Growing Up Online Powers

Yesterday in class we watched a Frontline program called growing up online. It was about technology in our world now and how it is changing the way we do things, mainly our memories and behaviors.The most memorable part of this show for me was Evan Skinner's overreaction to her son's trip to New York and the videos of it. I think she was ridiculously irrational and should have kept her reactions and opinions to herself. However, it is important to watch shows like these because they have many opinions by researchers and professors, as well as kids like us. They often give a well rounded perspective on controversial topics. To keep my future family safe online, I would teach them about the dangers and benefits online, instead of shielding them and reprimanding them. The more educated they are on this topic, the better online decisions they will make. It is important to talk with your family about internet safety to see if anyone is being harassed online and your family can help you prevent bad situations online. If there are people in your family who are very afraid or opposed to the internet, this talk could help them use the internet as a resource and also protect them from unsafe online situations. Parents who are struggling to keep their kids safe online, here is some advice: Learn about the uses and dangers of the internet so you are not ignorant to everything your kids do online. After that, make sure your kids are informed of situations and consequences online. If you want, Parental Controls are available, but most of us kids know how to get around those. I mostly recommend talking about it, instead of making the internet a big, exciting, and possibly dangerous unknown that kids will try to explore in secret.

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Heathers, Put to the Test

 The film I’m choosing to review for this assignment, is Daniel Water’s 1988 movie, Heathers. 

This movie actually, throughout different scenes in the movie passes both tests, the different Heathers talk to each other about many things, most of which are admittedly vapid, but are not about boys. In the movie there are three girls named Heather, who are secondary characters, and the fourth member of their high school clique is the main character, Veronica. Who as the main focus of the movie passed the Mako Mori test. She has her own narrative, backstory, and complete perspective throughout the movie, that at points involves a man, but does not revolve around him, and in the end she leads to his demise. 

Thinking on the parameters of these different tests to asses how biased/gender based movies are, I noticed that a lot of these tests have rules that revolve around the female members of the cast, or lack there of. And if I were to make my own test I would do so a little differently. 

1: Is there an equal presence of male/female characters?

2: Do the character’s relationships hinge on romance/sex between the sexes?

3: Are there characters throughout the movie that are purely to further the theme of sexualization and not relevant in any other capacity? 

ie-Don Jon, the numerous woman in the start of the film, that you see have sex with the male character, then have nothing else to do with the movie, having no actual weight to the story. 

Looking at the test I’ve come up with, I could probably add more if I thought about it long enough, and in all honesty, I’ll probably never be happy with it, and I’m not sure if all movies will eventually pass any test like this, but it is interesting to see the portrayal of different people based off of such trivial details, like gender in the media. 

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Bechdel/Jung-Allen Test


Ferris Bueller’s Day Off passes the Bechdel Test, but just barely. The movie revolves around a high school senior named Ferris Bueller and his circle of friends. The plot shows us that Bueller has perfected the faked sick day, and the movie begins by him fooling his parents into letting him stay home. As soon as his mother and father leave for work, he goes on a series of wild adventures throughout the city with his girlfriend Sloane and best friend Cameron. The Bechdel Test is utilized in one of the final scenes, when he is racing home to beat his parents and sister (Jeanie) there. Jeanie was given a ticket for speeding while out searching for Ferris, and she is driving back from the police station with their mother in the passenger seat. The car ride consists of their mother nagging and lecturing Jeanie for her behavior, and the scene is interspliced with Ferris and his father travelling back home as well. Technically, this scene would qualify as a pass for the Bechdel Test because there are two women who have a conversation about something other than a man. But this interaction is extremely short, is not an isolated scene, and the dialogue is ultimately unimportant to the plot. Furthermore, many renditions of the Bechdel Test require both women to have names, while in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Ferris’ mother does not have a specified name. The Jung-Allen Test requires the following things: two named women, at least one of color, that have an interaction about something other than a man for a full, uninterrupted thirty seconds. This would mean that Ferris Bueller would definitely lose this test. It is not as low a bar as the actual Bechdel Test, but it is still a relatively low bar that I can only think of one movie of the top of my head that would pass this test (The Help). As a reminder, both the Bechdel and Jung-Allen Test do not measure anything about the movie except for its amount of representation. It does not measure whether the movie is feminist or not, and does not grade its actual quality. But the Jung-Allen Test will do a better job of performing the aforementioned tasks. The racial component encourages racial representation (however low), and the uninterrupted thirty second rules encourages the idea that the conversation will have actual relevance to the plot.

