Qué tiempo hace?

When you go outside you have to wear the appropriate attire, so to do so you need to know the weather. Here is how you say can the different weather patterns in Spanish:

¿Qué tiempo hace?-What is the weather like?

It’s (very) cold = Hace bastante frio.

It’s (very) hot = Hace bastante calor.

It’s (very) sunny = Hace bastante sol.

It’s (very) windy = Hace bastante viento.

It’s (mostly/partly) cloudy= Está (mayormente/parcialmente) nublado.

It’s humid = Está húmedo.

It’s raining = Está lloviendo.

It’s cold = Está nevando.

You also need to know the seasons to be able to tell the weather.

Las Estaciones = The Seasons

Winter- El invierno

Summer- El verano

Fall- El onoño

Spring- La primavera


How to Use Your Manners in Spanish.

When you want to talk to an adult or a respected individual, you always want to use your manners. You have to know:-The basic courtesy phrases

-The difference between (Ud.) and (tú)

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When you ask your amigos or friends something, you end the question with (tú). When you ask an adult, you end the question with (Ud.).

E.g. Amigo: ¿Cómo estás (tú)?

        Adult: ¿Cómo estás (Ud.)?

Here’s how a conversation would go if you were to use your manners in Spanish:

Here’s a video of a lady, with her husband, meeting her mother in-law for the first time at the airport:

Días de la semana - Days of The Week

Explanation: In order to know the days of the weeks, you need to know the basics.

En espaňol the days of the week are not capitalized.
En espaňol the week starts with Monday and ends with Sunday.

Below is a chart on how to say the days of the week in spanish.

Spanish -( Qué día es hoy? )English -( What day is today? )
Es ...It’s ...
domingo Sunday

Here are three ways to the date :

Lo que hoy es ...What is today … ?
Hoy es ...Today is ...
Mañana es...Tomorrow is ...

A Spanish student at your school needs to know the day of the week the project is due.

How to pronounce the alphabet in Spanish!

Here is the Spanish alphabet and how to pronounce it.

1.a : ah   2.b : beh   3.c : seh   4.d : deh   5.e : eh   6.f : efeh   7.g : hey   8.h : acheh

9.i : e   10.j : hota   11.k : kah   12.l : eleh   13.m : emeh   14.n : eneh   15.ñ : enyeh

16.o : o   17.p : peh   18.q : coooo 19.r : ereh   20.s : eseh   21.t : teh   22.u : ooooo  

 23.v : beh   24.w : double beh   25.x : equis   26.y : egriega   27.z : seta

Here's a video demonstrating the alphabet in Spanish.

Cuando Es Tu Cumpleaos?: Learn Your Months and Dates In Spanish!

​Many of us have sung that catchy tune ¡Feliz Cumpleaños! (Happy Birthday!) at one point or another, but how many of us actually know how to ask a teacher, friend, or family member their birthday in spanish? With this lesson, you can learn how!

First, let's talk about los meses, or the months. In Spanish speaking countries, many of the months sound the same as they do in english, actually. A major difference is that, when writing the months out, they are not capitalized as they are in english.

Let’s go over a few Spanish pronunciation rules:
- v’s sound like b’s
- e’s sound like a’s
- a’s sound like “ah”
- j’s soundlike h’s
       - i’s sound like e’s
       - d’s sound like “th”
See the quizlet flashcards below to practice these letter pronunciations!

Now, let's go through the months and their pronunciations:
Note: Whenever there’s an ‘r’ in any of the months (in spanish, only), slightly roll it. Not a whole lot, but just a little- a little latino pizazz. Check the youtube video at the end of the lesson if you can’t roll your r’s.
- The syllables that are in all caps are the ones that have emphasis on them, notice that!

