Spanish Blog

For this blog post me and Estafan talked about his favorite celebrity.  It was odd because his favorite sport is Soccer and he plays soccer, but his favorite celebrity was Kevin Durant, whom happens to be a basketball player.  He also said that his favorite basketball team was the OKC Thunder, and they are believed to win the NBA championship this year, so we talked about that and he believes that they would win the championship because they are a young team who are fast and strong and very athletic.

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Spanish Blog

For this blog post me and Estafan talked about his favorite celebrity.  It was odd because his favorite sport is Soccer and he plays soccer, but his favorite celebrity was Kevin Durant, whom happens to be a basketball player.  He also said that his favorite basketball team was the OKC Thunder, and they are believed to win the NBA championship this year, so we talked about that and he believes that they would win the championship because they are a young team who are fast and strong and very athletic.

Las Cazuelas

We been learning of different food in other spanish speaking and now we get to try those food. During the luneon I have so much fun, we get to talk to chef. We lean some life lesson from those people. My favor food was the Mexican rice. inside was corn and carrot the rice was orange and the corn are really sweet. Here are some picture of my first Mexican lunch :) 
Nombre del Plato: Horchate 
Opinion: me encanta 
Unos ingredientes: leches, ezucar, egua 
Comentario: es el sabor como la leche, pero huule muy bien 
Nombre del Plato: Pollo Cazuelas 
Opinion: no me gusta 
Unos ingredientes: pollo, tomatillo sauce
Comentario: es muy picante 

​​Nombre del Plato: Chuletas Tentacion 
Opinion: no me gusta 
Unos ingredientes: 
Comentario: es picante 
Nombre del Plato: Sope de Maiz
Opinion: no me gusta 
Unos ingredientes: corn sopes round thick torillas with refied bean 
Comentario: no lo recomiendo

​​Nombre del Plato: Tacos dorados
Opinion: no me gusta 
Unos ingredientes: tacos y dorados 
Comentario: lo recomiendo 

Nombre del Plato: tres leches 
Opinion: me gusta 
Unos ingredientes: leches pastel 
Comentario: es muy dulce 

Numero 5

Who did I speak with and why did I choose that person?
I spoke to Marco. He is cool I guess, and we had a long discussion, but I was only able to ss one small part of our discussion.

What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?
I learned that he learned English for two years and Russian for a little while, I learned how he did it, his reasons and…. Then we just talked about our lives in both languages.

How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goal?
My goal was and is to find out about people’s language skills, which means that this one obviously helped a lot.

What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations?

I… simply learned about him. I did not follow my goal too much, but for a good chunk of our discussion, I did, so… yea!



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Las Cazuelas :D



Nombre del Plato: Sopes de Maíz (Round Corn tortillas)


Opinión: No me gusta el sabor.


Unos ingredientes: La harina


Comentarios: No lo recomiendo.



Nombre del Plato: Pollo Cazuelas


Opinión: Me fascina es my delicioso


Unos ingredientes: pollo


Comentarios: Lo recomiendo.  Agradable intentar.


Nombre del Plato: Tres  Leches ( el postre)


Opinión: Me gustaría inténtelo otra vez.


Unos ingredientes: La leche.


Comentarios:Todo el mundo debe probar este pastel.



Nombre del Plato: Horchata


Opinión: Es definitivamente remojo mojado con leche.


Unos ingredientes: La canela y la leche


Comentarios: Cada uno le gusta.


Msanders 6

Who did I speak with and why did I choose that person?

I spoke to Jesus from spain. I choose him because he was from Spain and I heard spain had a major strike so I talked to him.

What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?
I learned about his some spanish activities he does in spain. I also learn that there are Cheesesteaks in spain. The are called Filadelfia Cheesesteaks. There. Finally I learned about the Strike. He said it was all the governments fault for not paying the schools.

How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goal?
I forgot what my original goal was so I changed it to learning about the strike. I helped me a lot by letting me understand in a spanish persons eyes what the strike was all about. 

What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations?
I did well asking questions about the topic and having follow up questions so the situation wouldn't be awkward/. 

What specifically do you need to improve on? (Quote specific things you said or did and what you would have done or said if you could do it again)
I said Cheesesteaks in english. I don't know what the spanish translation was but  he at least got it.
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Yang- Conversacíon #5

  • Who you spoke with and why you chose that partner?

    I spoke with this girl from Venezuela named Zulelulsmar. She started the conversation.
  • What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?

    She's a petroleum engineer and also a bit about Venezuelan holidays. How it gets out of control and crazy during holidays.
  • How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goals?

    Learned how to properly arrange certain sentences. 
  • What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations? What specifically to you need to improve on? (Quote specific things you said or did and what you would have done or said if you could do it again)

    I think I did well in at least being able to interpret what she was trying to say. I do need to improve on sentence structures and the proper use of vocabs. Such as "si, soy un estudiante" or "no estudio en la universidad, en escuela secundaria" 
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Rosie Flite Q4 Post 1

​In this I have 25 of my favorite photos (all taken by me) and I edited them using photoshop and also Iphoto. I tried to use different effects to make the photo look like something completely different. I also did the crayon melting piece of art where you glue down crayons and put the blow dryer over them to make them melt down. I put a twist to it though by using a dark blue background verus the traditional white canvas. To see any of this look through the slideshow shown below.

