a large group of America's population. Ever since 1993 there has been outrage about the DADT policy and although it was made out of good intention by President Bill Clinton, it ultimately held back homosexual and bisexual military service members. I thought that a Prezi would be the best way to present this data without being boring because a Prezi presentation is thrilling to look at just because of how smooth it operates. This way of presenting made it easy for me to tell a story of the policy as it unfolded and eventually got repealed earlier this year.
          Some of the biggest challenges for me were included with the research process. At first, I couldn't actually figure out how the policy was started, as there were many attempts at starting a policy like this one that would take away the total ban of homosexual service members. If I was able to do the project differently, I would make the presentation into more of a story as opposed to a linear procession through the major events in the policy's timeline. After researching thoroughly, I found out that all of the attempts at this policy before Bill Clinton's intrusion into the topic were shot down fairly quickly. Congress even wanted to shoot down Clinton's policy when he proposed DADT. He eventually got his was and ratified the policy with a great amount of opposition from many in congress. The project basically went along as planned. I knew there was going to be a lot of information, unlike many other bills that were chosen because the DADT policy was closely monitored throughout it's life and has recently made a big splash in the media because of its repeal.


Belkin, Aaron. "Don't Ask, Don't Tell: Is the Gay Ban Based on Military Necessity?." Parameters: US Army War College 33.2 (2003): 108. Military & Government Collection. EBSCO. Web. 30 Mar. 2010

Fuller, Andrea. "Colleges Await End of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'. (Cover story)." Chronicle of Higher Education 56.25 (2010): A1-A21. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 30
Mar. 2010

Grice, Michael D. "Leading Through Change." Marine Corps Gazette 94, no. 1 (January 2010): 43-45. Military & Government Collection, EBSCOhost (accessed March 30, 2010).

Kilgannon, Corey. "At West Point, Hidden Gay Cadets" Early Bird, August 25, 2010.

McMichael, William H., et al. "How troops really feel about gays serving openly." Army Times 70.31 (2010): 10-14. Military & Government Collection. EBSCO. Web. 30 Mar. 2010.

McMichael, William H. "Mullen: Dropping 'don't ask' is 'the right thing to do.'." Army Times 70.31 (2010): 11-14. Military & Government Collection. EBSCO. Web. 30 Mar. 2010.

McMichael, William H., et al. "Service chiefs: Don't repeal gay ban during war.." Army Times 70.34 (2010): 21. Military & Government Collection. EBSCO. Web. 30 Mar. 2010.

Moradi, Bonnie, and Laura Miller. "Attitudes of Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans toward Gay and Lesbian Service Members." Armed Forces & Society (0095327X) 36.3 (2010): 397-419. Military & Government Collection. EBSCO. Web. 30 Mar. 2010.

Prakash, Om. "The Efficacy of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." 2009 4th Quarter, Issue 55, p88-94. Military & Government Collection. EBSCO. Web. 30 Mar. 2010.

"The Palm Center; Summit Announced on Gay Service In Foreign Militaries. " Defense & Aerospace Business  24 Feb. 2010: 38 ProQuest Military Collection, ProQuest. Web.  30 Mar. 2010.

Blooming into an artist

Art thingy 1
Art thingy 1
During the process of drawing the clear object i had obstacles. Patience is a virtue and a virtue I don't posses much of. While drawing this I found myself doing a lot of erasing which lead to impatience and anger. When I cant accomplish something right away this happens. I also came to realize that once I sit down and block everyone out and focus on what im doing how im going to do it I can accomplish a lot, and surprise myself. 

This drawing made me realize a lot about myself as a new born artist. I found myself actually enjoying my mistakes because out of that came a lesson learned to not repeat it the next time or maybe go about it a different way. In the end im really please with my drawing and want to thank Ms.Hull for all the patience she had and wise words as well. 

Q-1: Still object drawing

I do this work because we have to draw something that is glass. Also, the sketch can be sort of a warming up for me to draw the school's yearbook cover. In this process, I am trying to make my ​drawing as accurate as possible, and this turned out to be successful.

