Reconstruction Era Visuals Project (Saamir Baker)

Mound Bayou Looking For Residents
Two elements I decided to go with for this poster is a beige color with not alot of images because when people placed ads around this time very few if any contained ads and they used big letters for their openers so thats what i decided to go with. This matters because Mound Bayou was a big step for black people and proved to everyone who didn't think that they could run a town properly that they were wrong and that they could, and writing an ad for it showed that blacks could also read and write which is something else whites did not want them to do along wiith running a town.,,, So the visual I have created shows African American history because it marks one of the first black founded towns in America

Reconstruction Era Visuals Project

For my visual I chose to create a map depicting the KKK member residence in 1920. The states that are the darkest red shade have over one hundred thousand members, nothing compared to the four million in the united states total. The shades get lesser as the member residence decreases in some states, but one aspect I found intriguing was that Michigan had by far the biggest KKK member residence. I believe this is because the Southern Knights Klan, a sub KKK division but very powerful, originated and is still based in Michigan to this day and has nine residing chapters in different states . While researching for my project I was unable to find the statistics for some states, and as you can see some of these states are deep south and these states had the southern political views. These states are represented outlined and black with lines drawn through. I believe that it is possible I did not find this data because this internalized american terrorism (something the KKK falls into) was such  a social norm there was no need to poll in a census KKK numbers or take much notice to the klans activity. I created this visual on the KKK because it was a large contribution to the setbacks leading the a halt in reconstruction. Many people are aware of the KKK activities, but many may not have known how much of a presence they had and just how many times it resurfaced and repeatedly gained power, the KKK still has up to ten thousand active members.



With my digital story I wanted to explore and show why robotics mattered and how such an expensive extracurricular could happen when the school doesn't give enough money to fund it. I interviewed the President of the club to learn more.
The final message that I wanted the project to show was that there are a lot of opportunities out there for schools which put in effort, and we don't have to depend solely on out state and federal funding. But I also wanted to send a different message- that while fundraising gives money to accredited schools that have knowledge and man power, getting those qualities in the first place is a restriction that makes it hard for struggling schools without money to get that private money. 

Reconstruction Era Visuals Project

      Before I get into my concept map, I have to say that I feel pretty proud of my work. I really enjoyed how I got to put all of my creativity and imagination into this great work of art. I hope you enjoy this masterpiece as much as I do. As you examine my concept map, you will see that on the paths there are large words written on them. These words are basically summarizing what it was like for most black people to have to go through these tough challenges during the reconstruction period. The next thing you will see on my map that might be confusing is the thirteenth amendment being the start of my map. The thirteenth amendment is the start of my map because this amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. Another thing on my map that might not be entirely clear to some people is the word freedom with quotation marks around it. I have added quotation marks around the word freedom because even after all the challenges that they endured, they still weren't truly free. The thirteenth amendment might have started the path to freedom for all free blacks, but not every white person agreed with this idea. For this is the reason why free black people were not truly free. My map matters because it gives it's viewers a quick run down of the three huge challenges that African Americans faced during the reconstruction period. Without hearing long lechures and reading long articles. My map has meaning for the study of the Reconstruction era because the three challenges on my map played huge roles during the time of reconstruction. 

Reconstruction Era Visuals Project ( Savannah Manns

Somethings that may not be clear are some of the captions, many of them may not be super specific when it comes to certain parts of reconstruction. They are very important for reconstruction and will help the  articles flow nicely. I feel as if that is the only thing that is actually  something that people will not understand.However I feel as my project is very clear ,I feel like my titles and pictures matter the most because that is what everyone will see first instead of the actual content of the article it self. When I chose to write about being free from the perspective of someone in that time. I feel like African Americans being free is a very large part of the reconstruction era and even in today's society . African American people on the reconstruction era were  very happy to be free after 500 years of being in enslaved, However they were entitled to being free but only in the eyes of some. That is why the question ¨ Were they Free ¨ is a large question in the era of reconstruction and maybe even the answer of why reconstruction failed. 

