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Copper Cu Stamp!
Hi my name is Orlando Aguayo and I'm a upcoming sophomore. So this project has taken place in my Biochem class and Ar class for a final mini project. We all got different elements of the periodic table, my element was Cu which is copper. So in art we had to create a stamp for our element with its atomic number, name, and what's it's used for. For my element which is Copper the atomic number is 29. For my stamp I drew a wire and a outlet because the two tails that hang out is made out of copper.
My element was found in Egypt by the egyptians and was used for Ankh. But later on was found in iraq because the egyptian tribes. Over the years people used it in mechanical engineering, they make electric heaters, Air conditioners, and car engine parts.
I chose to make a wire and outlet because I used chargers all the time and it's amazing how things work so fast thanks to copper because it connects to energy faster than any other metal. It also is different from others because they usually make things that is very common to draw but I actually researched cool things that are mad out of copper and that was the best piece.
The procedure I followed to make my work the best it can be is by making sure I have great back ground knowledge on it and what things it made with. Than I started to make a couple drawings to see which one was best than made it 4X8. Last but not least I traced it on a piece of cooking paper, than traced on to a foam paper. Finally I chose a color and painted my foam stamp and put it on a paper 6 times and chose the best 3.
Finally if I can do this project again I would make different objects instead of just one object because I could have made my element more look more interesting that's the only thing. But my favorite part of this project is the painting because we chose a color, painted the foam stamp, and added pressure to get the stamp to make the but stamp!
Lead Print/Matt
Q4 Final Project
My element is Strontium and its atomic number is 38. Strontium was founded by Adair Crawford when he analyzed a mineral sample from a lead mine near Strontian, Scotland. Strontium is mainly used for flares in fireworks. It makes the color red more vibrant in fireworks. I got the idea for making the a firework because strontium is mainly used for fireworks as I stated above. The process was fairly simple. I had to figure out what I wanted the print to be; a firework. Then, I had to copy it onto a thin piece of paper. After that, I turned the thin piece of paper backwards and traced the design onto a foam type of material. We had to turn in backwards so the final design wouldn’t come out backwards. I then painted and matted my designs to get this final look. If I could do this print differently, I would try to make it neater because the neater my work is, the more professional it looks. I really enjoyed painting the foam type of material because I love to paint. Even though the area that I was working on got messy, I still enjoyed doing it. There were so many people trying to get their foam type of material painted which actually made the situation pretty funny.
Payton's Phosphorous Print
Hello, my name is Payton McQuilkin. I go to Science Leadership Academy High School. One of my classes I take is art, in this class we went through a printmaking project. We connected this project with biochem by making a periodic table. We were each given a element and had to make a creative design. I was given Phosphorous, atomic number- 15. Phosphorus was the first to have a history on how it was discovered. You can find phosphorus in the tip of a match, also in fireworks. The process we did was: we made a design, then we traced it on tracing paper, after traced that on a plate, then after we made the trace on the plate we rolled color paint on the plate and printed the finals out. I would probably trace better if I did this again. I enjoyed rolled the color on my print and printing it. I t was exciting and I enjoyed it a lot.
Autistic people are different but not less
Hi, my name is Amira Gouri. And my topic is about ASD also known as autism. Which is a developmental disorder that can be noticed on children at early age, generally between two and three years old. It’s when the child start showing poor social skills, trouble of communicating with others, speech delay and/or difficulty of learning. Till now, scientists don’t know the exact causes of autism which makes it hard to invent a medicine that will help cure autistic people.
According to my last post, I interviewed a mother with an autistic son, she shared really important information about her experience with her son, and the adventure she had from the diagnosis of her child when he was 2 years old until today. Her journey is an inspiration and a hope for all mothers with autistic children. In the beginning, I decided to do a presentation but then I changed my mind and wanted to do a poster instead because I want the whole school to know about my issue not just my advisory. And making a poster would fit that criteria.