Growing Up Online Reflection Koffi

  1. In class we watched a video called Growing up Online
  2. The show was about the internet and its effect on technological advancement, education, and people, especially our generation
  3. The most memorable thing about this show was the individual stories of each teen that seemed really different but were actually quite similar in some ways. For example, Sara and Ryan Halligan, two very different teens with two very different stories, both turned to the internet for solace. Unfortunately neither of them found positive outlets online. In fact the internet may have made their issues worse.
  4. Shows like this are important because it is crucial that problems, like the ones discussed in the show, don't go unnoticed or forgotten. Instead these problems should be addressed and possibly solved.
  5. To keep my family safe online I would make sure that rules and norms are understood from the beginning. Norms about behavior online will be clear and precise 
  6. I think that it's important to make sure that family is safe online because my family's well being is important to me. I wouldn't want my family to be unhappy or to feel threatened. Safety in real life is clear so internet safety should be too.
  7. I would tell those parents to show their children shows like Growing up Online. The effects and consequences of abusing the internet should be made known to their kids
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Growing up online

In class we watched Digital Nation. This show was about instances that occurred online and how communities have reacted to the growing environment online. The most memorable thing about this show to me is when the mother emailed the whole school about a concert a large group of students went to and their maybe inappropriate behavior there. It’s important to watch shows like these in order to realize the consequences of what we post online and how it can affect our world outside of the internet. In order to keep my future family safe online, I will make sure everyone knows the consequences of online activity. I will also make sure they are aware of the people online and how to not give out private information. It’s important to talk with our family’s about internet safety because it’s a resource that affects us all and can be very harmful. It’s important that it’s a common discussion so that everyone develops good common practices. I would tell parents to talk openly about online activity and teach their children good practices so that they keep those ideas in mind while online.
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Growing Up Online Reflection

The TV show was called Growing Up Online. The show was about kids and how they grew up with computers, how it impacted them, and how they spent most of their time online. The thing that I remembered the most would probably have to be how people would spend so much time online that they lost their ability to communicate with others and that people would die doing a long marathon. I think it is important that we watch these shows so that we can learn from the mistakes of others and and from those of the world. I would inform them of the dangers and tell them what to do and not but encourage them to use it but only if they let me know when they make an account so I can monitor them. It is important to talk to your family about internet safety because they should know what could happen from their doings and how different things can impact you and your family. I would tell parents to make sure they know what their child is doing and monitor it the best they can and ask your fellow parents about what they do.

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‘Sisters’ Movie Review Using the Bechdel Test

The movie Sisters is about two sisters whose parents are trying to sell their childhood home. They come home to pack up their stuff and they decide to throw one last party in the house for old times’ sake.

This movie definitely passes the Bechdel test. The first piece of criteria in the Bechdel test is that there are at least two named women. The movie’s two main characters are women: Maura and Kate Ellis. Kate’s daughter, Haley is also named many times. Another is Brinda, a woman who the sisters hate from their childhood who ends up trying to get into their party.

The second piece of criteria in the Bechdel test is that women must talk to each other in the movie. The main characters, Maura and Kate, talk to each other about many things, most of which is about their childhood home being sold and party planning for their party. They also do some talking to Kate’s daughter, who is going through a hard time because Kate is not being as responsible as her daughter would like for her to be.

The second piece of criteria for the test is that they speak to each other about things other than a man. There are times in the film where Maura and Kate talk to each other about men but it is not an overwhelming amount. They each have a crush at the party they throw but only Maura really falls in love with the man she likes and that is not until the end. They talk about the home, their parents, the party, and Kate’s daughter a lot more than they mention men.

If I were to make up my own test the criteria would be:

-At least 2 women are named in the film.

-They do not abide by strict gender roles.

-They are at least somewhat developed characters in the film.

‘Sisters’ Movie Review Using My Test

The first piece of my test says that at least two women are named in the film, like the Bechdel Test. I found this to be an extremely important for a film to be woman-friendly, so I kept it in my test. As I said before, Kate and Maura Ellis are the two main characters as well as Kate’s daughter, Haley.