  1. enero = January - pronounced: en-EH-roh
  2. febrero = February - pronounced: feb-REH-oh
  3. marzo = March - pronounced: MART-soh
  4. abril = April - pronounced: ah-BRILL
  5. mayo = May - pronounced: MY-oh (not like the stuff you might put on a sandwich! MY not MAY)
  6. junio = June - pronounced: WHO-nee-oh
  7. julio = July - pronounced: WHO-lee-oh
  8. agosto = August - pronounced: ah-GHOST-oh (¡Cuidado! Careful! Don’t say ah-gust-oh, say ah-ghost-oh)
  9. septiembre = September - pronounced: sept-tee-EM-bray
  10. octubre = October - pronounced: ock-TOO-bray
  11. noviembre = November - pronounced: no-bee-EM-bray
  12. diciembre = December - pronounced: dee-cee-EM-bray

DRILL YOURSELF! Cover the English translation with your hand and practice the spanish one. Say what month it is in english and check to see if you got it. Do it until you can get all 12 twice.

Next, let’s go through the numbers. For the purpose of this lesson, I’ll only go through days 1-31 and how to say them in spanish.

  1. primero (pree-MEH-roh)
  2. segundo (seh-GOON-tho)
  3. tercero (tear-SARE-oh)
  4. cuatro (KWAH-troh)
  5. cinco (SEEN-koh)
  6. seis (sehs)
  7. siete (see-EH-teh)
  8. ocho (OH-cho)
  9. nueve (nu-EH-beh)
  10. diez (THEE-ess)
  11. once (OHN-ceh)
  12. doce (THO-ceh)
  13. trece (TREH-ceh)
  14. catorce (kah-TOR-ceh)
  15. quince (KEEN-ceh)
  16. dieciseis (thee-ess-ee-SEHS)
  17. diecisiete (thee-ess-ee-see-EH-teh)
  18. dieciocho (thee-ess-ee-OH-cho)
  19. diecinueve (thee-ess-ee-nu-EH-beh)
  20. veinte (BAIN-teh)
  21. veintiuno (BAIN-tee-u-noh)

Hey! Did you notice how in 21, there are essentially two numbers there? You can see both veinte and uno, right? Well, the spanish word for ‘and’ is simply ‘y’. To make things simpler, the good ol language makers decided to put all three words together, turning the ‘y’ into an ‘i’ for convenience. Think of it this way: veinte+y+uno= veintiuno. Apply this to numbers 21-29. What would 22 be? How about 24? 27?

    30. treinta (TRAIN-tah)
    31. treintaiuno (TRAIN-tay-u-noh)

Alrighty! Now, you’ve got the months and the days. You’re ready right??
Wrong. You need the basic question! How do we actually say “When is your birthday?”

Simple! You know that ¡Feliz Cumpleaños! means “Happy Birthday”, right?
Cumpleaños = birthday. Check.
When = Cuando. Check.
Is = Es. Check.
Tu = You/Your. Check

Let’s put it together: Cuando (when) es (is) tu (your) cumpleaños (birthday)
¿Cuando es tu cumpleaños?

Now, you know how to ask your friends their birthday in Spanish!
But, how do you answer this question when asked?

Also very simple!
You know your months, you know your days. The Spanish word for ‘of’ is ‘de’- add the three together!
seis de noviembre.

You’re all set!

¡Hola! ¿Como Estás?

¡Hola! Qué tal?
Hi! How are you?

In order to know how to greet someone and ask how the are, you need to know:
-How to say Hello/Goodbye.
-How to say good morning, afternoon and goodnight.
-The three ways to ask how someone is doing.
-How to respond to someones greetings.
There are several ways to ask someone how they are. When you are talking to someone you respect, you add Ud, short for usted, at the end. When your with your friends, you don't have to.

Qué tal?

 ¿Cómo Estás?

¿Cómo Esta Ud? 

¿Cómo va?

         -How are you? 
When someone asks you how you are, you need to be able to respond to them. Theres many different ways you can respond but some simple ones include:

Muy Bien -Very Well
Más o menos - Okay/Alright
Mal - Bad

After your response, you should always ask them the same. 