I only use pencil to draw this drawing and I use pencil to draw most of my sketches because it is the tool I am most skillful with. For the object I drew, I drew this object simply because I think it is beautiful. It looks really nice for a white flower to put in a transparent glass pot with water in it. The skill I use on this sketch is that I shade on the frame of the picture layer by layer, from the darkest part the the lightest part, while not miss anything and not confuse the value of even the smallest area. 

This is not the first time I sketch flowers and I really enjoy it. Since flowers will soon wither after they are picken, so whenever I can draw a flower, the beauty of the flower can stay on my drawing for a long time. This is really satisfying for me. But still, I finished this picture in two class periods. In this case, I drew the shade in the second class period when I can not find the flower anymore. So I have to go and look for some images on the internet to complete my drawing. Well, from the final drawing you can all see that this worked. It's quite successful, so I write my signature at the bottom right corner of the drawing.

Q-1: Portrait

There is no difference for me to draw a portrait of a person from which direction or with what pose. In my point of view, as long as a person wants to draw, he can draw an awesome picture as long as he want to. I am the one who have a great passion on drawing, so I spent months and months to practice drawing skills before and up to now, I am always serious about every picture I draw. I only spent 2 hours in all on this portrait, but I hardly turned away my focus in these two hours. Well, the result turned out to be good eventually, although there are some places I think I still need to change a bit.

I first thought of using color chalks(That's how we call those things in China, but I don't know the exact name here.) to draw the big portrait. But since I am not quite familiar with how to draw on such a big paper and the color of drawing materials is limited, so I first use a light color to draw the frame of the model and than I use charcoals to put the shade. 

As I am not very familiar with drawing on such a big paper, it is a bit weird for me in the beginning of the drawing. But after I measured the ratio of different parts of the model's body, the drawing gradually became easier. Just as I said, the result turned out to be okey, but I think I have to focus on the congruity of the ratio of a person's upper part of the body to the bottom part.For example, in this portrait, the legs of the model should be longer.
photo 1 (1)
photo 1 (1)

No Child Left Behind

This is my History Benchmark that I did about the bill "No Child Left Behind"

Click image to begin PDF styled keynote presentation 


Explain your decision making for choosing the bill:
I decided to do this bill because I knew of the initial reasons as to why it passed through congress and why it became a bill however I never really understood the background information of it all and who was exactly involved in the overall steps and process of making it a bill.

Why did you choose the particular presentation format?
I chose to do this format because it made since when looking at ways to present it but it also made sense when trying to convey a small story to present. I decided to go keynote because I knew I could get the most out of presenting and making my points known

What challenges did you overcome in completing the project?
Some challenges that I had to overcome when completing this was finding ways to actually incorporate all the information that I had actually gathered as well as piecing everything together in something that wouldn't bore people or lose their interest in the project.

How would you do the project differently if you had to do it over again?
If I were to do this project over again I would probably create either a imovie or prezi although I'm not really familiar with how to make a prezi but I feel as though with using those I'd be able to create something in which people could become more engaged with and actually receive a clearer message overall.

What did the research and investigation tell you about the creation process... from idea to bill to law?
What the research actually told me was that it was actually a clear cut idea to begin with however when it came to actually figuring out how to make this work together and make everything flow so that in the longrun it wouldn't confuse not only teachers but school officials wouldn't be confused it showed that this idea that was going to become a bill was a little harder than first thought of. I found it interesting that I didn't read of things being taken back or parts of this idea in it's early stages being rescinded. 

Was the process easier or harder than you imagined based on your particular bill/law research?
The process was actually harder than first imagined because it took time for me to actually decide on which bill I wanted to do and then from there the steps to find credible information and what made sense to portray the information.
History BM

A Fracked Up System (Energy Act Policy 2005)

Energy Policy Act 2005 (Video)

Reps the Rep Me:
John Myers, District 201, PA House (D)
Shirley M. Kitchen, District 3, PA Senate (D)
Chaka Fattah, US House (D)

Act History
Introduced by Rep. Joe Barton, a Republican conservative Texasman, on April 18, 2005, the Chairman of the United States House Committee on Energy and Commerce. The role of the Committee is to basically oversee the following.
  • Telecommunications
  • Consumer protection
  • Food and drug safety
  • Public health
  • Air quality and environmental health
  • Supply and delivery of energy
  • Interstate and foreign commerce in general

Interesting facts about Joe Barton is that he opposed the Voting Rights Act in 2006 and is a Tea Party supporter.

