Jamie Polson Capstone

Here is the link to my video:  

For my Capstone I decided to create a documentary for my Unitarian Universalist church.  It will have its 200th anniversary and I wanted the church to have some kind of documentation of it's past present and future and what their goals are as a congregation.  

I feel like I have learned a lot while doing this project.  For starters I feel like I have become a better listener.  Since it was a documentary and you always want to make sure that you have clear audio it meant that I could not vocalize when I wanted to react to things that people said for instance if I strongly agreed with it etc.  Another thing that I think I learned was how to make people feel comfortable when being interviewed.  Not everyone is used to being on camera and some people need a little time to fully open up on camera so you want to make sure that you are doing everything you can to make them feel very comfortable and safe.  What I would do before the interview is just ask them how they are doing and just have a casual conversation, but when the interview started I would look them in the eyes when they were talking and tried to be very aware of my body language.  If I ever noticed that I was crossing my arms or had them on my hips I would just put them by my side because folded arms conveys a message of judgment sometimes and can make people feel uncomfortable.
Some challenges I faced was dealing with scheduling.  I am a very busy person and am involved with a lot of things that unfortunately meet on the weekend.  Early on I was able to get 2-3 interviews almost every Sunday but when it started being warmer out things got harder.  I am on SLAs Ultimate Frisbee team which frequently have two day tournaments on the weekend and I also have a lot of choir practices on the weekend as well.  Since I have these conflicts it meant that I could not go to church on Sunday to interview more people so I would have to pick days when I didn't have conflicts and the person I wanted to interview didn't have conflicts.
Another problem I faced was at the very end with exporting the video.  In retrospect I should have tried to finish the editing a lot sooner so that I could have dealt with the issue sooner, but when I tried to export it, I kept getting these messages on my screen saying that there was some problem.  I would try to fix it and tried to export it again several times (which took about an hour each time) but I kept getting these messages.  So I brought it to school to talk to Ms. Walker-Roberts but I was still having the issues even after talking to her.  This caused LOTS of stress for me since it was the day before it was supposed to be due.  Finally I figured out that it was a space issue and that I needed to export it onto an external hard drive that had enough space to store it, so I tried that and it worked!!

All in all this whole process has been very fun and I have learned a lot in the process.  I have had a great time interviewing people getting to know their perspective and where they are coming from a little better.

Annotated bibliography:

  1. http://www.uurestoration.us/

Jane L. Hain

The Unitarian Universalist Church of the Restoration


My capstone project is that I am going to create a documentary for my church which is called the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Restoration in Mt. Airy.  I have been a member since around 2013 but have been attending my entire life so it means a lot to me. This source is the home page of the Official churches website.  It talks about who they are which I can use in my documentary in a voice over section and I might even quote them on some of their information. It talks about how diverse and welcoming they are which I think is crucial for a church no matter its beliefs if they want to get new members.  This site is credible because it is the official website for the entire church and so whatever is put on the website has to pass through a couple rounds of editing by members of the church to make sure that they actually want that on their website.

  1. http://www.uurestoration.us/history.php

Jane L. Hain  The Church of the Restoration since - 1793


Copyright 2016

I am going to use this site to help inform me of what my churches history is.  I go to the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Restoration in Mt. Airy and have been going my whole life.  I know the basics of its history but I do not know specifics and so I am going to use this site to gain knowledge of its history so that I can put it in my documentary and let the general public know about it as well.

  1. http://www.uurestoration.us/mission.php

Jane L. Hain

Our Mission

Unitarian Universalist Church of the Restoration


  1. Linda Hansell

Linda Hansell is a member of the church who I have already interviewed and she is a very active member of the community.  She is Worship Associate Leader so she is in charge of all the other worship Associates and makes sure that they do what they are supposed to and once a month she leads a church service.  That is why she is credible because she has expirience in the church and knows about it and knows where she wants it to go in the future. In our interview she talked about how she does not think that the name of the church best describes what it is all about and that we need to change the name to something less christian sounding because we are not a christian church.

  1. UUCR book

This book goes into great detail about the history of Restoration it talks about the church all the way back in the 1700’s when it was built and established.  It also talks about the couple times when it had to move one time because of a fire. It talks about the architecture and why it was built the way it was. It is trustworthy because

  1. https://www.uua.org/beliefs/what-we-believe/principles

Unitarian Universalist Association

The Seven Principles:

Unitarian Universalist Association


This source is trustworthy because it is from the UUA which stands for the (Unitarian Universalist Association) so it is very formal and they are the ones that decide things for the greater UU community so they have a huge impact on my church and are the reason that my church exists basically.  Without the principals of UUism I probably would not go to church. The website talks about what UU’s think about the world and about other people that we believe in the beauty and dignity of everybody and respect people no matter whether we agree with them or not. It talks about the interconnected web of life that we are all apart of which basically means that we are all connected to each other and the earth no matter our species or race or gender.

  1. https://www.filmmakingstuff.com/12-tips-how-to-make-a-documentary/

Bru Baker

12 Steps On How To Make A Documentary

Filmmaking Stuff

March 13th, 2017

This website talks about the 12 steps that are needed to make a good documentary.  Some of those steps include: Make a trailer, think of the end first, and use your own music.  I think those are very goods tips that I will strongly consider when in the editing phase of the documentary.  I will also try and write my own music for it as well to add some flavor to the final version. This site is credible because the author (Bru Baker) has won many awards in creating documentaries so it is evident that these techniques work at least for her.

      8. Tim Styer

Tim Styer is a member of the church and is very involved.  He is the moderator which means that he organizes meeting and oversees all the other people who work for the church which is a large responsibility.  He is credible because he has been involved with the church for many years.

      9. Jane Hulting

Jane Hulting is another member of the church and is in charge of coordinating music at the church.  She leads choir practices almost every Thursday evening and Sunday mornings right before church starts.  In the winter around Christmas time she also leads a group called the restoration ringers and they play hand bells.  They rehearse several times a week and perform 3-4 times a year. Another thing that Jane does is that she leads Yoga class almost every week and has several people participate in that many of which are church goers.  Jane is trustworthy because she is very involved in the church and has been attending for around 20+ years.

     10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUsdwDgPqxs

This video talks about how to make a documentary.  It talks about the necessary things that you need to do in order to make a successful documentary.  It talks about getting a lot of extra footage since you never know what you might need and don’t want to have to film a lot of stuff at the last minute.  It is credible because it is on Expert Villages YouTube channel and their whole shtick. The whole point of their YouTube channel is to get experts who know a lot about their topic and get them to share information and tutorials on YouTube so that other people can be as good as them at that thing.

Josh Turner Capstone

What I did for my capstone is I did a sculpture of a dog for animal awareness/cruelty. I first started by getting the supplies needed. After that me and my friend made the head and stuffed newspaper in it to make it sturdy, then made the ears which took a bit of time, the snout was was kind of difficult to make due to the shape of it , and the eyes were ok. It was hard, but it was not easy to do.. Next we did the body of the dog that was a little difficult. I hard to figure out what size and shape we were going to use. Then we made the legs and the tail which was easy enough. The only problem with the legs and tail was they kept breaking off easily, so we were able to find a way to stop it from breaking. The final thing we did for the capstone is that we painted the dog it was tedious to do the eyes because if you mess up, you have to redo it, next we did the glossing which was hard at all. Lastly we went to a dog walk and went to some animal shelters in the area and collected pamphlets that promotes animal awareness and prevents animal cruelty and post them around the school. So that is what I did to complete my capstone.

For my annotated bibliography I am going to show the definition of animal cruelty and animal awareness, how you can support animal awareness and how to prevent animal cruelty, some facts that you do not know about this topic.

Source: 1

HSUS. “Animal Cruelty Facts and Stats.” Animal Cruelty Facts and Stats: The Humane Society of the United States, 25 Jan. 2018, www.humanesociety.org/issues/abuse_neglect/facts/animal_cruelty_facts_statistics.html?referrer=https://www.google.com/?

This website shows many facts and info on animal cruelty. I found this to be reliable because it tells you facts about this topic in full detail. Like for example the most common animal in animal cruelty are dogs at a high 70.1 percent. It also shows organizations that hosts events that show animal cruelty. It also shows that people who abuse animals, also abuse their children and/or their spouses and that 71 percent of domestic violence victims reported that their abuser also abuses animals. Another thing is that Intentional cruelty to animals is strongly associated with other crimes, including violence against people.

Source: 2

Animal Planet. “20 Ways to Raise Awareness.” Animal Planet, 1 Oct. 2014, www.animalplanet.com/helping-pets/roar/awareness/

This website is good to use because it teaches you how to support animal awareness in many different ways. I noticed that most of the ways to support this cause is to either to host an event, rally, or a Fundraiser to help the animals to get what they need to live and survive. There are also some small things you can do support the cause becoming a mentor to show people the way to animal awareness and get them to join the cause. Another is one of the most common things to do to support awareness and it is volunteering at your local animal rescue center.

Source: 3

“PAWS - People Helping Animals.” Animal Cruelty » PAWS, 25 Jan. 2018, www.paws.org/kids/learn/animal-cruelty/.

This source is helpful because it shows what to do and what not what not to do in a case where you run in animal cruelty. Animal cruelty is when someone hurts an animal or does not care for an animal’s well-being, like not giving a dog or cat food and water. When you see animal abuse, do not intervene because not only the animal’s life will be in more danger, It will put at risk of getting hurt.  Even though it is sad, it’s the right thing to do is call someone for help and let the situation play out. Also it’s a known fact that people that abuse animals, were most likely abused in their past.

Source: 4

MSPCA. “What Is Animal Cruelty?” MSPCA-Angell, 26 Jan. 2018, www.mspca.org/cruelty-prevention/what-is-animal-cruelty/.

This website is useful because it tells you about what are different types of actions that is and turns into animal abuse/cruelty. One of the most common way to abuse an animal is: No water or food, abandon it, no shelter, and unsanitary household. Uncommon ways to abuse animals are running animal over, to give away for profit and attending a animal fight club and it does count as animal abuse if you do attend one because since your not helping a abused animal in a fight club and letting it fight. Does not matter how you put is still animal cruelty if attend these types of events.

Source: 5

Allen, Colin, and Michael Trestman. “Animal Consciousness.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Stanford University, 24 Oct. 2016, plato.stanford.edu/entries/consciousness-animal/.

This source tells you the philosophy of animal awareness or in scientific terms: animal consciousness and how it became a thing in today’s society. It tells you the history of animal awareness and a in depth analysis on animal consciousness. Also it shows the structure and the evolution of animal awareness of the years. To see what has changed with it and what has not changed with animal awareness. As that went on, a called animal suffering or commonly known as animal cruelty. It shows that when there is a good thing, there is always a bad side to it.

Source: 6

“Sensitivity and Self-Awareness in Animals.” One Voice, 26 Jan. 2018, one-voice.fr/en/blog/sensitivity-and-self-awareness-in-animals.html.

This website tells you how sensitive animal is and how animal has an impact on the world. It also tells you how some people use animals as test subjects in scientific/chemistry labs. Another to mention is how we use animals for dissection projects, medical research, and cage them for fun. This is all a form of torture to an animal. Some people who this do not even notice how the animal feels. They’re another ways to find a solution other than animal testing and such, but people do this because it is more convenient for them test on animals than other things.

Source: 7

“Yes, Animals Think And Feel. Here's How We Know.” National Geographic, National Geographic Society, 15 July 2015, news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/07/150714-animal-dog-thinking-feelings-brain-science/.

For this source, it is going to be about how animals feel and how animals think. To humans we think animals only think about is food, water, shelter and sleep, but they actually think about others well-being and instinct. They know something good will happen or something bad will happen to them or others. They care about our safety as much as humans do, but to some people do not see that in animals. Some people see them as lazy animals or animals that are energetic and annoying creatures, but most of us do no think like that because we treat animals as equals.

Source: 8                                                                                                                                               Bekoff, Marc. “Do Animals Know Who They Are?” Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 6 July 2009, www.psychologytoday.com/blog/animal-emotions/200907/do-animals-know-who-they-are.

This is going to be about animals knowing who they are and how they they are animals. When some animals look in a reflective type of material, they either do not react to it at all or they that it is another one of their kind. Sometimes don’t you think that when animal see itself they think “Wow that’s me?” Some animals know because of their speech, appearance, animal like reflexes and such other things like that. Some animals don’t even think that they are animals. They probably think that they are humans like us, but they don’t that they are animals

Source: 9

“11 Facts About Animal Cruelty.” DoSomething.org | Volunteer for Social Change, TMI, 26 Jan. 2018, www.dosomething.org/us/facts/11-facts-about-animal-cruelty.

This source is going to be about facts about animal abuse that people did not know. One fact is that there has been an estimated 900 to 2,000 new cases every year of animal hoarding in the US, with 250,000 animals falling victim. Another fact is over 115 million animals like  mice, rats, dogs, cats, rabbits, monkeys, birds, among others, are killed in laboratory experiments worldwide for chemical, drug, food, and cosmetics testing every year. Final fact is more than 50% the fur in the US comes from China, where millions of dogs and cats are often bled to death and skinned alive for their fur. Chinese fur is often mislabeled, so if you wear any fur, there’s no sure way of knowing whose skin you’re in.

Source 10

This source is going to be about fun facts and the dos and don’ts of animals. One fact is If an animal changes its behavior, you are too close which means either they are scared of you or they feel threatened by you. The World Animal Awareness Society has campaign specific goals as well as organizational goals. The organization has multiple locations in the United States that you can join. It tells what the situation is in that area and how you can support animal awareness in different states. People do not know about this because is it not that well known.


Hadleigh Stammers Capstone

      For my capstone I have created a handmade makeup and beauty brand, called Sheer Beauty, containing products such as tinted lip balms, lip scrub, highlighter balms, and skin rejuvenating facial sprays that are sold on my etsy site (which is currently hidden as I am still working out minor details regarding shipping and costs):   

      As I was planning my capstone, I intended to do something that incorporated what I had learned at SLA while also integrating aspects that would translate into my future. I will be attending business school in the fall and thought that getting an idea of what it is like to be apart of a business, run a business, start a business, etc. would be beneficial to me. A lot went into this process, and the inquiry-based learning that I have experienced at SLA certainly helped me break it all down and combat each aspect efficiently. 

