VRoeung NHD Project

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Vichhay Roeung

Earth Stream

USH – Laufenburg

Benchmark Reflection


            There were many aspects of the project that affected my choice of topics. Mainly as this topic was based off a boarder topic, if the United States should had been involved in World War II. Which what I did was focused on what they did most that was based on diplomacy and debate. Thus, as I looked through the history of the United States involvement in the war, I founded out that they were in an allied relationship with Britain since World War I and that Britain was one of the major forces of the Allies.


            I selected the category of website as I was doing it as a solo project, which website building I thought would be a fast and easy process for an individual task. I used the website method as it was an easier presentation method which I knew how to work. Using the program Iweb as it was just a simple drag and drop process while other method would require coding HTML. A long and tedious process, which I find could be done faster and easier with Iweb.                    


            The problems that I ran into while working on this project were actually making it visually appealing and informative in a way that always lead back to my thesis. Problems that included flash animation, so that the website could be visually appealing but also interactive besides just having hyperlinks. But I had no knowledge of hot to use flash until I had some help in making simple animation. Beside problems that were electronically, there were the occasional moments that I was procrastinating which slowed down the completion of the project.


            What went well in the project was the assistance that I had from other students. One student, being Robert Boardwater taught me how to do partial flash animation, useful both as a skill and for this project. The primary source that I used for this portion was actually the easiest as there was actually a old radio recording of Churchill’s speech that spoke out to the United States that they were willing to fight if they were given the tools.


            If I were to do this again, what I would change is the amount of procrastination I had during the time we had to do the project. As when I was working on it, it was actually easier then I imagine and I believe I could do a better job if I had known this earlier. Such as providing more links or information that could be useful in the website or the visual aspects of the website. Which there were many things that I learned from this project, things that involved the level of my ability and how I confronted the problems ahead. 

VIBE Magazine: The New Pop Music|B.O.B

So tonight on my way home from school I started reading the VIBE magazine that I had picked up in the school library. It first interested me because two of my favorite artists are on the cover, B.O.B and Wiz Khalifa. Let me start off by saying they looked pretty good dressed in all black and giving me menacing stares saying " You better pick this book up,"so I did. Another thing interested me was the  caption "the new pop music," I stood there thinking about that for a moment because music has definitely evolved.

    The articles in the middle of the mag were about the music lives Bruno Mars, Wiz Khalifa and B.O.B aka Bobby Ray. They were saying something about Bruno being something like the Elvis of modern day, but I really didn't care about him.  The only article I really read was B.O.B's but trust me I will be reading Wiz Khalifa's, probably on the way to school tomorrow.

B.O.B's style is undefined. Its not all Rap, or Hip-Hop or Alternative. Vibe says  that he is a mash up between Ludacris and Andre 3000. I can understand totally because B.O.B is the classic rapper that everyone loves who reps their city and come up with hard lyrics. However the "Andre 3000" part of him, Bobby Ray, intrigues you with his lyrics, they are so complex and your really have to sit down and think about what what he's talking about. Personally this is all the reason I love him as and artist because he's just so real and thats rare these days for an artist in main street.


I had a story prepared for today's story slam, but I didn't get picked, so I didn't tell it. After the 5 judged performances went, I decided it would be a good idea to tell a story. It went well, everyone laughed at the part they were supposed to laugh at. I was really nervous and my story was shorter than how I had planned on telling it in my head. When I went over it in my head I was much more articulate and calm. Also, Mr. Chase did not record it, but I think I still pretended like the mic worked when I was talking, I don't really remember. Tea was good though!

La Rutina Diaria de Tenzin

What did you learn from doing this project? (skills, life lessons, words etc) 
- I learned how to conjugate the verbs in spanish and I also made me remember more of the vocabs that I already learned. Another thing is that I never realize I go through a bunch before school and it made me jot down all the things that I do every single day. 

