Mar Adentro

La pelicula Mar Adentro es la historia de Ramón Sampredro, una tetraplejico que no quiere a vivir. La pelicula fue muy contrvercial porque hace las preguntas de, "¿Es un derecha y vivir?" y mas, hace le pregunta "¿Es un dereche a morir?" La pelicula tambien hace las preguntas, "¿Es un vida digna?" y "¿Es possible a morir con dignidad?" Para mi, es un derecho a vivir, y un derecho a morir, y pienso que solamente tu tienes la darecha a dicidir cuando tu puedas morir. Pienso que no es correcto a impone sus creencias a otras personas. La iglesia impone sus creencias a Roman Sampredo, y Ramon Sampredro impone con la publica de Espana. Me gusto la pelicula porque yo pienso mucho de los preguntas que tiene, y los problemos de Ramón. Estoy muy agradecido que yo tengo la abilidad a caminar. Eso es un tragadia cuando un persona no puedo, y pienso que no es un vida digna porque la persona es en tormento todos a la tiempo.

Resea de "Mar Adentro"

La película se trata de la vida de un tetrapléjico. Como es la vida a de uno quien no se puede mover para nada. Tambien como es tratando hacer un bien amigo y los decisión que vienen con eso. Tambien se trata, a como familia es cuando tienes alguien que necesito mas amor y tiempo. La pelicula hace controversial porque la interpretación es de opiniones. Puedes opinion que quieres y nadie puede decir si es cierto o falso solamente si es de acuerdo o si no es de acuerdo. Tambien es controversial porque es un debate si es legal o ilegal. Yo apoyo que es ilegal por que tu no fuieste el que dio vida y por eso no puede ser quien quitarse la vida. Mi opinion de este pelicula es que era bien triste y dramática. Fue muy bien grabado y dirigido y hacer alguien a quiere saber más.

Resea de "Mar Adentro"

La película "Mar Adentro" se trata de la vida de Ramón Sampedro. Ramón Sampedro es un hombre que se convirtío en tetrapléjico a la edad de 25 después de un incidente cuando se bucea en el área de poco zona en el océano. Él se rompío el cuello y durante 29 años estaba paralizado. Ramón Sampedro queíra morir y tuvo que su derecho por el suicido asitido.
La pelicula es controverisal porque hace las pregunatas ¿Él vida es un derecho o privilegio?, ¿Debe importa religión o las leyes? y muchas otras preguntas sobre la vida.
En mi opinión de la tema de la pelicula es my abrir los ojos y te hace pensar. El debate entre la eutansia ser ilegal o si el suicidio es un crimen realmente te mantiene interesado en la pelicula. Yo estoy acuerdo de Ramón porque el era no feliz y no sentía necessidad a vivír. Me gusto la película porque el mostro la vida por un interesante perspectiva y demostró emociones se muestra por una persona que tuvo que hacer frente a este reto en su vida. 

"Mar Adentro" Review

La película "Mar Adentro" se trata de la vida de Ramón Sampedro, un tetrapléjico que quiere morir con "dignidad". En el país de Ramon sin embargo, suicidio es illegál. Ahora Ramón lucha con amigos, familia, y los políticos para obtener el derecho a vivir o su deseo a morir.

Ramón Sampedro quiere morir con dignidad pero la familia de Ramón no quiere Ramón morir, y piense que saben  que es mejor para el. "Vida es un derecho, no es una obligación.”

Estoy de acuerdo con la decisión de Ramón Sampedro porque es su vida y Ramón Sampedro tiene el derecho vivir o morir. Yo pienso que, en situaciones como este me gusta mirar a todas las perspectivas y Ramón no cree que su vida es feliz entonces no puedo decir que su vida es bueno, o feliz. Sin embargo, yo puedo decir que su vida fue digna y yo tengo respeto por Ramón. Ramón Sampedro tuvé un deseo que tenemos que honrar.

     En mi opiníón la pelicula muestra una opinión libre, y la lucha practicar esta opinión. Me gusta esta película porque debido al significado. Cuando es opinión libre, opinión libre? Puede el derecho esta tomada de una persona? Este película respuestas estos preguntas.