Passed by House on April 21, 2005 (249 - 183)
Passed by Senate on June 28, 2005 (85 - 12)
Signed into law by President George W. Bush on August 8, 2005
Supported by President Obama in 2008

Created to solve many of America’s energy problems.
Made many changes to the Energy Policy of the United States
Is a great idea and way to make energy costs cheaper and makes the country more independent.

Dangerous for many individuals directly effected by the collection of energy efficient resources physically and mentally.
Changed the Daylight Savings time one hour ahead on March 11, 2007 instead of April 1, and set back November 4 of 2007 instead of Sunday October 28.

I chose the Energy Act Policy because it's getting a lot of press and attention from people concerned about their health and water, and even oil and gas companies. Personally, I feel directly effected by it, as all things in government directly effect me. This one I felt could effect me in a different manner, which would be my health. If the information about Fracking is true that was sen on Gasland and many more things, then the Energy Policy Act is something that needs serious attention and revitalization. along the way.

I wanted to be entertaining with the presentation, not losing people's attention as it went along, so I decided that I'd do a video and place an song behind the video. I chopped the video into frames to match the song swell because I wanted to draw the viewer in a little more from all the information they had just taken in minutes ago.

In order to really understand the Act, I had to do a lot of reading and research. At first, I thought it was directly related to water and hydrofracturing, but soon I found that it was connected to energy in just about every form. There was also information that wasn't even included in the project that I chose to understand a little more too.

If I had the opportunity to, I would most likely focus on the act in its entry and not just on water and air. I think that these are generally the most important factors of the bill because they relate to the health of the people, but there's a lot of information that isn't talked about in the benchmark presentation that isn't given in terms of money, actual companies, changes that we're made to the country and more.

This bill became a law rather quickly, and I was surprised at just how fast it was passed. Thinking about it again, I wasn't too surprised because I understand that government will work quickly when money is involved. I did more research for the person who introduced the bill and all the things surrounding it, and I found that it's goals are actually great, but it's results are selfish and causing some major controversy in the United States.

This process wasn't really that hard, it was just a lot of reading. No one seemed to really explain how the entire act worked in simple terms, nor did anyone seem to write about the act to explain it either, so that was a process for me, but a rather simple one.

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This issue is getting a ton of media attention, some of it smack in the face, some of it subliminal. There are commercials and advertisements for franking as their have been people in the street and posters that are against it.

The major supporters of hydrofracturing are oil and gas companies because this is a source or revenue for them. When you investigate the actual bill in depth, you see that many energy companies and people who work with energy are supporters of the bill as well, due to the benefits that come their way.

There's no current policy written for this topic other then the actual Energy Act Policy itself. Oil companies have specific regulations they must follow and what people don't know is that when oil companies fail to meet these requirements, they get a lot of heat from the government and the oil company managers get a lot of heat from their superiors, like most businesses. Whether we see it or not, it is happening.

I know of this organization personally called Protecting Our Waters, which is a non profit organization with representation all over the tristate and East coast. Through the efforts of petitioners, and collective organizations, they said "Governor Markell of Delaware publicly announced he would vote against the proposed regulations, in the interest of science, public health and the environment." Through connecting with organizations like this, those against fracking can make sure their voices are not only heard but felt. Hopefully Pennsylvania has the same amount of support and people behind the no fracking initiative to keep our waters clean. The way we influence people is through keeping them informed with the process and find ways for them to easily get involved.