      I’ve always been a skin care and makeup lover, specifically all natural beauty products and skin care remedies, which many of my products are (aside from any pigments). The (almost) all natural aspect certainly sets my products apart from others that are on the market, along with the packaging that I designed on my own. I have attached a photo of what my shop looks like (as it is currently hidden) and the link to my annotated bibliography. 

      annotated bibliography:     https://docs.google.com/document/d/14DlCoJ2vMteJD8gASrtITWYNo2fxp2nmir_8W3wwnoU/edit?usp=sharing
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Screen Shot 2018-05-10 at 11.17.54 PM

Madison Harris Capstone

For my Capstone, I wanted to find a way to have an outside event for students to interact and have fun with, but also raise money for the SLA Girls Basketball Team to put money towards them getting new apparel. I believe that this will make the team confident and bring unity to their apparel. I came up with the idea of running a basketball tournament and raise money by charging students from the school to play.

The final decision I made to do for my Capstone was to have my basketball tournament at Taney on April 30th, 2018. I did not charge students to play, but leading up to the tournament I ran a bake sale to draw attention for students to buy items, but I also had a sign up for the tournament at the bake sale. This raised money, but I also had a sense of what students were going to play. I advertised the tournament often on social media which had to word spread fast.

The day of the tournament I prepared by having a speaker so people watching would be entertained as long as the players. I wanted the tournament to be chill and for the students to have fun so it was very light on the rules, but it was on a time constraint so everything could flow and I did not run into the games being too long or short.

I believe that the tournament was fun for the students because it was just a day to have fun with peers outside of school. One piece I wish I could have done better was not overwhelming myself at once, but do one thing at a time in a spaced out amount of time. I am happy that I have completed my Capstone it has taught me so much about to overcome challenges and yet still benefits others.

This is a collage of the day of my tournament along with one of the flyers I created. I had three games. Freshman vs. Sophomores and winner faces the Upperclassmen. The Sophomores are Winners. Congrats Class of 2020!!
This is a collage of the day of my tournament along with one of the flyers I created. I had three games. Freshman vs. Sophomores and winner faces the Upperclassmen. The Sophomores are Winners. Congrats Class of 2020!!

Annotated Bibliography

Running a Tournament & Playing High School Event

“How To... Organize a Basketball Tournament.” Basketball Manitoba, 2018, 22 Jan. 2018 <www.basketballmanitoba.ca/2006/07/how-to-organize-basketball-tournament.html.>

I found this website/blog helpful for my capstone because it is talks specifically about how to organize a basketball tournament and making sure to be on top of the planning without leaving anything out and just having a flawless event per say. This is important for me and to have a successful capstone because it helps me have an idea/ plan of making sure I have everything and stay on track with my capstone without having spaces between the process and being upfront with the plan. The successful for the tournament will be having a plan prior to the big day. By following the checklist and the tips will help be a reference from start to finish from my capstone.  

McGroarty, Kent Page. “Benefits of Teamwork in Sports.” Healthy Living, EDGE Publications , 22 Jan. 2018. <https://healthyliving.azcentral.com/benefits-teamwork-sports-1119.html .>  

I researched the importance of sports and the importance it brings to teamwork and having the ability to work with others. This ties into my capstone because there has to be teamwork and collaboration in order for this tournament to be exciting and bring enjoyment to the players. It also teaches a life lesson of showing how if you are trying to get anywhere in life collaboration and understanding others is important to become successful in life. It also helps with the interactions between others and understanding everyone’s strengths and weaknesses and how it will  make the team successful and fun.

Frei, Terry. March 1939: before the Madness: the Story of the First NCAA Basketball Tournament Champions. Lyons Press, 2016. 23 Jan. 2018

This book is about how a team prepared before the March Madness tournament and the bonding they had before the big day. This made me think about how my teams may prepare before they enter the tournament. I wonder how the teams will prepare and how this will make the tournament engaging and entertaining for the players. I know that the collaboration will be successful and I hope their preparation is a well because that is what makes any team successful and the importance of it. It is better than teams who just comes out there without having any chemistry and limited collaboration.

“The Complete Event Planning Guide.” Membership Software - Wild Apricot, 23 Jan. 2018. <www.wildapricot.com/articles/how-to-plan-an-event.>  

Talks about the major qualities of event planning and how it will make your event successful. Without a plan there is no event. It only cause confusion, chaos, and stress to make an event work at the last minute. That would also produce a crappy event that looks rushed and unorganized. Others will notice this to and it create confusion and chaos with the crowd. Planning ahead can make anyone successful and on top of the game no matter what.  Since I know I am not an event planner this website gave me the instructions of what to do to be successful along with my event.

Long, Kimberly. “4 Ways to Get Students Interested in Extracurricular Clubs.” Education Week Teacher, Editorial Projects in Education, 29 Apr. 2016, 24 Jan. 2018. <www.edweek.org/tm/articles/2015/02/17/4-ways-to-get-students-interested-in.html.>

Because I want my tournament to be engaging and having the SLA community involved, this website touches on how extracurricular and events are important in schools because it can build on having new school traditions, leadership within different students, and how it defines the student body. It shows me how important it is for SLA to keep thriving and make school fun outside of school per say. This helped me identify my purpose for my capstone to make sure that it is strong enough and hopefully involving a great amount of the student body. Also involving the core values that pertain to the project and the even within itself.

Elizabeth Mulvahill on August 24, 2016 .contest-social .share-links svg, .share-links svg { top: 50%; left: 0px; } #atftbx p:first-of-type { display: none; } .entry-content .addthis_toolbox, .entry-. “50 Tips, Tricks, and Ideas for Building School Spirit.” WeAreTeachers, 4 July 2017, 24 Jan. 2018. <www.weareteachers.com/50-surefire-ways-to-build-school-spirit/.>

This website explained how to keep School Spirit going and the ideas to do so. This produces excitement and engagement from the student body along with something for them to look forward to. School can be seen as boring or routined to different students, but bringing something new to the environment which causes them to research and explore what it is about. School spirit is very important because it causes hype around the school and how to explore outside of school but pertaining to the school. Everything needs something new once and a while and bringing the spirit to school will change the view of basic and casual understanding but newness and excitement.

Meier, Kelly. “How to Prepare to Be an Event Planner in High School.” How to Prepare to Be an Event Planner in High School | Education - Seattle PI, Hearst Seattle Media , 25 Jan. 2018. <http://education.seattlepi.com/prepare-event-planner-high-school-2863.html .>

Since I am in High School and I don’t plan events , this blog has helped me understand how to do so on my level. Being an event planner you have to have great communication skills with talking on the phone and with having interactions with others.Having great communication skills show your professionalism and confidence in what you are trying to portray and the importance of it. Being involved in clubs and sports is a way that event planner can be exposed because it shows how your involvement is there. It shows that being involved in one area can help you to create your own by seeing the positives and negatives in another.

Smeds, Mia. “School Events Are Important for Community Spirit.” Justice Through Education, 12 Sept. 2016, 25 Jan. 2018.< www.justed.org/school-events-are-important-for-community-spirit/.>

This talks about the importance of school events and how they reflect upon the school. It shows that having school events makes the school unified between all grades along with teachers and students. The community spirit is something that is stress relievers for kids so everything is not all about work projects, etc, but we can have fun and still within the school environment. It also shows how the school works together and brings collaboration within each and every aspect of the school and how everything is connected into one system and the everyone's goal is the same with bringing engagement to the school body.

Glick , Sarah. “Success Stories: Brilliant Event Planning.” I Do PR, Jan. 2014, 26 Jan. 2018.

<www.idopr.com/wedding/success-stories-brilliant-event-planning/ .>

This helped me understand what makes an event successful and reading the different stories. They all had in common that they prepared before the event which was important. It also made me realize that everyone is not perfect so there is always going to be a flaw in the event ,but finding ways to overcome it is the way because those flaws can be unseen and no one would even know. Events can be successful or completely off and it is all about how much time and effort you put into the event is what will be produced and seen by others.

 Carlton, Duane. “Divided by Diversity Documentary.” YouTube, Vermont PBS, 4 July 2016, 26 Jan. 2018. <www.youtu.be/fqGRZ7KrbSI .>

The documentary was about how basketball use to be divided based upon race and not talent. This made me wonder what can I question about my own project and establishing my main purpose for the project. What is the cause of having the game? How will shift the players mind on what their goal is and the importance of having teamwork and collaboration while playing. I want everyone to have fun, but take something from and apply a life lesson to it because we do everything for a purpose and not just because. Everything has a meaning and worth recognition of fighting for if it is worth it.

Arielle Moore Capstone


For my capstone, I created a podcast. Having no experience with the medium of radio and audio, you can imagine that starting my own was a definite challenge. First, I considered my target audience: adolescents and young adults. Ultimately, I decided that social awareness, pop-culture, and politics would be the best backdrop for my show. Next, I had to create a name. After polling a few of my peers and searching for inspiration, I stumbled upon the name ‘Get Schooled’. It was short, concise, and not only represented the podcast well but that it was school-based.
Now, I had to find a hosting website for each episode. I learned that SoundCloud lets artists upload their content for free, and it can be streamed from their app. Concluding that this was the most feasible option, I created my SoundCloud page and got to work designing a logo and the content I would use to market my podcast with. 
After collecting all my necessary recording materials, it was time to begin creating each episode. I first made a template for what would be covered in the span of 15-20 minutes, and requested a co-host and ‘student spotlight’ for each week. Coming up with new subject matter on a weekly basis was the most efficient way to ensure a consistent episode schedule. I used Monday & Tuesday to write, Wednesday to record, Thursday to edit, and Friday to upload. This system was time-consuming and hard work, but proved itself to be worth it in the end.


(All episodes are here and available to be streamed)


 Adams, R.L. “7 Cost-Effective Ways To Market Your Business Online.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 31 Dec. 2016, 
This source was really informative regarding the outreach for my podcast. I don’t have a strong background in marketing so this showed me how to effectively and inexpensively get your message on a larger platform, ultimately having your voice heard. I wanted to make sure that SLA students at least knew about my podcast so that I would have an established audience. For the most part, I’m just using my hosting website and some flyers around the school as promotion and this website talked about getting a strong base as being effective. 

‘Code Switch’ Podcast 
This podcast is a bit more structured, but still maintains the format of a natural, fluid conversation, which I plan to use in my own podcast. I also really like that the show has a playlist of current songs that they encourage their listeners to hear. That is a creative touch that I might consider mirroring with my podcast. I do find a bit of their topics to be more geared toward a different demographic, but I appreciate getting inspiration from all areas.

 Geoghegan, Michael W., et al. Podcast academy: the business podcasting book: launching, marketing, and measuring your podcast. Focal Press, 2014.
This book is all about the technical aspect of creating a podcast. Which audio is the best, where to host your podcast, how to record, how to plan your episodes, and so much more. Before knowing how to even begin, I needed a template. This book served as a guide on how to get started and understand the basics of running a podcast. In many instances, I was able to refer to it as a foundation for my new show. A few of its aspects are a bit outdated since this book is almost 4 years old, but its content was very helpful to me nonetheless.

 Martin, Dylan, "Inside the notebook: taking inspiration from a podcast about starting a podcast business" (2015). Maine News Index – MaineBiz. 6260
I gained a lot of vital information from this source, although I’m not planning on making my podcast a business. It provided a lot of points about how to manage and market your podcast strategically and successfully which I find to be quite helpful. I will hopefully be able to expand my podcast beyond the borders of SLA and I think this source will put me on the right track to manage and monitor it by myself. It also gave me a lot of information on how to properly plan and strategize in order to have the most fruitful outcome. 

"NPR One" NPR. Accessed January 25, 2018. 
NPR is a tool to search for and create new podcasts. I find it to be incredibly innovative and interesting when searching for inspiration or needing new information about what kinds of podcasts have a large audience. I like getting other aspects of podcasts I wouldn’t usually listen to or that aren’t geared toward my demographic. It allows me to see more than one perspective and learn how to incorporate themes that are transcendent and cater to a plethora of interests. 

‘The Read’ Podcast
Looking for a podcast that candidly comments on aspects of media, pop culture, politics, and everything in between? It’s The Read. Its two clever hosts continuously keep their fingers on the pulse of what everyone’s talking about and their witty banter sets the perfect scene for a podcast. I’ve been pulling a lot of inspiration from this show due to their fast-paced and consistently interesting episodes. As an avid listener, I closely look for what aspects make this show worth listening to each week. A bit of their topics can be a bit vulgar which I tend to stay away from when making my podcast, but I appreciate their honesty.

 Taylor, Mike. “Start a Podcast Now. Here’s How.” Entrepreneur
This article provides a lot of resources on how to upstart your podcast and how to take initiative with the topics and make a clear decision for your show. This article was from more of an 
entrepreneur standpoint, so the business aspect was clearly displayed as well. Being responsible for just about every aspect of my podcast is quite intense, but with the right guidance, it is bound to be successful. Laying out the surface on which to build your vision requires being disciplined enough to educate yourself on the things you didn’t previously know, and this source showed me the importance in asking for help and searching for the materials you need. 

 “How to Actually Create Podcast Intros That Attract Listeners.” Podcast Motor 
What do the people want to hear? That is the question. This article shows the reader what it is that actually builds an audience. I have gained a lot of knowledge from using this source because even though I have social media as a platform for my outreach, I would also like to know what it is that actually keeps listeners consistently tuned. A large part of what attracts listeners is your intro. When creating mine, I needed a place of reference and I found this source to be incredibly helpful.

 "Using Social Media to Build a Podcast Audience." Podcast Motor
I’m currently finding it a bit difficult to use social media as a way to expand my voice, but this article has been really helpful in labeling the steps I should take. I appreciate that this source takes a realistic and achievable approach to getting your message across through social media. I want to ultimately enlarge my platform and this article breaks down each aspect that is necessary to do so. 

