
(lying on a hospital bed) I am not a man. I am not a monster. I don’t know what I am. I think I’m alive. If you can call this thing I have a life.  

And the worst part is: I chose this.

If a well known hospital tells you (mocking, goofy voice)“hey, do you wanna be immortal?” there’s really only one answer. This was when I was 55 and that…that marked the end of my life. They took me here. Hooked me up to these computers. And then…the beeping started(beeping starts). That incessant (progressively louder)“beep beep beep beep Beep Beep Beep Beep BEep BEep BEEP BEEP” IT DRIVES ME INSANE.

It was pretty ok at first. They sort of left me alone. Gave me food when I needed it. Not really when I asked, but that was ok. It was peaceful, and I liked that. Then when I was around 90, maybe 100, they started to show themselves more. The eyes(doctor walks on stage). Groups of them(another doctor walks on stage). They would just stare. They would sometimes move their mouths but I couldn’t hear them. I didn’t think they want me to. I mean I don’t expect them to. I don’t think they like me.

This is about all I can do to pass this time. Think about this place. It’s all I can remember. I barely know what time is anymore. When you’ve been around this long, (chuckle), you really stop caring about each day. I have been alive for 216 years and it has felt like just another 55.

(doctor walks close)The…end? Ha HA! FINALLY! I have waited lifetimes for this moment! I barely felt alive in the first place, and now, I can finally be FREE from this curse! This curse of life! It can finally…end…Do I even want it to end? I mean, I certainly am not enjoying THIS “life,” but would nothing be better? At least now I can think. I am constantly in pain, but at least I can feel something. I guess I never really thought about that before. Is living in an endless cycle of torture better than not living at all?

I need to find out. I can not die. (in the direction of the doctors)They SAID I would be immortal. (directly to the doctors)Let me BE IMMORTAL. I have nothing but myself! I need myself! I can’t afford to have this end. Maybe all this time by myself has made me like myself more than other people or something. I don’t know! I just need more time!

time monologue

Hidden Love

(Boy + girl walks in, girl speaks.) I have a best friend, Billy. We became close ever since I moved to California from New York. Our parents knew each other, so we were practically meant to be and have each other’s backs. I moved when I was about 5 turning 6. We went to the same school ever since. Everyone knows us as Billy & Miranda, the lowkey lovers. I didn’t really like that because I never saw him more than a best friend, but then one day it hit me...

It was summer of our junior year when I realized the look in his eyes. Every time he looks at me, it’s different. (Looks at her, pointing at a direction and then walking there.) We’ve been friends since forever, his parents are pretty close with mines, so we basically grew up together. But it wasn’t till summer I realized all the jokes our friends were making. That look in his eyes when he talks to me, it’s just different. His eyes grew bigger, prettier, I try not to make eye contact when I’m with him, so I just laugh at what he says and look away. Growing up, I know that he’ll always be there for me, to protect me, to beat up the people who bothered me, he’s like my guardian angel. (White light shines on the guy.) I didn’t realize is that he’ll become someone I’d admire the most.

(Walks around the stage to sit at the bench.) I don’t know what will happen if we do go out. I mean it wouldn’t surprise people, but what if it doesn’t work out? What if at the end we won’t say a word to each other? Who’s going to be there when I need a friend, who’s going to be there when I need help? (Looks at each other and smiles, the sun sets from the screen in the back.) My friend, my dearest friend, you’ve been there for me through the ups and the downs, through thick and thin; but what if we get sick of each other, what if you decided that we should’ve just stayed close friends? I can’t afford to lose someone like you.

(Guy turns to the girl, and smiles.) (Girl looks back at him, smiling.) There you go again, with those eyes and that smile. (bits lip and gets a little flirty happy, then quickly gets serious) Wait no, please do not do anything stupid. I wasn’t sure about my feelings, the way you would look at me with those eyes. Again, I just smiled and looked away. It was getting chilly as the night approaches. (Girl folds her arm, the guy saw and gave her his jacket.) Wait, no, don’t be like this,(She shook her head, pushing the jacket back to him.) I know you’re cold too (guy puts jacket around her) (girl just smiles.) Thank you. (Both actors get up and walks over to beginning position.) (Lights turned off.)

Athalia's Monologue

My Slide, Shamus Keough

techslidedesign (1)

This slide I created describes me in three ways, my love of video games, my love of cars, and my cancer experience. The car, a Maserati gran turismo, represents my passion for cars. I have loved cars since I was a little kid, and I still do now, and it has influenced many things in my life. For example, I have hundreds of hotwheels cars in our basement, and more in my room. The text “MooseMan” represents my love of video games, because that is what my name is online when I play these games. This has influenced me a lot because I have gotten very skilled at these games, and been recognized by a professional at these game. TheSlapTrain is a guy who makes youtube videos for a living, and makes a top 10 clips sent in by viewers show every week. I have gotten on 7 times now, and this influences me because this is what I spend almost all of my free time doing. Finally I added the zodiac symbol for cancer to represent my cancer experience as a child. I had leukemia from when I was 3 to when I was 6, and it influenced me because at the time, it was half and half if I would live. That is how this slide describes me.

picture of car from:


cancer symbol:


That's How it Usually Goes

They said “bye Ozzie!” and I tried to go with them, but they shut the door in my face. (pause) That’s how it usually goes, they leave and I’m left alone here like most every single day. I spent the first 10 minutes trying to open the door and go after them but because of my body disfiguration (looks at hands and sighs), I couldn’t unlock the door. I cried and whined as I can’t speak and waited in hope that they would come back for me, but to no avail. Sitting in front of the door I pondered why they would want to leave me alone as they said to me every day when I was young that they loved me.

