Final food project!

Old Fashioned Sugar Cookies

1. 1 cup butter, unsalted

2. 1 cup white sugar

3. 2 eggs, lightly beaten

4. 1 Teaspoons baking powder

  1. 1 Teaspoon salt. 


In a bowl, cream the butter and sugar. Beat in the eggs and vanilla, in a second bowl, combine and mix well the flour, baking powder, and salt. Stir flour into butter mixture 1 cup at a time. Chill dough for 3 to 4 hours. Roll out dough and cut into shapes with cookie cutters or a knife. Brush with milk and sprinkle with colored sugar. Bake on a sheet pan for a parchment lined sheet pan in a preheated 350 degree F oven for 10 to 15 minutes depending on the size of the cookie. Remove cookies to cool completely. 


I really enjoyed this unit because I love learning about ways to be more healthy, I’ve been trying to be healthy for a long time, but I just never knew were to start. I remember when we watched the TED talk that was called “Teach every Child About Food”. It was hard to watch because it was heartbreaking to hear about all of the kids that are in public schools, and get the wrong kinds of food, also hearing about the stories about the family member’s of those kids who have died from obesity, I’ve learned that it’s a slow killer. It makes me want to make some kind of change in the way that the children of our world eats, but even if I can’t do that.. I want to at least start from changing the way that I eat first. 


Throughout this entire unit, I believe that I’ve learned a lot about the different ways that I can help the person next to me to eat right, and motivating myself to eat right, a lot of the warmups that we went though, warm-ups like the “Organic food” warmup, assignments like that really helped me open my eyes to what’s happening. I also learned that not everything that we think is organic, is really organic. I learned that I would really have to read the labels if I want to know what I’m eating, I can’t just trust the label that’s on the front of the food. It’s amazing to think that there isn’t really many food’s out there that’s truly organic. The food that you can find is really expensive. So you really can’t trust the advertisements that people give out. They should really change the way they portray organic food so that everyone can know what they’re actually eating. 


I want to change the way that I am eating, doing this unit has made me a lot more motivated to change my diet, making sure I look at the labels of what I’m eating, before I eat it.. I learned lifelong material and I appreciate it. 

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Q2 Food Benchmark

Tuna pasta salad 



2 cups of whole grain pasta


1 cup of mayo


1/2 cup of mustard


4 sticks of celery


1 onion


1 teaspoon of season salt 


1 teaspoon of black pepper 


1 can of tuna in water 



1. Boil pasta 


2. chop up celery and onion 


3. open and drain can of tuna 


4. mix all ingredients together


Mayo has a very high fat content so you are supposed to use it in moderation. 1 cup of mayo have 916 calories, 78.49 grams of fat, 56.16 grams of carbs and 2.12 grams of protein. I used a higher ratio of pasta to mayo so that it only lightly coated the pasta. Dijon mustard has 198 calories per cup and I only used a half of a cup of dijon mustard so its 99 calories. In a teaspoon of dijon mustard there is 4 calories, 0.19 grams of fat, 0.47 grams of carbs and 0.24 grams of protein. There is 0.17 grams of sugar in dijon mustard and as opposed to yellow mustard it is less in sugar. I used one whole onion and that had 67 calories, 0.13 grams of fat, 16.18 grams of carbs, 1.47 grams of protein. For one stalk of celery it is 6 calories I used 4 so that is 42 calories, 0.28 grams of fat, 4.76 grams of carbs, and 1.12 grams of protein. I used whole grain penne pasta and there was 1600 calories which is a huge amount, pasta is a starch so it has to be eaten in moderation. There were 12 grams of fat, 328 grams of carbs and 56 grams of protein. Pasta has a lot of carbs to it so when you start adding a bunch of other ingredients it lessens the nutritional value. The seasons that I used do not have any calories. The tuna that I used was 220 calories, 5.11 grams of fat, 0 grams of carbs and 40.63 grams of protein. I decided to use tuna because I knew that it was high in protein. 


I decided to make this dish because I knew that because I wanted to make pasta an that I shouldn't use to many other ingredients. Also the ingredients that I used I did not use much of so that there was less amount of calories. Altogether my dish has 3,043 calories and there was at least 6-8 servings so that is  about 380 calories per serving which is not bad at all. My dish also had a low cost it was around $8 the most expensive item was the whole grain pasta. 




Overall I enjoyed this unit, a lot of the material that we covered I was some what familiar with. My mom is pre-diabetic and it runs in the family. So two years ago she changed the whole houses eating habitats. All of our breads  are whole grain, so is the pasta, we only eat brown rice and there is often not many baked good in the house unless they are homemade. There are so many items that are healthier but you find that they tend to cost more. During this unit when talking about nutrition I think we also needed to talk more about the price of the food. Many times people shop for quantity not quality, many people in america can not afford quality though. We need to form a better food system then we will see a decrease in obesity, heart conditions and diabetes. 

