Bee: You Cant Appreciate it Until its Gone


Waan - Mother who becomes a prostitute for a “better” life. About 17 years old. 

Dao - Waan’s daughter. About 5 years old. 

Jake - Typical 19 year old American kid just out of high school. 

Chailai - Woman 25 years old. Realizing she has nothing/no one to work for.

*All characters are on stage. Light shines on one person at a time. Extra people who aren’t speaking are like extra props.*

ACT 1 Scene 1


(Waan looking through old family pictures and thinking of everything in her hotel room alone. thinking to herself.)

So I'm not even 18 and I've gone through hell. I never really had the ability to live the life of a child. I had to take care of my family ever since I could remember and I even started a family of my own already. Crazy, huh? Well that's just how it is. I can't be free and live my own life. So sure there are plenty of teen mothers out in the world. What makes me so special? Like every other teen mother out there, I needed to find a job. I started out finding any other job that was suitable for our area - being a day laborer. I made 100 baht a day. Seems like a lot, doesn't it? It's really only $3. That's the only I have considering I live in the countryside.

One day, my friend who moved to the city came back to visit and told everyone how well she was doing in the city. People started rumors because she sends 10,000 baht home to her family every month. That's $300 - not a typical wage for a waitress. Of course, she denied everything everyone accused her of. She tried to convince me to return to the city with her since the pay was so good and it'd be good for my daughter.

(Flashback: Waan is talking to her best female friend.)

“Want me to go to Bangkok with you? Yeaahhh, I'm not sure about that. I don't think “waitressing” is suitable for me considering I’m a mother and all... Air quotes? Nah, it’s nothing. Just letting you know I know you don’t waitress. It’s obvious... Oh so you’re not a hooker? That’s highly doubtful... I know I’m your friend, but come on, you don’t make that kind of money walking around giving people food. It’s just not likely... Fine, want to prove it to me? I’ll go then.”

I left my daughter with her father. I wish I didn’t have to, but I had no choice. This is already hard enough as it is. I have to leave my daughter with my ex-husband and his new wife. Of all people. I’ll try my best to get her back when I get the money.

(Lights fade out and onto Dao)


ACT 1 Scene 2


(Dao playing in the dining room playing with her toys talking to a visitor.)

Mommy is never here for me. I know she’s out there trying to create a better future for me, but I doubt it’s in the right way. I need my mother’s presence here. I can’t stand another day with my father and his wife. I mean, I love him and all, but this is too much. His wife already hates my guts just because I resemble my mother.

(begins to get crayons and paper to draw a society full of men.)

What’s up with women, they either love you so much that they end up leaving to get “a better life” or they hate you so much they’re only here because they have no other choice. I can’t stand women. Yeah, she’s doing it for me, but I don’t ask for much. She can actually go to school and get a better job because I’m living in hell anyways. So what difference would it make if she tried to go out and get a better career? I’m mad that she’s only thinking about herself. Just because it’s ‘easier’ to be a sex worker does NOT make her a better mother.  

(Lights fade out back onto Waan standing next to Chailai or close to her.)


Act 1 Scene 3


(Waan is walking down the street watching as other women are being picked up by men for ‘services’ and sees Chailai in a distance just waiting around.)

..this is not what I expected it to be at all. All these men - mainly tourists think that we enjoy this misery. It’s just good pay to us. But they are total perverts. Give them an offer where there’s more affordable sex compared to every other place and they’re all over it. This is against my religion to have sex before marriage or for married people to sleep with anyone except for their significant other. I’ve gone far from my religion. I’ve broken the biggest rule out there. I’m a home wrecker. How would I feel in their shoes? Well I’ve done so much damage already as it is. It’s not like me continuing would change anything. Wives shouldn’t blame me. Blame their husbands, blame themselves for not being able to satisfy their husbands to the point they go out paying for what they can get from their wife. That was mean - but honestly, women need to keep a hold on their men. I know that women have absolutely no power here, but we need to do something. I’ve already screwed my life over by becoming a sex worker and leaving my daughter, but I can help warn other women that they should never leave a good thing behind to find what they believe might be better. That’s what’s wrong with people, they are never satisfied with their happiness. All we do is find something better and half of the time, it backfires.

