Emma Hersh Globalization Q3 Benchmark

Collapsibility of Mali and the UK

​Here is the link to my text, sources and compare and contrast on these two nations 


Mali and the UK are two very different countries on every level, one is a third world country with a very underdeveloped economy while the UK is a first world country with a very stable and developed economy. This project began when our class started the Global Goods and Local Costs projects, researching and analyzing different countries in a certain part of the world. I researched the UK, so my process of looking at the UK through the lens of the 5-point-framework began there. Then our class looked at different countries to see how their election worked, my group was in charge of researching Mali, so the second part of my research began there. Once I started finding information about each of these countries, the news links and data from each of these kept flowing as more and more links popped up. From there I was able to analyze each of these countries through the lens of the 5-point-framework which looked at the way different countries handles climate change, friendly trade partners, hostile neighbors, environmental damage and how the society reacts to environmental damage. Then I organized my information in an order that was simple and easy to understand, printed it out and made it into a mobile so that each part of the 5-point-framework could be visually connected. If I could change something about my project, I would find a way to digitally represent my information in a similar way to a mobile, like I did on paper, but instead make it more accessible to the internet. 
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Collapse Ratings: Uganda & Algeria

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​Here's the link to my benchmark. 

Overall, this benchmark was a little challenging, but nothing that couldn't be handled. It taught me a lot about my election day country and one of the countries from my group study. I wanted to really go beyond what I needed to do for this project and even though I found myself cramming work in during the end, I feel like my overall project is pretty good. There are still a few things that need to be added onto the project, but for the most part, it's finished. 
I selected Algeria and Uganda. Both countries reside in Africa (Algeria in the north and Uganda in Subsaharan). Although they both come from the same place, they're not equal in achievements and developments when it comes to the five point framework. Algeria is a little more advanced in its development of a country whereas Uganda still has a lot of trouble with natural resources, neighboring and societal issues. 
I began doing my research a little later than I had expected to, but once I got to it, it wasn't really that hard to do. I did my research and made sure to make notes as I went along during the process. Once I had done the majority of my resources, I put it together in a PDF document that showed some creativity along with my knowledge of these countries. 
The five point framework taught me a lot along the way. I learned more about Jared Diamond's view on the world and how societies grew as a whole. For the most part, it was really easy, but I found myself stuck when it came to neighbors/trade partners. But I got through it with some help from Google! 
If I could change one thing about my benchmark, it would definitely be the process I went through. I should have started my work earlier to produce a better benchmark because I know that the information inside the benchmark isn't as fulfilling as it could be. I would have started earlier so I could produce the best work possible. But overall, I'm happy with my finished product. 
I really enjoyed this project. It gave me a new perspective of a lot of things and allowed me to view another country that I probably never would have if I didn't do this project. I'm now able to talk about a couple of countries and how they relate to the five point framework in Jared Diamond's Collapse book. 

Collapse Project: Mongolia Vs. El Salvador


The countries I studied where Mongolia in East Asia and El Salvador in Central America. They are very different at first but once one studies their problems and learns more about them, the similarities come through.

I primarily researched articles and government websites to learn about the issues in each country. I decided to challenge myself and create a wordpress site to convey my information.

I did not have that much trouble working with the five point framework and basing my research around it, however when it came to ranking the countries I had a difficult time being objective. 

If I could do this project over again, I would include more links and pictures in my site, and maybe make it slightly more creative. If I didn't do a site I think I would have done something along the lines of a narrated race and the rankings being how well each country was doing in the race and that would determine who won. 

To learn about Mongolia and El Salvador and whether or not they will collapse visit my website here!

Countries & Collapse: Slovakia/Afghanistan Alsardary

For my project, click here ;)

