Study the Issues- Lobbying For Smaller Schools: Educating All of Philadelphia

  1. What are you lobbying for, against or to change? Explain the issue
-We are lobbying for  1. smaller neighborhood schools(this may involve breaking schools into academies).  2. To not segregate bad kids into alternative schools. In reality, how is an alternative school going to help bad children learn when they are all "distractions" to each other? One hope of this is to break down the barriers between "bad children" and good students so that all students may have the opportunity to receive a good education. We want all students to have the attention they need from their teachers, so they all can progress on the same learning path, instead of one group moving forward without the other. - Cody’s Take on the SituationSome people think of this idea as a roadblock in the more intelligent students, but in reality, each type of student can benefit each other by sharing their experiences. Tending to other’s needs can show self-growth and progression in students who attend these Alternative Schools. These students need to be nurtured in an environment that has a purpose, and not one that is detrimental to their learning experience. - Taylor’s MessageEvery student deserves a great education, and needs to speak up for it.- Cody’s Message“Never let others co-opt your language for purposes that are counter to your own believes.” - Chris Lehmann of The Science Leadership Academy.
  1. Elaborate on your motivation for investigating and influencing public policy?
From personal experience, I both have realized it helps me to help others. Explaining processes to other people helps clarify information to myself. Also, knowing I am learning in an environment where others are willing to help me out makes me feel better about my learning. I want students to be confident in their learning environment. We are focusing on the engagement of how students learn in their environments. Students should have access to all of the resources they could imagine including peers to answer questions and give advice. -Taylor’s Thoughts
  1. Who are the main supporters of your lobbying idea?
The main supporters of this lobbying idea are:* Edgatopia: is an organization that reports what works in education and how.Their main focus points:“Teachers must lay the groundwork for successful social and emotional learning by establishing an environment of trust and respect in the classroom. Empathy is key. Before children can be expected to unite to achieve academic goals, they must be taught how to work together, and so it provides them with strategies and tools for cooperative learning.” - Taylor’s Great Reference Quote.Cody’s Main Resources: * Julie Evans, the CEO of Project Tomorrow, whose mission is to provide students with the necessary tools to make them the leaders of tomorrow.* Educators like Deborah Meier, who has had 3 decades of working hand in hand with students.* Chris Lehmann a practical idealist for the pursuit of a greater education.People like these are ones who dream of the practical education. One that they believe should comes standard with all students, regardless of any background, or status.
  1. Who are the main opponents of your lobbying idea?
-The main opponents of this lobbying topic is the school district policy. There are many laws involving the expulsion of exceptional students (students who move at a faster/slower pace than others; ones with disabilities). The laws shown from the link below, state what a teacher can and cannot do. There are also the laws in which students have to follow shown in the “Student Code of Conduct, solely for students of the Philadelphia School District. There are even stricter rules when it comes to these Alternative schools, ones to where if they got in trouble there, there wouldn’t be a place where they could come to every day. These obstacles are preventing most students from progressing in their education.Link
  1. Is there any pending legislation dealing with your lobbying idea? Explain. If there is not, what would you like to see proposed. Elaborate.
There is currently no pending legislation dealing with our lobbying idea. We would like to see a few things proposed: 1. laws removed about the expulsion of exceptional students 2. laws applied to stop segregating students who have been in trouble from the rest of the student body 3. laws applied to offer education to every child, every if they have a bad past or background. 4. laws applied to monitor the size of schools, specifically alternative and neighborhood schools.  Our Consensus: What does a "great school" mean?    A great school offers a safe environment and an education for all types of learners. How does a "great teacher" teach?    A great teacher is understanding and is always willing to explain, assist, and explain again. A great teacher does not talk at the front of the classroom, they engage the students minds and help students make connections not only to the academic side of life but towards life itself, the real world. They teach about the process and not about the facts. What do we value in that kind of education that can be measured?    We value a students ability to apply the process of what they learn, not the facts and dates. We can measure this by there success in making differences in society, their ability to relate information.
  1. Any other information regarding the background for your topic.
-Regarding the incidents at South Philadelphia High School, with racial crimes/acts being directed to Chinese students, we sought the need to interview a transfer student who went through the torment and woes expressed onto them. This interview/documentary on the incidents that occurred during that time, will show what could possibly happen when large schools are not divided into academies, and when students of a certain class are subject to mistreatment. - Cody’s Take    We want to get opinions from students whom have been exposed to these somewhat dangerous learning environments. We know what we think should and should not work, but we need to know what actually works and does not work. - Taylor’s Take

Blog post #2

Blog Post #2

Just to recap what “Anchor Babies” are, are babies that are born from “illegal” immigrants. There are many controversies made about how they shouldn’t gain U.S. citizenship because their parents were not born in America and they were illegally here, while giving birth to their child, just so they had an excuse to stay in America.