(Sees a little boy through a window across the street coloring.)

I need to find a way back to my daughter’s warm hugs who was always there to wipe my tears away. Her little innocence is refreshing. I’m going to find the next train to her and spend all the time I have with her until she’s all grown up. But know one thing, I’m not ever going to allow her to make the same mistake I did. I’m going to let her know that if you have something good, don’t seek something better. Be happy with what she has.

(goes off to buy a train ticket back home.)

(Lights fade out and onto Jake who is standing next to a random girl.)


ACT 1 Scene 4


(Jake is roaming the streets of Bangkok checking the women out because the only reason he’s there is to find a girl to have fun with.)

HEYO! What’s up?... Do you offer the (clears throat) “services?” Mhmm, we both know you do... Wait what?! You’re not a you-know-what?

(Starts fixing his shirt and gets closer to the girl.)

Hey sweetheart, I’m not a cop. I know everything about this business. Come on, not every guy out there will be hot enough for you be able to actually enjoy this job of yours. Now, I’m not the hottest guy in the bunch, but I sure can hit it. Oh, how old am I? I’m 18. You know, just passing in after high school.. My buddies and I decided to hit up this fantasy land for a little bang bang, know what I mean? We heard wonders about this place. Every hot chick in this place is a prostitute and the sex sure is cheaper here than everywhere else. Wait - if you’re all hot, why aren’t you guys married or with someone?.... oh yeah, you did say that you weren’t in the business. Are you sure? Because I thought you were just making sure I wasn’t a cop... Whoops, my bad. Well now I know you’re not a hoe, wanna go out to dinner some time? Why not?.... It was an honest mistake. Don’t other guys mistake you for a street walker? Well see, you should be used to it by now. I mean, dressed the way you are who wouldn’t come to that conclusion?

(He gets smacked) 

Daaaamn, I’m sorry hun, just letting you know how it is. If you didn’t want the wrong attention, be a bit classier.

(Girl walks away.)

Oh you’re just gonna walk away now, huh? Awww, don’t be like that. WAIT!... you didn’t gimme your number.

(Jake tries to follow behind the girl and light goes onto Chailai)


ACT 1 Scene 5


(Chailai speaks in ‘broken English’ at the corner, feeling overwhelmed with her life she doesn’t think she can handle it. She’s lost it and is muttering to herself.)

I don’t like being called bad things all over Bangkok. All the mean people just say “She is a hoe” and they throw stuff at me. I not smart like other people because my family can’t do nothing for me. I want to be like everybody who do this for the family, but I have nobody to take care of except for my grandma who is sick. I have no husband, no kids, no brothers, no sisters, no anybody. What if my grandma die? She is so old. What am I going to do? No body there for me. Nobody wants to love me because they say I am stupid. All they want is my body. They run around and say “Oh hey there sexy lady” I feel happy they like me. But only to sleep. They don’t care if I die tomorrow or right now. They only want to sleep in the bed with me. I am a nobody. I have nobody. You know what? I don’t care anymore. I am 25 year old. Soon no body want to sleep with me either. I am too old to go sleep with everybody and be the sexy woman. All the man want is the little girl that 15 year old. So nasty.

(Lights go off and Chailai is in her hotel room full of suitcases and is in front of the mirror.)


ACT 1 Scene 6


(Chailai is looking at herself in the mirror and getting ready.)

