
Never shall I forget the start of all my shit, though it is not fair to blame him
Never shall I forget the scorn 
Never shall I forget the alcohol 
Never shall I forget the yelling, crying, and name calling
Never shall I forget the abandonment 
Never shall I forget those who were there for me 
Never shall I forget the liers
Never shall I forget the weed
Never shall I forget him, her, him, him, her, him, her, or her
Never shall I forget the friends I lost 
Never shall I forget the changes we all went through
Never shall I forget the friends I gained 
Never shall I forget those moments

Q4 Benchmark, "La musica bruta y fuerta"

"Salir de aqui! No quieremos tu ecutilo de musica!" el hombre se dice cuando Francisco fue tirado de el clandestino.

"Es bueno!" se dice Francisco. "Yo puedo obtener un trabajo en cualquier lugar!" Esto no es verdad, Francisco fue un guitarrador muy bueno, puede tocar cada canción en existencia, pero una día, Francisco no quiere tocar las canciones vieja mas, quiere tocar algo nuevo. Entonces, Francisco toca música por siete días, tratando que crear una nuevo tipo de música. En la fin, el encontra una nuevo tipo de música, el tome la guitarra y toca muy rápido y las acordes muy fuerte, que hacer una sonido muy áspero y muy cherva, pero, cherva solo por Francisco, desde que crear esta nueva música, no clandestino, o club, o nada mas quiere el toca la guitarra.

Todos de ellos tienen la queja mismo, "El sonido no es bueno, es muy dolorosa. Puede toca flamenco o, música para acompañar una cuplé." Cuando cada persona se dice esto, Francisco se dice la mismo palabras, "Tu eres una idiota la talla de una elefante, pero, tu no se que un elefante es? Eh? No puede ver algo bien que están cagando a tu cara!" Y, después el dice esto, la propietario hace la mismo también. Se sentabe, y mira a la ventana, después tome una respiración profunda, y dice, "Securidad!" Y los hombres que guardia la club o clandestino venir a la cuarto y tome Francisco afuera, y la propietario venga a la cuneta que los hombres se tiran Francisco, y se dice que la historia comenzó con.

Esto club en particular fue el dicimonoveno club que Francisco fue a tratar para obtener un trabajo, o obtener una grupa de otros músicos para tocar una serie de canciones. Es innecesario que dice, pero Francisco fue abajo en suerte. Entonces, Francisco fue a la calle, para toma una caminar cuando toma todas tiempos cuando abajo en suerte. Pero, desde el guerra, la calle no tiene la música que tiene en la pasado, posible de Franco, posible de el efecto de guerra sobre gente. Esta día la calle fue muy animado, gente fue caminando a no lugar en particular, y durante esta día, Francisco esconda la elemento que completo la tipo de música que el hace en las siete días cuando el hace nada pero tocar. El esconda la voz.

Ella se llama Catarina, y desde ser una chicita, tiene una forma de cantar que no otro chicota tiene. Cuando los otros chicitas fue cantanda la canciones muy preciosa, y cantanda muy suave y con las notas, pero Caterina fue cantanda notas bruto y fuerte, el sonido de música como Francisco, pero, solo en voz. Pero, nadie te gusta la voz de Caterina, todo de la vida de ella gente se dice a tu que, "Parate cantar chica! No puede cantar para cada canción, no tiene una voz suave como nosotros, tiene una voz muy bruto, y nadie te gusta!" Pero, Catarina no tome esto palabras a tu corazón, y todos días ella fue a la mercado cantanda para todos personas escucha. Esto es la día que Francisco y Catarina tienen caminos que cruz.

Francisco mira circo de el, "Que es esta sonido muy bonito?"

Una persona en la calle pregunto a el, "Que sonido, solo que me escuche es la sonida de Catarina gritando."

Francisco negó con la cabeza, "No es una grita, es una sonido perfect, con la tono perfecto para mi guitarra."

La persona tome una reír muy alta, "La voz de Catarina, bonita? HAHAHA! Tu eres una comediante increible."

Francisco ignore que la persona dice, y camina a Catarina. "Hola señorita."

"Quien es tu? Un violador o otro criminal?" Se dice caterina.

"No no no, yo no puedo hacer nada pero disfruta a tu voz magnifico."

"Mi voz magnifico? Señor, tiene una problema con tu oídos? Todo de mi vida personas se dice que mi voz es horrible, mas bruto y fuerte por gente es que se dice."

"No no no, tome ulna momento, y escucha a mi guitarro." Y Francisco toca la musica con el tono muy bruto y fuerte.

En una instantanea la ojos de Catarina comenzo a brillar. "Es la musico que yo estan cantando! La musica de yo!"

"No no no, es la música de nos. Y con tu, puede hacer esta música y hacer muy famoso." Y Catarina fue acuerdo, entonces Francisco usa todo de la dinero que obtiene en todo de la tiempo cuando tener un trabajo, para alquiler un club, y hacer publicidad.

En la día de el rendimiento, el club fue agotado, y todo la personas fue interesando en la nuevo tipo de música que Francisco prometio. Cuando Catarina y Francisco fue a la etapa, todo el club será silencio. Cuando ellos comenzaron tocando, todo el club te gusta el sonido. El noche tiene la rendimiento mas increíble que todo otro rendimiento que pasar en la historia de rendimientos.

Después la rendimiento, Catarina y Francisco fue a la bastidores, y hablar de que pasar, cuando esto están occurando, una hombre vestido en todo negro entre, y detenidos ambos y poner en cárcel, porque Franco no aprobar esto tipo de músico con los sonidos bruto y fuerte. Entonces la música de Francisco y Catarina fue perdido, hasta que la invención de punk en 1974 en la UK. Pero, esto es una historia por un otro tiempo.


La tema de mi historia es opprecion en general.

Humanities Portfolio 2011

To some, English and History are acknowledged as being their "least favorite subjects”. But in my opinion, they are the finest. This is because they both teach you how to become a better person. Personally, I have found every year of English and History to be my favorite as I lived through it, and this year was no exception. I remember walking through the door the first day. My first impression was that the classes were going to be fun and challenging at the same time. As time moved on, this reality continued. I soon found myself looking forward to both of those classes daily.

One memorable experience for me was writing the descriptive essay. To read it, please click here. At first, I thought that it would be quite difficult to do. The reason is because I felt as though the descriptions for my mentioned experiences would not meet expectations. But, as the project rolled along, I learned of my mistakes. I discovered that the key is to simply continue writing everything that you remember about the experience, no matter how big or small. Another thing to remember is to use all five senses in the descriptions, if appropriate. This gives the reader an accurate image of the flashback within their mind.

Another memorable experience for me was doing the Podcast Benchmark. To listen to it, please click here. I remember wondering what was the point of this English project, as it has little to do with reading. I didn’t realize until the end of it’s true meaning. Doing a podcast is just like witnessing the events of a book. As my aunt told me of her experiences, I was able to see the facial expressions as she spoke, and could connect to her in a far more effective way. I had a feeling of understanding that the words on the pages of a book would have never given to me.

