Reflective Post

To be honest, I haven't posted anything on my character's tumblr. Shame on me, I know. But my story occurs within moments anyway, so I don't feel so bad about pushing it back the way that I am. I SHOULD add some warm up, though. But, hell, this project makes me contradict myself. I try not to get onto social networking sites, but I have to in order to pass a class. Whatever, I probably won't post anything until the last minute because that's just what I do. 


its crazy how people feel the need to put other people down to get approval for their own selves.
to each his own but
all im saying is , dude your really reflecting your low self esteem.

It's Nothing Insane

Monologue Project Created By: Cecelia Baez


My project is based off the idea of Sex Slavery intertwined with old tales of German and Jewish hatred. A young jewish female has been snatched away to German as a sell slave. This story deals a lot with the binds of her life going through something not knowing why or what the man by Augustus has in store for her. The mean time of this slavery, Augustus "The pimp" is creating a documentary about how he feels about Jews and what he is doing to these poor females. It's a pretty interesting play in which can really catch the eye of emotion. If you must know, Prostitution in slavery is illegal. &From loads of research, it was found that loads of money comes into Germany during the world cup due to crazy amounts of foreign men looking for woman and sex. It's a large income for Germany. But no always the greatest way of receiving this income. Sex slavery has reduced by a lot in the past years, but that doesn't mean it's dead. 


Tikva [ First,Fourth,Eighth ]: 18 year old American Jewish Female. Main Female Character.