How do you feel about your final product?
- I feel as though I've worked hard even though I didn't include every single thing that I do from morning to night. The video file was getting larger and larger so, I decided to stop but I think all my word usage and such are good.

If you could do your project all over again, what would you do differently/the same?
- I'd have my scripts ready before hand so that Srta. G can check it and also I wouldn't include all every single detail from morning to start of class and instead make it more brief and end it by the end of the day.

Did you enjoy this project? Why or why not?
- I did enjoy this project because it was fun making a video out of your daily routine and I learned how to use iMovie a little better. 

Mom knows best

"Are you sure you should go to school?"
"Yeah mom my knee just hurts no biggie"
"You are limping down the steps!"
"So just prepares me for school"
"I really don't think you should go if it is this bad"
I stopped on the third from final step and turned looking up the stairs at her on the second floor landing. I kept myself from saying ow aloud.
"Mom its ok I am tough"
"You can cause your self more harm"
"Mom I am not staying home-"
Suddenly my right knee gave out from under me and i flew forward. I threw my let arm out grabbing the banister, stopping myself from falling.
"Oh that is it! Your going to the doctor...TODAY"
"But moooommm....fine"

The Zachary Disease

​When I was in elementary school I was mercilessly bullied by a student for reasons I couldn't understand. The Zachary disease was equivalent to what would be considered cooties, except it was spread by touch and I was the exclusive carrier of it. Fortunately i didn't realize that was meant to bully me till much much later down the road. I could never understand why Eric was so angry at me when I touched people and said you got the Zachary disease now, it was his game after all.

The Zachary disease

​When I was in elementary school I was mercilessly bullied by a student for reasons I couldn't understand. The Zachary disease was equivalent to what would be considered cooties, except it was spread by touch and I was the exclusive carrier of it. Fortunately i didn't realize that was meant to bully me till much much later down the road. I could never understand why Eric was so angry at me when I touched people and said you got the Zachary disease now, it was his game after all.

Tarea 01-03-11

Escribe en español las palabras entre paréntesis.

   1. Mis …. abuelos están vivos.
   2. Mis … ojos son verdes.
   3. Mi … pelo es negro.
   4. Nuestra … tarea es dificil.
   5. Nuestras … computadoras no funcionan.
   6. Nuestros … tíos no viven aquí.
   7. Su … carpeta no está.
   8. su … sello no vale nada.
   9. Su … pregunta es tonta.
  10. Su … casa es amarilla.

Escribe en español:

   1. Aaron's homework/ La tarea de aaron
   2. Jake's hair/ El cabello de jake
   3. Josh's eyes/ El ojo de josh
   4. Kristi's stamp/ El sello de kristi

"City Upon a Hill" - Johniera, Nailah, Daniel, Vichhay

This Haiku was inspired by the main points of what we believed to be of this speech by John Winthrop. 

Unity and Love
Under God We're Equal
It's The American Dream. 

This poem was inspired by the speech being said on a boat, so we decided to make the poem look like a boat and use our poem above as inspiration.

The words are as followed:

Unity and Love
Under God we're equal
It's the American dream.
Love and Faith
Working together as a whole is prime in order to live a great life time. With God we'll win. The only way to avoid error is to praise God, work amongst one another and love one another. Follow the American DREAM.

            Oh heavenly mother and father, forgive them for they have sinned. Their crimes against our freedom, have led them down the deep roads. A deep road that I fear if we don’t change may lead to our destruction. Ladies and gentlemen our god is not happy and he’s right not to. For we have tried to stop each other from obtaining peace. But here I stand before you with a goal for human rights, our chance for a life. To have our family and friends work together as one. As brothers and sisters under him. Ladies and gentleman we must be the nation that other nation look up to that our upcoming generation look up to. We must be as they would say, “The City up on a Hill.  Now lets take this term the city on the hill. What does it mean to be a city up on the Hill?  Say well for example you have a city on a hill. What does every one below that hill see when they look up? They see everything that’s going on in the city. The ways the people interact with one another. And they want to be like them. That city sets and example.  Ladies and gentleman in order to be this city up on a hill we need to love mercy and be one with our god. So as God is my witness may we travel upon this vast ocean and start off new and avoid this shipwreck from where we are coming from, Praise Jebus .

