Respiration Presentation

Lately in Bio- Chem we have been learning about respiration and photosynthesis. Our group was chosen to do respiration. We didn’t know much about respiration when we first started but as we researched for the PowerPoint we found out a lot. Initially we wanted to know about glycolysis and the Kreb’s Cycle. The information we found would sometimes be confusing, especially the diagrams. Though we were able to find out about glycolysis with all the places we researched. Below is one of the slides from our presentation:

Respiration Presentation

Lately in Bio- Chem we have been learning about respiration and photosynthesis. Our group was chosen to do respiration. We didn’t know much about respiration when we first started but as we researched for the PowerPoint we found out a lot. Initially we wanted to know about glycolysis and the Kreb’s Cycle. The information we found would sometimes be confusing, especially the diagrams. Though we were able to find out about glycolysis with all the places we researched. Below is one of the slides from our presentation:

Ali and Aaron's Abstract on Photosynthesis


    The presentation that me and my group did was about photosynthesis. We did this to teach our fellow classmates about photosynthesis. We wanted to learn about how photosynthesis was important to life, as well as it’s process. As a group, we did learn a lot. We learned that photosynthesis is essential to whether or not a plant survives or not. During this process, we grew better as a group and really feel like we gained a lot from this unit. If we could some things next time, our team will have better communication with each other, as well as better time management. We did well in this, but there is always room for improvement.



For this unit, we had to learn about photosynthesis or respiration, then teach our learning to our class mates. My group’s topic was photosynthesis. We started our research by watching two videos shown to us in class to give us a starting point to build on. Then, we did some research online and in a textbook to gain an even deeper understanding of photosynthesis. We then put together everything we learned in a Google Presentation to use when we taught our class mates about what we had learned.

Like with every project, there were some things our group did well and some things we could improve for the next project. I think our presentation has a clear flow and is visually pleasing to the eye. We also included information that many other photosynthesis groups did not. We could have used our class time more efficiently. If we used class time to collaborate more than we had, I think we could have gone above and beyond for this project.  



Artículo respuesta #4

Betty Louis Q2

Senorita Manuel

Brad Pitt celebra su cumpleaños número 50

Este artículo es sobre el cumpleanos de Brad Pitt. Brad Pitt es un actor , productor, activista y hombre de familia. Cumpleaños de Brad Pitt fue ayer. Él actuado en muchas películas. Ahora, Brad Pitt tiene cincuenta años. Brad Pitt todavía es muy guapo. Como un muchacho quien tiene cincuenta años, Brad Pitt no se ve viejo. En la articulo Brad pitt dije “Tengo un montón de amigos cercanos, a mi familia, y no he visto que la vida pueda ser más feliz”. También, en el artículo Brad Pitt dice que él es muy feliz que visto su cumpleaños. Yo DESEO brad pitt fue mi esposa. Angelina Jolie es muy fortunatamente. En la artículo hay fotos de Brad Pitt dede cuando él fue realmente joven a ahora. En los fotos Brad Pitt siempre se ve bien. A pesar de su edad es vieja su cara mira lo mismo. El artículo dice que Brad Pitt ‘solo mejora con la edad’ y estoy de acuerdo. ¿Me pregunto, cuántos anos tienes Angelina Jolie? ¿También, me pregunto, cuántos años tienes su niños? Yo espero que ellos vivan muchos años más. ¿Por que es Brad Pitt tan atractivo? Yo espero mi esposa futuro es guapo y edades como él.

Word count: 203


"Brad Pitt Celebra Su Cumpleaños Número 50." CNN En Espaol Ultimas Noticias De Estados Unidos Latinoamrica Y El Mundo Opinin Y Videos RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Dec. 2013. <>.

Artículo respuesta #3

Betty Louis Q2

Senorita Manuel

Mujer que empujó a su esposo por un acantilado se declara culpable de homicidio

Este artículo es sobre un mujer quien empujó a su esposo fuera de un acantilado en Montana. Este es muy mal porque esto sucedió días después de sus boda. ¿Por qué querría hacer que? Algunas personas están locas. El artículo dice que “los fiscales dijeron que Graham, de 21 años, estaba teniendo dudas sobre su matrimonio antes de la muerte de su esposo y mintió deliberadamente a la policía.” Pero tristemente ella, Graham presuntamente mató a Cody Johnson su esposo. Ella debería haber abandonado él. Ellos dijeron que su esposo desapareció el 7 de julio. Ella mintió a los investigadores. Pero en el artículo ‘un agente del FBI dijo que cambió su historia cuando le mostraron una foto de una cámara de seguridad en la que aparecen los dos entrando al parque juntos’. Me pregunto si extraña a su marido. Yo no tengo el corazón a empujó a mi esposo fuera de un acantilado. ¿Tiene ella un corazón? Yo espero que ella aprendió su error. Que era su esposa! Su alma gemela! Ella le prometió su eternidad! Ella rompió esa promesa por su muerte. Yo todavía no entiendo por qué ella hizo eso. Yo espero que su familia está bien. Soy Feliz que ellos saben la verdad.