One more memorable experience for me was writing the Op Ed. To read it, please click here. At first, I wondered why writing a news article would be required for History class, as it has nothing to do with the world events of the past. However, I eventually learned that although it is about issues of the present, the present is a result of the past. As I was working on it, I found myself writing about the historic events that led to my more modern topic. After finishing it, I learned that the current conditions of the world are effects of the events of the past. I also realized how important our actions of the present must be, as it will affect the future.

My final thoughts about the English and History courses this year are that they were required to help make me a better student and citizen of America. I have learned that the world is far from perfect, and will unfortunately never be. However, compromise will make the conditions of it better for everyone. For example, I remember doing the Language Autobiography. To read it, please click here. Although two populations of humans sound different, a common understanding of English can be had. Anyway, another final thought that I have is that even though an individual’s contribution to the world may seem small, when gathered together, a larger population has the power to change the way we all see the world currently, and beyond.
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Humanities Portfolio - Allen Yang

Throughout the year, I felt that I learned and changed a lot from this class. From the day I set foot into the room I wanted to know what there was to learn in History, and not so much of English. In all honesty, I felt as though the first half the semesters in the class was rather slow and I wasn't very captivated. But however things took a turn towards the end of the year right now. And now I admire both of these subjects to the same extent. 

A first project that I liked was the Religions benchmark. Despite of the outcome, the grade and how much time I put on it to get that, I'm still proud of it. Because in the beginning I thought that I knew a lot about it but I learned that I didn't know too much and instead learned more than I thought. More astonishing was that it ties in with another project that I would later do towards the end of the year. 

Another thing that I did in the year and stood out among others was the Cortés Trial. It was the class's first ever trial, to determine who was at fault during the rulings of Conquistadors in present day Mexico. We were separated into groups and would later verbally battle it out to make a decision on who's the culprit. The trial was something that I've never done in the middle of a classroom, in easier terms I'd say it was a heated discussion that challenged our public speaking skills and the questioning + answering skills. I was nervous at times but when the time for my prosecuting parter (Vinny) and I to go up against the opponents, while all eyes were on us, there was nothing to do but to question what needs to be questioned and find the answer to what needs to be answered in order to prove a point and determine the one at fault. 

This next memorable work that I liked is also a trial. Instead this one was on Sweatshops, and it may sound weird, but this was a controversial topic that I never expected would've turned out the way it did. I was prosecutor yet again, this time to determine who is at fault for putting sweatshop workers in danger. This trial had the class realize how much others around the world have to go through in order to create the daily things we use. From the past trial about Cortés, being a prosecutor wasn't so hard for me anymore, I just went up and do what needed to be done "get a satisfying answer". This trial was more intense than the Cortés one, rather that it was a heated discussion, it was more like a discussion packing heat. At some point it got quite a bit personal between two groups that later turned into a flame war. At the end of the day, people might "ehh, who cares it's just a fake trial", but to us (at least I do) it matters because at some point of the trial we all got caught up in a moment. 

Mr. Block had write an Op-Ed one day, and this took place during the 3rd-4th quarter. Everyone in the class was pretty puzzled that day because almost none of us had a clue what Op-Ed was. Except that it sounded like two abbreviated words turned into 5 characters. Block later explained that we were to write a report like paper based on a controversial topic along with our own opinions using facts. I'd call it a Factual & Opinionated piece. I don't know about others, but to me, it couldn't get any better. It wasn't my first time writing these so I felt at ease.There was one problem, during that moment in time many things were happening around the world, from natural disasters to made made destructions. Over the course of two days I decided to pick the Libya Vs. NATO topic. So for a period of time I caught up even more with the current event through both the internet and television news. I however felt that it was too controversial so I had doubts at first, however I didn't really care and kept on writing it. When the deadline arrived, I finished it a day head, and Block said that we were to send emails to newspapers and see if some of ours to qualified to be published on them. I wanted mines to be published to a local Philadelphia Newspaper, I got one reply back that they received it but never got one back on whether or not it was published, but I don't really care because after all I'm satisfied with it. 

One of the last projects of the year was a History benchmark, that we were all to do on colonization. All of us were to pick a country, and make a proposal for a museum and have eight artifacts to be displayed. I picked Israel yet again, and somehow it turned in to Israel & Palestine (*note that the images are indeed not displayed on the document, but if you google the names they will show up as expected*). I had much difficulties with this benchmark in the beginning because it was so confusing how it tied in to Palestine the neighboring country and eventually mind-boggling when I found out how much it tied in with many of the works I did in class before it. Such as the Op-Ed because it was controversial, the Religions benchmark I mentioned earlier, and the Cortés trial because I was determined to find out who was at fault to put Israel & Palestine to the position they are in present day. Now it may seem irrelevant to colonization but it started out as colonization, then to religious crisis and to an ongoing conflict that hasn't been to put to a halt. After the eight artifacts proposal was done I thought that it was officially over, but I was wrong. After this we were all appointed to make a presentation out of either powerpoint of keynote to display the topic and country itself. Unlike others who went specifically to the point of how their museum was to be laid out, I took a stab at a different angle. I did my presentation to the conflict from the beginning of colonization to a bigger conflict and eventually today. Within it were insights on some of the artifacts to be displayed, without the audience even knowing. 

An extra memorable work that I liked a lot was the second to last project I done recently. The Art in the Open Festival. I really don't know how to call it, but The Art in the Open was where separate performances the whole class contributed in. Mr.Block appointed us to create an art dance that took place in the street and with the assistance from a professional group of Street Artist/Dancers, the class performed it along the river banks on the day of the festival. To put it in easier terms again, this type of art and dance involved the interaction with the environment around us. It's definitely my favorite because we went from knowing nothing of what street art is to performing it to live audiences. Block allowed us two weeks to practice the performance at a certain site along the river banks, and in honest words I was very satisfied with the product that the group made on performance day despite the fact of 100+ degree heat. Only thing that was kind of disappointing was my fail on a jump during the first performance, but there was a second performance so it meant that there's always space to improve. The failed jump, resulted in some scrapes but those scrapes are actually the reflection on the effort put in to create that act. 

The last piece of work that I like a whole lot, is the one that I'm currently working on. The one,that whoever you are, is reading. It displays all the work that I'm proud of and that the public gets to see them. And it's the Final Portfolio.

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Humanities Blog Post-dwirt

I have gone through a lot in my time with Mr. Block and his English and history classes. Now typically when people use those words they refer to a bad experience. However, this was not a bad experience. This was an experience that will carry me through the rest of my life, between the experiences.

We started with descriptive essays for English, which were rather difficult for me. Due to my lack of the ability to use words to really describe my environment, my grade didn’t really shine as well as I wanted it to. I think it was really because of my lack to want to try something that I didn’t really want to do. It was outside of my comfort zone and I didn’t really want to attempt it because of that. I guess in a way you can say I was more, close-minded then. I wasn’t open to new things.

