Home Network- Rene Hart

My home network includes many components. My coaxial cord connects the world wide web and my modem router. The ethernet cable cords connect to my first and third tv. It also connects to my dad's computer. My family's phones, ipads, computers, second tv, and fourth tv are wireless. I learned that home networks are a lot more confusing then I thought. I think everyone should know about their homework network so they can solve a lot of cable problems themselves and save money. 

Gia Jordan home network

In my house we have verizon with a phone wire connecting our many devices. First we have our three family phones for me, my dad, and my stepmom. Then, we have our family tablet that we use. Also, we have three tvs, two of which are connected to an xbox that we use to game. Last I have my school laptop. I learned that we have so many electronics. I never realized how much we actually had. I would tell other people to be careful on what the company is charging you vs. what you have because it may not match up. 

my home network url code is   https://scienceleadership.org/blog/gia_jordan_home_network


My Local Area Network gets internet from Comcast and it uses ethernet cables and WiFi. The devices that are connected to my wifi is my PS4, 4 iPhones, 3 laptops (including my school laptop), a printer, a smart TV, and an iPad. The devices that are connected to my ethernet cables are 3 computers only. 

From the what I've recently learned, I thought the most important thing was that there is no privacy. It may sound creepy and such but it's how things go around me. This was the biggest shocking fact but I won't do anything bad, I promise. 

I would tell others to know what type of cable is being used for their internet because the cables are the ones bringing the internet at a certain speed to your home.

Matthew Nguyen Home Network

  1. My local area network mostly consists of wireless devices, such as a couple phones, televisions, and computers. The xbox 360 and Omen gaming Laptop however are both connected via ethernet along with an internet extender downstairs.  The Omen laptop’ connections to both the Samsung TV and the Router are not permanent and are only connected when at home.  

  2. I have learned a bit about my network through this.  I finally found where the cable actually comes into the house, along with where the modem is.  I also learned that my internet comes in via coax rather than fiber despite having very low ping, 50/50 down and up, and my ISP being FIOS.  I also learned that my dad’s Dell Inspiron desktop is not connected via ethernet and is connected via wireless.

  3. Something that I would tell people about ISPs are that they’ll probably lie to you.  They’ll create the image of something, but not exactly.  Also having a home network also requires both 2.4 and 5GHz connections as sometimes one may be too far or too slow.  

Home Network-Kankoue Folly

My L.A.N is a good and decent network there aren't really too many things connected to it so it works fine sometimes it buffers while I'm further away from the router.

What I learned about networks were that they are more complex than I thought I thought it was more simple but when i figured out that there were many different ways to use it and why countries used it. I was suprised that was an OMG moment for me .

My Home Network- Sarah Cohen

  1. My home network is Verizon it comes into my house through a cable.  The phones, kindles, and ipads are connected via a router that is connected to my verizon cable. My has a roku box connected to it that connected to my wifi router. All of the devices in my house are connected to the world wide web.
  2. I learned that a lot of different components go into just being able to access the internet. I found it interesting that people can do so much online.

  3. I would tell people to do there research because it’s really easy to get ripped off if you don’t know what you are actually getting. You could be getting service that is worth much less than what you are paying for.

Home Network - Alyssa Williams

1. ​I am in a family of five so I have a lot of devices on my home network. We have five smartphones, 3 laptops, four tablets and three printers. We also have computers, tvs, and game systems that are not connected wirelessly. 

2. I learned a lot about networks, I learned about the different kinds of connections, chords, and how different things are connected to my network in different ways. 

3. I would tell people that it is very important  to know as much as you can about your home network. You want to know how to connect certain devices, and what chords to use to do different things. These are all some of the things that i learned from our tech lesson on networks and the internet. 

Home Network- Sophia Paul

1) All of the devices on my network are connected through the wifi. We do not have the ethernet, but we do have a modem/router. We are with xfinity with a coaxial cable and then many devices are connected. We have 6 tvs connected, 5 laptops, 4 phones, a Wii U, a Wii, a PS3, an Xbox, a radio, and many many more things that are connected.
2) I learned that people can rip people off in the home network. Some times they will say you are getting better deal, even though you are not. It surprises me that people will sell other people's bad deals in order to make money.
3) I would tell other people that beware that people will rip you off in the future.

Home Network- Zachary Sanders

I have two different wifi names and one is FiOS-F7B1M. The other is FiOS-F7B1M-5G. For an only child there are actually a lot of things connected to my router in my house, some of the things hooked up to my router are me, my mom's, and my grandmother's phone. I also have a Xbox One, Wii, and Wii U that are all hooked up to my router in order for me to play certain games. The rest of the things are basic things like a TV, computer, and such.

Something that I found cool and interesting while doing this assignment was that all the wifi comes from the router itself, not just some imaginary source that I thought was just floating around the world when I was a little kid

If you have your own Home Network something I would suggest is NEVER telling anyone your password. Cause if your do, that could start major problems with random people joining onto your wifi without you knowing.  