This is so new to me! I finally have first boyfriend. Not the one where the guy want to pay me to be with him. The one where he want to spend time with me. This is a new beginning for me. I can go to school and try to learn to speak the English language and get a real job. How someone like me meet a guy like this? All I need to do is don’t go stand and wait for the guy anymore. I find respect for me, then someone find respect too. This guy so nice too. He promise something and he pull through with it. It’s not like the guy I work for who promise a better future. This guy let me move in with him in beautiful house. It’s not whore house where he do that to a lot of people. I’m the only woman in the house. He make me feel like I am the angel, but he know what I used to do. You can’t have relationship without communication.

(Looks off into a distance and pauses with makeup.)

Sometime I still have nightmare that nuk lang, that mean gangster, is going to come find me and kill me. But, Adam is always there for me. He comfort me when I have nightmare and cry.

(Gets back to Earth and continues to apply makeup.)

Oh well, everything is okay. We going to move to America to start new life and forget about everything that happen here. The past is past. Time to burn it all and let the ashes blow with the wind.

(Gets up and gathers suitcase to leave.)

Broken Glass : Ashyne Bright

Stage Directions: One a corner wait for your next client when your boss [pimp] walk up and ask for his money.

(you are talking to a client) Hi Handsome what would you like to do with me today....Oh i got to go sorry come back next time...Hi Mr.Smith...Do i have your money? im not stalling...i have it...well only 1,000, i promise i will have the other 500 in two days i promise boss please sir it will never be late again...(the boss grabs her by her arm, slaps her and now she is crying) sorry...the men aren’t really coming around...i men they are but they aren’t interested...How ?...yes sir...In two days boss i promise...yes i like my please don’t hurt my daughter PLEASE !!!...I will i promise just don’t hurt her...Yes Sir...(goes back to pulling cars) Hi Handsome what would (5 second pause)...what would you like to do to me tonight ?

Monologue :

Stage directions: 

watches your dad walk out the door after he hands you his dirty dish then walk to the kitchen to start washing the dishes from the day. [your name is maria]

(in her own head while washing the dishes) My dad so nasty, how can he just go over there and fool around with these young girls, let alone my friends may, she i the same age as me, she is only 16, how can you look at a child and want to do that to her, and then for them to be forced and not even get paid for what they are doing to them, Thailand is a horrible place for girls, i can’t believe what people do for money, my mother was a sex worker, oooooo i wish a guy would put his hands on me,...i would have....i would....i would give in, i don’t know why im standing here lying to myself. i wouldn’t do a damn thing to stop him from rapping me, he would kill me with one shot to the head for refusing, ha a girl like me has no place or high demand in these streets, i am just a toy, someones get off, no ones daughter, i am just a girl waiting for her turn to be put up for sale, the next one to be kidnapped....(father calls her)....Yes Father !

I don’t know where your wallet is...Yes Sir !....Her you go father....Okay, Breakfast will be ready in the morning when you get back father....(thinks to herself)...another girls life while be changed ! 

Monologue :

Stage directions: [ standing outside your building with a maria’s father kevin talking about what girl her wants] [ your name is Sean aka boss]

  • This is Shi. she is 17 and untouched, what do you think....of course i have younger ones...what is the ages you like....i only have three 16 yeas old and two 15 years olds in right now.....okay...Mike go get them...we have Nancy, Kim, May.....Okay May do your thing...Don’t put any brews on she is a virgin...okay you can bite...Okay Have Fun !

Monolodgue : [in a green room with paint coming of the walls talking to your friend maria’s dad kevin. you have a nervous look on your face and you are standing by the bed]

  • Please sir don’t do this...but im only 16 years old you have a daughter?....then why are you doing this?...i know your daughter..Maria ! can you come in here and have sex with someone the same age as your daughter...please just turn around and walk out the room, don’t do this sir...KEVIN PLEASE !!!....[he slaps you and you fall to the ground facing the audience. he bends over your and start speaking to you {this is where they switch of on to Kevin’s monologue}]

Late but Sure

​Here are a few of my art projects created in the third quarter.  All of which were inspired by real things.  I spent approximately two hours of practice before I came up with each final product.  
Hand drawing:

2011-01-21 14.16.23
2011-01-21 14.16.23
2011-03-02 09.01.31
2011-03-02 09.01.31
2011-03-11 14.00.43
2011-03-11 14.00.43
2011-03-16 08.26.49
2011-03-16 08.26.49
2011-04-15 10.54.26
2011-04-15 10.54.26

Late but Sure

​Here are a few of my art projects created in the third quarter.  All of which were inspired by real things.  I spent approximately two hours of practice before I came up with each final product.  
Hand drawing:
2011-01-21 14.16.23

Clear bottle Drawing:
2011-03-02 09.01.31

2011-03-11 14.00.43
2011-03-11 14.00.43

1920's vs. 2011













Fashion was very important to the 1920's, as it is now. It was especially important to those in the business world or stardom. Today fashion has a huge impact on the world, it gives jobs all over from America to Milan to Italy. It influences what everyday business people and others wear. 

Quarter 3 Artwork

Personally, I found this quarter to be very challenging. Each week we were assigned a different piece of art to complete. i found myself having to redo and learn different ways to accomplish the goal that was set before me. Most of the works that i created are the third or fifth copy of what was originally created because I was not satisfied with what I created. Only Having one week to compete each piece put me under a lot of pressure and put me behind in my work because I did not feel as though I had enough time to compete each piece. I usually found myself making up work outside of class. I feel that the classes could have been more instructed instead of students figuring everything out for themselves. Most if not all of the classes were never really instructed. We were simply allowed to go and draw. I could have managed my time better, but I truly did put in an honest effort even though I do not consider myself to be an artist and was under pressure.



Self Portrait small



Life Size Drawing




2011-03-30 11.27.31

Clear Vessel Small


Clear Vessel Large




Still Life 

2011-03-30 11.06.30



Exploration of a Renaissance Artist: Focus on Benozzo Gozzoli

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Online link for paintings:

Trial by Fire Before Sultan description:

            Behind the small crowd of people is an old stonewall corner. Each individual crack on the wall is highlighted on the seam of the wall. On the left side of the wall the cracks become smooth and less visible. On the right side the cracks are faintly visible. The darkness of the space near the right side of the wall shields the cracks. The side of the darkness lies behind the sultan.

            From the bottom right hand corner to almost the top right hand corner, stretches the seated body of a man who is assumed to be a sultan. His robe is golden yellow with a vague pattern of blue trimming the bottom. Each wrinkle that accompanies sitting is visible. The robe gathers in the lap of the sultan. He wears sleeved shirt underneath the rode, but only the left arm is visible. In the center of the shirt, along the sultans chest are eleven gold buttons. On his head is a hat in the shape of a round pointed triangle. There are lines that run from the furry white rim of the hat to the gold button on top.

            The sultan’s eyes are looking down upon the crowd that is implied to be before him. His lips are thin and almost covered by the thick rust colored beard that he wears. To the left of the sultan is a man covered from head to toe in a red robe. The man’s head is covered also by a hijab. Behind the man is a knight fully dressed in metal, but his head gear is not pointed. It is rounded to his head. Beyond and in between the knight and man are the heads of three more crowd members.


Death and Ascention of St. Francis description:

            Under the arch of a bright rainstorm lies a town square. The sky behind the storm is light blue, almost the color of crystal water. Directly under the arch but still above the town, five angles float on a wisp like cloud. The angels almost appear as the morning sun. Under the angles is a yellow stone house. At the top is a section with three triangular windows in a row and a circular one above the middle window. Under the top section is a layer of red shingles coming out in to the crown that is gathered in the town square. To left of the house is a old, gray church-like building and to the right is a pale, red rectangular building.

            A large mass of people stand gathered between the buildings. For the ones closes to the rear of the crowd only the shapes and colors of their heads are visible. In the front of the crowd are men in white robes, the y hold long wooden poles above their head.  In the center of these men is another man, but he holds a book opened toward his face. One man kneels with his hands in the prayer position at the head of a dead body. Another man leans over the dead body that is raised on a high blue table. This man wears a red robe that is trimmed with white at the top. One the table lays a man that is covered from head to toe in a yellow robe. His head rests on a red pillow.