After doing my research I discovered that the percentage of autism is dramatically increasing, but many people still don’t know much information about it, I want to spread awareness by making a poster that presents information about autism that most people should know such as the definition of autism, facts, causes, symptoms, and the best treatment. I feel confident and proud about this project because I was able to share a lot of information about my passion issue with many people. I chose to do a poster as an effective way of raising awareness about autism among people because it is a permanent method that can last for a long time so many people can see and read it. I also chose to hang the poster in the hallway because that's the place where a lot of students and teachers have the ability to learn from it.
I feel like I should have done more posters, so I can hang them everywhere at school, or make brochures with information about autism and give them to people in and outside the school. I learned many facts about autism that I never knew before, for example I never knew that there is a strong debate about whether vaccines are the cause of autism or not. I also learned that some treatments can be beneficial for some autistic people but not for others. In my opinion, autism is a serious issue that affects innocent children and their families as well, so me and others in the community should spread awareness everywhere, accept these people in our society, ask for their basic rights in autistic support schools and colleges where they can learn, have degrees and have jobs in the future, we should also donate to many non-profit organizations that offer them free activities such as sports, art and music, and most importantly, support their families and offer them help, love and hope.
My element is radon, and its atomic number is 86. Radon is colorless, odorless and tasteless. It is used to cure cancer and predict earthquakes. It was discovered in 1900 by Friedrich Ernst Dorn while he was studying radium, though it wasn’t called radon until 1923.
I chose this imagery to represent radon because when I looked up radon, the toxic/radioactive symbol came up a lot, so I decided to do a geometric twist on it, with a circle in the middle and curved shapes surrounding it. The process to make my print was extensive. FIrst, I had to research radon in order to come up with ideas for my print. I sketched a lot of very different things but eventually landed on my current design. Then I made a final 6 by 4 drawing of my print, and transferred it onto parchment paper. Then I carved my design into foam, and finally I rolled ink over it, pressed it onto paper, and cut it out.
If I were to do the print differently a second time, I would have made the lines I dug in thinner. Since I had such big wells, everytime I pressed down another piece of the part that was not supposed to get ink on it would be lifted up. When I actually printed it, There were crevices that should have been filled in that were not, or places that shouldn’t have had ink in them that had. I enjoyed the sketching of print ideas the most. I liked it because it was a very laid back class and we got to think really creatively about it.
Final Print
My element is Germanium and its atomic number is 32. My element is mainly used for electrical engineering. It can be found in wires, transistors, and circuits. It can also be found in many camera lenses. That is where I got the inspiration to draw a camera and do my print. First I did the initial sketch for my print. Then that sketch was transferred onto the foam plate and outlined. We then put ink over the imprint of our sketch and we transferred that onto paper. We then let them dry, then cut them out, and matted them on construction paper. I would try an put some more detail into the sketch if I had to do it all again. I enjoyed doing the initial sketch because I like to do drawings. This whole project was very interesting and fun to complete with my peers.
Final element print blog post
Au (Gold) Print/Matt
Print/Matt Reflection
What part of the project did you enjoy the most? Describe the step and what you liked so much about it. The part I like the most was the paint transfer. So first, I had to paint onto the plate and roll it out with a roller. Then I laid it down onto a piece of paper and press down onto the paper with a wooden spoon. Finally, I slowly lift the paper from the plate, leaving the image onto the paper. I really like seeing the outcome when it’s separated. Also, it was quite easy.
Final Matt Print- Indium
Hello! My name is Asnain Khan and I am currently a freshman at Science Leadership Academy. In my Art class we did a 4 weeks long project, called “Element Prints.” To complete this project, everyone was assigned a element. Then, we did some research and sketched some pictures that relate to our element. After that, we finalized our sketches and picked a final sketch. Following this, we traced and transferred our sketch. Then, we printed it and matt printed.
The element I was assigned is indium. Indium is a chemical element with symbol In and atomic number 49. Indium was discovered by the German chemists Ferdinand Reich and Hieronymus Theodor Richter in 1863. Reich and Richter had been looking for traces of the element thallium in samples of zinc ores. A brilliant indigo line in the sample's spectrum revealed the existence of indium. Indium is about as abundant as silver but is much easier to recover since it typically occurs along with zinc, iron, lead and copper ores.