Later on in the year for history we had to do a trial. This trial was very exciting for me considering I find the whole law system to be a very interesting and amazing thing to be a part of. We studied Cortés and his expedition. The trial was to see who was the guiltiest. This assignment made us find research and then apply what we learned to make the other groups guilty. I, as the prosecutor really enjoyed my job. I got to target the other groups and make them sound guilty. I was able to apply my knowledge from watching law and order in to my classroom assignment!

Later in the year for English, we had to create poetry. This was another English assignment that I wasn’t exactly too comfortable with. I just find it hard to express my feelings or things that have happened in my life through words. I got through it and I was a little bit more enthusiastic about the whole thing where as before I when I had to do something outside my comfort zone I would have not been enthusiastic at all.

For history at the end of the year, we had to create an exhibit. The exhibit project required us to create an exhibit that demonstrated the effects of colonization. It was a really fun project because we were able to be creative with it. It allowed us to make our own creation. It required us to be more time conservative of ourselves since we had to find the research and then create the whole project.

In the beginning of the year, I specifically remember saying, “oh I don’t want to do that stupid dance!” Now this dance was the art in the open dance that we were required to do at the end of the year. I can tell that my opinion changed because I loved doing it. I went from, “ew, I don’t want to do this,” to, “that was fun!” It was a great experience and I will always remember it. 

In the end of the year I think I can take away the ability to say, “I can be more enthusiastic about things I don’t like.” Also, I think I have gained the ability to manage my time. It really has made me more independent. This is why when I say I have gone through a lot with Mr. Block, I really have. His classes have made me into a better and more of my own individual.  

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Humanities Final Portfolio

I don’t know where to start. First off, I would like to thank my English and History teacher, Mr. Block, for opening my eyes and, introducing me to, an entirely new perspective of learning. Before this year, I hated History with all of my heart. I wished it had happened, at all- not to mention, he taught two of the most boring subjects known to “teen-kind”… English and History. But, when Mr. Block began teaching me that History wasn’t just about memorizing presidents and historical dates, I began to truly see just how valuable and interesting our history is. In the next couple paragraphs, I hope to express the magnitude of knowledge I was exposed to in both English and History this year, and how my learning never stopped growing.

The first major assignment I did that I consider to have altered my perspective on his class was the political ad assignment. Of course, in English class you will read a variety of novels and pieces of literature, Lord of the Flies not being an exception. Never in a million years would I have thought to turn a fiction book about stranded lunatics into a political expression, one in which you could design a campaign to support your favorite character. To me, this wasn’t just an opportunity to show your creative side, but it showed me that books don’t have to be pages with a lot of words, but you can expand it to be something more. That project taught me to appreciate application of knowledge compared to being tested on chapter, after chapter, after chapter. If not for this project, reading books would have been preceded a quiz, but now, I can apply my perspective of the literature to real life situations.

By far, the most enlightening activity we did in History was the Spiritual Role Play. When I first heard that we were going to be taking on the role of a whole bunch of spiritual old people, I thought, “Hey, this is new… and has the potential to be the most boring thing I would ever have to do,” and indeed, it was very new. In my case, I played the peace activist Mohandas Gandhi, who had already been dead for over 60 years, while other students had taken on the role of people who had lived in the 18th century, or who was still currently living. The best part about this project was the fact that, never, would this specific group of very special people meet again. The variety of cultural immersion I had experienced, from Amma the hugging saint, to the genocidal Pope Urban. To me, it wasn’t about the fact that these people were intelligent, wise, different or any of those particularly keen characteristics, but it was about experiencing the diversification of the people’s responses to one another. To me, only with a combination of historical accuracy, character perspective and SLA students will you experience what it would be like to look at one another in a different person’s perspective other than your own. It wouldn’t have been as great of an experience if one or two people had altered their reference in efforts to get to know another individual, but the significance holds potential in the consistency of the student’s standpoints for each of the other spiritual, and historical figures. As I look back on this experience, no matter how many pages worth of notes or response I will ever write, I don’t think I will ever be able to express how much I learned from that project. In my personal response I did after the assignment to reflect on the experience, I can remember spending about an hour or two trying to put my adventure with this project into words, but never successfully meeting my expectations.

The last two critical experiences I have had in both English and History with Mr. Block were the trials. In class, we had realistic, fact-based trials to determine the guiltiest and most innocent parties in a particular situation. The first trial, which I unfortunately lost, was the most intense, probably because that was my first trial I ever had- in or out of school. The following trial that we did took place later on in the year, but this time, I wasn’t going to lose- I refused. In fact, by us having two trials throughout the course of a school year, you can use the results of both trials to reflect on your performance, whether it changed for the better or the worse, in my case it was for the better. In the trials that took place later in the year, we discussed who was responsible for the child labor and sweatshops that are a crucial part of the multinational corporations that we buy from everyday. Being that I didn’t come in last place as I did with the Cortes trial, I was certain that I was improving as a student and learning more than I ever had in the past. As I explained in my trial response, I honestly believed that this was as close to a trial as you will ever get, without actually being in the presence of a true judge, instead of a teacher ruling with an iron thermos (Mr. Block forgot his wooden “block” LOL, so he used his water thermos bottle thing.) Honestly, I think being in a class-driven trial, we experienced as much of a real trial as we could. See, since I wanted to be a lawyer since I was about 4, I never really understood what it truly meant to prosecute a defense. Not only did this trial expose me to a real world occupation, but opened me up to an entirely more realistic interpretation of what a trial would be like- no more using the 12 year-old representation of a=being a lawyer to refer to what I hoped to spend a career on. And, if you don’t know what my 12 year-old representation of a lawyer was, I thought I was going to win every case, but thanks to the real world immersion in the class, I can finally experience what it would be like in a real court room, with a real judge and a real verdict.

Finally, probably my most prized project I ever created in my entire life, applied the classroom curriculum to the real world with more succession that any of the other activities I mentioned previously. This project was a museum exhibit proposal that we designed in efforts to be built in a new museum by the board of museum management. This exhibit significance was supposed to teach the causes, effects, and everything in between, of colonialism. The first key to me realizing that I have substantially been improving in these classes was my overall grade on the project, I received a 99/100… 1 POINT FROM PERFECTION. The second key was that my fellow colleagues voted for me to be a finalist in the election of the best museum. I am particularly proud with my production of this project because this was my highest grade Benchmark I ever received, and I know received many compliments and acknowledgements from my peers for my work, but never was I elected to be a finalist among my entire class. This project reflects my growth in English and History the most because it is most realistic. Sure, campaigning happens, but only annually, trials happen, but those happen everyday and don’t really hold much significance. But, a museum is not even close to the realm of impossibility. If I were to design a museum in the future, I would dedicate it to English, History and my teacher for both of those classes, for showing me how much you can truly learn in only a few months, and how much you will grow.

Hopefully, you enjoyed my representation of the key highlights of my year educational growth, and at your own leisure, please take a look at my “Top 12 Most Memorable Quotes,” and my Poetry Wiki.