         For my Q3 Benchmark, I selected Slovakia, which is located in Central Europe, and Afghanistan, which is located in Central Asia. They both are basically completely different countries that have many differences and some similarities in many ways. I basically rated the collapsibility of each country based on the five point framework from Jared Diamond's "Collapse". The five point framework is Environmental Damage, Society's response to environmental problems, Friendly trade partners, and hostile neighbors. The process was pretty interesting for me, especially the time. I spent most of my time researching whereas I should have started putting toghether the project. For the wordpress work, we put our country's sources under the five point framework and it made it easier for me to put toghether the project. One thing I do think I should have done is I should not have procrastinated alot. Most of the time I pushed the BM off thinking I had time to do it but it soon came time to finish it up and I had a bit of trouble with time management. I did put alot of effort and time into the BM though, spending hours doing research and developing the best responses and collapsibility ratings for my countries, going in deep detail and long explanation. I also spent a large amount of time trying to find photos to make the product look nice and creative. Overall, I think my project is put together well and has good information entailed in it. As for the 5 point framework, doing the research was definitely the hardest part of all, especially because you needed the research to develop a true statement. Other than that, I think the 5 point framework was relatively easy to deal with and I think I had the necessary tools to assess the five point framework for my countries in my own mind. It was pretty straightforward, it just needed the time and thinking and that is exactly what I spent time doing and perfecting.  If I could change one thing about my product, it would probably be the design or the format, because I feel like I could have taken it to another level with creativity; nevertheless, I think I did a great job overall. I would also try to take back time and start the project earlier while doing the research so that i could multitask and get more done. I think this was a fantastic BM that really tested my ability to assess my countries and really learn a deeper understanding of the possible things that might make a country collapse and have problems, and how many of those problems are intertwined. I had a great experience that I definitely recommend to the students next year.

Societee Game - Collapse Benchmark

For my project, I studied Mali (in Africa) and Romania (in Europe). Both countries face an immense amount of problems that stem from Environmental Damage (in particular, their farming exports have led to numerous factors) that put each at a high to medium risk of collapse. In evaluating each nation, I researched the nation and their economy in-depth, and saved important articles for later. Then, I reviewed the sources with regard to the five-point framework and determined the likelihood that each nation would collapse. The evaluation was straightforward, but determining what information to include was much more difficult than it seemed. Overall, I would’ve liked to make my project more interactive and visual (with a reduction in text explanation). However, due to the nature of the project, it would’ve been very difficult to do so while still explaining all factors in-depth. In the future, I would like to see this project removed from the curriculum. While I enjoyed the project, it seemed as though it simply modified an essay assignment and turned it into a visual project (which didn’t really work). To solve this, I would either have students write a paper to this regard or avoid the requirement of evaluating with the five point framework. Doing so would allow the project to be more interactive while demonstrating the same levels of knowledge.

Collapsibility of Poland and El Salvador

The countries I examined for this benchmark were Poland and El Salvador. Poland is located in Eastern Europe (bordering the Baltic Sea) and El Salvador is in Central America. Both have been experiencing environmental damage and climate change due to heavy pollution from the local population and industries. Although El Salvador's conditions are much harsher, the people have done more to react to the damage and conditions than Poland's people have. However, the two nations are both stable when it comes to trade and neither one of them have an overhanging threat of war. 

I was able to come across all this information by doing very in depth research. Going into this benchmark, I already had information on Poland's environmental damage because of previous assignments. So, I just took a step forward and researched the affects of this environmental damage, and most of the sources I came across also included information about Poland's response to the damage and climate change. Looking at the path I walked down when researching this with Poland (my keywords and google news searches), I merely did the same thing with El Salvador. Any general information or named organizations I came across I then researched separately to see what that was all about. Furthermore, researching the friendly trade partners and hostile neighbors were also very closely interlinked. I began with the CIA World Factbook for general information on what they trade, who they trade with, and what international problems/disputes they had recently. From there, I searched other sources for more specific information and facts. Also, if I did not come across much information this way on the hostile neighbors, I simply looked up who the neighbors of the two countries were and searched for the relations between the countries and their neighbors. This gave me the information I needed. 

So, finding the information for the 5-point framework was simple enough. But, ranking them was a different story. I wasn't sure how to tell if certain conditions were necessarily "irreversible" or how much events that happened decades before affected the international relations of today. Therefore, actually analyzing the countries' collapsibility this way was a little difficult. 

In the end, the only regret I have for my project is that it isn't very creative. I spent all my time and energy collecting facts and sources, so the only creative part of my project was that I made a little "red-to-green scale" video for my ranking - which I can't even show on SLATE. If I had more time to actually put the information together and more room around all my fact and information, I would have put in more pictures and maybe videos of interviews that I came across. However, as my project stands now, I am content. I did the best I could with researching and getting the information across and it is not horrible to look at. I'm satisfied. 