"How to Make a Podcast: Lessons from an NPR Producer." OkDork.com. August 05, 2017.
This website shows the time, effort, and logistics that go into starting and running your own podcast. I have never done this before and have no real point of reference, so being able to read about someone else’s experience and draw inspiration has been helpful and benefitted me and the current state of my podcast. I gained a lot of information about how to turn your writing into something people want to hear, and how to incorporate other creative themes into your final product.

Kimberly Barnes Capstone

Topic Summary: The goal of this project was to teach children how to handle conflict in the right ways, learn the different ways in which children learn and interact, and to tutor children struggling with homework and other challenging school subjects.

My capstone was tutoring and mentoring children in grades k-8th through the Free Library of Philadelphia: Kingsessing Branch (my local library)’s LEAP After school walk-in program. I worked with students of all grade levels, assisting and tutoring  them with any homework assignment and subject they were struggling in. The initial inspiration for this project came from my aspiration to pursue a career in Education and my love for children, and  passion and dedication to see them learn and succeed in challenges faced with both learning and with school material.

Although, I already had much experience through my involvement  in various activities and programs that required and allowed for me to be able to work, interact, and teach children, this was the first time that I would be thinking outside of the box for ways as to which I as an individual could help to make a change in my community.

It was also  my desire to see my community come together in unity, and learn to work together as team, that also inspired this capstone. To see children, from all different backgrounds, walks of life, and circumstance learn to rise above their obstacles whether in their homes (inside and outside of school) and come to know, learn, and realize that they are not their circumstance or their struggle but they are better than it and are able to overcome it with the right resources, determination, and even support.

As a result of this project, I created, planned, and started my own Conflict Resolution Program at the Library for children ages 5+, which taught and showed them the importance of handling and resolving conflict in the right ways, and learning how to channel their anger in ways that are not harmful or hurtful. My goal, being to teach children the importance of keeping the peace and not allowing a conflict or situation to determine who they are, or even who they become.

IMG_6110 (1)
IMG_6110 (1)

Kingsessing Branch LEAP Program

Contesta , Nicole. “Friends of the Kingsessing Library Bring More Programs to the Community .” Friends of the Kingsessing Library Work to Bring More Programs to the Community, University City Review , 30 Sept. 2015, ucreview.com/friends-of-the-kingsessing-library-work-to-bring-more-programs-to


This source proved to be very reliable. Not only does it provide insight into why the Kingsessing Friends Library created the LEAP program, along with the other programs, but gave a description as to what the programs are about and what the mission and goals of each are. Before providing a description of each program, this article talked about the need for more programs and how the closing down of the library resulting in the call to attention for more community involvement.  This source also provided information on the impact LEAP and each program would make and is CURRENTLY making on the community. It helped me to see why LEAP is such an asset to my community and why it should be offered in the best ways possible. This article also showed me how even the smallest action can have and make such a large impact in a community, specifically mines. The LEAP program was created through the threat of the libraries being shut down. It was made for the sole purpose of serving as an asset to people of ages and meeting their needs. What started as an idea, has become a program adopted by all Free Libraries in Philadelphia and other regions! LEAP is changing lives.

How to Effectively Start A Program

“Starting a Program.” Starting a Program Youth.gov , Youth.GOV,


This source gave me so many great ideas and tips needed to start a mentoring program. It gave me a chronological list order of what is needed to be kept in mind when starting and creating the program and even upon the program being in progress. It gave me great tips on what a good program looks like and even advice things such as financial policies and program procedures to follow. I learned a lot more about what starting a program actually looks and what you will need to ensure that it remains in effect and successful.  It is also helped me to prepare certain steps for which I will need to apply when officially introducing and putting the program into play. Because, it is a new program it will need to have much base and structure. This source taught me exactly how to have these two things which are going to be very helpful and determining how the program is going to be facilitated. We are looking to start up the conflict resolution program very soon, and in order for it to be successful and last long, it has to be effective. This source showed me how to exactly make this happen.

Leap Program: Background Information, Mission, and Explanation

“LEAP After-School Program.” Free Library of Philadelphia, Free Library of Philadelphia ,


Upon first reading this source, I felt that it was not very reliable, it was short and brief and didn’t seem as though it would give me much information. However, upon reading it I realized that not only is the source reliable but it explains the LEAP program and its mission in a way that is simple but clear. This source gave me a much deeper insight as to what I would specifically doing as an intern of the LEAP program. It gave me background on the program and its mission and even what it stands for. It also gave me an idea of where else the LEAP program is being provided at and I can use this for further research for my capstone to see what other communities are being positively impacted by the LEAP program.

When figuring out the time, I would spend per week for my capstone, this source was very handy. It helped me to structure the time in which I spent committing too and doing my capstone. It also gave me an idea of what to expect while interning for the program, and what types of skills needed to work with the children. I used this source to begin to research good communication skills and interactive skills so that I would know how to work alongside those who chose to participate in the program. Although it is a shorter source, it provides a brief introduction as to what my job is as a LEAP intern and the main things that I will be doing upon participating.

 Video Interview with Ms. Kelley! (Mentor)

2018, 14 January, LEAP Program, Leitz Kelley, LEAP Program Director

This video interview with Ms. Kelley was my top source, and it is most certainly reliable. In the video, Ms. Kelley is explaining what exactly the LEAP program is, what makes it unique, and how it has served to be a positive impact in the community. She also talks about why she decided to participate in the LEAP program and how the way the program was created really impacts the amount of students that come in and are benefited from it. She also explains why the program is needed and even some of the struggles and conflicts that sometimes come with directing a program that helps children of all different age groups and backgrounds. She also talks about some of  her favorite memories when working with the children that come into the program. All of this information received in the interview was not only reliable because I could stand witness to the impact the program was having and even agree with some of Ms. Kelley’s opinions on the program and was even present for some of those best moments and challenges she mentioned, but it was also inspiring. It made me even more passionate about my capstone, and more passionate to see a student learn and grow their knowledge. It made me feel good during every tutor session that I patiently sat with a student as they learned how to add and subtract correctly or even pronounce a word. It made me feel good, like everything I did was helping to make an impact in someone’s life.

Andrew Miller’s Mentoring Students and Young People handbook

   Miller , Andrew. “Mentoring Students and Young People.” Google Books, Taylor and Francis E-Library , Mar. 2002,


This source was amazing and did an excellent job of explaining the history of mentoring, and the different types of mentoring. As both a LEAP tutor and mentor, I did not want to begin serving as a mentor without having a clue as to what is needed or entailed. I also wanted to have a history of mentoring, where it started from, and where the idea was originally created. To be a mentor, is a very important job. This source helped me to see why it was important to prepare for it and how to make it enjoyable. it also broke down the different forms of mentoring and what is required for each. This was helpful in helping me to see the type of mentoring I would be doing and what kind of mentoring related to me most and the steps I would need to take in order to become a good one. Not only did this source explain the basics of what mentoring is and what it requires, Miller dedicated sections of his book to help the reader better understand mentoring, provided a series of case studies to show how effective mentoring is and why it is needed, and even the roles of a mentor and how being a mentor can open you up to so many other doors of opportunities, in both the educational field and even in the real world.

Tips for Tutors: How to Ensure That the First Lesson Goes Really Well.” Tutorhub Blog, TutorHub Blog , 9 Mar. 2014, Tips for Tutors: how to ensure that the first lesson goes ... - Tutorhub Blog

This source was reliable in helping me be a great tutor to the children in the LEAP program. I used this source my first day of interning. It really worked! I had to prepare and set the environment. Not only does this source provide steps but breaks down how to effectively do them. Because it wasa blog, upon first reading and observation I felt that it would be bias. However, there was a lot of "If you", which let me know that I could choose to follow the tips if I wanted too. It wasn't really a bias experience but instead helpful suggestions. I also enjoyed reading this source because it provided actual real scenarios that could possibly occur as a tutor in a program or at a school, which was really helpful especially if I found myself in a situation similar to what was provided in each scenario given in the blog.

Auerbach , Yehudith, et al. “From Conflict Resolution to Reconciliation.” Google Books, Oxford University Press , 2004,


This source showed me the importance of not only resolving conflict but of finding reconciliation within the conflict. Often times when we think conflict has been resolved it isn't, which sometimes causes for further build ups and frustrations. Thus, nothing is ever solved. This source helped me to see more into my planning for my conflict resolution program and even helped me to shape and structure the rules and guidelines of my program. This source also showed me why reconciliation goes hand in hand with conflict just as much as resolving it, because it builds mutual trust between those involved in it. I used this source to plan out exactly what the goals of my program are. Upon first observation of this book, I felt as if it would be a lot to read before I would come to find what I was looking for. However, immediately from the beginning the book provided an explanation that corresponded to its title and even some history about conflict resolution which helped me to further see why it was an important part of growth and maturity as a person.

Because there were so many different contributors to this source I was able to get many different perspectives about conflict resolution and the different ways to go about it. I am excited to try each suggestion to see how each one fits with the program’s missions and goals.

“9 Tips on Conducting Great Interviews .” Forbes, Forbes Magazine , 14 Apr. 2012, www.forbes.com/sites/shelisrael/2012/04/14/8-tips-on-conducting-great-interviews/#10de0a3656f1.

This source helped me to structure and formulate my interview with both Ms. Kelley and the LEAP children. I was able to structure my question in a way that would make the interview comfortable and provided questions that gave the interviewees time to speak and to answer each question. I also used this source because as one of the most popular business websites and magazines, Forbes is reliable enough because they are always interviewing someone new for the magazine or the website about their latest achievement in business or what makes it unique. This content was most certainly relatable for Ms. Kelley as she talked about the LEAP program. Although she didn't start the program, she is still in charge of it as it changes and impacts lives in positive way. The questions I asked her allowed for her to summarize and break down what LEAP was about in clear and concise ways. I was not looking to have a basic interview with Ms. Kelley but was instead trying to come up with questions that would make the interview unique and interesting for the viewers. I also wanted them to be able to take something from it about the LEAP program that wasn’t just in my capstone description or what I had provided. The interview tips this source provided allowed me to do just that and I learned more about the LEAP program than I had thought I would or knew.

Forhan , Christy. “Middle School Event Ideas.” PTO Today, PTO Today , 2 Mar. 2018, www.ptotoday.com/pto-today-articles/article/1141-tips-and-ideas-for-middle-school-events.

This source gave me a variety of creative ideas to do for the LEAP program. As an intern, my job is not just to tutor but to plan and create events and activities for the children to participate in that brings the community together. Because the program is from grades K-8th with middle schoolers usually always coming in, planning events and activities for that age range was something I realized I needed to do. This website helped me get an idea of how to correctly plan an event ,and consider the individual while doing this. I now know how to setup the perfect environment for an event, advertise it, and even host it. As a program specifically targeted children, they are going to want to do fun things, and consistently ask about doing activities. This gave me the idea of event planning, This source helped me to also figure out the financial aspect of planning out an event and even how to prepare for it.

Jhazzelle Majarucon Capstone

For my capstone project, I decided to create a montage of my trip to Costa Rica with 9 other girls and 2 teachers from SLA. The trip was a field study in the small village of the Bribri community. Over the course of 9 days, our trip consisted of exploring the capital city of San Jose, driving for 6 hours then taking a boat ride to the community, a 2 day service, beach time, and much more. During our time in the Bribri village, we bonded with the Bribri people and completed community service for 2 days in which we built a water pipe system for two houses. There’s so much more that I can talk about during my time in Costa Rica and that is why I decided to document parts of the trip so it would give the audience an overview of my experience and the girls’ experience as well.

I knew even before the trip happened that it was going to be an amazing and eye-opening experience which led me to film almost everything that we did. I documented our experiences from San Jose, the Bribri community, and even the beach after a few days of service. Every single day, I made sure that I had filmed the most important parts of the day for the montage content. However, I learned that it is difficult to focus on what is going on around you if technology is in your hands. Despite my willingness to document my experience in Costa Rica, especially the Bribri community, I wish I didn’t have to stress about having enough memory storage, my phone or camera falling in the water, not capturing the important moments through the lens, and getting a good camera angle. We shouldn’t focus on these, but instead focus on what nature has to offer around us. Regardless, I gained so much knowledge in such little time and I will be able to cherish the beautiful experience forever with this project I completed.

Annotated Bibliography:


Athalia Tan Capstone

My capstone project is about how a sickness or illness could affect the whole family when one family member has it. I got to work with some family members at the Ronald McDonald House(RMDH) and see how they interacted with me and their surroundings. Volunteering at the nonprofit charity, gave me a feeling on what their community is like. To get to interact with them, I decided to do arts and crafts with them, while Tatiana Ream, played bingo with the kids. Through a fundraiser that we did, I bought a set of 8x10 canvases, paint brushes, and acrylic paint and Tatiana boughts items to make gift bags for them. Even though it did not go as expected, with only two kids showing up, I decided to use the rest of the material to  give back to my community church. 

"An Illness in the Family: Accounting for the Complex Effects of Illness on Other Family Members." AJMC. May 1, 2004. Accessed January 24, 2018. http://www.ajmc.com/journals/issue/2004/2004-05-vol10-n5/may04-1787p305-306.
Sometimes the families have to sacrifice a lot of their daily schedules to care for the patient. Their work schedules and leisure activities can get affected because they need to give more time to care, support and take the patient to the doctors. It also points out that an illness in the family can affect the health and happiness of the family members. This source talks a lot about the different illness that might happen at certain ages and how caregivers take part in the equation. Since some families have caregivers, they are also getting affected. They might not have a good health status but it gives the family a little rest. The sourcing is saying that there are more things other than the family itself that’s getting affected when someone in the family has an illness.