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Civil Rights Act Of 1964 (Q1 BENCHMARK)

​For my benchmark i choose to to do a pod cast on how the Civil Rights Act of 1964 came about and explain why we needed this bill and how this bill was passed. I also wanted to focus my project on African American history. I always found it interesting the history behind slavery and the negative things behind the topic. Most people don't understand their history or know about anything bout it in the first place so because I take a good interest in it I though I can help the people who don't know get to know about their history. I chose to create another Sammy show because I always have fun working with a partner and I feel I always find a pod cast easy to work with. Editing this project was one part of this project that became hard because I'm not to good with garage band but I was able to find help and get it done. Finding how this act went though its process was hard also but then I went to my teacher and asked for help she was able to look up resources for me to use and everything worked out really good. If I had to redo this entire project over I would not wait to the last 3 days to do the entire project when I had one month to work on it. But even though I waited to the last 3 days I really went hard and put my foot in this project so that I was turning in a good project and it was a really good one. From all the research that I found out about the 1964 act I found out that a lot of people had to really step up to the place and put this act into place. It took a lot of people to say we need a change for this change to be passed. Even though I waited to the last 3 days to complete this project it was not hard at all because I new what I wanted to do how I wanted to do it and all I had to do was do it and get the ball rolling. So the process and research for me was very easy.
civil rights act 1964  #(2)


​ Sweet Home Philadelphia

I designed my Exhibit to show how my neighborhood has changed over time. In my opinion making an exhibit was a better way to engage an audience without boring them. I wanted to portray the idea and physical representations of the way the streets were many years ago. So I tired to resemble with the floor map the main idea of what South Philadelphia would be 60 years ago. But before that I went back in time further to when it all began in 1638. 

    Time Line: My time line for South Philadelphia starts back to about 300 years ago when most of the information started to be documented. In 1638 the first Swedish colonists arrived in Wilmington, Delaware. Following them the Europeans settled. The Dutch and English colonists were spread all over the Delaware Valley. The second group of Swedish colonists made a colony that consisted of immigrants in 1642.

Weccace was the name of that province and the Lenni Lenape named it. The meaning of it meant “peaceful place”. This “peaceful place” only was extended between the boundaries of the Delaware River at Trenton down to the Delaware Bay. In 1654 the Swedish and the Lenape both signed a Compact that bounded them to friendship. It was made to reinforce fair and respectful relations when it came time to trade but this compact only involved them.

Before the British came, in 1650 the Dutch were the only people that took a brief ownership of Weccacoe. Year 1677 the Swedish lead their first Christian worship in a blockhouse. To reach the destination they had to sail up the Delaware River every week.

Then in 1682 William Penn was able to establish this land only after making a negotiation of a treaty with the Lenni Lenape. Weccaoe became known as Southwark; this area was divided in to communities. The east side was named Passyunk, which meant “in the valley”. As for the west side it was named Moyamensing which meant “pigeon droppings’ and the first shipment of African slaves arrived on the Isabella in Philadelphia in 1684.

The Pennsylvania assembly aiming for the freedom of African Americans passed “The Act for the Gradual Abolition of Slavery” in 1780 and runaway slaves. In 1787 Richard Allen became the attraction for African American settlement. He then founded The Mother Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, which was located between South and Lombard 5th to 7th street. Which is now known as the “Cedar Street Corridor”. Philadelphia then became the most important seaport on the American continent. In 1793 about 10,000 plus Philadelphia plus were forced to evacuate the city, due to the first American yellow fever epidemic that made its why through.

19th Century

During the 1800’s some Southern Italians began to migrate to the Bella Vista, which is near, happens to be near the 9th Street Market. As a resulted to that the West side of 6th to11th Street became full of Italians. Until 1910 when most of the Italian immigrants started to go to New York City then took the train to Philadelphia.

In 1801 the Navy Yard at Federal Street along the Delaware River was established but the U.S government. It was to build the U.S naval fleet and the Federal Navy Yard continued to build more ships at that location. Until 1875 when the Navy yard relocated itself, to Broad Street at the League Island. Assembling ships until it closed down in 1996. Today about eighty companies now reside in the 1,200-acre yard; has been remade into a retail, entertainment complex. In 1842 a lot of riots started to occur on Lombard Street and more than 1,000 African Americas partook in a parade that was to pay tribute to the 8th anniversary of the abolition of the slavery in the West Indies. Due to that parade with the American Americans an Irish mob attacked them and burned down the Second African Presbyterian Church on Lombard Street. As a result a Quaker philanthropist established the Institution for the Colored on 915 Bainbridge Street. This noble institute taught classical languages, literature, philosophy and mathematics. Eventually the school moved in 1902 to Chester Country, PA and then became the Cheney University. Which made it the oldest legendary African American college in America. In 1845 as a result of the riots, the districts of spring, Moyamensing and Northern Liberties were all obligated to assemble a police enterprise.