Thea Farah: Timor-Leste and Mali

My countries were Timor-Leste and Mali.  Timor-Leste was my country for the election project.  It's a very tiny country that gained independence from Indonesia in 2002, so it's only ten years old.  For the "Global Goods, Local Cost" project, I was put in the Sub-Saharan Africa group and I ended up focusing on gold mining in Mali, so I used that for my other country.  Mali is one of the poorest countries in the world, despite being home to a booming gold mining business.  Originally I was disappointed that I had two developing nations, because I figured they would be quite similar, but they turned out to be different in some respects and it was still quite an interesting project.  I assumed that Mali would be easier to research, because Timor-Leste is such a new and small country, but I found that the country didn't matter as much as the topic.  Finding information about things like environmental damage and climate change was easy for both countries, but it was harder to find information about their relationships with other countries and trading partners.

Using the five-point framework was generally straightforward, although there were times when it was hard for me to separate the relevant from the irrelevant information when I was writing, because I'm always tempted to include every piece of information I have.  I think I managed to do it well in the end.  I do wish the whole piece was a little nicer looking, though.  I think if I could do it again, I would make it more professional-looking.

Collapsibility- France vs. South Korea

My project focuses on France and South Korea.  Both countries have their strengths and weaknesses, although France has considerably more strengths.  South Korea is a relatively new country, which mean they have more challenges to over come than France.  France has experience and stability that results in a very low chance of collapse.  My project is an interactive PowerPoint that puts France and South Korea head to head on Jared Diamond's five-point frame work.  Each slide focuses on one of the points a gives a rating to each country between zero and ten, in the end the points are tallied and the country closest to 50 is the least likely to collapse.  Some of the points are straightforward, such as "Climate Change" and "Citizen's Response to Environmental Damage" while others were more complex such as "Hostile Neighbors" and "Friendly Trade Partners".  Relationships with neighboring countries and trade partners are constantly changing and need to be evaluated on different levels.  One difficult part of the project was finding useful, reliable and, interesting sources.  While my project includes hyperlinks some of those do not lead to the most interesting sites. 

Q3 Benchmark: Japan & Serbia

Click Here for my project

The countries I chose were Japan and Serbia. The countries share a lot of commonalities involving environmental damages. My project overall discusses all of the five point framework points and also involves the ratings that I gave the country based on their performance. I decided to present my work on a pages document and convert it as a PDF file for online. I created my work in the same layout as a previous student's project at SLA. I really enjoyed the way she showed her project the way everything was organized. It was easy to read and to me I felt it was exotic yet fun and NOT boring.

Deciding on the ratings from the different countries I realized that I had to really be strict about it because this was the real deal to me. I felt as though it was complicated but then again it wasn't. I had a hard time trying to figure out, which number I wanted to give each country based on their environmental damages, climate changes and so forth. It was the point where I had to judge both countries on the same frame point. It got to the point where I didn't really focus on what other people thought because this was my opinion not any one else's.

If I were to do this project again I wouldn't wait til last minute like I did with this project. I would use my time wisely next time. I would also try to use a different kind if layout instead of going straight for Kimbery Bush's layout. It was creative and well thought out I believed I also think that maybe if I would have taken my time doing this project I would have though up a better way to present my work rather then following someone's layout.

Q3 BM: Collapse: A Comparison between Burma and Peru

​Here is a link to my PDF walk through of my evaluation of Burma and Peru's "collapse-ability".

For this project I examined Burma and Peru. Burma is a country in Southeast Asia, plagued with civil unrest. The people of Burma struggle constantly with the authoritarian government that has committed so many human rights abuses. Peru on the other hand is found in South America where it is frequently exploited for it's precious natural resources such as rich mahogany forests and plentiful gold.
For this project I was blown away by Kim Bush's pdf exploration of India vs. China in terms of collapse-ability. Unfortunately, I lack the artistic skill to really make mine as nice looking as hers, so I was a bit disappointed by my final product. I think the information is good, but I do wish that I had picked a more interested medium.
When comparing these countries, I was supposed to judge them based on the five point framework: environmental damage, hostile neighbors, friendly trade partners, climate change and society's response to environmental change. This was fairly easy to do with these two countries. I accredit this to the fact that there is fairly plentiful information on these topics for these countries.
If I could change anything about my project, I would have chosen a more interesting/unique format. I briefly thought about doing a prezi, but I came to the conclusion that my laptop is a bit too old, and can hardly handle pop-up ads, let alone the rather draining task of running a prezi.
All in all, I really liked this project as it gave me insight to how a country's strengths and weaknesses can be broken down into a fairly simple set of categories. This new found knowledge will help me in the future to consider how countries rise and fall, and keep that in mind when media hype seems to block out even the strongest of arguments.