Knowing that I was destined to be alone for the rest of the day, I then played with my favorite stuffed animal, whom they called “Winky”. “Winky” I had picked out at the consignment shop when I was less than a year old .The name originates from the fact “Winky” only came with one eye. I didn’t care as over the years “Winky” has given me the comfort I couldn’t get from anyone else. Calming down with one of my favorite friends, I asked Winky what I should do for the rest of the day. Nobody else can hear Winky, but he said that I should eat as eating always calms me down.

I went to the food they had left out for me and solemnly ate it. However, I was concentrating too much on how bored I was going to be that I ate my food all at once not even leaving a single crumb for me to eat later. (gets exasperated) I washed down my guilt with a nice few gulps of water and proceeded to go into my own room. My own room is very small, much more so than what the others have. I walked into and sat on the one piece of furniture I had, my bed. There I looked at all the stuffed animals I had beside me and wondered why I couldn’t have real live friends. The others had friends who came over very often always making a ruckus and playing with me as if I were a toy. Why can’t they understand that I am living like everyone else! (Gets emotional sadly and frustrated)

Whenever they take me outside, people look at me as if I am some sort of alien. Everyone wants to touch me and they always act as if I am a baby and speak to me in that super annoying, “sweety” (puppy dog voice)voice.(end sad and frustrated) Reflecting on it I get so upset but in the moment like many other things, I don’t mind because I forget my troubles. I love being outside, getting attention, and most of all, seeing my friends. They take me every other day around 3:30 pm to the park, so they call it. There I usually see my mentor Boris who has been on this planet beyond his years and everyday I listen to his teachings of life. I also meet Yuma, Chester, and Monet whom are my best play buddies and best friends. (gets happy and excited) Everyday we play tag and see who is the best in our boxing games and I admit I usually come out the loser. However, there are usually two others who really make me so very happy. She comes every day so I hear, with her other, Stephanie. When I have seen her, my heart melts into a pool of desire swirling around with hope and a twinge of despair as she only hangs out with her friends and the jocks. (becomes sad and pensive)

(end pensiveness) But enough talk about my daydreaming, I must tell you what else happened so far. After my longing to see the outside, I decided to have fun. I brought Winky with me to the big bedroom the largest others slept in. I flung Winky onto the bed and got onto the bed after him. Relaxing, we talked about how I found him and then we jumped on the bed together, pretending it was a trampoline. In our great fun I accidentally knocked over those big fluffy things they call pillows, but I didn’t bother to put them back. Then Winky made the great suggestion of getting more to eat. I was famished so we both went to where they stored my food. The others stacked it so high I became despondent until Winky told me where the others stored their food.

Then became what Winky and I will call The Great Fridge Raid Escapade. I latched onto the big slippery handle with my teeth creating some scratches and pulled with all my might to open the huge metal wall guarding what they hoard for themselves. I eventually succeeded and jumped up into the fridge grabbing my favorite snack,Carrots. I ripped the bag open and ate them all as fast I could leaving bits of plastic on the floor and creating a mess. I decided to try some more exotic foods such as a leafy thing titled Kale, note to self NEVER EAT AGAIN, Chocolate sauce and peanut butter. I think I still have a tummy ache still from the food I ate.

After closing the Fridge door I came to where I am now, back in my room, I don’t know when they will return and when they do they’ll scold me for a mess that I cannot remedy, play with me and then toss me aside for those glowing metal shiny things. I have pondered my fate, destined to…. (hears knock on the doors or unlock of door) THEY’RE HOME!!!!!  (Super Excited and runs off stage.)

My Slide Design, Ariana Flores

Untitled presentation (2)

For my slide, I decided to make my visual theme black and white with a textured background. The use of empty space as well as the rule of thirds are apparent in this representation of myself. I didn’t choose to add contrast because I didn’t want to disrupt the color scheme, and decided it didn’t really need it. I made my name black to be stark in front of the white background so people’s eyes would be drawn to it.

The point of my slide being black and white was because those are colors that I really enjoy. Also, the black represents everything I bottle up inside, and the white is the smiling face people see. I’ve held inside for years the stress of people stepping on me, being homeless, my parents going through divorce, many losses in my family, etc. Of course you can’t see all of that through an artistic background and a couple music notes, but that’s what it means to me.

Also, the ¾ of the slide that’s white doesn’t just have one meaning. This is where the music notes come into play. I use music to heal myself. I sing, song-write, dance, choreograph, etc. Those things help me turn any problems that I encounter into something that I love to do. If I’m not making music, I’m being an introvert and listening to it.