Research Doc

Reconstruction Era Visuals Project

I chose to do my visual on the different states with different Black Codes. Black Codes were laws in the southern states that restricted the freedom of black people. Even though, technically, they were already free, their freedom wasn't seen as such to the public. You could say it was revoked by society. This meant they were not truly free. The majority of the Black Codes were enacted by white people that still wanted to have a strong hold over the black population in some way. Some of the Black Codes put in place prevented black people from doing the simplest of things like gathering with their friends or entering another state, but other Black Codes were quite complex, such as drinking and smoking, or owning firearms. The southern states had many Black Codes they were not necessarily against blacks, but they preserved white people. Some Codes said that if white people participated in the riots and protested, they would not be arrested. My Piktochart is attempting to show that different states had different black codes which Codes were where. This Piktochart was created by my self and Kenna Barrett. We created it to show the different Black Codes. For clarification, the colors on the map of the United States are further represented on the Black Code description boxes below. Also,the states on the map are not divided by cities or towns, we were looking for way to show that some states had more Black Codes than other states.

I worked with Kenna so we share the visual.

Reconstruction Era Visuals Project

I chose to do my project on the Black Codes, I found them the most interesting during the reconstruction era. Black Codes were laws passed by congress in southern states that restricted blacks. Although legally free, the Black Codes exposed the “true freedom” the blacks in the south had achieved. Many Black Codes were created by racists communities that found a loophole in freedom. These Black Codes were scattered across all of the southern states, but some had it worse than others. Black Codes connected a lot of racism and reconstruction. The southern states had multiple Black Codes but not all were passed, but because these areas were so heavily racist, the reconstruction era focused a lot on demolishing them. My visual Infographic is trying to get across the idea that different areas had different black codes and what exactly they were. Two things that may not be clear to my reader on my visual is that each state is not divided by counties or cities, just by different laws that correspond with the states. Some states such as Texas only have one because not all Black Codes were written down, most places had a lot more than what was recorded. The law did not enforce these codes, the communities did. The other thing that may confuse my reader is the other graph, which represents the top 5 states with the most Black Codes, and their numbers. The point of this Infographic is to give readers more context about the reconstruction era and it's importance.


Nombres: Kenna, Quran, Christian, Jhazzelle


Para quien es su menu? Señorita Manuel

Tiene el/ ella un dieta especial (vegetarian@, Kosher, Musulman, diabetico, etc.)? Cual?


Plan one meal a day

Which meal: desayuno, almuerzo, cena





Fresa, manzana, piña, y naranja

jugo de naranja



lechuga, el tomate, y huevo








batido de frutas

jugo de toronja




el jugo de naranja




jugo de cranberry



hamburguesa vegetal

zumo de manzana


Spanish Script

        Jhazzelle, Kenna, Quran, and Christian

Kenna: ¿Tengo hambre, quieres ir al centro comercial conmigo?

Jhazzelle: ¡Como no¡

Quran: (walks up to Kenna) ¿Como estas bebé?

Kenna: ¡Ay dios mio!

Christian: (walks up to Jhazzelle) ¡Hola amiga!

Jhazzelle: Lo que

Jhazzelle and Kenna keeps walking

Quran: ¿Quieres ir al centro comercial con nosotros?

Jhazzelle: ¡No con usted!

Kenna: ¡No!

Christian to Jhazzelle: ¿Como te llamas?

Jhazzelle: Es de... ¡Josefina! ( says a fake name)

Quran to Kenna: ¿Cual es tu numero?

Kenna: 215...5555566667754835353

Quran: ¡Ay dios mio!

Christian to Jhazzelle: ¿Te gustaria ir al comer conmigo?

Jhazzelle: Lo siento. Me tengo que ir a mi casa amigos.

Kenna: ¡Adios! Jhazzelle: ¡Chau! (say it together)

Quran-Espanta amig@s

Reconstruction Era Visuals Project

mhsnewspaperbetter (1)
Essentially, I created this newspaper as though it was being written by members of the Missouri Historical Society, which was known for its racial progressiveness and belief in equal rights. My newspaper centers around the encouragement for black people in the late 1800's with artistic skills to submit their art to the society to make a message to White America. The reason I chose my topic is because it has always interested me how blacks have continuously struggled with finding their way into the media, and still today. Representation of black people in tv/magazines/movies/etc has been a topic of discussion for years, and recently acknowledged as being extremely progressive. Up until doing this project, I wasn't aware that African Americans were representing themselves - or making an effort to - in paintings, sculptures, and other popular forms of art in the 19th century. I chose to do a newspaper because I thought it would be interesting to try and put myself in the shoes of a member of the M.H.S. in the 19th century, and it was. Two elements that may be visually unclear are the art pieces I chose to use. For the most part I chose black artists who were well known in their time and that fit into the time frame. The bottom right image is one taken outside the Missouri Historical Society.

