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Who Said Love Was Gonna Be Easy?
Emma Hohenstein - History of Animation
History Of Video Games
Rafiq Robinson, William Marsh, Henry Yam, Anthony Torrance, J M-C
The History of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders
Senior Portfolio
-5 Photoshop Photos
-Copy of a piece of art work by a famous artist
-Line, Shading, Negative Space Bike Drawings
-Outside drawing
I did a few drawings that met with the guidelines but unfortunately I wasn't able to get to all of them. I worked very hard throughout the marking period though. First on the list, I started with a copy of a piece of art work by a famous artist. I didn't actually know where to start in the beginning. I've been attracted to modern art for a while and thought that maybe I should start there. As of right now while I type of my blog post, I can't exactly remember the artist's name but I will update this post as soon as I get it out from the textbook back in the classroom. But I was pretty proud of this piece because it took me as long as the paper beads I made (the sculpture), probably even longer
Getting the colors for the painting was probably the most difficult because I wanted to get a wide variety of colors and colors that actually mixed well together. This was sort of my first painting ever and I had to adjust to a certain brush stroke. I had to stop myself multiple times from drowning the whole paint brush into the paint but I eventually got the hang of it.
Final Senior Art Portfolio
The painting below is another picture that I found offline that I fell in love with. It's still a work in progress but I'm very happy with the result as of now. Especially with the sky inside of the hand. Those small stars were really tedious yet felt great when they were done because it made the piece look so much better. I can't wait to finish it but hopefully it will look like or look better than the original painting.
Young Money
Q4 BM Portfolio Sterling Perry
This portfolio will contain all the of the projects and work done this year in 9th grade English. To me this year was ok. I feel as though I could have done way better. Looking back at my old work I’ve seen how far I’ve come and how much better I am now. Also from looking at these papers over with teachers I learned a lot from my mistakes. Also while looking back at my old projects it makes me think if I knew what I knew now my grades would be way better.
Since now I can easily see my improvement I’ve become more confident knowing that I am a better student now. Even though I am better now I still have trouble with certain things like introductory paragraphs, conclusions and my work ethic. Those things will come sooner or later but until then I will work with what I have.
My first paper at this school was a Memoir called “Snapshot of My Life” In this assignment we had to tell about a story or moment in our life that was important to us. I told about my relationship with my sister and how her going to college brought us closer.
Snapshot of my Life
Do you have an older sibling? If you do or don’t you should know about the love hate relationship that brothers and sisters have. The younger one is always annoying, the oldest one is bossy and they never get along until later. Well my story is the same just with a more in depth perspective of what it is like and some of the life lessons I learned from her.
As baby I loved my sister but she didn’t always love me as much. When I sit with the family at dinner they tell me stories about how I used to break my sister’s barbies, mess up her board games in the middle of them and just flat out annoy her. I never really knew as a kid that I was being annoying. I was just being a kid. On the flipside they would tell about times when my sister would deliberately make me cry or mad. Sometimes when they tell stories I often think about what I would do if that happened now.
Pre teen years weren’t the best either. At the time I had thought I was a “grown man.” Thinking that way wasn’t the best idea for our relationship with each other. The arguments were always over stupid things like eating each others food in the refrigerator. It was the same thing everyday tantrums, yelling. Me and her were like two trains on the same track, a wreck. To us it was a usual thing. I got on her nerves she got on mine. Soon my mother decided to intervene and help us get along. My mom told me that one day I would miss her and would regret treating her like I did. At a young age I wasn’t trying to hear that “foolishness” as I called it.
When I turned ten I didn’t know but a life changing event would happen. My sister was leaving for college. It seemed to come very fast but at the same time I didn’t really care. As a matter of fact I was happy she was leaving. With her gone I wouldn’t have to worry about her bossing me around, getting me in trouble and just being a pain. To me this was a dream come true.
Freshman year was the best. I frequently called her to see how she was doing but the conversations weren’t long. I just wanted her to feel like I cared when I really didn’t. I began to reminse on what my mom said to me early on but once again flagged it off. I was only 11 and a straight A student I had nothing to worry about. At that age all I thought about was video games and ice cream, let alone my relationship with my sister.
Sophmore year rolled around pretty quickly. That was the year when I had thoughts about my sister I was wondering was she ok. My mom sat me down and asked me did I really miss my sister. After a long and dramatic pause (which probably only lasted a few seconds) I broke down and said yes. All of a sudden it was like a burden was lifted off my chest. It all hit me I was being a jerk and had a feeling that I was being a bad brother to he. I began to stop taking her for granted and really appreciate what I had.