When I get older and establish my musical career, I want to help others through my music or make music people can relate to. From there I would want to either create a charity of my own or donate to many different charities. This is why the black line that continues out on the white side of the slide is more calm as opposed to the chaotic white, grey, and black that are on the middle of the line that divides the white and black.

My life is amazing because from my past experiences I can create something that can help people or cheer them up. When I was making this slide I found a quote that I really liked. It said “The goal isn’t to live forever, the goal is to create something that will,” (-Chuck Palahniuk) and that’s exactly what I want to do. Music is most of my life, and it was difficult to figure out what I specifically wanted on the slide in the first place. However, this representation of myself ended up falling into place. This is how I put myself into a slide.

Accidental Traitor

(Tommy Smithson stands in the darkened parlor of his parents’ house. It is 1916.)

I don’t know what to do. I’ve already seen too many of my old buddies go off to France, off to Flanders, and come back home in boxes made of wood. I’ve heard the stories of the carnage in the trenches, and I don’t want it. It makes me bloody nauseous. But here I am, standing in my parent's’ living room, in the middle of the night, in the middle of the darkness of war, in 1916, not even independent enough to live by myself...

I should probably run away. Yeah, that’s the ticket, away from the poppies and towards the moors...I’ll live like a savage! I mean, the war itself is already so barbaric, it’s just the same thing! You know what-I’ll go right up to that man in khaki at the draft office, look him straight in the eye, stand toe to toe with the bugger, and...and…

...And I will just go to the war like the rest of them. If I dodge this one, they’ll find them. They’ll haul my arse away to jail in an instant. I can see it now, right at the top of the Sunday Times, “Tommy Smithson, scion of Kent millionaires, arrested because he chickened out of his duty to his country…”

And they said war was fun! You get to buddy up with your boys, they’ll be your friends forever...all of the mademoiselles down there, you’re bound to find a pretty one...and most importantly, you’ll get to stick it to Jerry! You’ll kick the hun right where it hurts! Yeah, we’ll have the Kaiser quaking in his boots! Yeah! Of course, of course, I could...I could...die…

Why can’t things be the way they were before the war? Summer was endless then. It was always mild, everything was quiet. Garden parties lasted long into the night. We ruled the waves, we ruled the world! When I was a boy...oh, that seems so long ago now...I had no cares. All of the wars were far away, in the Transvaal, in the streets of Peking....not right next door! I could romp happily in the yard, climb up the tree, crawl around the nursery, entertaining my little sister…(he starts to cry)

Uncle, I know you can’t hear me. You’re too old to go to the war. You shielded me from this, told the draft board that “he’s too young”, “he’s valuable to the family”, “he has more money than Lloyd’s of London”. Of course, my parents said for me to go, to be a man, to stop shirking my patriotic duty. Mum said, “Tommy, this is for your country. If you don’t go, then we’ll have rows of kraut soldiers in the streets, in the towns, raping our women and killing our children. I don’t know why your uncle coddles you like this…”

They beat him down...those bloody monsters known as my parents brainwashed the bugger. My uncle, he should have protected me. But he went and told the man at the local draft board to sign me up. Dragged me over. Gave me a hideous khaki uniform, a helmet, and a rifle. (Picks up the helmet).

You know, I wonder...maybe there’s a man just like me, over in Germany, and he’s twenty-one, and he’s pampered, and he doesn’t want to go to fight country. He’s just like me. He’s an accidental traitor.

Oh, he loves this country...this...this...Fritz. Yeah, his name is Fritz. Fritz loves the rolling hills and lovely people and busy towns of his country. He just doesn’t love his nation’s generals, that’s all. He despises his generals, full of useless pomp and sparking medals on their chests, only there to commemorate how many men they’ve killed.

(He pauses. Tommy breathes for a moment, puts the helmet down, and sits on his bed.)

But I really have no choice, do I? I’m just bargaining with myself. Trying to buy a little bit of time when I don’t have any. I can hear the machine gun fire already. I can feel the mud and the muck up to my knees. And then I go over the top, and I hear the boom of the cannonfire and I see  the fiery eyes of the hun…

Before he died in the fields of Flanders, my friend Jonathan sent me a letter. He told me the one thing war taught him. He said that, at night, he could hear the moans and whines of Jerry over the muddy expanses between the trenches. He said he saw those German bodies, right next to the British bodies. And he said they’re all the same. Both cold, both stiff, both with eyes shut.