A simlpe way is Y tu? Meaning: And you?

When you are talking to someone with respect, you say Y Ud? Also meaning: And You?

As you leave the conversation, you should say several different things. 

Its nice to tell the person it was nice to meet them by saying: 
-Mucho gusto
-Encantado- Male
-Encantada- Female

As a response, you would tell them likewise:

Or: The pleasure is mine:
-El gusto es mìo
There are also several different ways to say goodbye to someone.

Despedidas (Farewells):

-¡Adìos! / ¡Chao! - Bye!
-¡Hasta luego! - See ya later!
-¡Hasta pronto! - See ya soon! 
-¡Hasta mañana! - See ya tomorrow!
-¡Qué le vaya bien! - Have a good one! 
Here is an introduction to a video of T.Jay & Profesora Gabrielle pretending to meet each other for the first time.

Los Diáz de la Semana!

    ​¡Hola! Cuáles son los diáz de la semana?
    What are the days of the week?
How to say the days of the week in spanish.

In order to know the days of the week in spanish you need to know:
-How to say the days of the week.
-What day of the week a spanish week starts on.
-How to ask what day of the week it is. 

​In spanish, the days of the week start on Monday, not Sunday. 
Now that you know how to pronounce each day of the week, you need learn how to ask what day it is. 

Qué dìa es hoy?
-What day is it?

You now know not only the days of the week in spanish, but how to ask it to! 

Heres an introduction to a Video showing how to say the days of the week in Spanish. 

Months (Meses)

Meses y fechas
This lesson will help you learn how to say the months in order in Spanish, and teach you how to spell and pronounce them correctly.

Lesson 5

Los meses del Año

Part 1



Hoy es el   ----#---- de (mes)It’s the ----#----- of (month)

The months must NOT be capitalized!!

Part 2

Part 3


Intro to Video

In this video you will watch a girl who is doing her homework as another person what the date is in spanish and what day it is, in Español.


Days of the Week (Myrna,Malwina,and Clio)

Día de la semana (Days of the Week)

This lesson will help you learn the days of the week in Spanish along with teaching you how to ask what day is it.

Lesson 4

Part 1



¿Qué día es hoy?What day is today?
Hoy esToday is

The days of the week en español are not capitalized !

Part 2
Part 3


Intro to Video

In this video you will learn how to ask the what day it is and how to reply to that question.
In this video you will watch a girl who is doing her homework as another person what the date is in spanish and what day it is, in Español.


Courtesy Phrases (Myrna,Malwina,and Clio)

Frases de Cortesía (Courtesy Phrases)

Lesson 3
This lesson will help you learn how to be polite to others when speaking in Spanish.
It will help you learn how to thank someone, reply to someone, excuse yourself, and say please.

Part 1



¡Muchas gracias!
¡Muy amable gracias!
Thank you!
Thank you very much!
That’s kind of you, thank you!
De nada/ por nadaYou’re welcome
¡Disculpe!Excuse me! ( to get an atencion)
¡Perdon!Excuse me! (sorry)
¡Con Permiso!Excuse me!
Por favorPlease
No hay de qué.You’re welcome. (no problem)

Part 2
Excuse me phrases: http://goanimate.com/videos/0G5BUxPLByys/1

Intro to Video
In this video we will be teaching you how to use courtesy phrases. This video shows two strangers who bump into each other. The first person drops their wallet, and the second person calls out to the first person as they need to return it. The first person thanks the second person, who replies in saying your welcome. All of this will be said in Español.


Dymek Malwina, Meses y fechas

Meses y fechas
This lesson will help you learn how to say the months in order in Spanish, and teach you how to spell and pronounce them correctly.

Lesson 5

Los meses del Año

Part 1



Hoy es el   ----#---- de (mes)It’s the ----#----- of (month)

The months must NOT be capitalized!!

Part 2


Intro to Video
In this video you will watch a
girl doing her homework. She asks her friend what day is it? (¿Qué día es hoy?) and her friend is answering to her.


