Environmental Info-GraphicRbah



a. What went well? Some of the things that went well were coming with the idea and making it to be creative yet clear. Also we worked together as a group and spilt up the work to get it done quicker and we also helped each other understanding their part of the project.

b. What did not? Some of the things that did not go well were, getting out pictures to be large on the slides and when we upload it. Also to connect the creativities with our ideas we had in mind and that our a audiences would be able to see the message clear.

c. What would you do differently next time? Some of the things we would like to do differently next time are, instead of using what we used to show our numbers on the mountain we could of more pictures and instead of the using the mountain, would could of used something different like hills etc.

d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics –our project wasn’t that creative to have all the 10 tips, however the mining people on the mountain is the notifies the creative’s that is in it because it stand for in OCK the area were very tight and many people had to make their way up by fighting and because of the oil spill it was hard. Our elements of designer were hard because of the image we had in our head kind of turned out the way we wanted it but still not exact, our pictures isn’t large enough and the 10 tips wasn’t in it as much.


 What went well?  

Our group worked well together and we divided the project up nicely. We all were friends and there was no fighting among us. We all did a lot of researching and we all knew what we were talking about and all the parts of the project worked well together.

What did not? 

WE NEEDED TO WORK ON IT THE LAST DAY AND DAN AND RUBEN WOULD NOT GET UP SO WE HAD TO WORK ON THE PROJECT WITHOUT OUR GROUP ALL SITTING TOGETHER.  Also I feel like we rushed to finish it because we weren't ready to turn it in on Monday.

What would you do differently next time

 I would not do anything differently next time, i like my group and how we work with each other. But, i would make the project a little more visually appealing

Which of these areas did you excel in? Which were not so well represented? Why do you think some elements of design were easier or harder to include in the end product?

I feel like the smart aspect of this was us, because we introduced a lot of good information.

West Virginia/Kentucky Coal Sludge Spill: AJohnson, KCayamcela, K


a. What went well? 

Our work ethic was great. We all worked together and researched information. Unlike the other catastrophes, this sludge spill was minor and did not have much argument behind it. 

b. What did not? 

Finding a way we were going to portray the information was the difficult part. 

c. What would you do differently next time? 
I wouldn't do anything differently except perhaps, if I could, pick a topic myself according to my comfort zone. I feel as though the topic we were given didn't give us much to work with. I think complexity is key. The more information one has, the more effective the info graphic will be.

d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics 

Be Concise- To be brief but not give little information.

Be Visual- To not include too much writing but images. 

Be Smarter- Must be helpful, informative, and entertaining. 

Be Transparent- To make our focus point obvious. 

Be Different- Be unique/creative. You don't always have to go by someone else's idea. 

Be Accurate- The research cannot be false. 

Be Attractive- The info graphic must be eye-catching, not boring. 

Be Varied- To keep the variation to a minimum. If it were to be too varied, the info graphic would look messy (The main idea wouldn't be there anymore).

Be Gracious- To not have too many things going on all at once. For example "this means this, and this means this, and this means this." 

Be Creative- This is similar to being different. Being simple can be bad sometimes, therefore being creative can take the boringness of a project away! 

Which of these areas did you excel in? Which were not so well represented? Why do you think some elements of design were easier or harder to include in the end product?
We excelled in almost every factor of having an effective info graphic except for the, "Be smarter" portion. I think we could have done a better job incorporating all the information we found rather than just focusing on the damage of the spill. Some elements of the design were easier than others because, depending on how "on topic" the information was to our main topic (the damage of the spill), we couldn't include other information we researched, such as: how the government responded to the spill, or how the area is today. 

PCB Info Graphic Reflection Amillatt Jhinton Mmarant

​I feel that our research went well and so did our decision making. We knew what we wanted on the info graph  and we knew how to represent the information. We never argued and we all contributed. Some contributed more than others, but we all did something. Our procrastination wasn't so good. We were distracted at times and that prevented us to get our work done earlier. Also my computer was slow and took forever to put the graphic together. I would add more information and more information about PCB. I feel that we didn't have much about the history on Monsanto. We could have also incorporated more real life photos.

