Donesha Lee Q3 Artwork Portfolio

​Artist Statement

During this quarter I have made 6 pieces of art I could not be more proud of. I was able to experiment my skills with "Indian Ink", draw a beautiful owl, and create eye popping illusions. It has been a very interesting quarter. I have created everything "free hand", which is a huge accomplishment. I was even given the chance to play with shadowing techniques. It was truly an eye opening experience this quarter.  Throughout this quarter I was able to express myself using many more mediums. It could very challenging, however, the finishing products came out very well. However, I would say that as an artist in "A" band's class I still represented myself through my artwork. Every artist has their own style, and I think I've improved my skill set during this quarter.

Quarter 3 Advanced Art A1

In this quarter we were assigned various art pieces to recreate each week. Within these weeks we learned about the history behind the art we were going to visually create. I enjoyed designing each piece of art in a way that I felt was original for me. This quarter allowed me to test my limits because I know that Im not the best artist but believing that it was my best and knowing that it was allowed me to become confident with my work. 

Q3 Art Reflection

1. I feel that I did pretty well on my drawing. I did not finish the whole room, but I finished the required parts. I think my details were pretty accurate and my drawing was as realistic as I could have done. 
2. I would try to work faster so I could finish more of the room. Other than that, nothing.
3. One of the drawings looks really accurate and the details are amazing. I like that one.
4. I learned a lot! Before, I would never have been able to draw something 3D - I wouldn't have known where to start. Now, that has totally changed. I can now draw simple things in 3D. Thank you, Ms. Hull!

Lauren Thomas Q3 Art

The reason I create art is to express myself. Even though the art may not be something amazing or profound, it is something I am proud of and happy that I created. When I look at my art, I see myself being reflected. This quarter I fell in love with painting my self portrait. I enjoyed using a new media (India Ink) and it was super fun to use and paint with. I wanted to paint more self portraits because I enjoyed making my first one so much. I create what I love and I have to be happy with what I create. I feel that my self portrait is the best thing I created this quarter; it shows a complex image in a simplistic way with an artistic attitude and a new media. 

Adam Feliciano - Q3 Student Art Portfolio

During the third quarter art class, students had a series of tasks to complete. These tasks were creating a water color, drawling a metamorphosis, creating a mosaic, designing a coat of arms picture and creating a wire sculpture. For my water color, I chose to use all the basic colors in a contrasting pattern to signify the beauty of combining numerous amounts of colors. For my metamorphosis, I decided to show a transition of an acorn transforming into a bumble bee. When creating my mosaic, I wanted to focus on designing something simple and clean. I achieved this successfully be creating a car. For my coat of arms, I chose to use the colors blue and red to represent the good and bad times I had with my advisory. Lastly, to the best of my ability, I try to design a telescope for my wire sculpture. I chose to create a telescope because it represents me looking into my future and striving to achieve my long term goals in life.

Q3 Art Reflection!!!!!

With my final project I accomplished stabilizing my motor skills, which I found to be a challenge going into this project. Over the course of the final drawing I found I was able to steady my ruler better with concentration and the fact that 100 points where on the line. 

If I where to to it again, I would protect my paper better so I wouldn't have to start over. I would also like to add more detail to my floor area.

One drawing I a saw was a perfect representation of the room with every single detail. It was perfect angle wise and as an artistic remake of our room.

I learned that with one point perspective, everything goes to one point of the paper and nowhere else.



Q3 Art Reflection

I felt happy because I finished it, I handed it in on time and I did what was expected. For example, I did the wall, the ceiling, the side walls, floor, tables and chairs.  I would take my time and do it because I procrastinated a bit to much. As, I looked at someone poster, I noticed that their poster was detailed and nice looking. What I learned about one point perspective is it makes every thing easier. 


Q3 Art Reflection - Gavin Lane

1. & 2. I feel that overall I scored a 90 out of 100 (outstanding!), and I say that because half of the 20 points for perspective I lost because my drawing is sort of two point perspective. I feel that in terms of what I accomplished I feel that I learned a lot about drawing one-point perspective and gained a better understanding about space.

3. I think Sydnye's drawing is very successful, because she fitted the details into the one-point perspective PERFECTLY. I think she had the whole layout on point.

4. I learned that rarely ever are there exceptions from the one point perspective rule of ''all diagonal lines go to the vanishing point''.


Q3 Art Reflection

1. I have accomplished drawing the walls, ceiling, windows, and floor. I understood those, but I had a very hard time with the door on the right wall, the table & stool. The ceiling was a little tricky but that was because my box was a little bit off, when I fixed that then my wall came out better. The table was the biggest problem, I should have drawn it closer to the back wall.
2. If I could do this project differently then I would draw the door on the right wall better. The 3D was off. Also, I would fix my perspective of the table. It should be more looked at from the top. 