Reconstruction Era Visuals Project (Wes Midgett)

Untitled Banner (2)
Untitled Banner (2)

For my concept map I kept a consistent color scheme throughout the entire Piktochart. I used multiple colors that served as different labels. For instance, on each of my maps there are two-three different colors that mark the states where interracial marriage was legal or illegal in that time period. Below all of my concept maps I put a paragraph explaining what was going on during that time. As you can see, all of my fonts and text sizes are the same throughout the project and so are the placings of every map and paragraph or title. In my project there is a lot of information on how people felt at that time and who suffered the most.

On every page of my concept map there is a different map that shows which states legalized interracial marriage. In all of my many sources I found the same evidence showing the progression of anti-miscegenation in the U.S. I found all of this information so interesting, I mean why did they prohibit people from getting married? In this information I found that all of the southern states have always been against interracial couples. I really want to know why the South has always been so discriminatory and prejudice. Also, where did all of these ideas of anti-miscegenation come from? I know that the U.S. has always been extremely racist, but I don’t understand how love has anything to do with race. Anyway, I still have a lot of question about the Reconstruction era, but I hope that my project is very informative.

Source for my Source Analysis


Reconstruction Era Visuals Project

The broadside poster was, during the 19th century, one of the primary ways of alerting a community to news and developments in the area. Often posted in a prominent local area, such as a wall, they were, in a way, like the Facebook of America in the 1800s. Mine is fictional, but could possibly be an actual poster from the Reconstruction era.

Southerners would often label Northerners who came down South to lease plantations, open businesses and schools, etc. as ¨carpetbaggers¨, named so for the cheap bags that many carried with them, usually made from pieces of carpet, stitched together. Oftentimes, they were viewed as being slimy, lower-class opertunists who were off to rip off ¨oppressed¨ White Southerners. However, many were middle- or upper-middle class, and a lot of them were Union soldiers who chose to stay down South after the Civil War. And a lot of them became teachers, out to educate African-Americans who were denied the ability to read and write by slaveowners. So, the carpetbaggers were actually quite the positive force in the post-war South, and their legacy was warped by succeeding generations of racist Southern ¨propaganda¨.

My broadside poster was intended to mimic, to the best of my ability, the broadside posters of the day. This went up to including the word ¨Negro¨ rather than ¨Black¨ or ¨African-American¨, which, although now considered to be offensive, was widely used back then, and continued to be so until roughly the 1960s or so. I also used hyphens for certain words that would have been hyphenated back in the today, such as ¨tonight΅ being spelled ¨to-night¨. I also based the headline about freedmen and the eagle off an anti-immigration and anti-slavery poster from the 1850s, found here: (Links to an external site.)

Overall, I think I did a superlative job of imitating the posters, and I hope that I get a good grade on this project.

Reconstruction Era Visuals Project (Tamir Harper)

CopyofTheDailyMustardSeedNewspaperLesson4 (1)

The Life Of Reconstruction Newsletter is a new once in a lifetime newspaper. You may only see this type of newspaper once and a lifetime. While you're reading this newspaper made by Tamir Harper set 1871 you will notice small and accurate details. After you're done reading my personal paper you will be able to understand many things. Such as the reason I decided to write this newspaper, why it matters, and I’m going to throw in some

Many people wonder why I decided to discuss the name change of Blacks. But I believe this is an important topic for all races to understand the change of name over time. In the newspaper I decided to pick a total of four years and decided to look at one speech from an important figure of that time. As I set there and read the many different speeches I was shocked by the names of the time. The speeches looked as though we were improving and then Joseph Rainey decided to use all three of the names in different contexts. So as you were reading you may have been shocked as well and learned that time comes with change but there can always be a relapse.