Be Concise

We tried not to use a lot of words. We wanted to use more pictures to describe what was happening. We hoped that people would understand it with a quick glance. 

Be Visual

We had a lot of pictures that told their own story. We do have some sentences, but we just tried to use phrases.  We picked a theme and colors, that we tried to keep consistant through out the graphic.

Be Smarter

I thought that our graphic was clever and well represented. I don't think it is perfect, but it is good. 

Be Transparent

Our graphic was a little not clear at times and if i didn't make it, I might not understand what was going on. 

Be Different

Our graphic has a different theme than others. We used used blue throughout. We tried to have the least amount of words and others had a lot.

Be Accurate

We did tons of research and tried not to use any sources that looked unreliable.

Be Attractive

I feel that it is well organized and the color makes it appealing to the eyes. It might be a bit crowded, but I think it looks fine.

Be Varied

We used a variation of ways to display the data, like we tried to tell a story with the fish and showing a scale with the randrops. 

Be Creative

We used tons of pictures and used different ways to display the data. I thought that we were creative    with the way we approached the assignment.

PCB Poisoning- AMillatt, JHinton, MMarant

a. What went well? 
I feel that we did a good job collecting different sources about our topic. We also did well communicating how to display this on our visual. 

b. What did not? 
A few times, there were a few communication disputes, but they were quickly resolved. Other than that, I feel that we were pretty successful. 

c. What would you do differently next time? 
For me, I feel that if we did the infographic on a site that all of us could edit on, everyone would be able to take part in actually working on the visual, instead of having it on one computer, and having one person actually put it together.

d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics -

Be Concise : We provided different information, and it was brief. 

Be Visual: We did well using different graphics to display information we learned.

Be Smarter : The design of the visual is clever, and smart. 

Be Transparent : It's clear to interpret the idea, and topic of the visual, without much background information given. It gets straight to the point about the issue. 

Be Different : I think it is different, because we included different colors, and objects to portray the issue that we researched. 

Be Accurate : All of the information that is given, was fully researched, so nothing is false. 

Be Attractive : Our visual is quite attractive. 

Be Varied : We included different elements, and numbers used in the visual.

Be Gracious

Be Creative : The visual is creative with how we display the information, and how the visual is organized. 

Which of these areas did you excel in? Which were not so well represented? Why do you think some elements of design were easier or harder to include in the end product?

I think we excelled in "Be Creative", "Be Visual", and "Be Accurate". 

Interview of Kathrine Martin By: Morgan Taylor

In class we had to interview somebody that we knew that was not in our school. It was hard to find somebody that had an interesting story but also talked a lot. We first had to make a 45 minute interview and then edit it into a 5-10 minute podcast. We also had to work in a group and put it all together to make it a really big radio show. It was hard to do this because some people did not get their pieces done in time. Also the questions you had to ask to get the story you wanted was hard too. You would have a specific thing in mind, but the feed back you get from the person you are interviewing does not match your idea.
Interview with Katie Martin Backup

Picher, OK, Lead Contamination

a. What went well? 
What I think went well was the amount of teamwork, and cooperation that we had. I think that as a group, we meshed our ideas together, and divided the work well and evenly.

b. What did not? Actually not too much didn't go well. But I guess the only thing was our file gave us a bit of problems, but we solved that.

c. What would you do differently next time? Next time, I would definitely change my timeline, and try to have less text on it. Perhaps changing structure of it.

d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics -

Be Concise- Make sure that fonts and colors remain the same, or complimenting through out.

Be Visual- Pictures and visuals are vital for showing information. Make sure that the main portrayal of information is from images rather than text.