David Ashmare Jr. Reflection

  1. What suggestions would you make in order to improve this project for next time?
  2. What advice would you give yourself (or someone else) to be successful for the next project?

This project gave you some guidelines, and then set you free to learn anatomy, be creative, and manage your own time. Finish the following sentences:

  1. The thing about this kind of learning that works best for me is….
  2. The thing about this kind of learning that is a challenge for me is...

I liked the whole general idea of the project. I've never had one or encountered one like this. We had to basically raise a baby. I think one way to improve the project, is to not have healthy babies. That's so normal and boring. My baby had PKU. I never even heard of PKU before this project. It taught me a lot about how people with this disease have to live a different life. They have to be on a strict diet or they would be at risk. With more out of the box diseases and disorders, I think it will make things more interesting.
The advice I would give someone else would be to choose their partner wisely. I know, I'm a senior and I'm still having trouble with choosing my partner over my friends. They also shouldn't assume that someone will get their work done. It would just be smooth sailing if one chooses someone who is reliable, hard working because they project isn't that hard, unless you make it difficult. I would definitely take my own advice next time. I love my partner as a friend, but when working, I should know by now how I work and how she works and it just didn't work out as well as I imagined.
The thing about this kind of learning that works best for me is the fact that it teaches me to be independent. I rely less on being told exactly what to do step by step. This is something I have to continue improving at because in college I'm pretty sure I'm going to encounter this type of learning. However, something that was a challenge for me was turning my creative hat on. I'm not creative at all. I like being told that teachers want the work to look like this or have this certain type of information because then I don't have to think outside the box. It's all right there in front of me, which is how I prefer to learn because then I know I can put in 110% of my effort into making sure that the work I turn in is what the teacher asked and then some.

Julia's Q3 BM: Mali v Chad


Click the picture above for the link to my benchmark. The countries I compared are Mali and Chad. I did research with key words that fit with the 5 point framework and collected articles and blogs that provided decent information. Then I put the scores into Prezi and made a video of my analysis. It was challenging because I had never used Prezi before.

When I had to decide what numbers to give the countries, I found myself torn about exactly what number to give. However, the fact that I judged both countries in the same framework, the numbers seem pretty fair to me. But to someone else, the numbers may seem out of whack. The framework itself seems to cover all of the things that could make a country collapse. The benchmark description also helped make it more straightforward.

Originally, I wanted to make a product similar to Kim Bush's. However, I wanted to make mine more interactive and I am happy that I branched out and tried Prezi. I wish I made my project more visually appealing: more pictures and video in the Prezi itself. Now that I have the experience with Prezi, I could do that more confidently. My other idea that I wanted to try was to make a game show with the two countries. But with my computer having issues and the fact that a video is not interactive, I am glad I stuck with my idea.


Mi Proyecto

Mi nombre es RubyJane Anderson. Tengo 15 anos. Vivo en Filadelphia. Me gusta hago muchas cosas. Soy muy comica, por eso me gusta para actuar a el teatro. Yo tambien soy sociable, por eso tiene sentido que ir al cine con amigas. Por ultimo, tiene dos perros, por eso tiene sentido que comina mi perro. Mira a este sitio web para aprender más acerca de las personas en mi vida!

Se trata es Zoe. Es mi amiga! Es muy intellgente, por eso ella estudia mucho y le gusta leer mucho! Tambien es divertida, por eso tiene sentido que jugar videojuegos, especialmente Pokemon! Zoe es muy talentosa. Juega guitarra y violín. Ella tambien canta. Ella es mi amigo porque ella es divertida.

Estamos Ruby y Cathy. Tenemos quince anos. Vivimos en Filadelfia. Estamos sociables, es por eso que pasar un rato con amigas. Estamos artística, por eso nos gusta dibujamos. Somos habladoras, por eso tiene sentido que nos gusta hablar por telefono. Por último, estamos muy interesados ​​en la moda, por lo que nos gusta ir de compras a las tiendas de segunda mano.