Junior year was when I was ready for my sister to come back. Unlike before, I would call her everyday to the point where it was annoying. Now older and more mature we had great and meaningful conversations and even hung out every once in a while. Since I couldn’t have her at home and I still missed her I came up with a crazy idea. I knew it was wrong but I had nothing else to lose. I started befriending other girls in and out of school to try and take her place. But there is nothing like the genuine relationship of a real brother and sister. They filled the void temporarily but I just knew it wasn’t the right thing.
Senior year came and I was now a freshman at SLA. Me and my sister were now the best of friends and I was at the school of my dreams. Nothing in life was going wrong. She graduated and now lives with me and my parents. We are now the complete opposite of what we were before. I thank god everyday that I have her in my life and when everyone else talks about how much they don’t like they’re siblings I just laugh and think “that used to be me.”
In our English class like all other English classes we read books. A couple of books we read were Macbeth and The Oddessy. We were learning how to write comparison and contrast paper. So here is mine I compared Macbeth and Oddyseus. There were some examples of how they’re paths are different and are written in different era’s. They’re leadership, willingness to fight and craftiness made them really similar. In conclusion they were more similar then different even though it was two different stories told.
Macbeth and Odysseus are two different leaders from two different eras. Homer wrote The Odyssey in the Greek culture. In this culture there were a lot of gods, demi-gods, remarkable mortals, creatures etc. Shakespeare wrote Macbeth in the English culture. In the English culture there are a lot of different dialect, castles, kings etc. Even though Macbeth and Odysseus both leaders and great in battle, their paths were very different in some ways.
Both of them were fierce, brave and skillfull in battle and and did not let anyone stop them to kill another person. In some cases they killed their own men, weither on purpose or not. Both of them also showed signs of craftiness and great skill in battle. They were both leaders either good or bad. In the Odyssey and Macbeth they were both kings in one point of the story. As Odysseus went on his journey he was the leader of his men as was Macbeth. Odysseus shows craftiness when he came up with the plan to kill the suitors. By deceiving them he was able to kill them off easily. As he killed them he showed his skill and ruthlessness by killing the lead suitor by shooting them in him in the neck. Also by cutting off one of the suitors’ head. In my opinion shouldn’t have been killed. Macbeth shows these traits in a different matter. Since Macbeth was not king, him and his wife had to use wits in order to kill King Duncan. He also had to think about not getting his cover blown so he killed one of his men who he thought knew what he did. In act 1 Macbeth shows ruthlessness and bravery when he cut an opposing warrior from the naval all the way through his head. “For brave Macbeth – well he deserves the name – Disdained misfortune, with his brandish steel, which smoked with bloody execution. Like valor’s minion carved out his passage till he faced the slave...Till he unseamed him from the nave to the’ chaps and fixed his head upon battlements” Lines 13- 20 and 22-23.
This next project I will show is my ME Magazine project. It was my first English project here at SLA. We had to make a magazine that told about us and our interests and hobbies. My me magazine was entitles Heart, Soul, Basketball.
For every semester we must do what is called an Independent reading project. We must choose a book to read on our own time and do a report on it. The one I will show you is a podcast I made for the book Hoop Dreams. HERE ( is the movie.
This year we were required to keep a journal here are some of my entries…
Why Do We Write?
I write because it is a way to get feelings off my chest that I normally can’t. Its something about putting a pen to paper that is more relieving than talking. Also people don’t care about your problems all the time so writing makes it better.
How Important is it to Fit in?
To me since I am a basketball player I kind of automatically fit in. Fitting in has never ever been a problem for me. I personally think it isn’t that important ti fit inbut as long as you have a few good loyal friends and family they can help you get through anything and take you anywhere.
If You Really Knew Me?
If you really knew me you would know that I hold back a lot and can be very depressed at times. You would also know that I am silly and am a happy guy for the most part. Also you would know about my love for basketball, family and friends. They help me through everything. You also would know that I never work up to my full potential because I already know I can get all A’s if I wanted to.
Has Anyone Ever Exceeded My Expectations?
Yes plenty of times. Sometimes we make assumptions about others and even ourselves based on what we know or have seen. You never fully know what a person can do. Just like science there are variables which means maybe someone is going through something causing them to perform better or worse.