Resena de la Pelicula "Mar Adentro"

La película "Mar Adentro" se trata de la vida de Ramón San Pedro, un tetrapléjico quien quiere quitarse la vida. Él es cuerdo y intelligente, pero piensa hay más dignidad en moribundo de elección. Pero su decisión es controversial. Su familia no quieren Ramón morir, y no es legal por para personas ayudar Ramón.  La pelicula hace la pregunta, "¿Tenemos el derecho para decider cuando terminar nuestros vidas?” Para mi, la película es convincente con su punto que personas tienen el derecho morir. Ramón es sano, sabio, y articulado.  No está deprimido o irracional. Su decisión es inusual, pero su pensamientos son sólidos.

Resea de "Mar Adentro"

La película "Mar Adentro" se trata de la vida de Ramón Sampedro, un tetrapléjico quien quiere quitarse la vida. Sin embargo, eutanasia no es legal en España. Durante la película, él lucha cambiar la ley y morir una muerte digna. Hace las preguntas, ¿Es la vida y la muerte unas obligaciones o unos derechos?, ¿Es eutanasia de unos seres queridos asesinato y un crimen? y ¿Qué es amor de verdad? Sampedro cree que la vida y la muerte son derechos y eutanasia no es un crimen.  Estoy de acuerdo. Debemos poder escoger si queremos vivir o morir. No debemos forzar a vivir si nuestra vida no es digna ni agradable. Me encanta la película conmovedora. Es muy interesante porque se trata de un tema controversial. La parálisis y el deseo a quitarse es una condición y una situación que muchas personas nunca encuentran.

Resea de Mar Adentro

La película "Mar Adentro" se trata de la vida de Ramón Sampedro y como el viví antes de su accidente, y despues de su accidente, cual estuvé un tetrapléjico. El viví dia a dia, querré quitarse su vida, pero los seres queridos  ayudaron el y pelearon con el a se continua a vivir.
Hace las preguntas:
¿Que es la importancia de vivir?
¿Es la vida un privilegio o un crimen?
¿Es la muerte un privilegio o un crimen?
¿Puede un persona hace un decision a terminar su vida?
¿Esta digno a quitarse la vida, aunque Ramón Sampedro era una persona muy lucido?
Para mi es importante a vivir, porque esta es un privilegio. Muchos personas cuando ellos son un niño, no recibi una oportunidad a vivir. Y cuando haces, apreciarías. Es deprimente a mira una persona attenta por su propia voluntad un asesinato en el mismo.
En mi opinión, la pelicula sirvío un importancia. Una persona apreciaría su vida porque ese terminaría a cuando sea. Primero, esta muy polémico, sin embargo si una persona tuviera la esperanza, apoyarías. Vale la pena.

Julia's Review

La película "Mar Adentro" se trata la vida de Ramón Sampedro. Ramón fui un tetrapléjico para treinta años y quiero morir con dignidad. La familia de Ramón tuvieron perspectivas diferentes sobre eutanasia y ningún quisieron ayudar Ramón quitarse la vida. Pero, hay personas que trabajaron ayudar Ramón a pregunta al gobierno.
La película hace las preguntas ¿Que es una vida digna y muerto digno? porque Ramón dijo que su vida no fue digna y su muerte va a ser digna. Pregunta ¿Es un decisión moral "mata" un sere querido quien quiere morir? porque Ramón necesité ayudar te quitas la vida. Un otro pregunta es ¿Que es amor y como representa lo con acciones? porque Rosa, la mujer que ayuda Ramón morío, hizo eso a representar su amor para Ramón.
Para mi estoy de acuerdo con el decisión de Ramón. Si alguien quieren morir, es importante respeta sus deseos. Pienso que el situación para la familia es muy difícil porque ellos se quieren Ramón pero el no esta contento con su vida. Sí tuviera un amigo que quiere se quitar la vida, no ayudaría pero, respetaría sus deseos.
Me gusto la película; Fue muy controversial y conmovedora. Por otro lado, fue muy deprimente. La película me hace pienso mas sobre la problemas con eutanasia.  