Here's an image of it:
Photo on 2011-03-01 at 11.42
Photo on 2011-03-01 at 11.42

"My First Kiss Went A Little Like This..."

I'm currently listening to My First Kiss by 3OH!3 and Ke$ha, so this will be my story…

Part 1: Sweet Home Alabama
I'm fairly sure that I was seven, I was in second grade and I had a "boyfriend" (You know, the little kid kind where you hold hands, really like each other and tease each other constantly). One day, I was waiting for my mom after school and my boyfriend, Charlie, and his friend, Cody, stayed with me. And Charlie and I decided that we were ready to kiss because we were in love, well puppy love. So, we had Cody be our lookout for my mom and we went and sat between the actual trailer (in our schoolyard) and the ramp that came down from the trailer. And we sat there, awkwardly, and we were both waiting for the other one to lean over that few inches and kiss. It didn't happen. He had said before that the girl should never kiss first and he wasn't kissing me. After a few minutes of sitting together Cody, who thinks we must have kissed by now, lets us know that he thinks he saw my mom. So, Charlie and I stand up and walk to the end of the ramp when Cody tells us it was a false alarm. So we stand at the end of the ramp and after some small conversation that I don't remember we decide that we're just going to do this. So we stand facing each other and he looks down at me, I was shorter than him even then, and he leans down and kisses me. It was a tap-kiss, nothing fancy, no big deal, unless you're a seven year old girl who loves this guy. The kiss couldn't have lasted more than a few seconds of our mouths just touching, but it seemed like it lasted for years. I was pretty freaking ecstatic.

Part 2: The Notebook
Years later when I was thirteen I very abruptly discovered that my feelings for this boy had not changed since I was seven (Okay, not so abruptly, I had known the whole time. Whatever.). And sometime that September, say…the 19th, I pluck up the courage (sort-of) to tell him that I like him. He calls me that night, we talk, we start dating. Needless to say it didn't take us very long to fall in love (Real love, not puppy love this time). A couple of months after we started dating he had walked me home, he did that most days and then he'd stay with me until maybe ten every night. So, we were outside and we were flirting like most couples do at first. And then he leans down and he kisses me. This one lasted a little longer than the first and we had gone past the point of tap-kissing. This was out first real kiss, my first real kiss ever.

So, there ya go. My first kiss.