What is an Adult?
I think an adult isn’t really a person of a certain age because they may not be mature enough. So an adult is a person who is responsible and mature. Someone who takes care of their business and is beyond the puberty stage of life.
Winter Break….
My winter break was pretty good. I hung out with some of my friends and chilled out. I ended up on punishment for the last few days but I still had fun. I am now just waiting for this summer to come. These benchmarks are harsh and aren’t helping my transition into high school but I’ll get over them.
My portfolio doesn’t say a lot about the person I really can be. I feel like I could have done better and spent more time on my work. The only issues I faced while doing this portfolio was looking for my old work and scanning my me magazine. These problems were easily resolved by asking for help and checking on moodle for all of my work .When people see my work I want them to see a hard working student but this me looking for ns I must put forward the effort to do so. My strengths are in spelling, parts of speech, definitions etc (like when we do vocabulary.) Also I am good at writing papers and getting to the point without adding to much (attracting and keeping the audiences attention.) I would like to work on my weaknesses that were stated in the first paragraph which include opening and closing paragraphs and organization.
Quarter 4 benchmark - reflection
This English school year I tried my best then messed up sometimes but now I know my mistakes and can help me in the future. Looking back at the year I grew as a writer and improved in other areas. Everyone is at different levels but no matter what if you put everything you can into the work you will get the grade you deserve.
My strengths in English are reading books and collaborating with others about the story. My weakness in English is my process with the projects I wait until last minute or don’t stay focused in class but I think from the beginning of the school I have gotten better at that, also my spelling I want to work on my writing a lot more I am very creative and I think if I really try I can have great pieces of writing.
Going back and looking at my work Is funny also something that all students should do because you get to change things, know what you need to work on also remember your year. It’s funny because it’s like oh my god I wrote that or what was I thinking if its something that you didn’t think you would write or do. Some issues that occurred were my journal entries because my journal entries were not organized and fully done I went back and polished my journal entries.
The piece I am most proud of is my Macbeth creative. I did a keynote with my own pictures and some from the Internet that show lady Macbeths journey. I feel as though I did my best on this project. What I wanted to do was make people understand her change through my own pictures and how I thought this the picture should be and others understanding it. I worked on it whenever we had time to, I was focused.
What I think the portfolio says about me
as a 9th grade English student is that I was a dedicated student
trying my best to do all my work and making a effort to turn it in on time.
When everyone see’s my work I expect them to be able to see everything I have
accomplished and am proud because I made it through the year with a effort and
determination to try my best and past 9th grade English class.
My strengths in English from my point of
view were to be able to do the Benchmarks and projects and do a good job. I
also had a lot of improvement since the beginning of the year, when I look back
to all my old work and the work I did at the end of the school year I can see
the difference and how much I improved on using grammar, words, and punctuation.
But not only that I have learned how to use words and learned new words that I
never knew. My weakness I would say is to be able to turn everything in on
time, and I would try my best to work on this. I have gotten good grades but
every time I turn it in late I get points deducted which affects me in many
3. My
experience that I had making this portfolio was very challenging. I learned new
ways to put things and how much work I have accomplished even though it feels
like I didn’t do that much. I am proud to be able to do half of the things I do
but to complete all of them makes me feel like I accomplish something
important. I had issues because I had things to complete and some things I
needed to tune up a little so in order to do that I came and had people read it
for me and tell me what was wrong so I was able to do the tune ups and make it
better than it was. It was good to go back into the past work, once you go back
into the old stuff you can really tell a lot about yourself. And you can see
how much you accomplished.
4. Lastly
the piece I was most proud of must have been my story about my brother bout a
memory that we had. I think this because even though I did pretty well on it my
teacher also told me that I was the most improved. Because I would listen to
her and the things she would tell me to help me and it was pretty helpful
because it bring my grade up a lot and I got a better grade than I thought I
would get. And this story was a true story that came from the heart, so it was
hard for me to get it out my chest so I was proud I had enough strength to come
out with this story and tell everyone bout this long lost memory.
Macbeth Analysis
For this project we chose 10 quotes in macbeth enable to prove our thesis on one of the characters.
Thesis Statement:
In the beginning of the story Lady Macbeth was a crude and mean woman who
worked along side her husband, but at the end of the story she distanced
herself from him because she felt guilty about what they had done.
