E2 U2: "Toda la Influencia Americana

Announcer (most energetic voice, voiceover): Leah Bradstreet

Filmer (One with the best phone): Imani’s phone, Chloe Hart

Female Model(s) (depends on who brings U.S. clothes): Imani Williams, Julia Furman (legs only), and Chloe Hart

Male Model (depends on who brings U.S. clothes): Eli Zimmerman

Editor (person/people who actually know how to edit videos): Leah Bradstreet / Chloe Hart

DJ (knows how to find good songs): Julia Furman



En Toda Americana Influencia, los productos están todas hechos en los Estados Unidos. Nosotros orgullosamente producimos ropa nunca hecha en maquilas. // In All American Influence the products are all made in the United States. We proudly produce clothes never made in sweatshops.

Invierno: Winter


¡Suéteres de niñas desde cuarenta y cinco y cincuenta y nueve dólares! ¡Suéteres de niños son cuarenta y nueve y noventa y nueve dólares!

// Models show off clothing

Female:: Un suéter negro y café hecho en los Estados Unidos con algodón y lana. Pantalones azul hecha en los Estados con la tela vaquera.

Male: Un suéter moreno y café hecho en los Estados con algodón. Pantalones azules oscuros hechos en los Estados con la tela vaquera.

Primavera: Spring


¡Puedes comprar vestidos para niñas por solo sesenta y nueve y noventa y nueve dólares! ¡Zapatos simples de niñas son treinta y nueve y noventa y nueve!

Female: Unas vestido y sandalias.

Verano: Summer


Camisetas de las niñas y los niños son solo treinta y cinco y noventa y nueve dólares.  Camisetas de mujeres y hombres desde setenta y nueve y noventa y nueve dólares. Pantalones cortos para niñas y niños son sesenta y nueve y noventa y nueve dólares. ¡Compra ahora!

Female: Una camiseta rosa y rojo, pantalones cortos negros, y chancletas negras todas hechas en los Estados Unidos.

Male: Una camiseta, pantalones cortos de baloncestos, y zapatos baloncestos.

Otoño: Autumn


Nuestras bufandas de moda son veinte y cuatro y cincuenta y nueve! ¡Tenis para mujeres y hombres son solo setenta y cuatro y noventa y nueve!

Female: Una bufanda gris, unos botas cafe, una camisa roja y blanca, y unas medias negras.

Male: Una camiseta graphica, tenis zapatos blancos, unos jeans azul


¡Tienda en Toda Americana Influencia para estas grandes ofertas! ¡Ten prisa, estas ofertas no duran mucho! Estamos en Uno Dos Tres Americano Forma de Sacramento, California, puedes ir al http://www.allamericaninfluence.com, o puedes llamar al (Dos Uno Cinco) Cuatro Cinco Seis - Siete Ocho Nueve Cero.

E1 U4 Telenovela "¿Quién es el Criminal?" (Mia, Zeke, Assirem, Chloe)

Rosa is taking a quick nap on Monday morning in English class, when a criminal takes her computer. She then must describe the criminal to Police Officer Valentina. They question two suspects, Santiago and Río. But, who is the criminal? Watch our telenovela to find out!


Chloe Simmons as Rosa.

Assirem Hosni as Oficial Valentina.

Zeke Maitin as Santiago.

Mia Concepcion as Río.

E1 U4 Telenovela: "La Chica es Mía"


Miguel, Missing, and Josefina have all been secretly in love with María. They each make a move and she says yes-to all of them! But the dates overlap-will they discover each other or will María get away with it? Watch La Chica es Mía to find out!


Nhu como Josefina

Lamar como Miguel

Thea como María

Alan como Missing

Reflection on slide

Media Fluency Slide (1)
Media Fluency Slide (1)
After receiving the critiques and learning about what could be improved on my slide, I decided to enlarge the font. The first thing I want my viewers eye to be drawn to is the acronym life. I used black to show contrast. After making the letters take up more of the page caused the slide easier to view at a glance. I made the pictures smaller, but they still send the message from my me magazine. Overall the slide looks improved, and the design looks better.

Media Fluency Revised

When I was presenting to the class I realized I presented the wrong slide, I saw this and told the class, but working with what I had I thought I did a good presentation. I learned a lot more then what I thought about graphic designing, like if you have words too close to the edge of your slide it creates tension. Or that you shouldn't put words on red sometimes, because it can be hard to read. In my new slide, I got rid of some words that were unnecessary and enlarged more important ones. I also made the picture on my dad larger to take up more space in the slide. Actually doing your research for this project is important, because seeing others present, you could see who researched and payed attention to the directions. That is why doing your research for this project was important.