Why does this matter? I think this matter due to the fact that the change of names is extremely important. As we are going through this tough time in the world with equal rights and police brutality. I think that every Black person should know the names they were called once before there time.  

As you read and look over the newspaper you may not see every detail. One, thing that every person may not see or understand is the photo with the three words used to address Blacks. That photo was a collage of photos of the different words over different time periods. The details is also different. Instead of picking a person that everyone knew during that time zone I attempted to pull quotes and details that people don’t know much about. To allow people to learn and research.

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” -Barack Obama

Sources Page Link:

Reconstruction Era Visual Project

ReligionandReconstructionNewspaper (4)
  Artist's Statement

My project is an article that deals with Religion and how it impacted Reconstruction. Something that may be confusing to the reader is the information and Involvement of Abraham Lincoln. I think that this element is important because everyone has the perception that Abraham Lincoln is a saint and that he was one of the main people who fought for abolishment ; but it was actually religious groups that supported him and even were big contributors in the events. I also think that the Religion and Reconstruction section may be harder to fully understand with such a small excerpt. With this section it is so much information that it is hard to summarize in a few words. Since that was such a heavy topic that has a lot of information attached to it, I had to narrow it down and make it less confusing while leaving out some information. I also think that the section that deals with Reconstruction in Alabama will be confusing because it really doesn't tie together with the whole theme, but I wanted the newspaper to be like ones that has some stories that don't connect with the main article and have a little more diversity. I think it is important to talk about the problems that were faced during Reconstruction in Alabama because the newspaper is issued from there and I wanted to have a little section that was dedicated to their home to feel as though their problems are stilled recognized and not unrecognized or overshadowed by the other issues. This matter as a whole is important because when you think of the Reconstruction era, people don't intellectually think about Religion. This newspaper was a good way to show elements of Reconstruction that some people would have never thought about. This also shows how much religion impacts history as a whole, because almost every part of history in some way has had religion impact.  

Source Analysis

Menu for Rachel Reilly

Para quien es su menu? Rachel Reilly

No ella dieta especial.

Plan one meal a day

Which meal: desayuno, almuerzo, or cena





Triple de lasaña de queso

vino tinto



queso a la parrilla




pollo frito

refresco de uva



pan francés

jugo de naranja



mantequilla de maní y jalea

cereza refresco



pollo barbacoa




huevo de bacon y queso sándwich

zumo de manzana

Reconstruction Era Visuals Project


The topic of this poster is Black Codes and is dated back to 1765, which is three years after the Proclamation is passed. It's basically showing what it would be like to switch around the positions that African American were in, and change it to the perspective of white people. It is also demonstrating that these restrictions are not okay because they are rights that every human is entitled to. Another thing about this poster is that I put a fake author at the bottom. The author is a white abolitionist woman named Diana Abbey. There were a lot of abolitionists back then, both black and white. However, white abolitionist women were rare so I thought it would have been interesting to make her the author. 

This visual matters to African American history as a whole because even though it is a very simple poster, I think it gives the audience a clear point. It is essentially asking, ¨How would it feel if you were in their shoes?¨ Even though the Proclamation was passed, and it said that all slaves/African American people were free, it clearly wasn't like that at all. A big example are the Black Codes; one way or another people found loop holes and used them to their advantage. There were really unnecessary restrictions that put ¨free¨ African Americans in terrible situations. 


af am

The sla Lincoln



The Reconstruction Herald



Washington, D.C — friday, April 14, 1865 — 1 pages five cents



Aftermath news of president Lincoln During the confusion of people reation cause of his death:

New plan for the predicament of reconstruction ERA And new president!!!!



Now Our beloved President abraham lincoln has died. The reconstruction plan lead to the successor of the next president andrew johnson, to handle the predicament of  that late president abraham lincoln left his position due to lincoln unexpectedly assassinated.Now how will the vulnerable andrew johnson deal the reconstruction plan and radical ?republicans.Could the president live up to lincoln ideal ?Cartoon of Lincoln and Johnson attempting to stitch up the broken Union


       Now President abraham lincoln will passed The law of  Emancipation proclamation. Announcements from president abraham Lincoln states And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution, upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind, and the gracious favor of Almighty god from the Emancipation proclamation and said by abraham lincoln.

