Tech Project

In this slide I have used all of the methods from Presentation Zen and the slide design website. One of the things that I have learned was that slides have not only text but pictures to support what your slide is showing about your presentation. This method is called Visual Aid. It makes the crowd's attention focus on you and your slide. On Presentation Zen it said here that human's used their sense of looking than any other sense. So you have to add a picture to make that sense even stronger.

I also use the method of using big fonts to make your crowd read less but to think more of how your presentation is like and think of what your presentation represent. In the article about slide design for developers it stated that "letters can be part of an actual presentation". Just like how pictures support the wording on your slide. Words on your slide can also support your visual aid.Also making words bigger in your slide stands out and brings the meaning of your slide out even more.I also leave out lots of space because if you add more and more to your slide. It will cause confusion to your audience.
the best 2

lobby blog post three


 The status of the Curfew law in Philadelphia is it has been passed by city council, so I would say it was a good year. It is a good year because it passed on October 27th 2011. 14 out of 15 elected officials indicated support of the curfew law.  The curfew law is not a simple issue to get an agreement between citizens of that city. For example if you go up to 10 different people you would most likely hear different viewpoints from all of them on how they feel about the issue.  People who are against this law are were graduate students, activists, a former, public school teacher, and several frequent government critics, including MOVE member Pan Africa and Wali Rahman, an independent candidate for mayor who identified himself as part of the Black is Back Coalition. Despite these individuals being against it the curfew law was passed.

The stakeholders in the curfew law are average citizens, parents, teens, and city council themselves. The curfew law can affect these individuals in a lot of different ways. For example how curfew can affect the average citizen is that they are worried whether their environment is safe to go out for a walk. They do not want to be worried to leave the own house.  Curfew laws affect the parents because it would reflect on the way parents raise their kids whether they could be trusted or not.  Curfew affects teens because it tells them what time they have to be in and certain teens choose to disobey the rules and ruin it for the teens that don’t have anything to do with things.  The curfew law affects city council because they have to keep up on the teens behavior when they have much important issues to work upon instead of worrying about how teens act and behavior this shouldn’t be their responsibility.

Since there are no allies or decision makers to move the main focus is keeping the curfew law from being revisited and city council changing their minds about what they have now.  The main purpose is to decrease the amount of people getting in trouble with this law.

No one is working on this currently since this law has passed on October27th.  Since this law has been passed there would be no reason to coordinate.  The only thing you would have to do is to follow upon the story and if any issues come up they can be addressed if something occurs, then you can coordinate with someone.

A person that I can influence is the mayor City Council. are the two major people that are the most important to be influenced because you do not want them to go back and revisit making them change their mind about what is currently out there now.

As of now there is no time frame. There are no time frames because the law has passed October 27th 2011. If there was something that occurs you can address the issue in that time period.

As of now there are no key dates meetings, committee hearing, deadlines etc.  None of this is happening because the curfew law passed on October 27th. If something was to occur you could always address that issue when it happens then you can have a meeting or hearing about it.


here is a video to check out on this page as well 

People should watch this video because it would help parents make sure their child is safe before sending them out and them getting involved what it happening. (in website please check out)

Michael Nutter51308
Michael Nutter51308

¡Hola Ginny!


Dear Ginny,

   ​¡Hola! ¿Cómo estas? Estoy bastante bien. Mi nombre es Sieanna y tengo catorce años. Mi cumpleaños el cinco de septiembre. ¿Cuando es tu cumpleaños? Mi religión es hebreo. ¿Hay prácticas culturales tú eres que participan en, en Maracaibo? Soy de Filadelfia pero vivo en Filadelfia también. Es una cuidad bastante. 
¿Qué tiempo hace en Maracaibo? En Filadelfia, hace lloviendo y bastante frío y nublado también. A mí, está muy mal tiempo. Me odio llueve. Me gusta mucho la primavera. ¡Es bastante bien tiempo por mí! ¡Me gusta mucho escuchar música! ¡Me encantar Michael Jackson, Chris Brown y Hot Chelle Rae. También, me gusta mucho escribir, escribo poesía es mi favorito. Me encantar jugar videojuegos también. No me gusta nada ayudar en casa. ¿Y tú? ¿Qué te gusta hacer? ¿Te gusta escuchar música también? ¿Qué música te gusta escuchar? Yo soy puertoriqueña, africano-americana- una mezla de razas! Soy también muy inteligente porque me estudiar mucho. También, soy mucho sociable porque me encantar pasar un rato con mi amigos. Gusta, cuando tengo tiempo libre, mi y mi mejor amiga Amani, ella es muy bonita y inteligente, nosotros gusta salir y nosotros siempre escribir poesía juntos. Soy más o menos alta y un poquito guapa. ¡También, Soy muy divertida! soy cómica y boba; me encanta bailar en las fiestas de tonto. ¿Y tú? ¿Cómo eres? Bueno, me voy porque tengo que comer y estudiar por escuela. ¡Responde cuando puedo! ¡Hasta pronto! ¡Qué le vaya bien!