Act: 1 Scene: 5 Lines: 64-65 Macbeth goes up to a Lady Macbeth to tell her that
King Duncan is coming for dinner. This is when Lady Macbeth says to Macbeth
“Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it”. What I think this
means is that to be close to the king but aim for the target when the time
comes. She believes that the easiest way to get all of the goods that the
witches told her is by killing the king and anyone in the way to take his spot
as king.
Act: 1 Scene: 3 Lines: 71-72 Lady Macbeth is convincing Macbeth to not worry
about anything that she is going to handle everything. In this quote Lady
Macbeth says “To alter favor ever is to fear leave all the rest to me”. What
she means when she says this quote is that she thinks that when you change
favor from one thing to the next might not be the best move someone cane make
cause the thing that the person has might be the best but when they try to
change it them it might mess up. Like when she started to change in the story
she started to talk her sleep because she was feeling guilty so because of this
she committed suicide.
Act: 1 Scene: 5 Line 39-43 Lady Macbeth Is aside wanting to change. She wants
to change cause she doesn’t want to be a bad person anymore she wants to do
good not bad. In this quote she says “ Come, you spirits that tend on mortal
thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe of direct
cruelty ”. What she is trying to say is that she wants to be known not as lady
that takes orders from someone special who has a word in everything. She wants
to have power like men did in those days.
Act: 1 Scene: 5 Line: 42-46 Lady Macbeth has is aside and she thinking wanting
the spirits to give her everything she wants that would make her powerful. This
is when Lady Macbeth says “Make thick my blood; Stop up th’access and passage
to remorse, that no compunctious visiting’s of nature shake my fell purpose nor
keep peace between the, effect and it”. What she means is that she wants her
blood to be thick so that no one can break her so easily and she can be
unstoppable and crude.
Act: 1 Scene: 5 Line: 46-49 Lady Macbeth is still aside begging the spirits
many things so that she can become powerful and not be a regular women who does
house chores all day. This is when Lady Macbeth says, “Come to my women’s
breasts and take my milk for gall, you murdering ministers, wherever in your
sightless substances you wait on nature’s mischief. What Lady Macbeth is trying
to say is that she wants to be filled with evil instead of what fills her in
other words she wants to be evil and powerful not full of innocents and love.
This shows that she wants to be evil and full of hatred.
Act: 1 Scene: 5 Lines: 49-53 Lady Macbeth is aside once again and she is still
asking favors from the spirits to become more powerful in her life so she could
have a word in the things going on. The quote that Lady Macbeth says is “Come
thick night, and pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell, that keen knife see
not the wound it makes, nor heaven pep through the blanket of the dark to cry
HOLD HOLD”. The meaning of this quote is that she thinks that the blade that
they use to kill Duncan is a blade not to see the wound or heaven it is for
Duncan to die and never return again.
Act: 1 Scene: 7 Line: 55-58 Lady Macbeth tries to man handle Macbeth with her
words and with her sexual touches and feelings. This is when Lady Macbeth says
“ How tender tis to love the babe that milks me; I would, while it was smiling
in my face, have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums and dashed the brains
out, had I sworn as you have done to this”. What she means in this quote is
that if she would have made a promise and said she would have done it even if
she loved the person or thing she would have done it if she had sworn it.
Act: 2 Scene: 2 Line: 67-68 Lady Macbeth tries to convince Macbeth that he did
a good thing in order to become a king or ruler just play if off and act like
it never happened and that you are not guilty. This is when Lady Macbeth says,
“My hands are of your color, but I shame to wear a heart so white”. What she
means by this quote is that she is in the mix with him but she is not letting
it get the best of her. This shows that she already had this planned out in her
Act: 5 Scene: 1 Line: 61-63 Lady Macbeth is sleep in her castle because she
feels guilty about convincing Macbeth to kill Duncan while he was in his sleep.
In This quote Lady Macbeth says, “Wash you hands, put on your nightgown, and
look not so pale. I tell you yet again, Duncan’s Buried. He cannot come out on
grave” What she means is that she telling Macbeth to stop being worried and
scared about being caught for the killing of Duncan.
Act: 5 Scene: 1 Line: 65-67 Lady Macbeth is sleep walking thinking about what
her and Macbeth did to Duncan feeling guilty. In this quote Lady Macbeth says,
“To bed, to bed; there’s knocking at the gate. Come, come, come, come, and give
me your hand. What’s done cannot be undone”. What she is trying to say in this
quote is that whatever they did cannot be put back so they have to face the
consequences. This showing that she is lighting up and thinks that it enough no
more has to be done. Also she is feeling guilty for what her and Macbeth had
done and for that she kills herself so they won’t find out what her and Macbeth
had done.