Be Smarter- Divide work to save time. Make sure the theme of your info graph fits your topic well. 

Be Transparent- Don't beat around the bush and provide irrelevant information. Make sure that the point and information of you info-graph is clear.

Be Different- Be original! Be creative and make your info-graph stand out.

Be Accurate- Try to be precise with your dates provided. Have good and valid sources for your information.

Be Attractive- Be tasteful with the amount of words, or the colors.

Be Varied- Have different kinds of sources for you information! Provide images and statistics and anything that can easily transmit information. 

Be Gracious- Be neat and tidy. Try not to have information just scattered about, and lacking structure. Structure is key.

Be Creative- Have fun! Make your info graph something totally original and more importantly cool looking. Find cool and appealing ways to represent different types of information.

Which of these areas did you excel in? Which were not so well represented? Why do you think some elements of design were easier or harder to include in the end product? 

I think we excelled when it came to being smarter, transparent, varied, and attractive. I believe we excelled in there areas because our work was divided evenly, and we each shared an equal role in the design. I think we were very transparent will the point of the info graph, as well as having a nice supply statistics and images to further the understanding of the text. I think that it is attractive because of our colors that we chose, and how they relate to the drilling that happened in the town- hence, all of the brown. I don't think that being concise and visual was represented as well because not all of our fonts are exactly the same, and we had a lot of text. I think that we could have organized the text differently, and that would change the visual effect on the reader. I do think that it was harder/ easier to represent some of the elements of design because it vary depending on the type of topic that you have. I believe that visuals are used in specifics ways, and some ways may not be as universal as others. For us, I think that it was harder being completely visually creative.


Three Mile Island Infographic. Rburenstein, Dwirt, Wpotts

I think the final product turned out well. Dan and I worked together well out of and in class. We worked pretty hard, and I think it paid off in the end. One thing that wasn't so great was teamwork throughout the group, we had 1 member who didn't really contribute to the product. Some of the class time wasn't used wisely when there were distractions, but it was mostly used well. Next time I would choose a different way of portraying this information, maybe using pie charts or other methods. I would also make sure to use all of the class time effectively.

I think that we were good at being creative, because we showed parts of the accident that other people might not have thought about. I think that the project was concise, not using very many words, and having a lot of images. I think that it was somewhat attractive, because our images are interesting, and cool to look at. Our project could be more transparent, because it's not that easy to tell who, what, when or where. Also there is only 1 government reaction on the info graphic.  It was harder to make the who, what, when, where, how, and why because it would take away from the info graphic if it was obvious, and the info graphic wouldn't make sense if they weren't included. It was hard to think of a unique design, but once it was thought of and planned it wasn't that hard to make


Oklahoma, Lead Contamination

a. What went well? 
- We all worked together and we communicated well. Even when we were stressed with other class' benchmark projects, we still managed to do our own part of the work done. 
b. What did not? 
- I don't think there were anything that didn't work well. But I guess we had difficult trying to post the actual work on the thinglink because the file was too big. However, we sorted out and we got our product!
c. What would you do differently next time? 
- I can actually say that I wouldn't do anything different than what we have now because I'm very proud of our final product. It's very professional and creative (in my opinion).
d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics -

Be Concise - I hate to admit but we have a lot of word on our final infographic but the main things are the ones that are in bigger fonts so, it kind of makes up for it. 

Be Visual- Ours is very visual and on point. The colorings are meant to show that way. We have rocks to represent lead etc. 

Be Smarter- Before this mini-project, I was completely oblivious to the fact that such an event occurred. I learned a lot of things. 

Be Transparent- The infographic talks about the event and its effects on people. It doesn't go in depth with every single details but it shows the important ones in a bigger font. 

Be Different

Be Accurate

Be Attractive

Be Varied

Be Gracious

Be Creative

Which of these areas did you excel in? Which were not so well represented? Why do you think some elements of design were easier or harder to include in the end product?

