Sugar Skull and more

​  A sugar skull is a traditional Mexican mask or candy used to celebrate the day of the dead. They are often put on graves and sometimes even eaten. I wasn't sure of what I wanted to do with my sugar skull but I like how it turned out. When I started to paint my skull I just covered it in black paint. Then I made the yellow eyes and everything took off from there. Once the stripes were made I decided just to go for the Cheshire Cat look. 
                                            Finished Mask

                                          Photo on 11-21-12 at 10.58 AM  

                                             Other Art From The Quarter 
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                                                 This Picture was Re done 
                                                   Photo on 10-24-12 at 10.29 PM
                                                And Turned out like this..
                                                  Photo on 11-4-12 at 4.44 PM

                                             Works In Progress 

                                                 Photo on 11-21-12 at 8.34 AM #2

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                                                Photo on 11-21-12 at 8.36 AM

Quarter 1

​In quarter 1, in art class, we decided to make sugar skulls. A sugar skull is a home made skull with beautiful and creative design on a skull. sugar skulls were made to leave out at a graveyard or at home for the family members or friends that had died in the past, for a mexican holiday called "Dia de los Muertos", which means Day of the Dead. Day of the Dead takes on November 1st every year on the calendar, right after Halloween. The picture below is my sugar skull that I had created. Before I could of started to paint on my skull, we had to draw our skull on our sketch book for what do we wanted our sugar skulls to look like, in order to start painting. After designing our drawings, we had ask anyone in the class to volunteer to do cover there face with plast'r to make the face.
After letting the plast'r dry, you have to peel carefully on the person face. It can take a couple of hours to let it dry after you peel it off. The wait was over now and it was time to paint. I wanted my Sugar Skull to pop, so I took yellow, black, red, and blue. I even made some of my own colors that were purple, pink, and burgundy. I was proud with my design and the way it came out, it wasn't exactly how I wanted to come out from the very first beginning but it came out good and I had enjoyed doing this assignment.
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​These are the rest of my drawings that is in my sketch book !
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Vincent Capitolo

Se llama Vincent Capitolo. Tiene catorce años. Él es de Filadelfia. Él es bastante gordo. Él es muy bajo. Es increiblmente inteligente. Es mi hermano. Él está italiano. Es molestón. Le gusta estar de vago. Es uno de mis mejores amigos. 
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Getting Digital (Q1 Senior Art Work)

​For the first quarter in art class I was supposed to do a sugar skull but, honestly, It didn't interest me or benefit me to do so. (Sorry about that, by the way). I did do research into what it was, it's origins, and helped a class mate design hers but giving suggestions and pointers by I didn't physically make my own. I learned that sugar skulls originated as an art form from the Italian missionaries and was adopted by the Mexican culture because they were poor but abundant in sugar. 
What's important to me right now is improving my digital art skills because my future projects, college life, and career are going to be based around doing that. So kick things off, I look at my necessities for this quarter (starting my capstone and designing the yearbook cover) and worked on making them into digital art. 
I started off this year brainstorming for yearbook and brainstorming a main character design for my capstone animation. Below is the first character I designed; Ailsing. After I was done making her I realized that I needed to work on my shading and work on not leaving the original sketch on the under layer. 
This my original design for the yearbook Cover. I wanted to do something different with the year book cover, style wise. Last year we had a very realistic and detailed cover and it was beautiful. This year, I wanted to try to make something more cartoon-like. After talking with a couple people and getting opinions from the people who would be buying this yearbook, I made adjustments that ended up leading to the final cover.
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2012-13 cover
2012-13 cover
Inbetween the making of the original and the making of the final I talked around to a lot of people and was informed that for an animation I'm going to have to redraw my main characters over and over again. That being said, I decided to "dumb down", in a sense, my art to something more simple. I ended up making Romp and Retta. These two are simple, easy for me to redraw and good for me to practice shading and angles. 
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I did this picture aside from the yearbook cover and capstone and I used the experience and practice from those to make this. I noticed that I need to be more conscious of body proportioning and positioning. 