Slide 1 (5)

New Chloe Simmons- Reflection

Me Magazine- Revised
For this project, I've learned how to make an advertisement. I've also learned the basic rules you need to know in order to make a good advertisement. Also, I learned how to present my advertisement using the right vocabulary. So, as you can see, I've made MANY changes. As you may notice, I've made the words bigger and one solid color so it can be eye-catching and it contrast with the background. Before, it was the different colors an it made it hard to see letters from words over other letters form the words. Also, you may notice that I've rearranged the photos I did for this project. I've got rid of the picture of myself, since it was really unnecessary. I've made the pictures into a collage so it would look more organized and not make the slide seem cramp. I also made the pictures solid so it can be seen. Before, the pictures were all over the place and disorganized, making it look like the slide was done at the last minute. Also, the all the pictures were made transparent and it was hard to see pictures over other pictures. You may also notice that most are on or near the rules of thirds so the eye can immediately go to those spots. Before, everything was all over the place and it made it unpleasant to the eye. Also, the negative space helps also in this slide. For me to be able to do this, I had to do RESEARCH. Yes my friend, research is VERY important when you are doing this. It will help you with your presentation and when creating your slide, paper work, etc.  If you didn't do yours... you won't be getting that A+ anytime soon. Good luck to you buddy.

New Chloe Simmons- Reflection

Me Magazine- Revised
For this project, I've learned how to make an advertisement. I've also learned the basic rules you need to know in order to make a good advertisement. Also, I learned how to present my advertisement using the right vocabulary. So, as you can see, I've made MANY changes. As you may notice, I've made the words bigger and one solid color so it can be eye-catching and it contrast with the background. Before, it was the different colors an it made it hard to see letters from words over other letters form the words. Also, you may notice that I've rearranged the photos I did for this project. I've got rid of the picture of myself, since it was really unnecessary. I've made the pictures into a collage so it would look more organized and not make the slide seem cramp. I also made the pictures solid so it can be seen. Before, the pictures were all over the place and disorganized, making it look like the slide was done at the last minute. Also, the all the pictures were made transparent and it was hard to see pictures over other pictures. You may also notice that most are on or near the rules of thirds so the eye can immediately go to those spots. Before, everything was all over the place and it made it unpleasant to the eye. Also, the negative space helps also in this slide. For me to be able to do this, I had to do RESEARCH. Yes my friend, research is VERY important when you are doing this. It will help you with your presentation and when creating your slide, paper work, etc.  If you didn't do yours... you won't be getting that A+ anytime soon. Good luck to you buddy.

eupd: 5 minutes of science

The Science aspect of this disorder involves psychological and emotional impairment. Recent research has shown that 1.6% of the population has BPD. BPD or EUPD (emotionally unstable personality disorder) is a mental illness defined by deeply enduring patterns of distress, social dysfunction, and self-destructive behaviour. It causes one to be out of control of their own feelings and urges to harm themselves due to the hurt within and a messed brain and past. Symptoms include emotional instability, feelings of emptiness, intense emotions, insecurity, social isolation, compulsive and impulsive behavior, dangerous and self-destructive behavior, and self-harm. Reasons why an individual may have this disorder maybe because of genetics, brain chemical and development problems, and also environmental factors. In terms of brain chemicals, serotonin is a chemical responsible for maintaining mood balance, and a deficit of this can lead to depression. Victims may also have Depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and thoughts of suicide.  It is ever hard for individuals to control their destructive urges due to this disorder altering levels of serotonin of the brain.

This disorder impacts society by influencing all of the medical fields that study mental illness. This mental illness is now becoming more common due to it being a serious mental illness with the chance of someone having it becoming a more higher population percentage. Statistics say women are more prone to have eupd than men by a ratio of 3 to 1. This disorder is simply something that affects humans... the individuals that have this everything they do will be affected by this disorder. As well affects their relationships, with the fear of abandonment and self-doubt. However this disorder has helped society understand the human brain more and people with this mental illness.  

 I myself suffer with this disorder and whilst being such way i’ve never known what was wrong with me, why I’ve felt to have such strong urges to harm myself with unstable emotions, so I’ve learned to grow and understand myself more with this disorder. My thoughts on having this is truly of the unbearable but I’m slowly finding hope and receiving treatment.









Tech Slide

ME Magazine Slides-1 (2)

Hello I am Daeja Richardson. I’m currently a student at Science Leadership Academy(SLA). The slide has a lot to do with my ME Magazine, so I tried to make it it similar. At first I made this slide with just the knowledge I know from Google Slides. But later as I watched to tutorials and read the links give to us, I had a change in thought. For my slide from being based on my ME Magazine I incorporated texture,different shapes,contrast and more.

My ME Magazine didn’t have no pictures on it but mainly because I didn’t have enough to copy them and I didn’t want to use originals. So I just gave my visual concept. The ME Magazine had a various amount of pinks. I incorporated the pink within my background and my name.I made this Jamaican flag because in my ME Magazine I mention my heritage in the magazine to identify myself.