Resea de Mar Adentro

La película “Mar Adentro” se trata de la vida de Ramón Sampedro quien tuvo un accidente de natación. Antes de la accidente, Él fue un mecánico de barco y fue muy activo pero después Él fue limitado a solamente pocos de actividades.

Hace la pregunta si tenemos el derecho morir o vivir. En este caso digo no tenemos la derecha decidir cuando vivimos o morimos.

Respeto la decisión de Ramón aunque estoy en contra de la decisión. Solamente Él supo que sentía ser en Él predicamento. Pienso si Ramón viviera en eso condición para veinte y cinco años, Él posiblemente continuará.

Para mi, la película fue muy moralistic. Muchas personas tuvieron creencias diferentes sobre la decisión de Ramón morir. Me gusta la película porque haga me pensar sobre mis valgos.

21 versus 18.

What is the status of your issue at the legislature? Is this a "good" year?

This issue is not currently being pursued by any legislation

Who is essential to the outcome?

The most essential person to this case will be whomever replaces Robert C Donatucci and their views on this issue.

Who else is working on this? Can you coordinate?

There are over 100 college professors seeking to lower the drinking age. We will try to coordinate with some of the college professors. We will also try to get in touch with the National Youth Rights Association, because they are also trying to lobby for this.

Who can you influence?
The local population of teenagers.

What is the time frame?
Anytime between now and the next legislation meeting.

When are key dates - meetings, committee hearings, deadlines, etc.

The liquor control board has no current scheduled meetings because of the death of Robert seeing as he was the head chairmen. As soon as they find a replacement, meetings will continue. That will be the best time to try and bring up our own points.

Researching the Issue - Lobbying for Smaller Schools: Educating all of Philadelphia

Research the Issue

1. What is the status of your issue at the legislature? Is this a "good" year?*4 elected officials, and one committee have indicated support for our issue, that has a strong background with media attention. These officials have lots of power and can influence the decisions of many people and take this lobbying assignment to the furthest extent that it can go. Our opponents would be the larger schools who have a good reputation for being a larger school, without the separation of academies, or having pupils from alternative schools attending their successful institution. So far there have been no policies 2. Who is essential to the outcome?*These are the allies that we need on board in order to allow our points to reach a higher power in the world. These are the people who can make that happen:* Robert A. Brady* Michael Nutter* Johnny Irizarry* Denise McGregor Armbrister* The Lifeworks Alternative School.We also need the School Reform Commission’s meetings to allow the public to understand our views as we will attend these meetings and express this issue to all who attend. The officials who conduct these meetings can allow the issues to reach the higher powers above.3. Who else is working on this? Can you coordinate?*Amirah Burkett and Sinnea Douglas, other seniors at SLA are also lobbying on adequate education. We don’t all have the same exact focus areas but we can use each other’s findings to make a stronger debate, on why education has become such a prevalent issue in this futuristic society we live in today. We have already planned a meeting with the two of them to make an action plan.* Small academies and schools with a good basis or primary focus are ones who play a key role in helping us lobby for smaller schools. When the focus comes to these alternative schools, after we have influenced the public, we will use the influence these small schools/academies have on the public eye, and reach out to the alternative schools. This process will enable the students being taught there to branch out to receive a better education from a more focused curriculum. These students will be given a second chance to not only turn their lives around, but make a future for themselves in the process.4. Who can you influence?* With the help of some very influential figures in the realm of education, we will be able to convey our message across a broad range of schools. Varying from the alternative, public, private, catholic, and parochial, a good education needs to be provided to all students. No matter what the reason, all students need to have access to the same tools and resources to receive an equal education. *We also believe that there needs to be a higher authority addressing these concerns as well. If this concern reaches a level to which it receives national attention, we believe it should be worthy enough to be put in-front of the President Barack Obama, and The Department of Education Head Arne Duncan.5. What is the time frame?*Although our class, American Government, will only run until the end of our second quarter (Mid January) there isn’t really a time limit to this project.  Yes, we will not be required to lobby, research and influence, but lobbying isn’t really effective unless you have desire to do it. Hopefully we will have enough success so that we can continue to lobby for it in the future, on our own time.  If not, we could always pass it down for another group of seniors to tackle in the 2011-2012 school year.