Libby, Montana Asbestos

a. What went well? 
-Coming up with the the idea for the info graphic was the easiest. I came up with the idea to use the iCal photo and the pictograms.

b. What did not? 
-Figuring out which data to use and what was important was difficult as well as sourcing it. We found the population one day and then couldn't find an accurate source the next.

c. What would you do differently next time? 

-I would use some more data to paint the picture of what happened. I mean the numbers are there but not enough to evoke an appropriate emotion.

d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics -

Be Concise- it is concise with very few words

Be Visual- the whole thing is visual using picture to show numbers

Be Smarter- not sure about it this one

Be Transparent- the data is there and easy to understand

Be Different- we used the ical calendar as a clever way to show about W.R. Grace cleaning up

Be Accurate- the data is mostly from the EPA

Be Attractive- it's colorful

Be Varied- we sort of vary, using pictograms and a pie chart

Be Gracious- not sure about this one, I guess we didn't do it?

Be Creative- we utilized different methods using the pictograms

Why do you think some elements of design were easier or harder to include in the end product? 

It was easy to just use data but it's hard to paint the picture with few words. I am a wordy person and that was a challenge for me. 

The Love Canal Disaster - Stephen H, Winston W, and Ryan H

What went well?
- Our collaboration and process went well, as we all collaborated to present different data in the inforgraphic. It was also very easy to decide on how we were going to present the information. There were really no conflicts with any of the group members.
~I do believe that our infographic is an effective one. It shows all of the horrible things that happened to real people because fo the disaster.   

What did not?
- Our infographic could have had a better design, our picture got across but we could have expand the infographic with additional picture and text.
~One thing I think we should have done better was include more information about the destruction. We focused more on the things that happened to the people, but some information about the disaster probably would have made this better.

What would you do differently next time?
- Try to focus on a different aspect of the Love Canal Accident.
~Include some information about

CSheridan; PCB Poisoning

Cyndi Lynn Sheridan
March 26, 2012
Y - US History


What went well?

In our project, the communication between all the group members was excellent, and we were able to divide the work load up evenly for each person to complete their necessary requirements. Also, we had a lot of factual information for the audience to be able to fully understand the natural disaster in Anniston, Alabama.

What did not?

We could have used less text and add more graphs to the presentation to represent the amount of residents that died due to this poisoning.

What would you do differently next time?

One thing that I would do differently would be to make sure the text is more concise and the information is easier to read.

Be Concise: Being concise was one thing that our project lacked because the text could have been minimized yet portray the same meaning.

Be Visual
: Our info graphic had great representations of the PCB Poisoning disaster and some of the effects it had on the residents and wildlife of that region.

Be Smarter: In our project we had a graphic to represent the amount of money Monsanto Company spent on repaying the residents and cleaning up the spill.

Be Transparent: In the info-graphic, we showed the effects the spill had caused on the residents and wildlife on the area through images.

Be Different: We were different because we used a variety of colors and pictures to help viewers understand the true actual events of the disaster.

Be Accurate: Each group member completed detailed research to put into our project. Some people researched factual information while others did opinionated research.

Be Attractive: I feel as though our project was very visual to the eye.

Be Creative: I think our project involved many creative components in order for our audience to have a fun time learning about a crucial event.

Three Mile Island: Pullins, Guercio, Henninger

a. What went well? 

We found a lot of good information and sources. There were many official reports of what happened at three mile island. We found sources that discussed both the technical aspects like how it happened and reports that we based more on how the accident affected the residents. Overall, finding all the information that would be put into the infographics was the simplest part. 

b. What did not? 

I didn't realize how difficult it would be to create entertaining graphics on the page that would still be informative. When looking at examples you don't think how difficult it would be to recreate that. There are many aspects of creating a good looking infographic that aren't realized until trying to put one together. I think that if we had looked at our image as a whole, we could have created a better end product. 

c. What would you do differently next time? 