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Pesto Chicken Florentine 

Sieanna Williams & Brian Birkmire



- Olive Oil (2 Tbsp)

- Garlic (2 cloves)

- Chicken breast (boneless/skinless/4 count)

- Fresh Spinach Leaves (2 cups)

- 1/2 White/Yellow onion (chopped)

- 1/2 cup of white wine

- Pepper/Sprinkle of Salt

- 1/4 cup cream

- Basil

- Parmesan cheese


1. Boil pot of water, preferably large pot. Boil pasta.

2. While preparing the pasta, cook the chicken. Sprinkle some salt and pepper on the raw chicken. Heat some olive oil in pan and brown both sides of the chicken breast. Remove chicken when browned.

3. Add chopped onions and sauté for about 2-3 minutes. While the onions are cooking, slice the chicken in strips. Put aside any pieces already cooked by the browning and the others that aren't cooked to be finished.

4. When the onions begin to brown, add the garlic and sauté for another minute, roughly. Add white wine and and boil until it is half reduced.

5. Add the spinach and undercooked chicken to the pan. Using tongs, turn them over to coat them with the juices in the pan. Continue to cook, turning and stirring often, until the spinach is wilted and the chicken cooked through, about 2 minutes.

 6. Turn off the heat and add some black pepper, the pile of cooked chicken pieces and the pesto (basil, olive oil, parmesan cheese sauce). Stir to combine. Drain the pasta put it in a large bowl. Add the cream to the sauté pan and stir well to combine. Add the contents of the pan to the bowl with the pasta and mix well.


The beautiful thing about our meal is that it contains 0% of processed food. There are no additives or preservatives and some of our food is even homemade. Brian and I were originally going to buy fettuccine sauce but it had modified enzymes so we opted to make it ourselves with natural ingredients, as well as the pesto. The spinach leaves were not organic but they were organically grown. The only ingredient on the back was spinach.

We carefully read each of the ingredients on the back of the labels of the foods we used, all of them contained less than 10 g of sugar and fat. There is very little to no grease and the only oil used was olive oil (very little) on the chicken which was sauteed thoroughly. Although our dish is very healthy and will not caused any harm to one’s body from eating it once or twice in a row, the pasta is what dominates the dish. Pasta contains lots of starch and too much starch is very harmful to the body, so we strongly suggest to never eat a pasta meal every single day. On the other hand, it has low Glycemic Index which means it does not increase glucose levels rapidly this makes it easier for the body to maintain energy for longer periods of time. Pasta also has folic acid which is crucial for reproduction.

Our meal contains a variety of crucial dietary nutrients. It is a cleansing meal that will not only taste good but make you feel good. 

Personal Reflection

Ever since I joined the Girls Ultimate Frisbee team last school year, I’d begun to seriously think about eating more healthily. Not only had I never played frisbee before, but I had very little experience with exercise. I’d just joined the team when both boys and girls had gone to the states championship. For both tournament days, my coach, Ms. Echols, kept me in every single game for several points straight. I had never been so run down in my life and I couldn’t figure out how the rest of the girls had so much energy. When I finally had the chance to break, I looked upon the food parents and coaches brought with them. All that had been there were granola bars, bananas, sandwiches, etc. I didn’t think much of it but went on eating. Almost immediately I noticed a change in myself throughout the tournament. The food wasn’t only delicious, but I felt better on the inside. It was then that I’d seriously begun to consider eating more whole foods. 

The issue with my new resolution was that once I left frisbee and once I left my boyfriend’s home there was nothing to go home to but processed, artificially flavored and sugary foods. I live in a home where we only have as much food as we do because we are fortunate enough to receive food stamps. But even so, our food stamp money has been continuously cut despite our lowering income. Because of this, my mom has stopped buying as much fruits, she’s opted for pop tarts instead of oatmeal and often I’m starting to see more and more snacks than usual. I know my mom understands that I want to eat healthily (as well as I’m sure she understands that we should be eating this way), but we have a mutual understanding that we simply cannot afford such foods. What do I think is the biggest problem with our food system? There’s too much consumption. Too many people are buying so much food and I believe that’s what has upped the price on natural foods and set the price low for sugary foods. This way, farmers get what they work for by growing so much food so fast and companies make profit. Either way, it’s human consumption that’s caused these issues. There’s too much food circulating when there really does not need to be. Despite this issue, I will continue to try to eat as healthy as possible. Not just because it tastes a lot better, but because it makes me feel a lot better.

No Microwaves.001
No Microwaves.001

Food Project: Brian

Dish: Pesto Chicken Florentine


- Olive Oil (2 Tbsp)

- Garlic (2 cloves)

- Chicken breast (boneless/skinless/4 count)

- Fresh Spinach Leaves (2 cups)

- 1/2 White/Yellow onion (chopped)

- 1/2 cup of white wine

- Pepper/Sprinkle of Salt

- 1/4 cup cream

- Basil

- Parmesan cheese

How to cook:

1. Boil pot of water, preferably large pot. Boil pasta.

2. While preparing the pasta, cook the chicken. Sprinkle some salt and pepper on the raw chicken. Heat some olive oil in pan and brown both sides of the chicken breast. Remove chicken when browned.

3. Add chopped onions and sauté for about 2-3 minutes. While the onions are cooking, slice the chicken in strips. Put aside any pieces already cooked by the browning and the others that aren't cooked to be finished.

4. When the onions begin to brown, add the garlic and sauté for another minute, roughly. Add white wine and and boil until it is half reduced.