Humanities Portfolio 2011

During the year in Mr. Block’s classes, both English and History he has really took a different way of teaching the same material other students my age are learning. Being a student of SLA we already don’t often use textbooks and we use Internet and hands on stuff but to expand on that we did a lot of role taking and becoming the past. This often happened more in history during the different trials we did. In the trials you had to become the roll of the side you were placed on. You didn’t pick this side and you had to learn the side of these people and make then look innocent whether or not you agreed. This was a challenge but told great self-control and really pushed the mind to think different. This was often a group project and everyone did a part, here is a link to the Google doc with all the information leading up to the trials.


            When it came to history we learned a lot of different view points and where different people stand through out the world. It was interesting to see what other people think and why they think that because of how they were brought up in life.This was one thing we really focused on during the religion unit. "Is religion real?" This was a question we looked at during this unit as well. We studied what other believed in and what made them believe it. We did a benchmark, and I have to say it was one of my favorite benchmarks. We had to compare three or more religions in some way. So for my project, I compared the idea of God and what it is and why God is so important. Other people looked at issues of gay rights or heaven. This project forced you to learn about religions that you don’t practice and compare them and really study them in-depth. It helped open my views and it was a great learning experience.


            To start off the year on the first day and the first page of our brand new crispy journals we wrote about a song we listened to. The song was sung by a woman and was about the travel process of clothing. The song kept bringing up the question of weather or not a person’s hands were clean and asked each listener if they thought their hands were clean. This was the start of the year and Mr. Block already had us thinking deeper into such common everyday things, our hands and the new back to school clothes everyone had on. It broadened my perspective and got me ready to understand how basic things were not really all that basic.


            Towards the mid-end of the year we started a poetry unit and was able to write and create a wiki-space that was filled with our own poetry and writing pieces about how we understand poetry by different famous writers. From one of my pieces I said "I start for you, the flash of your hair, pushes me back, makes my heart whirlfall to ground, your power is so overwhelming." It was really cool to see everyone write and perform their written pieces and to read over everyone’s personal wiki-spaces.


One of the biggest projects I have ever done in my whole life I can say I did this year. During this year we had to write monologues that turned into a story. These stories were about something about change and hope in other parts of the world and it involved them overcoming something. We started the project lost and confused but through the exercises and activities we did with Kate, a lady from the young play writers company, everyone was able to complete this project. There is no way I would have been able to do this without the help of my peers. They helped give great feedback and ideas to add to make the plot more interesting. It really gave peer editing a whole new meaning. This project included two Google documents, one with all the facts and information about our topic and country and the other was just strictly the monologues and the feedback to help us improve.


            In English we read a book called Passing. This book was all about how to make you look or act one way to fit in with certain people, this was called passing. This book was based in the past and focused a lot on blacks trying to pass as whites because of shame or for their safety. With groups we were assigned parts of the book to reread and analyze closer. My group wrote a found poem, meaning we took quotes from the book and put it together to help explain and tell the story and themes of the book in a different way and then we presented it to the class. To do this project we all both it on a Google document and edited and wrote in together. 

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Humanities Portfolio 2011

            This school year in History and English has been very unique. From transferring from a charter school to a public magnet wasn’t hard for me, but it was very much new. I wasn’t use to hands on experiments and engaging topics that didn’t lose my interest. I was able to express how I felt about certain lessons that the class was learning at the time. I liked how in class we didn’t have to agree on each other’s thoughts. While Mr. Block wanted us to be polite to each other we where still able to debate on what we thought was right. This was different from any class I have ever taken. Usually a teacher wouldn’t tell your opinion, let alone care!

During our poetry unit I could say that I expressed a lot of things that I don’t like to talk about with my friends and family. It wasn’t very known because I never told the meaning behind them of why I wrote them. I have token poetry units before in pervious English classes. It was either you passed or failed, and good or bad. Here your poetry was posted on a site that they class could see, and anyone that had the link to search our class poems. I remember our poetry stand–up we had in class. If you ask I think it took a lot of courage for me and my classmates to go up and read one of their poems. I also gained more confidence on reading my own artwork. I have no problem public speaking even though I have a sweet low voice.

One of my favorite projects was the monologue. I have been writing short stories since the 8th grade so that really help me a lot on this project. I have never written a play before. The play that I have created was based on things that I noticed that would happen in average teenage life. I also got ideas from books I have read before. During this time, we was able to get outside resources from people besides our teacher. Some other classmates and I was able to get the chance to go on a retreat that was strictly on just helping students with their plays. When I was at this retreat I was shocked to find out that our school project was a lot more unique then the rest. I was able to take all of the good advice and create a piece of art that was able to get submitted to the Philadelphia Young Play Writes.

Lastly, the audio project was so surprising to me. This was a benchmark that had to be done in a group. The project was based on subjects that affect our national and people around us. My part of the project was to ask people how society stereotype and judge people. My interviews went better then I thought it would. I learned a lot about the world and how different people see it. It gave me the chance to learn through their eyes of their opinion. 

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Favorite Quotes From My Journal

I lived through you and saw what you seen. 

Every picture was different. 

Even if the pose was the same. " (poetry wiki ode).

 " Change can be slow because there is a process that must start, everything doesn't  just get up and change on it's own" (journal # 10 history).

"The word Nigger/Nigga will never be forgotten during the hard ships of when blacks were treated horribly in the old times"(journal #4 english).

"I know something about being myself"(journal #5 english).

"How does it feel to not existence anymore?"

"oxygen should be free for all." (Globalization) 

"Charity is an illness that people are falling on poverty, and dealing with erosion."(Pathologies of Power).

"Woman are mostly in charge"(Learning From Ladakh).


Humanities Portfolio 2011, TNgawang

English and History & Mr. Block… Where do I start? They both were pretty much the same for me since both of them related to each other. It was hard to tell which class was which because we had the same teacher as well. This year was interesting for me because we learned new things everyday and the whole year went by so fast. For English, we read couple of books, wrote poems, essays and bunch of other things. I really got to learn more about myself when writing essays and or writing poetry. For our history class, we went from this side of the world to that, we landed everywhere. We got to learn about the places, their cultures, religions, and how different they are from our nation.

            First of all, I want to start off with my favorite unit from history class, which was the religion project. Well, not my favorite but the project that I worked the hardest on. It required a lot, A LOT of research. In the end, I felt pretty good about my final piece because I went with the topic, which was “Interfaith Marriages and Religions” with a focus point on Hinduism and Islam. I learned heaps of things that I never thought I’d learn. I got bits of a taste of how it’d feel being a victim in an interfaith marriage with a Hindu other or an Islamic other. When I was researching about Islam, I passed by this quote “Girls far below the age of puberty are forcibly married to older persons (sometimes in their 50s and later)...” This was how a Muslim girl lived, working for their husband. For this project, I had to create a pamphlet and I told why interfaith marriages should be allowed in these kinds of religions.

            In addition, I wrote poems that related to me this year! In my poetry project, I wrote about my memories, the memories that I long to repeat itself, and about myself with different styles of poetry. Take an example of the poem “I was raised by…” I wrote about how I was raised, where I was raised, what I was raised for etc. In the ending of my poem, I wrote, “I was raised by the world filled with love.” Because I know there are unfortunate kids out there, and I am fortunate enough to have everything that I have now. Poetry made me realize how fortunate I am.