My conclusion is that Lady Macbeth was all mean and stuff in the beginning of the story but then as she started to do things that was getting to her she wanted to be the nice and innocent one and didn’t want to get caught so she committed suicide and killed herself.
Throughout the year we created 2 creative pieces one of them being the Me Magazine. The Me Magazine is to show who i am with articles and advertisements.
title of the story I read was Treasure Island written by Robert Louis
Stevenson. This story was named to be the first adventure stories written
specifically for adolescents without an obvious emphasis on teaching morals.
This story was later on made into a movie, T.V show, and also into Audio and
radio. In the movie Treasure Island Orson Welles played as Long John Silver in
the film.
this story the narrator for most of this book is Jim Hawkins, he is
About 15 years old, he is the son of a
innkeeper near Bristol, which is located in
England. Even
though he is young he wants to go out hunting for treasures just
all the other pirates. This man named Billy Bones who is known for a scar on
cheek pays to stay at the Jim’s inn for a
while and tells the Jim to keep a
a man that has one leg missing. But then one day as Billy takes a walk
returns and is confronted by a so called man named Black Dog. They have a
deep and harmful conversation which ends in blood and pain, but
Billy has a stroke during the battle and dies in the middle of the
When Billy dies Jim and his mother make
a plan to attempt to find
treasure that he was hiding, but then when they find the key around his
and open the chest they find only gold. But as they are going through the
chest they hear foot steps and voices outside
the inn so they head out and on
there way running Jim’s mother faints. When
she faints he drags her under a
bridge, which they hide. But then he gets
interested and pokes his head out and
can see men going into the inn and becoming
mad and irritated that Billy was
dead. So the one thing that was going through
Jim’s head is that they don’t
want Billy or the chest, they are going for
something much more bigger. But
what ?
the end of the story Jim is taken by Long John Silver to the
Treasure spot but they find out that someone
else had been there. So the men of Long John Silver think that he set them up
and they all turned against them. When this happened Dr. Livesey, Ben Gunn, and
Abraham Gray emerge from the trees, their muskets smoking. They had saved the
life of Long John Silver. He was glad to be saved but happier to find out that
hey had took the treasure and took it to a cave where it was hid from everyone
, and they were the only ones that knew where it was at. Then they all ended up
splitting the gold and having a good meal together and live happy with the gold
that they found.
have never been in a situation like this before or have ever heard someone or
seen someone go through this before. I have also never done any of these things
because it was a modern time when pirates were existing and they were the
stories of treasures that were supposedly hidden on islands. I do not relate to
this story in any way I think unless I go on a trip in search of something I
would be the one to hide and take the trip slow cause I might not know what
might be popping out. Also in one way I would be alike is the way I would help
my partners that are in need or they are not in need. I would be the team
player and not only care a bout me but about everyone that is on the trip with
us cause I would know that not only am I putting my life on the line but they
are also.
like this book a lot it was a action packed story, which they were intense
moments, and there were moments where you can image what was going on in your
head. This story was good by using imagery but it didn’t really teach a lesson
at the end. This book was mostly about learning from your mistakes. My
strengths for this book were that it was easy to read and he was sticking to
one narrator or 2 not to a lot all at once. If I would try to change something
about the story I would change that it should be more information and make more
sense of setting cause a couple of time I got lost in where the characters are
at during the time.
would recommend this book to anyone because it would be entertaining to people
in many ways because of the action and the way it was written. So yes I would
tell anyone to read this book on there spear time and have fun enjoying it.
Journal 2: Some
expectations put upon me by others are that people look up to me and expect me
to d well in school and also do a good job on keeping up with my school work
and grades. Also they expect me to be kind and helpful to other people that are
strangers or not. My expectations are to do well in school and also try my best
to treat others the same as other people. No they are not different in any ways
but I have some that are different as my own expectation is for me to become
something in life I think everyone has that to me.
Journal 3: The
thing that defines an adult is when they are mature and have learned the
meaning of life. When they get a job and have children and are able to pay
there own bills and pay for there own home. Also when a person is done their
education and has become something in life. You find out if your grown up is
when you start doing things like a grown up. Working, Kids, Bills everything
that an adult does in order to live a life.
