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One Slide One Speech
There are a few thing that i live by and one of them like you see on the slide is Dream Big Work hard and get better this can apply to many things in my life other then my passion and my drive which is baseball Ever since i was born one thing i always did was work hard and got better. From baseball, to school work, or even in everyday chores or conversation. We all start somewhere but one thing I always keep in mind is to dream big work hard get better, and i take that everywhere and use it for everything it is just something that is like and encouragement or a motive., but mostly for baseball my passion. I honestly love baseball and in all humility i am really good and i believe baseball will really be something for me in my future and as I pursue my dreams one thing i will remember is Dream big work hard and Get better
The reason why i kept it so simple though because in the links or websites they all had one thing in common and that was that they all said they had to keep it short and simple and it just need to be able to pop or be able to be understood in a few seconds something. One other reason that I also liked and followed the examples given by the links we were able to visit was it gives me the ability to explain myself and not the slide. It is like a balance of contrast in my color in my slide, i also left some space in my slide because i feel they shouldn't be focused much on my slide but more or so on me or my face.
Play Soccer
I play soccer, and so do a lot of other people. The beautiful game is loved all over the planet. You could travel to any country you like and no matter where that country is you can find people who play the sport. That’s exactly why you should play soccer. No this not recruitment, this is encouragement. Get up and get outside to spend some good quality time playing soccer with your friends. What’s that, no friends? Hey that’s okay you can easily make some by simply joining in on a pickup game at your local field. Now I know what you’re probably thinking. “But Tristan I suck at soccer, I would play and all but I’m just really bad.” Well worry no longer because one day you will get better. Just stick with it and skill will come.
Now imagine that you did get better, you're like super good at soccer. Being good at soccer opens doors… many doors. Yes of course a collage scholarships is amazing, especially for playing a sport but, that is very difficult and there are so many other ways to use that ability. Playing the game opens up a whole new world to people. If you play and you really love playing then you will understand how all players have a connection. That probably sounded very cliche but it’s true. The connection isn’t always on the field but sometimes off it. Don’t take this the wrong way and think that I believe that playing soccer is the only way that playing a sport will get you connected with people. All sports do this, but like I said soccer is played everywhere. So just think to yourself, If you played soccer no matter where you went you would know someone.
Hi, my name is Preston and my favorite hobby is photograhpy. I started taking photos as a hobby since the age of 12. Every time I put my hands on a camera, I feel calm and at peace. I developed the hobby of taking photos ever since my brother bought me a camera for my 12th birthday. The love for photography grew when I signed up for Instagram. It was really a good format because I could share with people the photos I took and take pride for my accomplishments.
I chose this photo because I really liked the beauty of the picture. It follows through my quote that pictures are stories I can’t describe. In addition, I thought that the horizon was really eye-catching and beautiful. In addition, the veritcal lines help lead audiences’ eyes to the main attraction, the horizon. Furthermore, I believe that the variety of colors is another reason why I chose this photo. The different colors help catch people’s eyes and grabs attention. I really enjoyed making this presentation. Thank you guys for taking the time to listen!
All About Me
Caresten Moses
Blue Stream
I chose only to include 3 photos and just my name because I want to catch the listener’s attention while I’m talking and them not be distracted by lots of writing and pictures. It shows what I learned about having Variety in art, using different shapes, sizes, and/or colors in a work of art. I also wanted to have Balance in my slide, since that was something else I researched. Having balance in my artwork is combining elements to add a feeling of equilibrium or stability to a work of art. I used symmetry with my pictures and had a lot of Space of the sides.In the space, there is a colorful background to show a more creative use of the picture and relationship with them. Space is needed because it is an element of art by which positive and negative areas are defined or a sense of depth achieved in a work of art.
I am a dancer. I chose a quote and used the art element of Shape to show element of art that is two-dimensional, flat, or limited to height and width.
I used an image of a black female adjusting her crown. I believe that all women all queens. The black culture is very important to me, and I strongly believe that every black woman is beautiful and a Queen. We have gone through, and still go through many challenges as a culture. We have to embrace our race and culture and inner queen. I have always been taught that I was a black queen and my father called me his ‘’ black princess’’ from an early age.
I love clothes and shoes. I really love sneakers and looking for cute trendy clothes. I also like beauty and makeup. I chose this picture because it displays just the right amount of information for the audience to understand.
Thank you, I hope this helped you to know ME a little more.
Indiya's slide
My Life -Kankoue Folly
My slide is really bland and it has a soccer ball on a field as the background if I’m being honest all I did was try to make my slide as similar to the ikea sign and works with the idea that the fonts should be large and the picture should be the words which creates less words.
Design Project Slide
Isabella - Single Slide
My goal for this slide was for it to be simple, clean, and straightforward. I wanted it to have “2015 tumblr vibes” and I think I accomplished that. I know I wanted have a simple, pretty background that wasn’t white, but I also wanted the pictures to be the main point of focus (obviously). So I chose white marble as my background. At first I didn’t know what I wanted to be my focal point. I wanted it to be something most people remember me by when they look at me, my big curly hair. I chose photos that show my defined curls. I angled the photos more to the right side so I could I could have some negative space, and where I can put my heading. For the heading, there’s no need for me to put a whole paragraph because who has time to read that? I put my name, it’s straightforward and what people call me.