            Next thing would definitely be the monologue project; I’d say it was the longest period of time we’ve ever worked on on a unit. It was worth it though because I got to work with something, I’ve never worked on before. First of all, I’d never heard the term ‘monologue’. I was confused with the whole idea. Then working with Mr. Block, I started writing them and then started talking with my colleagues; they really helped me understand the whole process. In addition, we had to choose a historic event and I chose Chinese invasion in Tibet. I got to learn new things and got more involved with my own culture.

            In the beginning of the year, we read the book called “Lord of the Flies” and we had to write a thesis paper. I chose my theme as Judgment. I’m specifically proud of my thesis of the paper because it proves a very important matter where it states; “By looking at Lord of the Flies and modern political leader, we can see that public usually judge the leader by their voice and looks, which most people do not see; this is important because you are letting someone lead you not knowing how well he/she can handle the crowd in situations.” I used sources from both the book and I researched. Researching is the tip when it comes to writing paper.

            Last thing I want to reflect on is my colonialism project, where I researched about post-colonial and pre-colonial effects on India.  Our project was to pick a country and create an exhibit based on colonial times. I focused my presentation on colonial beneficiaries in India. I brought different artifacts and went in detail about how it related to the topic and how it will look like in the exhibit.  I am very proud of this work because I worked a whole week researching about colonialism in India. I got to learn the history of India before colonialism.




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Humanities Portfolio 2011

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“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” This is just one of the many quotes I’ve discovered for myself throughout the year in both english and history. During the year, we dove into topics and discussions in which, related to things in the past, or how things use to be. But even though something happened hundreds of years ago, there are still traces in today’s society of the impact it left. History is going on all around us, yet we’re all too blinded to notice. It takes a keen observer, to notice the situations around us, and then relate it through the very words we create. I always thought to myself growing up... the significance of learning about people from hundreds of years ago. It was only until this year I finally realized that without proper understanding of how things use to be, one cannot stride to change things for the better. After all, during the french revolution, the french stood up to their queen and eventually caused a mass world historic event. Yet, only a very few months ago, there was a gathering in Egypt to take down their leader. This is one of the few times where unless properly learned, history shall repeat itself.

But don’t get me wrong, there was also another key element in which revolved around my year in english and history, the idea of justice. Throughout the year, we as a class formed together and did many exhilarating projects. A few of them being trials, which would be held to find a verdict for the unjust ways of treating. The first, being the Cortez trial. The conquering of the Aztecs were held in many different perspectives. Some say it was the king of Spain who told Cortez to do it. While others were blaming Cortez for following through with it. But without proper background knowledge on the situation, the groups would have never expected to come out victorious and not guilty of their harsh acts towards society. These trials were very active, yet fun at the same time. Groups would band together and fight for what they believe in. Sometimes I’d feel like we actually took a travel back in time, and were actually living in it. But those trials weren’t the only way our class portrayed the idea of justice. 

During the end of the year, we as a class took a trip down to the Eastern State Penitentiary, one of the first prison systems in the city of Philadelphia. The key topic for this was the combination of justice, and rehabilitation. The people believed if you did an unjust act towards society, you’d be forced to suffer the consequences. But we learned that their methods of “rehabilitation” were rather... barbaric. They would take each person and lock them in a room for 23 hours of the day. The belief of solitary confinement was the only true way of change. Living in today’s society, it’s completely clear that was a very cruel and inhumane way of treating a human being. But don’t get me wrong... even today’s society has its flaws, especially in regards to races and other ways to separate a one, true species. 

But in the end, I feel that with this year in english and history, I learned a lot about the course of the past, and relating it to how things are now. Somethings developed only for the better, but nonetheless, also for the worse. I’ve learned that we as humans will always have some sort of flaw, and seek guidance from anyone or anything to try to change that. And even though we are the most developed species of animal on this planet, we still have a lot to learn in regards to how we affect society in not only the present, but also the future. Every footstep as individuals we make, will go down in history. Whether that footstep is the first on the moon, or the personification of justice. We will always be paving the way for the next generation to follow our footsteps.

And here's a few examples of my work relating to the topics previously mentioned throughout the course of the year:

Monologue project
History Journal 22
Language Autobiography
Op-ed on advertising
Thesis paper

Humanities Portfolio, 2011

​Throughout English and World History, it has been gradual process of learning and working. Throughout these courses, we have all been asked to form opinions and beliefs about the various world issues of yesterday and today.
In my opinion, I hope that every single student does not hold the same beliefs, opinions, and learning techniques and skills that they had in September. Hopefully, we all have grown in our educational journey and process.

In English, I feel that we have been encouraged to use our opinions more to decipher the text we read and to find "deeper meanings" within. One of the key examples of this is the very first Q1 Benchmark about The Lord of the Flies. In this paper, I expressed an idea through my opinion, and then I took the readers through my journey to reach my conclusion. This is a prime example of allowing one to understand multiple perspectives of the same topic in order to receive a well-rounded education.

Throughout the English course, I was also encouraged to immerse myself into the world of various people, from prisoners to world leaders. This was the goal of the Jarvis Jay Masters' readings. In my response to the readings, the observations of the powerful effects of desperation is evident.

In World History, the focus has changed slightly. Instead of exclusive opinion-forming, we are also required to learn non-biased facts about the past and present them to people. A prime example of the was the Museum Exhibition Benchmark we created to education patrons about colonialism. In the presentation, we had to state the facts to our classmates and allow them to form their own opinions.

Also, History encouraged us to explore different fields, such as traditional art during the Renaissance. In the Exploration of a Renaissance Artist assignment, I had to highlight the work of a great artist of the day and try to find the meaning of their work.

However, one of my favorite assignments in History is by far the trials. In the Aztec trial, we had to learn facts about the topic, just had he had in the Museum Presentations, but then, we had to use those facts to alter the opinion of everyone else. This taught us a new skill of using facts to sway the opinions of a majority.

English and World History has merged and separated in order to teach us things about the the world, ourselves, and each other. The lessons we have learned here are invaluable.
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Humanities Portfolio 2011, Nmanton

Through out this school year, I have learned many things to do and not to do. Toward the beginning of the year, I had no idea what I was in for and I did not have the writing skills that I do now. When I look at what I wrote and how I wrote at the beginning of the year, I cringe a little, because I know what I would write now. Another thing at the beginning of the year is that I had the stupid idea of not paying attention or completing homework just because I didn’t feel like it. As the year progressed, I realized that I was flushing my college opportunities down the drain. I had to change, and I started to give my full attention and not goof around nearly as much. When I compare my writing from the beginning of the year to now, I see how much better it has gotten due to simply paying attention and taking the extra time to revise what I wrote.