Augustus: [ Second,Sixth ]: A very old pure blood German male. born in raised in Germany. Has a very hard to understand German accent. Main male character. Lucas: [ Third,Ninth ]: A young man in his 20’s. Brazilian. The capture for Augustus. Non Blood Related Nephew to Augustus. Parents: [ Fifth ]: Tikva’s parents. Father is the only one speaking. Mother is deaf by voice. Jewish parents. Activist [ Seventh ]: A woman against people not treating people with human rights. In this case sex slavery ______________________________________________________________________________ It’s Nothing Insane Act 1, Scene 1 [18-year-old girl, sitting in a metal fold chair. She is placed the middle/front of the stage. Everything around her is black, except for one light shinning right on top of her. She is dressed in a navy blue long gown dress, which covers her legs, arms, and chest. Her hair is long, brown, and very wavy. Her face is young and beautiful. Her expression shows sadness. Her voice sounds very obnoxious and light.] TIKVA [Head is up and straightforward. Her eyes are closed as she takes one deep inhale. Her eyes open as she exhales. As finishes her exhale, her expression went from none to flirtatious and smiles] [She stands up, out of the chair. Arms and hands are at her sides, and as she speaks she plays with her dress.] Story? Is about a graduated girl. Got the scholarship of her DREAMS! Being the naughty teenager, I am. Sneaking into clubs wasn’t such a hard thing to do. Snatching a few drinks? …. I attended on it. [Folds arms, and walks back and forth horizontally, while face is still looking forward] Well of course, I met the dreamiest guy. [Smile with confusion and looks offstage] Blown my mind quiet actually. His accent? [Waves hands in opposite direction] Totes not from this country [Crosses arms, with one arm up and resting on chin] My girls and I decided to join this man and his group of friends to roam the city. It was a nice summer night out. [Skips across stage, and jump stops at end of sentence] Strollin’ and rollin’ down the merry happy lane. [That stomp indicated her energy gone. Now talk calm for the rest of the monologue, but still sweet] My friends were totes out of it. [Runs hand through top of hair to push it back] Myself? Only a little. I can still remember… can’t I? [Eyes wide and mouth slightly open she dazes off for around 10 seconds, then comes back to reality and sits in the chair. with back up, legs together, and hands folded together. Expression is lost, and calm] [Whispers] Anyway… [Stare into crowd/videocamera] It got to the point where I remember seeing daylight. It was late, or early? We headed back to the club and the dreamy guy… By the name of Lucas, Asked if he could buy us another round of drinks, as a kind favor before us pretty ladies headed home. My drunken friends were far from knowing how to controlling there actions. I didn’t want them to kill their liver anymore... But of course… When you hear heaven speak rings of chills… “Oh Please, I have to do something kind in return for ruining your friends day tomorrow.” You know, a hangover? So I said sure. Just one, and just for me. [Scratch the side of her cheek] He agreed. [Pulls beer bottle from under the chair] As this drink... was what ruined my life. [Examines bottle] This... simple… [Plucks bottle] thick… bottle, Was the slip of his drug into my body? Some would call it date rape. [Fiddle with bottle in between hands, down on your lap] An illegal act. Of an illegal drug. Young and Dumb I was for trusting someone I did not know. How could I let it go so far? Raises eyebrow and shakes head no] I don’t know. And from here I can’t remember much, But the sudden feeling of not being able to move wide. And the urge to want to breathe… But needing to take such, Small, Breaths. It was dark, hot, and tight. I cried for hours in plead of movement. Trapped in a box. A little bigger then me. I didn’t know anything of my time and place Or how. I knew. Trapped I was… But not that’s not that way to describe the next few weeks of my life. Think of it more, as… Death. [Stares with a blank expression forward. Stands up, and turns video camera off] ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Act 1, Scene 2 AUGUSTUS [Sitting in a wooden chair, and legs are crossed males style. He is wearing dark brown trousers that are a little higher then normal pants length. Since they are so high up, it makes them look a bit like high waters. He is wearing a nice tucked in white button down shirt, and a green vest also tucked in. This man is bald, with a top hat and a red moustache. His body structure is fairly large, and fairly husky. His expression looks calm, yet not to be messed with. He speaks very seriously. He speaks in a very natural German Accent] Is it working? [Nods head] Good. very Good! The World cup is soon. I cannot wait! You know… for the chocolate! No, I lie. Chocolate is for the women. To… You know... [Moves one hand in a swift circle moment like whisking air] Arouse their happiness. [Hands on lap, fingers folded] I just received 30 more women. It makes me very happy. All are so beautiful. All are so young. All are so… worthy! [Licks lips, and dazes to the side for a few seconds] Oh, pardon me. My mint dazes to De idea of what good will come out of my actions! [Offers out hand] Let me tell you about myself. Since you’re going to need to know who I am. Aren’t you? Lets start. [Stands up out of seat and places hand on chest] My name is Augustus. I am a full-blooded German male. I was raised in strict German household. Mama, ant Papa very, very much like their grandparents. Ant there grandparent's Ant there grandparent's, grandparent's. All the way backs to the Nazi times. Tam Natzi times. [Sighs uncomfortably.] What am I trying to say here? [Gets very close to camera lens] Yes, I don't like Jewish. Ant I hate how because of them, my country became poor! Paying all the debts. [Spits the side] Oh Poor Jewish People Poor Cheap People. [Speaks through teeth] Oh… they are damn right sick! It’s cruel! [Backs up from camera a bit and plays arms on hips and stands with chest out] So, I became a very cruel man. What can I say? My latest experiment? The Jewish Slaughter. No I’m not killing people Well some to tie. That’s just because they’re weak. [Sits back in chair] Ugh..Sorry. I’m getting off topic here. I am original. I to good for my country. Ant they don’t complain. I bring in the highest source of income for Germany. They need me. Of course my hunting assistance to a lot to help as well. Beautiful Jewish woman will bring me story a life. What story? De story of the WORLD. Why? [ Looks away for a few seconds, then looks straight into the camera] Because I’m fucking sick, at looking at Jewish be able to get away with such please of innocents. This will lead many different people to view society in life. I’m very sure of it. You are probably very confused. I apologize. Let me explain just a little. Don’t want to give away TOO much JUICY information.. Now do I? [Large wink into camera] Well here it goes.. [Stares into a wonder] Me being a young lad, I never intended on anything bad about Jewish people, and the world’ My parents, and grandfather always told me about how much of scums they are. I actually had intentions to prove to my Papa that they were good people. Just People. Not monsters. [Eyes got wide, and says loudly] WELL I WAS VERY WRONG. [Says sadly and softly] I can still hear the screams of my poor… Mama pleading for them to stop. I can still hear the cries of my poor little sister confused of the actions these men were committing. [Speaks fierce with anger] Wearing that Yarmulke of death. Indication that these murders...these rapist... were Jewish. [Breaths deeply and Tone changes to calm and relaxed] As for my Papa and grandfather and older brother. Locking them in there rooms while being burnt to death, didn’t leave a very good scar. I happen to be the only intelligent one who knew to go to the underground passageway of protection. Built by my great, great, great, great grandaddy himself. It was a very random encounter. Why? I do not know the reason. But I know the action. So from there started my plot. Alright. Okay that’s all I say