Dymek Malwina, Da de la semana (Days of the Week)

Día de la semana (Days of the Week)

This lesson will help you learn the days of the week in Spanish along with teaching you how to ask what day is it.

Lesson 4

Part 1



¿Qué día es hoy?What day is today?
Hoy esToday is

The days of the week en español are not capitalized !

Part 2


Intro to Video
In this video you will learn how to ask the what day it is and how to reply to that question.
In the video a girl is doing her homework. She asks her friend what day is it? (¿Qué día es hoy?) and her friend is answering to her.


Dymek Malwina, Frases de Cortesa (Courtesy Phrases)

Frases de Cortesía (Courtesy Phrases)

Lesson 3
This lesson will help you learn how to be polite to others when speaking in Spanish.
It will help you learn how to thank someone, reply to someone, excuse yourself, and say please.

Part 1



¡Muchas gracias!
¡Muy amable gracias!
Thank you!
Thank you very much!
That’s kind of you, thank you!
De nada/ por nadaYou’re welcome
¡Disculpe!Excuse me! ( to get an atencion)
¡Perdon!Excuse me! (sorry)
¡Con Permiso!Excuse me!
Por favorPlease
No hay de qué.You’re welcome. (no problem)

Part 2
Excuse me phrases: http://goanimate.com/videos/0G5BUxPLByys/1

Intro to Video
In this video we will be teaching you how to use courtesy phrases. This video shows two strangers who bump into each other. The first person drops their wallet, and the second person calls out to the first person as they need to return it. The first person thanks the second person, who replies in saying your welcome. All of this will be said in Español.


Por Favor en Gracias

                                                 Por Favor en Gracias

                                                  Common Courtesy Phrases


      Phrases like “Please” and “Thank you” have been taught to us since we were small children. They are commonly used in everyday life and project a sense of respect and courtesy among people. Irregardless of what some might think, common courtesy is what will get you further in life, while also leaving a good impression!

      “Thank you”. We've heard and have said it ourselves. Now how do we say it in the Spanish language? There are many ways, but a short, and common way to say it is “Gracias.”. For example, if someone holds the door for you, you'd reply with “Gracias.”. “Gracias” is only one of the many ways to express gratitude in the Spanish language.

     Ever accidentally bumped into someone or tried getting their attention? These situations usually start with someone saying “Excuse me”. In English, there aren't many ways in which you can say it. This is where the complex language of Spanish comes in! There are multiple ways in which “excuse me” can be said in Spanish. And each of them have different feelings/meanings behind them.

      We've all wanted something so bad, that we've practically begged before. Or, because it is polite to your partner, you say “Please” when asking for something or someone. In spanish, “please” is said as “Por favor”. This term is always needed when wanting something. And prevents you from sounding rude. It is a less demanding word and shows your proper etiquette skills.

In order to know proper etiquette in Spanish, you will need to know:

The three ways to say "Thank You"

The three ways to say "You're welcome" and the differences between the usages.

And how to say "Please"

Advert your eyes to the ways of saying these phrases below:

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The video below will show the different uses of "Thank you", "Please", and "You're welcome."

Dymek Malwina, Weather forecast

Weather Forecast

This will help you learn how to say the weather in Spanish by:
- Teaching you how to describe the weather (ex. hot,cold,warm,rainy,windy, cloudy,etc.)
- Teaching you how to say how many degrees the weather is
- How to ask the weather

Lesson 2

Part 1
¿Qué tiempo hace?What’s the weather?
Hace calor. It’s warm.
Hace bastante calor.It’s hot.
Hace viento. It’s windy.
Hace sol.It’s sunny.
Hace fresco. It’s cool.
Hace frío.It’s cold.
Está nublado.It’s cloudy.
Está húmedo.It’s humid.
Está nevando.It’s snowing.
Nieva.It snows.
Está lloviendo.It’s raining.
Llueve.It rains.
Hace buen tiempo.It’s nice out.  :)
Hace mal tiempo.It’s bad out.  :(

Part 2

Intro to Video
In this video we will be telling you the weather forecast in Spanish. We will describe the weather in many ways such as:
Asking the weather (Qué tiempo hace?)
- Hace calor
- Hace viento
- Hace sol
- Hace frío
- Hace fresco
- Está nublado (Mayormente or Parcialmente)
- Está nevando
- Está lloviendo
We will also include how many degrees the weather is along with the different forecasts of the weather.