I would make sure we had enough infographics. I would try to display information from many different sources showing different people's opinions of the accident. I would have liked to show some of the more technical aspects, like how the accident actually happened and how it affected the surrounding area. Overall though, I am happy with the final product. 

d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics

The tips were a helpful guide to remind us of what our projects should include. I think our group followed some of these tips, but did not get 10/10. Our project was informative but it was not the most creative project. The project is neat but not exactly eye-catching. 

West Virginia/Kentucky Coal Sludge Spill

to see info-graphic, click here. 

We all had a good idea of what we wanted to do. We were all able to get some good research and put out good ideas. We definitely worked well asa group. 

We had a vision to show the percentage of different metals but it was extremely difficult to find information such as that. I would consider executing our project differently because it was hard to create our actual infographic because we couldn't view it all as one since the file was pretty large. I also would organize our research a little differently and try to be a little more creative. 

Be Concise: We included facts straight from news sources and did not include bulky text. 

Be Visual: We created our own map of the area, or at least tried our best and tried to give the map depth. 

Be Smarter: We tried to compare the amount of sludge to multiple things. 

Be Transparent: Our goal was for people to understand how detrimental this was. 

Be Different: We didn't want ours to look unprofessional

Be Accurate: We used accurate news sources such as primary sources. 

Be Attractive: We wanted our info-graphic to flow. 

Be Varied: We tried to include multiple representatives. 

Be Gracious: We attempted to pack a punch but not make it overbearing. 

Be Creative: We wanted to make it visual but left an impression. 

We excelled in being concise, transparent, different, and accurate. We wanted all of our information to be effective and also correct. We wanted to have a nice flow to our graphic so that it would be easy on the eyes. The other areas, we were not so successful in. I think many of these were hard such as being gracious and varied because we could say many things but in order to have it portrayed in a smart clever way. 

Alysha, Allison & Taina

a. What went well? 
The main things that made this project really easy & well was Collaboration & staying on task. We collaborated on ichat & made a google doc. We constantly ask questions on if theres anything that need to be done. I Also enjoy how we knew what to do from the start, we automatically research & sketch our ideas out. We also let each other voice be heard. 

b. What did not? 
I actually got to say this actually went really well theres nothing i can think of that went well.

c. What would you do differently next time? 

If i had a choice to do something differently next time i would just make sure everyone had the final product at the end.

d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics -

Be Concise, Be Visual, Be Smarter, Be Transparent, Be Different, Be Accurate, Be Attractive, Be Varied, Be Gracious, Be Creative

Which of these areas did you excel in? Which were not so well represented? Why do you think some elements of design were easier or harder to include in the end product?

In my point of view i believed each of the 10 tips for effective infographics was contribute by each member very well. I feel as though it was really easy to do this due to all of us having an idea & information the hard part was thinking of a way to put all this information in the picture. 


Picher, Oklahoma Lead Contamination Keiasha Lumpkins

What went well was working together on the project and and coming up with ideas of presenting the project. Also coming up with the numbers on the project to represent the crisis. What did not go well is making the picture fit the whole entire paper. Also coming up with the ideas of making the numbers on the info-graphic. What we would do differently this time would be use actual pictures this time to show the numbers that we wanted to show. Also I would try to make it bigger on the Large paper that was provided. I think that the ones that we excel on are smarter, creative, visual, and smarter. We could have been more transparent on the product. The mining people on the info-graphic made our product creative because it shows how the mining affected the area. Some elements of designed were harder because it was hard to have a picture to show all 10 specific aspects of the project. 