In the second slideshow I included my favorite photos from the entire quarter, I edited them to a way that made them look more appealing and they are also all taken by me. I liked doing photography because you get to go out and see the world in a different way, through the eye of the camera.
View more presentations from rflite.

Las Cazuelas

​Nombre de plato: Pollo Cazuelas
Opinión: Bueno
Unos Ingrediantes: Pollo
​​Nombre de plato: Chelutas Tentación 
Opinión: Picante
Unos Ingrediantes: 
Comentarios: No me gusta nada
​​Nombre de plato: Arroz
Opinión: Muy Bien
Unos Ingrediantes: Arrroz 
Comentarios: Muy delicioso
​​Nombre de plato: Tres Leches
Opinión: No Me Gusta Nada 
Unos Ingrediantes: Leche
Comentarios: Mucho Leche 

La Comida de Venezuela

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Our luncheon was about tryng new Spanish foods and comparing/contrasting it with American food. I experienced how Spanish food has different twists than we do. I learned that they make their food creativly like the juice from flour. I enjoyed the tres leche the most.

​Me encanta la tres leche pastel.

Flour, tres leches, icing
¡Es muy muy muy delicioso! 

Y me gusta el beber - jugo de flour

flour, hojas de té 

Es bueno.

¿Comó son las vidas de personas en otras países?

I talked to someone named Mariano Lopez from Argentina. I learned that he loves architecture and wants to visit the US, though he doesn't know where exactly. I also learned that he has never visited a museum before. From him I learned that Buenos Aires, Argentina has amazing scenery. 
When I had asked him if he could answer a few questions for me, he gave really short answers at first and I had to encourage him to go into depth. I wasn't aware that I was making mistakes (I kept writing país, as páise for some odd reason) and he helped me correct them, but after a while, it started to get annoying; he seemed to correct things that didn't seem like they needed to be corrected at all.
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Maggie's 5th blog post

  • Who did I speak with and why did I choose that person?
    I spoke with Juan. I chose him because he is a native spanish speaker and he wanted to learn english or german so I figured we would be a good match. 
  • What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?

    I learned some proper ways of speaking spanish. I got mistaken when I wrote down I was hot. He immediately showed me how to say it without it being I am like on fire or something. 
  • How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goal?

    This interaction helped me achieve my personal goals because I want to try to have a basic conversation without translating and having people correct me is a great way for me to learn. 
  • What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations?

    I didn't use a translater this time and I tried to keep the conversation going. He eventually left though. 
  • What specifically do you need to improve on? (Quote specific things you said or did and what you would have done or said if you could do it again)

    I need to improve on my basic spanish sentence structure.  

JHinton- Blog Post #5

  • Who did I speak with and why did I choose that person?

    I spoke with a woman named Monica from Columbia. I noticed we were close in age, so I thought it would be nice to speak to them.

  • How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goal?

    With each conversation I have, I'm not as nervous anymore. A lot of people are complimenting me about my Spanish skills, so I feel really good about that. 
  • What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations?

    I felt really comfortable speaking with her. I kind of went right into the conversation, and didn't hesitate. 
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Las Cazuelas

​Yesterday we had a luncheon provided by Las Cazuelas and ordered by Senorita Manuel. The food we ate were similar to the food I eat at home. I learned about a drink called Jamaica. I enjoyed the whole thing. Thank you.
Nombre del Plato: Jamaica
Opinión: Mi gusta mucho.
Unas ingredientes: Hibiscus Flor, agua y azúcar
Comentarios: Lo recomiendo.
Nombre del Plato: Arroz
Opinión: Mi fascina mucho.
Unas ingredientes: Arroz y zanahoria
Comentarios:  Lo recomiendo.
Nombre del Plato: Sopes de Maíz
Opinión: No mi gusta, porque saca
Unas ingredientes:​ Maíz y haba
Comentarios: No lo recomiendo.

Nombre del Plato: Pollo Cazuelas
Opinión: Muy delicioso
Unas ingredientes:​ Pollo
Comentarios: Lo recomiendo.
​​Nombre del Plato: Tacos Dorados (Crispy tortillas)
Opinión: Me gusta poso interesante 
Unas ingredientes:​Pollo, sour cream, sala y queso
Comentarios: Lo recomiendo.
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​Nombre del Plato: Tres Leche
Opinión: No mi gusta porque mucho leche
Unos ingredientes: Leche y harina
Comentarios: No lo recomiendo.

Slang, Blog #5, Eres la Hosita

the slang of another country. 

¿Habla mucho *argot con tu amigos?

¿Que argot en argentina?

¿Que Comica palabras adolescente habla? 

¿Tu habla mucho argot? 

¿*Argot es normal?

 *lenguaje de informal (Different way of saying slang, using this more people understood my questions.)