                       Con cariño,


P.S. - Mi Facebook es (Bam Fully'Motivated) Mi Twitter es (Bam_TheOriginal) =)
Photo on 11-22-11 at 1.45 PM
Photo on 11-22-11 at 1.45 PM
AQUI ES MI FAVORITO CONCIÓNS BY Michael jackson, Chris Brown y Hot Chelle Rae:
- ¡Disfrutar!
Michael Jackson - Breaking News
"Breaking News" by Michael Jackson
Chris Brown - Sweetheart [FULL SONG] [Boy In Detention] 2011
"Sweetheart" by Chris Brown
Last One Standing - Hot Chelle Rae w_ Lyrics
"Last One Standing" by Hot Chelle Rae

Researching the Issue

Middle school athletic cuts have flown under the radar, besides one Philadelphia Inquirer article and the STARs Organization, there has been no attention on it. State legislators Mike O'Brien and Larry Farnese are both against the budget cuts. My opposition was mostly, Arlene Ackerman, who is no longer in power. Yet, the $1 million cut, was possibly the $1 million that Ackerman was paid to leave the district.

There has been no legislation written to fix this, mostly because it hasn't had any attention. If one is written it would most likely have to be done by a school district official. The stake holders are all the legislators that want to make a brighter future for Pennsylvania youth. I need to have Leroy D. Nunery II on my side if I want to have the budget cuts reversed. I honestly don't think anyone can oppose this, because the youth is the future and you see the obesity rates in the current generation of kids. The STARs organization, Sports Teaching and Reaching Students, is an organization that I can work with on this topic. The time frame for this is to fix the budget by August, so that it will be fixed for the 2012-2013 school year. 

Kashif Ahmad- Fracking in PA Blog Post #3


This year has been a good and a bad year to my lobbying topic. It's been a good year because franking was supported by many people throughout the city such as the gas company, Bob Rucho and others. It also has been a bad year because not everyone has been supporting Fracking. Some of that people are the residents of the areas that tracking is taking place in. One big issue is the contamination of water. People fear that water is going to be contaminated with gas therefore instead of just water coming out from the water pipe, gas will also be coming out with the water. 

On November 20, State Senator Bob Rucho took a tour to the northeast Pennsylvania by Chesapeake Energy, which is the world's top shale gas producer. Now state paid trips has been offering to lawmakers and legislative members so they can see for themselves what actually happens during the franking and so they can permit tracking in different areas. 



Lobbying 4

2012 for a long time was said to be the big year for gay rights. Several states such as Pennsylvania, Oregon, New York, and New Jersey have been working towards positive attntion towards gay rights with the hopes of adding the legalization for gay rights to the ballot that year. New York is the only state that has made progress so far  but hopefully not the last. Lobbyists Ed Crabtree and Theresea Rosenburg have been lobbying for gay rights in local theaters and high population areas hoping to positively influence people on the issue. 



Two presidential candidates are giving a good name to the issue with the upcoming election. John Huntsman and Ron Paul aren’t exactly “supporting” gay rights but they agree that states should have the right to govern that for themselves.  For republicans, this is a huge step. Unfortunately, equally powerful people are on the other side of the spectrum. Rick Perry and Rick Santorum are both powerfully against gay rights but the latter seems to have a huge reserve of force and allies.


Not only does Santorum take a huge stand against anything related to equality for gays, he is a part of the GOP whose current objective seems to ruin Obama’s every attempt at ridding the U.S. of the DOMA and all of its unconstitutionality.

However, allies against the DOMA have recently made progress, having the bill recinded and even passing a vote to give same sex couples social security benefits.  Since the DOMA was originally what gave states huge power in terms of gay rights, its revocation is paving the way for inequality to finally be ruled unconstitutional.

Although it isn’t right, it helps the issue that people speaking badly about gay rights are punished. A    man had his salary cut after speaking out about his dislike for gays and their right to marry. He took his supervisor to court but the simple fact that a stand was taken against it gives hope to many.