I think I know where I’m going tomorrow…

(He puts his head in his hands. The lights slowly dim)

Stop asking for Gum

[when shown, he is sitting] 
I remember I was waiting for someone to come get me, I wanted to be with whoever takes me. I was new with all my pieces together, and I wanted to give them to whoever takes me, and live a short but happy life. 
After 2 weeks of just sitting there, I was finally able to see someone looking around. He saw me and picked me up, I was so happy! After he had me scanned and gave the man at the counter a handful of metal discs, he ripped the plastic off and took a piece of me. I was happy to have finally found someone that enjoys me. He went to a building with a lot of chairs, desks, boards, and people. I didn’t know why, but I had a bad feeling about what was going to happen. About 3 hours had passed, and he still haven’t take another piece from me. He sat down on a chair near a table and began eating his lunch. He was talking to his friends while I was in his book-bag waiting for a piece to be taken by him. And after he ate, he finally pulled me out! I was so happy that I was able to be with him again, but his friends started asking him for pieces of me. 
He gave most of my pieces away. Now I’m here, with only 1 piece left, and I’m starting to feel empty. I was bought to be given to only him, and he gave me away to people that weren’t even there when he took me. I wondered why I was here, why I was created. I knew I was created in a factory, to be wrapped in plastic and sent away to some building so someone could take me and eat my pieces, but I was looking forward to being taken by 1 person and that 1 person only. And yet here I am, 1 piece left, and my owner only had 1 piece of me. I don’t know what to do, I was completely shocked, he gave me away to others, and people keep asking him for more. I was just scared, I just wanted to spend time with him, yet I was given away. Life is life, I’ll just let things happen, and I’ll just hope that in my next life, I’ll be able to be given to someone that will actually take all my pieces. 
All I really wanted is to be bought and eaten by whoever bought me, not to be bought and have my pieces all given away. I thought that he’d be the one that I’d be with for the rest of my short life. Let's just hope there will be a day that I can actually spend my life with a person that will be able to chew on my pieces. I just wish that people would just stop asking other people for pieces of others like me… [Fades to black]

My Slide

Slide for tech
For my slide I wanted to do an abstract representation of who I am. I decided to use 4 figures of things that I feel have defined me; philly, soccer, ballet, and travel. As for the colors I decided to use the tip they gave of contrast. The image for Philly is the only design with color and I decided to make the rest black and white to make it pop. I made my name big and in the middle so that it is more obvious. I also made my images varying sizes to make the look interesting and varied while also keeping them in a similar size range. To get repetition I made multiple figures black and white so that the viewer can spot a trend. I also used shapes as a point of attention where two figures are circles and the others varying shapes.

Musical Moment

Musical Moment

(Sits down in studio)
Timing isn’t everything, but everything takes time. That’s what I tell myself.  My girlfriend.  My friends.  I know I don’t keep all my promises, but I can’t if I’m being forced to make these promises.  They are not legitimate if I’m not into them.  Does this mean these people I hold closely in my life are not actually my priority?  Is that how I can tell what is most important to me, by seeing what I choose when I am scared to consciously make the decision.  This music business has been the longest process of my life.  It has been the ride of my life.  And even now, after I thought I had made it over the big hump, where people I thought were friends seemed ashamed of what i did, I now realize that hate is part of everyone’s life, and that overcoming that made me strong for this decision, which is turly my largest struggle on this path.  

This record deal could change my life.  Do I want it to.  Could letting this go destroy all I have strived for.  I have persevered through so much.  I can’t have sacrificed how I felt all this time, just to blow off an opportunity when it finally, finally, comes.  I find myself when I am in music.  But maybe I’m not just finding myself, but I’m losing others.  Losing the love of my life.  I don’t even know what the outcome of either choice will be.  Do I go back to school?  See all my friends.  The team who has stuck with me up until this point.  The girl I have loved like no other.  Or do I follow my dream.  I could be rich, and famous too, doing what I love.  

But if it means not being with the people I love too, then I truly don’t know how it will feel.  I remember sitting in this spot, rapping and vibing with my friends.  My best friend Jake, who I haven’t talked to in a week because I’ve been locked up in this room, and not picking up my phone.  I remember he played a beat.  It was the instrumental to a Hopsin's song.  I remember the beat dropped, and I started spitting, and I felt so powerful, everyone in the room glued to every rhyme.  It was with them that I got into rap.  It is them that told me how good I was, and that kept me going.  Without them, I don’t even know if I like music.  And I don’t know if they will follow me any farther if I don’t come back this semester.  I fear I’ll get what I want and not what I need.  Ugh, more texts.  (checks phone to see texts from Jake and Bae asking him about plans).  I want to get in my zone, but I’m too distracted.

I wish I had guidance now.  My music has always guided me.  Maybe that’s what I need right now.  The way I truly feel will be exposed through my words when I rap.

*Sets up studio quickly to rap*

*Music plays for a moment while Josh vibes*

All this rapping I’m doing I hope you all follow, cause without the one’s I started with inside I’d feel hollow, leaving me would make it hard for me to swallow, cause even though this rap stuff is all that’s on my mind, leaving, I don’t want to leave these relationships on the line, cause I don’t talk to my family cause they don’t understand a thing, they don’t see that I’m just trynna reach my damn reach.  Still, I never want to stop riding with you girl, and you too Jake.  I used to not know the difference between the real and the fake, but then I found some real people and now I have no need to use the brake.  

(Takes off headset)

I know now.  I need to follow my the dream of my life.  People come and go, but I will not change.  I used to write lyrics hoping to bring people along.  But I know now that if I let go and write exactly how I feel, that’s how I will get the most people to follow me, and how I will create loyalty.  And I hope they follow me too, but if not, it was a good ride, but I had to make a turn eventually, to get to where I want to be.