Indium is used to coat the bearings of high speed motors since it allows for the even distribution of lubricating oil. Indium is used to dope germanium to make transistors. It is also used to make other electrical components such as rectifiers, thermistors and photoconductors. Indium can be used to make mirrors that are as reflective as silver mirrors but do not tarnish as quickly. Indium is also used to make low melting alloys.
I chose an image of a TV because indium is found in the screen of TV’s. I didn’t know this, so I thought it would be interesting to do a TV. I explained the process I had to go through to make this print, in the first paragraph. If I had to do this all over again, I would probably change my image to a tool. That’s because indium is mostly used to make tools.
I really enjoyed working on this project. My most favorite part was when we actually printed our image. That part was really enjoyable. It was a great project!
Copper Print/Matt
Element print and Mat reflection
Day 1 & 2 Print/Matt Jack Eagen
My element was Cobalt, it´s abbreviation was Co and atomic number was 27. My element was discovered in 1735. It has been and still is used to turn vases blue. To make this print first we had to create three different designs that we wanted to use for our prints. I choose the one that I thought was the best and made the final design. Then I put my design on a plate backwards so it would print out correctly. Finally I rolled ink on it and then printed it on paper. Then for one of my prints I created a paper background. If I was to do this a second time I think all I would do different was be more consistent with the paint. Other than that I think I did a good job. But that was still the best part of the project. I had a lot of fun painting everything and then pasting it on paper. It was fun because it was very relaxing and very cool to see the final product.
Print/Matt -- Derek Jordan
My element is named sulfur and the atomic number is 16. It is a nonmetal and the atomic symbol is S. Sulfur is in the bible with the name brimstone and it is mentioned in the Odyssey. It was discovered in 1777 by Antoine Lavoisier. He discovered that it was an element and not a compound. Sulfur takes up 3% of the earth’s mass, so I included an earth and with a “3%” on it. I did this because I thought it was the best way to represent that sulfur is 3% of the earth’s mass. I first brainstormed ideas for my print, and chose a final idea. Once we had our final design on paper, we traced it onto tracing paper. After that, we carved our design onto a plate. We then rolled paint onto the plates and then pasted them on a piece of paper. After one week, the paint dried and we cut out the pictures and pasted them onto a paper with a one inch frame. I would have made my design a little less complicated if I were to do it again. It is difficult to completely understand the idea of my print/matt at first glance. I enjoyed making the design for our print. It was fun researching our element and brainstorming possible ideas for our print.
Final Stamp Design
Aluminium Print/Matte
My element is Aluminum AL, the atomic number is 13. Sir Humphry in 1809 named the element aluminum and then Britain editor in 1812 wrote it as aluminum due to it harmonizing with many other element names like sodium and potassium. The way I got the idea for the imagery I chose was due to the history of the use of aluminum, I found out that the Apollo 11 spacecraft was made out of aluminum. so I thought that was a good idea to design a space ship landing on the moon. The process I went through to make this print was drawing out the image on a normal piece of paper then I copied it on tracing paper and then I copied it backward on the plate foam paper and identified the negative space by denting the foam on the plate paper. Something I would do differently is not shaded in the negative space and should just outline stuff just so it could look neater. The part of the project that I liked the most was the printing process when we were adding the paint on the image. The steps to complete this process is taking the brayer and dipping it in the printing ink and then rolled it evenly in it and then rolled it evenly again against the foam paper.
Element print
Week 9 - Day 1 & 2 print/matt
My element was zinc and its atomic number is 30.
Zinc has been around since the 16th century and it is used in many ways including pennies and medicines. All living things need zinc to survive.
I was interested in the fact that all living things need zinc, so I settled on a nature themed print. I made the N attached to the Z like roots and both letters have leaves coming off of them.
I knew that I wanted to make it nature themed, so I didn’t go through many iterations before I had my final design.
If I did this again, I would probably make the lines deeper so there was more contrast.
I enjoyed matting the print because it was very satisfying to rip the excess paper around the print.
Week 9 - Day 1 & 2 Print/Matt
Matted Print -- Zivia Brown (WIP)
- What would you do differently if you did this print a second time?
- What part of the project did you enjoy the most? Describe the step and what you liked so much about it.