for now. We are done. Now turn off this camera! ______________________________________________________________________________ Act 1, Scene 3 LUCAS [He walks down a long narrow hall, towards a door at the very end. Lucas is very tall, and handsome looking. Body structure is well built, while his legs being one the strongest things on him. Slick back brown hair, and tan skin. He is dressed in a blue jersey and black shorts. As he approaches a door, he walks into the room behind it. ] Well hello, Ma’am. Aren’t you beautiful? [3-second pause] [Holds fingers to his lips, and closes door behind him] Shhh… Don’t speak. I don’t take very long, so no worries. [Walks up to a chair in the corner of the room] Goddamn, this room is so small? Out of all the money these people make, they can’t afford bigger rooms? At least it’s color, and lighting is a navy blue. That makes everything so much more… romantic. Since… you know… this is the last kind of thing anyone would think of as romantic. [Looks around the room some more] Small, blue, with only a bed and a chair. This could really be some one's closet. Well… I paid for the best… So… You better damn right be the best. Lets see how these things go… [Stares at the girl sitting on the side of the bed for a few seconds] You are really pretty. [Uses his hands to show the outline of the girl] So thin, with a pretty nice bust. I like. [3 second pause] How often do I do this you ask? Pretty often. None are as pretty as you. [3 second pause] Where are we you ask? Err… I don’t know if I should be telling you this. But that bastard possibly wouldn’t care. I believe you at least have the right to know where you are...we are in Germany. [3 second pause] [gets up from where he is sitting and sits next to the girl] Wait… No… don’t cry. [Places his hand on her shoulder and rubs it to calm her] Goddamn. I suck at this. Look sweetie, I’m sorry you got brought you here. But it’s business, all right? Live with it shortly and you’ll be fine. Augustus the man who owns this joint won’t keep you here forever. [Pauses for 3 seconds] Why are you even talking? You’re supposed to be drugged. [Pauses for 3 seconds] Look, you really just need to give me what I came for and call it over? Okay? I’m not looking for a relationship here. I could help you but there isn’t much I can do nor much I really want to do. Now please... shut up. [Pauses 3 seconds] [Rolls eyes] Yes… My name is Lucas. Look it’s nice to see you again too. I don’t think you know me well, but I don’t do well with the whole woman cryings and making me feel bad about my life card. [looks around room and while speaking next line] You aren’t supposed to see in this lighting. Dammit. You’re not drugged. Are you? Why is Augustus so against drugging you guys so often! It makes it a hell of a lot easier. [Silence for a few seconds] Well sorry… I only deal with drugged bitches. See you when you’re out of it. He moves his fist quickly and swiftly across her face. A hit there, and a hit here, till she becomes out of it] Now lets have some fun! [He smiles as he turns off the camera on the side of the bed] _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Act 1, Scene 4 TIKVA [The same girl from monologue one is seating in the same metal chair, in the same place. Front/Middle stage. All lights are dark, and one light shinning down on her. She is wearing a white dress, dirty, holes everywhere on it, and very short. Her hair is big and nappy. It's as if she just got out of living in the jungle. Her face shows the expression of depression, sadness, fright, and worry. Her body position is very closed up, and secured ball like.] [Head is looking down, as she inhales. During exhale she lifts her head up straight forward. Eyes open the whole time] I… I…I don't know in the name..of..of human kind, wh..what type of p..p..people. I just, don't know? I don't.. Understand? [Looks straight forward] If you could see…. if you could understand. You don't. [Shakes head] YOU don't. They… touch…they grab. They enter… [In a deep tone] They demand. They beat… [Bites bottom lip.. as it trembles] Why is the world so goddamn obsessed with money? Do you see what they fucking did to me? [Shows arm wrapped in cloth, bent to the side] I can't even move it. &They just left it here, like this. Who wants to have sex with a damn handicap? I don't. [3 seconds pause] Explain who I am? & Make it direct? … [Sighs] Okay. My name is Tikva. I am 18 years old, and I'm from America. I now see that life is a game. &I'm just a drugged victim. [3 second pause] Hope? Who needs hope… That's what my name means. But It's so hard to look for this, [Use quotations] hope. Especially when you come across… A room of 30 women. All naked. All drugged. And you’re placed in an even smaller room. By yourself. And each hour, you're forced to sex your body over to any man that might come your way… [Rubs fingers together] For money. Tell me what you feel then? Because it's sure not hope. My vagina was pulped to the point of mere... existence. Now I wish I was a man. A man... who owned a dick. So I can penetrate a woman. But god knows what. You expect me to live off of hope? [Sarcasm &rolls eyes] Shit that's all I have. Hope that if you're watching this right now.. You'll see how messed up this world is. &How money… kills. [3 second pause] Alright.. I think I’m done. You can turn the camera off now. Please... [Begins to cry] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ­ Act 1, Scene 5 FATHER [Two parents are sitting on a couch. Man and Woman The room is in bright colors and flower designed wallpaper. Mainly pink, yellow, and orange. They are placed right in the middle of the couch. Sitting close together. Man has glasses, bald, and wearing a Yarmulka on his head. His style is very sophisticated and what would be called a nerd. Pocket protector, high-water tan dress pants, and a stripped button up shirt that was buttoned all the way to the neck. The wife had very short even hair. A long sleeveless dress that covered her chest and legs. The dress had a flower pattern. She wears glasses as well. The father sits up straight and stern. The mother who is deaf does not speak at all. She is hung ed over crying. Hands and Arms in lap] [Father is talking; He has a deep, strong voice] [Points to the camera with that stern look as if he is scolding] I will say this once, and only once. You.. Person out there. [Points to his chest] That's my daughter. [Hand comes down to wrap around the wife] My young baby girl that you have. The woman with her head straight. Her goals set. Her future... waiting. &You sir.. or miss.. took that away from her. Took that away from US. [Breaths very deep, and looks into his wife's eyes then back to forward] I know if my wife could speak… She would say so much of her pain. She would use the voice that she does not have, To express her sorrow. I highly doubt you understand when fingers speak. So I will tell you… That you do NOT know, Of how our daughter is a talented, intelligent young lady. We are not going to stand to have her taken away. I hope you know that. We will find you. And we will come after you. Whether she is dead or alive. She will be with us again. And you will be put away.. you vile.. vile.. man like creature. [Turns camera off] [Speaks to man next to camera] Project this live. I need it sent onto the air tonight. We have a lot to do this week if I want to find my girl. ______________________________________________________________________________ Act 1, Scene 4 AUGUSTUS [Sitting in a wooden chair, and legs are crossed males style. He is wearing dark brown trousers that are a little higher then normal pants length. Since they are so high up, it makes them look a bit like high waters. He is wearing a nice tucked in white button down shirt, and a green vest also tucked in. This man is bald, with a top hat and a red mustache. His body structure is fairly large, and fairly husky. His expression looks calm, yet not to be messed with. He speaks very seriously. Spoken in a strong German Accent] I've thought long and hart about dis… experiment. and I believe it needs to bloom. Into a beautiful story. for the world too see. for the world to witness. The depth within sex. within rape. within