6. When are key dates - meetings, committee hearings, deadlines, etc.,

Thursday December 2, 20102010 Meeting with Amirah and Sinnea about collaborating

Thursday December 2, 2010 Meeting with Bach Tong about his experiences

Wednesday December 8, 2010 @ 2:00 PM an SCR planning meetingWednesday December 15, 2010 @ 2:00 PM an SCR action meeting

Researching the Issue - Lobbying for Smaller Schools: Educating all of Philadelphia

Research the Issue

1. What is the status of your issue at the legislature? Is this a "good" year?
*4 elected officials, and one committee have indicated support for our issue, that has a strong background with media attention. These officials have lots of power and can influence the decisions of many people and take this lobbying assignment to the furthest extent that it can go. Our opponents would be the larger schools who have a good reputation for being a larger school, without the separation of academies, or having pupils from alternative schools attending their successful institution. So far there have been no policies
2. Who is essential to the outcome?
*These are the allies that we need on board in order to allow our points to reach a higher power in the world. These are the people who can make that happen:
* Robert A. Brady
* Michael Nutter
* Johnny Irizarry
* Denise McGregor Armbrister
* The Lifeworks Alternative School.
We also need the School Reform Commission’s meetings to allow the public to understand our views as we will attend these meetings and express this issue to all who attend. The officials who conduct these meetings can allow the issues to reach the higher powers above.

3. Who else is working on this? Can you coordinate?
*Amirah Burkett and Sinnea Douglas, other seniors at SLA are also lobbying on adequate education. We don’t all have the same exact focus areas but we can use each other’s findings to make a stronger debate, on why education has become such a prevalent issue in this futuristic society we live in today. We have already planned a meeting with the two of them to make an action plan.
* Small academies and schools with a good basis or primary focus are ones who play a key role in helping us lobby for smaller schools. When the focus comes to these alternative schools, after we have influenced the public, we will use the influence these small schools/academies have on the public eye, and reach out to the alternative schools. This process will enable the students being taught there to branch out to receive a better education from a more focused curriculum. These students will be given a second chance to not only turn their lives around, but make a future for themselves in the process.

4. Who can you influence?
* With the help of some very influential figures in the realm of education, we will be able to convey our message across a broad range of schools. Varying from the alternative, public, private, catholic, and parochial, a good education needs to be provided to all students. No matter what the reason, all students need to have access to the same tools and resources to receive an equal education.
*We also believe that there needs to be a higher authority addressing these concerns as well. If this concern reaches a level to which it receives national attention, we believe it should be worthy enough to be put in-front of the President Barack Obama, and The Department of Education Head Arne Duncan.

5. What is the time frame?
*Although our class, American Government, will only run until the end of our second quarter (Mid January) there isn’t really a time limit to this project.  Yes, we will not be required to lobby, research and influence, but lobbying isn’t really effective unless you have desire to do it. Hopefully we will have enough success so that we can continue to lobby for it in the future, on our own time.  If not, we could always pass it down for another group of seniors to tackle in the 2011-2012 school year.
6. When are key dates - meetings, committee hearings, deadlines, etc.
Monday November 29, 2010 Meeting with Amirah and Sinnea about collaborating
Thursday December 2, 2010 Meeting with Bach Tong about his experiences
Wednesday December 8, 2010 @ 2:00 PM an SCR planning meeting
Wednesday December 15, 2010 @ 2:00 PM an SCR action meeting

Child Nutrition Act

School Lunch Nutrition

Megan Doe and Rumman Haq


We want to ensure that students in Philadelphia have access to healthy foods that will benefit their health and boost their performance in school. In addition to providing nutritious foods to all of the Philadelphia School Districts’ students, we strive to reduce ill diet related diseases and hunger. Currently in Philadelphia, according to City Council, one in three children rely on emergency food programs.


The School Breakfast Program, the National School Lunch Program (these are permanently authorized), and School Nutrition Association.


Lunch trucks that purpos ely park near schools and neighbor hood stores that only provide affordable “junk food.”

All current Child Nutrition Bills

Joe Sestak, current runner for US senate supported the “Student Breakfast and Education Improvement Act of 2009.” The act was created in effort to provide schools with at least 65% of students eligible for free or reduced lunch. Today in Philadelphia public schools this is still seen.