My second piece of criteria for my test says that the women in the movie do not abide by strict gender roles. I found that “Sisters” also passes this part of my test. Maura and Kate are not overweight, but they are an average weight and they are proud of it. There is a scene in the movie where they stick out their stomachs and laugh about it, which I found pretty funny. They are not ashamed of their normal weight and they are not trying to obtain the skinny woman image that so often appears in the media. There is also a scene where they are picking out provocative dresses for their party. They are not doing this to attract men, they are doing it for themselves and they are laughing about it because the dresses are tailored more for younger girls. I thought that was pretty cool because they were just being themselves and showing as much as skin as they would like-just like a guy can. They also swear and drink which goes against the “polite, happy, and pure” stereotype that girls are held to.

My last piece of criteria says that the women in the movie are at least somewhat developed characters. “Sisters” of course passes this one with flying color as the two main characters are women.


Overall, I thought that “Sisters” was a funny and interesting movie that portrayed women in a realistic way. I enjoyed the simplicity of the movie and the way I could just get lost in it and not have to analyze too much while watching it. Although I do love movies that make me think, this one was good for an easy yet fun watch while also being feminist friendly.

Growing Up Online Reflection- Kiah Johnson

1. In class, we watched a show called Growing Up Online.

2. The show was basically a documentary about kids that grew up on the internet and they had some difficulties with having it. The show then told a lot of the kid's stories of them being on the internet, showing the affects of their decisons, teaching the audience how one decision can hurt them in life. 

3. I think the most memorable thing about the show was the story about the little boy who killed himself because of the group chat he was in. In the group chat he went to look for advise from these people, and he trusted them, but they totally betrayed his trust and they ended up responsible for his murder. This speaks to me because I know that sometimes life gets really hard, and we often want to kill ourselves, but it really isn't the answer. It reminds us that if we need help we should go to our parents and don't go to anyone else because we can't always trust the online world. 

4. I think it is very important for people to watch these shows because it tell others how and what could happen to them if they aren't too careful of what they are doing online. It will remind them that they can get hurt, bullied, and they might cause thoughts of suicide because of what others have said.

5. I believe I would teach my children to be safe online by just warning them of what could happen, but I will not block anything from them to make sure I can see if I can trust them. If they don't follow the rules and they end up breaking them, I would start to just inform them more about what could happen, but just a lot more detailed of the consequences. 

6. I think it is important for someone to talk to their family about internet safety because if they ever get into trouble, and they themselves don't know how to get out of it, their parents can step into the situation and help them with it. Not many people would help them with it, but their parents care about them deeply enough that they will help them.

7. The advise I would give to other parents is: Don't block them from stuff, because they will never learn. When they make those mistakes, catch them, inform them about the affects of doing it. After that, you must let them make their decisions until they come to you for help, unless the situation is unbearable in your eyes.


Growing Up Online Reflection - Bostani

In class, we watched two episodes of the PBS TV show "Frontline". The show documented how kids and parents have to be smart about what they get into online, since they are online almost all of the time. Another main idea is to highlight purposes for technology. The most memorable thing from this show is how pilots stationed out of a local Air Force base can fly drones half way across the globe and kill America's main enemies. I find that really impressive. I believe that it is important to watch these kinds of shows because it helps people keep their minds open to things. To keep my descendants safe online, I won't be an online tyrant. I'll make them accept my friend/follow requests on social media, and will be on guard through that. I believe that kids don't go around looking for trouble online, so I decided not to be totally annoying and on top. It's important to talk to your family about internet safety as it is almost a tool essential for survival, and just like any tool it's essential to know how to use that tool. A piece of advice I'd give to parents is to let your kids be active online. They won't learn from stuff if they don't make mistakes!
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Internet safety reflection Adams

We watched a tv show about internet safety.
1.It was about how to keep safe on the internet and it gave examples of internet tragedy 
2.Probably the kid that killed himself because it was sad and surprising 
3.Its not important because I didn't feel any different from watching this video so for me it had no affect on how I view the internet
4.I wont
5.Its not
6.Let them learn from mistakes don't guide them 

U2-#8 Matthew Milligan

The TV show that we watched was an education program.

1.The show was about young people and how the internet is affecting them.

2. I feel that the most memorable thing about the show for me was the part that talked about the kid who committed suicide. For me, it was really powerful. I think that that situation explains how the internet can sometimes let things go too far.

3. I think that it is important to watch these shows for people to better understand how we use the internet. Many adults do not understand what the internet means to us. Also, it is important for people to be aware of how the internet can affect people.