Monologue (4)

My Single Slide

Tech slide (1)
This is my single slide about me. My slide is simple, easy to read, and there is enough color to catch someone's gaze. I made my slide look the way it does because I wanted to make sure that the message was easy to understand and it didn't take a while for someone to understand. I have been through a lot in my life and one single slide wouldn't be substantial enough for me to fit everything about my life. I thought having shattered glass behind my name would catch someone's gaze because it's cool to look at and it looks interesting. I edited the picture so my name was noticeable and there is also a pop of color in the center of the slide. The broken glass represents how far I've come and how much I have overcome in my life. The explosion of color shows how although I have had low points in my life I've always found ways to overcome what has happened to me. Although people are complicated and nothing as confusing as humans can be simplified to fit on one slide, I made my slide as simple as possible but complicated enough that people get the message. 

Bet Match

(Shaking in seat, waiting for fight to start.) Aw yeah, the Undertaker is going down tonight! Don’t cha’ think man? (Motions to the random person next to him) Um, you think the Undertaker is going to beat him? Listen, I know we just met, but I need to say: In. Your. Dreams, pal. I bet money on this. I should know that he is going dow- Wait! That’s the announcer. Yes, it’s starting! And there’s the Undertaker. Look at him, man. He looks weak. And there he is. The man that’s gonna make me rich. AND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA (theme music ensues). Heck yeah! Now look at him. That guy is a beast. His moves are so swift and powerful, he’s gonna take down the Undertaker in no time and conquer this steel cage match! What do you mean no? Look. At. Him. The Undertaker has no chance. I’d bet you $500 that the Undertaker won’t even last one minute in that cage if I didn’t already bet my brother. Matter of fact, I’ll bet you anyway. $500, on the table right now that John Cena wins. Oh, you actually wanna do this? Alright then, we’ll leave the money right here. Just know that you’re pretty much out $500. There is no way John Cena is gonna get beat. He- Wait. That’s the bell! Ok man, I hope you’re ready to lose 500 bucks ‘cause John Cena is going to town! (Watches fight begin. Looks around sporadically) Aw yeah! Bang! Boom! Right in the kidneys! (Begins to look only at person next to him) Dude, you can’t honestly tell me that the Undertaker can take him down. Look at that. The guy can’t even touch him let alone defeat him. I’ll just be taking this now then...Dude, why you hanging on me? What do you mean look now? Why is John on the floor? Why is the Undertaker on the ropes? He’s not gonna…(Looks up slowly and then down quickly. Horrified expression. Whispers) Body slam…(Normal Voice) Oh no. (Looks off into distance. Keeps looking off into the distance before he says every number) 1 No. No, no, no. 2 No, John. Come on. 3 John please. Get up! 4 No! Come on. 5 Cena! Get! Up! 6 Dude, come on! I bet money on you! 7 I have a family. I gotta feed them. 8 You can’t do this to me John! 9 (Elongated yelling) Cena! 10 K...O... (Looks over to guy) Just take the money and leave me, man. I just need to sit here...for a minute. How could he lose? I bet all of my life savings on that fight. Dang...Well, at least I can catch the Floyd and Mayweather fight. (Walks off stage)

James's song

A Cranberry in Harlem

“ I have some good news to tell you .. “ ( Laughs nervously ) “ Well, hopefully it’s good news to you.. but today I .. I went to the doctors and they told me .. they told me I was pregnant. We are going to have a ba-” ( Face turns into utter despair ) “ Wha - what? It’s not yours? Tyrek, yes it is. You’re the only one I’ve ever laid down with. How could you say something like that? “ I’m keeping this baby, I’m loving it already and you’ll learn to love it too.” “ Don’t say that Tyrek! How could you just walk out on something so precious?” “ It is precious, you’re such an asshole. You’re just like you’re father, he left you and now you’re leaving your child. ( Actor says this forcefully ) It needs you just as much as it needs me ! I cannot do this alone, I need you to be here for me! Can’t you see that you’re everything to me.. to us.. to the baby.” “ Don’t you walk away from this, don’t you leave me here alone.” “ Tyrek ! Tyrek, where are you going.. Tyrek .. “ ( He leaves although he was never on the stage)

( Actor sobs ) I know , I know he had other girls and I wasn’t the only one .. but I was in love. I was blinded by the gifts he gave me, the love I thought we shared and the sex.. and I forced myself to believe he could be with me, and only me. I thought maybe, maybe this child could fill the void he had with me. I thought maybe if I gave him something, to love and to care for he would see that I wasn’t like everyone else, every other girl “loved” him because he had money, and flashy cars.  He was in the streets so he was going to give them the “ hood” love every girl craved..  I loved him for more than just the material things, I loved him because he had a sweet side, where he showed affection beyond compare , ( sort of start angrily rambling here ) where he told me he loved me too and now he’s leaving me here, without any help, any guidance.. and he knows I can’t take care of this baby alone, he’s know I’ll suffer without him !