Media Fluency( revised)

The thing that I changed in this part was that I added less pictures and some words. I made sure that the words are centered and the pictures are large enough so they can see it. Another thing is that I contrasted the pictures so people can see it. Another thing is that I kept the same background color I believed that it catch the viewer's eyes. The research is very important because you have to know how to make it right and how to do it and how to design the slides so it can impress people. 

A Taste Of Me (Renewed)

my slides ( the last one) (3)

Based on the critiques I received I decided to make my slide have a little more light. The kid with the door was more than enough light in my opinion and after he was explained it seemed like others agreed, I just wanted to go with the first citiques I was given anyway. Researching before you even choose to began a slide it extremely important. I did learn the ¨One Slide One Point¨, but yet all of the images in my slide only adds up to one point. Others might say ¨No, it just looks creepy¨, that´s what I want! I want something that´ll attract your attention, also if they wanted to, the ¨One Point¨ could be creepiness or fear. I did research and not only did the website Zen say ¨One Slide One Point¨, it also says ¨Contrast the Rules¨, which I also tried to do. So something that I did learn is to be more clear when explaining my work.

Improved side

My new slide
I decided to change a lot about my slide because the background was just to complex and the words on my slide just didn't stand out like I wanted them to. The words are really the main focus of my slide. To also help the word stand out a little more I made them bold and I also changed the color of the hearts because I learned that it just didn't match. I learned that you should make your slide as clear as possible and include clear pictures that includes negative space so my slide doesn't seem to congested. Research in the beginning of a project is really important because you want to make sure that you know ever valid reason you did what you did.  

Reflection On Media Fluency

Screenshot 2016-12-23 at 10.06.06 PM
Screenshot 2016-12-23 at 10.06.06 PM
What I learned from the critiques is that I was using too many colors and shapes in my symbolic slate that it would be too much for someone who is viewing the slide. It would be too cluttered and hard to focus on the main point because there is a lot going on, on one slide. 
The big change that I made to the second slide is actually taking it from hand drawing to it being digital. I also included fewer shapes, also represented all the shapes and colors clearly. 
The research I did for this project I believe was really important, especially because I had to actually find the exact symbolic representation of the shapes and colors scheme. I researched about space and what it portrays to whoever is viewing the slate and I also researched about the centering of the images and what's the meaning behind it. 

I am who i am pt2

I learned that I needed to make both sides more symmetrical with color and filling space. I decided to change my slides pictures. I originally had two grey scaled pictures on the right side but that looked of wit my back and white theme so I took those off and made it more evenly contrasted throughout the whole slide. I also changed the font of "i am who I am" to be more fancy and curved to match the curves with the music notes and I wanted the work "dliysxea" to be really simple and I made it going up and down though the other text to express it applies an important part to me. I'm glad I researched just so I had more knowledge on what would catch a outside person's eye the most and really sell it. It's so important to research just to be more prepared in general. 
Screenshot 2016-12-23 22.13.30
Screenshot 2016-12-23 22.13.30

New slide. Similar me.

In tech class I learned so much and my classmates gave a lot of great advice. Through my research i learned the inner workings of modern advertising. I learned how to take a slide and turn it into something more than that. I've also learned how to take criticism better and you kinda need to be able to do that for this project. 
The biggest change that I made to my slide was that i realized that it wasn't all about me and it was about making the best advertisement. I combined this with some knew placing of my pictures and badabing badaboom, my knew slide. 
Research was very very important in this project. If you didn't make good enough research, well, good luck to you. This was a situation where if you didn't do research you had nothing to explain your slide with. And that just makes you look unprepared. 
This project really made me realize how much i need to put into both big and small projects. 

Zivia Reflection on Media Fluency

Copy of Media Fluency Slide- Zivia

While researching for this project and going though the various sites we were told use, I started to realize that I recognized a lot of the terms and ideas that were shown. I had unconsciously used them before when drawing, just never had the words to describe them. My brain knew what it liked, and that seemed to fit with what was suggested. I actually looked back on a few (fully finished) pictures I had draw before I learned these terms, and saw quite a few pop up (bleeding, rule of thirds, contrast, etc...). Based on this, I'd say I learned that the things I unconsciously preferred had names, and were common thing that quite a few people's brains also preferred.

For my second slide, I started out having no idea what to change. I liked how my original looked, and every little tweak I tried (different fonts, a picture, a border, size changes, slated writing) looked off, even imperfect (and not that perfectly imperfect that crunches in your brain). After flipping back and forth between a few changes, I found that my lines of text seemed a little cramped, and there was an imbalance in the empty space in the top and bottoms of the slide. So, I spread things out, and there was more air and more space.