My first example is from the beginning of the year, the Language Auto-Biography. This is an example of when I did not go back and look at my what I had written. In this Language Auto-Biography, I did not revise. Another thing about this Auto-Biography is that I did not have the writing skills that I do now. When I look over it I read things that are grammatically correct, but could be worded much more maturely and more descriptive. This particular Auto Biography could have had fewer but much longer, more in depth paragraphs.

The next example of my work growing through out the school year is my Poems wiki Assignment. This assignment was in the middle of the year and my writing skills were not at where they are now, but they were much better than the beginning of the year. I had never been that great at making poetry, and I was extremely nervous about writing these poems. I feel the best poem of the ones I created is the Memory Poem. It encompasses deep though, heavy emotion, imagery, and descriptive language. “About to collapse under my impatience, about to explode from building up with anxiety.” This line, I believe, is the best line from the memory poem. I never thought that I could make a poem like this. But with paying attention and asking many questions, I have gotten much better at writing poetry. Another thing I learned about poetry is, it is like writing anything else, you have to go back and revise. When I look at a poem from where I first wrote it based off the top of my head, to what it has become after many revisions, it is so gratifying to see how much better it reads.

One of the later writing assignments, writing chapter 26 of Things Fall Apart, shows how my writing skills have grown. This new chapter is based off the previous chapters and ties into what was going through his head. The chapter is one of the better pieces of writing that I wrote throughout the year. It is very descriptive and well thought out to deal with the plot line already started.

Through out this long year, I have realized that I really need to keep up with my school work and always pay attention and ask questions, even though those may be obvious things, sometimes the obvious is over looked. To develop any skills in writing, like anything else, you must first learn what the teacher has to say by listening to him/her and asking many questions. Toward the beginning I had many things to learn and many habits to pick up. I have successfully learned and picked up most of them. I just need to improve the skills that I have learned and put them into use.

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music blog post 2

At first I was going to make a flute or a guitar but then my group decided to do something with precussion so i just went along with the idea of precussion since we were going to be a precussion type band. All of our design is going to be made out of snapple bottoles. Just wanted to keep the idea simple so none of us get stress or overwhelmed about creating the musical instrument.

Humanities Portfolio 2011

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Conflicts will continue to occur throughout the world till the end of the human civilization. With conflicts there is always a higher power and a resistance to the higher power. From global studies it is evident that the resistance to an oppression can change a country or the world. The French Revolution changed the way France and Haiti was governed. The end of the Holocaust was fought for by various resistance groups and Nazi Regime-opposing countries. The Troubles in Northern Ireland were started over the idea of being independent from the United Kingdom. The current Egyptian Revolution has changed the government and power in Egypt while inspiring other countries. All of these events have had a common goal: to change an oppressing power. In order to be successful, the oppressed had to organize and persevere to be victorious; and by doing so they revolutionized their country and changed the world.

The French Revolution was sparked by the failing economy, the unequal distribution of power and wealth, and a large growth in the poverty-stricken population. “The Holocaust was the destruction of around 6 million jews under the Nazi Regime. The Nazi Germans held a belief that they were racially superior while the Jews where the inferior.”1 The Troubles in Northern Ireland was an extended time of violence and hatred between the nationalists and the unionists in Northern Ireland. And more currently, the Egyptian Revolution was a series of uprises by the people of Egypt against the President Mubarak. 

“The structure of revolutions repeats itself over time throughout history and in different places across the world.”2 All of these events started over a conflict between two groups of people; an oppressor and the oppressed. What made the oppressed successful in these events were their planing, support, continuous efforts to change the circumstances. The French Third Estate planned and joined together to write their own declaration of rights. Resistance groups and opposers of the Nazi Regime would hide Jews from being prosecuted. Unionists and loyalists would hold marches to get their message across. But when their message did not get across they persisted in getting their way by rioting, revolting, protesting, and joining together to get the support they needed. “We gave lives up, and we expect to receive our freedom.” 3 Time after time the oppressed would fight and fight until they prevailed. 

While the French Revolution lasted from 1789 to 1799, and many people were killed, the revolting public succeeded in revolutionizing their government and social structure. Different resistance groups and countries all fought to end the cruel oppression and destruction that was happening in Europe under the Nazi Regime. The Egyptian Revolution has been successful due to the large support by the people of Egypt and the globe. The protests were consistent and through the media globally shared, which put pressure on the crumbling government to step down. While Northern Ireland is still connected to the United Kingdom, both the unionists and nationalists have made progress on equal treatment and a parliament that is bearable for both sides.

Protests and resistances are effective and can be successful, if they have a clear goal and support. The French government and social status was changed completely by the commoners of France. The Holocaust was ended by the many resistance groups and countries that opposed the Nazi Regime. The Troubles in Northern Ireland were eased by the protests that forced the government to change. The people of Egypt were able to broadcast their struggles and protests across the world and end the presidential reign of Mubarak. What ever the conflicts are, whether political or spiritual, the oppressed will fight.

1 Auschwitz Brochure

2 Revolution Reflection

3 Monologue Project

Humanties Portfolio 2011

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    History can teach you the many wonders of the past. English can teach you how to write and create things beyond your imagination. In Mr. Block’s classes this year I have learned many new things. I learned about a lot of different things from the worlds past and about how things work and how cultures affect the world in different ways. The world is full of thousands of different types of cultures and religion accompanies them. The art of writing and poetry is also very fluent in every culture along with music and artwork. All of these things connect and all of them connect the world and make the world what it is today.


    I learned throughout the class that power could make a person insane. Power is something that can be highly dangerous. It can make people loose their humanity. People can loose themselves to power and do horrible things. We read the book night and that was a prime example of such things. I wrote a Thesis Paper about this topic. The holocaust was a great example of power overtaking people. The sweatshop trial also shows this. People that ran sweatshops abused their power to make a better profit over their mistreated workers.  Another thing I did about power was my Op Ed piece, which was about dead peasant insurance. This was something that had a huge impact on many people, but people still don’t know about it. Industries get drunk with power just like anyone else.


    Other stuff that I learned was about how poetry can be a form or art and writing. Poetry is more then just writing on a page and can be interpreted in many different ways by many different people. People can experience poetry in many different ways. We made a Poetry Portfolio in English class that I had very much enjoyed. Although poetry has guidelines the possibilities of how poetry will come out are limitless.


    In the final unit in history we learned about colonialism. I learned that something as commonly used as colonialism can have a hugely bad effect on the world and the people right around it. Wars were started and there were huge revolutions because of it. It made for great profit and helped economies, but usually at the price of blood. I did my Museum Exhibit on the Vietnam War, which started because of the colonization of Vietnam by France.


    Many people and many ideas surround us. All of these things are unique. We are all our own person, but we share many things with each other. We all have many similarities and the world needs to process how similar people are to each other whether we like it or not we all share common ground. We are all human. We are all people in society and we all owe each other similar things that need to be in our every day life. Everyone in their community, from a small town to a metropolis must learn to respect that community and live among each other as similar and unique human beings. In Mr. Block’s class, both English and history, I have learned this is a very in depth truth.