torture. I don't like Jewish, and pretty sure the name.. of Germany and Jew isn't connected. Its been years since the Natzi times. It’s been years since the word of Jews and Germans united. I only love to hate Jewish women. because they are beautiful. and well, being one the most.. unique.. sex slavery villains.. out there. I thought letting myself go a little would be interesting. Because no one knows I exist. How is dis possible you may ask? ... as watching dis. I'm far away from.. ground. [5 second pause] Anyway.. I’m giving too much away. but never the less. I'm letting them go. Who? ALL of the Jewish woman I own. I know you might dink dis brings business town. and I'm surrendering. But what I am surrendering too? I'm sick of seeing overly drugged dead woman. I’m sick of seeing my assistants complain because I don’t overly trug them enough. I’m sick of waiting. So they get to go home. Shipping them back there country. I pull Jewish woman from all over the world. My assistants, especially my youngest assistant. He toes good for finding the Jewish females. [Eyes widen at “blood”] It's as if… he can smell there blood. Not to scare you, but I am a very scary man. I hold the power of life in my hand, One family..I can recall sent a video live to the news across the America. I got your video from someone stationed in America. You must have good money to, to so. I don’t want your money. I just want to tell you... Your not going to find me. [Mimics] Parents of...Tikva. And I wouldn’t 't care if you did. Because my actions still went down in history. I’m old now a days. So, You can have your daughter back. She made good money, for a few weeks. I intended not to drug her much. Since she seemed to put up well even without drugs. Her duties.. are done though. &with her broken arm? I think you're going to want to fix that. [Happy and joyful, smiling] I'll ship her back to where we found her. &Like I said, Don’t try to find me. Because you won’t do much luck in the end. All right Lucas, turn off the video camera. [Lucas turns video camera off] Dis video document will go down in history. Set up the broadcaster and use you young people smarts of managing technology so this can air on every television show. The will start with America first. Make loads of DVD's too. I want backup copies to be shipped to America. People will see how vicious a man... can be. _____________________________________________________________________________ Act 1, Scene 6 ACTIVIST [A woman sitting in an office chair, in front of a large wooden desk. Placed in front of her is a laptop and a few papers. Behind her is a bookshelf filled with books about sex slavery and world issues. This woman has short straight black hair, and wears black glasses to cover her big green eyes. She was a woman suit. Navy Blue with white strips and sneakers. She sits upright and very firm] [Arms lay at her lap, hands folded together.] Just … tell me when to start. [Smiles] [3 second pause] Well, after loads of preparation and research. Stalking individuals for background information. Finally, we found the villain behind the mastermind of the Jewish sex slavery. It was very vulgar. But never the less. All of the woman from the American side of the sex slaves are back home with their families. Some deaths. Due to over dose of drugs of course. A family had a daughter named Tikva, who finally is safe. She said they were doing a video recording of her and other girls. But we have come across nothing yet. She is a very sweet girl. And it’s sad to say that people are like this. I am an activist against such things. We have brought down sex slavery in many countries. Germany by far. The German government was shocked to see that they had much left. Such a high “Pimp”. Now only 28% of known sex slavery remain. &Yes they did legalized Prostitution. But that’s a woman’s choice. Sex slavery isn’t. I will do what I can, to protect the name of humanity against forced sex. I’ve dealt with rape. I’ve dealt with abuse. I know how it feels. And it’s not pretty. &To bring all sad stories to a happy ending. This man by the name of Augustus is in Jail now. He has traces of being Psychopathic in his blood. His whole family was slaughtered as a child. It’s a sad way to grow up. All things come to an end. This is Jessica. Reporting the German Sex Slave story to a seize. Have a great day! [Turns video camera off] Alright ABC news. I hope you got what you were looking for. ______________________________________________________________________________ Act 1, Scene 8 TIKVA [ The same girl from monologue one is in front of her computer, while sitting on her bed. Room is colored in butterflies and green. She is speaking to the web cam on her computer. She is dressed in light blue jeans and a white v neck. Very clean looking. Hair is straight down. There is a window right next to her bed. The room is lightened brightly. She is sitting Indian style. ] [Speaks calmly, slow, and with a slight smile] Hey blogger, I know it’s been a while since I’ve last been able to show any of my “amazing” life. I’d like to say this is my last blog. I don’t believe in exploiting my personal life anymore. Sorry to disappoint those who actually have an interest in myself. I went on a pretty crazy adventure... One that that left me understand a few pretty interesting things in reality. [looks out her window for a few seconds, then looks back at web cam] I’m safe. The world isn’t crashing around me anymore. I’m home, With my family and my friends. My parents did everything they could to find me. Who knew I’d be in Germany? The activist set up a large riot to fight against sex slavery… Who would of thought this was turn into such a big crisis? I never on a regular basis would think about ending up where I did. It’s been a while since everything went down, And I’m just glad to be home. I take therapy almost everyday other day. &I think I turned lesbian after seeing so many men. But that isn’t the point. This showed me, That no matter how bad the situation.. Everything will be better in the end. I know it! I believe! Because it happened, To me. Everything will be all right. The world isn’t crashing around me anymore. I’m safe. &To all you young females out there, watch your back. I declare this my last video blog entry. Bye. [closes laptop] [She turns to the window. Her facial expression seems to randomly go blank as her eyes widen. Her body goes limp as she falls to the bed backwards.] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Act 1, Scene 9 LUCAS [Lucas on the roof of a building. He is lying down and leans against the edge. He has a shot gun in his arms as he is aiming at a window in which is across the street. By his side a very young male child. He is holding a video camera recording as Lucas speaks] [Speaks through his teeth, holdings gun] I didn’t grow up with much in life. No family, No friends. No love. No money. I was better off dead than alive. Augustus the man who the American enemies all placed in prison, in which he settled from a heart attack. He was pretty old… He was everything to me. He gave me my love And my money And my family And my friends… A wife, three kids, a rich mans job… I lived the good life boy. Sure, my job wasn’t the nicest. Wasn’t the most loved? But it brought in more money then you could see in your lifetime. For you to take that all away from me? [Pauses for 3 seconds, as if he is about to cry, lips tremble] I should shoot you in the head like I did to that damn Bitch whose parents did this! [Places gun down, and stands up. Walks towards the camera and the boy] I don’t want to kill her parents. I want them to keep looking for me. Because this is not over. I was the brain behind the Augustus. I knew all his plans and his secrets. This business isn’t going down. I will just build it back up… &With your help son, [Rubs his sons head] Even after my death.. we will still be strong. [Goes back over the the gun and lays down] To you Americans.. Have fun watching this documentary. And have fun burying your dead daughter. [Lucas leans towards the edge, picks up the gun, and fires] [The young boy turns off video camera] ______________________________________________________________________________

