
Graduation's winding closer and senioritis is kicking in, but not the lazy kind. The kind of senioritis when you realize how little time you have with the people you love before your entire life changes, you see your family less and you barely see your friends at all. The kind when you understand that your time to fix things is limited, your days to apologize for mistakes is numbered and you spend more of your time trying to get your life in order than you do on your school work. Instead of writing papers you wait for your free period the next day and you spend that night with your baby sister and your mom. Instead of working on your math homework you go out with your friends that you'll live hours away from in a few short months. As graduation comes closer I become more afraid and I let that fear alter the type of student that I have been all these years. I'm not saying this is okay, I'm just making sure it's known that I have a reason even if it doesn't seem like a very good one because the people I love come before anything and I've never been very good with change.

Reflective Post #2

Thus far, I have laid a few of the main characters and the setting of the story. I have done this by having friends comment on my profile and status' with a comment that is substantial to the plot, often revealing key components of the story. I will continue to build the story for another day or so and then I will move on to the important part of the story.

I am having difficulty updating my posts throughout the day. I've heard there is a way to connect Twitter to Facebook and then have the twitter posts timed, but I have yet to figure it out. Also, I am trying to provide as much background information as possible that I deem necessary, but it's difficult finding pictures and videos of people that at least look similar enough to pass for each other.

The Story of Enron

Great Ideas. 
Hungry Ego. 
More Ideas. 
Selfish Pride. 
Greedy pockets. 
Greedy bank accounts. 
Somewhere in between 
The Ending.
It's all Over. 


So far, I have the FB page. I will start posting on Friday. My story is short so I will be giving a lot of background. Some people are having trouble in terms of making their story/page “realistic”. I will be adding a lot of friends and try to see if they are willing to comment on my character’s page.


Reflective Post #2

​ So far all 3 of my main characters are now on Facebook and interacting. This is kinda hard but i keep my main characters account logged in my ipod making it easier to post from the others accounts (or her post) and have the responses timed like people talking. Still it gets tricky if I want all 3 to talk because I have to log out one account and back and forth. The story so far is slowly building up so you can get to know each person. There will still be a bit more time before the official event (that launched how my main character was in the story) takes place. For now I want to keep building them up and dropping hints here and there.

He Loves Me

You love me especially different every time 
You keep me on my feet happily excited 
By your cologne, your hands, your smile, your intelligence 
You woo me, you court me, you tease me, you please me 
You school me, give me some things to think about 
Ignite me, you invite me, you co-write me, you love me, you like me 
You incite me to chorus, ooh

You love me especially different every time 
You keep me on my feet happily excited 
By your cologne, your hands, your smile, your intelligence 
You woo me, you court me, you tease me, you please me 
You school me, give me things to think about 
Invite me, you ignite me, co-write me, you love me, you like me 
Incite me to chorus 
La, la, la...
Da, da, da...
Do, do, do...

You're different and special
You're different and special in every way imaginable 
You love me from my hair follicles to my toenails 
You got me feeling like the breeze, easy and free and lovely and new 
Oh when you touch me I just can't control it 
When you touch me, I just can't hold it 
The emotion inside of me, I can feel it 


Art Perspective

This whole project is about a lesson on perspective. First we started out with learning what a horizon line is, a vertical line, a horizontal line, and orthogonal. We drew boxes showing us the different styles of perspective. We drew a worm for the view from below the horizon line and a bird for the birds eye view. Then we started to draw the room. The whole room is really just boxes, horizontal lines, vertical lines, and orthogonal lines. It is also suppose to have furniture in my room, however I haven't gotten that far due to me not being present in classes. 

Although I haven't completed my project just yet, I have had a technique to doing the project. I have to just get into my own world and draw. I can't be afraid to mess up my paper because then your paper is really not going to be as detailed as it could be. A lot of this project is to just "wing it". I also I have to use my "artist eye" and make some artist choices for myself. 

What was easy to learn was making the ceiling. The ceiling was so easy because I used a tool called the helper line. This is a line that you use to help draw your ceiling or even your floors, if they have tiles.

What was hard to learn was when I was suppose to make a straight line or a diagonal line. However, that all goes into using your "artist eye".

Tamatha has a really good drawing. This drawing is detailed and it is actually very interesting. I could sit there and look at her picture and be entertained. Click on her name, which is a link that will take you to her blog.


Reflection Post 2

My story is still in the beginning. I am at the point where my character is handling so much she isnt posting to many tweets but starting Friday, the posts will start up again and it will be clear that she is going through something and hiding something and that her bf and her are having trouble. My story is well on its way.

2nd Reflection

Sooooo, my story is not going the way I planned. The event happened, but I feel as though my social media setting is not expressing the seriousness of it. I thought that it would work, but it just doesn't seem real enough. At this point I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm probably just going to keep going, but it's not going to be the way I want it to be. Maybe as I keep going it will get much better.