5. Add the spinach and undercooked chicken to the pan. Using tongs, turn them over to coat them with the juices in the pan. Continue to cook, turning and stirring often, until the spinach is wilted and the chicken cooked through, about 2 minutes.

 6. Turn off the heat and add some black pepper, the pile of cooked chicken pieces and the pesto (basil, olive oil, parmesan cheese sauce). Stir to combine. Drain the pasta put it in a large bowl. Add the cream to the sauté pan and stir well to combine. Add the contents of the pan to the bowl with the pasta and mix well.

In our recipe, we have integrated multiple nutritional necessities. We have a healthy balance of protein, vitamins, sugars, carbs, fiber, sodium, etc. With the chicken, this can come from “organically” grown chickens that have the ability to free roam and are fed and raised properly. Depending on where you buy the chicken and which brand you choose. Perdue wouldn’t be the best choice if you want chickens that were raised how nature intended. That’s the main source of protein in the meal.

 Basil, a delicious herb that is more than meets the eye. Researchers say that basil, not only good for pesto, but is also good at fighting bacteria, viruses, and chronic diseases. As well as the healthy benefits of basil, olive oil, another key ingredient in pesto is known to help reduce the chances of heart disease. Lastly, in the delicious pesto sauce is everyone’s favorite; garlic. Garlic has been around for centuries and has been used from food to theories of keeping you safe from vampires. Not a bad health benefit, if it were real, but garlic does however reduce blood pressure, fight bacteria, improve cholesterol levels, lots of antioxidants, and detoxifies metals in the body.

 Although pasta is known for it’s starches and carbohydrates, it actually has beneficial nutrients. Pasta does have a low GI (Glycemic Index) meaning it doesn’t raise glucose levels quickly. It also has folic acid, a key factor for pregnant women. Last, the carbohydrates that pasta withholds is helpful for athletic people. Most athletes will go on a massive carb intake before a game because the glucose from the carbs is a fuel for the body. The pasta releases the glucose energy slowly allowing the body to maintain energy much longer than something with artificial sugar.

 In all, the benefits of eating our meal would be a collected portion of every important dietary intake. Our meal is guaranteed to help you gain and maintain energy while cleansing your body and making you feel healthy.

​Personal Reflection:

I learned a lot this unit and I’ve enjoyed every second of it. One of my favorite topics to learn about is nutrition and how it affects the body, mainly because it’s something that is relevant to me everyday. I’ve recently been in the mood to watch “Food Inc.” all over again. Looks like I’ll be watching it later on Netflix.


I think, in relevance to Food Inc, the biggest problem about food in America is that we will do anything we can to produce cheap and unnatural foods to not fill our stomachs but fill our pockets. This goes for just about everything we consume in today’s society. I know that for companies like Perdue, they produce chickens that are genetically modified to grow bigger than the average chicken in nearly half the amount of days. If I remember, it takes about 72 days for a chicken to grow to about it’s fullest potential. The GMO (chickens in this sense) are modified to grow in about 42 days, thus producing more which makes the companies more money. This goes for many other foods as well. Some tomatoes are modified with fish DNA so they will stay fresh longer when refrigerated, that’s disgusting and unnatural. Other crops are modified to grow faster, be immune from pesticides, etc. Another problem with our government is that they make the foods that are nearly 100% natural to be much more expensive then the stuff that harms your body. When you can go through a McDonald’s “drive thru” and get a burger, fries, and a drink for about three bucks, compared to two apples at the same price, most people will pick the “drive thru” meal. Unfortunately, this results in health issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, etc. 


In all, I’ve enjoyed learning about diabetes, obesity, and everything else involved with food and the human body. It’s important to know these things because we will carry them the rest of our lives while we teach the next generation the importance.


Q2 Food Benchmark

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Caprese Salad


*Quantity of ingredients varies upon how much you’re making

Mozzarella Cheese (Whole, not shredded)


Basil leaves

Balsamic Vinegar

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Salt, Pepper


  1. Slice mozzarella cheese into ¼ inch thick slices

  2. Do step 1 to tomatoes

  3. Place 1 slice of cheese on each tomato slice  

  4. Add 1 basil leaf to each tomato / cheese combo

  5. Drizzle olive oil & balsamic vinegar on top of each combo

  6. Sprinkle a pinch of salt and / or pepper on each combo


When made with all fresh, organic ingredients, this dish contains little processed food items. The ingredients that are processed are still healthy, For example, cheese is the main processed ingredient, but it has to be processed in order to kill bad bacteria. Extra Virgin Olive Oil is technically processed because it’s been pressed in a factory, but there’s no additives or chemicals in it. Most salt has iodine added to it which causes it to be labeled as processed, but iodine is an essential dietary mineral that we would get very sick without.

Although this is a healthy dish, if you were to eat nothing it each day you would get very sick. Firstly, you would be lacking many essential food groups such as fruits, meats, and bread. Also, the intake of salt each day could add up and possibly lead to diabetes, but the monounsaturated fats in olive oil are known to prevent the risk of type 2 diabetes.