Ellas son Anna y Jaime. Ellas son mis amigas. Ellas son muy creativa, por eso ellas dibujan y bailan. Tambien son simpaticas, por eso les gusta hacer servicio comunitario. Por ultimo, ellas son atleticas por eso que tiene sentido que les gusta corre y practica deportes.

Uyen Nguyen Quarter 3 BM

Here's a link to my IWEB comparison of Brazil vs. Ecuador five point frame work. 

                                     Screen shot 2012-03-25 at 9.03.42 PM

It's being present in a form of iWeb as you can see above. The whole idea of using online site to create a website is really fun and creative, but I like to kick it back old school just a little. iWeb is actually a really interesting program to use because it allows you to do as many thing as you want on it. You can pick your own template and create your own web page without staying on the internet for too long and you also don't have to worry about the internet crashing on you, deleting your hard work. iWeb live right on your computer and also save every process of your work until the final produces! 

Brazil and Ecuador? Why? Why Braziladorian?
I was actually assigned to work with a group to investigate in issues in the south region and Brazil/Ecuador happened to be my expert. Since I took a lot of time investigated in these two countries, I took some interest in wanting to learn more about the two together and find out it's similarity and differences. The five point frame work gave me an opportunity to learn more about both of the countries together and individually. 

I came up with an idea of making a comparison video between the two countries using footages as well as short video clips to make it more entertaining and active. However, there were not many videos that were informative and useful for this specific project. After all, the iWed didn't fail to let me down, it was a really fun and interesting tool for me to use during the process of building this project. Perhaps it will be fun for others to view and get engage into the iWeb as well. 

When giving this project, I came to a conclusion that I will enjoy putting this project together and enjoy the content part of the project. However, though out the research process, I've learned a lot about both of the countries together and individually. I would say that the research would be the best part of this project. I really enjoyed learning a little more about mining and the relationship that mining have opened Brazil as a whole. Also it was also interesting to know more about Ecuador since it's a small country from the south region that not many people talk about. I would say that learning facts between the two countries opened my eyes to see the other side of these two countries as well as how it's function. 

I decided to make an iWeb to shows my knowledge and understanding form this project. However, if I were to do this project again. I would like to create a game or a video talk rather than using this method to show what I've learn to others. I feel like this is an informative way to teach others about the two countries and it's five points frame work. But it was not one of the most creative or fundamental ways to get viewers active and remember what they learned. 

Spanish 1 BM Q3 - Amy Chen



¡Hola! Me llama Amy Chen. Soy tienes quince años. Soy practicar baloncesto, softball del juego, hacer ejercicio todos los días es por eso que soy apto. Sin embargo, soy es muy inteligente porque estudio, leer, trabajo todos los días. También responsable, porque yo ver después de la familia y cuido a los niños. Me gusta tomar la fotografía es por eso que nunca yo tenido nada que ver. Soy editar un montón de gente es por eso que soy creativo. Salgo con me novio tiene sentido que soy guapa.



Su llama Sophia Henninger. Ella tiene 17 años. Ella es atlético, por eso ella  practico deportes. Sin embargo ella no le gusta la tarea. Ella es un bien amiga porque ella es cómica, agradable, impresionante, y dé el buen consejo. Ella está trabajando duro todos los días haciendo estudiar todos los días y hacer tarea. Ella también es sociable porque ella le gusta habla a la nueva gente. Pero ella también lleva las cosas serias. Esto por qué ella también es seria



Mi equipo de baloncesto. Somos son atlético porque practicamos deportes y practicamos todos los días. Mi equipo de baloncesto son cortos y altura. Algunos de ellos son muy altos porque ellos juegan cuando ellos eran jóvenes. Sin embargo, nosotros estudiamos, hacer tarea, y trabajando duro Porque necesitamos alto grado para tocar durante los juegos. Ayudamos mutuamente durante los juegos y prácticas porque somos un equipo. Nosotros muestre el trabajo en equipo en cada práctica y juegos.



Sus nombres son Warda y Alex. Ellos es muy el cuidar porque ellos ayude a mucha gente hacia fuera en la preparación y deberes de clase. Sin embargo son muy cómico porque son como la fabricación de bromas y de la cara divertida. Ellos le gusta estudia y leer, es por eso ellos son muy inteligente. Les gusta habla en el teléfono eso tiene sentido que ellos sean hablador. Sin embargo, ellos un poco perezosa porque ellos gusta relajar.