3. Luis was successful because his table is closer to the back wall, his ceiling has a good allusion, and his door is correctly drawn. He did a better job than me, and I can learn from him and fix my mistakes.

4. In a one point perspective drawing you have to always have all your lines going to the vanishing point. If not then, the allusion would be ruined and your drawing will look funny. Your drawing would be incorrect. The vanishing point makes things look 3D, like the room. Your vanishing point is what helped make everything in your drawing look slanted, but it made the drawing look like you were actually looking in the room, at the back wall.
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Q3 reflection

Savannah Manns

a. What do you feel like you accomplished with your final drawing?

I feel as if I accomplished establishing my vanishing point, and establishing my Ceiling, roof, side walls, and floor.

b. What would you change or differently if you could do this project again?

I would get a longer ruler and make everything equivalent and correct. I would also spend more time on smaller details to make the the bigger picture way better.

c. Find a drawing on the wall that you think is successful. Describe it. Why is it successful?

I think that Liv Coppers drawing was really successful because everything was spot on. She had cabinets and everything was very accurate. She did an amazing job . She captured the whole wall, she had many cabinets and amazing desk and chairs.

d. What did you learn about one point perspective?

I learned that it is not only complicated but it makes things very three dimensional.

Q3 Art Reflection (T.Harper)

Personally, after completing this very difficult project I think that I should receive the following points. 18 Points on my back wall, 17 points on the side wall. 19 Points for my ceiling, 17 points for my floor and 18 points for my table/chair. I think I should receive an 89 our of 100 points. 

I would redo my entire room. Changing the wall I decided. I decided to do the wall right wall with the windows. I would instead do the front wall where the boards are located. I would also redo the the table location. Instead of doing the bigger table I would do more smaller tables. 

The drawing I picked was Tatiana Reams. I think it came out really well. I think it was neat, not with many eraser marks and is very detailed. Everything was in its place and If I had to grade it I would probably give it a high grade. She also completed the full project. Did everything that was asked of her. 

I learned many things like how to even draw. I could not even draw as well as I could and now being able to draw an entire room. I think that's sick. I also learned more about vanishing points of how and where to draw the lines and everything. It was also clear how to make three denominational shapes.  

Q3 Reflection

What I feel that I accomplished with my final drawing is the overall perspective of the classroom. I think that the ceiling came out fine also the floor lines and the back wall. I also think the door came out fine. I would change my corner separating the  window to the right and left. I wish I was able to make it look better and more clearer. I would also change the way of the picture and try harder to make it look like the room.  One drawing that I think is successful is one that has a smaller back wall and the classroom is larger in size. It has a door that is slightly opened. There is only one table and one stool. It has a nice proportion to it and is accurate with the classroom.  I think the person was able to capture the perspective of the classroom. What I learned about about one point perspective is that you have to have the have to make your picture based on the vanishing point. 

Q3 Reflection (S. Baker)

1. ​Back wall: 20/20. I think I drew the back wall pretty accurately.
Side wall: 18/20. My side walls are a little off to me but I still think they're accurate.
Ceiling: 20/20. I think my ceiling looks great but I think it's off a bit.
Floor: 15/70. My floor has a nice outline but looks bland.
Table/Chair: 12/20. My table looks great but the stool looks weird.

2. I would change the way my stool and table looks. Since it isn't a really good representation of the two. I would also take more time trying to make my lines persice and not have so many erased lines visable on the paper.

3. I think Xavier's drawing is very nice looking. I like the way that his lines are dark it pops out to me. To me it looks like he took his time on doing it and that he tried to make sure everything about it was correct.

4. One point perspective focuses on the perspective of one point. And that making a drawing based of one point is challenging but rewarding when you get an accurate drawing

Q3 Art Reflection

After doing this drawing, I felt that I accomplished good detail on my side walls.

If I could do this project again, I would add more tables and stools and I would lower my door from touching the ceiling.

The picture I found to be the most interesting would be Liv's picture. Her picture is very detailed and looks like she measured different parts of the drawing very accurately. She drew the wall that's across from the board. I think that her drawing is successful because it captures her wall's image very accurately.

From drawing one point perspective pictures, I learned that everything I draw in the picture must reflect back to the vantage point. 