Zachary Sanders- Life Slide
Single Slide Design
When I first began to create the slide, I found that something that would be incredibly important is large text. From the “Slide Design for Developers” page, I found that one crucial point was large text that even the people from the back seats could even see. I made each text size at least 50 pt so that the text can pop. In addition, I made sure that the text was something simple and quick because a paragraph is dreadful to see when watching a slideshow. Next, I wanted to pay attention to the colors I used. I wanted some colors to pop while giving a pretty decent contrast in colors. This creates flexibility for the text, backgrounds, and objects. Now, I wanted to make the background something simple and not overwhelming. I used a grey radiant gradient background which added a touch of movement by giving a bit of difference in color. Next, I went back to the “Slide Design for Developers” page and found that my text could be used as shapes and I played around with the font and how the text was arranged and came out with something that would look better than 3 straight lines of text. From here, I decided to add a couple of images. One of them would be a simple wire while I would also have a Playstation console. I knew both of the images will add movement because there are almost guidelines. I tried to make the images go along with the words by following the same tilt of text. Overall, I tried to be simple focus on large text, less words, and colors that were consistent and close to each other.
Antonia-Single Slide
In my slide I wanted to incorporate one point method. It is simple but informative at the same time by having both visual things and a minimal amount of writing. The lines leading from city to city show movement to lead the viewer’s eyes around the entire slide. I also chose for the layout of my slide to have the main things centered and the rest of the things to show a rhythm. The big font was purposeful so that people would stay engaged in my slide and so that the slide would be clear and easy to read and understand. I also wanted to use very vibrant colours and for the colours to show a contrast to attract people to my slide. The colours I used in my slide are in what is called a triad which is three colours that compliment each other. Even though the colours have darker value, they still have bright intensity.
Tech-My Life
SpaceX Slide design
SpaceX, short for Space Exploration Technologies is the future of space exploration and is a major interest of mine. Future astronauts will, to quote Star Trek, will boldly go where no man has gone before. They will start first with the Falcon 9 with the dragon capsule bound for low earth orbit to the International Space Station. Then they will go manned with Dragon V2 to the ISS. The final step is to set up a permanent Mars colony using the Falcon Heavy These aren’t just astronauts that will go to Mars, but rather paying customers. Just like the Airplane age of decades ago, space travel will be available to most rather than just the governments of a few nations.
The design itself of the slide involves few words for quick reading as people do not like to deal with large walls of text on a poster or anything along those lines. The Background is not filled with an image but rather just negative space for further simplicity and it is a dark color to contrast with the colors of the rockets and the text. The rockets bleed beyond the slide, which is another important design decision for grabbing people’s attention.
I never really understood why some people don't care about their birthday, or don't want people to know about their birthday. But I think I kinda get it. See Tomorrows my birthday, and the closer it gets the less I care about it. Now normally I have a countdown to my birthday and I make sure everyone knows when my birthday is. I constantly tell people about it because I'm so hype for it to be “my day.” Sometimes my birthdays don't always turn out that well but I always look forward to it. This year is different though. Its my 16th and that's supposed to be a big one. I was making it big. A few months ago I started planning a sweet 16 with some of my good friends. I wanted to go all out. But as it go closer, we were rushing everything. We had to do so much last minute. Like the food, decorating, music, lighting, I even invited people late. That wasn't even what was really getting on my nerves. I don't really like people spending money on me and my mom spent a lot. So whenever we would talk about what needed to be done she would get really upset. It was just hard to deal with. One thing that really hit me hard though, was what she said after I told her I didn't want her boyfriend at my party. She told me she wasn't going to go. If he didn't go she wasn't going to. I was so confused. Because your boyfriend doesn't go you don't want to? But I'm your daughter and if he's there i'm not gonna have the fun i could without him being there. But I knew that if she didn't go I was gonna get hell after. She put alot into it and if she missed the party she would be pissed. I'm not having another sweet 16, it's only the one. It just hurt hearing that she chose someone she hasn't known nearly as long as her own daughter. And that she didn't really care about missing my sweet 16. I knew my decision was hard, but if I wanted everything to be ok I would have to let him come to the party. I cried so much because of what she really said. I was shocked and hurt. The next day was hard I wasn't really looking forward to the party I kind of just wanted it to be over. But surprisingly it was pretty fun I got to dance, take pictures and celebrate my birthday. I didn't get to eat as much food as I would like to but overall everything went good. There wasn't one mistake. But my birthday is still on the way. And i'm not looking forward to it. I don't know why, but I don't really care about it anymore. None of my close friends want to do anything with me on my birthday. My mom hurt me with what she said.