Rail Transportation Lobbying - Update #3


In this portion of the lobbying task, it was time to investigate the current legislative powers and the likelihood of Amtrak Funding legislation. So far, this appears to be a good year for such legislation. While some members of the House and Senate feel as though the American railroad lines should be sold to private corporations, the majority still feel as though funding Amtrak would be the best for supporting railroad transportation. This is also portrayed in the media, which is covering the issue fairly well. In addition, the key person for new Amtrak legislation is Senator Frank Lautenberg of NJ (of which I am a constituent). This has some benefits and downsides in influencing such passage. While certainly helpful to be able to discuss the issues directly with the congressperson introducing the bill, it is, in common terms, "preaching to the choir." In other words, he doesn't need to be influenced to support such legislation.

The key group lobbying in support of this legislation is the National Association of Railroad Passengers. It would certainly be possible to join efforts with their group to lobby for the common goal of funding railroad transportation. Time spent influencing key legislators necessary for such passage will predominately include discussing the issues with the members of the congressional committee focused on studying the feasibility of railroad privatization and the opposition to such funding in both the House and Senate. While this was one of the primary concerns of congress, the focus has shifted to balancing the federal budget, so this time would be best spent discussing the issues with the committee members and waiting for the federal budget situation to be solved. Since such focus has shifted, there are no current meetings or hearings on the agenda; the committee has already presented their findings in support of Amtrak, but have not determined an appropriate amount.

Overall, there is much support for the issue, especially amongst those who have researched the topic; however, due to more pressing issues, the legislation has been placed aside for issues of greater priority. Once such legislative discussions return to focus on rail issues, the full force of the lobbying can resume.

Lobbying Blog Post 3 - I Think We Need A New Congress

Originally this blogs' focus was directed to all the fat cats on wall street who did dirty deals that ultimately led to the 2008 recession. Although it is still in the back of my mind I feel that I need to refocus and accept that what is done is done. It is in the past and it is time to move forward into a new prosperous re-emerging economy, right? Wrong.

A lot of people are disappointed in congress, our elected officials, not because they failed but because this seemed like our budgets last hope and they failed. Now if they don't have an answer in a year they will cut a minimum of 1.2 trillion dollars evenly from all U.S. programs regardless of size(Welfare and other very important social services exempt). This has essentially turned into a war between the two sides(like it wasn't before) and sadly to say, a war where you can clearly see news sources take sides point and case. These two articles are just blatant examples of how at war the republicans and democrats are I think the first article says how the republican unwillingness to do something with taxes is the reason we failed. Excuse me if I am speaking too frank but I really don't care which side was the catalyst to the failure, the real problem is the failure itself and congress' inability to fix our problem.

Back to what I said before about congress inability to fix their own problems it is a solution to their incompetence and it is that we lobby for new elected officials. We as a people can say "my elected official is not doing their job, get him out of congress." As I partly expected after learning that Pat Toomey is on congress he is related to congress' inability to fix their financial problems. The super committee is a culmination of six democrats and six republicans who were sent in to balance our budget as a special task force. Now as cool as special task force sounds they failed just like our regular task force and pat toomey was on this so called super committee. Now with the things that I said about him previously and this recent failure I truly think that Pennsylvania would benefit from a change in our elected official. The only people who I can influence are concerned citizens and people who feel that repeated failure is not tolerable.

To end off this I rarely agree with Obama statements but when he said he will veto anything to try to get congress out of this mess the easy way is all I was looking for someone to say. I believe that he agrees with a reelection.

Lobbying Post #3 - Curfew

Again, my issue is curfew, speaking on how teens will get accused on doing something bad. None of the representatives agree with me, but other philadelphians do. To the government, it may seem like good publicity, but to everyone else it's horrible. Nothing has happened, yet. But if the law gets more out of hand it wouldn't even be an teen flashmob anymore. It probably would be a city flashmob. The government is my opponent. Apparently, I don't have any type of power or authority to change things, but I know someone does.

The people I would have to go to are philadelphians, mostly parents. In my research, parents have more problem with this issue than teens, and it was directed to both groups. Then there's two different parent groups. There's the group that know their kids doesn't do anything, but yet they still get accused. Then there's the parents responsible for their kid's actions, but still have an attitude. I am more on the side of the innocent parents because those are the one who are most involved. The other parents would probably want to start some type of riot. Who knows.

The council members that was a part of this was Reynolds Brown, Miller and Green. All three agree with it, even my own representative of my district agrees with it. But they don't understand ALL of the outcomes.

I can influence teens and parents. Basically, we have two options. We can agree that the government will have a better way to determine where teens are going, or we can all disagree with the way it's being approached. That is my problem with the law. I felt that it was rushed a little. And they don't have a way to determine who's disobeying and who isn't.

I would like to apologize on my other blog post for wrong assumptions. On September 22nd 2011, it was introduced as a bill, which was directed to teens hanging out at City Hall and University City. Recently it was made an official law. It was actually a bill since 2007. By comparing the 2007 bill and the 2011 bill which is now an official law, it became more strict.

