
Code Title Teachers Students Location Schedule Term Course
UbD-1314 UbD - Lehmann Christopher Lehmann 29     2013-14 UbD
Administrative » Multi-Disciplinary Project
MPROJ-007 Multi-Disciplinary Project - Ames - bef Michael Ames 0   Bef 2013-14.S1 Multi-Disciplinary Project
MPROJ-008 Multi-Disciplinary Project - Baird - bef Matthew Baird 0   Bef 2013-14.S1 Multi-Disciplinary Project
MPROJ-009 Multi-Disciplinary Project - Garvey - bef Erin Giorgio 0   Bef 2013-14.S1 Multi-Disciplinary Project
MPROJ-010 Multi-Disciplinary Project - Hull - bef Marcie Hull 0   Bef 2013-14.S1 Multi-Disciplinary Project
MPROJ-011 Multi-Disciplinary Project - Kay - bef Matthew Kay 0   Bef 2013-14.S1 Multi-Disciplinary Project
MPROJ-012 Multi-Disciplinary Project - Miles - bef Mark Miles 0   Bef 2013-14.S1 Multi-Disciplinary Project
Administrative » Social Justice
SJUST-001 Social Justice - Menasion - b1 Elizabeth Menasion 4   b1 Band 2013-14 Social Justice
Administrative » Spanish 3/5
SP3-5-005 Spanish 3/5 - Bey - A Mark Bey 0   A Band 2013-14 Spanish 3/5
SP3-5-006 Spanish 3/5 - Jonas - D Pearl Jonas 0   D Band 2013-14 Spanish 3/5
SP3-5-007 Spanish 3/5 - Manuel - Y Melanie Manuel 0   Y Band 2013-14 Spanish 3/5
Administrative » Spanish 5
SP5-007 Spanish 5 - Manuel - 1 Melanie Manuel 0     2013-14.S1 Spanish 5
SP5-008 Spanish 5 - Manuel - 2 Melanie Manuel 0     2013-14.S1 Spanish 5
SP5-009 Spanish 5 - Manuel - 3 Melanie Manuel 0     2013-14.S1 Spanish 5
SP5-010 Spanish 5 - Manuel - 4 Melanie Manuel 0     2013-14.S1 Spanish 5
Arts and Humanities » Advanced Art
ARTADV-007 Art Advanced - Hull - a1 Marcie Hull 16   a1 Band 2013-14 Advanced Art
ARTADV-008 Art Advanced - Hull - e2 Marcie Hull 26   e2 Band 2013-14 Advanced Art
ARTADV-009 Art Advanced - Hull - a2 Marcie Hull 1   a2 Band 2013-14 Advanced Art
Arts and Humanities » Advisory Freshman
ADV09-007 Advisory Freshmen - Dunda - adv Stephanie Owens 21   Adv 2013-14 Advisory Freshman
ADV09-008 Advisory Freshmen - Dunn - adv Alexa Dunn 20   Adv 2013-14 Advisory Freshman
ADV09-009 Advisory Freshmen - Herman - adv Douglas Herman 20   Adv 2013-14 Advisory Freshman
ADV09-010 Advisory Freshmen - Reddy - adv Sunil Reddy 20   Adv 2013-14 Advisory Freshman
ADV09-011 Advisory Freshmen - Siswick - adv Zoe Siswick 21   Adv 2013-14 Advisory Freshman
ADV09-012 Advisory Freshmen - Todd - adv Jason Todd 21   Adv 2013-14 Advisory Freshman
Arts and Humanities » Advisory Junior
ADV11-013 Advisory Junior - Best - adv Timothy Best 20   Adv 2013-14 Advisory Junior
ADV11-014 Advisory Junior - Block - adv Joshua Block 22   Adv 2013-14 Advisory Junior
ADV11-015 Advisory Junior - Echols - adv Rosalind Echols 21   Adv 2013-14 Advisory Junior
ADV11-016 Advisory Junior - Rami - adv Meenoo Rami 20   Adv 2013-14 Advisory Junior
ADV11-017 Advisory Junior - Sherif - adv Gamal Sherif 20   Adv 2013-14 Advisory Junior
ADV11-018 Advisory Junior - Thompson - adv Caitlin Thompson 21   Adv 2013-14 Advisory Junior
Arts and Humanities » Advisory Senior