Home Network - Elena Smith

1. On my internet connection, I have two phones, two laptops, one very old computer, one very old iMac, a Wii, an iPad and an iPad mini, and one Roku and one Apple TV
2. I thought it was interesting to remember how many devices me and my mom actually have with our internet connection. I also learned the difference between wired and wireless devices, which is good to know.
3. I think one of the most important things to know about getting a home network is knowing what you're going to need on your devices, whether it's the ability to watch videos or if you want to have unlimited text messages, it's better to know ahead of time. Also to never trust the package deals.

Home network

My L.A.N (local area network) has my tv,wii,roku,phone,moms phone,stepdad phone,stepdad computer,both of my computers,xbox one,ipad,printer,moms computer,living room tv,and the living rooms roku.I learned how networks worked and was surprised that their could be restrictions on the internet. I want people to know that you should take the time to learn about your home network!

Home Network- Anthony Castro

All of the devices connected to my internet connection are: my phone, my moms phone, my ps4, and the family computer.

I learned that a lot of the stuff in my house is connected using wifi. I also learned about the coaxial cable which I actually didn't know about.

Something I would tell someone about having a home network would be that they should take the time to actually learn about their network.

Home Network-Londyn Edwards

Digitalized Home Network Reflection​

A. Explain your L.A.N. (Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection.)

  • There are seven devices connected directly to my L.A.N. My mother, brother and I all have one phone and tablet connected to WiFi. On the L.A.N., we also have a desktop that is shared amongst the three of us that is directly connected to the router/modem and my brother and I have our personal laptops connected to the network through WiFi.

B. Reflect on what you learned about networks. Did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? If not, write about what you learned.

  • I actually learned a lot about networks because I never knew how they worked, I just knew that they existed in many homes across America and the rest of the world. My “OMG” moment was when Ms.Hull said that if you have Verizon than you more than likely have a phone cord that connects the internet to your home. I thought that the internet was always connected to homes and other facilities through through ethernet.

C. What would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network?

  • I would tell others that have an ISP/Home Network that they need to be very careful about what they do and post on the internet because viruses and hackers could infiltrate your network if you aren’t. I would also tell them to educate themselves a little bit on home networks and how they work because if they don’t know at least the basics, a money-hungry company could overcharge them for something that they either don’t need or could've done themselves.

Home Network-Caresten Moses

   My ​L.A.N- On my internet connection, I have my Iphone, my Mom's phone, my brothers phone, 2 laptops, a desktop computer, 3 smart tvs, and a printer.
  From doing this project, I learned that you can make specialized diagrams to myself, in the form or a lucid chart. That's pretty cool, because I never did anything like this before. 
    Things other people should know about having a home network is that you should be mindful of passwords and connections of your devices because there could be easy access to your devices. Hackers could get all your information. Also, you have to be careful what you look up, and who you interact with because your internet provider can see that.

Home Network-Brooklin Johnson-Coles

My L.A.N. is the network used to connect an Amazon Stick, a Roku Box, a Printer, 2 phones, 2 computers and 2 tablets. 
I have learned about how the internet work. I learned that every cord is important and certain cords are better than others. I would tell people to do research on certain cords to make sure they are getting the fastest internet connection possible. 

MY Home Network

1.) My home network has 4 tvs, 3 computers, 3 phones, one PS4, and a printer.
2.) Learning about home networks, is very confusing, one thing i have learned was what kind of cable goes to my modem/router. 
3.) One thing I would tell people is to do research and ask a lot of questions, so they know what kind of stuff they're getting into. 

Digital Home Network- Michal Czapla

My Digital Home Network

a. My L.A.N. starts out with my modem router, which is connected by a coax cable, and my ISP is Comcast. Then from there, my phone, my brother's phone, my mom's phone, my dad's phone, and my sister's iPad are all wireless. Also, my chromebook, my brother's chromebook, my mom's laptop, and my dad's laptop are also wireless. My TV is wireless, but connected to my television is my XBOX, which is plugged in with an HDMI cable. Finally, my iMac and printer and connected with each other wirelessly, and both get connection from the internet wirelessly.

b. I learned that the internet isn't a cloud in the sky, even though that's how it's shown on my Lucid Chart. It actually exists somewhere on our planet! Also, I learned about how much complexity my home network really has and how it doesn't just "get" the internet. 

c. I would tell other people to take the time and find out all of the different connections in their home so they have a better understanding of what they're doing when they actually get an ISP/Home Network. 

Digital Home Network

a. The devices that are on my home network and mine and my parents. There is our phones, our laptops, and there ipads. There is also our chromecast, which is hooked up with our television. 

b. I learned about what exactly my home network was. Before this I had only a vague idea of how the internet/ wifi worked. I learned about who controls it, and how it works. 

c. I would tell other people that they need to do research on how the internet works and the parts needed so they don´t get ripped off. 

Home Network Diagram

Jackson Shumard


  1. On my L.A.N I have 3 T.V’s, 2 printers, an imac, 2 tablets, an ipad, 4 iphones, security cameras, a projector box, 2 Dell laptops, a Playstation and an Xbox.

2. When I was mapping out my home network i was really surprised to see how many devices I have wirelessly connected to the modem.

3. I would tell them to not make it more complicated than it has to be, and to just get a stong modem/router to have a good connection.