For this particular dish, I used Cento balsamic vinegar, Sunset tomatoes, Belgioioso mozzarella cheese, Carbonell olive oil and Olive Creek basil. I purchased all of these ingredients at my local Shoprite. The vinegar came from Italy, the tomatoes came from Mexico, the cheese came from Wisconsin, the olive oil came from spain, and the basil came from New Jersey. These ingredients are healthy, but since they have traveled so far, it means that they’re aren’t environmentally friendly. The vinegar, olive oil, and tomatoes all come from different countries, which means they’ve traveled the farthest. My dad was the one that went food shopping, but if I had gone then I would have chosen organic, local ingredients. From what I’ve learned this year, organic food isn’t necessarily better than conventionally grown food. They both contain nearly the same amount of nutrients, but organically grown food is better for the environment.

Overall, this dish made approximately 12 servings (2 cheese / mozzarella combos) and came to around $12. This is affordable, healthy, and filling as a side dish or snack. Fast food is cheap but will cause health problems and leave you feeling sluggish. If you were to eat this dish as a snack, it would be satisfying and refreshing.

My family grows herbs and tomatoes in our backyard in the summer, so my dad and I would use them when making this dish almost everyday. Basil pretty much grows on it’s own once it’s planted, needing only to be watered and trimmed, and the same goes with tomatoes. When these items are purchased, they have to be grown (where you don’t know the exact growing process that took place) shipped to the grocery store, and then brought home.


I’ve learned a lot during this quarter about how I’m part of the food system and how the system itself works. I had an idea of the subjects that we reviewed such as diabetes, organic food, and how school lunches have little to no nutritional value to begin with,  but I’m glad that I have a deeper understanding of them now. I was highly worried that I was harming myself by not eating only organic food, but I now know that organic food and conventionally grown food contain nearly the same nutrients. I am still concerned about the preservatives and additives that go into most foods, but I consider myself a wise shopper when it comes to what I purchase and eat so I’m confident that I’ll be okay. The obesity rate in America truly makes me sad. Junk food is cheap and fast so many people resort to eating that, but it is killing people. Junk food isn’t satisfying so you’re more likely to eat more. Sitting down and eating a healthy meal will fill you for much longer than a hamburger from a fast food restaurant. The TED talk we watched made me realize how important it is to learn how to cook, so I’ve been cooking dinners with my dad in order to learn how to make meals for myself. I’ve been focusing on eating healthy and watching my portions when eating, along with eating more fruits and drinking more water. If I choose to have a family in the future, I’m going to be very strict with my children on what they can and can’t eat. I’m going to cook them proper meals, teach them how to be smart shoppers, and teach them to cook also. I’m thankful that I had this class and I feel as though every student should have a class on food and how the system works.

Love's True Face

This is a poem that I made for my Benchmark on Macbeth. At first the poem appears simple, but after analysis it is somewhat complicated. The topic of the poem is love. We are use to seeing love as a emotion therefore in an attempt to get my message across I only call it a emotion twice. Most of the time I refer to love as a curse or crow, in an attempt to deliver the message that love can be truly evil.
Macbeth Poem for english bm - Google Docs

Jessica's Macbeth Creative Project

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photo (7)
This was my Macbeth Creative Project and this is a drawing of Macbeth's transformation. On one half, Macbeth is himself; Thane of Glamis and Thane of Cawdor. He was content with being those two titles. On the other half, is when he became corrupted with being Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor and King of Scotland, which in the beginning he was given those 3 prophecies. That side also shows some of the things that might have turned Macbeth to the dark side.  

Lady of Nightfall

I'm looking forward to present my painting to everyone. I would really like for people to see my point of view on who Lady Macbeth is as a person. Also, I would also like for people to see how I compare to her and how that's why I chose to pick her for my benchmark project. If I could change up my project. I probably would've gotten a bigger canvas, and make the images and quotes larger so that everyone can see it instead of having to come up close to see and understand the painting. 

Macbeth's Internal Conflict

My goals for this project was to show Macbeth's Internal conflict in a creative way. I hope people will notice when they see my project is the creativity behind it. I tried to show what his internal conflict looked like in my imagination because in the playwright you could really interpret it any type of way and this is the way I saw it. If I could start all over I would probably do a 3D  diorama to really show my creativity, although this is very creative I could do way more with this idea. 

The Creative Song of Macbeth

​This song is mostly about Macbeth and his way of ambition to become king of Scotland and Thane of Cawdor. Although, there are some differences of Macbeth, he knows how King Duncan the King of Scotland is a really great king that is really good king to his people. Even though, Macbeth's uses his ambition to become king by killing King Duncan and getting away with it. Now, Macbeth is king but later, people start to learn that we can't trust Macbeth anymore and a noble man name Macduff comes to Macbeth's kingdom and kills him making justice for all. I've made this song to based what I've said about Macbeth in my piece because it really summarizes who Macbeth really is.

There Once Was a Man Who Could Win Wars With His Bare Hands

This project, which took me a little under four hours, is my pride and joy at the moment. IT combines the essence of blood and gore with the serenity of Shakespeare quotes that explain Macbeth's life, the rise and fall. 
When reviewing this, I really hope you notice the attention to detail that went into it. I don't mind if you think it's a bit much, but I just want you to notice the detail. 
The poem that goes with it:

There was once a man who could win wars with his bare hands.

He was a warrior of two faced intentions,

A liar and tyrant,

That started out so naive.