Libby Montana Asbestos Contamination

(A) The researching process of the infographic came along quit easily. We found many reliable sources providing the main causes to the contamination, what products were being experimented, who was harmed, what medical effects did the contamination cause, and how many people were harmed. These were all valuable components to the brief understanding of the Libby Montana contamination. 
 (B) When putting the infographic together we came to a few issues. The information provided about our topic revolves around air contamination. Air is a hard component to measure for it is hard to find a proportional measuring unit to use. Therefore we were unable to show how much contamination there was exactly. But there were several sites the explain in detail the contamination taking place. The dust covering the cars and buildings in the town was a good visual.
 (C) Next time i would consider completing the infographic alone. This is because when explaining data in brief terms each of our group members had their own ideas. so when attempting to combine our ideas on how to represent the data, we just wound up splitting the poster into three different sections. So each section has its own "style/Idea". 
 (D) Our final product attempts to hint on each of the 10 infographic tips. We were attempting to make the infographic beneficial to those unaware about the topic but as well as entertained with the information. This helps the person viewing the infographic to come to a strong understanding of the topic without having to think to hard about the data represented. 

Environmental Info-Graphic- MPyfrom

1. Post a copy of your info graphic to SLATE. Link the words to an image that can be viewed by someone visiting the site, do not include a link that requires someone to download your image and please do not post a dropbox link.

2. In the SAME BLOG ENTRY complete a reflection - 
a. What went well? 

The overall layout for our info graphic came out great. We imagined one visual and our info graphic came out even better. It surpassed our brainstormed thoughts and really took its toll with being amazing. We collectively as group put equal work into this project. We each took separate areas of research than came together at the end an ultimately created this great info graphic. We put together all our ideas into one huge in graphic. This was truly collaboration at its best.

b. What did not? 

Some technical issues did occur while creating this info graphic. On Keynote our project fitted the large pages file. Then when upload to slate it only takes a quarter of the page. That was annoying at times and did affect the info graphic's impact. 

c. What would you do differently next time? 

I think more facts written down would be helpful. 

d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics -

Be Concise

Research is a important factor for creating an info graphic. The more research the better outcome. Your audience will take more away with more facts. 

Be Visual

Visually stimulate you audience by your artwork. 

Be Smarter

Have a clear understanding of what your doing and creating. 

Be Transparent

Make your subject easy to understand Focus on making it easy and memorable for your audience.

Be Different

Be different is self explanatory. Don't have the same info graphic as the next group. Be Unique. 

Be Accurate

Make sure all of your work is accurate and credible.

Be Attractive

Attract the eye of the reader. Make the reader want to read your info graphic.

Be Varied

Have a variety of different things going on in your info-graphic.

Be Gracious

Everyone is welcomed to read your work. The more readers the better. 

Be Creative

Make your work standout. 

Which of these areas did you excel in? Which were not so well represented? Why do you think some elements of design were easier or harder to include in the end product?

I think as a group we excelled in all the areas except varied. Together we could have added different sorts information. We targeted the people decrease with mining increasing.  Maybe compare and contrast other issues that occurred. I think that some elements were a bit harder to include in the end of the product because we didn't want to lose the reader's attention with too many words. 

My Natural Diaster Info-graphic

What Worked
I think we did a good job with summarizing the ideas and our set up was very organized. The organized set up definitely made the info-graphic easier to understand.
What Didn't Go Well
Our group had a rough time getting started.We didn't really have a set idea or theme. There were also a little confusion with making the document accessible to all the group members.
What To Do Differently
I think we as a group could have been more focused and could have had clearer idea in mind. So next time we should start with a layout before just going into the document.
Our info-graphic falls under the tip of "Be accurate" and "Be Visual". I don't find our info-graphic hard to look at or understand. I think we had some trouble in the "Be Creative" category. We got our minds set on making sure the facts where presented rather than showing them in a creative way. I personally think its hard to be factual and creative at the same time.

Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

Group Members :

Martha Robles
Keanu Farrow
Naquan Harding

a. What went well?

Our initial approach to the project was good. We all seemed to have good ideas about how to carry out the project. It also seemed like the work would be evenly distributed among all of us. 

b. What did not? 