Art Perspective

EXPLAIN THE PROJECT - from where we started drawing boxes on the paper

1.We started off by  turning 2d figures into 3d shapes through perpespctive.
2The process was to first start off with a box and find the mid-point to be your vanish point. Then you must count the number of tiles on the ceiling and make lines form the vanish point back to show ceiling tiles den last begin to add the details of the room.
3.The easiest thing to do was making the ceiling.
4.The hardest thing was to make straight lines and find vanishing point.

Somebodies Art that i found interesting was Sean Force's.I  found it interesting how he had so much detail and the way he separated each different object.

Art Slide - Smith

In this project we had to create a prospective picture of one side of the art room. First I had to draw a square in the middle of the paper and draw a center point at the center of the paper. Then I had to draw lines from the center of the paper to the sides of the paper to complete the walls. We had to include in our picture everything on the wall that you have chosen. I had included the counter, cabinets, bookcases and the materials used for the art studio. By doing this I had to draw many diagonal and horizontal lines using a ruler and of course a pencil. I also had to include lights, air vents, windows and the pictures that are on the wall. Those were the most important things in the room. I believe the most easiest thing I had to draw for this project was the air vents, the lights, windows and the class room door. I believe the most difficult was the cabinets, bookcases, the ceiling tiles and most of all, the tables. The reason why they were so hard was because they were all 3D. It is quiet difficult trying to figure out  how to draw a 3D picture. All and all I thought that this project was a bit challenging but it was very very fun. I enjoyed doing this project and I hope I do another like this one day.  
Tyler Creighton
Art picture
Art picture

Drawing The Art Room

This drawing is a drawing of 3 walls in the art room. Before we started drawing this we had started out with 3 3-d box's and a horizon line. Then we had took this project further and started to draw the 3- walls from 1 point perspective.

The process that I used to complete the project was first placing a vanishing point in the center of the paper. Then, I made an X. From the X I made a rectangle around the center of it. I counted how many ceiling tiles were on the roof of the main wall that I was drawing. When I got how many tiles that were on the ceiling I measured how wide each one should be on my paper then started drawing them from the vanishing point.Then I began drawing windows and everything on that one wall. Made a floor line and drew everything that was on the two walls that were next to the wall. I then added all the little details of the 3 walls.

 What was easy to learn was the windows. Once I figured out what tile they were on, on the ceiling that was really easy after. Because I knew their place on the wall.

The hardiest thing to learn was the couch. The couch was free-handed and it was hard to draw that. Also, it was hard to make the tables look 3-D.

Tamatha Lancaster had a really nice drawing. It was very clear to see what is what. The way she drew her pillar that was sticking out, it looks very realistic. Tamatha had worked very hard on this.
Screen shot 2011-04-05 at 1.39.43 PM
Screen shot 2011-04-05 at 1.39.43 PM

Art Slide - Sean

​To start of this project we first learned about how to draw objects in perspective by drawing cubes. While doing this we learned about birds eye view which meant that if the cube was below the vanishing point then we would be able to see the top of the cube and the worm eye view if the cube was above the vanishing point then all we would be able to see is the bottom.  Then from there we learned how to draw a room in perspective.  After that we started the final process and stated drawing the picture's of the art room.  First I drew the walls then i started to add more details to the walls I may have tried to do too many details though because i didn't get to finish.  It was easy to learn how to do the perspective because I had already learned it.  The hardest part to learn was the making things come out of the wall too.

Artist who did this project well, Nicholas Doroba.
It was well done because he added just enough detail to make it look like real, but not to much as to make him not get enough done.

Art Room Perspective


​This project was to get an idea for perspective. The room we were assigned to draw was the Art room. Ms. Hull taught us about orthogonal and how they enhance 3D perspective drawings.  We started by drawing a simple office room. Complete with easy square and rectangular objects such as cabinets, a rug, a skylight, a door, and a window. Then we had to apply the skills we learned with simple projects and draw the art room with perspective. An easy thing that helped was drawing all orthogonal lines to the vanishing point. Which was quite essential to drawing in perspective. The hard thing about drawing the room was having the front wall a certain length to fit the required objects.

A well done project was drawn by Nicholas Doroba. He payed attention to keeping the vanishing point used at all times. In addition, he added key detail to make the drawing look more realistic.