The idea of innocence is all thought of in vain,

When you find out what the man had became.

There was once a man who was given a prophecy.

Three little words, one from each witch

“King of all.”

Now fueled by his wife

Would result in the downfall of King Duncan,

And an army from Fife.

There was once a man who killed his best friend.

A line of kings was the prophecy Banquo was given,

So the man refused a bloodied hand,

And gave the blade away to two murderous men.

“Know Banquo was your enemy.”

Banquo was slain, but Fleance did fly.

Now the man had planned a banquet,

Much before they pronounced dead,

But visions of Banquo did dance in his head.

There was once a man who was told “Beware Macduff.”

It came as another prophecy,

This time it told war stories and warned the man of those who could harm him.

No man born of woman could harm the powerful man,

Now Macduff’s challenge angered him,

So he sent the two murderers back out for him,

And had his family killed instead.

His wife, his babes, and all who those marked of unfortunate descent.

There was once a man who forgot how to fear.

The forest would come to the castle,

A war would begin.

Macduff drew his blade,

And the throne would be claimed.

The man had been slain.

There was once a man who could win wars with his bare hands.

The man’s name was Macbeth.

A tyrant king, high atop his throne.

His name bathed in blood,

And his head on a stake.

All hail, King Macbeth.

The Calender of Lady Macbeth

In English class, we created a creative piece about one of the two main characters from Macbeth: Macbeth, or Lady Macbeth. For my project, I chose Lady Macbeth, and I created a thesis saying that from the beginning of the play to the end of the play, she went through drastic changes. She started out as a cold, heartless, evil woman who lacked all remorse, and transformed into a weakened, tired woman filled with pain and guilt. For the creative piece, I created a calender, with each day representing one scene, each one showing any change she underwent in that scene.

Two-Faced Lady MacBeth

​Lady MacBeth started as a power hungry woman who would do anything it took to gain the title of queen of Scotland. After she murdered the current king, she became slowly more and more depressed until it drove her to suicide. As portrayed by my masks, the first is at the beginning stages of Lady MacBeth's development and the one on the right is the ending stages of her character.

24-hour transformation

This is my Macbeth project, which illustrates Macbeth's metamorphosis from a good character to an inhumane one. Although I have managed to incorporate many themes into my project, I mainly focus on the theme of night and day. My project mostly compromises of one tri-fold board, that is broken into three parts: morning, afternoon, and knight. In the first section, I put examples of when he was a brave knight. In the afternoon, I put examples of when he did evil things, but still held regret and remorse. At last, the night facet shows his total transformation into an odious character. I put quotes on certain objects to build the timeline of his transformation.
Macbeth project
Macbeth project

Lady Macbeth's Diary

For my Macbeth Creative Project, I created a mock-diary of Lady Macbeth's deepest thoughts and feelings. The book doesn't go very far into her mental realm so I wanted to create my own version of what she would think. It also shows the change that took place in her life which led to her downfall. I used Shakespearean-style wording which was very hard and took a lot of work. I created a total of thirteen journal entries written as her with a somewhat intimidating preface. One thing that I want people to notice about my work is that it was all hand-written, and I put quite a lot of time and effort into it. 

The Progressions of a Mad Man // Chernowski

For our English project this quarter we created a creative way to show Macbeth's or Lady Macbeth's transformation. For this I wrote a series of three poems that are in Macbeth's point of view that got increasingly darker and power crazed to show how he changed. I want people to notice the gradual transitions in Macbeth's thought process and how he eventually loses it.

Damage Has Been Done

If fairness was rewarded,

It would pertain to me,

My life,

That of a great king,

I am certain that greatness is of me,

At the beginning,

Drowned in the unknowing,

As pure as the fresh from the womb,

My fire taking me to the top,

I at once was given the chance,

The chance to become one of the best,

At that, my problems on the horizon,

Come soon, come fast,

Not one or two,

They came in three,

With the purpose of reaping my destiny,

I heard of the idea to be king,

King mighty king is supposed to be me,

I hear of Banquo to bear lines of fruit,

But I hear of me being king,

The fear the fear,

It’s there I hear,

To hurt and harm for my goal thats near,

From Cawdor to the kingdom, I see my fate,

Take Duncan to doom,

Or keep ease with fate,

Little do I no, they were there to play,

The wife and witches made my bed,

Soon it shall be,

Many will be dead,

I did it the deed,

One that has made many seethe,

The want for power, My thirst took me to acquire,

The king be gone for I am here,

I shall rule,

What an adventure that waits ahead,

My goodness used for evil,

Again the wife and the witches,

Tug on the strings that is me,

The dream is accomplished,

I am now he,

The one with it all,

But yet there is one key,

The threat of Banquo is that of his line,

Spoken from the mouths of the mystical divine,

The work put in for the prize of someone else,

I have to stop this,

For no one can be safe,

Neither Thane nor wife,

Deep in the night may plan takes action,

Gone awry by the true issue escaping from my grasp,

What evil lurks to take my crown,

It can’t happen,

It won’t happen,

Doubters beware,

For I Macbeth is here,

It has now come to blows,

Anyone who does not believe,

Will have to go,

Overtime I make my presence known,

Scotland has now come to see,

Everything that happens will be seen and done through me,

To hell with the idiots that call themselves royals or even citizens,

My time has come to be obtained by the more important,

Maintaining my prestigious rank as the great king,

I have killed the foes that walk my way,

Sometimes for no reason,

Probably to play,

At last they come,

The traitors unite,

At first not scared my debt had been assured,

Here comes Macbeth with the threat to slay me,

No fears to be had, laughter actually comes through,

That is till he announced being ripped from the womb,

At that moment all dreams had crashed,

Just as my head came off with just one gash,

To think I had once been the fighter to be,

And them king with the citizens bowing at my feet,

Many decisions made be me,

But don’t forget,

It was the females who pushed me.