Journal 4: When I exceeded expectations was when my parents thought I was not going to play for the basketball team. So I said you know just for saying that I am going to prove you all wrong. So when I went to try out for the team I gave it my all and came on the top and proved to them that I was good enough. Since that day they won’t dare to say anything cause they know I would give it my 110%. I like when people think I can’t do anything because it makes me feel good. Well sounds weird but I like it cause it makes me want to prove to them that I can do it no matter what they say. I like challenges because I would live up to the opportunity and show people how I can do things even if they think I can’t ever do it. I also had a time that some exceeded my expectations. It was my little sis. He had bad grades in her school and then at the end she made it to the end and passed the grade.
Quarter 4 benchmark - 1st benchmark
The first benchmark of our English class was Macbeth Creative Character Development, for this project we had to create a piece that shows one of the characters growth throughout the book. Quotes followed by explanations of the quotes will help you understand the change.
Jessica Maiorano
Lady Macbeth
Thesis: Lady Macbeth was a controlling and confident person in the beginning by the end she was a weak and guilty person.
Act 1 scene 5 Lady Macbeth is by herself talking to Macbeth even thought he is not there. Also thinking about what is happening. King Duncan and Macbeth are coming to the house for a dinner and she needs to get ready. (Act 1, scence 5, line 38, page 17)
Lady Macbeth has her time alone talking and she says “ Come you sprits that tend their mortal thought unsex me here.” What she is saying is that she is not afraid of Duncan. She wants to be stronger then Macbeth manlier. Lady Macbeth wants evil in her to keep her strong. Lady Macbeth is controlling she is going to do anything to succeed finish what she wanted to do. She wants to me able to do what she wants not be afraid or feel guilty after.
In act 1 scene 5 Lady Macbeth is talking to Macbeth to tell him you have to be nice and innocent to the king and the quests. Lady Macbeth in (Act 1, scene, 5, line 24) says “Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it.” This means that they need to nice to the king so they would not suspect anything that they are going to kill Duncan. The play she is now very confident in her plan wants it done and over with, with no problems. If they’re good at the dinner then they can proceed.
Lady Macbeth in act 1 scene 5 she is preparing for king Duncan he is arriving at the castle any minute to have a dinner. She doesn’t want to quit she needs to stay strong so she is able to do the murder. (Act 1 scene 5, line 42). Aside Lady Macbeth is talking and she says “ stop up the’ access and passage to remorse.” This quote from the play that she says means she can’t regret this. Lady Macbeth needs to be evil, mysterious and stay that way. In this scene is very important because this is lady Macbeth is powerful.
Lady Macbeth in Act 1, scene 7 lady Macbeth is talking Macbeth into killing Duncan. If Duncan dies Macbeth will be king and she is will be queen. Lady Macbeth is doing all she can to make him go through with this plan. (Act 1, scene 7, line 60) Lady Macbeth says, “ we fail? But screw your courage to the sticking place and we’ll not fail.” This means she is saying Macbeth needs to man up and do the plan. They will not fail there is nothing to worry about. She explains everything to him and soon he agrees with her to go through with it. At this point lady Macbeth is feeling very confident in herself and is not scared.
In act 2 scenes 2 Macbeth has just killed king Duncan and is freaking out because he regrets it and feels guilty while Lady Macbeth is covering it up there is a level of panic in the room. (Act 2-scene2, line 35) Lady Macbeth says “these deeds must not be thought after these ways so it will make us mad.” This means that they not repeat this to anyone it is a secret and if they talk about it, it will stay in their minds and drive them crazy which soon will happen to both but Macbeth isn’t as strong as lady Macbeth, his guilt will show more and earlier in the play. This shows Lady Macbeth will find a way to fix everything to make sure they are not caught and that is not spoken of again. Also lady Macbeth can put the guilt feeling aside at this point , which Macbeth cannot do.
In act 3 scene 1 king Duncan I dead and they are having another dinner but someone is missing. Macbeth was thinking that Banquo was going to get suppsious or try to take his position as king. Lady Macbeth is worried. Macbeth kills banquo (Act 3, scene 4 line 110) Lady Macbeth says, “ You have displaced the mirth, broke the good meeting with most admired disorder” The quote means that Macbeth killed banquo his close friend to stay king. He was supposed to be at that dinner but he is not. Macbeth sees his ghost and goes crazy then lady Macbeth is telling him he is wrong for what he did. Soon she starts to go crazy along with him.