( speaking to self) Calm down , calm down.. cause you don’t need him. You don’t need that no good ass nigga, who is leaving you and your baby for dead. I will get through this by myself, I do not need that tall, dark, buff and handsome man … Wait no what am I doing, I have to get over him, I just have too. ( Leaves the stage)

Ajanae's song

Little Miss Devastating

“”Little miss perfect.” “Daddy’s favorite.” “Number one athlete.” Is there a title that you don’t hold? Hmm Alice? What do you mean where is this coming from? No YOU listen to ME. You always complain about how hard it is to be you. Do you know how hard it is to be me? Why must you never listen to me!?

Well now you’re going to listen. Whether you want to or not. Here’s what I have to go through every single day.. I wake up to the sound of my alarm on my phone. Do you know why I set one on my phone even though daddy wakes you up every morning? He only wakes YOU up. He forgets about me! So I have to wake up 5 mins AFTER you to not ‘disrupt’ your father-daughter morning hug. Then I go downstairs to fix myself breakfast. I know what you’re thinking. But Sky! Daddy ALWAYS make us breakfast. WRONG! He always makes YOU breakfast! I remember going to him one morning and asking “Hey Dad? Where’s my food?”. Want to know what he told me? “You have two hands. I’m not your maid. Make it yourself!” And because i’m such a “nice little girl”, I did. I sucked it up, and watched as you ate your perfectly cooked pancakes and made my own burnt ones. Then we went to school. We walk to school with YOUR friends. Why? Because I don’t have the capability to make friends when people have my seemingly perfect sister to go after. The same ones who call me Clumsy Sky. Want to know why I’m so ‘clumsy’? Because when you’re not looking, they trip me. They make me land on the sharpest rock they can find. I’m not clumsy! I’m just abused. Yeah! Didn’t think I knew such big words did ya? Well I’m smart too! But the teachers hate me! Mocking me when I get the questions right for a change. “Oh. So you DO know something”. Criticizing me if I got it wrong, like “Why can’t you be more like your sister?” to the point where I don’t participate anymore. I don’t participate not because I’m lazy as you call me, but because I'm scared of having it happen continuously. Then we go to gym. More like the place where I stand and watch you do your routine, while I am never getting called on to show them all what I can do! Why won’t she ever call on me, I wonder!? But you wanna know why!? It’s because you’re there. Because everyone LOVES Alice. I bet all the people watching this broadcast are worried about their poor little Alice. They want to get her away from the maniac with a gun! But I’m not crazy! I’m just abused. (starts crying) I just want to be loved too. I want to have the attention you always complain about. The kisses from daddy. The friends. The happiness. I want to be happy! So I sat there and I pondered, “How can I be happy?” And I came up with a solution. I can make everyone sad. I can take away the one thing everyone loves so dearly and cares about. You. Then to complete the balance, me. After all twins go down together right? RIGHT? Oh stop crying you baby. We’re both going to go to a place where we can both start over. So say your goodbyes to the camera. Cause we’ll never see them again. “Bai bai everyone!”
Voice 009

My Tech Slide

Tech Proj (1)

My slide as you can see is my name constructed by all of the things that make up who I am. First, there are lines under the images to show that I am still learning new things, gaining interests and still forming my identity. In addition to that, the first two letters, only have one image duplicated multiple times but the i in my name has multiple images. This relates to the theme that my identity still forming. I will also explain to you the decisions that I made about the format and appearance of the slide.

The A in my name has all baseballs. This is because of my love of baseball. I have played for 11 years and hope to bring my talents to SLA to win the championship. The V in my name has all lobsters. This is because my family goes to Maine every summer. We eat lobster for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Seriously, it’s gross. I have been going to Maine since I was 7 and have always loved it because of its natural and rural simplicity. The I in my name has a couple different pictures. As I said before, this symbolizes the ever evolving part of my identity. The pictures on the top of the I are a stylus, the SLA logo and a bulldog. The stylus represents my love for writing. The SLA logo represents what this school means to me and how SLA will influence my future. The picture of a bulldog represents that I’m a dog person and hope to have a dog when I’m an adult. The middle image is a flame. This doesn’t represent Brendan’s mixtape, sorry. This represents a fire that happened last April across the street from my house. Two houses literally exploded due to a gas pipe somehow fusing with the heater of my neighbors house. The first bottom picture represents my appreciation for rap. I have been listening to rap since I was 7 or 8 and it kinda runs in the family. The second picture is a question mark. This symbolizes how I feel like I’m a little misunderstood. I feel like people are sometimes too quick to make assumptions about me and then use that assumption to label me. The last picture is pretty self explanatory. I’m one of the only guys you’ll ever meet who likes reading. I will now explain the format and design of the slide.

I wanted to make this name collage because it represents all the things that I associate myself with in a clear and creative way. In the IKEA billboards that were good, the design was simple, could be looked at for a few seconds and instantly be understood. I feel like this slide is easily read and people understand that it says “Avi” and has images that represent who I am.

Creative Writing


He had been casing the house for almost two weeks, checking to see when they were home and if they had any security. From all he could gather, they didn’t, so he saved the date for all his plans. Self gratification and law breaking, something could look forward to.