My goal for this project was to make sure that readers could understand my point of view without me having to flat out say it. This was meant to get a full understanding of Macbeth's story from fame to death, and to get to know why everything wasn't his fault. 

Macbeth Rap

I made a Macbeth rap to show the change in Macbeth. I want you to know i am not a good rapper but i tried my best. I chose to do a rap because i found it fun to do while i am actually working for a class. I might've talked a bit fast so heres the lyrics.

Oh snap… lets calll the cops.

MAcbeth just killed someone from the naives the chops

Dunsanaine coming to the top

Better watch out with those moving crops

Macbeth people and my mixtape about to drop

Macbeth killing it gotta stop

Naw lets start from the begining.

yea, MAcbeth was great and loyal or atleast he was.

Killing, i believe he did  it just because

alright lets see how this all got started

his wife telling him hes too warm hearted

he killed duncan malcolm departed

When u hear my rap, yea its prerecorded

Macbeth such great, loyal and devoted

All these quotes in one book, i decode it

First was duncan,second was banquo

third was killing macduff famiily just like rambo

To be king was his fate

but all he really got was real painful  hate

all these good quotes i should annotate

a sword to his chest, no amour plate

macbeth going crazy at an outstanding rate

only if he was the kind of person to patiently wait

He started acting abit strange

This is where he took a real big change

should tell his wife but shes out of range

got her dying in the end in exchange

strange things in his head shall be scanned

back to duncans with two daggers in his hand.

lady macbeth the murder was planned

now macbeth has all scotland

Now hes just killing without even thinking

hes acting to fast before hes even blinking

his heart      little by little its shrinking

im going a bit slow so the words can start syncing

for none of woman born Shall harm Macbeth.

Macduff the one and only shall cause his death

Killing his family was a real big  mistake

he shall be sliced, and be done with for gods sake

Macbeth hes king, he got their fast

he killd alot of people but just forget the past

a test to see if heĺl chanlenge fate, he didnt pass

the war is going to start, finally at last

now we see forest coming up to dunsanine

macbeth inhaling feear and all this pain

he deserves this for breaking the great human being chain

keep my verses straight on track like a septa train

Macbeth, hes done a lot of killing

instead of king hes a big bad villian

Macduff looking for someone     hes outof sight

Is he going down, well      not quite

Macbeth isnt going to die without a fight

but lets be real   macbeth is softer than some egg whites

Macbeth was noble and loyal

now hes just plain ol evil and royal

the forest coming up to dunsanaine soil

Making macbeth mind go in endless coils

why challenge fate, out of curiosity

becamne nice to evil so fast its called velocity

question is, if this is called reality

school i go to science leadership academy

Donaldbain and malcolm they not here they fled

Macbeth was good to start but now is full of dread

i seen that in a line that i carefully  read

I dont dont make money i make literal bread

to much things in his mind, cant to go to bed

Same for lady, something she already said

too late when macduff sliced his big ol head

Macbeth where his friends he has none

banquos son wiill be king yes more than one

I think this is the part where i call it done

Dennis English 1 // "My Wife Made Me Do It" // Benchmark 2

Comic (Good Copy) 3
Comic (Good Copy) 3
My project altogether is a small Comic Strip for the play, Macbeth.

My goals for this project was to have it submitted on time (check), have the coloring done before the scan (check), and to make it look like an actual comic (depends)
I hope people will notice how much I put into drawing it and that they know that there are a few flaws in this as well. I decided to show a little bit pof Lady Macbeth's transformation, I also decided to show her two-faced side throughout the story.
I would definitely try something new if I wasn't going to choose a comic strip. If I were to just make edits to this, I would just add a Part 2 to enhance more on Lady Macbeth's transformation. 

Arroz con Gandules



2 cups grain rice (rinsed)

4 to 5 cups of hot water,

3 tablespoons of sofrito

16 ounce can of gandules

1 packet of Sazon with achiote

3 tablespoons of oil

Salt and adobo


1. Add the oil into a big pot and let it heat up.

2. Add the sofrito into the pot and stir it until it starts to bubble up.

3. Add the gandules (beans) into the mixture and add the sazon.

4.Add the salt to give it more taste

5. Add a little bit of adobo to give it more taste.

6. Add water and let it boil

7. Then add the rice and lower the heat to low.

8. DO NOT STIR right away. Wait 10 minutes and stir rice.

9.Sir rice every 10 minutes for 30-40 minutes until the rice is tender.