The Child Nutrition Act has been renewed. In summary:
  • Supports Obama's fight in ending child hunger by 2015
  • An additional 1 billion dollars for every 10 years of the authorizing legislation
  • Applications regarding free or reduced lunch should be done on the computer to reduce "obstacles", "stigmas", and "unnecessary costs to the School District of Philadelphia."
  • Reduce obesity and diet related diseases
  • Ensure that all children have access to healthy and nutritious foods while protecting the needs of the citizens of Philadelphia

Representative: Congressmen Robert Brady (D)  
(District 1)
DC phone: (202) 225-4731
District office:
1907-09 S. Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA 19148
Phone: (215) 389-4627
Fax: (215) 389-4636

Along with other public officials: Chakka Fattah and Allyson Schwartz.

In 2009, Robert Brady along with other Pennsylvania representatives introduced the  Paperless Enrollment for School meals Act of 2009. The bill allowed:

1) Allows schools or districts that agree to serve breakfast and lunch free to all students for 5 years to be reimbursed based on socioeconomic data rather than individual student applications.

2) Makes it easier for schools serving high-poverty areas to provide free meals to all children by allowing data-based eligibility. The school or district gets administrative relief in exchange for covering any costs that exceed federal reimbursements.

“Passing the bipartisan child nutrition bill is vital to children and families in Pennsylvania and across the country,” said Senator Casey. “Especially because of the economy, more children depend on these programs so they don’t go hungry.  More than one million children participate in the school lunch program in Pennsylvania with nearly 200 million lunches served each year.” according to (Politic PA)
The renewal of bill delayed:

“Congress has already passed two extensions for this bill, delaying renewal of the child nutrition programs for more than a year.  Another extension would cause kids to lose out on the strong reforms and $4.5 billion in resources already passed by the Senate. (

House of Representative Bob Brady and our lobbying group have agreed on many political views in the past such as:National Criminal Justice Commission Act of 2010.

Bob Brady was a big supporter of the health care reform earlier this year.
However, he may have supported the Nutrition cause in the past, we have yet to find information about his progress of the 2010 Renewal of the Child Nutrition Act.
Congress has put this bill on halt because of the economic crisis according to PA Senator Bob Casey. “We are currently facing the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.  The effects of this crisis are far reaching and will impact the Child Nutrition Act reauthorization debate. “  
The bill may not be great but at least it is a step into improving student health. However, Bob Brady has been a supporter of  child nutrition act, he has yet to speak or support the reauthorizing of the Child Nutrition Act 2010 which is still in the air because of our current economic crisis.

Rep. George Miller (D -- Calif.), the chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee that drafted the House's child nutrition legislation, released a statement commending the Senate for its "important step forward."

During this 2010 election, even though the bill has yet to be  reauthorized, candidates have not expressed how the feel about the issue. They tried to put a Food Safety Modernization Act to a vote  but the objection of Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, who said he opposed considering the measure stating that it was not fully paid for.
We need to show our support for House passage of the $4.5 billion child nutrition bill that passed the Senate earlier this year. If the bill isn't on the president's desk soon, supporters will have to start over in the new Congress.
The reason why the bill is on hold because they want to improve the bill before it is passed however it is preventing those who can’t afford a good lunch. SNA President, Nancy Rice sent a letter to the Honorable George Miller, Chairman of the Education and Labor Committee on Thursday, September 23, 2010, stating the School Nutrition Association’s support for S. 3307, the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. It is anticipated that the House will likely vote on S. 3307 this week.
They should come to resolution of the act by the end of this month and people should write letters to their local legislation sponsors to pass the bill.


Blog Post #3

As of the last 2 years, minimum wage is set at $7.25. By definition this isn’t really a “good” or bad year for the Minimum Wage Act of 2007, the plan was to raise the wages by 2008, its 2010… the government has done as much raising as they plan on doing, unless another act is created. Which is my new plan of action, as mentioned before, thought the wages have been raised, the amount is only enough to raise our poverty line a few points. Yes, some of the poor are eating, but how much? And what about the others? The Minimum Wage Act of 2007 is highly underpublicized, it seems as ifcitizens see it as “if I’m not scrounging like the poor, why worry about how much THEY make.” People with high salaries, generally pay it no mind because they aren’t paid hourly, and people who have salary jobs usually make more than those who make hourly pay. Therefore they cease to care about the “minimum” at which they aren’t making.

