La Poema de Messele

Estados Unidos. Soy de Estados Unidos 
Soy Messele. Soy de VIrginia 
Pero vivo en Filadelfia
Antes de SLA, yo ir a la escuala en Masterman
Nunca Permite divertido
Odio aburrido cosas
Le gusta muchos cosas pero me 
Ecanta juego los video juegos. 
SLA es muy frio a vecez
Dedicados son estudiantes. 
Intelligentes tambien.
Valiente, siempre nunca
Estamos listos y loco pero me gusta 
Representando SLA es que soy hacer
Tengo catorce Anos
Ignorancia. Yo no tengo ignorancia
De memoria yo dice
Obligado. Yo soy.

Becoming ME! By Sean DeSilva

Inspiration Is What Drives Me

Create a script to describe that slide. Why did you make the slide look the way it does? What influenced your decision making? Use new vocabulary from the websites to write this script.

The reason why I chose to make my slide the way it is, can be for many reasons. But the main reason why I chose to include the quote and the picture is because I want to inspire people who read this. You see, I play this game called "League of Legends.'' I started the game 3 years ago (October 22, 2012). I fell in love with it and wanted to get better. I was inspired by many of the famous Pro-League players and I wanted to become the best player in my area. I was driven by the inspiration that was given to me due to my discovery of the game. I want to be the best that I can of the game and I still want to, after years and years of practice and determination I am almost there to where I want to be! I want people to understand that only losers give up and winners always try no matter how hard they've fallen! Don't let your dreams be in your head, make them real for others to see!

Sean DeSilva Orange Stream Tech Slide-Presentation

Andrew Rodebaugh El Poema

           Soy Andrew

Mi Cumpleaños es el 6 de diciembre

      Me gusta pasar tiempo con amigos y jugar videojuegos

Es 23 de noviembre y estoy en la escuela me gusta ir a la escuela

                        también me gusta comer y leer

                                    No soy ni gordo

                                      ni deportista

                                         Yo soy…



Me Magazine- Jowon Dorbor

I made the slide the look the it way it is because I wanted the pictures and the words to be in a glance media. It can be quickly read and understood. I also made the ‘we’ a different color (Pink) because I wanted to make sure that by we I mean girls. I was influenced just by my beliefs. Also I wanted it to be unique in my own way. I saved the the top and bottom part of the slide for empty space instead of filling the slide with pictures.

Untitled presentation

My Me Magazine Slide

Hello everybody, my name is Lauryn Lewis and today I will be presenting my me magazine via slide. As you can see I have a love for my family and writing that is so profound you can not even describe it. Without my family and being able to express my life through writing I would not be as nice of a person as I am today. They have given me life, and a good one at that.

Untitled presentation

Eric Gorski BioPoem

Soy Eric Gorski.
Soy por lo general tranquilo y muy simpàtico pero
me encanta practicar deportes y soy bastante bajo
sin embargo muy fuerto. Yo juego portero en lacrosse
y pasar mi defensores y intento para marcar un gol
yo serà detenerlo. Soy una bestia en neto pero aun 
mejor en el campo. Yo serà marcar en tù antes tù
saber lo.

Spanish Poema

Soy Jake
A veces, soy 
chevere y comic 
De vez en cuando, me encanta pasar tiempo con amigos
Me encanta dormir y me gusta practicar deportes 
No soy ni artistic 
ni seri 
Yo soy... 

Me Slide - Ashton Reigner

I thought about my slide a lot and I decided to put the things that give my life joy. So i picked my four favorite things in my life that aren't people, pets, or food. One of the big things in my life is music and one of my favorite artists is The Beatles. Their music is really relaxing and has a lot of meaning. Watching movies is one of my favorite things to do inside. I love so many movies but my favorite movie is Step-Brothers. I probably watched it 100 times and it still makes me laugh every single time I see it. My second favorite thing to do inside is watch TV. There's so many TV shows I watch but I really love Key and Peele. It stars two guys making hillarious skits about the most absurd situations. It's on of the funniest shows on television. The last thing I chose is soccer. I've played soccer since I was 3 and it's been my favorite sport for as long as I can remember. It's a sport loved and played all around the world. It's not easy to play but it is really fun. This is me and all of the most joyful things in my life

Me Slide- Justin Stewart

My slide is based off of many hobbies that i enjoy doing. Each picture defines me in different ways. The hobbies that interest me the most are the bigger pictures. Notice how the sports picture is in the background because, that is my favorite hobby. As for hobbies like Robotics and music are smaller because, they have a minimum in my interest. I still enjoy doing the two hobbies but I´m not as interested in them like sports.

Media Fluency: "Me Magazine" Slide - William Huang

William Huang
From a single glance, my slide seems very basic. It has my name, two words, and some rectangles with lines. Allow me to explain their significance.

Going beyond is something I live by in life. There is no point in living a life that many have already lived. That is the basis and core of my slide. The color choice is to show contrast: it is easy to see the image portrayed, even with its simple design. There really isn't a lot of things going on. This is an intended design choice, because you don't want to be bombarded with details.

The picture is of a staircase. The steps to the staircase becomes lighter and lighter as you go up, symbolizing that not many people are able to achieve higher greatness, therefore, the "cleaner" steps. Additionally, the higher you go, the bar of the railing becomes thinner. This represents how the higher you go, the more risky and unstable things can be, until you finally reach the top, where the railing stops. In my life, I wish to be somewhere higher on the stairs. I don't want to be in the ocean of people crowded at the bottom. 

"There are three kinds of people in this world: people who make it happen, people who watch what happens, and people who wondered what happened." - Tommy Lasorda

Stay Active, Be Healthy

Stay Active, Be Healthy
I chose to make the background of my sin this color because color is the first thing people noticed about slides. The eye-popping color makes them want to read what is on the slide.

I chose to make the text big because large lettering and short wording is easily read, memorized and remembered.

Last but not least, I chose to “Stay Active, Be Healthy” because I am a person who likes to play sports and eat (most of the time) healthy.

My Slide -Kaitlyn Petroski

Untitled presentation

I decided to keep my slide pretty simplistic for multiple reasons. One, because it’s more aesthetically pleasing; and two, because it kind of represents me. I typically don’t like complicated things, so in a slide all about me obviously it wouldn’t be complicated.

There is a lot of empty space in my slide and not much variety in color. The colors I chose seem to go together very well. Normally, I would feel like there isn’t enough content to my slide, but with this one I’m fine with it.

In one corner of my slide, it has a treble clef and a bass clef put together to look like a heart. Music is my entire life, I wouldn’t be able to live without it. On the tops, it says “Stay alive”. Simply put, this is advice. There is a band called Twenty One Pilots, they mean so much to me it’s hard to describe. “Stay alive” Tyler Joseph, the lead singer of the band, in both a song and a tweet. One lyric containing it is “Stay alive for me” and when I heard that lyrics it hit me like a truck. The lyric has stuck with me since I first heard it.