Thursday definitely. They both work late until at least 10pm and they’ve got no reason to come home early. With them both gone by 7:30am I’ll definitely have enough time to do whatever I want. Get in, take all their shit, and get out, no muss no fuss. No kids, no dogs, no hangup. Absolute perfection.

He really put honest hard work and time into this, which considering the context spoke volumes to his character, or so you’d think. You’d think he was malicious, that he had a grudge for those with more than him, or that he had something against this particular upper middle class couple. But if that's a bet you’d make, you’d loose. Jax had no real motive, aside from boredom. He had gone to high school, graduated, and went to community college, had a place of his own and a job. But, all that aside his life was terribly mundane and not exactly what you’d call exciting. So he got a little inventive and decided killing time, and getting rich would be more fun.

Find a prospect, pop a squat and watch. Boom, two to four weeks killed depending on the difficulty of the environment. Break in, lift, sell. Another night, another score; simple as tying your shoes. I don’t have what I need for this yet though, and that could prove problematic.

Jax took out his phone and dialed for Leo.

“Hey man, you home? I’m gonna be stopping by real soon today.” He could hear Leo rustling around at his place.

“Yea, I’m home. When you coming through? Cause honestly right now I’m not really good for company.”

Was he lying? Why would he feel the need to do that, I know everything he does, he’s a goddamn crank dealer, pimp, with a pawn shop that doubles as a home. That's all common knowledge, so why the fuck is he jerking me around?

“I was planning to stop by soon. I’m maybe five blocks away, so about a half. I’m walking.” He could hear Leo on the other end exhale then suck his teeth.

“Yea I guess that’s all good.” With that he hung up.

Putting his phone back in his pocket Jax stood from his seat on the stoop that in the past few days had become his home, lit a cigarette and started walking. After strolling about five blocks he dipped into the first alley on his left, and started banging on the green caged door blocking his entry into Leo’s. After about 15 minutes a blonde girl wearing a grateful dead t shirt and heels opened the gate in front of the door. Jax followed her back up the stairs into Leo’s.

“Hey man, I guess you can see that I was a little busy before you called.” He was sitting on the couch in the back room the stairwell lead to, his feet up on a milk crate with nothing else but an ashtray sitting on top.

“Yea well, whatever. I just need my usual, I have a job coming up and I need to be prepared.”

Leo looked up at him, his mouth contorting into a smirk.

“Your stuff is all behind the counter upstairs on the shelves. Get your shit then you can pay me after the job, I know you’ll have the money then.”

“I’ve got the cash now, that’s not an issue.”

He was too busy with his blonde, resuming what was most likely keeping them busy for fifteen minutes while he waited outside. Leo gestured for Jax to leave, so he made his way upstairs.

He’s so damn rude, you’d think having a job that left him talking and dealing with people all day he’d be nicer, or at least more polite. There was a black duffle on the floor next to the shelves Leo told him about. His supplies were inside, drill, screwdriver, duct tape, and obviously the most important, the bag itself.

The days leading up to his plan were just as mundane as the rest of his life usually was. Squeezing himself into lecture halls, cramming for finals, and trying not to run himself into a wall, but when Thursday finally rolled around Leo’s whole life felt different. His sight was clearer, and he was unusually calm. With a clear schedule and all his tools in toe he stopped just long enough to buy a coffee and a new pack of cigarettes at the gas station a few blocks away.

It’s only 6:30am, so I have an hour to survey what’s going on in there before I run in there blind.

After sitting on a neighbor's stoop obscured by bushes for almost an hour, the perfect time had arrived.

The car rolled out the driveway on and down the street, leaving a pristine and empty house open for Jax to raid as he pleased. After waiting almost a half hour he made his move. Crossing the street and walking up to the back door, being careful to look like he knew what he was doing and as if he belonged there.

Aright, let's get this door off its hinges, get in, pocket whatever, and get out. Start with the kitchen and dining room, then up the stairs, down the hall, and follow suit all the way up, then a final sweep down and out the door.

Following the plan Jax moved through the kitchen and dining room, gathering up all the silver, then moving stealthily up the stairs, to the master bedroom, taking jewelry and anything else of value he could find. After looking through the rest of the house he got to the third floor, and noticed a difference of the carpet in the hall and under the final unopened door in the house.

The entire house is carpeted the same, accept this room. They probably got the best stuff in the house in this room here.

With that thought he slammed open the door to a pink wonderland. A little brunette girl sitting in the middle of a bed with butterfly comforters surrounding her, she just sat there and stared straight into Jax’s eyes. He stood there dumbfounded for a couple seconds, then whirled around again and pulled the door closed again.

What the hell, I didn’t know there were any children in this house at all. She looks at least six, she should be in school or something right? How well did she see me? Why is she in bed in a house alone at 7:00am?

He had been standing there in a whirlwind of thought and concern when he heard a tiny shuffling behind the door, then felt little fingers poking his ankle from under the door. He turned around, lowering himself to the floor and laying down so he could see under the crack of the door. There he found a pair of chestnut brown eyes staring back at him.