No one realizes how deep we are in the poverty hole. To pull ourselves out we must make change, whether it be little by little or large chunks. The attention of America’s well-known wall street stockholders, as well as our state legislators is needed. Convincing the legislators of the raise in the minimum wage would be needed, then the financial help of stockholders tax dollars is needed to get the pot boiling. My strongest influence would have to on legislators because they are the ones who would have to help me get the bill moving, the tax dollars will come by government enforced laws.


Based on the poverty levels rates, even if the wages were raised to $8.00, on a 40 hour work week for a family of 2 or 3, the poverty line is met. Are we that selfish that we cant raise our rates seventy-five cents more? The facts are there, its jus no one pays them any attention, id be happy to coordinate such a drastic difference in my states level of poverty. The really is no time frame, as long as change is constant, I feel I’d be making a difference.


There currently is no group or organizations helping to raise minimum wage, but maybe that’s where we can begin our change.. starting Minimum Wage Raise Supporters Organization (:


Lobbying Assignment #3

2.     Who is essential to the outcome?

People from the republican part are our key components in this assignment since most of them probably share the same views about how much of the money is being used on welfare and how its being used by it’s recipients as well. I’m not really sure on specific people at the moment since I don’t actually know if there is an open legislature on this topic.

3.     Who else is working on this? Can you coordinate?

I wasn’t actually quite sure what this question meant i.e. who else in school is working on this or who else of actual congress is working on this or other sources outside of school.

4.     Who can you influence?

I can influence my own household (full of people who can vote) as well as my peers who can spread the word to their families to educate them on the situation. I truly believe that the biggest obstacle will be getting people from the working class to be on board with this since welfare probably benefits them a lot more than republicans . 

Lobbying #3- Public Transportation Crime

  • The bill is bipartisan and was written by Chairman Chris Dodd, Ranking member Richard Shelby & Chairman Robert Menendez.

The Pubic Transportation Safety Act 2010 aims to:

·      Establish a national public safety plan
·      Increase federal funding
·      Establish a transit monitor
·      Authorize appropriations for the public transportation safetyFederal Transit Administration (FTA)
FTA supports public transportation systems around the United States. Safety is the United States Department of Transportation’s highest priority.
“On December 8, 2009, FTA Administrator Peter Rogoff joined Secretary Ray LaHood at a hearing before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Highways and Transit, to discuss the Federal role in rail transit safety.”

Currently, there are no laws regarding crime prevention for SEPTA, however SEPTA Safety Plans and Actions are being negotiated. SEPTA created a Resource Management Review Group to brainstorm ideas for the safety and betterment of the customers and the company.

The SEPTA community affairs unit works with the Transit Police and various communities. The unit communicates with schools, community groups via presentation, etc to discuss crime prevention, transit etiquette, and other issues.

Inhumane Act Post #3

Inhumane Acts

According to  the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (P.L. 106-386) was created “To combat trafficking of persons, especially into the sex trade, slavery, and slavery-like conditions in the United States and countries around the world through prevention, through prosecution and enforcement against traffickers, and through protection and assistance to victims of trafficking.” With this, Representative Chris Smith had immediate supporters for this cause. There were 37 supporters of this bill andEniFaleomavaega [D-AS],Neil Abercrombie [D-HI1],Richard Armey [R-TX26] , andCass Ballenger [R-NC10were four of them. Public support for this bill wasn’t hard to come accroos while researching.

Organizations such as the The Trafficking of Asian WomenandUnited States Conference of Catholic Bishops have been big supporters of this bill since it was signed on October 28, 2000 by William Clinton. This bill has also helped support other organizations likeSecurity on Campus, which is an organization that targets violence on campus. According toSOC, “It remains the first and only nonprofit organization dedicated to the prevention of criminal violence at colleges and universities nationwide through educational, awareness, and policy initiatives.” The media response to the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (P.L. 106-386)  has been very interesting. The most intriguing was a c-span video: 

This video held key information about the bill but there are still people who do not agree with it.