Edwards, Ben, and Valerie Clarke. "The psychological impact of a cancer diagnosis on families: The influence of family functioning and patients' illness characteristics on depression and anxiety." Psycho‐Oncology. December 02, 2003. Accessed January 25, 2018. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pon.773/full. 
If a family member is diagnosed with cancer, the people around them can suffer from clinical levels of depression, severe levels of anxiety, and stress. The characteristics of the patient and how the family function have a big impact on the family’s depression and anxiety. It also depends on how the family tackle the illness. If they’re positive, meaning that they act openly, they express their feelings and solve problems effectively, they will have a lower level of depression. To have lower levels of anxiety, the family needs to communicate with one another. Researchers and doctors need to be more family-focused because if the patient and the people around them doesn’t have the same mentality, it will have a negative outcome for them all. 

Golics, Catherine Jane, Mohammad Khurshid Azam Basra, M. Sam Salek, and Andrew Yule Finlay. "The impact of patients' chronic disease on family quality of life: an experience from 26 specialties." International Journal of General Medicine. September 18, 2013. Accessed January 24, 2018. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3787893/.
Learning a little about the experiment that was conducted, it proved that different illness have different effects on the family. It said that the physical effects, psychological distress and social problems quality in the life of the family can be reduced. Since the family members have a critical part in caring for the patient, they need to be prepared too. The emotional impact, financial aspects, social life, time commitments, personal relationships, and family activities are the most common to be affect in all of the chronic diseases. The studies described in this source is similar to what I want to do, they asked the people in the interview, “Can you tell me about any ways your life has been affected by your family member’s illness?” That is similar to my essential question, so this will be beneficial to me later on. 

Good, Byron J., Mary-Jo DelVecchio Good, and Bill D. Burr. "Impact of Illness on the Family: Disease, Illness, and the Family Illness Trajectory." SpringerLink. January 01, 1983. Accessed January 25, 2018. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4612-5433-1_6. 
According to this source, for a physician to treat a patient, they need to acknowledge the psychological problems of both the patient and the family of the patient. It needs to be recognized, diagnosed and addressed to successfully treat the patient. A study showed that more than half of the families with children that had cystic fibrotic experienced growth and returned back to stability. It is important to support the patients because to share the burden and try to stay positive has a big impact on the family. At times when a family member has an illness, it will most likely bring the family closer because they’ll find strength within themselves.

"How Chronic Illness or Disability Affects a Family." HealthyChildren.org. Accessed January 26, 2018. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/health-issues/conditions/chronic/Pages/How%20Chronic-Illness-Affects-the-Family.aspx. 
The parents and caregivers are placed with a big responsibility. They have to worry about their own health and fears and also carry the health condition of the patient. There are different ways that can help with the situation. For example, physicians, social workers, therapists, etc., can be a big help. Trying to solve all family problems associated to the illness or condition can end up isolating yourself from others. It’s okay to recieve help from others when it gets too much. Social networking is also a helpful thing because it allows the family to surround themselves with a supportive environment. 

"Impact of illness on the family." EuroMed Info. Accessed January 24, 2018. https://www.euromedinfo.eu/impact-of-illness-on-the-family.html/.
This source answers my essential question. It states that the lifestyle of the family are affected when a family member becomes ill. Everyone has to adapt to a new change because they have to take into account that they should function the way that’s best for the patient. Some families might even need counseling depending on what specific role they should play a part of the family’s function. The source also talks about how the extended family might be affected by the seriousness of the illness. It said that some illness might bring families closer but some might be a strain, so it’s important to identify the illness to the whole family.

"Individuals and Families: Models and Interventions." Health and Behavior: The Interplay of Biological, Behavioral, and Societal Influences. January 01, 1970. Accessed January 26, 2018. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK43749/. 
This source proves that if someone has an illness in the family, it will lead to a long-term stressor for both the patient and the family. To help with the emotional ride of having an illness within the family is to secure and support personal relationships with one another. Behavior also plays a big part because to have a stable, secure, and mutual family relationships helps enhance consistent disease management. It helps the family share the burden associated with the illness so that they will have each other to rely on. It also talks about how behavior plays a big part in other aspects of life.

International, Inc. Advanced Solutions. "Chronic Illness." American Association for Marriages and Family Therapy. Accessed January 24, 2018. https://www.aamft.org/iMIS15/AAMFT/Content/consumer_updates/chronic_illness.aspx.
The first line of healthcare that a person with chronic illness has is their family. The families are the ones that are there with them everyday and the one who do whatever it takes to help the patient. The chronic illness of one family member influences the lives of everyone around them. Their everyday lives change to find a way to help their loved ones. They might not be emotionally stable because it will be hard for them to adjust to a different lifestyle. The families might need help from trained professional for support, but they will always try their hardest to live a “normal” life. 

Reichman, Nancy E., Hope Corman, and Kelly Noonan. "Impact of Child Disability on the Family ." Medscape Log In. Accessed January 25, 2018. https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/581577_2. 
There are pros and cons about having a child or a sibling that needs medical attention. It can bring out everyone’s inner strength, enhance family cohesion, and it encourage connections to the community around them. However, it takes a lot of time, financial costs, physical and emotional demands, and support. People might have higher stress levels due to the different effects that come with the responsibility of caring a disabled child. Most of the time, the mom stays at home and the dad’s work hour decreases. Parents that have a disabled child are found to be less social and they are less likely to have large families. 

Rusk, Howard A., and Joseph Novey. Marriage and family living; international issue on the family. Chicago, 1954. 
The chapter, “The Impact of Chronic Illness on Families,” it said that chronic illness contributes to family problems. Whether the illness is a something small, it will still affect the family because everyone is aware of it. The financial and emotional aspects of the family is the primary points that the illness will affect. The family’s social life will be affected due to the things that the patient need. Depending on the severity of the illness, it affects how the family function as an individual and as a whole. What they need to do and how they respond to things will be determined by the illness.

Tatiana Ream Capstone

For my senior project, I decided to visit children at the Ronald McDonald house to do a little evening activity with them as well as give them little gifts.The activities I did was bingo and a little bit of arts and crafts along with Athalia Tan. In order to do this, I held a fundraiser in school to raise money to buy the materials needed. The Ronald McDonald House was kind enough to let me borrow their bingo set, all I had to do was buy them the gift bags. Inside the gift bags, I included things I thought could be fun to play with such as bubbles, play-dough and more. The purpose of this visit, was to see how the families cope and deal with either having a family member in the hospital everyday, or constantly having to return to the hospital.  
setting up
setting up
kids playing bingo with Ms. Hernandez
kids playing bingo with Ms. Hernandez

Annotated Bibliography :

Golics, Catherine Jane, et al. “The impact of patients' chronic disease on family quality of life: an experience from 26 specialties.” International Journal of General Medicine, Dove Medical Press, 2013. <www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3787893/>

After reviewing this source, I noticed that it gave me a lot of background information. I also noticed that it was an interview put into a sort of document. At first I didn’t think that this source was reliable, but once I started getting more into it, I noticed it has a lot of references. I also saw statistics, and the interview questions that was talked about. Most of the interview questions that were asked answers my capstone question on how families feel about their relatives conditions. So maybe I can use some of these questions to ask the families I get in touch with.  

Good, Byron J., et al. “Impact of Illness on the Family: Disease, Illness, and the Family Illness Trajectory.” SpringerLink, Springer, New York, NY, 1 Jan. 1983, link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4612-5433-1_6.

Although this source is similar to the other source, I selected this one as well because it’s the impact instead of the effect. This gives me a lot of information on how illness affects the whole family and the different ways they can cope together as a whole.

How Families Cope With Chronic Illness - Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY, <wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/102000363.>

After reviewing this source I got more information on how families cope. I also noticed that this source puts together verses from the bible, which I think is really reliable. It also gives questions families frequently ask doctors when they find out their loved one is diagnosed with an illness. This source helps me a lot because it gives a variety of information. It talks about the many ways someone can be supportive, so this can help me on how to be supportive to the families I talk to.

“Interviewing an individual to gain a family perspective with chronic illness : a clinical demonstration.” Free Library of Philadelphia, [San Francisco, California, USA] : Kanopy Streaming, <know.freelibrary.org/Record/2103858.> https://freelibrary.kanopystreaming.com/video/interviewing-individual-gain-family-perspective-chronic-illness-clinical-demonstration

At first I didn’t think this source would be reliable. Although this interview was about a man’s experience on chronic illness, it was still able to help be gather information. While watching this interview, they introduced the skills they would be talking about which included, coping strategies and impact on family. They also explained ways someone can cope even without family members, but how to on their own. During the interview, the doctor asked the patient many questions on how he coped, and how he felt about the loss while he was a young boy. In the end, this source was pretty useful for me.

Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Health and Behavior: Research, et al. “Individuals and Families: Models and Interventions.” Health and Behavior: The Interplay of Biological, Behavioral, and Societal Influences., U.S. National Library of Medicine, 1 Jan. 1970, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK43749/.

This source shows how families and or the individuals that are diagnosed behave. An individual sometimes feel guilty when they’re diagnosed because of the many things their family has to go through in order to prepare for them. The many equipment they have to get, and the amount of money they have to gather.

Lawrence, Erika. “The Impact of Chronic Illness on the Family.” http://www.igliving.com/magazine/articles/IGL_2012-06_AR_The-Impact-of-Chronic-Illness-on-the-Family.pdf

This source provides informations on the different strategies to cope with a family member's illness and the impact on it. It not only gave information on how families cope, but how individuals, as well as couples together cope. It gave the many effective ways for both couples and families. A big thing I noticed, was family therapy. I could use this, to see whether the families go through family therapy together or even bring up the different ways I learned, to give them ideas on how to cope. In the end, this source was really helpful for me and I will be using it as a guideline when I visit the Ronald Mcdonald House.  

Rothenberg, Michael B. “The Effect of a Child’s Chronic Illness on the Family.” Psychosocial Family Interventions in Chronic Pediatric Illness, 1982, pp. 163–178., doi:10.1007/978-1-4684-4247-2_24. <https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4684-4247-2_24>

This source is a book called “The impact of Chronic Illness on the Family”. Not only does this source show the different ways to cope, but it also shows what the impacts are for the families. Not every family goes through the same thing, so there are many different  things that could happen. This source gave me a lot of information, and was very helpful with not only coping but also the impact it has.

“Saying Goodbye.” Saying Goodbye: Coping With a Loved One's Terminal Illness, www.helpguide.org/harvard/saying-goodbye.htm.

This source provides information on how to properly say goodbye and cope on a loved ones illness. This shows grief and the challenges that the family could face. The process of coping and grieving takes awhile. There’s many steps of these things. At first I didn’t think this source was reliable, but it gave me good information on my topic.

“Signs and Symptoms of Trauma - Causes and Effects.” PsychGuides.com, www.psychguides.com/guides/trauma-symptoms-causes-and-effects/.

This source shows the many causes and effects for Trauma on illness. It gives information about the signs and symptoms to know someone is diagnosed with trauma. Trauma is a really serious thing, and this source can help me know how to properly talk to the families, just in case they are sensitive about a certain topic or thing.

“When a Loved One is Terminally Ill.” When a Loved One is Terminally Ill: Talking About Death and Making End–of–life Decisions, www.helpguide.org/harvard/dealing-with-a-loved-ones-serious-illness.htm.

This source shows how families prepare for the worst when they know their loved one is diagnosed with an illness. They have to prepare financially, physically and emotionally. This source gives the many ways family does these things. This can help me put together information on my end product or slideshow.

Emma Schwingel-Sauer Capstone

For my capstone I wanted to expand the sport of girls lacrosse throughout Philadelphia. My ultimate goal was to create equal opportunity for girls to learn lacrosse without the financial impact so that girls from all backgrounds were able to join. As I grew up in Philadelphia there weren’t a lot of chances that I had to learn lacrosse either and I wanted this to change for the next generation. My goal to reach all of Philadelphia was a bit too optimistic right away, so I chose to begin by giving back to a local middle school, Greenfield School, that kindly lent us room to practice sports for our school in the past. After applying and receiving a grant from US Lacrosse that supplied me with equipment for everyone, I was able to plan out lacrosse clinics. Throughout the course of about a month, I held three sessions with the help of my mentor, Erin Giorgio, that taught girls the fundamentals of lacrosse as well as the impact it could have on them as because of the skills it teaches you. The collaboration throughout this process was very vital to helping me achieve my goal. In the future, I hope to continue this program so that we are able to expand it throughout the rest of Philadelphia. By starting at a middle school level, we will be able to grow the sport enough so that we can eventually implement high school programs too. 

Works Cited 

”Agility Training and Conditioning for Women’s Lacrosse.” YouTube, uploaded by Sports 
Nation Video, 19 Sept. 2012, https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=nLpMO1E7JxU. 
In this video, Veronica Dyer, the Syracuse University Strength and Conditioning Olympic Sports Director, gives step by step tutorials on agility and conditioning exercises. I can use these exercises to train myself as well as include in some of the clinics for the Greenfield students. 

“Athletic Administration: No Longer A Boy’s Club.” Ohio University, 18 Jan. 2016, 
https://onlinemasters.ohio.edu/athletic-administration-no-longer-a-boys-club/? g=infograhcs&t=maa. Accessed 24 Jan. 2018. 
This infographic gives lots of statistics of females in athletics after Title IX, which I will use to introduce my project about why I want to provide sports to girls. This brochure is reputable as it was created by Ohio University’s Athletic Administration program. 

“George Washington Strength and Condition: Lacrosse.” The George Washington University. 2012,http://grfx.cstv.com/photos/schools/gewa/genrel/auto_pdf/2011- 12/misc_non_event/Lacrosse_2012_Summer_Packet.pdf. Accessed 24 Jan. 2018. 
This packet provides lots of training exercises and stretches to get in shape for a season. I will base my training and planning for Greenfield students with modifications off of this, which is trustworthy due to the fact that a university athletic program is having their athletes use this. 

Heywood, Leslie. “Addressing the Needs of Female Professional and Amateur Athletes.” Women’s Sports Foundation, July 1999, file:///home/chronos/u- dd35740fee8c2b3274a21abc97f08d87ce1f910a/Downloads/pro_amateur_athletes_full.pdf. Accessed 23 Jan. 2018. 
This report by Leslie Heywood, a professor of Sports Studies at Harpur College, shows results of coaches and athletes who are women and the need for more of them. This is important to my project because it’s a big part of the inquiry step, as I am stepping into the role of a coach as a female and the students at Greenfield are also girls and I am trying to open up opportunities and resources for them. 