Matt, Gina, Nikhail, and Natalie: The Promised City on a Hill

Gina Dukes

Natalie Sanchez

Nikhail James

Matthew Scuderi

 The Promised City on a Hill

 We are destined to be blessed

God looks on us with eyes that shine

With the glorious glow of admiration

As long as our steps follow in the path

The great one has made

We will be great rulers with prosperity for all of our days

All we have to do is remember to raise him

With undying devotion

We must stay true to our God, sisters and brothers

For he has made us the city upon a hill

The beautiful diamond

Shinning on the eyes of others

 There is a diverged road before us

Of life and good

Another of death and evil

In order to be blessed we must live like he would

 Like a seed whom,

Is watered and cared for,

In a proud mother’s oval belly,

Life emerging from her womb,

We will be multiplied,

We will thrive,

In this land,

With promise justified

 If we his word neglect,

Our promise turns barren,

The land left to possess,

Will be another’s gain,

 Let us follow him,

For with him comes life,

And in this new land,

We will powerfully thrive

 Gather here

Listen all

We must rise and never fall

We must seek prosperity

Harness it in a manifest destiny

It is his will

Some must fulfill

 We must join together as sister and brothers

Take the promised shining city on the hill from the others

We shall smite the faces of evil

Prevail with the might of our God

 We must obey his voice, we have no choice

We shall no longer be disgraced

By evil’s false gods

It’s time to go fourth this land

It’s no longer request, its demand


Only way to stop our mind body and soul from falling behind

Only way to keep up with the rate of the costliness of posterity

Only way to continue in the great counsel of Micah

Only way of love and mercy humbly for our God

Only way to maintain ourselves on the right track

Only way

Only way

Only way

Only way to rejoice and enjoy the

Supply of our necessities

Only way to keep the good of the

Spirit in the band of peace

City on a Hill- I'm on a boat version

maxime, julia, luna and rita
 song *censored*

Oh s**t, get your towels ready
It's about to go down
Everybody in the place hit the f*****g deck
But stay on your motherf*****g toes
We running this, let's go

I'm on a boat, I'm on a boat
Everybody look at me
'Cause I'm sailing on a boat
I'm on a boat, I'm on a boat
Take a good hard look
At the motherf*****g boat

I'm on a boat motherf****r, take a look at me
Straight flowing on a boat on the deep blue sea
Busting five knots, wind whipping out my coat
You can't stop me motherf****r, 'cause I'm on a boat

Take a picture, trick, I'm on a boat, b**h
We drinking Santana champ 'cause it's so crisp
I got my swim trunks and my flippie-floppies
I'm flipping burgers, you at Kinko's
Straight flipping copies

I'm riding on a dolphin, doing flips and shit
This dolphin's splashing, getting everybody all wet
But this ain't Seaworld, this is real as it gets

I'm on a boat, motherf****r, don't you ever forget

I'm on a boat and it's going fast and
I got a nautical themed, Pashmina Afghan
I'm the king of the world, on a boat like Leo
If you're on the shore, then you're sure not me, oh
Get the f**k up, this boat is real

F**k land, I'm on a boat, motherf****r
F**k trees, I climb buoys, motherf****r
I'm on the deck with my boys, motherf****r
This boat engine make noise, motherf****r

Hey ma, if you could see me now
Arms spread wide on the starboard bow
Gonna fly this boat to the moon somehow
Like Kevin Garnett, anything is possible

Yeah, never thought I'd be on a boat
It's a big blue watery road
Poseidon, look at me, oh, all hands on deck
Never thought I'd see the day
When a big boat coming my way
Believe me when I say I f****d a mermaid

I'm on a boat, I'm on a boat
Everybody look at me
'Cause I'm sailing on a boat
I'm on a boat, I'm on a boat
Take a good hard look
At the motherf*****g boat

modified version for City on a Hill

I’m on a Boat verison:

Oh snap, get your bibles ready
it’s about to go down.
Everybody in this place work together now
but keep up with your effin prayers
we running this, let’s go

We’re on a boat, We’re on a boat
Everybody look at me
'Cause We’re sailing on a boat
We’re on a boat, We’re on a boat
Take a good hard look
At the motherf*****g boat

We need to work together in the great new land
drop anything we don’t need in our hand
Brotherly love, in this family afloat
you can’t stop us, motherf****r, cuz cause we’re on a boat!

Take a good look, trick, I'm on a boat, b****
We drinking old ale champ 'cause it's so crisp
I got my suitcase and my crissy-crossy
I'm finding lands, you in England
Straight being bossy

We’re on a hill and
we honor god and
we will live in peace by god’s hand
He’s the king of the world, and you should bow low
if you’re not with god than you’re sure not me, oh

Hey ma, if you could see me now
arms spread to my god right now
gonna show everyone, He’s the one right now
Defeat a thousand enemies, anything is possible

Yeah, never thought I'd be on a hill
It's a big green high hill
People, look at me, oh, all hands on deck
Never question what he say
or all the non-believers will perish away
Believe me when I say, today is gods day

We’re on a hill, We’re on a hill
Everybody look at us
'Cause We’re standing on a hill
We’re on a hill, We’re on a hill
Take a good hard look
At the motherf****g hill