Q3 Art Reflection

  • I think I did good on the ceiling, back wall, side wall, and floor. I messed up on the table and chairs because it wasn't one point perspective. I think I did pretty well on the extra details. 
  • b. I would change my tables and I would make it so that only one side of the paper had work on it so you couldn't see the other stuff on the back. 
  • c. Gavin's is successful because it is very proportionate and well drawn. The detail was really great, especially the window view. He used the one point perspective really well. 
  • d. It helps a lot because then you know how to proportion things and it just looks better overall when you use it.

Q3 Art Reflection

a. I feel like I accomplished everything that was listed on the rubric. I had both side walls, the front wall, the ceiling tiles, the floor lines, and a table in chair in my drawing.

b. I wouldn't do it again. If I had to, I would have managed my time better by drawing the easier things first and the harder things later if I can, as I didn't get as much done as I would have liked. I would have also drawn another table.

c. Sydnye's drawing was successful. She drew the back wall. She included everything that was listed on the rubric.

d. I learned to trust my eye more than I had before. If something looks wrong, I should just say "this looks wrong" rather than say "this is fine."

Q3 Art Reflection

In the final drawing I completed the ceiling tiles and the outline of the room. I drew two of the tables in the room and started on the blinds. I drew the cabinets on the side wall and some of the columns. If I could do this project again I would pace myself better and focus less on specific details and more on the whole picture. I think Sydnye's drawing is very successful because she has a complete picture and it follows the rules of a one point perspective drawing. I learned that in a one point perspective drawing all the lines are horizontal, vertical, or orthogonal. 

Q3 Art Reflection

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1. ​Rubic-
Back wall: 18/20. I think I drew the back wall pretty accurately.
Side wall: 17/20. My side walls are a little off to me but I still think they're accurate.
Ceiling: 17/20. I think my ceiling looks great but I think it's off a bit.
Floor: 15/20. My floor has a nice outline but looks bland.
Table/Chair: 16/20. My table looks great but the stool looks weird.

2. I would change the look of the stool. It's bothering me.

3. Sidnye's drawing is awesome. Not only is it completely accurate, but it has a lot of detail.

4. One point perspective focuses on the perspective of one point.

Q3 Art Reflection

1) I feel that to meet the 100 point requirement I met all the different categories (different walls, ceiling).  Each one of my walls has details and I tried my best to follow the one point perspective techniques such as door ways and the windows and especially the alcove.
2)If I could change anything about my drawing it would be my tables and chairs, not that I particularly think they are bad but I am much more proud of the walls.
3) I think that Liv's room drawing was very successful, all the lines look perfectly horizontal and vertical. Appears to follow the one point perspective rules.
4)I learned that while looking around you can view certain things in one point perspective if you have the right mindset, and this mindset really helped me complete the drawing and be proud of it. 

Q3 Art Reflection (A. Swartz)

a. I feel like I accomplished all that I could, since I don't consider myself particularly good at art. I hope I did all of the parts to the best of my ability. I like the back wall and ceiling best since those were the things I had the most time with. I enjoyed working on this, just wished I had more time since I work slow sometimes.

b. Time, and I'd be a bit more careful. There were some sloppy parts of my drawing that I would have fixed I could have. 

c. Seyni (N)s. She chose one of the walls that was, like, actually more challenging than a big window. The lines are light and it looks clean and precise and stuff. Also there are a bunch of things in it, she did a lot. It looks very good.

d. That it is very annoying to do, yet rewarding if done correctly. It looks really good if right, but not so good if wrong. I don't really like it a whole lot, since it is mostly rulers, and I have this weird trouble drawing straight line with the rulers. At least it isn't shade-sketching.

Art Portfolio Quarter 3

Within this quarter of doing Art two times a week, I focused more the shapes of life. Meaning that all objects have a three dimensional shape to them and I tried to show through evolution how something could look two dimensional can be changed to look three dimensional. To show this I used a lot of black and white with radiation to show all the individual shapes. At the end I was able to produce pieces of work with three dimension and have the objects look real, not still. 

Q3 Art Reflection

I feel like I accomplished the back wall/window in my drawing. The side window was almost finish but is still pretty good. If I were to do this project again I would take advantage of the time I had to do it. I would contribute every second I spend in this class to my drawing. I think Ijustice's drawing was successful. I think his is successful because he completed the outline of his room and reach the point to where he could have added details to the room. I learned that one point perspective is more than just an art technique. It's quite hard to find it in real life but it's there. 

Q3 Art Reflection

I do not feel like I accomplished anything with the final project. It is due to the fact that I did very little of it. If I could do it again I would spend much more time and do a lot more on it. It is successful it sexems because the person has drawn in the past.  The best drawings were from the artists. That it is all straight lines.
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