4. I plan on keeping my future family safe online by teaching them from a young age how to behave on the internet. I plan on giving them my trust as well. My parents have always given me their trust so I do not give them a reason to not trust me and I feel that it works our best that way. 

5. I think that it is important to talk with your family about internet safety because everyone should be educated about the internet. The more you know, the better. I think that if more people knew what and what not to believe about the internet, there wouldn't be so many people worrying about it.

6. I would tell parents to trust their kids. If you give them their trust, then they will be less likely to go against you since they would feel no reason to. My parents have done this and I feel that it works out really well for me. You can still monitor them if you feel the need to, but do not be overbearing.

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Alfaro-Allah Movie reflection

The show we watched in class was about internet safety

1.The show was about about how to be safe when using the internet and peoples stories when they used the internet.
2.The most memorable thing was how the army would recruit kids into the army because they played a lot of video games
3.This was important to watch in class so we know what might happen if we decide to make poor decisions like those kids and what the consequences might be.
4.Make sure there making smart choices on what they are searching and also make sure they are not posting anything that they might regret later.
5.It is important to talk about internet safety with your family so they all have bright futures and can do what they love when they get older.
6.Do not give your kids a social media account until there older to understand how to post good.


Tucker Assignment #8

  • What TV show did you watch in class?

  • We watched Growing Up Online

  1. What was this show about?

  • It was about teens who grew up in the generation of new technology and social internet interactive websites.

  1. What is the most memorable thing to you about this show?

  • When the boy said he never read book only the summary online and when the girl who was anorexic went on websites that praised anorexic people.

  1. Why/Why not -  is it important to watch shows like these?

  • It's important to watch these types of shows because it’s important to have an idea about what your kids are thinking and doing online

  1. How will you keep your future family safe online?

  • By telling them that everything that goes on the internet isn’t good and tell them everything that can harm them

  1. Why is it important to talk with your family about internet safety

  • So, that nothing happens to them and they won’t go buck wild online and to keep their reputation in tact

  1. What advice would you give to parents that don't know how to keep their children safe online?

  • I would tell them to show their children clips of predators online and  people's children going missing from online interactions with strangers

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Growing up Online

1.) The TV we had watched in class was called Growing up Online.

2.)This show talked about how kids were affected online and how their entire lives changed after something that was put online. They had told us about a fight that happened in their school and that it was recorded and now whenever someone looks up the kids or the school they will see the video.

3.)The most memorable thing about this show was about the girl who was a model on the internet but in real life she was a nobody.

4.)Yes it is important to watch these shows because it teaches us about the dangers of the internet and shows us how much it can affect our lives.

5.)I will keep my future family safe online by not letting them have any social media until they are of appropriate age. Also I will block any websites that are inappropriate or unsafe to children.

6.)It is important to talk to family about internet safety because they need to know how dangerous the internet is and how it can affect your future.

7.)Some advice I would give to parents that have children online is to right away talk to your kids about the dangers of the internet and how one little mistake could affect their entire life.
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Growing up Online - Nile Ward

We watched the show "Growing up Online."
1 This show was about how today's generation of children have grown up in an age where technology is almost always accessible. It also talks about the effects of growing up online can have on today's generation.

2 The most memorable thing about this show was the fact that parents don't even know what their kids are doing since they hide away in their rooms and surf around on social media almost nonstop.

3 It is very important to watch these types of shows because as shown in the movie, the parents seemed unaware that their children had publicized themselves so much on the Internet. And, if the parents were aware that their kids were on social media and watched this show, they would understand how risky it is being online 100% of their time. It is also important to watch these types of shows because not only did this show give information, but it also showed actual kids who were affected by growing up online.

4 To keep my future family safe online, I will make sure I interact with kids all the time in order to be sure that they are not in any danger. Another action I will take is to prevent them from getting on any dangerous social media at all to ensure that they are not giving any personal or important information away, which is very easy to do online, and it's very easy to be found if important information is being given away online.

5 It is important to talk with my family about internet safety because once you have one device on the net, you can be easily found with a simple IP address or serial number. And who knows what could happen when you are tracked down by someone.

6 I would tell parents who don't know about their kids being safe online is to talk with them, to enhance conversational skills, and to monitor them to make sure they are not doing unsafe actions online.