What are you looking forward to about this conversation?
I am looking forward to learning some slang in spanish. I don't know any or if its really different from english slang. It should be fun!
What are you nervous about?
I am not really nervous, this is going to be my 5th conversation, I feel like I got this now!

Who did I speak with and why did I choose that person?
I spoke to many different people. The reason for this is because the first couple people I spoke with didn't understand what I was asking, but I am not really sure why. Also many people were very touchy with this topic. I am unsure why people were so touchy, I hope I didn't offend them. This was very weird to me. 

What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?
I learned many different ways to say "slang." Using different versions of saying slang can cause you to get different types of reactions, some better then others. I was really surprised. I also learned about eres la hosita, which means thats awesome, but can be used positively or negatively. It use to mean something religious but now its used used to describe something. 

How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goal?
It helped me learn a little about slang but it also showed me how people react to different questions and topics. I got the feel that this topic could of been touchy for some people in these spanish speaking countries where its not touchy at all in America.

What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations?
I kept talking to people until I learned some type of form of slang, This included talking to four people, but I didn't give up. I really wanted to learn something. 

What specifically do you need to improve on? (Quote specific things you said or did and what you would have done or said if you could do it again)
I need to figure out better ways to phrase things. Many of the people didn't understand how I was wording things and wasn't use to the form of spanish I was using. For one the word Argot meaning slang in spanish confused almost everyone and no know knew it. This is what word reference told me but I guess people don't really use that word. 
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Blog Post #5. The Final One!!

For my final blog post I decided to guide my conversation from talking about the types of food he eats in Ecuador to what the culture is like and how the teenage life is like. Like what teenagers do for fun. So when asking him, he tells me that Ecuador is kind of a little more chill than other countries like Brazil. THe drinking age apparently is 15 years old, and they go to "farrear" which seems like it would be a noun in English but really is a verb. To farrear is when teens go out to party, sing, dance, and drink, and you only have to be 12 years old to go farrear. It seems like age really isn't that big of a thing in Ecuador since kids can be so young to drink alcohol. So I guess this also means they get treated like adults earlier meaning they are expected to be pretty independent and help support their families. 
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blog post 3

​my conversation with my person was a very nice one because how we can say things the right way. every time i something, he show me how i can say it bette. The person i was talking to his name is Alexander and he was a big help to me. he really said some things about the way words are said in different oart of the world. it was very nice talking to him.
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Proyecto de Conversación 5

What does education look like in Peru? Conversation with Ximena from Peru.

My partner taught me that school Peru is much like school in America. We both take the exact same classes in high school. I learned that my partner is a very enthusiastic person, as she never lost interest in the chat. I learned that I enjoy talking to others, as the conversation lasted for a while once again. As we spoke more and more, I became increasingly interested in her cultural traditions. Once again, I was surprised that my partner was so friendly. If someone tried to chat with me about a school project, I doubt that I would be as cooperative as she was. I am proud that I learned something about school in Peru from the chat, as education is the key to success. Once again, I had a fear that my partner would suddenly exit the chat from boredom. Luckily, this chat was successful.
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Blog Post 5: "Conocer" vs. "Saber

Conversation question addressed: Cuales la diferencia entre "conocer" y "saber"?

So this conversation will be discussing with different people about the diference between "saber" and "conocer". I don't really have any discussion questions ahead of time...but I want to ask questions like:

"Como tu ta?"

"Que estudias?"

y "Cuales la diferencia entre "conocer" y "saber"?"

I'm anticipating a few interesting, but not really difficult conversation. 
Post Conversation:

conocer y saberrrr
conocer y saberrrr

Ybrownlee Blog 5

This weeks goal was a run off of last weeks goal was about obtaining jokes and knowing how to speak about where you are from and what it feels like.
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What color are you?

This week, I was interested in knowing what my friend, Maria, is main mistaken for. Although she's Latina, her pale skin can make people think she's many other nationalities. I wanted to know which. For myself, I'm unmistakably one race, so I wanted to the the perspective of someone who has to deal with being called one race versus their own. 
what youre mostly mistaken for

Venezula vs. US

This week, I decided to talk to my friend, Maria, about her country versus the US. Since she moved here when she was 5, it wasn't much to remember. But, I tried to pick her brain to see if there was anything of significance to mention. I was intrigued to see the perspective of a person that wasn't born in the US and how it's differences make it so.... unique in the experience here. 
venezula vs US

Blog #4

​I wanted to learn how to use irony in Spanish. I was hoping that I would get a legitimate answer that would better me. However, all I got was a lengthy paragraph on how I should not learn how to use irony and that it is too complex for someone learning spanish.

Me-¿Como usar ironia en español?

Leandroadalfo-La ironía es una forma de argumentar compleja y que precisa de un cierto nivel de intelectualidad. Como recurso lingüístico avanzado y altamente comunicativo, no creo que su uso sea el más adecuado para una persona que está aprendiendo un idioma, y tampoco creo que una persona con escaso dominio de un idioma pueda hacer uso de la ironía con su verdadero valor.