The laws of abraham lincoln that he passed in his prowess as presidents is praiseworthy to free all the its  slaves and those who are enslaved to gain freedom and lincoln  state that all men are created equally and his by virtue the power in me vested as commander¨.


Due to the aftermath of unexpected our beloved  president abraham lincoln death .Now in the currently reconstruction ERA that we all  live in, since lincoln  died here are the people responses  in all over the world in society to give it answer to responses of the lincoln death is  from the people responses is.

Said by the people Lincoln is the savior from slavery, Abraham Lincoln was considered the Union's most powerful and eloquent voice,he was the man who abolish slavery and other political of other presidents said Inexpressibly shocked and startled me sympathy for our country in the grievous loss we have sustained.NOW for the future will change!?   

Screenshot 2015-04-30 at 12.45.44 PM.png

  1. Your artist statement:

  • At least 250 to 400 words

  • Explain at least 2 elements of the visual that may not be clear to the reader

  • Why does this matter? - Explain why the visual you created has meaning for the study of the Reconstruction era or African American history as a whole.

  • The visual that i created with my own ability the best i can for this visual that can be for history of reconstruction era that can be appealing and comprehension to history people and the two things can not understand is some of the picture and why does it matter it matter because people  want to learn how was like in the past and how compare our timeline for living i think this has meaning if the future would lead different if events was change so we can learn study of the Reconstruction era or African American history as a whole.

Lincoln's death affected the reconstruction era

  KCH Weekly                                   


      Lincoln's Assassination


            Affected the African Americans

              and the reconstruction era


Millions of U.S citizens in grief as they start to pay their respects and say their goodbyes to the 16th  president of the united states, Abraham Lincoln. People from across the United States will go to Washington Dc, Baltimore Md, Philadelphia Pa, New York City, Albany, Buffalo Ny, Cleveland, Columbus Oh, Indianapolis, Michigan City Ind and Chicago, Springfield Ill for public viewings. in other news the new duties of President Johnson he has taken away forty acres and a mule away from the African Americans which is like taking their freedom away just like when a baby chugs down there bottle and gets it taken away just when moments after receiving it.

Artist statement

My topic was about did Lincoln’s death affect the Reconstruction Era and I chose to do a broadside flyer. I chose this topic because no one talked about this particular topic.  The topics that were mostly about were how Lincoln freed  the slaves. Also, how did the Emancipation Proclamation affect the outcome of the war and my topic was interesting.  The reason I put a picture of Lincoln in his casket is because this flyer is about the places his funeral procession would be at for his final viewing.  This was important to the american people since Lincoln was the first american president to not only die but be murdered during his presidential term.  It was also a great show of respect for a man who was not only a great leader but to help bring about an end to slavery.  Lincoln was a humble man who was able to maintain that in spite of and during his years of presidency.  I feel that our world as we know it today is heavily impacted  because of all that President Lincoln did to help free the slaves.  It made it so that all people no matter what race can be free to live wherever and however they want in todays day and age.  The funeral procession that was given to this president was one of great love for a man who truly did help to change the world not only then but in present day as well.  I would certainly not like to even try to imagine what our world would be like today if not for President Lincoln.

African Americans for Government!

HistoryReconstructionNewspaper (2)
Artist's Statement: 

In this visual some of the key elements include the background information of the newspaper and the pictures. The North Star was a northern newspaper published in Syracuse, New York by Frederick Douglass. This is key information because newspapers will tend to have a bias, in this case a liberal perspective. It’s important to understand that not everything may be one hundred percent true in every newspaper or a certain article may have a spin on it. Since this newspaper is coming from the North, it’s going to try and persuade you to vote for the candidates who are in support of equal rights and abolition. Another important piece of information to notice is the date and the headlines that come with it. The date this newspaper was published was June 11, 1871, which was soon after the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments were passed. These amendments abolished slavery, protected African Americans and their rights, and the right to vote. This is why the headlines support the date. They talk about voting for African Americans because they finally had the chance to be elected to the government. African Americans could freely learn how to read and write and become educated so they were able to run for congress and the senate.