Importance of John F Kennedy fight for Civil Rights in early 1960’s America

Process paper

This project focuses on civil rights reform, the reaction of different people in the 1960’s and the revolution that occurred to give more opportunities to African American or non- white Americans.  There are many events under president Kennedy that were important for civil rights.

One example is "The Birmingham Desegregation Campaign." During the summer of 1963, Blacks  protested to get the attention of the President and the Congress to give them equal civil rights.

The second example is many events in the nation that tried to prevent the 1964 Civil Rights Act from being passed in Congress. Kennedy had to fight to get supporters to back his act. This impacted African Americans then, and there are many effect that have lasted until today.

I picked John F Kennedy because he is an important person when looking at reaction and reform.

After world war 11 African Americans spoke up more when they were not treated well or equally. They began to protest more and demand protection of civil rights.

To find sources for this project I looked for articles about people’s reaction, JFK and civil rights events.

When I started this project , I wanted to look for a topic that really includes the reaction, reform and revolution. I think by looking this topic I can learn all important things.


"The Birmingham Desegregation Campaign." Amistad Digital Resource. Web. 09 Jan. 2012. <http://www.amistadresource.org/civil_rights_era/birmingham_desegregation_campaign.html>

       In this article the protest that happened all across the country during the summer of 1963 is detailed.  It explaine how Blacks  protested to get the attention of the president and the congress to give them equal and civil rights.  There is a link to a video that shows how the protest became violent but were not going to stop unless the president acted. This is a good summary of the violence, the planning, and the courage of those who were fighting in the south for Black Americans to get rights.

"Civil Rights Movement - John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum." John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum. Web. 09 Jan. 2012. <http://www.jfklibrary.org/JFK/JFK-in-History/Civil-Rights-Movement.aspx?p=3>.


     This is an article that summarizes events that lead up to the passing of the Civil rights Act of 1963. The article presents three main events that lead up to this. First, the working conditions in Birmingham Alabama is discussed.  Next, the article talks about the March on Washington, and finally it talks about how President Kennedy started the legislation process but was killed and President Johnson carried on with the act. This an excellent article about the timeline of events that lead to the Civil rights Act of 1963 becoming part of American Law.



"1964 Civil Rights Act." Spartacus Educational. Web. 09 Jan. 2012. <http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAcivil64.htm>.

    The article is about how events in the nation at the time tried to prevent the Civil Rights act from being passed in Congress.  There is a discussion about how Kennedy had to fight to get supporters to back his act.   Next It follows up with how the congress  how the argued against passing the bill in when they met.   Finally, it continues to show how this impacted African American who were tried to be persuaded not to support the Act.  The article should have had more details about the struggle between the supporters and those who were against the act.This article was too short but it gave a clear summary of the fight to get civil rights legislation passed.



History News Network. Web. 09 Jan. 2012. <http://hnn.us/articles/39024.html>.

       This article tried to get into President Kennedy’s head and his thought process.  His thoughts about  race,ethics ad being determined to help African Americans is examined.  It was a question of doing the right thing from 1961-1963.  The article analysis conversations Kennedy had with with brother about event taking place in the south to discourage African Americans from getting equal rights. He was trying to decided if this was the right thing to do at that time:  give Blacks equal rights.



“John Kennedy and Civil Rights." History Learning Site. Web. 09 Jan. 2012. <http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/john_kennedy_and_civil_rights.htm>.

      This article summarized important events during his presidency however it ask an important question:  did Kennedy support civil rights.  The article answers the question by saying Yes  Kennedy did according to the writer. It talks about his promises in  speeches before his election, and during his time in office.   It outlines how the speeches did support civil rights for African Americans but that Kennedy did not live long enough to talk about his support and see his promise come true. This is a good summary of the JFK time line and events that lead him to think about Civil rights during his last term in office.


Q3 Benchmark- Filadelfia Proyecto

Project Reflection Questions

Respond in English:

Describe the Q3BM: what was the assignment? 

  •  The assignment was to create a website with a few how-to's, descriptions of favorite place, and things tourists from spain, or any spanish speaking country, could do if they came to Philadelphia. Every group made a google doc, and did the majority of their work on there. Then once we'd peer reviewed all our work, we posted it all on a website with pictures.
What did your group decide to do and why?
  • We decided to each do a tutorial on how to do something useful here in philadelphia, like how to ask for basic directions, or hail a cab. We also all did a word bank, and put a few pictures of the places we talked about in our place descriptions.