Once the research was started I felt like not much was put in from there from the other group members. I felt like the time I put in was too much compared to the other group members.

c. What would you do differently next time? 

I think if I were to do this project again I would make sure we each had certain task to complete before a certain dead line. So that we would all make sure we put in the same amount of work.

d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics. 

Overall I think the info graphic looks good. However I do think it can have more visuals. I think that idea I had of creating a path resembling that of a ship then at the bottom the biggest fact representing the spill. I think that what also made it more appealing was the use of color and having the words spread out so it didn't look like it was all words. I also think the facts included made it stronger. 

Imani's Reflection

What went well was the efficiency we were able to research on our topic and how we equally worked on creating the info graphic.

What didn't quite go well was the fact that when it came time to actually start connecting pictures with our research. It was hard to really work well on how we want our whole poster to look like and organize it so that people can tell what our natural diaster was about.

If I had another chance to work on this I would probably try to organize the information a little bit better and also find information that would be a little easier to display through only pictures and/or diagrams.

The tips that my group and I excelled in was being accurate, being a bit varied, and visual. The rest of the tips I feel like my group and I could've worked a little more on using those tips especially with "be concise" and "be creative." This was a little hard to do because there is a lot to explain about the government reaction/response that couldn't really be explained clearly through just pictures or diagrams. 

J. Pullins, Info-graphic for Three Mile Island

a. What went well? 
I think that we were able to apply the information that we did find in a very interesting and relatable way.

b. What did not? 
I think trying to find enough information about the backstory of Three Mile Island would have made the diaster more understandable to our audience, however, we couldn't find that information.

c. What would you do differently next time? 
I think I would entail the backstory of Three Mile Island if I had more time.

d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics -

Be Concise - We kept our information as brief as possible.

Be Visual - We tried to keep clear, understandable graphics in the poster.

Be Smarter - We tried to compare commonly known information with the lesser-known, Three Mile Island.

Be Transparent - Most of our information is understandable enough that it requires no additional research.

Be Different - We tried to make our poster as original as possible.

Be Accurate - All information present is correct.

Be Attractive - We tried to make our poster as aesthetically pleasing as possible. 

Be Varied - We tried to use different techniques to present the facts.

Be Gracious - Information present was both concise and thorough.

Be Creative - We tried to present the information in a fun an interesting way.

Anniston, Alabama PCB Poisoning

a. What went well?

Our group was able to divide up the work equally to be as efficient as we could be. We also used a lot of pictures in our info-graphic in order to explain this catastrophe to the reader. Our info-graphic contained a lot of facts and also pictures to show the scale of destruction.

b. What did not? 

I think that we could made the project more visually appealing but using better pictures that were not as blurred. I also think that we could have made our explanations more concise.

c. What would you do differently next time? 

Next time, we will make sure that our text is more concise in order to make the information more easily accessible to the viewer.  We would also make sure we use better pictures.

d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective info-graphics -

Be Concise: Conciseness was one of the things that we lacked in our project. We had a lot of long text explanations. It would have been better if we had just included bullet points for the facts.

Be Visual: Our info-graphic contained a lot of pictures to show the effects of the PCB poisoning on both wildlife and people.

Be Smarter: We used a picture to show how much money the Monsanto company settled the federal lawsuit for. The company had to pay $700 billion dollars and a graphic was included to show what $700 billion dollars look like.

Be Transparent: We showed how the spill affected the residents and the diseases that the chemicals caused. We also showed that the company was intentionally dumping chemicals in the creek near the town.

Be Different: We used a variety of colors and very graphic pictures to capture the true scope of the disaster.

Be Accurate: We completed through research to make sure that all our claims were supported by credible sources. 

Be Attractive: I think that our info-graphic could have been more attractive. However, it was not completely boring and it was somewhat visually appealing. 

Be Creative: I think that our project was very creative because we were able to pack a multitude of information in a small presentation. We were able to also use pictures to communicate some of the information.