Sashoya Dougan - Internet Guidelines

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The name of the TV show we watched was digital nation

This show was pretty much about the everyday problems, discoveries, accomplishments, and worries that we have and face when we are using technology. I think it depends on the person, but it would be pretty smart to watch these things, while they can cause paranoia for some it can still put you at ease. This show will tell you how technology is a bittersweet thing that we have and can’t avoid, it teaches us how to think about it and how face it in a way. This can help families when using the internet, it teaches us how to come about certain problem when using our own or shared devices. It’s important to talk with your families about internet safety because if common knowledge isn't known before hand when going into any situation those people will be confused and vulnerable so it’s good to go into using the internet knowing what you're doing and what you're supposed to do and not do. I would tell any parent that has a child entering the internet world or already in it this, the best thing that you can do is first sit down with your child and tell them your guidelines/rules and then trust them from there. If any rules are broken there will be consequences of your choice depending on how big the broken rule was, don’t be afraid to take away the child’s device, they might resent you, but oh well, but no matter what you do DO NOT lurk without them knowing DO NOT try to hack or shutdown or gain their passwords with them knowing, that will just cause so many problems between you and your child(ren).


What TV show did you watch in class?

front line- digital nation

What was this show about?
The show was the effect of technology in life and in the school house. 

What is the most memorable thing to you about this show?
The most memorable thing was the effect of technology in the education spaces it showed that students are able to learn on new technology the same as book. Schools would describe them as distraction during class and never as a learning tool.

Why/Why not -  is it important to watch shows like these?
It's important to watch 
shows like this to give a sense of the danger and the good experience the internet could give.

How will you keep your future family safe online?
By putting password and time regulation on certain websites. Also I believe that children under the age of 8 should not be on the internet.
Why is it important to talk with your family about internet safety
People have unknown mission while on the internet and if a member of your family post something that person likes there mission could change to your family member(mother, child, father, sibling)
What advice would you give to parents that don't know how to keep their children safe online?
Put time regulation on us while on the internet.
  • Find a copyright-less photo/image to enhance your post

Growing up Online - Taylor Green

In class, we watched a movie called Growing Up Online. This show was about how being online affects us in real life, and how kids are different on the internet than they are in real life. The most memorable thing about this show to me was when a girl named Autumn Edows told us about how she made a new personality online. It was interesting to see someone completely transform themselves because of the internet. It's important to watch shows like this so that you are cautious about your behavior on the internet. For my future family, I'll monitor how much time my kids spend online and make sure that they only get on educational websites only. I'll only allow them to get on the computer once they are done their school work. It's important to talk to your family about internet safety so that your younger siblings are aware and your parents know whats going on in your life in case something bad where to happen to you. Advice that I would give parents who don't know how to keep their children safe online is to look up some ways to protect them. If they can't do that, limit the amount of time your child spends on the web and monitor what they do and restrict certain sites.


Growing Up Online

The TV show we watched in class is Growing Up Online.

This show was about teens being obsessed and overly using their phones, going online, and what they did online. It was also about how teens were being attacked online and those who attacked them.

The most memorable thing to me about this show was the fact that teens did everything you wouldn’t ever expect for them to do online. It was like they were living two lives. One in the real world and another online.

It is important to watch shows like this so you can get a visual image of what society was like before and what it will be like now if we continue our live’s always on online and on our phones/laptops/computers. It is also important to watch shows like this so you know what to avoid and what to do.

I will keep my future family safe online by allowing them to go online and posts things as long as they don’t have any inappropriate pictures of themselves or any negative things being said or put out there.

It is important to talk with your family about internet safety because you want to protect your family from what bad things happening online and so they don’t end up with situations online with others and/or themselves.

Advice I would you give to parents that don't know how to keep their children safe online is that to make sure that your child/children knows exactly what they’re doing online, who will see it, how they address things, and what to not do because one wrong mistake can lead to so many problems.
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Growing up Online/Digital Nation - Mindy Saw

The TV show we watched in class was Digital Nation from WHYY.

  1. This show was about teens and their life online and the comments/opinions that the adults had about it.

  2. The most memorable thing to me about this show is how much effect the internet has on people especially teens.

  3. It is important to watch shows like these because it allows you to see what’s not obvious to some people in detail. It is not important to watch shows like these because even though we see these things happening because of the internet, we still do the same thing. We don’t stop.