Humanties Portfolio 2011

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    History can teach you the many wonders of the past. English can teach you how to write and create things beyond your imagination. In Mr. Block’s classes this year I have learned many new things. I learned about a lot of different things from the worlds past and about how things work and how cultures affect the world in different ways. The world is full of thousands of different types of cultures and religion accompanies them. The art of writing and poetry is also very fluent in every culture along with music and artwork. All of these things connect and all of them connect the world and make the world what it is today.


    I learned throughout the class that power could make a person insane. Power is something that can be highly dangerous. It can make people loose their humanity. People can loose themselves to power and do horrible things. We read the book night and that was a prime example of such things. I wrote a Thesis Paper about this topic. The holocaust was a great example of power overtaking people. The sweatshop trial also shows this. People that ran sweatshops abused their power to make a better profit over their mistreated workers.  Another thing I did about power was my Op Ed piece, which was about dead peasant insurance. This was something that had a huge impact on many people, but people still don’t know about it. Industries get drunk with power just like anyone else.


    Other stuff that I learned was about how poetry can be a form or art and writing. Poetry is more then just writing on a page and can be interpreted in many different ways by many different people. People can experience poetry in many different ways. We made a Poetry Portfolio in English class that I had very much enjoyed. Although poetry has guidelines the possibilities of how poetry will come out are limitless.


    In the final unit in history we learned about colonialism. I learned that something as commonly used as colonialism can have a hugely bad effect on the world and the people right around it. Wars were started and there were huge revolutions because of it. It made for great profit and helped economies, but usually at the price of blood. I did my Museum Exhibit on the Vietnam War, which started because of the colonization of Vietnam by France.


    Many people and many ideas surround us. All of these things are unique. We are all our own person, but we share many things with each other. We all have many similarities and the world needs to process how similar people are to each other whether we like it or not we all share common ground. We are all human. We are all people in society and we all owe each other similar things that need to be in our every day life. Everyone in their community, from a small town to a metropolis must learn to respect that community and live among each other as similar and unique human beings. In Mr. Block’s class, both English and history, I have learned this is a very in depth truth.


Humanities Portfolio, 2011

Throughout English and World History, it has been gradual process of learning and working. Throughout these courses, we have all been asked to form opinions and beliefs about the various world issues of yesterday and today.
In my opinion, I hope that every single student does not hold the same beliefs, opinions, and learning techniques and skills that they had in September. Hopefully, we all have grown in our educational journey and process.

In English, I feel that we have been encouraged to use our opinions more to decipher the text we read and to find "deeper meanings" within. One of the key examples of this is the very first Q1 Benchmark about The Lord of the Flies. In this paper, I expressed an idea through my opinion, and then I took the readers through my journey to reach my conclusion. This is a prime example of allowing one to understand multiple perspectives of the same topic in order to receive a well-rounded education.

Throughout the English course, I was also encouraged to immerse myself into the world of various people, from prisoners to world leaders. This was the goal of the Jarvis Jay Masters' readings. In my response to the readings, the observations of the powerful effects of desperation is evident.

In World History, the focus has changed slightly. Instead of exclusive opinion-forming, we are also required to learn non-biased facts about the past and present them to people. A prime example of the was the Museum Exhibition Benchmark we created to education patrons about colonialism. In the presentation, we had to state the facts to our classmates and allow them to form their own opinions.

Also, History encouraged us to explore different fields, such as traditional art during the Renaissance. In the Exploration of a Renaissance Artist assignment, I had to highlight the work of a great artist of the day and try to find the meaning of their work.

However, one of my favorite assignments in History is by far the trials. In the Aztec trial, we had to learn facts about the topic, just had he had in the Museum Presentations, but then, we had to use those facts to alter the opinion of everyone else. This taught us a new skill of using facts to sway the opinions of a majority.

English and World History has merged and separated in order to teach us things about the the world, ourselves, and each other. The lessons we have learned here are invaluable.
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Humanities Portfolio 2011. Rburenstein

Over this year in English and History I learned a lot about the nature of people. I learned that it is easy for people to stray off of human nature for various reasons. While writing my Op-ed I talked about how violent video games are blamed for many school shootings, when it really has to do with home problems or mental disabilities. This showed me how people are aware of things being able to change people, but might not have the best judgment to know what is changing them. For my first quarter English benchmark I talked about how the kids become more savage when exposed to less technology. Throughout Lord of the Flies the kids start to revert back to having animal like behavior while on the Island. This showed me how people are willing to go back to savage behavior very quickly, instead of work together and act civilized, or can make sure that they do not become savages. The way to not become savages would be to make the island like their life and not change anything, but this is very hard to do; that is why it is so easy for people to revert back to being savages.

            During the fourth quarter we learned about freedom and prisons. We had several assignments talking about torture. During these lessons we discussed how almost anyone could become a torturer. We watched and reflected on a video called The Milgram Obedience Experiments where “scientists” would bring in someone from the street, and ask them to question another person in a different room. Every time the person in the other room got a question wrong the person brought in from the street would press a button that they were told gave an electric charge to the other person. The person who was answering questions was not actually getting shocked, but was just acting and pretending to be in pain. The questioner was told to turn up the intensity of the shock until it got to a certain point, and keep it at that level. There were several circumstances, and the results varied from where the answerer was, where the person telling the questioner to do their job was, and if there was any other people in the room. In the end most people would go somewhat far, even though they could hear or see the other person that they thought they were torturing.

            One of the units in History dealt with sweatshops, and child labor. We talked about why it happens, what the benefits are, what the downsides are, and how it can affect consumers or other people. We had a group activity where everyone was split up into several teams for a Transnational Capital Auction. These teams were the Ruling Elite for countries. The object of the game was to try to please the Multinational Companies, so they would give work to our citizens, but to make sure that our citizens were not going to rebel against the government. We had to decide our standpoint on key issues like ability to form unions, child labor, laws on keeping a clean environment, and several others. There were five rounds to change the bids, and depending on what you did, the Multinational Companies would want to go to your country. The team that ended up winning didn’t put everything good for the Multinational Companies, because that would mean their citizens would be very unhappy with the government. The teams that did good put things somewhat in the middle of good and bad in the choices, even though they all seemed to be very bad from our standpoint in the United States.

While learning about freedom had a section on prisons, and penitentiaries. I got to read about prisons, and prisoners that I had no idea about before. Much of this was very interesting, and cool. We got to read facts about prisons and prisoners and write our responses. The thing that I thought was the most interesting because I had never thought about it before was about the family of the prisoners. The person who goes to jail might be the only family member with a job, and has to support their whole family, but when they are sent to prison the government does nothing to help that family. This could be a very big problem to the family, and would make them change their whole lifestyle. The government might say that it would be the fault of the family member for doing a crime that put them in jail, but I don't think that the whole family should be punished for the actions of this one person. 
            The main things that I learned about this year almost all centered around human behavior. Human behavior contributed to all of these topics very much, like how a torturer can be made, when people are civilized or savages, and how people view certain things. Human behavior is something very unique, that would not be what you expect until seeing real life examples of what can be some of strange parts of human behavior.