Sugar Skull

A sugar skull is a symbol that is used to help celebrate the Day of the Dead which is a Mexican holiday. A sugar skull is a skull that is painted a certain way, its covered in designs and normally is mainly black and white. Sugar skulls are suppose to be very detailed and have some color. Red is a commonly used color. 

I came up with the design for my sugar skull by looking online at many different mask designs to use for reference. My mask has bits and pieces of other masks that I saw with my own personal touch. Many things in this mask were painted in the moment, I thought they would look cool so I tried it out and in the end the mask kind of all flows together. 

To start, we had to learn about what sugar skulls were and spent time looking them up and practicing drawing them. After that, we learned how to plaster masks and saw a demo. This demo lead right into the making of the masks, the mask I made is of Wynn's face. After the plastered mask is dry, the painting begun. I started by getting all the paint I needed to use and then put on the first coat of paint. I had to let it dry before I put more paint on. The second coat I put on was the white paint, I went back and put details on the mask and also outlined the designs I made in color. This helped the mask pop and brought the mask together. When I added the white paint and designs is when my mask started to look a sugar skull. Even though I was done, I still continued to go back and add more details the following class period to make the white paint looked better and to fix any errors I hadn't caught earlier.I think the different layers of colors and designs really makes the mask pop. 

Taahir Henry Quarter 1: Sugar Skull

A sugar skull, is an artists rendering of a human skull. They are made from hardened sugar, the use of sugar art is something that was introduced to Mexico by Italian missionaries. The abundance of sugar in Mexico, meant that it was both cheap and easy to obtain, which allowed for the sugar art to catch on fast.  Sugar skulls have become an important part of observing and celebration of the Mexican holiday (El dia de los Muertos/The Day of the Dead) Sugar skulls tend to incorporate the use of floral patterns and/ or other intricate designs, as well as diamonds.

I came up with the design for my sugar skull from looking at sugar skulls that already existed.  I searched google to find several examples before starting to sketch what mine might look like. In the end however, my sugar skull became slightly more random, and less traditional. I included the the exposed teeth and jaw, with some of the outlined features, but almost everything else was football inspired. There is a diamond at the center of the skulls head, but other than that, the sugar skull that I created wasn't as customary as most sugar skulls are.

I think the most interesting part of the entire process was the creation of the mold. We used our own faces for this process.  By placing layers of wet plaster into the contours of our faces, we could create a replica of what we looked like, but with plaster. After the plaster dried and hardened, we removed them from our faces and proceeded to paint the designs we intended for the final product.

More information on the Day of the Dead and sugar skulls: 



Rafi- Rick Astly description

Él nombre es Rick Astly. Rick Astly de custumbre moreno también rubio. Él es muy encanta bailar. Le fascina trabajor y escribir. Es de Quebec pero vive en Toronto. Él es serio pero también deportista. No me gusta nada ir de compras depende del dia y como si fuera poco él es practicar deptes.


Él nombre es Neymar de Silva Santos Júnior. ÉL es tiene diez y nueve años. Él de Brasil pero vive en Espana. Le gusta favorito y muy excellente fútbol jugador! Sin embargo, él es basante gallito. Él es bien bajo, y él es deportisto, y muy divertido para ver. No le gusta nada, nada. Neymar en perfecto, en fútbol!

Harry Styles

Su nombre es Harry Styles. Tiene dieciocho años. Es de Cheshire pero vive en London. Él es alto y encantador. Le encanta cantar y bailar. Él es delgado y comico. Harry Styles es súper lindo y moreno. Él es siempre loco. Él es a veces triste. 


Jade Esposito

Sue nombre es Jade. Tiene trece años. Es de Fliadelphia. Ella Es súper guapa. No ella es muy fea. Ella Es siempre inteligente. Ella es bien trabajadora Ella Es bastante artistica. Ella encanta increiblemente salir con mi novia pero ella gusta un poquito pasar un rato pasar un rato con amigos. 
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Kevin Hart

Se llama Kevin Hart, el es de filadelfia, pero vivo en Los Angeles. El es muy comico y creativa, y poca alto. El gusta a jugar videojuegos, y bailar. Pero Kevin Hart no gusta a dibujar. El gusta a ir de compras con amigos y familia, y salir con la novia.