          In 1871 the first professional Philadelphia Fire Department was organized and replaced the city’s volunteer fire companies, which started back in the 18th century. The companies of the Irish Democrats or Nativist Republican often worked as if they were street gangs, challenging one another for turf.

From 1800-1920 is when all the different nationalities started to settle closer to and or within my neighborhood. The Eastern European immigrants and Jewish began to settle along Lombard and South Streets. 1887 the Lebanese immigrants started to settle around 10th and Ellsworth Street. The Polish immigrants began settling between Catharine and Christian, on Front and Second Street in 1890. In 1910 along 9th Street was where many of the Italian immigrants sold many goods such as meat, fruits and vegetables. The first Vietnamese immigrants arrived in 1975. They began to establish community organizations and businesses along Washington Ave and 8th Street.

Then in 1992 more Southeast Asian immigrants such as Cambodians arrived and started to cluster around 7th and Wolf, which was considered to be mainly a Jewish neighborhood. In the 2000’s some more immigrants that where mainly from Mexico and Asia began to settle more. The more people Philly received the more the living became lively, with rising real estate and lowering -income residents pushing the immigrants away from Center City an into the neighborhoods South of Washington and Snyder avenue, which is my neighborhood region.

The Interviews

            The way I conducted my interview was first by telling what my project was about then asking questions and writing down the answer. The two people chosen knew more information than I expected them to. So during the interview it was only necessary of me to ask a few questions. As the interviews when on a lot of other information was giving. When one questions was asked around the topic was giving. In other words unasked question were answered too. But I did some questions as the interviews went on, to clarify or to gain specific detail.

Starter Questions Q: Did any major events have an affect on you in the South Philadelphia neighborhood?Q: Did you visit to the area as a child and do you now as an adult visit the area?Q: Did you or did you have family and friends who lived in the neighborhood?

Date of the first interview: 10/18/11__I first interviewed my neighbor Lorraine Tartaglio She has lived in south Philly all her life, so she has seen more of the changes.

·       ·               Twenty to thirty years ago most of this area was filled with the Italian, polish and Jewish people.

·       ·               All of Darien street at from 9 and Oregon to 9th and Shunk where Greenwich homes for the mentally ill.

·       ·               What seem to bring all the people together was drugs.

·       ·               On the side of Oregon where Darien and Shunk is was built over a swamp.

·       ·               The area on Oregon where the School D. Newlin Fell is and Thomas was built over a cemetery.

·       ·               Certain parts belonged to different races.

·       ·               Board and South to front and south was all housing, nothing compared to the way it is today.

·       2nd Street and Front Street were the Irish.

·       10th and Carpenter were the Italians

·       9th and Darien were the Jewish.

·       ·               Broad Street was a place you needed money to be on, it was where the movies and entertainment use to be and that was mainly Italian.  

·       ·               Patterson Ave. was where the cars would drag race before the stadiums were built.

·       ·               Her best friend was an African American girl named Linda and it was not always easy to play with her because when ever she would go to see her. Some of the people from Linda’s neighborhood would want and try to fight Lorraine.

·       ·               People knew who didn’t belong in their neighborhood and if they didn’t know you or knew you didn’t know someone that would fight you until you left.

·       “As little as we had, everybody was happy”. - Lorraine Tartaglio
Date of the second interview 10/22/11

·       ·               Second I interviewed was with DennisTerico he was one who also lived in South Philly all of his life.

·       ·               1963 he went to Thomas high school and there were mainly Italian and Irish people.

·       ·               All African American people were considered to be colored people.

·       Front to 4th street were mostly the Irish and Polish

·       4th to 6th were the Puerto Ricans

·       8th to 12th, Broad were the Italians.

·       ·               As young teens if they stood on the corner the cops would pick them up take all their wallets and money. Drop them off at Delaware ave. so when they walked back to where they were. Having to walk through all the other different neighborhoods and fight their way through.