There are no meetings coming up on this issue just yet, but what I would like to do is to go to city council and have them listen to why I'm lobbying about this issue.

¡Hola Ronald Vega! Saludos desde Klarissa.

Querida Ronald Vega,

¡Hola! ¿ Qué mas? Me llamo Klarissa Hudson y tengo 14 años. Me cumple es el Julio 22nd. ¿ Cuåndo es tü cumple? Soy de Filedelfia. Hace mucho fresco pero mucho solo. ¿Que tiempo hace hoy en Maracaibo?

A ella le muy encanta cantar y bailar y escribe y leer. Sin embargo no me gusta nada comer y ir de compras y estudiar. Pero me muy muy muy encanta dibujar y salir con mi novio y escuchar musica y jugar videojuegos. ¿ Y a ti? ¿ Qué te gusta hacer en Maracaibo?

Es bastante baja y extraña. Es también deportista y trabajadora. Es a veces sola y platicar con amigos. Es morena baja marron y marron ojos. Es ademås una mezla de razas. ¿ Y tü? ¿ Como eres?

Bueno, me voy porque tengo que dormir. Adios amigo. 

Con cariño,

                                                                                               Klarissa Hudson
Photo on 11-21-11 at 2.55 PM
Photo on 11-21-11 at 2.55 PM
Mi amiga Leah y yo. (Left is Leah. Right is me.)

¡Hola! Mariana Torres.


Estoy tan emocionada de poder escribir. Bien, Mi nombre es Angelina. Soy de Filadelfia se conoce como "La Ciudad de Amor Fraternal." Yo tener dos hermanos y cero hermanas. Mi cumpleaños es 04 de diciembre. Tengo 15 años. lo que me gusta hacer es  platicar con amigos y estar de vaga. Salir con mi novio y ir al cine y hablar por teléfono. No me gusta nada leer y ir a la escuela. Tengo un mejor amigo, pero él murió el año pasado, Se fue a la playa y se ahogó en el agua. Así que perdí a mi mejor amigo. ¿Tienes un mejor amigo? si es así ¿cuál es su nombre¿Qué te gusta hacer? ¿Le gusta practicar deportes como el fútbol? ¿Estás contento de estar yo escribiendoasí que voy a hacer la tarea para escribir de nuevo tan prontocomo puedas!

- Angelina Pingitore :) 

Photo on 10-6-11 at 9.01 PM #5
Photo on 10-6-11 at 9.01 PM #5
esta es una imagen de mí y de mi novio^
Photo on 10-17-11 at 10.44 PM #2
Photo on 10-17-11 at 10.44 PM #2
^Esta es una imagen de mí, Angelina.^
Photo on 10-18-11 at 2.56 PM #3
Photo on 10-18-11 at 2.56 PM #3
Esta soy yo y mis amigos. Estoy en el lado izquierdo en la parte delantera. ^
Screen Shot 2011-10-31 at 10.40.47 PM
Screen Shot 2011-10-31 at 10.40.47 PM
Estoy en el rincón de una pequeña caja con mi perro
Photo on 11-4-11 at 10.17 AM
Photo on 11-4-11 at 10.17 AM
Esta soy yo y mi mejor amigo :) 
"La Ciudad de Amor Fraternal." !

Kern Clarke - Lobbying Blog Post #3

While there hasn't been an official policy regarding my lobbying topic. There have been many strides to keep that from having to happen. Such as the formation of many different committees and departments that are ​prepared to deal with the current issues with a short term fix.

The allies that are needed in order to help move this issue are people such as the city council members from the respective parts of Philadelphia that are mainly being represented which are most because only Center City isn't being represented. It will also be very helpful if the person in charge of the streets department is Clarena I. W. Tolson was an ally because she is in charge of most clean up projects that happen in the city of Philadelphia, and has a very large following when it comes too those kinds of things.

The main organizations that are working on this issue are organizations such as the PMBC (Philadelphia More Beautiful Committee) and the City Of Philadelphia Streets Department. The Philadelphia streets department are the ones in charge with everything having to do with the streets of Philadelphia. The Philadelphia More Beautiful Committee are a committee are a part of the Streets Department's Sanitation Division. They were formed specifically to allow residents of neighborhoods to take action and organize block cleanings. 

Philadelphia Streets Department:


The person in charge of the streets department is Clarena I. W. Tolson. 

There are many ways to get them to assist me in my lobbying but not directly. For example the have an online request form for traffic control signs. They also have their very own hotline that deals with requesting "curb your dog", and "no littering" signs. They make you contact the PMBC.