What did you learn from doing this project?  

  • I feel like I realized I know how to say a lot more in spanish, then i thought I did. Which is really a confident boost, and shows me that even if I don't feel like I understand everything we're doing, that I'm still taking a lot of it in.

How do you feel about your final product?

If you could do your project all over again, what would you do differently/the same?

  • If I could do the project over, and had more time I would have liked to make some video tours of the places we talked about in our project, and also to have created a better website, if we'd learned how to use google sites it may have been easier.

  • I think our final project is good though, theres a lot of good information.

Drive Review

To first start off my review, I was force to see Drive, a movie directed by Nicolas Windng Refn of a stuntman whom has a very mysterious, private persona. When I first watched this film, I thought of how much it compares to The Transporter. A film directed by Louis Leterrier and Corey Yuen and one of my favorite actors to watch, Jason Statham playing this killer bad driver. Watching a movie like Drive made me dislike it because it was nothing to what I was use to like in The Transporter. After watching this film again, I've taken interest in the close up shots of Ryan Gosling’s entrance in the first 10 minutes of the film and throughout the whole movie I was noticing many close-up shots. I felt like the director, wanting a majority of the shots to be close-ups so that we can get a better feel of the characters and what they go through. Just like The Transporter, there's a robbery scene and a get away scene from the police officers. Ryan was just so non-chalant, driving away from the police officers. You've seen no fear in his eyes. He was just so concentrated and what he did and how he did it. It was different and I liked how suave and chilled it was compared to the transporter. Both actions packed with rules to follow but both drivers persona was very different. I really like the scene where it introduces the drivers "everyday life" and how his skills gave him another life to "cherish".  


I did not have any interest in this movie at first because of the lack of dialogue throughout this movie. I felt like it was a silent movie with just noise. I wanted more dialogue, more of a story to this movie. That's why at first I didn't like it. But after watching it a second time, I was more focused on the individual characters and shots. They were good but if the movie were as good as the characters and the shots themselves, I would have enjoyed it the first time I've watched it. My favorite scene in this movie was the elevator scene where Ryan devoured the face of the man that was seconds away from killing him. You've heard this very tranquil song; "A Real Hero" by College Ft. Electric Youth while Ryan was crushing the guy face. You can hear the crushing of the skull and you can see the fear in Irene's eyes. After the job was done, Ryan turned his face in accomplishment and fear because of the look on Irene's face horror in her eyes. That one scene was just so powerful and spoke so much about Irene and Ryan’s character. The shot was amazing the lighting focusing on the characters expressions made you feel like you've just taken their place. It felt like I was in the film right there beside them because I was so drawn in.

The props in the film created the characters. Ryan and his scorpion jacket he wore throughout the film. I felt that the jacket was very symbolic. I felt the jacket was his way of hiding his true self to the public; he was a killer badass within. He didn't have as much objects with him early in the movie until close to the end where he smashed the living hell out of Cook's hands played by James Biberi with a hammer. I felt the pain and was just afraid at how much power Ryan had. The bird's eye view of Ryan made you feel like yeah, I was the badass but now this bird has power of me now, I'm helpless. 

Ryan was just a very interesting man to the viewers, his neighbors, and friends. He put himself in a situation where I felt was a waste a time to get involved with but maybe that was the point of the story to have some dramatic twist. Ryan may have wanted to get involved just because of Irene, the girl he fell for who is taken by a man who came out of prison for a crime that dealt with money. Standard, Irene’s husband just got out prison to yet put him self into a situation again dealing with money. He had to pay off cook and Ryan made himself available in order to help out Standard. Standard gets murdered and Ryan wants to finish the job for the safety of Irene and her son. His love for them is strong and he wants to make sure the people who done this to Standard will receive serious pain. He is stopping at nothing, he has his mind set on determination and driving.

There were many scenes where I felt grabbed my attention thoroughly. Where Ryan had the moment in the elevator with Irene and the lighting dimmed only on them two. The scene was very powerful showing so much emotion within the characters at that one moment. How Irene went from not wanting to get involved with Ryan but in the elevator cracked. Another scene that showed so much power, it held my attention the whole time was when Ryan drove away at then end of the film. Although it was the ending scene I felt like this was his life something he couldn’t let go of. A connection a relationship with driving that no one could bare to take away. At first, the thought of Irene and Ryan together made me think that would be the relationship in the film but its exactly all about the people you let in your life there’s more.