Dakota Foster's Room Perspective

This project is about drawing from different perspectives from drawing really simple things to complicated things like a room. We started with boxes and drew them from different points of view from the vanishing point. We did this because we can figure out what different object look like from different points of view. Then, we would see what sides could be seen from the vanishing point.
This technique helped us understand more when we had to drew the room. First, we started with a really simple room that was small and didn't have a lot of objects inside it. We drew simple things like ceiling tiles from the vanishing point or a walking mat form the vanishing point. While doing all of this, we learned about different types of line. For example, we learned about horizontal, vertical and orthogonal lines. Finally, we received our final product idea. We were suppose to draw a wall of the Art room and then the two walls connecting to it. There was many things that had to in the room because if they weren't then the room wasn't correct. We used a ruler, pencil and an eraser. My process of starting the room was different from everybody's else. I started trying to draw the rectangle in the middle of the room, I didn't use any measurements because that made it really confusing for me. I used my eyes to see if the lines were straight and even, which was much easier for me.  I made sure everything was connected to my vanishing point, when drawing the ceiling lines and the walls. If I didn't make sure everything was connected to the vanishing point, then the room would look off. 
I think the most easiest thing to learn was drawing the things in the room. For example, drawing the ceiling tiles, that was really easy for me to learn. I don't really know why it was really easy for to learn, but when I started doing it, it just came really easy to me. I made sure everything was straight and connected to the vanishing point. It is like it came naturally to me and easy to understand.  
I think the hardest part for me to learn was drawing the room. By drawing the room, I mean drawing the back wall. It was hard for me to try and find the first wall out of a plain piece of paper. I couldn't seem to get the wall to be straight enough sometimes or one line was longer than the other. Also, that the room was either too short or too long. Then, I had to read do it and correct it, so it looked more like the room. 

I think Ellen To's drawing was the best. I didn't just like the drawing because that is obvious. I think she was very successful in doing the room. Even though, she has never had art classes before. Also, she made sure that she worked hard and diligently to put most of everything in the room in the drawing. Everything was proportional and to the vanishing point. Everything was very detailed and elegant. 

Reflection two

Hm. Well, I'm beginning to think I might be going about this wrong. Instead of using twitter to tell my story, I just made a twitter for my character where he posts about his recovery. I guess this is still doing it correctly though. The only problem is that I can't straight up say the events that happened in my story. I have to sort of let my character realize them and post what his thoughts and reactions to these realizations. This makes the storyline very vague. I don't really like it being so vague and not having a clear set of events. I'm not really sure why I let this happen. However, if I say the things that are happening straight out, then the character will feel fake. It makes it really difficult since my character doesn't actually know what's going on from his amnesia. I think my mistake was writing the story in third person and then trying to retell it in first person. 

Reflective Post #2

My benchmark is going quite well.  I've laid the setting and characters in my story and have begun to build up to the climax.  I recently opened a Twitter account for my character and connected it to her Facebook, so I am able to only post to Twitter, but both are updated. I believe this makes Lebow a much more believable character (it is unlikely that someone would post the same thing to two different sites). 

I've also just discovered a tool called Twuffer which allows me to schedule my tweets.  This is perfect for me because my story takes place during a weekday, which makes it difficult to constantly update Twitter, this way I can do it all the night before.  

During this project, I've realized that timing is very important when delivering a story, especially when you are attempting to show, not tell.  For example, "This is not going to work out," is much more effective when followed by "I knew it" 12 minutes later than 5 1/2 hours later.  Twuffer will allow me to control this very well.  

Room mate

​My mom and I now have a room mate living with us. Her name is Jennifer. She's a friend of my mom and is going through a tough time at the moment so my mom offered her a place to stay. Although I feel bad for the position she is in I'm really glad she's living with us. My mom works night shifts now so I rarely see her and come home to an empty house. But now that Jennifer is with us i am no longer returning to an empty or dirty house. She's good company and i enjoy having her live with us and don't want her to go but at the same time I do cause i want things to work out for her.

Room Mate

My mom and I now have a room mate living with us. Her name is Jennifer. She's a friend of my mom and is going through a tough time at the moment so my mom offered her a place to stay. Although I feel bad for the position she is in I'm really glad she's living with us. My mom works night shifts now so I rarely see her and come home to an empty house. But now that Jennifer is with us i am no longer returning to an empty or dirty house.

Capstone Project

I'm really loving my senior project. Not only that I'm learning from it but I'm having fun too. My outside is a cool guy. He has a lot of wisdom and knowledge and he's passing it on to my friend Cam and I. I feel honored. Even if I don't complete my capstone the way I visioned it, at least I learned from the experience.



It is very depressing to see how our relationship fell apart.

When did you began to focus on your own interests?

When did you start to think that your ideologies were superior?

When did you start to think that the only reasons that mattered were yours?

When did you forget me? – When did you start to forget what I wanted?


All of my decisions and actions were based on you.  I always thought of how you would react.
To me, you were the most important person.

I always wanted you to feel proud of me.

 The sad thing is that, in the process- I ended up forgetting me.


I forgot what I wanted.

I forgot how I felt.

I forgot my ideologies.

Now that I want to tell you what I think, what I believe, and what I feel – It’s too late.


Perhaps it was my fault, for not putting my thoughts as a priority.

Perhaps it was your fault, for being so selfish.

Perhaps the fault lies on the society in which you grew up.

Perhaps the fault lies on the society to which I want to belong. The true is that the answers of these questions will not help anything…

As I said before: It is depressing to see how our relationship fell apart.