Street Sign Form: 
Sanation Street Sign Hotline: 215 685-3981

Philadelphia Greenworks Project: 

Silverman Q2 Media Fluency

Silverman Q2 Media Fluency
My slide is a direct play off of my English Me Magazine (the two articles with the most focus were about baking scones, and axolotls). I also kept the magazine's original color scheme, so it was a bit tricky trying to keep the contrast balanced so that the dark indigo wouldn't swallow the lighter teal. 

The words AXOLOTLS and LOVE are written over the upper lefthand third of the keynote, so that and the stark colors should help eye movement. Since the cream color used for SCONES is the least exciting though it has the most contrast, I made it the biggest word. In a slightly darker color there is a small mirroring effect, also an attempt to let SCONES have a large impact. Generally, people look at the largest, brightest aspect first and I hoped to use this to my advantage. 

Something like: Suddenly there is a big sign saying SCONES! What ever could it be referring to? 

Also, the different font (which has serifs) also gives the word a more elegant feel which I feel embodies an actual scone; in the same way, the letter font for AXOLOTLS and LOVE are without serifs and are a bit more playful. 

I decided not to use an actual picture as I am unfamiliar with using multimedia in that manner, and it would detract from the overall slide as a result. Using several different colors was my way of creating more interest.

Lobbying education reform 3

The status of my lobbying topic, education reform is not doing very well as of this year. There has not been much change between the committee and council members that support my topic. There has been a lot of talk but no real action with education reform. President Obama gave a speech in July of 2011 and again on september 23 2011, stating that his administration would provide relief from the no child left behind act, he directed secretary Duncan to move forward with plans to provide flexibility to states looking for greater relief under the law, this law was supposed to make sure that every child got an excellent education. 
         Even though this was set to take place, very little change to be seen. In fact there has been more negative change then positive. Because of the failing economy the Pennsylvania public schools with about $1.5 billion in education sector cuts and a 50% cut for state-owned/funded four-year colleges. This has caused many several schools such as Cardinal Dougherty to shut down. There has been a lot of talk and few meeting about education reform, but no real action has taken place to benefit education. 

           I also found several places during my search, places that I could visit in order to sit in on the meetings regarding education reform. At some of these place if and when I get a chance to speak I will bring up foreign education systems. What is working for the other countries such as Germany, South Korea, and Japan that is not working for the states. During these meeting I also wish to bring up the case of the feeling that the schools bring to kids, and whether we should change it. Whether we want the kids to fear or feel safe in schools, are all things to bring up.                                                                                                                      The representation of US schools in the world community is also of concern and something that should be discussed.  The fact that neighborhood schools in the states are in conditions compared to at times worse then jail is a growing concern. In the past being educated and able to attend school was a privilege and a dream for a lot of kids, now days it is seen as a nightmare waiting to end. Its time to change the views students have on school to a positive one. 

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Screen Shot 2011-11-22 at 11.06.28 PM

Net Neutrality: Blog post #3


​Net neutrality is a huge issue in today's society. Much of the first world takes fair and equal internet access for granted. In fact, the internet has become such an important tool for communication that the UN has declared internet access a human right, one which a government would need very good cause to censor. But there is another side to this on going debate. Last month Representative Lamar Smith announced SOPA, also known as the Stop Piracy Online Act. In short, SOPA would make websites responsible for the content posted by their users, and effectively make violating a sites terms of service a felony. SOPA, like it says aims to stop piracy online, but in the process would allow for sites to be blocked because of users posting unauthorized streaming of copyrighted content (that cover your band did of a famous song? Yep, that counts. The tribute video you made using copyrighted music as the soundtrack? That counts too). Basically a few bad apples would spoil the batch, and cause a website to be blocked. Obviously this poses a threat to website owners because their lively hood depends on web traffic, and having an entire country (particularly one as large as the US) being unable to visit would significantly reduce their traffic. To combat this, websites would have to moderate everything that is posted, and effectively restrict everyone's ability to post freely. 
Last Wednesday (November 16th, 2011), Congress had a hearing on SOPA. Despite a massive, almost instantaneous response from the internet, including web giants such as Google, Yahoo and Facebook, the hearing in Congress hardly mirrored this. Of the six people invited to testify, five were proponents and only one opposed SOPA. Thankfully despite a bit of a shaky show against SOPA that day, it appears that there is still significant support where it counts; Congress. House Democratic leader, Nancy Pelosi tweeted this message last week regarding SOPA "Need to find a better solution than #SOPA #Don'tBreakTheInternet." Outside of Congress, the main opponents of SOPA are large tech giants, those who make their lively hood through a free and open internet, whereas the proponents of SOPA are largely film and record companies, those who suffer from online privacy. While the goal is noble, the method is outlandish. Ultimately SOPA doesn't look like it has a very promising future, but it's a scary possibility that cannot be ignored and needs action, and soon. If we don't act quickly, we may be seeing a lot more of this in the near future.