The scenes that were well connected to the overall storyline were Ryan’s driving. His driving skills throughout the film created his character created who he was. Nothing and no one got in his way of what I believed he loved to do. I can honestly say that his connection with driving is like my connection to Channing Tatum. He is a character in the film that made the scenes more interesting and dramatic in a way although the film was kind of quiet in my view. The overall film has a sense and achievement in getting you at the edge of your seat when you least expect it.

Abest reflection q3 benchmark

The benchmark was to create a website in a group, guiding a tourist from a spanish speaking country around Philadelphia. 

I learned from the benchmark to see traveling from a different perspective. I also learned to create a guide in spanish using my knowledge of the city i live in.

I felt like I didn't quite know how the site was coming along in terms of my partners completing it. There wasn't much communication it was sort of just 4 people working on one thing. If I could do it again I would talk to my teamates more to produce a better project


late submission, is late.

Spanish_BM-Sabian Rosales


Hola, mi nombre es Sabian Rosales. Tengo quince años. Asisto a Science Leadership Academy. Mi gusta a jugar electronico, es pore so que yo jugo videojuegos. Los videojuegos favoritos Journey y Castle Crashers. Mi encanta musíca por lo tanto yo toco el piano. Mi gusta perros(pugs) y (pufferfish). Mi encanta mathematicas, por es por lo tanto tiene sentido que yo estudio y estiendo Mathematicas. Yo soy althetico es pore so que me gusta nadar y montar en bicicleta.



Hola, nosotros nombre somos Sabian y Dwight(perro). Dwight tiene siete años y Sabian tengo quince años. Dwight y Sabian son primer amigos. Nos gusta comer. También nos gusta dormir y abrazarnos. Nos gusta correr y también nos gusta jugar. Mi encanta mi perro Dwight.



Mi dos papas son personas epicas y bonitas. Los dos son doctors, mi papa Vic es veterianario y mi papa Noel es pediatra. Mi papas trabajan duro. Ellos son muy intelligente y simpatico. Ellos gustan libros es por eso que les gustan leer. Mi papas son deportisa es por eso que montan en bicicleta. Mi papa Vic gusta baloncesteno y mi papa Noel gusta computadoras y los muy libros electronicos.


Mi perro es Él Dwight y Dwight es comico. Mi perro Dwight es negro y blanco. Parece que Dwight tiene calcetínes blancos. Le gusta dormir todos el días. Le gusta jugar con juguete chillón. Le gusta comer es por eso que él es poco gordo. Le gusta cuando yo y mi familia rascamos la panza. 

BM3 aeddy

The benchmark was a guide for people to use when they come to philadelphia. Our group decided to choose different guides to do different things but they all tied together. Like calling for a taxi, ordering food, understanding the U.S currency ect ect...

I learned from this project that being a guide isn't that easy as you think, it's easy until you have to convert all of it to spanish. Also I got to understand Euros better too, since I was working on the money section. 

I felt really good about our final project. To me, it was pretty good for our first website and it looks neat and the sections were easy to find.

If I had to re-do this project I would add more sections, pictures, and videos and some cool facts about philly and more. 

Here's the link to our site: https://sites.google.com/a/scienceleadership.org/q3-bm-mamar-olkus/home/para-conocer-la-moneda-de-u-s-a

E2.U5: Q3 Benchmark

Describe the Q3BM: what was the assignment?  What did your group decide to do and why? The assignment was to create a website to show a person that speaks spanish from another country what to do in Philadelphia. Showing them where to eat, how to have fun, how we celebrate, and what to do. As a group we decide to do a wide range of food places, different categories. We then showed the important thing to know when your a tourist in Philadelphia. Such as , how to tip. We chose fun events and events that can relate.

How do you feel about your final product? Final product is ok, I feel like it was rushed. I Tried to do as much as I could.

What did you learn from doing this project?  I learned how to extend my spanish. How to broaden my aspects and explain things.

If you could do your project all over again, what would you do differently/the same? Try to get my partners to edit more, and help more. Change the design.

Link: file:///Users/sarenashuman/Dropbox/Public/E2_U5_BM/