Dymek Malwina, El Alfabeto

El Alfabeto

Lesson 1
This will help you learn the Spanish alphabet by:
- Helping you learn the pronunciation of each letter, both visually aurally.

Part 1


Part 2
I(ee) :)


W(doble veh)
Y(y/ee griega)
Intro to Video

In this video you will learn about a real life situation in which a family is going to move to Guatemala for a couple months, and they have to teach their young child the Spanish alphabet so they can go to school there and communicate with the other children.



Weather Forecast (Myrna,Malwina,Clio)

Weather Forecast
This will help you learn how to say the weather in Spanish by:
- Teaching you how to describe the weather (ex. hot,cold,warm,rainy,windy, cloudy,etc.)
- Teaching you how to say how many degrees the weather is
- How to ask the weather

Lesson 2

Part 1
¿Qué tiempo hace?What’s the weather?
Hace calor. It’s warm.
Hace bastante calor.It’s hot.
Hace viento. It’s windy.
Hace sol.It’s sunny.
Hace fresco. It’s cool.
Hace frío.It’s cold.
Está nublado.It’s cloudy.
Está húmedo.It’s humid.
Está nevando.It’s snowing.
Nieva.It snows.
Está lloviendo.It’s raining.
Llueve.It rains.
Hace buen tiempo.It’s nice out.  :)
Hace mal tiempo.It’s bad out.  :(

Part 2

Intro to Video
In this video we will be telling you the weather forecast in Spanish. We will describe the weather in many ways such as:
Asking the weather (Qué tiempo hace?)
- Hace calor
- Hace viento
- Hace sol
- Hace frío
- Hace fresco
- Está nublado (Mayormente or Parcialmente)
- Está nevando
- Está lloviendo
We will also include how many degrees the weather is along with the different forecasts of the weather.


El Alfabeto (Myrna,Malwina,and Clio)

El Alfabeto

Lesson 1
This will help you learn the Spanish alphabet by:
- Helping you learn the pronunciation of each letter, both visually aurally.

Part 1


Part 2
I(ee) :)


W(doble veh)
Y(y/ee griega)

Intro to Video
In this video you will learn about a real life situation in which a family is going to move to Guatemala for a couple months, and they have to teach their young child the Spanish alphabet so they can go to school there and communicate with the other children.  


En qué mes estamos? (which month is this?)

In order to ask/tell someone what today's date is or what's the month you need to know
    -The months
    -How to pronounce the months
    -How to spell the months

   -The dates

Here is a site that will help you pronounce the months better and learn them.

*In Español the first letter in the months are always miniature they are never upper case. The first letter in the days of the week are also lower case and the week starts on Monday not Sunday. Also in Español the date is first then the month, then the year. (Ex. Date/Month/Year)  

Here are some words you might want to know
-la semana=The Week
-el mes=The Month
-el año=The Year

The Months

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The Dates

To tell someone the date you need to know how to count to 31, what to say first day or month, and how to say the days of the week.

In spanish you always say the date day/month/year.

How to count to 31:

0 = cero      10 = diez            20 = veinte     30 = treinta 

1 = uno      11 = once           21 = veintiuno 31 = treinta y dos

2 = dos      12 = doce            22 = veintidos

3 = tres       13 = trece           23 = veintitres

4 = cuatro   14 = catorce        24 = veinticuatro

5 = cinco    15 = quince         25 = veinticinco

6 = seis      16 = diez y seis     26 = veintiseis

7 = séte      17 = diez y sete    27 = veintiséte

8 = ocho     18 = diez y ocho  28 = veintiocho

9 = nueva    19 = diez y nueva 29 = veintinueva

Here is a game that can help you improve on your dates.