Koeniges, Pete. “Conditioning Lacrosse Players.” Athletes Acceleration, 
https://athletesacceleration.com/conditioninglacrosse.html. Accessed 24 Jan. 2018. 
This source by Pete Koeniges, a certified athletic trainer, talks about the type of energy your body is using during lacrosse and exercises that will help raise your stamina for this. I will use this in my training as well as planning for the clinics for the girls at Greenfield. 

Pietramala, David G, and Neil A. Grauer. Lacrosse: Technique and Tradition. 2nd ed., The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006. 
This book will be very helpful when planning out what to do for Greenfield students as it teaches the fundamentals of lacrosse which is what I want to teach them. David Pietramala, the head coach of the 2005 John Hopkins’ winning national champions, also goes into specifics about different types of plays for offense and defense.

Sabo, Donald. “Beyond X’s and O’s: Gender Bias and Coaches of Women’s College Sports.” Women’s Sports Foundation, June,
2016, file:///home/chronos/u- dd35740fee8c2b3274a21abc97f08d87ce1f910a/Downloads/beyond-xs-osfinal- for-web.pdf. Accessed 23 Jan. 2018. 
This report, written by Donald Sabo, a professor at D’Youville College who directs research on physical activity, sport and health, dives into research about women in college sports which I will use to conduct information on where I can progress after this project. As my mentor plans to keep this program running after I graduate, I hope to continue to play sports in college and will use this to reflect on what I want to continue to do in the future. 

Samaras, Crista. “Research: The Bravery Gap.” More Brave, 30 Oct. 2016, Brave 
Enterprises, www.morebrave.com/single-post/2017/12/12/THE-BRAVERY- GAP. Accessed 23 Jan. 2018. 
This blog post helps establish what bravery is and why we should approach it, which is important for my project because I’m helping provide resources for sport and often times people are scared of trying new sports. I also have a connection through my mentor with her and we are reaching out to Crista Samaras to see if she would be able to come speak to the girls. 

Tucker, Janine, and Maryalice Yakutchik. Women’s Lacrosse: A Guide for Advanced Players and Coaches. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008.
This book captures the essence of what it means to be a lacrosse player or coach, two things I am trying to tackle throughout this project. It also goes in depth to different skills of players that I can use to plan out clinics for the Greenfield students. The author Janine Tucker is the head coach of the women’s lacrosse team at Johns Hopkins University. 

“U.S. Lacrosse Physical Education Curriculum.” U.S. Lacrosse, 2006, 
https://www.uslacrosse.org/sites/default/files/public/documents/programs/pe- curriculum.pdf. Accessed 22 Jan 2018. 
This source, published by the US Lacrosse organization, will be used to help me create workouts and design the clinics as it as a PE curriculum, which is perfect for the age group I am working with. As my capstone is all about lacrosse, the US Lacrosse organization is very reliable as it is the professional program for the sport of lacrosse.

Harrison Wellner Capstone


For my yearlong Capstone project, I primarily wanted to focus on my interests in terms of my future, in college and beyond. Considering my intention to go to film school, I created a full, feature-length script for a film — an 89 page script to be exact. I also elected to create a short, proof-of-concept film piece featuring some of the base ideas of the film. I worked on the script for a few months, editing and revising both as I went and after finishing, and created the final short film in the final month and a half before the due date of the Capstone. I was able to create most of what I wanted to put together, however not everything can be perfect. This was quite a learning experience in terms of preparation and planning. There were several things I wanted to put in the short film that I wasn’t able to attain, because I couldn’t get the necessary permissions. If I had given myself more time to set those things up, maybe I would have. I also learned a wide variety of things about writing scripts, such as many things about formatting and conventions that I had never even thought of before. Putting word to paper to video is definitely some experience that I feel will be useful moving forwards. All in all, my final product expresses the work I put in, as well as serving as a strong learning experience for what I wanted to learn about.

Short Film:

Excerpt, Scene 16:

November 9th - Target Practice


Warren lays on the floor beside his bed, still gripping the gun tightly. He's leaning back against his nightstand, where his clock still sits. The time reads Nov. 9th, 3:23 A.M. 

He stares down at the gun, turning it over in his hands, taking in every inch of it. Every so often, he flips the safety off and on again. He turns it until the barrel is facing towards him while holding it sideways. Slowly, he turns it upright and looks straight down the barrel, almost as if he's examining it. He starts repeatedly flipping the safety off and on over and over.

Abruptly he turns the gun away from himself, extends both his arms fully, and points the gun straight towards the walls. He takes aim, flips the safety off, and breaths in heavily. He holds his breath for a long while, before letting out one large breath, flipping the safety back on, and dropping his hands down to his legs.

He looks up towards the ceiling for a short while, before he drops his head and stares directly at the wall in front of him, returning to flipping the safety switch repeatedly. Slowly, all other noise drowns out and the sound of the safety switching grows louder and more distinct. After a time, the safety flips in time with the loud click.

Final Script:

American Street - Final

  1. Bordwell, David, and Kristin Thompson. Film Art: An Introduction. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1979.

This books is an introduction and guide to the basics of the more technical aspects of filmmaking. While it may be a bit dated in terms of technology, it still provides a good understanding into what the physical portions of the movie making process, such as camera placement, lighting, camera movements, etc. This source is useful to me because I gives me a resource to reference when I am actually doing the filming portion of my project, which will have to come about at some point or another. There are many things about actually shooting a film that I have yet to learn or even know about, and this book gives me a window into the things that I’m missing, the skills that will be useful to develop, etc.

  1. Eisenstein, Sergei. Film Form: Essays in Film Theory. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1949.

This books provides insight into theory behind film itself, taking specific look into film and movies as a medium, rather than just simply a look into writing or the creation of story. It discusses storytelling from the particular angle of movie and filmmaking, giving ideas about how visual aspects of film related and integrate into how stories are told by its creators and understood by its viewers. It gives me new perspective into what I should be considering when designing my scenes, not only for the process of writing the script, but also when thinking about how I should design the trailer that I plan on producing.

  1. Field, Syd. Screenplay: The Foundations of Screenwriting. Delta Trade Paperbacks, 1979.

I acquired this book from the library while trying to do research, and found it to have a lot of information about writing screenplays, down to the most basic level of methodology and constructive criticism. After reading it, there are several things that I took from this book into consideration while writing, such as certain aspects of designing character. This is especially helpful to me, considering the script I’m writing is a very single-character heavy story, in which every inner workings of the character’s mind is meant to be explored. Reading the book gave me insight into ways that I’ve been designing my characters right, and ways I’ve been designing them wrong. With that knowledge, I can better my process and create a more dynamic and interesting protagonist and story.

  1. Hirsch, Foster. Detours and Lost Highways: A Map of Neo-Noir. Limelight Editions, 1999.

Found online while searching with Google Scholar, Detours and Lost Highways: A Map of Neo-Noir is a book examining and breaking down the contemporary sub-genre of film known as Neo-Noir, which is a stylistic offshoot of the classic sub-genre Film Noir. The reason this source has value to me is because the film that I am designing the script for is in many ways, inspired by both of those sub-genres. Understanding what makes these genres themselves is useful to me because it allows me think about how to create scenes, characters, and interactions in a way that facilitates design choices that fit with the Noir style.

  1. Goldman, William. Which Lie Did I Tell?: More Adventures in the Screen Trade. Pantheon Books, 2000.

Which Lie Did I Tell? is a book that provides a large amount of insight into the screenwriting side of creating a film, using real examples from real films and real screenwriters in order to express its ideas. I gained several new understandings from the book, all of which have at least some value to me. Specifically, it’s helped me understand how different the process can be from person to person, as well as how similar it can be. Meaning, many people go about writing scripts, or really anything at all, in very different ways from one another, but the core concepts on creating a story are virtually always there in some shape or another. From this, it helps me understand that while the way I create a story should be influenced by others, the writing process will always be my own.

  1. “The Internet Movie Script Database (IMSDb).” The Internet Movie Script Database, IMSDb, www.imsdb.com/.

This source is an online internet archive containing a wide ranging amount of film scripts and screenplays. I’ve cross referenced multiple movies that I’ve seen and know fairly well with the scripts to ensure that they are most entirely accurate, which they are. As such, I feel this source is reliable. The reason this source is of value to me is because it features many different movie scripts. I find that it’s valuable to me to look at real scripts and screenplays of real movies, since it would be difficult to write a script when I’m not sure exactly what a script should look like. It also allows me to look at scripts from movies that I like or take inspiration from, which is helpful for looking at what works when used in a script, what certain things need to work, and what just generally doesn’t work.

  1. Mayo Clinic Staff. “Insomnia.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 15 Oct. 2016, www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/insomnia/symptoms-


This source is something that I used for part of the creation of the main character themselves. My script follows a character with multiple different mental health issues, the primary one being insomnia, from which most of the other issues arise. When writing this script, I don’t want to create a misinformative piece in terms of the issues the character faces. I chose to do research into the problem, to have a better understanding it when writing about it. This way, not only does the piece not spread misinformation, it could potentially spread real information, that could help other people better understand issues like insomnia.

  1. Palmer, Stephanie. “Screenwriting Tips From Top Screenwriters - Video Showcase.” Good in a Room, Good in a Room, 3 May 2017, goodinaroom.com/blog/writing-process-videos/.

This source is a website article featuring several successful screenwriters providing insight into their experiences in writing scripts, as well as some tips on how to go about writing a script. Some of these tips are especially helpful to a beginner or novice scriptwriter, such as myself. The source provides me with a real look into minds and ideas of different writers that have written popular or successful films, which can come in handy when trying to figure out the best way to go about the process. One limitation, of course, is the fact that this is a very limited glance in, considering how many scriptwriters there are, and how few are featured in this article.

  1. Scorsese, Martin, director, et al. Taxi driver. Performance by Robert De Niro, Columbia Pictures, 1976.

Martin Scorsese’s 1976 Taxi Driver was one of my key pieces of inspiration, going into this Capstone. My initial idea behind the script was with the goal in mind of creating a modern, Philadelphia take on Taxi Driver. The story itself, main plot of the script, and the characters are all meant to be part of their own narrative — but the mood, vibe, and feeling are all meant to in some ways emulate that of Taxi Driver. The movie was a heavy influence behind the script, and inspired many parts of it. As such, Taxi Driver is one of my primary sources in creating my Capstone.

  1. Tarkovskiĭ, Andreĭ. Sculpting In Time: Reflections on the Cinema. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1987.

This book, like the previous one, provides me with some insight into the more physical aspects into filming, only with a more specific focus on Andreĭ Tarkovskiĭ, an acclaimed Russian filmmaker. It gives me a chance to understand a particular director and how he chooses to go about painting images and expressing details of a story through frames and shots in a film. This is useful for me to get an understanding of how filmmakers go about going from a script to a detailed piece of moving, visual art. It’s valuable information for taking parts of my script and converting it into a trailer that expresses the core ideas of what I’d like my film to be.

Eleanor Shamble Capstone

My Capstone was originally intended to be something else, but I switched it to an art portfolio I was already working on throughout the year to be shared at Free Library Of Comic Con. The majority of the art in here was done while I was unaware that it would be my Capstone, so it wouldn’t have been stuff I would choose to present normally. However, when I chose to switch, I realized that I shouldn’t be ashamed of myself, my art, or the things I enjoy. If someone finds the portfolio or anything in it cringeworthy, it’s their problem, not mine.

Learning new mediums was challenging. When I originally invested in the markers I ended up using, I had absolutely no idea how to use them, and knew hardly anything about them besides their unpleasant smell.Learning how to blend was an experience, because in my traditional art before this year, I blended hardly anything. It was also a struggle trying to translate the way I shade hair to different mediums because of how heavily it relied on cell shading.

All in all though, I like how my art progressed this year, and I’m proud of myself for overcoming the anxiety of presenting art I drew when I thought not many people I actually knew would see it.This Capstone was a lot of hours of work, but looking back, I enjoyed it too much for it to feel like it.

Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mw3VftOVTML2ZrKV81Vi4yt3z8tShLrxlIl2NF9oq2E/edit?usp=sharing

Alexander Khan's Capstone

I’ve been writing since I was in grade school. I was published by third grade, in a national poetry book for students. When it came time for the capstone in my final year at SLA, I knew I wanted to write something. I took the idea of writing a book and kind of ran with it. It would be titled Eat. I asked for submissions in the advisory memo, and on social media, and ended up with a few written works from people I knew online. The submissions were placed in a section of the book titled Moving Forward, dedicated to personal struggles and issues people have faced. This particular section is a combination of music, famous poems, personal works, and submissions. There were two other sections to the book, In Time and A Continuous; In Time being dedicated to time stamped things I’d written late at night or randomly throughout days, while A Continuous is simply things I’m proud of, and occasionally things I’ve had published.

Most of the time I spent working on this project, I was working with other people to collect works and compile things in an order that made sense. Getting people to submit things took a while, which is mostly due to asking for newly written works from most people. In this process, I came to understand that while I write well, writing on command like book writing entails is incredibly difficult. It’s also really really hard to get people to cooperate and contribute to things when you lack any serious backing to prove something will come from their effort.

In the end, though, the final piece came together nicely. It’s a polished 30 page book, including the title page.

Bibliography is here.

Lyle Seitz Capstone

When I was deciding what I was going to do for my Capstone project, I spent a lot of time thinking about how I could incorporate what I have learned in my time at SLA, and my passions outside of school as well. Music has always been an important part of my life, and I had also learned a lot about digital media in my classes, so I decided that I was going to create an EP with a few of my friends in and out of SLA. Working together we were able to put together five original songs, put on a release show with a handful of other successful bands in Philadelphia, make a music video for the lead single from the set of songs, and learn how to promote ourselves along the way.

We began recording in the early summer, and finished in early winter, spending approximately spending five months to complete a project that ultimately began a year before. Along the way I was able to learn a lot more about the intricacies of a band and how different sounds meld together to make a cohesive sound, that was not only complex, but sounded good too. I learned a lot about marketing and promoting as well, with the goal of getting as many people to listen to our music as we could, we were able to make connections not only in Philly, but around the world. I am very proud of all the time and effort put into this project, and hope that I can see it grow even larger.

Here is a link to my annotated bibliography:


Jamal Hampton's Capstone

Students Who Attend Science Leadership Academy Middle School
Students Who Attend Science Leadership Academy Middle School
For my CapStone, I  built furniture for Science Leadership Academy Middle School at the public workshop. The Public Workshop is an innovative participatory community that works with me and other volunteers in local communities. At the Public Workshop, I am taught how to use various hand and power tools to design and build projects while developing my woodworking skill, By doing this project I too learned how to use and function various tools that I will use in my engineering career that I plan to pursue. This Capstone enabled me to provide the middle school with furniture that so that the students would have a place to sit outside. In addition, I created furniture for inside Science Leadership Academy Middle School.


Source 1

Gilliam, Alex- The Public Workshop

This source provides information about what the public workshop is. I selected this source because he owns the public works and offered to help me how to use the tools within the public workshop. I found this source useful because Alex taught me how to use  all of the tools that I would need in order to build a picnic table. One of the tools that Jeff taught me how to use was the chop saw which allowed me to cut wood into smaller pieces. This source did not have a limitation because Jeff even taught me stuff that I did not need to know in order to build  a picnic table.

Source 2

“Architects - What Do Architects Do?” {$Smarty.const.SITEDOMAIN}, 2009, www.studentscholarships.org/salary/556/architects.php#sthash.LMZknl2h.dpbs.

This source provides information about the architecture career and lifestyle in the workplace. I selected this source because being an architect and working in the design/building field is a career that I plan to pursue when I get older. My capstone provides basic idea of what architects do and learn about. I found this source useful because this source provides me with more information on what architects do. By using information on this source, I am able to apprehend that a architect’s work environment, education & training required, and needed. One limitation of this source was that this source was that it did not provide me the smaller aspects of architects.  

Source 3

Turner, Cory, et al. “Why America's Schools Have A Money Problem.” NPR, NPR, 18 Apr. 2016,

This source provides information about why America's schools Have a money problem. Schools in the United States have been struggling financially for decades. I selected this source because for my CapStone I would building furniture for Science Leadership Academy Middle School at the public workshop. Science Leadership Academy Middle School is a school that is impacted by America’s money problem. I found this source useful because it educated me on why Science Leadership Academy Middle School is in the poor condition that it is. The school district of philadelphia is located in an area were a lot of the money from taxes does not got too.

Source 4

Hannah, Ryan. The Effect of Classroom Environment on Student Learning. Western Michigan University ScholarWorks at WMU.

This source provides information about how a learning environment has an impacts on students. I selected this source because I need have a reason to make the furniture. This website provides me with the information on why making better furniture outside would benefit the students mentally too. I found this source useful because this source provides me with information that with help me explain why making better furniture for the students outside.  One limitation of this source was that his source did not specify anything about my topic in particular which is furniture. It would have been helpful to explain why sitting on actual furniture would make the student feel better rather than cheap products such as crates.

Source 5

“Instructables Search Results.” Instructables.com, www.instructables.com/howto/pinic+table/.

This source provides information about different types of picnic tables. I selected this source because this website provided me with an array of type of picnic tables. By being able looking at the different types of picnic tables, I was able to brainstorm and create an idea of what type of tables that I should construct. I found this source useful because it provided me with a set of directions to make a picnic table. This source allowed me to developed on what type of furniture that I wanted. From the source I was able see if I really wanted to build the furniture for my capstone. One limitation of this source was that this source was not very detailed.

Source 6

Pond, Jeff- The Public Workshop

This source provides information about guidance within the public workshop. I selected this source because he works at the public works and offered to help me how to use the tools within the public workshop. I found this source useful because Alex taught me how to use  all of the tools that I would need in order to design a picnic. One of the designing tools that Alex taught me how to use was solidworks which allowed me to digitally design a picnic table. This source did not have a limitation because Alex even taught me stuff that I did not need to know in order to build a picnic table.

Source 7

“Public Workshop | .” Public Workshop | , Public Workshop, 2018,


This source provides information about the public workshop. The public worship it the place that I am working on my capstone at. The reason why I selected this source is because unlike other sources,  than other sources this source is made by the public workshop organization. I found this source useful because it provides me with information about the public workshop. The information on this website could be used when when I am presenting my capstone. For example, I could have a slide on that explains what the public workshop is, what people there, and what their mission is. The website with provide me with the ability to do so. Something that a found that this website lacked was the types of tools that

I learn how to use at the public workshop.

Source 8

2011-2017, (c) Copyright skillsyouneed.com. “Top Tips for Effective Presentations.”SkillsYouNeed, www.skillsyouneed.com/present/presentation-tips.html.

This source provides information about public speaking. In addition, this source provides

I selected this source because I am not good at presenting in front of a audience. By reviewing this website, I was able to find key tips and advice on what I should do when presenting my capstone in front of a large audience.I found this source useful because I am able to present information more formaley and more confidently without struggling. Struggling during presentations has always been a problem of mine and now that I don't struggle with presenting, I can say that I found this source to be useful. One limitation of this source was that it did not specify on student presentations.

Source 9

“20 Woodworking Hand Tools List for Beginners.” Wood and Shop, 23 Oct. 2017,


This source provides information about different types of wood. I selected this source because this website provided me with an array of types of wood. By being able looking at the different types of wood- working methods, I was able to brainstorm and create an idea of what type of way that I should construct my tables. I found this source useful because it provided me with a set of directions to make a picnic table. This source allowed me to develop an idea on what type of woodworking techniques that I wanted use when creating the table. From the source I was able see if I really wanted to build the furniture for my capstone. One limitation of this source was that this source was not very detailed.

Source  10

Youtube. “Safety in the Woodshop: ” Online video clip. YouTube, Feb 27, 2015. Web. Jan 23, 2018

This source provides information about how to be safe in the public workshop. It provide me with basic and common mistakes that beginners tend to make when working with the tools in the woodshop. I selected this source because working in the public workshop requires me working with dangerous tools and safety is a priority when working in the workshop. I found this source useful because this video explains how to be safe in the public workshop. One limitation of this source was there are some tools that I will be using in the public workshop that they did not talk about.

Negative Space

  1. ​ Negative space is the empty space around and between the picture that was created.
  2. I found negative space by cutting out a house and using the stencil it left behind then later putting a solid background behind it.
  3. Negative space helps an artist because it make everything more visible.
  4. By using negative space it enhances your artwork because it make everything more visible and more aesthetically pleasing. 


Kawthar Hasan Capstone

My original Capstone Project was making SLA’s school store more profitable through initiatives like cutting costs. It was to provide profits for the school to use. However, the Home & School Association could not provide enough volunteers. So, the store was closed much of the year.

This required me to create a new Capstone. I decided to help children improve academics at one of my elementary schools, the Al-Aqsa Islamic Academy. My mentor approved my change of project. I attended the Al-Aqsa Islamic Academy from Pre-K to 1st grade when it was one of the best Muslim schools in Philadelphia. Currently, it is struggling academically. Parents have given it low ratings. Student enrollment is down.

The declining performance of the school gave me an opportunity to make a difference. I wanted to help younger children succeed. I also hoped to give teachers some relief. The main obstacle I faced was learning to be patient with the students. Sometimes students did not want to work. They would play instead of focusing. I tried to be firm yet positive with those who acted out. I hoped my coaching would transfer to their behavior in class.

Eventually, as I helped teachers grade student work, I saw improvement. Specifically, improvements occurred with presentations, tests, classwork and homework. In-class participation, engagement, and listening also improved.

The Capstone process was beneficial for me. I acquired significant knowledge. I only wish I had switched projects sooner. I am glad I was able to complete my Capstone and graduate.

The school store
The school store
Al-Aqsa Islamic Academy students I tutored.
Al-Aqsa Islamic Academy students I tutored.

Annotated Bibliography

Managing and Financing the School Store


Emerson, Melinda. “5 Tips to Make Your Small Business More Profitable.” Small Business Trends, 23 May 2016,

This article suggests how to  manage the money at the school store. This is important to me because I wanted to make sure the store knows how to properly make a good profit to give towards the school and to buy more snacks without going over a budget.


Emerson, Melinda, et al. “Seven Ways to Be More Profitable in Your Small Business » Succeed As Your Own Boss.” Succeed As Your Own Boss, 16 Mar. 2015,

This article helped me figure out some great ways to make better profit to help benefit the school store especially by creating some referrals/surveys for the customers. It is important to alway get feedback from others to help improve the choice of items in the store.


Kittaneh, Firas. “4 Ways a Small Business Can Scale to Profitability.” Entrepreneur, 18 Mar. 2014,

If I had followed the steps that are on this website, then by the end of the year I would have a good presentation showing how much time and effort I put towards the school store. This is a good source to rely on to try to take proper notes to keep on track in case of any issues we may face with money at the school store. This site offered a few high level tips for small business owners such as defining your value for the market, taking sensible risks, having a good cash flow strategy and making a real effort to appreciate employees.


Miller, Derek- June 22, 2017. “5 Innovative Ways to Run a More Efficient Small Business.” SCORE, SCORE, 22 June 2017,

This was similar to the link I have above. This site motivated me to improve any strategies I have for representing this capstone. This site described five high-level considerations for new small business leaders. They include delegation, automation, consolidation and simplification of work, as well as embracing change and innovation and embracing technology to improve IT performance.


Rapetskaya, Maria. “5 Things Not to Do Running a Small Business.” Entrepreneur, 12 Jan. 2016

The Entrepreneur site provided me with ways to make sure that I had stayed on the right path by avoiding some of the mistakes of managing a small business at the store store. I know that in order for you to succeed you must fail and learn from that failure, but I did not want to cause a major money issue for the school store. It also focused on helpful, high-level tips for people who are starting a new company. This spoke to important issues such as choosing the right business associates,  patience, delegation, perseverance and renewal (including continually adapting the business meet market demands).


York, Mitchell. “6 Simple Ways to Increase Profits For Your Small Business.” The Balance,

This was another site that explains ways to raise a profit/fundraiser. I wanted to make sure I had the proper suggestions for the store to make sure that they could fundraise for the school  without having the store go into debt. It also focused on six ideas for how to increase the profits of a small business. The ideas range from changing operating procedures and stabilizing cash flow to trimming management costs and increasing marketing and sales productivity.


Zahorsky, Darrell. “What Are the Essential Steps in Starting a Small Business.” The Balance,

The website  was a planner/checklist for me to look back at to make sure I stayed on point with this project. I know that there were capstone timeline/checklist assignments to keep me on track but I did not want to rely on just those assignments. That was why I chose to use this  site that showed different aspects of setting up and running a small business. The site focuses on subjects such as defining a strong value proposition and business plan, choosing a business structure, and obtaining permits. It was interesting because the site also comments on specific details like naming the company and selecting a location.


“Tips for a Successful Small Business.” Findlaw,

This site offers me a  way of making sure I developed the proper skills of financing the school store, such as taking good notes to keep a record of the money coming in and out of the store. It also offered tips to small business leaders in over 10 areas ranging from high-level requirements (e.g. have a good business plan, maintain competitive advantage) to tactical considerations (e.g. use written contracts, buy insurance, hire well, pay expenses and taxes on time). This site has a clear focus on key legal issues required to run a small business.


“How to Run a Successful Small Business.” Chron.com,

This was a good site  because it guided me to understand how to run the school store with managing and fundraising. This also focused on four basic areas where small business leaders must focus: financial literacy, financing, legal issues and work-life balance.


“The 10 Hardest Things About Running a Business.” QuickBooks, 14 Dec. 2016,

This was a helpful link for me because it showed the hardest things that I would have to deal with when running a business and allowed me to make sure I would not make any major mistakes. It also offers a view of 10 significant challenges faced by many entrepreneurs and small business leaders as they try to balance short-term business imperatives and more strategic considerations.

Annotated Bibliography

Tutoring Elementary School Students


“Tutoring Strategies for the Primary Grades.” Reading Rockets, 7 Nov. 2013,

This website  explains how children from 1st to 3rd grade usually read and comprehend. It briefly explains how to read with the kids, helping students grasp strategies, better comprehension, and even work their way up  to become great writers.


Team, Understood. “6 Strategies Teachers Use to Help Kids With Learning and Attention Issues.” Understood.org,

This site demonstrated how to professionally deal with children when teaching/tutoring them. It also included how to help those who have Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, ADHD, executive functioning issues, and slow processing speed. This was very important for me to take into consideration because I might have to face some students with  learning disorders. Therefore, I wanted to have the capability to help them out.


“What Makes a Successful Tutor?” Edutopia,

This source described more about how to build a good relationship with the students I tutored. It is always good for children  to be comfortable expressing themselves through their work as they learn. So a tutor must be able to understand their personality  in order for them to achieve and succeed through their work.


“Tips for Reading Tutors.” Reading Rockets, 24 Aug. 2017,

This is similar to the first site above but it is more of a checklist than an elaboration on how to help elementary students read on the required level. It also includes how the tutor should manage herself when trying to help the kids since it takes a lot of respect and patience.


“Tips For New Tutors.” First Tutors, First Tutors  44 843 289 9165,

This website offers suggestions on how to increase student participation and engagement while while helping with  school work. This was one of the most reliable sources that I used because I had faced a lot of reluctance and acting out with the kids. Thankfully, I was able to use and create my own strategies while being professional and patient with them.


“Elementary School Teachers Struggle with Common Core Math Standards.” The Hechinger Report, 16 June 2016,

This article talked about how  elementary teachers struggle with teaching their students math. At Al-Aqsa one of the academic subjects that students struggle with is math. This site allowed me to find and figure out better strategies to not only offer the kids but the teachers to improve their math skills.


Jayme. “How to Become a Successful Tutor.” Care.com, Care.com, 29 Mar. 2018,

This provided ways for me to be a good  tutor for elementary children since I had to be able to guide them on their level rather than on a middle or high school level. That way I could be able to build a beneficial relationship with them so that we could understand one another during our tutoring sessions.


Miller, Ashley. “Tips to Help Tutor Elementary School Children.” Why Is It Important to Have a Social Life in College? | Education - Seattle PI, 29 Sept. 2016,

This source was similar to the one above. I especially used the section that was titled, “Make Learning Fun” which is one of the best skills any tutor can have when dealing with children. The goal is that they should  never be bored or procrastinate. This did happen but as I continued to tutor I figured out ways, using this site and my creative strategies, to keep them engaged in their work which allowed them to use those same skills in their classroom.


“Kids Tutor Kids to Big Gains.” Creating a Safe Classroom Environment | Education World,

What I took from this article in particular was the section about, “Big gains over short time” because that was my goal for not only the students and staff, but for the entire school. I wanted to be able to bring that lift and make a positive change to the Muslim community.


“6 Ways to Help Students Understand Math.” Edutopia,

This was another site that briefly describes how to help properly help students with math. This was useful for me to use because it offer skills that I could build off of such as; creating an effective class opener, topic representations, showing application, and communicating with reasoning.


Ultimate frisbee has become a huge part of my life at Science Leadership Academy. Ever since I joined the team back in Junior year, I never looked back. For my capstone, I wanted to do something I was passionate about. I knew doing something on ultimate frisbee was the right idea for me. I wasn’t sure at first what to do. My friend Eli, who is also captain of the Varsity team, approached on the subject and gave the idea for a documentary. I knew it was a fantastic idea since I was in the CTE program. Bringing a documentary about the biggest sport at SLA would be engaging for all. It would also give back to the school. Incoming freshman who wonder what ultimate frisbee is like would watch the documentary and know that the sport is right for them.


1) YouTube. Accessed January 26, 2018. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyUjdQ9lDW-mwV9RscjOjLw/videos.

For my capstone, I am creating a documentary on the Ultimate Frisbee at Science Leadership Academy. This means for my documentary I will be using extra footage to show the playing time of the players during games and tournaments. For the team, I am responsible for recording these games and eventually uploading onto the Youtube channel for the team to watch later as game film. The Youtube channel showcases all the games and tournaments from the season and more will be uploaded for the new season. I will be using this footage for my own documentary which means this will be helping me for my project.

2) “Politics and International Studies.” How to Make a Documentary. Accessed January 26, 2018. https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/pais/research/researchcentres/csd/whatwhydemocracyproject/filmprojects/howto/.

For my capstone, I am creating a documentary on the Ultimate Frisbee team at Science Leadership Academy. I’ve done documentaries before for my Digital Video class, but there is always improvement. My documentaries in the past have been decent, but for this capstone I want to exceed expectations and go beyond my skill set to learn more and perform more. I believe that documentaries need to have some good elements to them and this resource shows me how to create good documentaries. It will provide excellent tips for my filmmaking and also test what I know about documentaries already. 

3) “Making Documentaries: A Step By Step Guide.” Desktop-Documentaries.com. Accessed January 26, 2018. https://www.desktop-documentaries.com/making-documentaries.html.

For my capstone, I am creating a documentary on the Ultimate Frisbee team at Science Leadership Academy. I’ve done documentaries before for my Digital Video class, but there is always improvement. This source provides a useful step by step guide on how to make good documentaries. This will help my skill set become more advanced than it already is. It also gives great tips on how to research for my documentary also which is even better. I am going to need to come up with a good timeline on what I want the documentary to look like and this source helps me create that the way it should. 

4) Dave, and Matt. “How to make a Documentary: 7 Steps For Making a Breathtaking Documentary • Filmmaking Lifestyle.” Filmmaking Lifestyle. September 14, 2017. Accessed January 26, 2018. https://filmlifestyle.com/how-to-make-a-documentary/.

For my capstone, I am creating a documentary on the Ultimate Frisbee team at Science Leadership Academy. I’ve done documentaries before for my Digital Video class, but there is always improvement. Having a specific step by step guide on how to create a documentary is very useful for creating a documentary. Since this is my third source on how to create a documentary, it shows me different ways to create a documentary by different opinions. I can collect this knowledge and incorporate each guide to create my own exceeding documentary. It may be opinion based, but having opinions and resources by professionals are very useful for creating art based work. 

5) Cohen, Emily. “Ultimate Frisbee Resources.” Ultimatefrisbee101. Accessed January 26, 2018. http://www.ultimatefrisbee101.com/resources.php.

For my capstone, I am creating a documentary on the Ultimate Frisbee team at Science Leadership Academy. Ultimate frisbee is a very complex sport that most people do not know how to play. For my audience to understand the sport more and more, I will have to incorpate a segment into the documentary on how to play the sport. For me to explain the sport, I am going to need resources from a website that provides ways to play the game and learn new techniques on how to throw the frisbee properly. This resource is especially helpful because I am not an expert on the sport and I am just a player.

6) Ultimate, USA. USA Ultimate: Teaching Ultimate . Boulder, CO: USA Ultimate, 2011.

For my capstone, I am creating a documentary on the Ultimate Frisbee team at Science Leadership Academy. Ultimate frisbee is a very complex sport that most people do not know how to play. For my audience to understand the sport more and more, I will have to incorpate a segment into the documentary on how to play the sport. For me to explain the sport, I am going to need resources to explain the sport in the best way possible. Multiple sources to explain the sport is more helpful for me to understand how to explain it the best. I used the official Ultimate Frisbee organization in the United States to explain the sport. Their phamplet online as a pdf is the best way to understand the sport to the fullest. 

7) “Interview with … GBR Ultimate Frisbee player.” Interview with … GBR Ultimate Frisbee player. Accessed January 26, 2018. http://www.cppg.co.uk/article.cms/interview-with—gbr-ultimate-frisbee-player.

For my capstone, I am creating a documentary on the Ultimate Frisbee team at Science Leadership Academy. I am going to going the coach of the school who is also the principal, Mr. Lehmann. I will as well interview the captains of the varsity team to understand more of the player side of the team. For my interview, I am going to need to produce thought out questions about the sports and specifically the team. For me to complete this task, I am going to refer to a real interview someone had with a real ultimate frisbee player. This will help me create a real interviews with the coach and players so I can make the best possible documentary possible. 

8) “Interview: A Chat With UNSW Ultimate Frisbee.” Blitz UNSW. September 19, 2016. Accessed January 26, 2018. http://blitz.arc.unsw.edu.au/2016/interview-chat-unsw-ultimate-frisbee/.

For my capstone, I am creating a documentary on the Ultimate Frisbee team at Science Leadership Academy. I am going to going the coach of the school who is also the principal, Mr. Lehmann. I will as well interview the captains of the varsity team to understand more of the player side of the team. For my interview, I am going to need to produce thought out questions about the sports and specifically the team. This interview I found will create the thoughtful questions I need to make my documentary as best as it can be. Instead of one player, this interview is with an entire team so it will be more helpful since my documentary is about a specific team. 

9) OSullivan, John. “Why Sports Matter.” Changing the Game Project. December 01, 2017. Accessed January 26, 2018. http://changingthegameproject.com/why-sports-matter/.

For my capstone, I am creating a documentary on the Ultimate Frisbee team at Science Leadership Academy. My documentary is about a culture about a specific sport at my school. This article is describing why sports matter. This helps me explains and produce the documentary about why the sport matters at my school. The principal is the varsity coach and cares deeply about the sport and the team. This helps me go in depth along with the interviews on why the sport matters and compare it to my interview questions that I have for the players. 

10) Lench, Brooke De. “How a Group of Outcast Teen Boys Taught Me the Value of Youth Sports.” The Huffington Post. March 16, 2015. Accessed January 26, 2018. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/how-a-group-of-outcast-te_b_6879614.html.

For my capstone, I am creating a documentary on the Ultimate Frisbee team at Science Leadership Academy. This resource is an article about how someone was taught the value of sports through teenage boys. Teenage boys are the future for sports and teaching adults about the sports are crucial for modern day. My documentary is basically the same thing. I am interviewing teenage boys at Science Leadership Academy about their experience on the ultimate frisbee team. This article will help me develop the same kind of plot for my documentary. I will also interview the coach the same thing that this article addresses. 

Pablo Salvatierra Capstone

​    My capstone was devoted to creating the foundations for a publishing company. I have always wanted to write my own books, and I saw the capstone process as a way to do it. Numerous students in Science Leadership Academy every year make written projects, and my idea was to harness some of this work being created. I wrote my own piece entitled 2092, created a zine based advertising campaign in the school, created a target audience/publishing business model, created contracts, and worked with several other students producing novel capstones. The following is the culmination of this work. 
Excerpt from 2092:

Annotated Bibliography:

Image of advertising zines (left) and printed advance copy manuscript of 2092: (right)

Mekhi Granby Capstone

​Through various design ideas and layers of paint, I spent Senior year perfecting my passion, taking risks,  and expressing emotions through art onto wearable canvases. I painted several pairs of sneakers from different brands to encourage individuality and stand out from the norms of the sneaker world. I filmed the process of two pairs from start to finish with my makeshift camera setup for others to get an idea of what goes into my work. To gain more experience and practice I interacted with multiple entities to fulfill commissions by investing time, energy, and creativity into crafting eye-catching footwear. I had no problem drawing inspiration from outside sources to create original and durable projects. Documenting the process on film gives viewers a first-hand look at everything that goes into forming a work of art. Meaningful poems I’ve written throughout the year accompany images of my creations that serve as a glimpse into my mind and emotions. Learning painting techniques, marketing strategies, and how to capture better photos are just a few things I spent most of my time doing alongside experimenting with colors and brainstorming themes to execute.

Annotated Bibliography: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zqtrV_qkJtGncxR2GwST6EiSy3l-Ztl2U_juAvQHyP0/edit?usp=sharing

Eli Block Capstone

Pictures of the winners of the Reach For the Sky Ultimate tournament.
Pictures of the winners of the Reach For the Sky Ultimate tournament.
The laser cut trophy I made for the tournament.
The laser cut trophy I made for the tournament.
The schedule for the tournament.
The schedule for the tournament.


Over the course of my senior year I worked diligently to host an Ultimate Frisbee tournament as my capstone. I began my process with interviewing experienced tournament directors and finding out all of the necessary information needed to put together a good event. Once I was able to create my list of steps that I would need to take, I moved forward with scheduling. Planning the event required, finding field space, finding a certified medical professional, ordering porta potties for the event, reaching out to ultimate teams and budgeting. Along the way I learned many things about how to act in a professional environment. In early April my tournament took place. Ten teams from the greater Philadelphia area attended the tournament and ultimately it was a great success. The tournament taught me a lot and raised over one thousand dollars for the Science Leadership Academy Ultimate team.

Eli Block

Annotated Bibliography  

Bradley Palmer (Abington High School)

Palmer Bradley. Email,  January 2018

Bradley Palmer is the assistant principal of Abington Senior High School. Mr.Lehmann put me in contact with him because he potentially had field space that we could use to host the tournament. I learned how to properly write formal emails and what it takes to keep in contact with someone on a more professional level. Unfortunately there was no available field space for the right time and date for the tournament but I learned a lot while in communication with him. The planning required to secure event space requires more insight than I initially thought and in the future I will know how much background information I should have before contacting someone.

Disc Store

"Home." Disc Store. Accessed January 26, 2018. https://www.discstore.com/custom-apparel.

Discstore is one of the most popular Ultimate apparel brands in the country. They sponsor events and provide merchandise. I was told about their sponsorship policies from Jereme Mason. They will sponsor an event for free and after the event you send them 70-80% of the money made from merchandise. This is a great way to get some cool memorabilia from the tournament and I will learn how to design clothing and discs. I intend to call them to discuss the percent of the money made that we send back. Disc Store has sponsored thousands of tournaments and events and is a very reliable source.

Graham, Seth.. Personal Interview 7 October 2017

Seth Graham is the coach of the Methacton High School Ultimate team, he also is one of the organizes of PHUEL (Philadelphia High School Ultimate Education League). He was my first contact for the research part of my capstone. I learned about what goes into creating and organizing an Ultimate tournament and what options would  be best for our tournament. He provided me with the names of people who would be helpful in continuing to learn about how to put on an Ultimate tournament and led me in a direction where I could make progress with my capstone. As the capstone progresses I will keep in contact with him because he is a reliable resource and very helpful.


"Home." Philadelphia High School Ultimate Education League. Accessed January 26, 2018. http://phuel.ultimatecentral.com/.

Phuel ultimate is the Philadelphia High School Ultimate Educational League, it provides information for teams in the area and other things youth ultimate in Philadelphia. Before every season there is a meeting that I will be attending and it will provide dates and locations for tournaments. The website has is like a hub of information that has provided me with things about Philadelphia ultimate that I had not known before. It provides names of people that can be helpful in making my tournament be a success. Moving forward I will continue to check the website to gain an insight into what's going on in the Philadelphia youth ultimate scene.

Mason, Jereme. Personal Interview. 23 January 2018

Jereme Mason is the found of Ulti Planning, a company that creates and organizes Ultimate Frisbee tournaments.  They are partnered with a variety of Ultimate services who offer Ultimate related gear. Jereme is also the youth director for the Philadelphia Area Disc Alliance and a full time employ of Pada.. He was a very helpful contact that provided me with information about securing field space, and other logistical aspects of a Frisbee tournament. He explained the constraints that each field space has and what space would be the best match for our tournament. He provided me with the contact information of people who I could talk to about the necessities of a tournament.

Minneci Christina (Lower Merion High School)

Christina is the coach of Lower Merion High School ultimate team, she has had a lot of success as coach and has organized tournaments before.  She has been a prominent member of the Philadelphia Ultimate community, and sits on the board of PHUEL. I contacted her about the reality of having our tournament be USAU certified. She provided me with the pros and cons of a USAU certification. After several emails chains it was decided that the tournament would not be USAU certified.. She was a helpful source of information in the early stages of the research part of the project.  

Pollock, Simon. "Tuesday Tips: 7 Tournament Director Basics, Presented By Spin Ultimate." Ultiworld. July 19, 2016. Accessed January 26, 2018. https://ultiworld.com/2016/07/19/tuesday-tips-7-tournament-director-basics-presented-spin-ultimate/.

This article explains in depth what goes into a general ultimate tournament. It is a reliable source because ultiworld is a know rebuttable ultimate online magazine. The tournament covered aspects of the tournament I had not yet think about like what happens if there is too much rain or some part of it fails. When creating brackets and the physical layout of the field scheduling I now know what to do and how to organize it. Moving forward the tournament will be more organized and have a more professional feel to it. I feel like I have now found everything that has gone into a tournament and now need to organize it.

"Pennsbury's Fall Brawl." Pennsbury Ultimate Frisbee. Accessed January 26, 2018. http://www.phsultimate.com/fb.php.

Every year Pennsbury hosts a tournament in the fall and spring for youth ultimate. It has been one of the longest running tournaments in the country. The SLA team has attended for several years. The website provides score updates, scheduling and other useful things that are necessary for the tournament. Having a website like this seems like a great idea and very useful to teams looking to come to the tournament but are unsure about its legitimacy.  The website is incredibly helpful and organized and I am now considering creating a website for the tournament. The websites reliability is good. Because SLA has gone to the tournament the websites authenticity has been checked.

Prushan Joel

Joel is an active member of the Philadelphia Ultimate community. He works with Pada and helps connect coaches with teams in need. I am interviewing him because he has reliable information regarding tournament organizing and running. Joel coaches a Philadelphia club team and has a lot of knowledge about ultimate. He has a lot of helpful contacts and potentially can help with securing sponsors for the tournament and other small things I might need. I contacted Joel in late 2017 and have talked to him a couple times about the event. His reach in the community is very helpful in organizing this tournament.

USAU tournament sanctioning

"USA Ultimate." Tournament Sanctioning. Accessed January 26, 2018.


Initially the tournament was supposed to be USAU certified, so we could put the tournament date on their event calendar and entice teams into coming to our tournament. The goal was to make this as official as possible and attract the highest caliber teams. However after researching what it takes to get an event certified it was decided that the tournament would not be certified. There were to many constraints such as age, price and tournament rostering. I learned what it takes to have an Ultimate be official and how I could make it that way. Also how to deviate from your initial plan when something is not working out or when you know it will not go smoothly.

Quran Riddick Capstone

For my capstone, I wanted to put my money where my mouth was. Just talking about making a change to friends and giving them my ideas was just to little I could do. Connecting racial inequality to my favorite sports seemed to show perfect timing as many stars that play the game are using their organization’s spotlight to create awareness. My first thought was I needed to create something that could be accessible to the public in and outside of my school. This would allow me to have a wide audience and a diversity of perspectives. This is my reasoning for choosing to make a website. However, I just didn’t want to create another typical website. My ultimate goal for my website was to be informational, yet energetic and interesting. Tell stories, give visual content, and much more to allow my members to be informed on an issue that has been affecting the world for centuries. To top it off, I put time into creating my slogan. SPEAK, SHOUT, & SHOW or #SSS! While working on this project throughout the year, I was educated more on the steps taken by the great men and women back in time who fought for the rights I am appreciative to have now that unfortunately they didn’t possess. I hope everyone can learn a thing or two from viewing my website. #SSS!!

Website Link: https://qriddick.wixsite.com/socialchangeinsports


PBS, Public Broadcasting Service,”WHYY”  www.pbs.org/kenburns/jackie-robinson/.

After reading and watching some videos on this source, I came to a conclusion that

can be a reliable source because this can be a good example going off my essential

question. I can use certain quotes from Jackie Robinson and this educate me deeply

on what’s exactly he had to deal with as a black man in a white man’s sport and even

deeper than that, a white man’s world. This source provides sort of a timeline as well

which will contribute to my website’s organization and when I’m comparing what

happened back in time compared to modern times.

The Soccer World Goes to South Africa: Sport and the Making of Modern Africa | Origins: Current Events in Historical Perspective,


This source is a great example of how sports creates awareness and social change is

big in sports. Because of the celebrities having so much popularity and attention

surrounding them it makes their comments on issues greater as a wider audience

listens in. There are movements made throughout the sports which I can include on

my section of how to continue improvements and the change from before to now.

This website talks about poverty, inequality, and goes into detail about the many

issues that surround sports in society, even to this day. This source is reliable because

it gives me examples of movements now and before which is important for my topic.

Fierro, Nick. “Newsmaker: Malcolm Jenkins, Philadelphia Eagle and Social Activist.”  Themorningcall.com, 27 Oct. 2017, www.mcall.com/sports/football/eagles/mc-spt-newsmakes-eagles-malcolm-jenkins-20171028-story.html.

Because I follow the Philadelphia Eagles so much, I am very much aware of what the players do off the field too in the sense of creating awareness. Recently, we have been involved in separation and disagreements because of our new president. Because of how big social media has gotten, many NFL players have used this foundation to use their freedom of speech rights to dwell in on what’s being going on socially and politically throughout the country. As an African American, he’s doing something was rare back in time as stepping up as an advocate for change. He’s been protesting the national anthem as well as a protest of social justice and it’s working as it’s gotten the attention of players, fans, and even the president.  

History.com Staff. “Jackie Robinson.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 2009, www.history.com/topics/black-history/jackie-robinson#.

Jackie Robinson being the first African American major league baseball player played

a huge role in not only sports, but the world period. This was a example of how a

minority was as good if not better than the majority, which in this case white people.

Racism played a huge role during the time he was at his peak in his baseball career.

His presence on the field created movements, awareness, and the inequality everyone

tended to live by during this time. This source is reliable because it provides me with

all the information on him so I could put my feet in his shoes and get his perspectives

on the environment he was living in.

JReidESPN. “How Colin Kaepernick Became a Cause for Activists, Civil Rights Groups and Others.” The Undefeated, The Undefeated, 22 Aug. 2017, www.theundefeated.com/features/how-colin-kaepernick-became-a-cause-for-activists-civil-rights-groups/.

Colin Kaepernick alongside of Malcolm Jenkins is another famous football player

that’s used his rights to create awareness on the social injustice for minorities.

However, Colin Kaepernick has a bigger foundation as he was the first one to take a

knee or sit during the national anthem. Unlike Malcolm Jenkins, Colin received more

heat. Some speculate it even lost him his quarterback position and is the reason he

can’t get a job opportunity now. Owners don’t want to deal with the negative

responses from their audience. The fear that the decision will cost them money but

lack of attention and there will be conflicted protests. This will be a good story to

include in my blog section of my website.

NationalGeographic. “Sports Gender Controversy - Bonus Scene | Gender Revolution.” YouTube, YouTube, 5 Feb. 2017, www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFFPcIcAUUs.

I found that website touched on the topic of international sports which gives me

another point of view of my topic. This source is important for my capstone because

it’s talks about another point of view on unfairness in sports. There has been many

cases when a girl is built or performs similar to

a male, her rewards are up for debate as she may be cheating, or a male that’s has an

unfair advantage playing in a women’s sports. Sometimes, it’s understandable as

people have been caught hiding behind their real gender for the glories behind

winning. But there have been other instances where women have been questioned for

being “too good” in their sport.   

“Progress and Inequality: Women's Sports and the Gender Gap.” CEHD Vision 2020, 3 Jan. 2018, cehdvision2020.umn.edu/blog/progress-inequality-womens-sports-gender-gap/.

This source is reliable because this will be the section where I include how things is

progressing in women sports, yet there is still room to improve. It speaks on the

discrimination in sports, specifically with being officials or females having coaching

jobs. It’s rare. Now that I think about it, this is one of my feminist aspects I can touch

on. The idea of a woman doing a “man’s” job, especially in a sport that’s mostly

played by men. This source allows me to touch on how females are looked at

compared to how male players are looked upon.    

Rubin, Mike. “Muhammad Ali: 4 Ways He Changed America.” Rolling Stone, Rolling Stone, 5 June 2016, www.rollingstone.com/culture/news/muhammad-ali-4-ways-he-changed-america-20160605.

During Muhammad Ali career, he became the people champ because he wasn’t afraid to use his voice and his hands back in time. Comparing this Jenkins and Colin, back in time it wasn’t rare for black stars to go against and create controversy. This was and still is one of the main difference of not only sports celebrities but the world now compared to them back in time. Freedom of speech for minority groups weren’t taken seriously or even listened but now minority groups have bigger representation. He created a reputation of cocky and better than many, which many people hated but also made people pay attention to his every move. This is where he used his popularity to create awareness on the issue of inequality and how he dealt with being black and great.

Walters, John. “A Lawsuit from the U.S. Women's Soccer Team Reveals Deeper Issues with Gender Equity in Sports.” Newsweek, 2 June 2016, www.newsweek.com/womens-soccer-suit-underscores-sports-gender-pay-gap-443137.

One major problem in sports when it comes to the difference of men and women in

sports is the pay rate. Some argue that there is the unfairness when it comes to the

WNBA and NBA for example. Women put as much effort and dedication into the

sport as men and attract as much attention as guys sometimes, compared to men they

are being paid change. In this source it talks about in this soccer tournament the

women were being paid much less than the men even though the girl’s game were

more competitive than the men’s competition. The men were even receiving extra pay

because of their performance and not the women.

guyjohn59. “Muhammad Ali - Racial Integration.” YouTube, YouTube, 9 July 2010, www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqiWFLsgVi4.

Touching back on Ali’s classic cockiness, it gave him the attention he needed to speak

on racial inequality. This source is reliable because I can include this video on my

website and use his quotes to prove me inquiry question to be true of sports being an

way of expressing social change. This source helped me get Muhammad Ali’s

perspective of the racism and inequality in sports and in the world during this time and

I can compare it to famous sports players like Malcolm Jenkins and Colin Kaepernick,

and this is where I can include the differences of responses from the people who have

the same goal and are advocates of social justice, yet in completely different times.

Siani Davis' Capstone

I knew that I wanted to do this type of project because I have always loved fashion and clothes in general, and I thought that it would be a fun learning experience to see if I can create my own brand, for my own denim. After deciding that personalizing denim is what I wanted to do for my capstone, the first step I took towards it was having a jeans drive. I posted a huge box in front of the office for people to dump old and unwanted jeans into, and I made an announcement in the advisory memo so that my message could be spread across to everyone in the school. I did actually get a good turn out from the donated denim, but I wanted more denim options so I had a bake sale to raise money to go to several thrift shops to find some ideal jeans myself. Once I had all these jeans, I just got to work making my ideas a reality. I completed 21 original pairs of jeans total, and I have taken editorial photographs of about half of them with students from school modeling them. This was an overwhelming, but heartwarming experience, getting to see people wear my jeans which made this project so worthwhile. I also plan on selling all my denim creations and I do personalized orders for people too. This is a project I plan on continuing throughout the rest of this school year and on through to college because it is something I am truly passionate about.
Siani Poster
Siani Poster

Sydnye Misero Capstone

For my Capstone I chose to give back to the SLA community. I wanted to address the most challenging class that presented itself to me: Pre-Calculus during my Junior year taught by Sunil Reddy. I knew that going into my senior year I wanted to become a math lab tutor and help my peers, but specifically those we were beginning their calculus journey. I took this math lab time and expanded what I learned, encompassing it into a student resource in the form of a website. This website will be available to those who are taking Mr.Reddy's course, or even those who are beginning calculus and require a refresher. I learned that collaboration is so essential, as tutoring is no easy feat. Collaboration has helped me broaden my horizons and meet new people during this Capstone. I also learned that research came to me the hardest, but was so essential if I was going to give my peers outside resources to help them. This project has continued to open my eyes to how deeply math aty SLA has impacted me. 

My Website: https://smisero18.wixsite.com/reddysurvivalguide  

Ellis, Jon . “Tips for tutors: Using Learning Maps.” Tutorhub Blog, 9 Mar. 2014, blog.tutorhub.com/2014/01/22/tips-for-tutors-using-learning-maps/.

“General Guidelines for Conducting Research Interviews.” Free Management Library, managementhelp.org/businessresearch/interviews.htm.

Halbrooks, Glenn. Create a Successful Website in 10 Easy Steps. The balance, 3 Nov. 2017, www.thebalance.com/create-a-successful-website-in-10-easy-steps-2315329.

How to remember the Unit Circle, Moo Moo Math, www.moomoomath.com/Easy-way-Learn-Unit-Circle.html.

Mineo, Ginny. “10 Design Tips to Create Beautiful Excel Charts and Graphs in 2017.” HubSpot Blog, blog.hubspot.com/marketing/excel-graph-tricks-list.

“Practice Precalculus online.” IXL Learning, www.ixl.com/math/precalculus.

or tutors: helping a reluctant student.” Tutorhub Blog, 9 Mar. 2014, blog.tutorhub.com/2014/01/24/tips-for-tutors-helping-a-reluctant-student/.

“10 Habits of Highly Effective Students.” Study Habits of Highly Effective Students, www.educationcorner.com/habits-of-successful-students.html.

“10 tips on how to make slides that communicate your idea, from TED's in-House expert.” ED Blog, 1 May 2015, blog.ted.com/10-tips-for-better-slide-decks/.

Mohamed Bah Capstone

Screenshot 2018-05-09 at 8.34.56 AM
Screenshot 2018-05-09 at 8.34.56 AM
For my capstone, I created a website to host my art and to also set it up to be sold for potential business opportunities. I started out by digitally painting several art pieces of rappers like Tupac, Kendrick Lamar, and J cole to post onto the website. I had to ask professional artist Martha Rich for advice on how not only how to design my site, but how to market myself. I had to learn how to code with HTML to customize my website. I settled on a simple design.