A project that started Boxes drawn from perspective with a horizon line which helped me make  boxes for wall then to an entire room. Next we used the our skill and techniques on drawling an entire room filled with a sky light, rug, window and door. Then we took a wall of the art room counted the ceiling tiles to get the right look of the ceiling which I found hardest thing we had to do.
The easiest thing was making the wall on the side.

This is a classmate with a good idea of the project Henry Poeng
my drawling
my drawling


This project started out as a challenge, i started from the bottom up. Right from when Mrs. Hull was telling us what a perspective was. For practice we drew a line with a vanishing point in the middle. This project was for us to learn how to draw lines from the perspective to make the picture look 3-D and real. So we created 3-D boxes, and she taught us horizontal, vertical and orthangonal lines. Then the next time we tryed this we had to try and make a door on the right a window on the left, a carpet at the bottom, and a sky light on top. We had to draw all four of these things form the vanishing point and all these consist of the three important words she taught us orthangonal, horizontal, and vertical lines. Then it was time to step up and try it on our own. I thought I wasn't going be able to do it but then i thought i did this all i have to do is draw form my vanishing point. For the real project, the picture below, we started from a even box right in the center of a paper. Then we drew huge X through each corner, so it was in 4 sections. For the top section I drew 12 dashed line evenly measure for the ceiling tiles. Once i drew my horizontal line and vertical line from the vanishing point, the ceiling tiles was created. Then i had to add my lights and vents on the ceiling every two tiles it was a light. Once I was done with that since on standing far on the other side of the room looking in, I had to draw the big window from my vanishing point in the far back of the room. I drew my windows and blinds, nothing big just lines. I drew the ledge of my window  to make it stand out from the wall, to make it look real I had to use my artist eye. Then the right side I drew the couch and the door first because it look the hardest and stood out to me more. Since I knew how to draw a door already, I just drew from the point and drew the door. The the couch i knew was basically in front of the door so I drew it from there, it was more free hand than the ruler but I still knew how to draw from the point. Then the board is actually sitting on the wall not the floor like the couch. I still drew from the vanishing point. The  got the accurate board, then i drew everything on that wall. To the left side of the wall is a window, i know how to draw that and where i was standing i didn't see the whole window, but i know how to draw a basic window from when we first drew the picture. The the floor was easy n 20 tiles. Also i drew my tables and stools where the students were sitting at. Then I added final touches and fixed it up and my room was complete. All i had to do is draw lines form my vanishing point and remember the 3 words horizontal, vertical and orthangonal lines. This project was hard at first because you had to understand but practice made not perfect but good. It had difficulties, like you had to make sure most of the stuff was orthangonal and came from the vanishing point, but some things in the class room you didn't need orthangonal or draw from the vanishing point. You just had to have vertical or horizontal lines.

 View this blog Jonathan Spencer. This artist did very well, he showed detail and followed the basic rules. He picture showed he drew from the vanishing point, and had orthangonal, verticle, and horizontal lines. He showed every angle of the class room where he was standing at, its very precise, and neat. I love this artist work.

Perspective My Way

In the begging we learned how to draw from perspective. If you are under the herazon line then you only see the top and the right or left. On the top you only see the bottom right or left. Next we drew a room and then the ceiling. Then finally this project.

Ellen To

I like Ellen's because she really put detail in to the drawing. She drew in  the tables and has a lot more detail than me. If I didn't know any better I would have said that it was a real room in side the paper.

Art in perspective

​This project was about drawing in perspective. We learned how to do this by first drawing pictures of cubes in different places around a paper. Then we practiced drawing the room using the one-point perspective. We had to count the amount of celling tiles and them figure out lengnth of all of the celling tiles by dividing them by the amount of inches across the top of the page. Then we would mark it off and draw orthangonl lines to show the rows of celling tiles. After than we sperated them into individual tiles. This was by far the most difficult part of the project

One person who did a better drawing was Ellen To. Her's used perspective very affectively and it looks like she actually took a picture of the room. Also she got the depth of all the items in the room.


Our project was to draw the art room from our point of view. To complete this we mainly used the skill of drawing objects from the vanishing point. Learning the skill of using the vanishing point was very easy, getting the lines perfectly straight was the hard part.

Maria Latorre

Maria's picture was done very nicely done, showed dedication and followed the guidlines of how to draw it.
Nick M
Nick M

Art project

This project took a good amount of time and a lot of process , that I had to develop in a demeaning way, which wasn't easy.To make this it all started with a birds eye view and a worms eye view , this wasn't easy but it wasn't very challenging , and it taught me how to view things differently. Then we went on to learning orthaginals and the way the human eye see's it. After that we drew a room , teasing the human eye and the way horizontal and orthogonal eye can change the way you look at the room , in the room it included a window a door, a back wall and o door . Then in the next drawing it included a sky light , a window with a frame and a opened door and back wall and a rug. A ll these drawing gave me the practice to create this drawing below, its our class room , in the humans perspective. Its kinda a illusion that it causes , but its really the room in different views. This was a little challenging to learn over all but the easiest thing to learn was making everything come from my vanishing point , and making object (Even though this isn't fully completed). That was mostly the easy part. But there was a lot of challenging things from this project.  Some of those things included drawing things on each wall so it can pop out at you.  Also , the draw thing sitting on the floor close to the back wall . That completes this project , there was hard things and easy things , but over all it was a great experience and I would love to do it again.