The opponents to this bill are only the human traffickers. There have been millions of people who have took part in this inhumane crime but in recent news Rubicela Montero has been convicted of human trafficking inChicago. This issue is only growing, but there has been progress and there will be more progress if the traffickers stopped. Human traffickers have the upper hand in this fight for these women and children who are trafficked everyday. Alison Siskin and Liana Sun Wyler wrote the Trafficking In Persons Policy. This policy will open the eyes of many people who are also fighting against human trafficking.

Raising awareness and having programs within schools to support people who have been victims of human trafficking or victims that go along with Human Trafficking, such as rape, abuse, and  forced prostitution, is my ultimate goal with lobbying this topic. Alpha Kappa Alpha Inc. will be the major supporter at this time. Having access to the women in this organization will open opportunities needed to  contact national officials fighting Human Trafficking in the United states. To inform the School District of Philadelphia about the seriousness of Human Trafficking will be a great stepping stone. Young women are the key targets of this terrible crime and the emotional brutality that comes along with rape and abuse, will last for the rest of these women's lives.  By the beginning of February, there will be meetings set up with Alpha Kappa Alpha members to discuss the fight against  Human Trafficking.

Animal testing bill: Going no where? What is there to do?

 During the break between the last blog post and this one I kept checking in on the progress of my bill. Progress though for this bill though has been very minimal. If you don’t remember the bill that I have been tracking is the S.3921. This proposed bill is to ensure that “approval of pharmaceutical and biological products do not require violations of medical ethics in the testing of products in humans and vertebrate animals.” Senator Bernard Sanders of Vermont proposed it on September 29th, 2010.

  The progress of how my bill is doing I think is effected by currant events as well as people’s support and awareness. Senator Sanders has no listed co-supporters with his bill. If the people were more informed about all proposed laws not just ones that are pushed to the forefront of the media getting them discussed. If a bill like S.3921 got more media attention it would be more discussed. Discussion would then lead to people supporting it and bring awareness to their Senators. The current discussion about this bill has been very minimal. Only 7 blogs (blogs listed here) have recently talked about it (technically 8 if this one is included). That shows how little information is being pushed out there to help this bills progress. 

  A major way to get this bill a boast in ordered to be noticed would be to push out the information about the bill to animal rights organization and groups. Think about if groups like PETA and The Humane Society of The United States (as well as many others that you can find listed here and here) were to push out a story about this bill. Sending this information to their followers and supporters that would make a major impact in rising in awareness. More stories would be spread out, petitions could be made and signed to send to lawmakers and so much more could happen. Brining awareness from the people would make politicians step in with the process of this bill and reviewing it. It would almost be like a repeat of the process of the Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act of 2007. Because it was relvent to cases in the media and had gained a high amountof support  encouraging lawmakers to take part made this bill soon become a law. If this could happen again things would happen a lot quicker.

Finances In Philly!

I’ve been reading some of these links and I can see that over the past few years the numbers in terms of how they spread out the money is pretty much the same at least in the same range. The things that have really noticeable differences are that the 3/30/10 stats went up later in the year when they took the numbers again on 6/30/10. In my opinion this will continue to be an up year rolling into 2011. I think the people who are essential to the turn out of the financial process that we are in are the CFO and the mayor and every individual outlet that our cities money goes out to, such as the police, firemen and public heath services. We as citizens are also partially responsible for how our cities finances are managed. If we are socially responsible and don’t have a high crime rate and armed robberies and other offenses then that in my opinion is us playing a key roll in our cities finances.

• I think that I can influence the people that are around me. Without having more in-depth knowledge about the exact situation of our finances, (which I plan to do) I can’t really give them different statistics just yet.

•  The time frame is from now until 12/30/10. That’s when they do the different summaries of what the cities finances are and compare them to other state governments finances.

• Every qtr. of the year CFO and other members of the government such as the mayor sit down and discuss the cities finances and things of the sort.