But maybe it can still turn out ok. Maybe everything will play out fine. My birthday is “My day.” and i shouldn't let anything stop me from enjoying it. My birthday is going to be ok…
Single Slide - Ethan
My life doesn’t really change very much. Most of the things I do have stayed the same for the past 4 years. I spend most of my time programming or playing games to find new ideas. My goal for the last 4 years has been to become a programmer full time once I’m out of college. I want to be able to provide the same amount of financial support that my family has provided me and my family when I’m older. I want to be able to go out to eat and travel the world. I want to be able to meet new people and understand different cultures than my own. My parents take my education very seriously and for a good reason. They have taught me to understand how important it is to work now. They didn’t have the same experience, both dropping out of college because they were making good money when working full time. Since they both regret it, they want me to go to college and study hard to become the best that I can be. I want to make them proud.
Coding also affects the way I speak. I think about things differently. I look into the backend of things more than what meets the first glimpse. I want to know why things work and not just know that they work. In math class, I like to know why ratios are equal just my multiplying the flipped opposite and then dividing by the remaining. I want to know why that method works without shortcutting. That’s how it relates to school.
Who am I?
tech media fluency slide
Tech script
In this project, I knew I wanted to go for something minimalistic, like the billboards in the presentation zen video, but to still be able to have my point be done and made to the best of my abilities. For my layout, I made sure to keep the rule of three in mind. I kept all of my text in the first part while having my images in the second and third part. I wanted the font to have a bright hue with a high intensity. I’m really interested in art and aesthetic so I went with a colorful mandala design for the centerpiece of the slide. I am also, really interested in travel so I added a small barcode with a quote saying “travel is in my blood”. I loved the barcode idea because the barcode represents a label of some sorts and if someone wanted to know what I thought was most important to me, my mind would instantly go to travel. Also, because of my love for aesthetically pleasing photos, I chose to have a flower to also represent me. It kind of shows a delicacy that I feel I have a lot. Kind of like one touch and all the petals would fall off of me. For placement, I wanted to have the flower bleeding into the bottom corner as if it was kind growing there in a way. For the background color, I wanted to have that negative space that black gives off and I knew that the colorful pieces I chose to be on the project would pop with that negative space.
Monologue//Broken Pride
Thanks Coach! (Coach walks away after giving him a pat on the back now he is to himself on the sidelines.)
Let’s get it. Finally I got some real play time. Not 5 minutes, not 10 minutes, but 15 whole minutes, plus while I was out there I had a shot on net, I mean I didn’t make it but still. I need to make sure I’m ready go back in cuz the way I was playin, I’m def going back in.(sips water and walks over to bench and slightly limping) oo that walk kinda hurt. Woah its starting to hurt to stand. (sits down) Let’s gooo Cosmos!!
This cleat getting tight and my foot really hurts. I must’ve kicked that ball harder than I thought. ( takes off cleat) ooo that meg alejandro saucin it up today. Yo what is going on with my… is that my toe?! That jawn dumb fat. I-I-I-I can’t move my toe(starts panicking) crap I done messed up my toe. It’s cool I’m good I can still play ain’t nothing keeping me from getting back into this game.(tries to put back on cleat) are you serious, I can’t put a cleat on because my foots so fat.
GOALALSO!!! (tries to stand and celebrate with team but fails) ah I can’t even stand. That’s it I’m out for the day. I gotta tell coach that I think I broke my toe. I’ve broken bones before no problem, I broke my wrist last summer, my pinky before that, my other pinky before that, even my thumb. Like all them bones and not one tear but this one got me about to cry like 2 year old whole couldn’t that one doll out of the toy store. So why is my toe different. Is it because of the pain cuz trust me this crap hurt like my whole foot is immobilized by the pain. Like every movement of my foot,ankle, and leg hurts. Like i can’t do nothing without bringing the stinging pain to my foot. Like I can’t compare this pain to nothing I’ve ever experienced.(holds foot) Or is this deeper than pain, maybe because we all know that this it for me, for my season.(pauses and looks at field) ooooooohhhh Alejandro wit the rainbow.(looks at coach) sorry coach I’m out I think I broke my toe….. How? Ummm that’s good question. (back to self thought)
That kid! Number 27. That fat white kid. The one who messed up my shot. I remember now. When I kicked the ball it wasn’t the ball. It was his foot. That’s how it broke. I already didn’t get a lot of play time. Now I could be out for the rest of the season. Look I know I’m not the best player in the world but I try my hardest and I give it my all every time I touch the field. Who am I kidding. Lets face it I’m top trash. I can’t dribble I can’t do none of that fancy stuff like Alejandro, my passes are inconsistent and my shot. Tuh my shot I don’t even know if I’m right footed or left footed. But I still try my best and this.. this what I get for hard work. Is this the result of my training. The worst part is I feel like I was getting better. And so did coach.
You know last practice was the first time I went a whole practice without a single insult from coach or a player. No you suck or no jokes about how I can’t aim. Or how I ride the bench every game. I finally felt like part of the team. Well that’s all over now. and my mom. She’s gonna kill me when she finds out. To her I’m always breaking something but I’ve only broke like 5 bones is that really a lot? I mean we have 206 bones in our bodies. What’s 5 to 206. Practically nothing. But she don’t care she gonna be mad I’d rather act like nothing’s wrong than deal with her. I want revenge when I get back I’m scoring in 27’s face and I want his ankles. Ima tell coach he’s mine he better be ready when I get back. I mean If I get back.