In Act 3, scene 4 Lady Macbeth is talking to Macbeth and talking about how he killed Duncan because now he is killing everyone in his way of him not becoming king. She says in (Act 3, scene 4, line 63) “ this is the air-drawn dagger which you said led you to Duncan O theses flaws and starts.” This quote means that what led him to kill Duncan is making him kill more and more people. He is killing then messing up which are his flaws then he starts over again. Lady Macbeth is trying to say stop, now her guilt isn’t showing because she is stronger but his is now showing a lot.
In Act five scene 1 lady Macbeth is sleep walking and is washing her hands to get the blood off from when Duncan was killed so she is not caught. Macbeth killed Duncan and when it was done she went and cleaned up. Lady Macbeth got blood all over her hands and could not get it off. (Act 5, scene 1, line 53, page 84). Lady Macbeth says, “ Here’s the smell of the blood still. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Oh, oh oh!” This means the blood on lady Macbeths hands is gone but it will she thinks its there because what she did can not be undone, in her mind its still there and nothing will make it go away. This shows she is weak and cannot control what is happening.
In Act five scenes 1 the gentle woman was worried about lady Macbeth so she called a doctor. The doctor has seen lady Macbeth sleepwalking, washing her hands for a long amount of time, speaking to someone and the doctor is interested in what is wrong with her. Also wants to determine why she is doing this. Aside the gentle women and the doctor are speaking to each other. (Act 5, scene 1, line 53, page 84). “ What a sigh is there. The heart is sorely charged.” This quote means that Lady Macbeth is finally showing her guilt and the truth. She wanted to kill but when it was done, in her mind she didn’t want it to happen. It didn’t show throughout the story but at this stage in the play Lady Macbeth did not choose to show it but in her sleep it came out. At this point the doctor is not sure what is going to happen to her.
That shoes that she is weak towards the end of the book.
In collusion Lady Macbeth has a major change during this play. Seeing all the quotes and analyzing lady Macbeth through the story you can tell she’s fine in the beginning and broke down in the end. It came back and haunted her. Her plan did not turn out the way she wanted it to.
Almost there
Final Pictures
The Next three were for the bikes. I didn't really get that one so I just drew it I guess it was so I could understand the dimensions. of something that was just lines.
The last one I drew was one that I 4 got about It was of a structure that we could find. So i wanted to be different and I drew the "Batcave". Batman's secret hideout because it was different and I never tried it before. Now i thought for my first time that I did very well. But i do know that with more practice it could be better. If i getter a better grasp of depth they will all look better.
Me Magazine (Q4 Benchmark)
Dramatic history of Phillies
Benchmark Reflection:
DaVonte Martin Fourth Quarter
History of Apple iPods & Computers
btw you should open this in firefox because I'm not sure if it'll work on any other browser
E4 U9 Proyectos Finales (banda D)
Voces Inocentes: Jonathan, Zillah, Diamante, Ashley
El Norte: Iraida, Camille, Tomás
Romero: Elisa, Dani, Kai, Nathan (este sitio sólo funciona en Firefox o Safari)
The Sixth Sense
Simone Greene
Zillah Hernandez
Samantha Boyd
Globalization Benchmark (Link & Reflection)
The most challenging part of the benchmark was relating some the Philadelphia-related photos to globalization. Some of the photos and scenarios in Philadelphia related to certain topics easily, but when you had to relate the photo and the topic to the entire world, that is where is got a little challenging. Sure enough, I successfully and accurately related the photos and topics to the world, but it took a lot of thought and research beforehand.
Luckily, I had several of photos I had all ready captured that were taken in Philadelphia, that related to the globalization topics. I only had to go out and actually capture a few other photos, but for the most part, I all ready captured photos before the project was assigned. I don't know if that was cheating or not, but the pictures that I have all ready taken, were very good photos, and clearly related to globalization. If I were to go out and search for new photos, I don't think the new photos would have matched up to the quality of my previously taken photos.
My favorite image is probably the photo of my cousin getting his first tattoo. The photo is very comical and entertaining, but it also relates to culture, and how body art has been a social norm in the United States, even though tattoos originated in other countries first.
The photos I captured are not that unique to Philadelphia. I am pretty sure I could capture these images in another city in the United States. Nonetheless, the photos still depict globalization.
Last day of classes.
I love my life. <3