Blog Post #3: Funding for After school programs in Philadelphia

​By Natalie Sanchez

happy kids

The city council of Philadelphia has a department of parks and recreation.  In their list of “strategic objectives,” they include their goal to “In an inclusive environment, provide a broad range of “out of school time” offerings, including after school programs...” This is the group of people appointed to fund and create after school programs for students in Philadelphia. In city council, Anne Marie Dunne and Iris Howard are both in charge of the after school programs in Philadelphia.  None of these programs, however are given enough public support or publicity; you need to sift through piles of information on the web in order to get to their webpages. In city council, there are many resolutions and communications regarding after school programs in Philadelphia on file. Mayor Nutter is a big supporter of after school programs in Philadelphia, as he refers to the amount of money put forth to Philadelphia afters school programs in several of his budget addresses to city council. The most recent resolution adopted by the city council regarding funding for educational programs like after school programs in Philadelphia was Legislation 100173, sponsored by council members Rizzo, Miller, Greenlee, Green, Jones, and Kenney. The first time it was introduced to council, it was recessed. The second time it was introduced the same, it was adopted.

In order to lobby after school programs, I would first have to speak with my council member representative, which is Frank DiCicco. This will help me get a good grip on the council members and will help me make a stronger claim. On the other hand, I might not have to go that far because there are already resolutions and programs made to back up my lobbying topic. I could just talk to either Anne Marie Dunne or Iris Howard, who are in charge of the after school programs of Philadelphia. This way I can ask them how I can get involved in moving things forward. 

There are also a variety of programs that I can coordinate with in order to lend a helping hand to the after school programs that already exist in Philadelphia. For example, there is a chain of “Just children” daycares/after school programs throughout the state of Pennsylvania. They take care children from toddlers to 6th grade students and have activities for kids of all ages to keep them busy and out of trouble during hours where they would normally be alone or unattended. The 21st century community learning centers initiative, “the only federal program dedicated to after school,” also works to fund after school programs throughout the nation, including the state of Pennsylvania. Cap 4 kids is an advocacy program that also works to give kids a place to stay after school. I can simply find the contact information for the person in charge of these programs and try to see if they have an upcoming meetings to activities near my district and help out in this way. 

My best bet of getting results is to begin speaking with local after school programs and organizations and to try and see if I can volunteer or visit them. I found that there is an after school program on Montgomery Ave., close to me. I have found the name and contact information of the person in charge of this program, Edward Carpenter. The business hours for this after school program from Monday to Friday are 3:00pm to 6:00 pm.  I can call Mr. Carpenter and ask to see how I can volunteer in the program, or set up a date where I can speak with him about what process people have to go through to open or run an after school program. I must call to schedule this appointment or interview during a week day from 3:00 to 6:00pm. 


Bike Paths FTW! Lobbying Post #3


This is a good year for my issue just because people are becoming aware of the issue at hand at a much quicker rate than before. Many philadelphians bike and it is crucial that more bike paths be placed within the city. As I mentioned in my first blog post, Philadelphia is the 2nd biggest city full of bikers. Because of people and organizations like the Bicycle Coalition and Councilman William Greenlee, the idea of more bike paths is making head way. 

​Recently, a bike corral was placed on Walnut street between 16th and 17th. However, it is not permanent. They are people advertising, fundraising and spreading the word to raise enough money to make it permanent. On September 16th, the Bicycle Coalition of the greater Philadelphia with the Mayor's office of transportation came together to get the corral. Dero Bike Racks loaned it to them.

"We think it looks fabulous, and it has been a big hit with cyclists, who have been using it daily to lock up while running errands and visiting Center City businesses. We want to make this rack permanent! (Although we're not sure of the exact location--that needs to be worked out with the Parking Authority)." 
We have officials such as Councilman Bill Greenlee and Mayor's Office of Transportation. The Bicycle Coalition of the greater Philadelphia has been on top of making the citizens and officials of Philadelphia aware of things that need to happen regarding the bike paths. 

"Bicyclists like bike lanes, and they like buffered bike lanes even better.  The Bicycle Coalition’s counts found streets with bike lanes had more cyclists than streets without them, and had more growth in bicyclists than streets without bike lanes.They also have more female bicyclists, less sidewalk riding, less wrong way riding, and more cyclists wearing helmets than streets without bike lanes.  The buffered bike lanes had the same result, but even more amplified. These results confirm that better behavior goes hand in hand with better bicycling facilities.  Facilities like buffered bike lanes make bicyclists feel safer."