ADV12-013 Advisory Senior - Ames - adv Michael Ames 21   Adv 2013-14 Advisory Senior
ADV12-014 Advisory Senior - Baird - adv Matthew Baird 19   Adv 2013-14 Advisory Senior
ADV12-015 Advisory Senior - Garvey - adv Erin Giorgio 18   Adv 2013-14 Advisory Senior
ADV12-016 Advisory Senior - Hull - adv Marcie Hull 21   Adv 2013-14 Advisory Senior
ADV12-017 Advisory Senior - Kay - adv Matthew Kay 21   Adv 2013-14 Advisory Senior
ADV12-018 Advisory Senior - Miles - adv Mark Miles 19   Adv 2013-14 Advisory Senior
Arts and Humanities » Advisory Sophomore
ADV10-013 Advisory Sophomore - Bey - adv Mark Bey 21   Adv 2013-14 Advisory Sophomore
ADV10-014 Advisory Sophomore - Jonas - adv Pearl Jonas 21   Adv 2013-14 Advisory Sophomore
ADV10-015 Advisory Sophomore - Manuel - adv Melanie Manuel 21   Adv 2013-14 Advisory Sophomore
ADV10-016 Advisory Sophomore - Martin - adv Pia Martin 21   Adv 2013-14 Advisory Sophomore
ADV10-017 Advisory Sophomore - Pahomov - adv Larissa Pahomov, Christian Kolouch 21   Adv 2013-14 Advisory Sophomore
ADV10-018 Advisory Sophomore - VanKouwenberg - adv Matthew VanKouwenberg 19   Adv 2013-14 Advisory Sophomore
Arts and Humanities » Art - Freshman
ART9-013 Art - Freshman - Hull - b1 Marcie Hull 31   b1 Band 2013-14.S2 Art - Freshman
ART9-014 Art - Freshman - Hull - b2 Marcie Hull 26   b2 Band 2013-14.S2 Art - Freshman
ART9-015 Art - Freshman - Hull - y1 Marcie Hull 25   y1 Band 2013-14.S2 Art - Freshman
ART9-016 Art - Freshman - Hull - y2 Marcie Hull 32   y2 Band 2013-14.S2 Art - Freshman
Arts and Humanities » Art - Senior Art
ARTSR-004 Art - Senior Art - Hull - A Marcie Hull 14   A Band 2013-14 Art - Senior Art
Arts and Humanities » Capstone
CAP-019 Capstone - Ames - Wed Michael Ames 21   Wed 2013-14 Capstone
CAP-020 Capstone - Baird - Wed Matthew Baird 19   Wed 2013-14 Capstone
CAP-021 Capstone - Garvey - Wed Erin Giorgio 18   Wed 2013-14 Capstone
CAP-022 Capstone - Hull - Wed Marcie Hull 21   Wed 2013-14 Capstone
CAP-023 Capstone - Kay - Wed Matthew Kay 21   Wed 2013-14 Capstone
CAP-024 Capstone - Miles - Wed Mark Miles 19   Wed 2013-14 Capstone
Arts and Humanities » Ceramics
CER-004 Ceramics - Echols - e1 Rosalind Echols 8   e1 Band 2013-14 Ceramics
Arts and Humanities » Drama - Freshman
DRAMA9-013 Drama- Freshmen - Kay - b1 Matthew Kay 30   b1 Band 2013-14.S1 Drama - Freshman
DRAMA9-014 Drama- Freshmen - Kay - y1 Matthew Kay 28   y1 Band 2013-14.S1 Drama - Freshman
DRAMA9-015 Drama- Freshmen - Kay - b1 Matthew Kay 29   b1 Band 2013-14.S2 Drama - Freshman
DRAMA9-016 Drama- Freshmen - Kay - y1 Matthew Kay 28   y1 Band 2013-14.S2 Drama - Freshman
DRAMA9-017 Drama- Freshmen - Kay - y2 Matthew Kay 29   y2 Band 2013-14.S1 Drama - Freshman
DRAMA9-018 Drama- Freshmen - Kay - y2 Matthew Kay 27   y2 Band 2013-14.S2 Drama - Freshman
Arts and Humanities » Drama Advanced
DRAMAADV-005 Drama Advanced - Miles - a1 Mark Miles 29   a1 Band 2013-14 Drama Advanced
Arts and Humanities » Museum Experience
MUSEXP-019 Museum Experience - Dunda - Wed Stephanie Owens 21   Wed 2013-14 Museum Experience