·       ·               At 8th an wolf that was a African American school with only 6 white people attended one of which was Dennis and the other 5 where his brothers.

·       ·               1964 he and his friends use to dress as rag time people and paint their faces black but then there were riots because they were not allowed in the parade with the black faces.

·       ·               9th street with Bok and 10th and Biglar would have riots.

·       ·               10th and Packer ave. use to be horse stables it was there for about 20 years then it burnt down in 1967 and people could hear the animals cry from 9 an wolf.

Civic Association

The closet Civic Association near me is Passyunk Square Civic Association  (PSCA) Is the closet one I have in my neighborhood, it was founded since 2004. I sent them an e-mail but I never received a reply. So I did the next best thing a teen could do, FACEBOOK! After doing that I received some information about their projects.


Some projects they had:

·              “Event: Columbus Square Park Fall Flea Market

Date: Saturday, October 29, 2011

Time: 7am to 1pm

Location: 12th and Wharton

Details: Reserve a space for your table for $20 or get two spaces for $30. You can also donate your stuff to sell at the Columbus Square Park table. They are also seeking volunteers to help out during that time with set up and clean-up AND donations of baked goods for the bake sale.”

·            “Event: Halloween Pumpkin Fest

Date: Saturday, October 29, 2011

Time: 10am to 12pm

Location: 12th between Wharton and Reed

Details: Event will include pumpkin decorating for kids (pumpkins and paint provided), a children’s costume parade, candy and treats.”

·      “The Friends of the South Philly Branch of the Free Library of Philadelphia presents a FREE Pumpkin Painting event on Saturday, October 22 at 11am.

·      Paint your own pumpkin at the South Philly Branch Library. Pumpkins, paint and treats will be provided. Unfortunately, large groups cannot be accommodated. Pumpkins will be available on a first-come, first-served basis so arrive as close to 11am as you can.”

Volunteer w/ buildOn

I asked Crystal a few questions about buildOn. What major projects does buildOn have? What did she consider to be a major project? Did she mind telling me about Halloween Festival, because I know that is something that is does annually? Also, what did you enjoy about the specific UnLitter us on 10/15/11? That was the event I attended myself so I wanted another perspective not just my own.

Here was here response:

“We have two regional service projects every year (one in the fall and one in the spring). Those are our biggest projects and they are not always the same kind of project.  We also have some service projects that continue to be very popular every year:  definitely the Halloween festival, the Autism Walk, the AIDS Walk, the Beach Sweep in New Jersey. A major project is a project that we do consistently every year and brings a lot of students out. I thought the UnLitter Us project was awesome for a couple of reasons. I think it was wonderful for the guest speakers at the beginning of the event took notice of all of the buildOn students that had come out ready to help out.  It was also a great project because there was a clear need.  The volunteers got a lot done and really helped to clean up the area.  People in the neighborhoods took notice of the volunteers and thanked them for their hard work.  Lastly, I love when 50 teenagers from all across the city and from almost a dozen different schools can work together to make an impact.”  - Crystal Collins, PA Program & Service Coordinator





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The Defense of Marriage Act - Shelby Harcher

​When given the lobbying assignment, I first wanted to do something about gay marriage. I ended up changing my topic to curfews and flashmobs so when given the opportunity to research a law I chose one that dealt with gay marriage. I stumbled upon the Defense of Marriage Act while researching posible laws/bills to look at. When I saw what the bill had gone through and how unconstitutional it was, I wanted to learn more about it. This bill had a lot of interesting information and I wanted people to know what had happened. I decided to do a video to keep people entertained. I wanted the words on the screen to be powerful, so I didn't add audio besides music in the background. It took my awhile to find the right information to include in the video. I didn't want to add unnecessary information, but then again I didn't want to have too little information. If I were to do this again, I think I'd add more information about the people involved and the actual process the bill/law went through. 

When doing research, I learned that the bill was wanted by Congress but once it was put into law people weren't too happy. Even though states were allowed to acknowledge marriage with same-sex couples, the federal government still wouldn't. This bill/law went through a lot and the history behind it is interesting and should be shared because it still affects us today.  