Analysis: (this part you will be explaining how this meal is healthy, sofrito, guandules sazon and the ingredients basically)

Arroz con gandules is a combination of rice, pigeon peas and pork, cooked in the same pot with Puerto Rican-style sofrito. This is the signature dish of Puerto Rican culture and also has become very popular throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. Arroz con gandules is part of Puerto Rico's national dish.

Arroz con gandules is a pretty healthy meal if you look at the ingredients. One of the major components that displays its healthiness is the fact that you have to make it from scratch. Since you are making it entirely from scratch, the excess chemicals that are contained in processed foods isn’t a problem.

Sofrito offers a lot of healthy nutrition for the body because it is a mixture of all natural vegetables blended. These vegetables such as peppers, greens, onions, garlic, etc. contain nutrients that the body need on the daily basis such as Vitamin D, E, and C.

Grained rice is the most nutritious because of its starchy substance. Most of it isn’t entirely natural, but it does in fact contain some nutrition that will benefit the body. Although rice isn’t very high on vitamins, it’s a good source for iron. This is very important because we need iron on the daily basis in order to give us strength. Iron is an essential mineral. The major reason we need it is that it helps to transport oxygen throughout the body. Iron is an important component of hemoglobin, the substance in red blood cells that carries oxygen from your lungs to transport it throughout your body. Hemoglobin represents about two-thirds of the body’s iron. If you don't have enough iron, your body can't make enough healthy oxygen-carrying red blood cells. A lack of red blood cells is called iron deficiency anemia.


The role in the larger food system is to make money. The food industry does not care about the amount of money you are spending or what you eat. they care about the amount of money they can make and how long it lasts so that they won't keep making new food or even let the food that they made rot.  Some of the changes that I would make with my food choices are to eat more fruits and vegetables. Not everything that I will buy will be organic but I will buy foods that are healthier and aren't as processed. The impact of these changes will be a little more expensive.  I buy a lot of healthy foods already but I never realized how processed some of the "healthy" foods I buy. For instance, in my family, we buy a lot of beans.  In Puerto Rico, we would not buy a lot of beans since we could go to family farms and actually go to the farm and collect the beans. If we didn't do it, someone else in the family would make it. Same with the seasonings. Since we are not there, we buy all our vegetables and since they come from P.R, they are not as healthy in America because they are already processed. I am willing to buy more organic foods or locally grown foods.The Ted talk explained things that I already knew but reminded me of the seriousness of eating healthy. And that is why I am willing to do the full change.


Mini Banana Cream Cookie Pie

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 1 package of ready-to-use sugar cookies
 banana pudding mix
 3 bananas 
 reduced fat whipped cream

1) Roll cookie dough into balls and place into mini cupcake pan
2) Bake cookies for 10 minutes
3) Shape cookies into cupcakes
4) Place back in the oven for 3 minutes
5) Prepare banana pudding
6) Take 2 tablespoons of banana pudding and drop into cookie pies
7) Slice bananas
8) Lay 1 banana slice on top of pudding
9) Finish off with whip cream
10) EAT!
To make mini banana cream cookie pies I used 5 ingredients to make a total of 24. About 90% of my food is a whole food. A processed foods mostly have along list of ingredients. The ingredients I used consisted of bananas, whipped cream, ready to use cookie dough, milk and banana cream pudding mix. Some sugars can be processed, however none of the sugars in my ingredients had high-fructose corn syrup in them. 

One cookie pie was 13 calories, one teaspoon of banana cream is 10 calories, one banana slice is about 8, the whip cream topping is 5 calories. The total amount of calories for this snack is 36 calories. The sugar content of this dessert has 10 grams of sugar in the cookie pie, the banana cream has 4.5 grams of sugar, one slice of banana has 2 grans of sugar and less than 1 gram from the whip cream. There are less than 17.5 grams of sugar in this dessert. The only ingredient that contained fat was the cookie pie and that was less than 1.5 grams.

The body will breaks done food by mixing it with fluids. When your stomach digests food the carbohydrate in the food breaks down into a different form of sugar, glucose. The glucose then gets released into the blood stream and stored for energy. Some possible health issues that could arise if you ate nothing but this meal everyday would be your body isn't intaking even protein. The only ingredient in this meal that contains protein is the banana and it isn't enough to power a human body. Another risk your body would be experiencing is not eating enough calories a day. It only contains 36 calories. If a man 30 years old 5’10 and 165 pounds needs to eat approximately 1550 calories a day. That means he would need to eat 43 desserts a day. That would result is weight gain and less energy.

My bananas came from Guatemala, the pudding mix is from Illinois, cookie mix came from Utah and the whipped cream traveled from Indianapolis. The banana traveled the farthest, more than 1852.7 miles. The bananas were organically grown from guatemalan soil. 

This meal to make 24 cost 9.16. Fast food restaurants don’t sell that many desserts. Some fast food restaurants, McDonalds for example sell chocolate chip cookies 3 for $1. In this case it would be cheaper to buy McDonald cookies by $0.14. The Pillsbury Factory, Del Monte Factory, Reddi Whip and Jell-O Factory all made a profit off of this meal. They are all large corporations. 