MUSEXP-020 Museum Experience - Dunn - Wed Alexa Dunn 20   Wed 2013-14 Museum Experience
MUSEXP-021 Museum Experience - Herman - Wed Douglas Herman 20   Wed 2013-14 Museum Experience
MUSEXP-022 Museum Experience - Reddy - Wed Sunil Reddy 20   Wed 2013-14 Museum Experience
MUSEXP-023 Museum Experience - Siswick - Wed Zoe Siswick 21   Wed 2013-14 Museum Experience
MUSEXP-024 Museum Experience - Todd - Wed Jason Todd 21   Wed 2013-14 Museum Experience
Arts and Humanities » Music
MUS-007 Music - Martin - x1 Pia Martin 13   x1 Band 2013-14 Music
MUS-008 Music - Martin - y1 Pia Martin 11   y1 Band 2013-14 Music
Elective » Chess
CHESS-004 Chess - Baird - y1 Matthew Baird 9   y1 Band 2013-14 Chess
Elective » Community Service
COMSERV-025 Community Service - Dunda Stephanie Owens 0     2013-14 Community Service
COMSERV-026 Community Service - Manuel Melanie Manuel 0     2013-14 Community Service
COMSERV-027 Community Service - Herman Douglas Herman 0     2013-14 Community Service
Elective » Computer Science Engineering - Advanced
CSE-006 Computer Science Engineering - Advanced - Miles - a2 Mark Miles 20   a2 Band 2013-14 Computer Science Engineering - Advanced
CSE-007 Computer Science Engineering - Advanced - Miles - x2 Mark Miles 24   x2 Band 2013-14 Computer Science Engineering - Advanced
Elective » CSE- Senior Computer Science
CSESR-002 CSE- Senior Computer Science - Miles - E Mark Miles 15   E Band 2013-14 CSE- Senior Computer Science
Elective » Debate
DEB-004 Debate - Rami Meenoo Rami 0     2013-14 Debate
Elective » Digital Video
DV-007 Digital Video - Herman - a2 Douglas Herman 23   a2 Band 2013-14 Digital Video
DV-008 Digital Video - Herman - e1 Douglas Herman 25   e1 Band 2013-14 Digital Video
DV-009 Digital Video - Herman - x1 Douglas Herman 23   x1 Band 2013-14 Digital Video
Elective » Digital Video -Senior
DVSR-004 Digital Video -Senior - Herman - D Douglas Herman 17   D Band 2013-14 Digital Video -Senior
Elective » Engineering - Freshman
ENGIN9-013 Engineering Freshman - VanKouwenberg - b2 Matthew VanKouwenberg 27   b2 Band 2013-14.S1 Engineering - Freshman
ENGIN9-014 Engineering Freshman - VanKouwenberg - y2 Matthew VanKouwenberg 28   y2 Band 2013-14.S1 Engineering - Freshman
ENGIN9-015 Engineering Freshman - VanKouwenberg - b2 Matthew VanKouwenberg 28   b2 Band 2013-14.S2 Engineering - Freshman
ENGIN9-016 Engineering Freshman - VanKouwenberg - y2 Matthew VanKouwenberg 29   y2 Band 2013-14.S2 Engineering - Freshman
ENGIN9-017 Engineering Freshman - VanKouwenberg - y1 Matthew VanKouwenberg 26   y1 Band 2013-14.S1 Engineering - Freshman
ENGIN9-018 Engineering Freshman - VanKouwenberg - y1 Matthew VanKouwenberg 29   y1 Band 2013-14.S2 Engineering - Freshman
Elective » Engineering Advanced
ENGINADV-006 Engineering Advanced - VanKouwenberg - a2 Matthew VanKouwenberg 15   a2 Band 2013-14 Engineering Advanced
ENGINADV-007 Engineering Advanced - VanKouwenberg - d1 Matthew VanKouwenberg 10   d1 Band 2013-14 Engineering Advanced
Elective » ILP - 10th Grade