The American Jobs Act


I chose this bill because it seems interesting enough and like something that can easily be misrepresented as something complete where it just not. What I mean by the latter half of the last sentence is that I have a habit of forming a "strong" opinion on things that I do not  know enough about and it is really not a good thing at all, to me it breeds ignorance and I do not want to be misinformed about things. So with that said it made me want to investigate more on this because the way that President Obama was screaming "Pass this bill now!" you would think it is a solution to all of Americas' economic woes, but it is a few reasons why republicans would not pass this bill.

I honestly chose this presentation format because my storybook idea didn't work out that well. It is this program that does adult storybook format settings but it cost money and I gave myself until a certain day before I would just use prezi and I am a procrastinator so it ended up being my absolute only choice to use. All and all I should viewed my resources to see if there was a better way to present but it was just wishful thinking that I would be able to get the program and also prezi can be used a pretty good resource for story telling if you use it right.

The challenges I had were making it creative prezi is good in itself but zooming and spinning gets old after time so finding new ways to do things is very challenging but I tried to balance it. I would've probably spent more time actually designing the project instead of deluding myself into thinking that  I could get this program in time.

The creation process as a whole tells me that it didn't take much time to get the idea, it probably took a lot of time to write up due to the fact that it is 2000 pages long if I remember correctly and it

The process ended up being harder than I imagined. Since my objective was to tell a story it kinda got lost so trying to stick to that was hard. I don't even think I entirely succeeded in telling a story but I think it came out okay.

Story of a Bill: The Born Alive Infant Protection Act of 2002

By: Natalie Sanchez


In the beginning of this Benchmark, I didn’t really know what I wanted to research. I was interested in legislation that protected wildlife or any other type of animal, but then I ran across the Born Alive Infant Protection Act of 2002. As I continued to read more about it, I became more and more intrigued in the bill. Before researching my bill for this Benchmark, I had no idea that born alive infants had rights. I chose the Born Alive Infant Protection Act because it was a law that I, initially, knew nothing about. I chose it out of my curiosity and desire to explore to new things.

I chose to present my findings on  a website. I was originally going to make a movie, but I realized that this would have taken more work and time to produce. I chose to use create a website instead because I can manipulate and modify it more easily and can still incorporate the visual element by embedding videos on   it. I feel like a website is as fun and engaging as a movie, but it is easier to make.

During the course of this benchmark, I had a lot of other projects due for my other classes. Since my website was not due for a while, compared to my other assignments, I tended to push it back. I would get some things done, but would focus more on the other assignments. I feel like the other work that I had on the side took some of my work time for the website away. I overcame this, however, by completing small parts of the website at a time. I would assign myself to create, for example, the summary of the bill on day, and then the timeline another. I divided the task in bits, and finished it gradually. 

If I could do this project a second time, I would try to complete this website earlier. I would have also tried to be more creative with the website. I would have added more hyperlinks to the text of the website so that people could have easy referral to the meanings or history of the some of the words that I incorporate in these passages. I would try to make the website more interactive and “clickable”.

The research that I did on my bill showed me a lot about the creation process of this bill. Abortion is a pretty touchy subject in America. Some people believe in pro-choice and some in pro-life. Some don’t know how they feel towards abortion. The process of this bill’s transformation into a law was a rocky one. The first time it was introduced to the house, there was  an objection by a group of people because of “discrepancies” In the language of the bill. My thinking is that the people who objected to the bill let their personal bias towards abortion get in the way of their voting of the legislation-because they did not agree with abortion, they did not vote for the bill. The bill went through the house, to senate, and finally to the president the second time it was introduced to the house. The language was changed and the majority of the representatives voted yes to the bill. This time, however, the House consisted of different representatives. The research I did taught me that process of turning a bill to a law can sometimes be a rocky one because of the bias that representatives and senate members have towards the subject of the bill. 

When I first read about the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, I assumed that it had gotten through the house and senate pretty easily. I thought that it was a pretty reasonable law, considering that the infants were indeed alive and were humans entitled to their rights. Even the most avid Pro-choice supporters sided with this bill. Then I found out that it was not as easy as I thought it was. As mentioned before, the bill did not get through the house the first time and had to be reintroduced to the house a second time. It was only on the second time, when the language was modified to meet the opposer’s requests that it was passed.  It was a pretty tedious process.  