November 3rd, 2011 - Councilman Greenlee became active with the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia. While at the assembly questions were asked and answered by both parties. There were many issues surrounding biking issues and how to fix them.

Key question: "Would you support the installation of innovative infrastructure such as buffered bike lanes, like those on Spruce and Pine, on a select number of streets to create a citywide bicycle network that is safe and inviting to ride for those from age 8 to 80?." 
This question is important because it touches on what my lobbying topic is all about. There needs to be more safer ways for citizens of all ages to commute throughout the city. Greenlee said that he "supports bike lanes when they are safe and where communities are directly involved in the process. I believe there are streets where bike lanes are not safe for bikers, pedestrians and drivers."

Bicycling Coalition Questionnaire with Bill Greenlee

Mayor Nutter is essential to the outcome of the bike paths. He has said : "I support Bike Share. We have explored this issue, and I very mindful of initial or start-up costs and would be interested in proposals that minimize City costs."


Jeremiah Cunningham's Slide Presentation

Basically, what i did was took a lot of pictures from what i like doing, enjoy watching, and some of my favorite things in life all into one slide. My color scheme is my special one which consists of pictures of my favorite people and celebrities. This project was all about me and my likes. I hope that people get a chance to see my life and get to walk in my shoes. i really dont have words on my slides because i wanted the person looking at it to use context clues in order to see what i am saying.

¡Hola!, David

¡Hola!, David ¿Qué tal?

Mi nombre Audrey. Soy de Filadelfia. Una ciudad entre la xiudad de la nueva york y le capital. Tengo cortorce años. Tambien, añádme en facebook “Audrey Pham”. Me Gusta domir, comer, relajar, y jugar videojuegos. No me gusta nada escribir, leer, y dorrer. ¿yá ti? A veces me gusta cantar. Odio practucar deportes. Soy un poquito perezosa, inteligente, y sociable. ¿como eres yu? Tengo uno hermanoso. Soy vero con mi familia. ¿y tú? No tengo hermanas. Mi hermano es bobo y loco. Jajajajaja! Mi familia es hablador. Como es tu familia? Lo siento, bueno, me voy porque tengo que estudiar. Adios! Respondo cuando puendas.




Stem Cell Research Status - Blase Biello


It's safe to say that stem cell research has come a significantly long way, considering it had absolutely no funding before the 21st century. In fact, 
a breakthrough operation has just taken place marking a huge step in the progression of stem cell research. 

Dr. Nicholas Boulis adjusts the device that injects stem cells into the cervical area of the spinal cord.Richard Grosjean (seen above) suffers from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and he has become the first person "to be injected with stem cells in the upper part of the spinal cord". His operation actually happened this Monday (11/21/11), and as of right now, everything went successfully. The operation was basically to make sure that it is safe to use stem cells and wont cause any further damage. However, since stem cell usage is fairly, this is a HUGE step. You can read the full article here. ( via CNN)

As of this year, 2011, the status of my issue at legislature is still shaky, as of right now, U.S. Republican Diana DeGette has introduced The Stem Cell Research Advancement Act of 2011 (H.R. 2376). She introduced this act on June 24, 2011 but unfortunately it has not yet been reported by Committee.  Many officials have supported stem cell research and actually the act proposed by DeGette has 19 Cosponsors backing it. It would be an understatement to say that stem cell research gets substantial media exposure. In fact, it's one of the hottest topics right now - and will definitely be a highly debated topic around election time in 2012. There are many opponents of stem cell research usually coming from religious groups and anti-abortion groups, that have definitely done their part to slow the roll in passage of full stem cell research funding. Although, this specific act has not yet been passed into law, many states have still authorized funding for stem cell research under President Obama's Executive Order 13505 (Removing Barriers to Responsible Scientific Research Involving Human Stem Cells). 
A list of the states' activity can be found here :
Further following of H.R. 2376  here :
More info on H.R. 2376 here :
More info on opponents :
More info on EO (Federal Policy) :

(muscle cells derived from human embryonic stem cells)

After reading the Health Law Institute's (University of Alberta) Health Law Review, written by Robin Downey and Rose Geransar, I've learned more about the stakeholders of stem cell research (SCR). According to these authors, who I couldn't agree more with, the main stakeholders of SCR are the medical patient groups who stay affiliated with the medical community. Also, the scientists who work with stem cells are some of the main stakeholders. But, who we really need to back full funding for stem cell research, is the politicians in the House of Representatives and the Senate. The more support, the quicker the bill (H.R. 2376) gets passed into federal law. But, with Obama's federal policy, stem cell research is fairly active. 
Read full Health Law Review :

There are many supporters of SCR, and many politicians are actively supporting SCR. The top dogs however, in my opinion, are the 19 cosponsors of H.R. 2376 as well as the proposer, Diana DeGette (R). Influencing friends and anyone I can to support SCR for the plethora of good reasons is something that I can do to help gain SCR support one step at a time. The time frame doesn't really exist because diseases will always exist, it's just a matter of when stem cell research will be fully federally funded and really start getting the ball rolling on tackling some of these 'uncurable' diseases. As of right now H.R. 2376 is still stuck in Committee with no signs as to when it will be reported out and move to it's next step into becoming federal law. Support SCR! 