Word count: 207


"Mujer Que Empujó a Su Esposo Por Un Acantilado Se Declara Culpable De Homicidio." CNN En Espaol Ultimas Noticias De Estados Unidos Latinoamrica Y El Mundo Opinin Y Videos RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Dec. 2013. <>.

Q2 Reflection #2: Una vacuna contra el Alzheimer se ensayará en pacientes después de Navidad

Este artículo es sobre una vacuna contra el Alzheimer que es se probará en el primer paciente después de Navidad.  El artículo dije, La vacuna y un nuevo test en sangre para diagnosticar la enfermedad han sido desarrollados por la empresa Araclon Biotech, que cuenta con la colaboración de la Fundación ACE (Alzheimer Centre Educacional) de Barcelona.”  También, el artículo dije, “El doctor de Araclon Biotech Manuel Sarasa ha explicado que la vacuna se ha probado en animales y se pinchará al primer paciente después de Navidad.” 
Yo pienso está bueno encontrar una cura para el Alzheimer, pero yo no estoy de acuerdo con uso en animales. El Alzheimer es un difícil enfermedad tratar. Yo pienso está impresionante que ellos encontrado una cura para Alzheimer, pero ellos no debería uso en animales. Me encanta animales, yo no pienso animales que merece. El artículo dije,  “Actualmente, hay más de 500.000 pacientes con Alzheimer en España, una enfermedad que a menudo se diagnostica en estados tardíos, lo que hace necesario un medio para detectarla antes y un tratamiento que evite sus consecuencias, tal y como ha señalado el responsable de productos biológicos de Grifols, Javier Jorba.”  Yo espera una cure que funcione.

Word Count: 201

"La" LA VANGUARDIA. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Dec. 2013. <>.


Hey, my name is Fodie. I worked with 3 other students in Team 6, and this is our presentation about the system commonly known as photosynthesis. We cover all of the topics about photosynthesis, including the function, cycle, and equation. Before learning about photosynthesis, The group thought that only plants used this process but after researching photosynthesis, it was found that bacteria and protists also use it. Next project we will make a bigger effort to research and divide tasks evenly between everyone.

Photosynthesis Team 6 Orange Stream

Abstract: My name is Kai. I worked with 3 other students in Team 6, and this is our presentation about the system commonly known as photosynthesis. We cover all of the topics about photosynthesis, including the function, cycle, and equation. Before learning about photosynthesis, The group thought that only plants used this process but after researching photosynthesis, it was found that bacteria and protists also use it. Next project we will make a bigger effort to research and divide tasks evenly between everyone.
Below is the my photosynthesis slide show:

Photosynthesis Lesson

Photosynthesis Presentation

For the past week our group has been working on a powerpoint presentation on photosynthesis. In this project our goal was to inform about basic information because many people don’t know what photosynthesis really is. We, as a group, wanted to learn, through photosynthesis, how sugar is produced and more on it’s organelle system. One of the most important things that we learned was how photosynthesis makes not only energy but, oxygen too. Next time we will do more research and have a better take on what we are learning about.

Photosynthesis Lesson

Respiration Presentation

This is our presentation on Cellular Respiration

What we wanted to learn was how respiration worked, what cycle it uses, what produces energy during cellular respiration.One important thing that we learned was that cellular respiration with oxygen and without oxygen result in different thing. Cellular respiration with oxygen or lack of oxygen results in fermentation that becomes ethanol or lactic acid.When enough oxygen is present the krebs cycle take place. One thing we would change would be to add a voice over to the slides, we think it would have added a nice touch to the presentation.



In Bio-Chem we learned about respiration and photosynthesis.  After we learned everything we got into groups of four and we picked a paper out of a beaker.  The paper either said photosynthesis or respiration and our mission was to make a presentation about that.  My group got respiration.  While on this unit we learned about the different functions of respiration and our slides shows our learning.  One thing that I learned that I didn't know before was that all most all living creatures use respiration.We  also learned about the equation of respiration and the mitochondria which is where respiration happens.  We also learned about glucose.  If I was to change one thing about our slide is that I wish I could put audio over my presentation.  I could not figure out a way to do that.


In Bio-Chem we learned about respiration and photosynthesis.  After we learned everything we got into groups of four and we picked a paper out of a beaker.  The paper either said photosynthesis or respiration and our mission was to make a presentation about that.  My group got respiration.  While on this unit we learned about the different functions of respiration and our slides shows our learning.  One thing that I learned that I didn't know before was that all most all living creatures use respiration.We  also learned about the equation of respiration and the mitochondria which is where respiration happens.  We also learned about glucose.  If I was to change one thing about our slide is that I wish I could put audio over my presentation.  I could not figure out a way to do that.