Origami Killer

First thank you for reading my work. The piece I created was a story that was inspired by a lot of different outlets that included symbolism. I hope my readers are able to decifer this unfinished demo to a much broader story. Oh trust me, it gets deeper than what your about to read. Here is the link-



Thank you for taking a look at the creative writing piece I wrote this year. The story centers around a group of adventurers tasked with an investigation of the mysterious silence and lack of activity in the city of Aldrakstead. I was inspired by novels that were written in the Forgotten Realms universe which is the same universe that the Dungeons & Dragons universe is set in. I wanted to us the second-person when telling this story to give that feeling of walking the audience through the story like a game-master would do with his players. I hope you enjoy it!


Map run

Welcome to my first short history:

In a fantasy world,  Tom, one child, that have to run out of his house, and follow a map for find help, but he is not alone, he is cohabit with Elise, one young lady that have to run with him when her home is destroyed.

For this short history, I based in the fantasy books that I read ( song of ice and fire, and the lord of the rings), I created my fantasy word, that is not much, but enogh for make great histories.

I hope that you enjoy the reading.

Grandmas irish kitchen by Keith Hodge

​Hello reader thank you for coming to read my story.

My story is about a mom and a daughter visiting the house of the daughters grandma and she is especially attached to the kitchen where her grandma always cooked and baked food and cookies and she finds stories and poems about her past that shocks her.

Mentor text: the irish heritage cookbook and irish country cooking.

website: http://keithhodgecwideas.weebly.com/


High School Love

This is the link to my website. In my story it tells the story of high school , the new students , adjusting to high school , and new relationships. Than you for taing your tie to read my post and my story if you do. What you will learn that high school is where you grow up and things happen. I hope you enjoy the story.

xoxo - Fatoumata

Gave Up On Love

​ Thank you everyone for browsing through my website. I have 2 very short but meaningful poems that are called ' Gave Up On Love' coming from both a guys and girls perspective. I have personally been through a few heartbreaks that have made me want to "give up on love" and relationships in general. I hope the readers will understand the perspectives and take away something from theses poems; Thank you and enjoy!


"For Eternity" Koffi

​Welcome to my page. The piece titled, For Eternity, is a fictional, fantasy short-story. I was inspired by a series I know and love, Harry Potter. The piece is about three brothers whose lives change when one decides he wants to live as a mortal, and the other goes missing. This text was written as the first chapter of a potential book. ENJOY!



​Link to my blog post:

Thank you for taking your time and reading my blog post. I wrote this story about a woman I know who experienced something really similar and, after reading Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult. Both the women I know and the main character of the book told the tale of a woman dealing with some much pain due to loss of a child and how that kind of takes over their lives. This topic really opened my eyes to the hardships that women who go through this have to endure. I wanted to write a monologue because I wanted the reader to experience and know what life is like through her eyes and know what she goes through day to day. A continuous cycle that remains unbroken. I hope you had a great time reading!

The Crisis and Concerns

My story is a fictional story about how a son faces some problems that hits him at home but helps him realize what is going on in the world and how he has to take a stand. Something that inspired me to write this type of story was the book “Between the World and Me” which shows multiple essays, written as a letter to his son, (main character is his father Coates) where he confronts the idea of race in America and how it has shaped American history, very much so at the cost of black lives. It talks about many incidents that happened: (Trayvon Martin, Micheal Brown, etc)

Here is a link to my website where you can find the story: http://mharris609.wixsite.com/website.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story and I hope it makes you feel a type of an emotion or think about it differently and that you enjoy it!


Ben Fink's Pope Poem

Welcome one and all to Basic Human Decency, my comprehensive blog on advice, poetry, and media quotes on morality. Here you will find adice from both myself and other sources on how to be the kindest, most selfless, most special person you can be. My first piece was a rhyming poem on how I value Pope Francis as a modern-day idol and how I want to be as kind and humble as he is when I am an adult. Looking at news articles on all those kind things he has done for others, from kissing a man with a facial malformity to washing the feet of prisoners, inspired me to write this poem. You can view it here: http://basic-human-decencyblog.weebly.com.

Thank you all for talking to me. I hope you see the wisdom in my poem and follow its advice. Hopefully all of you will follow his example and go out there to make a difference in the world. Even if it is simply volunteering at an animal shelter or giving a little money to someone in need, remember that every act of compassion counts.

P.S. The link to my google doc can be found with this link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15CbvTiNLJDd6tXFMUZ9AHtthzW37vtdaLkD2QV7H4NE/edit.

my home network

  • explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection. my connection is good, it works i have a router and a fios router 

  • reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? if now write about what you learned. i learned that even though people who think people cant see what there looking up, people can see it 
  • what would you tell other people that they need to know about having an  ISP/Home network? i would tell them to don't do anything stupid on the internet because people can see it. 

Shakespearean thoughts

Blog URL: http://hbarci.wixsite.com/mysite

I created two monologues based off of Shakespeare's stories Macbeth and Othello, however I made a little bit of a twist based off of both of these stories. 
 My inspiration was definitely Shakespeare, his stories just seem to give my new perspectives on writing.  
the tragic love stories, the dramatic endings, gave me the idea, of maybe I could do the same thing. However by taking the characters, and going into their minds, and into how they think. I did this within my own writing, but with a Shakespearean twist.  

Horror story website


1. That you readers for viewing my horror story. I'm really excited about it, and hope you enjoy it!
2. What inspired me is wanting to go outside my comfort zone and expand on my imagery in my writing. Stephen king helped me along the way because I learned a few things from his books. Such as how to have a plot twist unexpectedly in a story. 
3. I hope that readers learn my style of writing and continue to follow my work. 

E1 U1 Rasa, Siarra, Abraham, Donald

Introduction: In video #1 we are studying for a spelling bee. This is about us learning and spelling the alphabet with different words. This is our way to show we understand and can pronounce the letters. We all pronounce the letters and say the words we are spelling.  Here is the video...

Video#2: In this video Rasa and Siarra are studying in the hallway when Abraham and Donald run into them. there is a short conversation talking about the large amount of projects and tests that are coming up. This was our way of showing that we know how to use numbers in our everyday life.

Video#3: After learning about the season and weather in spanish class we wanted to show what we know. we created a video showing our knowledge on the seasons as well as the weather during that season. Here is our way of showing that…

Video#4: In this video, Donald, Abraham, Rasa, and Siarra are studying for a test but forgot what day it was. we say what days we think it was. Then soon figured out what day it was.

E1 U1-kishara, kennedy, Daeja, Kyle

Intro #4

In this video another character from the gunio asks for the time. Go back to the time unit. ¿Que hora son, mi corazon?

Intro #3

In this  one child sneezes then the rest of the characters discusses the weather. ¿Que hora hace? in espanol. To explain how could it is around Christmas time.

Intro #2

In this video it talks about the date/days of the week, but one child doesn’t know what date it is. We marked the calendar to show what day it is. We included the Días de la semana song.

Intro #1

In part one of four there is a Christmas Celebration. We include how to use the dates for this gunio. Or in similar words the Messes/Fechas/Cumpleasños.