  4. I will keep my future family safe online with the ability of trust and help from each other when in need.

  5. It is important to talk to your family about internet safety because it can lead to a lot of bad things that’ll bring you yourself into the whole situation.

           6.   I would give them advice about one little post can lead a huge situation/problem so they should                        

                 think before they post.


Juno - Feminist Film Review

Bechdel Test:

  1. At least two women in it

  2. Who talk to each other

  3. About something besides a man

Mako Mori Test:

  1. At least one female character

  2. Who gets her own narrative arc

  3. That is not about supporting a man’s story

My Test:

  1. At least one non-white woman

  2. Who talks to another woman

  3. About something other than a man

Juno is an independent movie from 2007 starring Ellen Page. At the age of 16 she became pregnant after having sex with her best friend. She decides to give the child up for adoption. But this movie is about more than that. It is about the hardships of being seen as an outsider, the pain of loving someone who does not loves you back, and so much more that we all fell as people passing through this world. This movie has witty dialog, strong characters, and insightful commentary.  But how does this movie, which is written by a woman, Diablo Cody, represent women?

This movie is named after the lead character for a reason. At it’s core the move is about no one other than Juno. This movie easily passes the Bechdel test. It has multiple female characters; the main character Juno, her friend, mother, and the woman who is adopting the baby. These are the most important, but there are a few more. There are multiple situations in which the women talk to one another. There are a good amount of conversations between female characters, and even though lots of them are about male characters, enough of them are about other things that Juno passes the Bechdel test much better than plenty of other moves.

The Mako Mori Test is no match for Juno this movie never has a scene without the lead female. The narrative arc is only really about her, how she changes, what she experiences, and the good and bad decisions she makes. Even though this movie is in a lot of ways a romance too, Juno in no way depends on a man, and the parts of the story that do not include male characters are just as strong as any others. Juno’s story arc does not support a man at all, if anything the male christers are there to support her story arc.

When It came to making my own test, I wanted to focus on gender and race. I created a test that was heavily based off of the Bechdel test, but focused on the race of the female characters. Juno just barely passed this test. There is only one female character that is not white, in fact she is the only character in the whole movie who is not white. Su-Chin is an asian classmate of Juno’s who she sees outside of an abortion clinic. In this conversation Su-Chin tries to convince Juno not to abort her unborn child. This short, but important scene gives the movie a passing grade on my test, but by a slim margin.

The fact that a movie passes even one of those tests, is rare compared to most movies. The fact that it was written by a woman is probably linked to that, but it is also rare in Hollywood. This is is both a good and bad fact. It is good that Juno passes these tests and supports women in Hollywood. But us also just barely passed the last test, think of how many movies don’t do that, probably the vast majority. Juno, aside from being a beautiful, compelling, and entertaining movie, it brakes a lot of boundaries in the movie industry. More importantly, it shows how much more work Hollywood must take on in order to make the industry truly equal and fully diverse.

U2 - Growing Up Online : Gregory Tasik

  1. We watched Growing Up Online in class today.

  2. This show was about how technology has affected our daily lives.

  3. The most memorable thing about this show to me was the fact that a kid refused to read a full book and would rather read spark notes. I was speechless when I saw this because books are an amazing medium and should be appreciated more.

  4. It is important to watch shows like these because they inform you about things you may have not heard before. Also, shows like these give you real life experiences which you can relate to.

  5. I will keep my future family safe online by educating and informing my family on the dangers of the internet. Also, I may invest in a software (if there is any) that protects my computers and technology.

  6. It is important to talk to my family about internet safety because they should know the positives and negatives of using technology. We use technology everyday and we must have some knowledge on its capabilities before using it.

  7. To parents who don’t know how to keep their children safe online, I would advise them to watch shows like Digital Nation, Growing Up Online, and to find articles on Google. These documentaries are very informational and parents could learn a lot from them.

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Screenshot 2016-01-12 at 11.27.13 AM

Growing Up Online

We watched a video about how technology affects teens. It was about how certain systems of technology work in different settings and how to make those settings better using this technology. The most memorable thing about the show was the fact that it was so relatable. We are all teens now and the systems of technology are relatable because we use so much. It is important to watch these videos because we need to know how to use our technology in the best way possible. It is important for parents and children to have conversations about this topic because of the fact that parents are supposed to guard their kids, and while online, it makes it harder to do so. I would tell parents to let their kids know that anything they put online can affect them in a huge way so to beware of that.