ILP10-013 ILP - 10th Grade - Bey - Wed Mark Bey 21   Wed 2013-14 ILP - 10th Grade
ILP10-014 ILP - 10th Grade - Jonas - Wed Pearl Jonas 21   Wed 2013-14 ILP - 10th Grade
ILP10-015 ILP - 10th Grade - Manuel - Wed Melanie Manuel 21   Wed 2013-14 ILP - 10th Grade
ILP10-016 ILP - 10th Grade - Martin - Wed Pia Martin 21   Wed 2013-14 ILP - 10th Grade
ILP10-017 ILP - 10th Grade - Pahomov - Wed Larissa Pahomov, Christian Kolouch 21   Wed 2013-14 ILP - 10th Grade
ILP10-018 ILP - 10th Grade - VanKouwenberg - Wed Matthew VanKouwenberg 19   Wed 2013-14 ILP - 10th Grade
Elective » ILP - 11th Grade
ILP11-013 ILP - 11th Grade - Best - Wed Timothy Best 20   Wed 2013-14 ILP - 11th Grade
ILP11-014 ILP - 11th Grade - Block - Wed Joshua Block 22   Wed 2013-14 ILP - 11th Grade
ILP11-015 ILP - 11th Grade - Echols - Wed Rosalind Echols 21   Wed 2013-14 ILP - 11th Grade
ILP11-016 ILP - 11th Grade - Rami - Wed Meenoo Rami 20   Wed 2013-14 ILP - 11th Grade
ILP11-017 ILP - 11th Grade - Sherif - Wed Gamal Sherif 20   Wed 2013-14 ILP - 11th Grade
ILP11-018 ILP - 11th Grade - Thompson - Wed Caitlin Thompson 21   Wed 2013-14 ILP - 11th Grade
Elective » Independent Study Period
Study-001 Independent Study Period - Spry - 1 Jeremy Spry 0     2013-14 Independent Study Period
Study-002 Independent Study Period - Spry - 2 Jeremy Spry 0     2013-14 Independent Study Period
Elective » Introduction to Digital Photography
PHOTO-001 Introduction to Digital Photography - Herman - a1 Douglas Herman 24   a1 Band 2013-14 Introduction to Digital Photography
PHOTO-002 Introduction to Digital Photography - Herman - e2 Douglas Herman 24   e2 Band 2013-14 Introduction to Digital Photography
PHOTO-003 Introduction to Digital Photography - Herman - x2 Douglas Herman 25   x2 Band 2013-14 Introduction to Digital Photography
Elective » Multimedia Journalism
JOURNAL-003 Journalism - Pahomov - y1 Larissa Pahomov, Christian Kolouch 15   y1 Band 2013-14 Multimedia Journalism
Elective » Robotics
ROBO-001 Robotics - VanKouwenberg - y2 Matthew VanKouwenberg 18   y2 Band 2013-14 Robotics
Elective » Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-118 Senior Assistant Teaching - Dunn - A Christopher Lehmann, Alexa Dunn 16   A Band 2013-14 Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-119 Senior Assistant Teaching - Dunn - B Christopher Lehmann, Alexa Dunn 4   B Band 2013-14 Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-120 Senior Assistant Teaching - Dunn - C Christopher Lehmann, Alexa Dunn 6   C Band 2013-14 Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-121 Senior Assistant Teaching - Dunn - D Christopher Lehmann, Alexa Dunn 10   D Band 2013-14 Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-122 Senior Assistant Teaching - Dunn - E Christopher Lehmann, Alexa Dunn 12   E Band 2013-14 Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-123 Senior Assistant Teaching - Dunn - X Christopher Lehmann, Alexa Dunn 5   X Band 2013-14 Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-124 Senior Assistant Teaching - Dunn - a2 Christopher Lehmann, Alexa Dunn 1   a2 Band 2013-14 Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-125 Senior Assistant Teaching - Dunn - Y Christopher Lehmann, Alexa Dunn 5   Y Band 2013-14 Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-126 Senior Assistant Teaching - Dunn - x1 Christopher Lehmann, Alexa Dunn 1   x1 Band 2013-14 Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-127 Senior Assistant Teaching - Dunn - e1 Christopher Lehmann, Alexa Dunn 2   e1 Band 2013-14 Student Assistant Teaching
SAT-128 Senior Assistant Teaching - Dunn - b1 Christopher Lehmann, Alexa Dunn 1   b1 Band 2013-14 Student Assistant Teaching
Elective » Study Skills
SS-027 Study Skills - Ames - a1 Michael Ames, Elizabeth Menasion 9   a1 Band 2013-14 Study Skills
SS-028 Study Skills - Ames - a2 Michael Ames, Elizabeth Menasion 10   a2 Band 2013-14 Study Skills
SS-029 Study Skills - Ames - b1 Michael Ames, Elizabeth Menasion 11   b1 Band 2013-14 Study Skills
SS-030 Study Skills - Ames - b2 Michael Ames, Elizabeth Menasion 13   b2 Band 2013-14 Study Skills
SS-031 Study Skills - Ames - e1 Michael Ames, Elizabeth Menasion 6   e1 Band 2013-14 Study Skills
SS-032 Study Skills - Ames - e2 Michael Ames, Elizabeth Menasion 4   e2 Band 2013-14 Study Skills
SS-033 Study Skills - Ames - x1 Michael Ames, Elizabeth Menasion 13   x1 Band 2013-14 Study Skills
SS-034 Study Skills - Ames - y2 Michael Ames, Elizabeth Menasion 12   y2 Band 2013-14 Study Skills
Elective » Technology - Freshman
TECH9-009 Technology- Freshmen - Hull - b1 Marcie Hull 27   b1 Band 2013-14.S1 Technology - Freshman
TECH9-010 Technology- Freshmen - Hull - b2 Marcie Hull 29   b2 Band 2013-14.S1 Technology - Freshman
TECH9-011 Technology- Freshmen - Hull - y1 Marcie Hull 28   y1 Band 2013-14.S1 Technology - Freshman
TECH9-012 Technology- Freshmen - Hull - y2 Marcie Hull 27   y2 Band 2013-14.S1 Technology - Freshman
English » English 1
ENG1-013 English 1 - Dunn - A Alexa Dunn 30   A Band 2013-14 English 1
ENG1-014 English 1 - Dunn - X Alexa Dunn 31   X Band 2013-14 English 1
ENG1-015 English 1 - Kay - C Matthew Kay 29   C Band 2013-14 English 1
ENG1-016 English 1 - Kay - D Matthew Kay 33   D Band 2013-14 English 1
English » English 2
ENG2-013 English 2 - Pahomov - A Larissa Pahomov, Christian Kolouch 32   A Band 2013-14 English 2
ENG2-014 English 2 - Pahomov - E Larissa Pahomov, Christian Kolouch 32   E Band 2013-14 English 2
ENG2-015 English 2 - Kay - A Matthew Kay 29   A Band 2013-14 English 2
ENG2-016 English 2 - Kay - E Matthew Kay 31   E Band 2013-14 English 2
English » English 3
ENG3-013 English 3 - Pahomov - C Larissa Pahomov, Christian Kolouch 30   C Band 2013-14 English 3
ENG3-014 English 3 - Pahomov - D Larissa Pahomov, Christian Kolouch 32   D Band 2013-14 English 3
ENG3-015 English 3 - Rami - D Meenoo Rami 32   D Band 2013-14 English 3
ENG3-016 English 3 - Rami - E Meenoo Rami 30   E Band 2013-14 English 3
English » Lit Lab
LITLAB-011 Lit Lab - Pahomov - x1 Larissa Pahomov, Christian Kolouch 5   x1 Band 2013-14 Lit Lab
LITLAB-012 Lit Lab - Pahomov - y1 Larissa Pahomov, Christian Kolouch 4   y1 Band 2013-14 Lit Lab
LITLAB-013 Lit Lab - Pahomov - x2 Larissa Pahomov, Christian Kolouch 5   x2 Band 2013-14 Lit Lab
LITLAB-014 Lit Lab - Pahomov - y2 Larissa Pahomov, Christian Kolouch 4   y2 Band 2013-14 Lit Lab
English » Reading, Writing and Rising Up
RWR-005 Reading, Writing, and Rising Up - Rami - B Meenoo Rami 30   B Band 2013-14.S1 Reading, Writing and Rising Up
RWR-006 Reading, Writing, and Rising Up - Rami - C Meenoo Rami 24   C Band 2013-14.S1 Reading, Writing and Rising Up
English » Reel Reading
REEL-007 Reel Reading: Focus on Film - Dunn - B Alexa Dunn 29   B Band 2013-14.S2 Reel Reading
REEL-008 Reel Reading: Focus on Film - Dunn - C Alexa Dunn 32   C Band 2013-14.S2 Reel Reading
English » Sexuality and Society in Literature
SEXSOC-008 Sexuality and Society in Literature - Dunn - B Alexa Dunn 32   B Band 2013-14.S1 Sexuality and Society in Literature
SEXSOC-009 Sexuality and Society in Literature - Dunn - C Alexa Dunn 34   C Band 2013-14.S1 Sexuality and Society in Literature
English » Storytelling
STORY-007 Storytelling - Rami - B Meenoo Rami 33   B Band 2013-14.S2 Storytelling
STORY-008 Storytelling - Rami - C Meenoo Rami 26   C Band 2013-14.S2 Storytelling
Health and Physical Education » Health
HEALTH-013 Health - Martin - a1 Pia Martin 31   a1 Band 2013-14 Health
HEALTH-014 Health - Martin - a2 Pia Martin 32   a2 Band 2013-14 Health
HEALTH-015 Health - Martin - x1 Pia Martin 33   x1 Band 2013-14 Health
HEALTH-016 Health - Martin - y2 Pia Martin 33   y2 Band 2013-14 Health
Health and Physical Education » Physical Education
PE-013 Physical Education - Martin - b2 Pia Martin 31   b2 Band 2013-14 Physical Education
PE-014 Physical Education - Martin - d2 Pia Martin 14   d2 Band 2013-14 Physical Education
PE-015 Physical Education - Martin - e1 Pia Martin 27   e1 Band 2013-14 Physical Education
PE-016 Physical Education - Martin - e2 Pia Martin 15   e2 Band 2013-14 Physical Education
Mathematics » Algebra 1
ALG1-010 Algebra 1 - Thompson - B Caitlin Thompson 29   B Band 2013-14 Algebra 1
ALG1-011 Algebra 1 - Thompson - C Caitlin Thompson 27   C Band 2013-14 Algebra 1
ALG1-012 Algebra 1 - Thompson - E Caitlin Thompson 30   E Band 2013-14 Algebra 1
Mathematics » Algebra 2
ALG2-014 Algebra 2 - Latimer - A Bradford Latimer 24   A Band 2013-14 Algebra 2
ALG2-015 Algebra 2 - Garvey - B Erin Giorgio 31   B Band 2013-14 Algebra 2
ALG2-016 Algebra 2 - Latimer - D Bradford Latimer 27   D Band 2013-14 Algebra 2
ALG2-017 Algebra 2 - Latimer - E Bradford Latimer 26   E Band 2013-14 Algebra 2
Mathematics » Calculus
CALC-005 Calculus - Latimer - C Bradford Latimer 26   C Band 2013-14 Calculus
CALC-006 Calculus - Latimer - X Bradford Latimer 17   X Band 2013-14 Calculus
Mathematics » Foundations of Algebra
FOUND-002 Foundations of Algebra - Thompson - D Caitlin Thompson 21   D Band 2013-14 Foundations of Algebra
Mathematics » Geometry
GEO-014 Geometry - Garvey - C Erin Giorgio 31   C Band 2013-14 Geometry
GEO-015 Geometry - Garvey - D Erin Giorgio 23   D Band 2013-14 Geometry
GEO-016 Geometry - Garvey - X Erin Giorgio 23   X Band 2013-14 Geometry
GEO-017 Geometry - Reddy - E Sunil Reddy 27   E Band 2013-14 Geometry
Mathematics » Pre-Calculus
PRECALC-009 Pre-Calculus - Reddy - A Sunil Reddy 18   A Band 2013-14 Pre-Calculus
PRECALC-010 Pre-Calculus - Reddy - D Sunil Reddy 13   D Band 2013-14 Pre-Calculus
PRECALC-011 Pre-Calculus - Reddy - B Sunil Reddy 31   B Band 2013-14 Pre-Calculus
Mathematics » Statistics
STAT-007 Statistics - Miles - B Mark Miles 30   B Band 2013-14 Statistics
STAT-008 Statistics - Miles - C Mark Miles 23   C Band 2013-14 Statistics
Science » Advanced Chemistry - Senior Science
SRADV_CHEM-002 Advanced Chemistry- Senior Science - VanKouwenberg - E Matthew VanKouwenberg 24   E Band 2013-14.S2 Advanced Chemistry - Senior Science
Science » Anatomy and Physiology
ANAT-009 Anatomy and Physiology - Best - E Timothy Best 33   E Band 2013-14.S2 Anatomy and Physiology
ANAT-010 Anatomy and Physiology - Best - Y Timothy Best 33   Y Band 2013-14.S2 Anatomy and Physiology
Science » Bio-Chem 1
BC9-013 Bio-Chem 9 - Dunda - A Stephanie Owens 33   A Band 2013-14 Bio-Chem 1
BC9-014 Bio-Chem 9 - Dunda - E Stephanie Owens 29   E Band 2013-14 Bio-Chem 1
BC9-015 Bio-Chem 9 - Sherif - A Gamal Sherif 31   A Band 2013-14 Bio-Chem 1
BC9-016 Bio-Chem 9 - Sherif - C Gamal Sherif 30   C Band 2013-14 Bio-Chem 1
Science » Bio-Chem 2
BC10-013 Bio-Chem 10 - Best - B Timothy Best 32   B Band 2013-14 Bio-Chem 2
BC10-014 Bio-Chem 10 - Best - D Timothy Best 32   D Band 2013-14 Bio-Chem 2
BC10-015 Bio-Chem 10 - Sherif - B Gamal Sherif 31   B Band 2013-14 Bio-Chem 2
BC10-016 Bio-Chem 10 - Sherif - D Gamal Sherif 29   D Band 2013-14 Bio-Chem 2
Science » Biotechnology
BIOTECH-003 Biotechnology - VanKouwenberg - E Matthew VanKouwenberg 25   E Band 2013-14.S1 Biotechnology
Science » Chemical Engineering
CHEMENGIN-002 Chemical Engineering - VanKouwenberg - b1 Matthew VanKouwenberg 23   b1 Band 2013-14 Chemical Engineering
Science » Engineering - Senior
ENGINSR-003 Engineering -- Senior - VanKouwenberg - D Matthew VanKouwenberg 13   D Band 2013-14 Engineering - Senior
Science » Environmental Science
ENVSCI-005 Environmental Science - Dunda - Y Stephanie Owens 22   Y Band 2013-14.S1 Environmental Science
ENVSCI-006 Environmental Science - Dunda - Y Stephanie Owens 25   Y Band 2013-14.S2 Environmental Science
Science » Physics
PHYS-013 Physics - Echols - A Rosalind Echols 32   A Band 2013-14 Physics
PHYS-014 Physics - Echols - B Rosalind Echols 32   B Band 2013-14 Physics
PHYS-015 Physics - Echols - C Rosalind Echols 30   C Band 2013-14 Physics
PHYS-016 Physics - Echols - Y Rosalind Echols 30   Y Band 2013-14 Physics
Science » Science and Society
SCISOC-007 Science and Society - Best - E Timothy Best 32   E Band 2013-14.S1 Science and Society
SCISOC-008 Science and Society - Best - Y Timothy Best 33   Y Band 2013-14.S1 Science and Society
Social Studies » African American History