“Anchor Babies” is a hot topic in America currently. A law that is being introduced that is trying to stop the babies from staying in the U.S. is bill H.R.1868 - Birthright Citizenship Act of 2009. Some say that this topic is connected to the Arizona law because both are trying to limit the amount of illegal immigrants in the states. Some find that “anchor babies” abuses the amendment because the 14th amendment states that  if you're born here, and you're not a diplomat's child, then you become a citizen. This way of getting into the country also seems demeaning towards the child. It’s like the child was made to be used for the parents selfishness, than being born out of love between 2 people.

The two senators that represents PA is Senator Robert Cassey and Senator Arlen Spector. The representative for Pennsylvania’s 1st congressional district is District 1 Robert Brady.

Pennsylvania state Rep. Daryl Metcalfe (above on the left side) says that the 14th amendment lets “foriegn” invaders, cross our borders and violate our laws. He takes it to heart how much these “invaders” are actually taking money from the U.S. citizens taxes, and the majority of the tax money are going to the “invaders” welfare checks instead of to the U.S. citizens benefit of fixing roads, getting supplies for schools, fixing schools, or even creating more jobs for the country. He has voted to agree with the new “anchor baby” law, which is, one of the parents must be a legal U.S. citizen, a documented resident who was allowed in the country, or the child of a alien (documented resident) who is in the military or navy.

Between the legistators and I, we both have the same views that illegal immigrants are spending money that can be spent on us, the U.S. citizens. There are many people here legally that are in poverty but the majority of the tax money going to welfares, are going to the illegal immigrants and their child. Also that if they wanted into the country, they should do it the legal way. It might take longer than crossing a border, but it’s worth it in a long run.

Extra information, “In 2009, San Bernardino County spent $64 million providing welfare benefits to U.S.-born children of illegal aliens.”

Study the Issues - Lobbying for Smaller Schools: Educating All of Philadelphia

Study the Issues
  1. What are you lobbying for, against or to change? Explain the issue

-We are lobbying for  1. smaller neighborhood schools(this may involve breaking schools into academies).  2. To not segregate bad kids into alternative schools. In reality, how is an alternative school going to help bad children learn when they are all "distractions" to each other?

One hope of this is to break down the barriers between "bad children" and good students so that all students may have the opportunity to receive a good education. We want all students to have the attention they need from their teachers, so they all can progress on the same learning path, instead of one group moving forward without the other. - Cody’s Take on the Situation

Some people think of this idea as a roadblock in the more intelligent students, but in reality, each type of student can benefit each other by sharing their experiences. Tending to other’s needs can show self-growth and progression in students who attend these Alternative Schools. These students need to be nurtured in an environment that has a purpose, and not one that is detrimental to their learning experience. - Taylor’s Message

Every student deserves a great education, and needs to speak up for it.- Cody’s Message
“Never let others co-opt your language for purposes that are counter to your own believes.” - Chris Lehmann of The Science Leadership Academy.

  1. Elaborate on your motivation for investigating and influencing public policy?

From personal experience, I both have realized it helps me to help others. Explaining processes to other people helps clarify information to myself. Also, knowing I am learning in an environment where others are willing to help me out makes me feel better about my learning. I want students to be confident in their learning environment. We are focusing on the engagement of how students learn in their environments. Students should have access to all of the resources they could imagine including peers to answer questions and give advice. -Taylor’s Thoughts
  1. Who are the main supporters of your lobbying idea?

The main supporters of this lobbying idea are:
* Edgatopia: is an organization that reports what works in education and how.
Their main focus points:
“Teachers must lay the groundwork for successful social and emotional learning by establishing an environment of trust and respect in the classroom. Empathy is key. Before children can be expected to unite to achieve academic goals, they must be taught how to work together, and so it provides them with strategies and tools for cooperative learning.” - Taylor’s Great Reference Quote.

Cody’s Main Resources:
* Julie Evans, the CEO of Project Tomorrow, whose mission is to provide students with the necessary tools to make them the leaders of tomorrow.
* Educators like Deborah Meier, who has had 3 decades of working hand in hand with students.
* Chris Lehmann a practical idealist for the pursuit of a greater education.
People like these are ones who dream of the practical education. One that they believe should comes standard with all students, regardless of any background, or status.
  1. Who are the main opponents of your lobbying idea?

-The main opponents of this lobbying topic is the school district policy. There are many laws involving the expulsion of exceptional students (students who move at a faster/slower pace than others; ones with disabilities). The laws shown from the link below, state what a teacher can and cannot do. There are also the laws in which students have to follow shown in the “Student Code of Conduct, solely for students of the Philadelphia School District. There are even stricter rules when it comes to these Alternative schools, ones to where if they got in trouble there, there wouldn’t be a place where they could come to every day. These obstacles are preventing most students from progressing in their education.
  1. Is there any pending legislation dealing with your lobbying idea? Explain. If there is not, what would you like to see proposed. Elaborate.

There is currently no pending legislation dealing with our lobbying idea. We would like to see a few things proposed: 1. laws removed about the expulsion of exceptional students 2. laws applied to stop segregating students who have been in trouble from the rest of the student body 3. laws applied to offer education to every child, every if they have a bad past or background. 4. laws applied to monitor the size of schools, specifically alternative and neighborhood schools.  

Our Consensus:
What does a "great school" mean?
    A great school offers a safe environment and an education for all types of learners.

How does a "great teacher" teach?
    A great teacher is understanding and is always willing to explain, assist, and explain again. A great teacher does not talk at the front of the classroom, they engage the students minds and help students make connections not only to the academic side of life but towards life itself, the real world. They teach about the process and not about the facts.

What do we value in that kind of education that can be measured?
    We value a students ability to apply the process of what they learn, not the facts and dates. We can measure this by there success in making differences in society, their ability to relate information.
  1. Any other information regarding the background for your topic.

-Regarding the incidents at South Philadelphia High School, with racial crimes/acts being directed to Chinese students, we sought the need to interview a transfer student who went through the torment and woes expressed onto them. This interview/documentary on the incidents that occurred during that time, will show what could possibly happen when large schools are not divided into academies, and when students of a certain class are subject to mistreatment. - Cody’s Take
    We want to get opinions from students whom have been exposed to these somewhat dangerous learning environments. We know what we think should and should not work, but we need to know what actually works and does not work. - Taylor’s Take

Blog post #1

My lobby topic that I have chosen is “Anchor Babies.” Anchor babies, are babies that are born from “illegal” immigrants. They are born and known as U.S. citizens, but once they are born, the parents are to leave the country, until the child is 21 years old. Once the child is 21 years old, he/she can apply for a US Visa for their parents. I am lobbying to keep the law that has been put forth.

My motivation for picking this topic, is that I find this law beneficial to the U.S. Each birth in the U.S. increases the U.S. citizen’s tax. This will effect the economy because tax money are usually used for school or fixing the city, but instead they are being put to use by paying for the welfare cost of illegal immigrants. Not only that, but the term “Anchor Babies” are used in a way to say that the only reason why the person having the baby in America, is to use it as an excuse to stay in America. Usually we wouldn’t suspect a women with a baby to be an illegal immigrant, we would just think, “what a cute baby”.
The main supporters of the law, are state legislators that are sick of seeing the tax money going towards babies born from illegal immigrants in their state, than using it to fix up their state’s school systems and supplies.  Also people who agree with the Arizona law supports this law because it will help keep the illegal migration rate down.

The opposing supporters, might be supporters people who see this topic in a personal perspective. Some are mothers and fathers, or even kids who were born here by their illegal immigrant parents.

Some extra information about anchor babies is that, in 2003, at Stockton, California, 70% of 2,300 babies were anchor babies.

Lobbying Project

History of the FDA: 

-The Food and Drug Administration is the oldest comprehensive consumer protection agency in the U. S. federal government.

-Wallace F. Janssen began writing about FDA as a trade journal editor in 1931.

-Joined in 1951 as assistant to the commissioner for public information and continued to be its information chief until 1966.

-How old the FDA is can be answered two different ways

           - 75th anniversary is 1981

           - Scientific institution: dates from 1862 when Charles M. -Wetherill started to study sample foods, soils, fertilizers, and other agricultural substances.

-Early FDA scientists became involved in matters of food safety.

-Federal concern for drugs started with the establishment of U.S. customs laboratories to administer the Import Drugs Act of 1848.

-Great Britain's first food law passed in 1860.

-FDA has a huge responsibility: safety of human and animal food products.

-FDA started with a small task, then grew. A small committe of doctors became one of the largest administrations in the U.S. government.

-February 27, 1906: horrible conditions of the meat packing industry was exposed, stirring the public to demand legal protection.

-It wasn’t just the unsanitary conditions, but also the use of poisonous dyes and preservatives.

-On June 30, 1906, Congress passed the Pure Food and Drugs Act as well as the Meat Inspection Act.

-1912 Sherley Amendment was enacted quickly to remedy that omission, but, it also created a standard that was hard to quantify: Prohibited labeling drugs.

-From so many deaths and injuries, the FDA showed gruesome examples of the dangers of untested drugs.

-1973: sulfanilamide had been given safely in tablet and powder form to treat streptococcal infections. Demand to have it in liquid form, but they didn’t do a test on it before they shipped it out to the U.S. This drug hit the market, which killed 107 adults and children.

-In 1955 260 people contracted polio after receiving the polio vaccine.

-The 50s continued to reveal the dangers of food additives. Cancer-causing additives and pesticides used to grow crops became the focus of new recalls and legislation. During this decade, FDA published a list of 200 substances generally recognized as safe (GRAS).

-1960s was known for both legal and illegal drugs.

          - Thalidomide, a sedative and sleep medication caused over 5,000 recognized cases of birth defects and limb deformities in infants born to mothers who took the drug during pregnancy.

-Started to get bans on hazardous toys and other products.

-1977 the ban on saccharin was lifted and replaced with a requirement to include a warning “saccharin has been found to cause cancer in animals” on the label.

-In 1979 the FDA arranged to have 250,000 bottles of potassium iodine delivered to where the nuclear power plant reactor overheated, threatening surrounding areas to be exposed with radiation.

-The scandal of the 1980s was an incident in 1982 involving deaths from cyanide someone injected into Tylenol capsules already on the shelf of a drug store. This is still an unsolved case, and no one knows who did this or why, but seven people died from ingesting the cyanide-laced capsules.

-1990s: packaged foods now required per-serving nutrition labeling, and an easily understood list of most important nutrients.

-The Safe Medical Devices Act was passed in 1990.

-In an effort to discourage marketing cigarettes to young people, the FDA declared cigarettes to be drug delivery devices in 1995. After that nice try, the FDA lost its clout with the tobacco industry in 2000 when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that they didn’t have the authority to regulate tobacco as a drug.

-Many issues were addressed in 2004 in the wake of 9/11 and serious reactions to many drugs. Congressional Acts authorized FDA to take more expedient countermeasures in response to chemical, biological and nuclear threats.

Who represents me?

Jewell Williams represents me. He is a Democrat. His occupation is a Legislator, meaning he can work to pass, amend, and repeal walls. His standing committee assignments is aging and older adult services, appropriations, children and youth, committee on ethics, rules, and urban affairs. During the 1970s, Jewell Williams led the way petitioning Philadelphia to provide more affordable houses for the poor. He had very little support since the city was already struggling to find solutions for youth violence. That is when he founded the Susquehanna Neighborhood Advisory Counsel, becoming its Executive Director. In 1986, he graduated from the Police Academy, and joined the Temple University Police Department. In 1994, Jewel Williams took the place as Chief of Criminal Operations for the Philadelphia Sheriff’s Office. In November 2000, he won his election to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives to serve the 197th Legislative District. In the 2008-2009 legislative session he proposed to expand Philadelphia’s tourism outreach and increasing funding in order to expand the Pennsylvania Convention Center, which was signed into law. This law lets the city tax hotel rentals up to 1.5 percent, which is deposited and dedicated to save money to improve the convention center. During the time he was in office, he has gained the respect from his colleagues as a true ambassador and coalition builder. As of now, he is serving Deputy Whip of the House of Democratic Caucus. He is also chairman of the Philadelphia Delegation of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and a member of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus. He is the Democratic Ward Leader of the 16th Ward of the Democratic City Committee in Philadelphia, and Vice Chairman of the National Black Caucus of State Legislators Rules Committee. Jewell Williams has received many awards for his community service. He has talked to many people in his community, despite their working statuses, and income rates. He is a father of three children. 


How has my legislator voted on my issue in the past? This is the voting from past elections.,r:2,s:0&tx=45&ty=106 


Qyidir White Q1 Benchmark-Bodine High School

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Lobbying Against "Don't Ask Don't Tell"

DADT Blog #2

For Blog #1, click here
For Blog #3, click here 
For Blog #4, click here

As a Pennsylvanian residing in the 2nd district, I am represented by three democratic congressmen: Rep. Chaka Fattah, Sen. Arlen Spector and Sen. Robert P. Casey.  Although each often votes with the party, some are more liberal than others.  In lobbying against such a debatable issue, one must look past the facade often created by politicians and find the real person underneath.   


Rep. Chaka Fattah has served in various parts of the government for 28 years.  After attending both the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard University’s Kenneday School of Government, Fattah was elected to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and then to the State Senate.  He has spent the last 16 years serving Pennsylvania’s 2nd district in the House of Representatives.  

He is in full support of repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” stating last year that “Our nation’s core principles, as well as an overwhelming majority of the American people, support full and equal rights for all our citizens...For far too long the law, and administrative practice, have discriminated against LGBT Americans, and it is way past the time to end this discrimination.” He helped pass the House bill that would’ve allowed DADT to be repealed, had it not been filibustered in the Senate.

Last week, Judge Virginia Phillips of the District Court of California, after ruling that DADT was unconstitutional, ordered an injunction against the military’s policy.  Although the Obama administration is seeking a repeal, Rep. Fattah strongly supports it: “The ruling stands on sound Constitutional grounds, citing free speech and due process violations by the government in barring openly gay and lesbian members from the armed services. She also cites the need to end ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ as a critical step toward improving military morale, readiness and recruiting at a time when our men and women in uniform are fighting distant battles.” Rep. Chaka Fattah, while up for reelection next month, will most certainly continue to be an ally in the fight against DADT. 


Sen. Arlen Spector is less reliable as a liberal voter.  A Republican for the vast majority of his political career, Sen. Spector changed parties last year in hopes of reelection.  However, his voting record does not suggest a Democratic ideology.  In 1996, he voted to prohibit same-sex marriage and in 2002 to exclude sexual orientation in the definition of a hate crime.  Despite renouncing his previous position on many civil rights issues, Pennsylvanians did not buy his claim and he lost the primary to Joe Sestak, a legislator strongly in favor of gay rights.

It seems that the truth behind Sen. Spector’s political beliefs will be revealed during the Senate’s lame duck session, when ousted congressmen are no longer accountable to their constituents. He currently serves on the Committees of Appropriations and of the Judiciary, focusing on civil rights.   He has voted for some gay rights in the past, but for the former Air Force officer and Warren Commission member, a repeal of DADT is not a sure deal.


Sen. Robert P. Casey Jr. has served in the Senate since 2007.  His primary goal is the welfare of the American people, focusing on issues such as the economy, the environment and healthcare.  He is in strong support of a repeal, stating "As we continue to fight two wars, our national security depends on a strong and talented military.  And ending this discriminatory practice is the right thing to do for our military and for those who want to openly serve their country.” Although he does differ in his opinions on same-sex marriage, he is steadfast in his belief on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” After the November elections, Sen. Casey will become Pennsylvania’s senior senator.

There are currently are multitude of organizations supporting gay rights in this country.  However, one of particular interest is the Log Cabin Republicans, which initiated the current injunction against DADT by filing a lawsuit against the U.S. military.  The organization fights to ensure that the voice of the gay and lesbian community is heard in a party where is it typically ignored and that equality drives its action.  LCR has worked from the inside to prevent the passage of the Federal Marriage Amendment and other anti-gay legislation.  Despite the conservatism of their party, this group is fighting for the equality that all people deserve.

Lobbying Against "Don't Ask Don't Tell"

DADT Blog #1

For Blog #2, click here
For Blog #3, click here
For Blog #4, click here
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Screen shot 2010-10-06 at 6.51.51 PM

The current opinion on homosexuality in the military is very clear: it is unwelcome.  This law, commonly referred to as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) was enacted in 1993 by President Bill Clinton in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994 (P.L. 130-160 H.R. 2401).  It stated that if a service member is found to be homosexual, he or she will be immediately discharged.  The service member can be probed about his or her sexual orientation if an officer has a reason to question his or her heterosexuality.  However, as long as it is kept hidden, homosexuals can remain in the military.  

During this project, my partner and I will be lobbying to    have this policy repealed.  It is blatant discrimination and homophobia, which should not be tolerated by the U.S. government.  The men and women who serve this country should not be forced to hid pieces of their identities for fear of being discharged.  President Obama’s promise to repeal this policy has further sparked my interest in it and increased my hope of success.  

Earlier this year, Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-CT) proposed legislation that would repeal DADT, stating on his website “To exclude one group of Americans from serving in the armed forces is contrary to our fundamental principles as outlined in the Declaration of Independence and weakens our defenses by denying our military the service of a large group of Americans who can help our cause.” Unfortunately, the Defence Authorization Bill for 2011, which included this repeal, was filibustered by Republicans on September 21st.  Sen. Lieberman has made it clear that he will revisit the legislation after this year’s elections.  

Many Democrats support the repeal, including Ms. Ellen Tauscher, who previously served as a House representative from California and was recently appointed to Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security.  She proposed similar legislation last year, but failed to make gains on the issue.  

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz) is leading the opposition.  Currently, McCain only opposes the bill so long as the Pentagon does.  “It is a blatant message of disrespect to our men and women in uniform that Congress is unwilling to even wait to hear what the force has to say on this important matter before pushing ahead with a controversial, political vote two months before an election.”  The Pentagon has launched a study on whether the repeal would have a negative effect on military readiness.  An affirmative result would be a victory for Republicans who argue that repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” would diminish military cohesiveness and discipline.  

However, the future does hold promise.  The younger generation is more heavily in support of repealing the 17 year old policy.  According to a poll conducted by Angus Reid Public Opinion, almost 60% of Americans would like to see DADT overturned.  Even more influential, the Federal District Court of California ruled that DADT violates 1st and 5th Amendment rights.  This ruling is seen by many proponents as a catalyst for change.  Hopefully, they are right.  

Voting Day Interview

Leon Werts

1.     Why did you decide to come out and vote?
“I wanted to vote for someone who has the same beliefs as me. “

3.     Do you vote every election day?
“I registered to vote resently, but the last election I voted was for the Presidential Elections.”

5.     Where have you heard the most campaign ads?
“I watch TV a lot so, I’ve seen them mostly on television.”

7.     Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you enter the voting booth?
“Yes, I am.”

10.  Did you learn about voting in school?

Voting in 2010...What I saw at the Polls

When I went to polls I talked to several people, I asked many of them the same question...."why are you voting?"Some of them said they wanted a change, others said they wanted things to stay the same. I was kinda hard talking to some of the people, most of them were in a hurry to get to work and could only give me one word answers for example telling me who they were voting for or why they were voting. Overall I kinda got an idea as to why some of them were there, most where there because they wanted to change the health bill or taxes and others wanted it to stay the some. 

recycle your skateboard

to begin with, for my art project I recycled my old skateboards to make a shelf. This art project was alot fun to do but it was also difficult.  It was difficult because all  of the supplies that I had to get and just all around putting it together.

My inspiration for recycling skateboards and creating a shelf was because I really love skateboarding and i saw someone make a chair out of skateboards and I it was so cool so i decide to try to make a shelf. i still haven't finished making the shelf but i plan to continue working on it and hopefully it will come out nice.

in conclusion this was one of my favorite and funnest projects that i have ever had because it allowed me to work on something that i truly love. I hope we get more projects like this as the year goes on.