Research is incredibly important when beginning a project. Finding and using sources give a structure for one's own brain to then take over and add the unique touches. Without that structure, things fall apart much easier. You also need to be able to defend your choices, as Ms. Hull said at one point. If I have nothing to site for information or context, then I have no backup, nothing to support my claims but myself. That leaves me as a single source, and a single source is rarely accepted as proof of a choice or change.

Reflection on Media Fluency

Revised Me slide- Cristina Valenzo  (1)
When I first got assigned to create a google slide that represented my Me Magazine I was really nervous because I didn’t know what I was going to include in it. However, I felt better after I did my research and I learned many new concepts. I realized that I was already doing all these things ,but I just didn’t know it. I learned about the rule of thirds and the depth and symmetry and contrast and the art of color bleeding. After I learned all this I created my first slide, then I got constructive criticism on it and I re created it.In the old slide I had my name on the right in the far right corner , however I moved it to the center to represnt me more and so people could notice it more easily and I changed the color of the word “Cristina” to make the word pop out more and contrast other colors on the slide. I also removed the word “unity” from the middle because it was distracting and took away the focus of the image in the back. Overall I learned a lot from the research and the criticism given from my classmates. Researching your content before your start anything is so important, not only do your learn more but you get a better understanding on how you are going to get your task done.

Reflection on Media Fluency

-Me-Kayah (2)

After getting feedback from my peers(including Miss Hull) I learned that my message was spot on and that it was a very powerful message I conveyed through my slide . It was just that I needed to make the message a bit more obvious, because some of my peers did not really catch on to the message through my slide. While some may have caught the message I still wanted to make my message more obvious to those who did not really catch it, because I can see where they would be coming from if I looked from their point of view when I had presented my first slide. I deleted the speech bubble with the writing because It was not really necessary to have and nobody could read the text anyway. I deleted a few pictures off of this slide because I had way too many pictures which made my slide distracting. I decided to change it to the format I have now because it fits better with the message I am trying to convey through this slide, and makes it more obvious to what my message is. I am really glad I decided to change what I changed and I think it may have helped in the beginning with my first slide if I had done the same research. It is really important to know exactly what you're doing. My slide turned out good the first time but I did not do any research while I was making it so it could have turned out better. I think if I had done the research the connection between the way I designed my slide and my message I was trying to convey could have connected together better the first time. Now given feedback, done research, and made changes I think both my slide and my message connect much better.

Media Fluency-Reflection

I made a few small changes to my slide because I was not told to change much by my group members. The changes I made were both to the text in my slide, when I mentioned that the text was not completely black, just a dark blue to make the total effect softer, it was suggested that I made the blue lighter since they could not tell that the text was not black until I pointed it out. The other change was to make the text shorter, from “Persevere through difficult times because things will get better.” to “Persevere through difficult times, things will get better.”, taking out the “because” and replacing it with a comma. Research is important when beginning your project because it can prevent a lot of problems that could have been avoided all together in the first place if you had just taken the time to research before you started.

Me Mag Slide

My Slide

Based off of the tips that were given to me, i decided to take them into consideration. On thing that was an issue on my slide was the font being too hard to see from afar. Now i changed the font that is a bit more bolder and sticks out more and puts more emphasis on the quote. Another issue was that my name was too close to the art on the right and it made it hard to read. So i just moved it a tad to the left giving me the semi-changed product you see now. From all of this i learned that the font of the text does put an impact on what you're trying to say. And the research you do also plays a role in deciding how the board is going to look in the long run.

Me Slide Part 2-Simone Cruice-Barnett

Me Slide pt2

I learned that less is more. I decided to take out all of the miss match pictures and go with a pattern background so it wasn’t boring and one of my favorite quotes. I used black font because it was complimentary to the background color. I balanced the quote on the l top left with my name on the bottom right corner. I tried to match my old slide with similar clip art but I realized it would be too crowd so I decided on a quote, my name, and an interesting background.

Reflection on Media Fluency

I have learned how I should research more before I go into a big project like this. I have learned of the rules of thirds, and how to clash certain colors and images into slides. This slide show the crashing of the waves creating a white spot to fit my text in. This allows me to have my text come out more with this vibrant red that in in the upper left on the rule of thirds line. It is very important to research a project. If you don't, then you won't be able to make a quality/exemplary project.
Untitled presentation

Kennedy's new and improved slide

Untitled presentation
This is my new and improved slide. Originally the media fluency skills I focused on were Contrast, one point, slides, and visually appealing text. Since last time the contrast between my colors were off between the background and subject, I made it a solid color. Before the color palette wasn't together, the words were two different shades. This project seemed relevant to me because media fluency is important to know later on in life. It'll help when making professional presentations.