“What’re you doing in this house all alone little one?” Jax asked out of a genuine place of concern from the bottom of his heart. The little eyes just kept looking at him, unblinking, and focused.

“They always leave me home, I just stay in bed. I’m quite, so its okay, right?”

“No baby girl, it’s not okay. If you want to, you can come with me, I’ll open the door and we can go to my house, and you can play games and run around.” He just laid there, on the floor, waiting for her to respond, or to try and poke him from under the door again. She just laid there and looked back at him, and for the first time Jax truly hoped that someone would see the good in him and trust him, she needed someone to take care of her, and maybe, just maybe he thought he would be the one to do that for her.

E Band Columbia


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Cristina (Hoteles)

Hay muchos hoteles en Bogotá Colombia! Los hoteles son extravagantes y hermoso con muchas actividades. Nos quedamos dentos la Hotel Vilar Americano,  cuando estábamos Bogotá. El hotel costo sesenta y dos dolares por cada noche. ¡Es un precio fantástico!.Tuvimos no problema con el personal porque ellos muy agradables.  En el hotel, comimos en un restaurante dos veces a la semana. Cuando nosotros fuimos a la isla de San Andrés y Providencia, quedamos en Hotel Lord Pierre para un poco mas. Los hoteles fuimos muy divertido y relajante. Porque tuvimos lugaras agradables para quedarse, nosotros fue muchos impresionante sitios alrededor Colombia, tales como discotecas.

Maria (Nightlife/Clubs):

El verano pasado mis amigos y yo fuimos Colombia. Una vez yo llegué, dije mis amigos, “Yo quiero ir al mejor club!” Fuimos a clubes en Colombia. Bailamos en Theatron de Película. Escuchamos bueno música. Pudiste tuviste mucho bebidas y miraste los bailarines. También fuimos al club: La Negra. Conociste mucho las personas bonitas. Una persona dijo, “Yo quiero a Armando Records.” Así que fuimos a un concierto en Armando Records.  El concierto estuvo muy caliente, pero fue divertido.  Empecé a cantar con los amigos y mis nuevos amigos. Una vez fuimos al hotel, dormimos todo la noche.

Jesus (Tourist Attractions):

Supimos mucho turista atracciones durante nuestros tiempo en Colombia. Primero nuestros fuimos la ciudad Bogotá. Bogotá es el capital de Columbia y es muy popular. Nuestros a la oro museo. Vieron pudimos encima de 55,000 oro el pesados y material de pre hispanic cultura en Colombia. Después fuimos a la noventa y tres parque. Fuimos café Renault y tener café y famoso torte de chocolate. El dia siguinete fuimos la isla de San Andrés y Providencia. Nadamos en la océano, quis habla con nativos, pudimos las olas. Fuimos a las Bogotá. Vener visitar otra attractions incluyen nacional café parque, de Bogotá botonical harden, y Amazon selva excursíon.

Angelica (Restaurantes):

Colombia tuvieron algunos de los más restaurantes elegantes en Sur America. Con una mezcla de culturas diferentes, tuvieron muchas estrellas porque de la comida y el diseño. La semana pasada, estuvimos Matiz y La Tartine. Otras restaurantes populares son Rafael, Capital Cocina y Café,  Carmen Medellin, y Restaurante Club Colombia. Matiz tiene cuatro fuera de cinco estrellas para la comida, que fue muy delicioso. Encantamos el diseño también. La Tartine tiene cuatro estrellas porque su influencias de Europa, África, y América pero tienen los platos de Colombia. Cuando visitamos, sirvieron nosotros el “Lomo Angus” y es nuestro plato favorito a Matiz. “Lomo Angus” es bistec Antes la cena, fue tiempo de los postres. Nuestro postre favorito es un pastel. Su nombre del postre es “flores de carnaval”. La comida fue muy delicioso y quisieron a comer a los restaurantes de nuevo.

  1. What was our favorite attraction?

  2. What rainforest is in Colombia?

  3. What hotel did we stay in?

  4. What was our favorite dish?

  5. What restaurants did we go to?

  6. What city did we stay in?

  7. What hotel did we stay in?

  8. What island did we visit?

  9. Why did we love going to Colombia?

ILP Hadleigh Stammers

My ILP is at Russell Byers Charter School. I go every Wednesday and help out with the 4th grade. So far I have helped the teacher, Ms. Romanek, file and organize her classroom and also engage with the kids. When I get there the kids have a guided reading class and I help them read in small groups and make sure they understand what they are reading. It is fun to work with this group of kids because I enjoy the age group; they are not too young and also not too close to my age. I also look forward to my ILP because I used to go to RBCS, and it brings back good memories from when I was in elementary school. 

Tia Updated ILP

I am still volunteering at First Philadelphia Preparatory Charter School as an assistant coach for cheer leading. I continue to teach around 14-15 girls every Wednesday and Saturday different stuff. I work with a older mentor that helps with the girls. I also do paper work and help after hours within the school. I help get the girls physicals and contracts together throughout the season.