Another important piece about this visual is the pictures. The image in the bottom right corner shows two candidates from opposing campaigns. It shows one standing for white men and one standing for black men. The image also has many words about negro suffrage written all over it and saying who was in support of it. At the bottom is written ¨The negro must be allowed to vote or the states be punished.¨ This is showing the advancement of freedom for African Americans.

This visual is important because it shows part of the advancements that African Americans made running for the government and being elected. The impact they had may not have been super strong, depending on what we determine as ¨free”, but they did make some headway in rights for African Americans.



M: Mackenzie
G: Gavin
Y: Yafang​

M: ¡Hola, Yafang!

Y: ¡Hola!

M: ¿Cómo está?

G: ¡Bien! ¿Y tú?

Y: ¡Hola! Gavin! ¿Te gustaría estudiar conmigo?

G: Lo siento. Yo tengo voy en el centro.

G: Yo voy al centro. ¿Quieres voy a centro conmigo?

M: ¡Si! ¿Y tú, Yafang?

Y: ¿En serio? ¡Clara que sí!

G: ¡Vaminos!

Y: ¿Donde es el centro?

M: ¿No sé?

G: ¡La mapa! Esto es en mi telefono.

Y: ¡Mira su en el Oriente, no oeste!

M & G:¡Ay, díos mío!

G: ¡Vaminos, vaminos!

Y: ¿Qué es esto?

M: Esto es al baño…

G: Bueno, esto es genial.

Y: Esto es aburrido. ¿Quieres caminar conmigo?

G: Yo voy a la casa. Tengo hacer mi tarea. ¡Adios!

M&Y: ¡Adios!

African Americans Claiming Their Independence

Screenshot 2015-04-30 at 12.02.09 AM
Screenshot 2015-04-30 at 12.02.09 AM

Artist Statement:

In my visual, in which i chose to do a flyer, there are a lot of bold fonts and large words that would naturally catch the attention of whoever is reading it. There are also many misleading titles. The message that is portrayed based off by research and how these type of flyer would usually be is that all the ¨freedom¨ that African Americans were given during the Reconstruction Era was quite restricting compared to the freedom whites already had.

Something that might not be clear to the reader is the titles and headlines present. One of the headlines says ¨Freedom = Voting!¨ and then underneath it in a smaller, less eye-catching font gives an example of exactly how they ¨freedom¨ did not equal voting. Many laws were put into place that made it difficult for blacks to be apart of their community including electing who they wanted for their government. The point of that was to show how, in history, a simple statement, could have all these hidden strings tied to it. Yes, you get this, only if you do this, this and this. Even after that you still weren't done.  

All the examples given of different accounts of black ¨independence¨ were all there just to show how this wasn't a even thing. African Americans at the time all tried to be apart of the white community but were turned down. This just shows how often they happened in one era but how different they were. This matters because it really breaks down the hardships of African Americans during the Reconstruction Era. It has deeper meaning because like flyers in the past, at first glance you see opportunities at hand but then you read the fine print and see the hoops you have to jump through to achieve your goal.

Methods of Black Oppression in Reconstruction Era America


​For our visual project, I choose to take a look at the different methods Whites (especially in the south) used to oppress black people in america. Using this infographic, I go over the different ways that former African slaves experienced marginalization, Injustice and oppression in reconstruction era America. I felt that this topic was important because one thing that remains constant throughout history is the oppression of a certain group of people. Whether that group be racial, ethnic, national, ideological or social very similar tools of oppression will be used against all of them. By evaluation and analyzing the methods used by historical oppressors, we can understand the methods future and present tyrannies will use as well.

While exploring this topic, I noticed a pattern in the ways this group of people (In this case formerly enslaved Africans) were held down. Fear tactics were common during the time that physical violence was rarely looked into. Lynchings murders and intimidation techniques were used against blacks in america. They weren't even treated as humans. Blacks in America during this era also faced unjust lawful systems which attempted to not only persecute them, but deny them the ability to fight back against their oppressor. Socially, It was unheard of to treat Blacks as equals or to give them a platform for speech.

My point in exploring these techniques is to understand the situations and scenarios which lead to this kind of group suppression. Because tyranny is universal, throughout time and place, it’s important to know and understand the tools and methods of the tyrannical.

Link to research: