Jamie Polson Capstone
Annotated bibliography:
Jane L. Hain
The Unitarian Universalist Church of the Restoration
My capstone project is that I am going to create a documentary for my church which is called the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Restoration in Mt. Airy. I have been a member since around 2013 but have been attending my entire life so it means a lot to me. This source is the home page of the Official churches website. It talks about who they are which I can use in my documentary in a voice over section and I might even quote them on some of their information. It talks about how diverse and welcoming they are which I think is crucial for a church no matter its beliefs if they want to get new members. This site is credible because it is the official website for the entire church and so whatever is put on the website has to pass through a couple rounds of editing by members of the church to make sure that they actually want that on their website.
Jane L. Hain The Church of the Restoration since - 1793
Copyright 2016
I am going to use this site to help inform me of what my churches history is. I go to the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Restoration in Mt. Airy and have been going my whole life. I know the basics of its history but I do not know specifics and so I am going to use this site to gain knowledge of its history so that I can put it in my documentary and let the general public know about it as well.
Jane L. Hain
Our Mission
Unitarian Universalist Church of the Restoration
Linda Hansell
Linda Hansell is a member of the church who I have already interviewed and she is a very active member of the community. She is Worship Associate Leader so she is in charge of all the other worship Associates and makes sure that they do what they are supposed to and once a month she leads a church service. That is why she is credible because she has expirience in the church and knows about it and knows where she wants it to go in the future. In our interview she talked about how she does not think that the name of the church best describes what it is all about and that we need to change the name to something less christian sounding because we are not a christian church.
UUCR book
This book goes into great detail about the history of Restoration it talks about the church all the way back in the 1700’s when it was built and established. It also talks about the couple times when it had to move one time because of a fire. It talks about the architecture and why it was built the way it was. It is trustworthy because
Unitarian Universalist Association
The Seven Principles:
Unitarian Universalist Association
This source is trustworthy because it is from the UUA which stands for the (Unitarian Universalist Association) so it is very formal and they are the ones that decide things for the greater UU community so they have a huge impact on my church and are the reason that my church exists basically. Without the principals of UUism I probably would not go to church. The website talks about what UU’s think about the world and about other people that we believe in the beauty and dignity of everybody and respect people no matter whether we agree with them or not. It talks about the interconnected web of life that we are all apart of which basically means that we are all connected to each other and the earth no matter our species or race or gender.
Bru Baker
12 Steps On How To Make A Documentary
Filmmaking Stuff
March 13th, 2017
This website talks about the 12 steps that are needed to make a good documentary. Some of those steps include: Make a trailer, think of the end first, and use your own music. I think those are very goods tips that I will strongly consider when in the editing phase of the documentary. I will also try and write my own music for it as well to add some flavor to the final version. This site is credible because the author (Bru Baker) has won many awards in creating documentaries so it is evident that these techniques work at least for her.
8. Tim Styer
Tim Styer is a member of the church and is very involved. He is the moderator which means that he organizes meeting and oversees all the other people who work for the church which is a large responsibility. He is credible because he has been involved with the church for many years.
9. Jane Hulting
Jane Hulting is another member of the church and is in charge of coordinating music at the church. She leads choir practices almost every Thursday evening and Sunday mornings right before church starts. In the winter around Christmas time she also leads a group called the restoration ringers and they play hand bells. They rehearse several times a week and perform 3-4 times a year. Another thing that Jane does is that she leads Yoga class almost every week and has several people participate in that many of which are church goers. Jane is trustworthy because she is very involved in the church and has been attending for around 20+ years.
10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUsdwDgPqxs
This video talks about how to make a documentary. It talks about the necessary things that you need to do in order to make a successful documentary. It talks about getting a lot of extra footage since you never know what you might need and don’t want to have to film a lot of stuff at the last minute. It is credible because it is on Expert Villages YouTube channel and their whole shtick. The whole point of their YouTube channel is to get experts who know a lot about their topic and get them to share information and tutorials on YouTube so that other people can be as good as them at that thing.