             Artists of the Renaissance were considered to be people of the future. Their art possessed certain qualities that distinguished the transition from medieval to present day art. Many artist abandoned arts connection to the church and went off in a separate direction to find the beauty of the world. However, in the majority of Benozzo Gozzoli’s work there is a clear connection to the church. Although his work was connected to the church, it still possessed the qualities of the “new” art that was introduced during this time.

            One characteristic that was introduced during the Renaissance was the idea of focusing on realism. The artwork was meant to look as if it were real people and real objects. In all of Gozzoli’s pieces the people are painted as if they were and individual. The people have features unique to them, making them look more life like or real.

            Artists of the Renaissance also adopted the idea of perspective. Artists made objects that were further back in space appear to be far off in the distance of the artwork. Techniques of using a vanishing point assisted artists when painting. Art was no longer 2-demensional. Figures were shown in their true form. Gozzoli demonstrates this in his painting Death and Ascention of St. Francis. He shows the 3-dimensional figures f buildings and people.

                        The only argument that would exclude Gozzoli from the artists of the Renaissance is his high focus on the church. Other then that he met all of the other characteristics of the Renaissance.

Works Cited:

"Italian Renaissance Art." Carrie Text Electronic Library. European University Institute, 2006. Web. 3 Dec 2010. <>.

Nicolas, Poich. "La Renaissance ." Web Museam. BMW Foundation, 2006. Web. 4 Dec 2010. <>.



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Screen shot 2011-04-15 at 10.44.30 AM

"He passed in the car"

Yesterday I found out my dog that I had for 12 years, died. He had chronic heart failure and the doctor said that there was nothing we could do.

He was family. Everybody is hurting. His name is Captain James T. Kirk. Kirk for short. I'm angry. I really loved that dog. It's not fair. I have a whole new perspective on life.

I want my dog back.

I am bad at being quiet

​I'm in the day of silence thing (draw attention to bullying of LGBT) Last year i  didn't do it and this year i figured i'll try. I haven't broken yet but soon i shall scream, maybe after leave the building. I'm not gay/bi/tran and that doesn't matter. No one should be bullied for being a different race or a different gender or for having different beliefs or for being gay. We're all human after all and to each their own.

I'm here

I wont leave, not for this, not for anything

I can’t promise you

Everything will be okay

But I can tell you

I wont go away


I’m here for you

For today

And its true

I wont go away


I’m here for you


I wont go away

POW- Alicia Keys

I'm a prisoner

Of words unsaid

Just lonely feelings

Locked away in my head

I trap myself further

Every time I stay quiet

I should start to speak

But I stop and stay silent

And now I've made

My own hard bed

Inside a prison of words unsaid

I'd like to think that I could've written something like this if she hadn't published this. 

Day of Silence

Today I am participating in the "Day of Silence" to draw attention to the growing problem of LGBT bullying and harassment.  I did not participate last year because I felt as though the cause was irrelevant to my life because at the time, I had no gay, bi, or transgenders friends.  But recently, all of that has changed.

One of my closest family members has recently come out as a lesbian.  Although my family and I are a little bit skeptical because she is so young, we are still considering the seriousness of it all, and we are making sure that she feels accepted. 

I realize that there are some families that would be very upset at the idea of one of their members being homosexual.  My family is very open and loving, and I know that if more families were like mine, more people would feel comfortable with being who they truly are and expressing their inner feelings.


​I am writing a story for myself dealing with personal stuff. It is good therapy so far. Then again writing has always been good for that for me. Song lyrics, poems, stories are all things I use to help. Remembering the past and seeing how I changed so much. Maybe one day I will be brave enough to share this new story on here. For now though it is for myself and people close to me maybe.