Bonitatibus, Claudia, Lucidchart Home Network

The internet service provider is Verizon. This connects the phone wire which connects to the modem.This is connected to the router. The router sends signals to all of the electronic devices such as computers, printers, game systems,and televisions.
I always thought that it was really interesting how the router can send out signals to the electronic devices. I learned how the firewalls work and what they can block the searches from beng delivered and how all of this can take place in a matter of seconds, yet we still complain about how long it takes for a search to go through. 
I would tell them about how the how the router communicates with all the devices and about how everything communicates with something else, kind of like a domino affect.

"A a Z" The Spanish Alfabeto

No language can exist without some form of the alphabet and spanish is no exception. Not only is the alphabet essential for spelling but pronunciation as well. 

In order to properly use the spanish alphabet you must know
-how to differentiate between letters

Here is  chart of all the letters and their correct pronunciations

A (ah)B (beh)C (seh)D (deh)E (eh)
F (efeh)G (hey)H (acheh)I (eeeeeeee)J (hota)
K (kah)L (eleh)M (emeh)N (eneh)*Ñ (enyeh)
O (o)P (peh)Q (cooo)R (ereh)S (eseh)
T (teh)U (oooo)V (beh)W (doble beh)X (equis)
Y (eeegriega)Z (seta)
*There is the letter ñ in the spanish alphabet and not the english. This is the only different letter so be careful.

Here is a helpful game to assist you in learning the pronunciation of the alphabet

Phonetic Rules

-H’s are always silent

-2 l’s together are pronounced as an english y

-2 r’s together are to be rolled

-Ay sounds the same as i

-Ge sounds like he

Here is a video of a child learning how to spell their name. His spanish speaking father is teaching her how to spell in their language.

Qué Hora es?

For our project we wil also be teaching how to ask and tell time. Mainly we will work with numbers and how to say different times. The course will review  different  phrases such as:
¿(A) Qué hora es? - what times is it?
¿(A) Qué hora son? - what times is it?
¿(A) Qué hora tiene? - what times is it?
Es la una - one o'clock
Son las dos, tres, cuatro, . . . - two o'clock, three o'clock, four o'clock , . . .
. . . y cuarto - :15
. . . y media - :30
. . . menos cuatro - :45
. . . menos minutes before the hour
Punto . . . - exactly. . . 

de la mañana - in the morning
de la tarde - in the afternoon
de la noche - at night 

For our movie we will take place in a classroom and a student will constantly ask when class is over and another student will keep reminding him when the class ends. 

El Alfabeto- The alphabet

We are doing this just in case you have to break down a Spanish word for pronunciation. also what if you need to take a multiple choice quiz and you have to say the letter answer.
Read the chart below: 

Here is a video on how to say the alphabet for a multiple choice test.

please note: the audio on this video may be off. los siento!
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Olsen, Ava, Lucidchart, Home Network

This is my local area network. There are many electronics that are hooked up to the internet service that comes into the house. The internet comes in from the ISP, which is the internet service provider, and is sent to the modem. The modem send the signal to the router, and the electronics pick up the signal from the router and use the internet.

I learned that the internet is permanent, and anything you post will remain there forever, even though you delete it. I also learned how the local area network functions and what the ISP stands for (Internet Service Provider.) It was very interesting to understand how the network works, and learn about how everything is connected.

For people that need to know something about having an ISP/home network, I would tell them that they need to be careful about what they put online. That being said, I could say that they should definitely read a lot about it and ask a lot of people for advice if they need help because it's a lot of information to absorb the first time you read about it. I think they should definitely be educated in it before they get an ISP or home network.

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