Q3 BM-NHD Project: Gay Rights

Our NHD project tracked the debate concerning Gay Rights from Harvey Milk's election to current day "don't ask, don't tell" repeal.
Our video is HERE

Group members: Maxime, Luna and Julia

Even though this was not my original topic I chose to write about, I switched groups because I believed that the topic of Gay Rights had a lot more potential and fit the theme well. The project our group originally started with was a website. Unfortunately, our website did not match the requirements for NHD, so we decided to make a documentary using the timeline and speeches used in our website. This actually worked out splendidly. Our timeline and speeches fit together surprisingly well and demonstrated the debate concerning gay rights effectively.
If I had to do the project over, I would not have wasted time working on the website. If I had known that the requirements for the website were limiting, I would have used the time to find more primary source clips for the documentary. However, this project taught me a lot about the struggle to achieve gay rights.
I learned about the evolution the debate went through. The struggle started with a plea for equal rights, it evolved after "Don't Ask, Don't Tell' and now the debate is about gay marriage. By watching clips of different points of view, I now understand the debate from both sides. I also observed the tactic of politicians concerning gay marriage; they clearly state that they believe gay couples deserve equal benefits as heterosexual couples but none of the politicians clearly state they support gay marriage. It is interesting that the struggle for equal rights has not yet come to a close. 

Trust Me

My dad and I have always been roller coaster junkies; every summer we would go to at least one amusement park and ride until our heads throbbed and stomachs were sick.  It was a good pain though, a sign that yes, you had overcome the infamous Steel Force or Kingda Ka.  

When I was about 10, my dad and I decided that this was the year to induct my younger brother, Trevor, into our cult.  He was only 5 at the time, so I picked a kiddie roller coaster that I thought he could handle.  There were some hills, but they were only a few feet high.  Honestly, I was embarrassed to wait in line with him, but I swallowed my pride for future rides that awaited us.

He must have been chattering excitedly the entire time we were in the queue because he never actually saw the roller coaster until we'd hit the front of the line.  He turned around, stunned. He then proceeded to run straight into the people now behind us, screaming, "That is NOT a kid's roller coaster!".

Needless to say, he didn't overcome his fear that day and hasn't trusted me with any rides since.  

Quin es la familia de Roberto?

Aquí tengo una foto de mi familia. Tengo una familia es bastante grande y comicos. Las mujers son mi tias , mi abuela, mi hermana menor y mi mamá. Los hombres son mi papá, mi tío  y yo. Los nombres de mi familia son Serafet (mi mamá), Bekim (mi papá), Miranda (hermana menor), Suljo (mi tío), Lana (mi tía), Fiknet (mi abuela), Ferzo (mi tía), Limka (mi tía), y Lidije (mi tía).



Mi Familia

¡Esta es mi familia! Mi familia es pequeña pero muy simpática y divertido. La nombre de mi papá es Timmy, mi papá es muy cómico. Mi papa le gusta dibujar y comer. La nombre de mi mamá es Lily, mi mama es guapa y amable. Mi mamá encanta ver la tele y cocinar. Tengo un menor hermano, mi hermano es muy loco y extraña. La nombre de mi hermano es Charlie. Me llamo es Jasmin. Soy muy amable y sociable.

Mi Familia-Ayo-ola

1) Publica una foto de tu familia.

2) Describe tu familia.
Mi familia es muy comîca.

Aquí  tengo una foto de mi familia.

 Nombre es Penny. Mi familia , uno pequeño hermano , una
pequeño hermana. Mi mama , y papa y abuela.
Tengo una familia (bastante / más o menos)…
Una Familia
más o menos.
La mujer / El hombre / La chica / El chico es mi
El nombre de mi … es…
El nomber de mi papa es Oscar.
La nombre de mi mama es Trudy.
La nombre de mi abuela , es Suga mama.
La nombre de mi es Penny.
A mi … le gusta (actividad)
A mi padre le gusta sports.
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Screen shot 2011-02-24 at 5.15.05 PM