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Banana Crunch Muffins

I made banana crunch muffins and I think that its 50/50 processed and whole food because it uses the usual things you use when baking like flour and sugar but it doesn’t use a lot of the processed ingredients. If you constantly ate this meal everyday, you most likely after a while would get fat from the sugar intake even though its not high and a good portion of the sugar comes from the bananas in it. Your body breaks down sugar and turns it into energy. I think that most of the stuff thats out of season comes from warmer climates outside of the country. I think the bananas traveled the farthest. I think that homemade food highly differs from fast food because fast food has lots of preservatives in it. In total the meal was about 30 dollars because I had to make more servings. Banana come from tropic areas. Most bananas sold by the British market come from Latin America and Africa. America gets their bananas from a number of places depending on the season. We get our bananas from Columbia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, the Philippines, and Panama. We couldn’t grow own bananas here unless in warm climates, but we wouldn’t be able to have them all year round. Growing bananas yourself could prove difficult rather than getting bananas from another country.

Banana Crunch Muffin Recipe:

Makes 10 muffins

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

3 bananas, mashed

3/4 cup white sugar

1 egg, lightly beaten

1/3 cup butter, melted

1/3 cup packed brown sugar

2 tablespoons all-purpose flour

1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 tablespoon butter

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Lightly grease 10 muffin cups, or line with muffin papers.

In a large bowl, mix together 1 1/2 cups flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. In another bowl, beat together bananas, sugar, egg and melted butter. Stir the banana mixture into the flour mixture just until moistened. Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups.

In a small bowl, mix together brown sugar, 2 tablespoons flour and cinnamon. Cut in 1 tablespoon butter until mixture resembles coarse cornmeal. Sprinkle topping over muffins.

Bake in preheated oven for 18 to 20 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into center of a muffin comes out clean.



This unit we learned about different things relating to health and diet. Like Diabetes, disease related to diet, processed food, organic food,  obesity, and how we contribute to the food system. I think that we contribute to the food system with what we buy, and how we choose to eat and how we eat in our families. How we choose to eat at home is really important because if you constantly eat healthy at home, and cook it helps you lead a healthier lifestyle. Some people raise their kids vegetarians, some people make home cooked meals every night. I think the biggest issue with our food system is unhealthy food is too available. You can have it delivered to your house. Its easier than grocery shopping, because there aren’t a lot of places where supermarkets are in walking distance. Some changes I’ve already made in my food diet are to eat at least one fruit and veggie a day, and try to choose the healthiest option for me out of what I have, and drink a lot of water. I think it would benefit me in the long run. I feel like its a change I’m willing to make fruit is pretty easy to get, and its good.

Food Rule:

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Mini Banana Cream Cookie Pie

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 1 package of ready-to-use sugar cookies
 banana pudding mix
 3 bananas 
 reduced fat whipped cream

1) Roll cookie dough into balls and place into mini cupcake pan
2) Bake cookies for 10 minutes
3) Shape cookies into cupcakes
4) Place back in the oven for 3 minutes
5) Prepare banana pudding
6) Take 2 tablespoons of banana pudding and drop into cookie pies
7) Slice bananas
8) Lay 1 banana slice on top of pudding
9) Finish off with whip cream
10) EAT!

To make mini banana cream cookie pies I used 5 ingredients to make a total of 24. About 90% of my food is a whole food. A processed foods mostly have along list of ingredients. The ingredients I used consisted of bananas, whipped cream, ready to use cookie dough, milk and banana cream pudding mix. Some sugars can be processed, however none of the sugars in my ingredients had high-fructose corn syrup in them. 

One cookie pie was 13 calories, one teaspoon of banana cream is 10 calories, one banana slice is about 8, the whip cream topping is 5 calories. The total amount of calories for this snack is 36 calories. The sugar content of this dessert has 10 grams of sugar in the cookie pie, the banana cream has 4.5 grams of sugar, one slice of banana has 2 grans of sugar and less than 1 gram from the whip cream. There are less than 17.5 grams of sugar in this dessert. The only ingredient that contained fat was the cookie pie and that was less than 1.5 grams.

The body will breaks done food by mixing it with fluids. When your stomach digests food the carbohydrate in the food breaks down into a different form of sugar, glucose. The glucose then gets released into the blood stream and stored for energy. Some possible health issues that could arise if you ate nothing but this meal everyday would be your body isn't intaking even protein. The only ingredient in this meal that contains protein is the banana and it isn't enough to power a human body. Another risk your body would be experiencing is not eating enough calories a day. It only contains 36 calories. If a man 30 years old 5’10 and 165 pounds needs to eat approximately 1550 calories a day. That means he would need to eat 43 desserts a day. That would result is weight gain and less energy.

My bananas came from Guatemala, the pudding mix is from Illinois, cookie mix came from Utah and the whipped cream traveled from Indianapolis. The banana traveled the farthest, more than 1852.7 miles. The bananas were organically grown from guatemalan soil. 

This meal to make 24 cost 9.16. Fast food restaurants don’t sell that many desserts. Some fast food restaurants, McDonalds for example sell chocolate chip cookies 3 for $1. In this case it would be cheaper to buy McDonald cookies by $0.14. The Pillsbury Factory, Del Monte Factory, Reddi Whip and Jell-O Factory all made a profit off of this meal. They are all large corporations. 

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