AFAM-013 African American History - Todd - D Jason Todd 31   D Band 2013-14 African American History
AFAM-014 African American History - Todd - X Jason Todd 30   X Band 2013-14 African American History
AFAM-015 African American History - Jonas - A Pearl Jonas 29   A Band 2013-14 African American History
AFAM-016 African American History - Jonas - E Pearl Jonas 33   E Band 2013-14 African American History
Social Studies » American Government
AMGOV-007 American Government - Block - A Joshua Block 26   A Band 2013-14.S1 American Government
AMGOV-008 American Government - Block - D Joshua Block 31   D Band 2013-14.S1 American Government
Social Studies » American History
AMHIST-013 American History - Jonas - C Pearl Jonas 32   C Band 2013-14 American History
AMHIST-014 American History - Jonas - Y Pearl Jonas 0   Y Band 2013-14 American History
AMHIST-015 American History - Baird - C Matthew Baird 32   C Band 2013-14 American History
AMHIST-016 American History - Baird - E Matthew Baird 30   E Band 2013-14 American History
AMHIST-017 American History - Jonas - X Pearl Jonas 31   X Band 2013-14 American History
Social Studies » Economic Issues
ECON-007 Economic Issues of the 21st Century - Baird - A Matthew Baird 32   A Band 2013-14.S2 Economic Issues
ECON-008 Economic Issues of the 21st Century - Baird - D Matthew Baird 32   D Band 2013-14.S2 Economic Issues
Social Studies » Globalization
GLOBAL-007 Globalization - Block - A Joshua Block 25   A Band 2013-14.S2 Globalization
GLOBAL-008 Globalization - Block - D Joshua Block 31   D Band 2013-14.S2 Globalization
Social Studies » Isms
ISMS-007 Isms - Baird - A Matthew Baird 31   A Band 2013-14.S1 Isms
ISMS-008 Isms - Baird - D Matthew Baird 33   D Band 2013-14.S1 Isms
Social Studies » World History
WRLDHIST-013 World History - Block - B Joshua Block 30   B Band 2013-14 World History
WRLDHIST-014 World History - Block - C Joshua Block 31   C Band 2013-14 World History
WRLDHIST-015 World History - Todd - B Jason Todd 31   B Band 2013-14 World History
WRLDHIST-016 World History - Todd - C Jason Todd 32   C Band 2013-14 World History
World Languages » Spanish 1
SP1-012 Spanish 1 - Manuel - B Melanie Manuel 34   B Band 2013-14 Spanish 1
SP1-013 Spanish 1 - Manuel - C Melanie Manuel 33   C Band 2013-14 Spanish 1
SP1-014 Spanish 1 - Manuel - D Melanie Manuel 33   D Band 2013-14 Spanish 1
World Languages » Spanish 2
SP2-013 Spanish 2 - Bey - C Mark Bey 33   C Band 2013-14 Spanish 2
SP2-014 Spanish 2 - Bey - D Mark Bey 26   D Band 2013-14 Spanish 2
SP2-015 Spanish 2 - Bey - E Mark Bey 31   E Band 2013-14 Spanish 2
SP2-016 Spanish 2 - Bey - X Mark Bey 30   X Band 2013-14 Spanish 2
World Languages » Spanish 3
SP3-007 Spanish 3 - Bey - A Mark Bey 30   A Band 2013-14 Spanish 3
SP3-008 Spanish 3 - Jonas - D Pearl Jonas 34   D Band 2013-14 Spanish 3
SP3-009 Spanish 3 - Manuel - Y Melanie Manuel 37   Y Band 2013-14 Spanish 3
World Languages » Spanish 4
SP4-005 Spanish 4 - Manuel - E Melanie Manuel 24   E Band 2013-14 Spanish 4