​Se llama Goku
Es de planet Vegeta pero vivo en la tierra con su familia

Es muy deportista, talentoso, y increíblemente fuerte
Es moreno y lindo
Es cómic sin embargo es inteligente
Y como si fura poco, es bastante simpático
Le encanta practicando artes marciales y le fascina comer
Le gusta relajar y pasar un rato son amigos también
Todas estas cosas explican por qué aprecio Goku

¡Christofer Drew!

Se llama Christofer Drew. Tiene veintiuno años de edad y su cumpleaños es el 11 de febrero. Él cantar en la NeverShoutNever bandas y Eatmewhileimhot. Él es de San Diego, pero vivo en Missouri. Él es muy talentoso, artística y creativa. Muchas chicas creen que no es feo. Él toca la guitarra, ukelele, piano, armónica y pandereta. Le encanta comer licuada de strawberry. Él rara vez usa zapatos.


Cheyenne Pagan - Quarter 1 Mask


A sugar skull is a Mexican mask that is usually made with hardened sugar and designed for the Day of the Dead, similar to our Halloween, in an almost spooky way. The main design for sugar skulls are skeleton faces. For this piece I began with creating my mask to get an idea on what would be possible on my canvas. Kamilah and Sophie helped me with this step so I give them credit for the finished product. I then researched some usual designs of a sugar skull and a lot of the same designs came up. I decided to put a twist on a classic art and really make it my own. This project was done right around the time of Halloween and I was planning on dressing up as Harley Quinn (the Joker's girlfriend from Batman). Her style is almost Mardi Gras inspired and I put this into consideration when I was drafting my design. I chose to sneak in a heart, as the lips, and a spade, as the nose. Trying to make it look as professional as possible I smoothed down what I could and trimmed the outer rim of the mask. I then based it with a few layers of white Gesso paint. After it dried I sketched, in pencil, an outline of my final design. I chose my colors, red and black, and began to paint it. At one point I decided that I wasn't fully satisfied with the style of the lips therefore I painted over that part with the white Gesso and started again. Even after everything was painted to my liking I touched up, making my lines as neat and crisp as possible. After all was said, done, and dry I carefully glazed the front of the mask. I had to be very precise with this process because of possible smearing and blending. Overall I am extremely pleased with the final result and would only want to change the texture of the mask if I could do it all again, perhaps sand it down. 

John Middleswarth

Se llamo John Middleswarth. Tiene quince años. És el bastante alto y delgado. También lindo. És el súper cómico pero inteligente. Le gusta más o menos escuchar música. Le fascina muy practicar deportes. No le gusta nada bien ayudar en casa sin embargo le encanta ver la tele.

Marking period 1 - Alysha Ortiz

As a tradition in mexico during the day of the dead “Dia de los muertos” Calaveras de azúcar, which are sugar skulls are known for its sugary sweets that are decorated with multi- colored icing, shiny foil, sequins and glitter. This holiday focus on gathering family and friends to pray for and remember their love ones whom has past away. Although in many people eyes during a passing you will see tears and black clothing in this case you will see bright colors and celebrations which include food, music, parties and many more. 

As a project in art class we work on sugar skulls however due to not having the correct problems we instead plaster our faces. This process only took about 15 minutes; Basically we grab the cloth of plaster and cut it up into big pieces and small pieces so we can put it on our faces we repeat this step to make 5 layers. We then put vaseline all over our face the reason why is because if we do not it will stick onto our skin that being said we would put a thick layer this is before putting any layer of plaster onto your face. When placing the layers in order for it to work we placed it into warm water causing the strips to be damp and be placed onto the face. The process from beginning to end was difficult the reason why is because I was afraid to get it done on myself but as time flew by i grew out of it and actually doing it finding it to be really easy. It was an amazing experience doing this because it shows the creativity you can do with the things around you.