Falco, Miriam. "Operation Marks Another Step Forward in Stem Cell Research -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Web. 22 Nov. 2011. <>.

"ROTH Capital Partners to Co-Sponsor the 2011 Stem Cell Meeting on the Mesa on Nov. 29 -- Dec. 1, 2011 - MarketWatch." MarketWatch - Stock Market Quotes, Business News, Financial News. Web. 22 Nov. 2011. <>.

"H.R. 2376: Stem Cell Research Advancement Act of 2011 (" Tracking the U.S. Congress. Web. 22 Nov. 2011. <>.

Semaj Smith. Lobbyist Blog #3

​     I think this is a good year for my issue, so far there are 29 elected officials that cosponsor the bill on the electoral college.  I would say that there is a good amount of media behind my issue, there are many articles such as this one that say the Electoral College is past its prime.                                         question-2123489
      My opponents on this issue would be any representative that has benefited from the electoral college. There are some people that are in favor of the electoral college and have many arguments as to why the electoral college should stay in place.   There has been a joint resolution written up that states that the President and Vice President will be elected jointly but they have to have the most votes in favor of their team to be officially elected.
      I think the public is extremely essential to this outcome because if they all take the time to raise their voices we could get a faster and more effective response on what we want and need as a people.   I think if I can get some city officials on my side or at east get them to listen to me then I can make more of a difference because I will have an adult support system to back me up on what I’m saying.
45164654_electoral_college_s1 ( Electoral Votes in 2009) 

There are many officials working on this event especially all 29 of the cosponsors that are trying to pass this bill before the next election.  I don’t think there is too much for me to coordinate but if I could get in contact with Councilman Chaka Fattah I could just let him know that I a interested in what he stood for and I would like to be apart of abolishing the electoral college then that would be a perfect start to making moves.

      I think I can influence people my age because I know how to relate to them to make them care about issues. There is no specific timeframe for my issue but it would be amazing if this bill could be passed before the next election so that all votes are held and accounted for the way they are cast.

     ELECTORA  So far no dates have been set to move forward with this bill but there has been some progress and actions made which is progression already.


¡Hola Javimar!

Querido: Javimar

¡Hola! Me llamo Chris Tran.Tengo 15 años.Mi compleaños es el vientitres de noviembre. Soy de Vietnam pero vivo en Filadelfia.En Filadelfia hace mucho calor en el verano pero frío en el invierno.Me gusta practicar el Beisból y tambien el Fútbol Americano. No me gusta nada estudiar ni tampoco leer. Me fascina Rascal Flatts y tambien The Band Perry. Sin embargo, no me gusta nada Britney Spears. Soy perezoso de estudiar pero soy inteligente porque trabajo. Quiero saber mas sobre de ti como ¿qué te gusta hacer en Maracaibo? ¿Qué música te gusta hacer? ¿Cuantos años tienes tú? Bueno, me voy porque necessito dormir. ¡Adios! 

Con cariño,

Chris Tran 
Este es mi equipo de beisból favorito:

Mis tres mas favorito jugadores son Roy Halladay,Cliff Lee y Adrian Gonzales.

¡Hola! Carlos

Querido Carlos,

 ¡Hola! Mi nombre es Katharine pero todos me dicen Katie. Tengo catorce años. Soy de Filadelfia. Soy alta, morena, y una mezla de razas. Mi cumple años enero veinticuatro y hace frío en enero. Siente mas o menos bien porque empiezo escuela y está difícil. ¿cómo be escuela por tú? Me gusta estar de vago con mi amigos los fines de semana. Con mi major amiga soy muy boba, yo también gusta correr. No me gusta nada ayudar en casa. Mi familia molestón, sin embargo son muy diverted. Yo tengo dos hermanas se llaman Christine y Jessy. Mathew es mi hermano. Adios tengo que irme . Responde cuando puedas.

Con carino,


Photo on 10-7-11 at 12.28 PM #2
Photo on 10-7-11 at 12.28 PM #2