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There are a lot of figures whom support this bill. they can be found here
Yes, Currently Los Angeles is fighting to get a similar bill onto the ballot in the 2012 election. Also, many other states are going to try and have a similar bill proposed.
My opponents, as stated before are the Illegal immigrants and now the protesters whom still don’t this put into action into the states.
Yes, a policy has been written for this issue. This policy is called SB 1070.
Any type of latin@ born citizen is a stakeholder in this issue.
In order for this to take place, you are going to need the Homeland Security, The U.S Border Control, as well as the help from many different government branches.
The decision makers that need to be moved, are the ones whom are currently BLOCKING this from being put into effect not only in the state of Arizona, but possibly model a similar law for the U.S.
I am not fully sure on to who else is working with this issue, but should I find out I would like to coordinate something with them to get more of an insight into this bill.

I can try to influence the other Americans who want this country to be brought back to what it was, when everyone spoke one language and was one background.

This is supposed to be put onto the California ballot in 2012, as mentioned above, but for that to happen, California’s Secretary of State Debra Bowen would have to get the  signatures from 433,971 registered voters by April 21, 2011, to qualify it for the ballot. If it is validated, the measure could be placed before voters in February or June of 2012.

Safe Driving-L.A #3

The issue of driving and efficient cars has circulated in the news this year in the United States. After the problems Toyota and customers has faced, transportation is looked at more frequently in terms of being safe. Secretary Ray LaHood is in charge of the Department of Transportation. At the “United States Department of Transportation” website, he discuss the problems we face when behind the wheel and under the hood. I would like to lobby about safe cars in general as well as improving the drivers. There should be more regulations and check ups for cars before setting out into the market.
The outcome of more regulations and checkups will help drivers and pedestrians. NHTSA, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, is also working on perfecting laws and regulations of vehicles like cars, trucks, even bicycling. Other allies that can help influence safe driving are insurances that give praise for safe driving and discounts like Allstate.
The crowd I’m trying to influence can vary in all ages. One website called “Faces of Distracted Drivers” shows the emotions of friends and family who lost their loved ones from car accidents. Many accidents can be from a distracted driver, reckless driving, and even damaged cars. is also an organization that gives ideas on how to improve driving and the safety of the people inside. With laws and regulations, having more scheduled appointment to check up on car corporations would be nice.
The Department of Transportation needs a budget to continue working, their time frame of work being accomplish depending on the budget of how much they receive from the government. Here is a picture of how much they will spend in 2011.
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In the future, Sec. LaHood considers banning cell phones while driving on a highway or populated areas. This can be a step further for the protection of driving.

Water Preservation Blog Post 3

Qianna Nelson
November 21, 2010

In the year 2009 House Representative Jim Matheson proposed the H.R. 631: Water Use Efficiency and Conservation Research Act.

Here is a summary of the bill:
H.R. 631 directs the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish a research and development program that promotes water efficiency and conservation. This program will include research into technologies, as well as storage and distribution systems aimed at promoting more efficient water use. The bill allows the Assistant Administrator of the EPA to facilitate the adoption of beneficial technologies and publication of information related to water conservation technologies.
Additionally, H.R. 631 directs the Assistant Administrator to fund at least four projects in publicly accessible buildings which will incorporate the latest water conservation technologies and designs.
The EPA Administrator is directed to work with the National Academy of Sciences to complete a study to determine strategies for the management of water supplies, wastewater, and stormwater. The study will include a comparison of water conservation research efforts in the U.S. compared to those of other countries and other assessments. H.R. 631 authorizes $1 million to the EPA Administrator to carry out this study.
The bill authorizes $20 million dollars for each of fiscal years 2010-2014.
H.R. 631: Water Use Efficiency and Conservation Research Act.
A lot of people have come to know about our water problem and many states are trying to make laws such as the one above, so that they can also preserve our water. There are many people all over the nation who want to see many laws passed so we can save our water. But we need more people to get involved so that more of our representatives can make these issues more well known to the other representatives.
Tell your friends and tell your family to all start promoting water preservation. As you can see the all the text and pictures above, the problem is getting worse and not better we need everyone to get involved.

Ignorance is bliss, but knowledge is power the more we know about how to preserve water the faster we can save our planet.