Here is the link to my website.

Meat and Poultry Pathogen Reduction and Enforcement Act: Kevin's Law

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My Prezi

My original format was a book. I had downloaded the app "Blurbs". It seemed well until I realized I couldn't move things around, and I couldn't deal with it really. So I had a last minute change in format, which I chose to use Prezi, which was quick for me to use. I guess that's what I aimed for. I had two main challenges during this project, which was the format and my information. See, I honestly don't think I presented this as a story, when I look at it now. It seemed as thought I wanted to get it done. And also, I don't think I grabbed enough information. Most of the facts I used, I already knew. So I didn't learn more facts, even with the resources I used. My project would be different if my process was better. Half of the time I was trying to figure out what bill/law I wanted to do. I was trying to find a bill/law I wouldn't be bored with, one that I could actually enjoy to work on and learn more about. But since I was wasting time looking for bills/laws, I just chose to do one I was previously going over in another class. I would've figured I would learn more about it, which I didn't really. This whole thing seemed difficult but easy at the same time. It was difficult to find a law I would stick to, but easy for me to jot down facts of a bill/law that I knew about. I thought I was proud of it, but now it seems okay. I could have done better, or found another book app. But it honestly was too late. So I chose to do something quick, but I felt that I forgot the mission to making it a story. The only thing I got out of the project was the process of the bill. I think I explained that well in this project..

Advanced Art Q1 Drawings

In quarter one of Advance Art in Ms. Hulls class, I was assigned with drawing a model of Gabe, a classmate. I was supposes to draw what I see but when I did I put a fictional look on it because I'm so used to drawing manga. Here is what it looked like.


I'm not that well with drawing realistic. Well, no, I'm good at drawing realistic but I don't like it. I'm good with measuring the human body and making it look correct, I like drawing hair so that was a given, but the most difficult part positioning the arms the right way. 

So then I was told to draw two glass/ see through objects.



The first one I kind of rushed it and I messed up a little. However, the second one I felt confident on because I put the grey scale down first and it was fun and easy because I was drawing with the eraser. I wasn't really inspired more as I just did it to do it, but I fully understand how clear objects work and how they distort light and the images you see behind them, so I found this task a little simple.


Q1 Art Drawings - Dakota Foster

I am doing the Figure and Clea Object Drawing because it was assigned to me as a classwork grade. I want to make this a good drawing. I want to make sure I use all my ability to make the drawings as best as they can be. 

I use charcoal and pastel because that was the tool recommended. Also, in the Figure Drawing I want to make the drawing as big as I can read because I want it to look realistic. I want to make the colors in the back lighter and then darker. I want to make it that way because I want to be able to see the changes as I outline more of the body. In the Clear Object Drawing, I want to make the drawing have the effects of the light as in the model. So, I want to make outline of the model and then, the lighter parts compared to the darker parts. 

I would say that I do a lot of smudging, but I also do keep some of the lines. I want to compare the new lines to the old lines because I want to make sure that I get it as close as I can get it. I am exploring different materials and the different effects they have on the drawing. It is very challenging in the Figure Drawing to get the drawing to look like the model as much as possible. 


Figure Drawing -
Clear Object Drawing -

Q1 Drawings


I drew this as a portrait to Jasmine. In the beginning it was suppose to be of Sam Boyd, but I kept having to start over. I drew Jasmine as I saw her and the best way I could. Her shoulders I drew broad to represent her inner and outer strength which she shows everyday. I drew her waist slim and her butt big wide because it is. 


I drew the bowl the best I could. I didn't really know how to make my drawing pop out like the artist's picture that he drew on the monitor. The shading aspect is also something that I need to work on as well. I think I did ok but I want to practice on making my pictures seem more realistic. 

Q1 Artwork - Nadif Bracey

I drew this as a portrait to Jasmine. In the beginning it was suppose to be of Sam Boyd, but I kept having to start over. I drew Jasmine as I saw her and the best way I could. Her shoulders I drew broad to represent her inner and outer strength which she shows everyday. I drew her waist slim and her butt big wide because it is. 