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Humanities portfolio 2011

trosario poetry pic

Art, creativity, imagination, are the cornerstones of life. With out imagination where would we be? Everything we have is the spawn of imagination and creativity. Things that we use everyday are works of art. Think about it! Our clothes, for example, why else would there be fashion industries if this were not a form of art?

When most people think of an English course they suspect boring books, long essays, and tedious hours of reading. This was not true for this year’s English class, we were encouraged to dig deeply into our minds and tap into a corner of our psyche that is not used in many classes.


With in our English class we were inspired to make art constantly. When we had to make scenes out of our past, like artist, we used our five senses to make people imagine what we saw, with out being there. This is recurring in book all the time. Or when we had our poetry section, poetry is one of the most famous forms of written art. All of the students realized their individuality when they started to type of put pens to paper. There were so many different forms and styles of poetry we were free to pick. This gave life to our creativity.


Now many people would debate that when they think of English classes, there is an amount of creativity needed to absorb the messages of certain writers, for instance the hidden meaning writing of Shakespeare. But would there necessarily be a reason to have art in a history class? No- that is what most would say. Yet there was in our class. We had a chance to stretch our writing skill by creating monologues and scenes to be made into plays. Since when is play-writing criteria of a history class? The main reason for that was to get into the main idea of a historical event of our choosing.


Mr. Block brought us out of comfort zones by involving us in the ‘Art In The Open’ festival. Most of the students in his class were reluctant to ‘make a fool out of there selves’, I being one of them, but in the end many were left with pride from breaking down a barrier and viewing the world through a different light. I found myself asking ‘what did dancing have to do with English or History?’ But in the end I realized that Mr. Block wanted us to make history instead of read about it. How many teenage kids got to be in a festival and get a grade for it?


I believe, though many of my classmates where reluctant to use such types of creativity, that if more schools were to use this form of teaching, more students would enjoy learning. This was an experience that was unexpected, but greatly benefited from. Art is necessary, without art where would the world go? There would be no change, nor a future. I believe that what we learned in these two classes will help us make decisions for the future. I am grateful that Mr. Block made our grades based on the art we had to make, or else many people wouldn’t had learn that they were artist from the start. Art is in everyone, you just need to dig a little deeper. 

To give you an understanding, or example of the projects that have been given to us that incorporate art, I have posted a link with four to five projects. All four of my links are on one site that has them listed, wiki)

Rburenstein Milgram experiment

For the experiment on the man we watched in class, he started off questioning a lot of what was going on, but later on started to accept it. The “scientists” pressured him, which made him become more obedient and stop questioning their authority and his actions. At one point in the video the man is hesitant about pushing the button again, until the “scientists” tell the man that he is not responsible for anything that he is doing. After he is told that he isn’t responsible he presses the button somewhat quickly. Close to the end of the experiment the man is told that the test was really on his behavior, and is asked several questions. He starts to laugh uncomfortable to avoid answering some of these, or to try to make it seem like he didn’t do as bad of a thing as he feels.

            During the video the man protests shocking the other person, or asking a new question many times, and seems adamant on his decision. Almost every time the “scientists” are able to get him to go back and “shock” the other person by just talking to him and telling him what to do. I was surprised that the man would go back so many times, because he seemed ready to stop asking questions very early on, but continued because he was told to. The thing that surprised me the most was that after the person on the other side of the wall stopped yelling or making noise, the man didn’t show as much resistance until he finally decided to stop. 

Musical Intrument Blog #1

I think that I would be interested in making a thumb piano, it is a hand held instrument with metal keys that vibrate to make sound. It is very pretty sounding when tuned, and the way that it gets tuned is how long the metal keys are. Because it is small and gives off such a pretty clear sound, it does make me think about how i can create and change that sound. What i observe when i look at a thumb piano being played is the metal makes it sound from vibrating on other metal. Contrary to what it looks like from far away, the thumb piano has a metal strip that lays underneath the keys and i notice that when it gets played the keys vibrate up an down on the metal strip, producing the sound in waves.
i found this site helpful
Thumb Piano Tuning
Thumb Piano Tuning

Final Portfolio(:

The class subjects of World History and English…two in which have intertwined resemblance. What is English without the formation of History? And what is History without the creativity and beauty of English? We have learned to form new thoughts and beliefs. We have been taught to create ideas from an unbiased perspective. In the sophomore class of 2010-2011, we as students have explored beyond the little box of imagination we were so attached too.

            In middle school we are taught strictly into the essence of American History and grammar for English. No class discussions about opinions and no ideas of expression. What the teacher taught you was the way life was. &As we grew up, we took upon the role models of our parents. In my case, parents don’t show creativity or expression of opinion, so I was raised to reply on nothing being out of the ordinary.  As our knowledge of World History and the fights for revolutionary change have developed, so have our minds to the ability that we can fight for something we strongly believe in. Then our brains intertwine around mazes of creativity through English that taught us that you could go beyond the normal term of an “essay” and possibly create works of art. Thus leading us to express what we have learned in new and creative formations, like the poetry unit we used in order to learned forms of writing.

            If you enter the classroom of English and History you are entering a room full of doors. Doors that are all locked and wish for you too find the keys in which to open what they have held for your imagination. An imagination is a form of creativity that helps you show the person you really are and the thoughts that beg to be spoken. A door that many kids have opened was the door of play writing. As students we took topics that touched our hearts and expressed through Monologues what we feel these problems would be told in a story. It was an amazing way to let out how we truly feel in such a story after story break through.

            It’s always easy to understand yourself and the reasons for things you do or make, but it’s not always easy for other people to understand the beauty of the masterpiece inside your mind. Whenever we’ve debated on Trials for who is the killer of human civilization or when we try to inform people on the customs and diversity of Religion, people might not always understand how strongly or right our points of views and sides are. In order to help them understand the best, we must give as much as detail as we can possibly give. The more details the more of a vision we can give to the people. An example of this detail would be in the descriptive essays we have created in class.

            English and History both come together as partners on the road of education for us. For the past year we have learned a lot about our selves and the world. We have been taught to express and to teach. We can only hope that next year holds the same opportunity.

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Screen shot 2011-06-02 at 2.44.37 PM

Sophia Henninger Q4 Work

In our final quarter of art we were given assignments that would help us prepare for a future in art. Our assignments were basic things that are often expected to be in art portfolios. Our assignments were to edit photos, make a sculpture/craft, draw a bike with three different techniques, and copy a piece of art from a famous artist. For me, this quarter's work was especially challenging because of how much structure was involved. Personally, I'm used to a much less structured art class where we are allowed to create almost anything we like but even though this work was not my forte, it was still very interesting and educational. 

Photo Edit 1



Photo Edit 2 



Photo Edit 3 



All photos were edited on 


Handmade Sketchbook
I got the idea from my brother who had recently made his own book. He took me through the steps. We used cardboard, blank paper, string, fancy ribbon, scissors, a needle, and green and black paint.




Bike - Negative Space 

Bike - Contour Line

Bike - Normal


Artist Copy: 

Eclipse By Alma Thomas


My Version (done with watercolors)