This project took a good amount of time and a lot of process , that I had to develop in a demeaning way, which wasn't easy.To make this it all started with a birds eye view and a worms eye view , this wasn't easy but it wasn't very challenging , and it taught me how to view things differently. Then we went on to learning orthaginals and the way the human eye see's it. After that we drew a room , teasing the human eye and the way horizontal and orthogonal eye can change the way you look at the room , in the room it included a window a door, a back wall and o door . Then in the next drawing it included a sky light , a window with a frame and a opened door and back wall and a rug. A ll these drawing gave me the practice to create this drawing below, its our class room , in the humans perspective. Its kinda a illusion that it causes , but its really the room in different views. This was a little challenging to learn over all but the easiest thing to learn was making everything come from my vanishing point , and making object (Even though this isn't fully completed). That was mostly the easy part. But there was a lot of challenging things from this project.  Some of those things included drawing things on each wall so it can pop out at you.  Also , the draw thing sitting on the floor close to the back wall . That completes this project , there was hard things and easy things , but over all it was a great experience and I would love to do it again.

Jonathan Spencer

This project really stood out to me because it played my eyes as if i was looking at a 3-D image. It popped and looked like it was our room. It made me think about where is his vanishing point and how did he draw his orthaginals from it ? All these questions rose from this drawing . And it was completed , and all came from the vanishing point.  Thats why I chose this picture. 


Hamilton Room Drawing

Artist statement:

Before we started this project we learned all about the different parts of a drawing. there is a birds eye view and there is worms eye view. Both are divided by a horizontal line with the vanishing point in the middle. After that we drew our shoe and then tried too draw a room. After we were done the room we moved on to drawing Ms. Hulls room. This project had many steps to it. We started by picking a wall. Then we had to count how many sealing tiles there are on your wall. We found our vanishing point and we used our vanishing point to make all of the sealing tiles. I think that the easiest part of this project was picking a wall to draw because there was no drawing involved in that part. I think that the hardest part of the project was making the sealing because in order to perfect the sealing you need to make all of your lines straight and I am not good at making straight lines. 

Another drawing you should check out is Maria Latorre

I think that she was very successful in making her windows. I can obviously see the effort she put into making the whole drawing look good to the eye. 

Art Class Perspective- Spencer

This project started off with us just making boxes. Those boxes were the fundamentals for making more complicated shapes. Then we started working on making what we see in front of our faces and not what we want it to look like. That is when we drew our shoe. When you put this together we started making the wall of a building in our class room. When I started to make this I just pretended every thing was either a box or a free hand shape like the shoe. That is what made the project easy for me. The hardest part was my patience because I felt that I was done and didn't want to add small details.

I think another artist that did well on this assignment was Sarena Shuman. She showed a lot of detail and had the fundamentals right. It was a good piece of art work. What was successful in Sarena's drawing was keeping everything aligned.

Buchanico Hull Art!

Statement of the Artist:

For this project. Many things were learned to assure the best understanding. On of these things that was shown first were worm and birds eye view. After we reviewed the process of using our vanishing point. This is the center of the paper in which all animation meets. After reviewing the rules it was finally time to start the assignment shown below.

The project started with the back wall being drawn and the center of that wall being the vanishing point. After that was drawn the other two side walls were put into place parallel to one another. The center wall consisted of primarily windows which wasn't difficult to draw, but time consuming to create the blinds. The hardest part of this project was definitely drawing the close detail accurately such as the blinds while the easiest part was without a doubt drawing the actual window.

Nicholas Doroba did  a very nice job in his perspectives and really gives you the feel of the room!

To - Hull Room Perspective

     This project was to instructed to help art students look at and draw perspectives in 3D using their point of view and the things around them​ drawn out. We started off with drawing simple boxes and then slowly moved on to windows and ceiling tiles. Ms. Hull didn't start us off easy, it was hard from the get go. Everything she gave us, we learned with her guidance. Learning this technique was a challenge but starting this technique off in the very beginning will help all of us young artists in the long run.  

   The technique helped us draw a room as how we saw it. Perspective drawing teaches you how to draw things using orthogonal, horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines all connecting to the vanishing point. The vanishing point is found at the center of the back wall of your picture. In all, learning this technique was a roller coaster ride between "I got this" (easy) and "Oh no, I'm going to fail!" (hard).

     Wondering what you're looking at? 
This is a picture of my perspective of Ms. Hull's art studio. We started off drawing in our sketch books after watching a tutorial of how to draw things using orthogonal, horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines all connecting to the vanishing point. After drawing the tutorial (Right side window, left side door, left side floor mat, back  wall, and sky light / drop ceiling), we started on a new one and learned how to draw a pole connected to the corners, ceiling tiles, and ceiling lights. The next class, we were ready to do the real thing. Ms. Hull gave us all uneven amount of papers and we, as a class had trouble with drawing out the rooms and walls. After countless times of erasing, I finally got the back wall and ceiling outline down. For the next step, it was drawing out the ceiling tiles, that was the step I forgot, so I had my friend, Dakota explain to me how to draw ceiling tiles. After that, I drew out all the wall details along with the windows, tables, paintings, chairs, and drawers/cabinets (in order). 

     The easiest part of this project was adding all the little details from the floor border to the little pictures near the pole. Adding details, to me was always fun because I would look down at my picture and back up and compare how they looked and how close my drawing as to the real thing.