I choose to paint the Puerto Rican Flag the reason why I choose to do this is because out of all 6 races I am my most proud race is being boricua. Being boricua or in other words puerto rican my heritage shows a lot of dedication and pride. Throughout my ancestors years it shows me that being part of this heritage is just not any title of race but history that I can carry on and be able to pursue in life to do what my heart desire. My heritage flag sometimes get confuse by the cuban flag however the color of the bands and triangle reversed; However the design initially influenced by the US flag. The white stands for Peace and Honesty, Red for the hardiness, bravery, strength and velour and as the color blue it stands for vigilance, truth/loyalty , perseverance and justice. As for the white star it stands for the commonwealth of puerto rico, the three sides of the equilateral triangle represent the three branches of the republican government and the fact its blue stands for our sky and coastal waters. The three red strips symbolize the blood that our people had shed and the two white stripes symbolize the right of man and the freedom of the individual. I choose just to do a simple flag due to the history it haves and the meaning behind it. 

Heres my mask and a few drawings during my time in Art class.....

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Qmalik-Quarter 1 Artwork

For my Q1 artwork, i wanted to start off with drawing some easing stuff like different cartoons. So i focused on drawing angry bird and hello kitty, which i never had tried before. I tried to do different for my artwork because i never had drawn colorful cartoons for this class before. Then i tried to come back to drawing my most favorite art work, which is drawing portraits. I searched online to find some difficult portraits with some difficult shading in order to learn something new. I found so many kids portraits that i was going to draw them but unfortunately could not do so. The decided one is enough for beginning with some difficult shading to show face features clearly. Another piece of some little design shows a henna design, which is all my creativity (nothing from internet). Its just for fun (:
For suger skull project, i could not actually made my skull but i tried to print my design on the paper and make it to look similar to actual skull. I found this design by researching some suger skulls and finally added some of my art to make it more beautiful and creative.
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Davina Seng

Se llama Panhata Seng. Es de Cambodia pero vivo en Filadelfia. Es muy divertida y boba. Es nunca aburrida sin embargo es un poquito extraña. Es linda y loca. También es alta y delgada pero ella le gusta comer es por eso que ella cocinar. Además, le gusta cantar y ir de compras pero no le gusta nada leer y correr. Tiene catorce años. Su cumpleaños noviembre vienteuno. ¡Felize cumpleaños me amiga!  

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Trey Songz ! :)

Su nombre es Trey Songz. Tiene viente siete anos. Es de Petersburg pero vive en Miami, Florida. El es basante lindo. Ay, dios mio! El es muy simpatico. Le encanta cantar. No le gusta nada ayudar en casa.

Allison Kelly

Se llama Allison Kelly. Tiene quince años. Es de Filadelfia. Le gusta practicar deportes y escribir. Es muy guapa. Ella es baja. Es deportista. Ella es simpática y inteligente. No es perezosa. Ella es trabajadora. Es divertida. No le gusta cocinar

Douglas Adams

Es Douglas Adams. Tengo cuarenta y nueve años.Es de Cambridge pero vive en California. El es muy comico, bien inteligente, algo extraño, bien trabajador. Le gusta escribir casi siempre, ver la tele cuando tengo tiempo libre, surfear la red. No le gusta nada bailer, practicas deportes, estar de vago.

Kara Eve Rosenberg

​Se llama Kara Eve Rosenberg. Tiene catorce años. Es de Colorado pero vive en Filadelfia. Ella es guapa, loca, y un poquito boba. Ella es morena y rubia. Es un poquito alta y cómica. Le gusta comer casi siempre. Los fines de semana le gusta dormir. No le gusta practicar deportes y dibujar.

Senorita Manuel

Senorita Manuel es de San Francisco pero vive en Filadelphia. Ella tiene cuarenta y ocho años. Ella es morena. Ella le gusta leer y como si fuera poco le encanta trabajar. Es por eso que Senorita Manuel es súper inteligente y Depende del dia cómica. Ella es nunca aburrida. ¡Es un amor de gente!