      The hardest part was finding the sizes of my back wall, drawing the apron to my windows, and free handing the rugs/sofa chairs. Free hand was hard because I didn't draw it out nice enough and it didn't look as precise as I wanted it too and it was really hard to fix.

     Out of all my class mates I chose to pick Nick Doroba. His picture seemed like is was hard to draw because of the small room he had to incorporate into his perspective drawing. 

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Screen shot 2011-04-08 at 9.11.41 AM

My Perspective Drawing Of Art Room By Maria Latorre.

The first thing we did was start of with a blank page and tried to find the different perspectives. One from a bird eye to a worms eye view. We practiced this method over and over. Then we got started in the Art Room perspective. The first thing I did was count the number of box looking this that where around the lights. Then I drew it and when it was done I started on the left part of the room. The pillar in the far left was the second thing that I drew it was easy at first then I had to add all the other part. Then came the windows it was really easy but when I finished it I had to draw the blinds. Then I drew the front wall it was just the windows and the blinds with two other drawings. Then I finished the left wall and started on the right wall. It was harder because I had to draw a couch, a door, other drawings, tables, and the board. The last thing I did was the two tables in the middle of the room.

The easiest parts of the perspective drawing was when I drew the windows and the tables.

The hardiest parts of the perspective drawing was the couch, the other drawings, and the pillars.

Tamatha Lancaster: Her draw was really interesting to me and well made. It looks like she took her time to draw it. Also it  looks like she put a lot of though in to it too. If I didn't see this room before and saw her picture and then I saw the room. Then I would think that this and the room that was draw look just the same.

Perspective Drawing by Dejah Harley

The project had a background to it. I had to draw two different things before I drew my final drawing. The first drawing was the perspective of drawings. We were learning how to draw boxes from a worm and bird's view. I drew a horizon line in the center of the page. The worm was at the bottom left of the page and the bird was at the upper right of the page. If I drew a box in the bottom left portion of the horizon line, it would be as if I was looking at the box from the bird's perspective. If I drew a box from the upper right portion of the horizon line, it would be as if I at the box from the worm's perspective. The second drawing that I did showed me how to pay attention to detail. Mrs. Hull told everyone in the class to take put their shoe and draw it. I sat the shoe in front of me and started drawing it paying attention to little details. These two drawing helped me greatly with the final drawing. 

For the final drawing, I had to draw Mrs. Hull's room. We had to take perspective into play by using horizontal and orthogonal lines. I also had to pay attention to little details in her room. When I was drawing this, I split my work into for sections on the piece of paper. Each day I would work on a different section. This helped y workload. This was a hard project to complete because it required a lot of effort. However, the other drawing helped me to understand what I was doing a lot better. 

Drawing I thought were well drawn:

Tamatha Lancaster's picture was very well drawn. It was realistic. She payed attention to little details. It was neatly done. When I was looking at it, I felt like I was in the room. 

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Screen shot 2011-04-05 at 1.18.27 PM

Teach Me How To Douglas Herman

So how did I come to this point. After attempting to fallow Ms. Hulls instructions, it came up with what you see in this present moment. It all started from drawing boxes on a paper. From the paper we learned the horizon line, one-point perspective, and birds eye and worm eye view. Using the acquired skills, I applied them to making a one-point drawing of the room. My perspective started with me looking at the smart board. Then center dot was supposed to be at the middle of the board. So I drew the front wall. Then I started making the window. After that, I attempted to draw the chair but got frustrated in at the end. Pretty much it. Not the most interesting story but thats how it is.

Process: It all started form the drawing the smart board. I draw it and use it as an anchor for finding the center of the room. Well, at least I tried too anyway. From the center of the room, I started to draw the two doors that were on either side of the smart board. That help establish the edges of the that one particular wall. From the left side of the door that was on the left, I started on the windows. Not the best thing ever, but I tried. All the lines were supposed to go to the vanishing point that was I the smart board. After that was established, I got working at the back part of the room where it kind of went in. I drew that door and everything seem to fall I place. Then it got all weird and the flow was disturbed. 

The easiest thing to learn was establishing the horizon line. The hardest thing to learn was the one-point perspective. It was hard to make everything even with everything else. It was extremely challenging, but my efforts are shown in the picture above.

I find  Nick Doroba's  drawing to be very extravagant and professionally produced. It makes you feel like your in the room, with great detail added to the drawing as a whole. It's in perfect one-point perspective that is simply unbelievable. 


Drawing the Art Studio

The project was to draw the art room. In order to do so first we had to apply what we learned from the first class which was drawing boxes around the vanishing point and and drawing orthagonals lines from the boxes to the vanishing point. Then you had to apply what we learned from the other classes which was making objects look 3D. And when you put all that together you get this art project.

The process I used to finish my project was first picking a wall in the class to make it your back wall, next I found the center of the paper, and then drew that wall. Afterwards, I used orthagonals lines to get the other sides of the wall. When I got the walls done, I drew in my windows and columns. And then I drew in the things that was inside the room such as the tables, stools, cabinets, pictures, and blinds.

The things that was easy for me to learn was drawing the room and putting in the furniture inside of it. And the hardest thing to learn was finding the center of the room.

Maria Latorre did a great job on her project. When she did her drawing you could see that she took her time. Also the way she had her windows and furniture really looked like that it was in 3D. And when I look at her drawing, it makes me feel as though that I am inside the classroom.       