Negative Space Reflection

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Negative space is the space around an object of a picture or drawing. In a negative space drawing, there are always two solid colors for the drawing. Two of the main colors used for negative space drawings are black and white. In my cut out picture of the owl, all of the black in the picture is negative space. In the regular negative space picture, the negative space is is all the black around the objects. If an artist can see the difference between negative space and the actual object, it would make it easier to tell what the object is and it would be easier for them to draw it. Negative space gives the artist different perspectives and point of views to improve on. 

Negative Space Drawing and Cut Out Picture

still life art
still life art
cut out art
cut out art
Negative space is everything in a picture besides the main focus. This helps define the subject of a picture and draws in your eye to see the subject clearly.

I found negative space in my cut out picture and in my stool drawing by looking through the subject. For the cut out piece I focused on making the complete picture by seeing what was around the subject and not all of the details inside of it. I actually used the opposite technique in my stool drawing. I drew all of the details, also known as positive space, and then erased them as the negative space around it started to appear.  

It helps an artist to see in negative space so that it is easier to draw or paint a subject. When they can see and recognize negative space, they can sketch everything around it so that then they have an outline. From there the artist can easily focus on details inside of the outline and finish the piece.

Negative space is useful in creating art because it allows you to see what you are creating in a new light and different perspective. For example in my stool and table drawing, when I first started drawing I drew every detail. Then as I began to erase the positive space, I saw everything morphed together to form one cohesive picture. It is really interesting to first see a picture one way, and realize it can be something completely different. Negative space has the ability to draw in someone's eye to a picture and make them really see what is there.

Q4 Artículo #6: Cerveza


Quarter 4

Alejandro Marothy

Señorita Manuel


Este artículo se trataba cerveza. Es la semana de la cerveza de Filadelfia, y esto significa que cada uno bebe mucha cerveza. Mmm, cerveza. ¿Quién no le gusta una cerveza fría al final del día? Espero que nadie. Filadelfia les gusta la cerveza, eso es definitivo. Muchos viejos borrachos pasar todo su tiempo en un bar llamado “Monk’s Cafe” y beben cerveza con 300 opciones diferentes. ¡Vaya, vaya, vaya, vaya! Estos hombres saben cómo vivir. Tienes que amar a Filadelfia. Nos gusta la cerveza, tomamos mucha cerveza, cerveza cerveza cerveza cerveza cerveza. ¡Filadelfia es fantástico! 

¿Pero este es el significado de la vida? ¿Si hay un GOD, nos puso aquí con cerbeza para nosotros a beber esto y nos divertimos y vivir en Filadelifa? ¿O es un pecado mortal, es un acto castigado por sufrimiento ETERNO en fuego? Sería mejor si fuera la primera. Permítanos ignorar le segunda opción. Gracias a GOD, gracias por darnos vida y cerveza, porque sin cerveza, la vida sería Infierno. ¡Jajajaja, es una broma! ¿Entiendes la broma? Porque podríamos haber ir al Infierno porque beber cerveza, pero sin cerveza la vida misma sería Infierno. Es una idea muy gracioso pero también muy inteligente, porque se trata de si algo que vale la pena, y cuál es el reisgo. Interesante. Interestante.

Número de Palabras: 215

Trabajo Citado

Ana Gamboa. "Latino News and Opinion." Una No Es Ninguna. Al Día, 22 May 2014. Web. 22 May 2014.

Environmental Justice- Au Team 1

​        Ecoliteracy is defined as being able to understand the principles that govern the organization of ecological communities.  This is a topic that must be addressed in general, and is being closely looked at in our classroom because having a grasp on ecoliteracy will help all of us respect and understand the environments we live in. 

        Humanity is slowly bleeding the Earth dry. We abuse the resources of the Earth and take it from it without giving back. For example people think that one cut down tree is nothing, they don’t understand that in that tree lives hundreds of organisms and that the tree is a basis for life.

        Due to the dangerous nature of mankind's actions we are affecting various ecological principles which are key to ecosystems. One major one is flow of energy. We disrupt the flow of energy in ecosystems when we harm the communities environment. For example the fish in the BP oil Spill. We also affect the networks which coexist in the biosphere. When we cut down tree’s we are destroying the habitats of organisms who live in the tree and likewise those that survived on the energy of those organisms. It disrupts the entire system. By affecting these two principles we are also ruining the dynamic balance of these ecosystems. When the tree’s are chopped down eventually the numbers of all populations there die down in response to the loss of tree’s. 

        Humanity needs to change, we are making the biosphere uninhabitable. If we want to survive then we need to change how we treat this Earth. This is the only planet we have. We need to make it last as long as possible because there is only one Earth. Ecoliteracy is defined as being able to understand the principles that govern the organization of ecological communities.  This is a topic that must be addressed in general, and is being closely looked at in our classroom because having a grasp on Ecoliteracy will help all of us respect and understand the environments we live in.

deforestation and lungs
deforestation and lungs

Negative Drawing and Cutout

Negative space is the empty space around an object or the objects surroundings.  It allows the eye to see the main part of the drawing.

In my cut out, I found the negative space by cutting out the pieces that were shaded in darker and using that on the left side of the page so that the blue would be the focus and the black paper was the negative space.  For the other side I did the complete opposite by cutting out the other part and then using the blue as the negative space.  For the stool drawing, I drew the still life first and then colored in all the space around it.

It helps an artist to use negative space because it makes their illustrations more accurate.  It also allows artist to focus themselves and their drawings.

Negative space is useful in creating art because it makes your drawings more precise and accurate.  It also allows you to see what you’re doing in a different way.

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Card Q4 Benchmark

  • What did you set out to do? - I wanted people to know more about my mom and all the things in which she does in her life.
  • How does your work incorporate the art of storytelling?- It gives people a look at someones personal life and lets them be able to explore deeper into this persons thoughts and possibly make different stories and get different ideas from it. 
  • What do you hope your audience gains from your work?- To see the life my mom lives and see how it effects me.
  • What did you gain from doing this work. - Getting a deeper understanding of what my mom actually does.

Negative Space Reflection

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photo 1
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photo 2

A. What is negative space?

Negative space is the part of a drawing or photograph that surrounds an object. It helps to highlight the image and draw attention to multiple parts of it, in a way that makes it look simple. Negative spaces lets you see the outline of the  

B. Explain how you found negative space in 1. your cut out?, 2. in your stool drawing?

1. In my cutout, I was able to find the negative space by looking at the stencil and identifying the two different colors. Based on those colors, I could see that the white shapes were the negative space and the dark grey areas were the objects. This helped me figure out what I should cut and how it compares/fits in with the other spaces.

2. In my stool drawing, I found the negative space by looking at the things behind the still life. This made it so that I was able to focus on the outline of the shapes. I shaded in the space that wasn’t part of the main objects in the drawing, which is the negative space.

C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?

It helps an artist to see in negative space because it adds depth to the drawing or photograph. You get to see some parts of the drawing that you wouldn’t usually be looking at.

D. How is negative space useful in creating art?

When creating art, you can do some very creative techniques with negative space to add depth and interesting aspects to your drawing. One thing that an artist can do is utilize the negative space to make the viewer see multiple images in the drawing.

A Chapter of my Life

  Growing up I never really had the childhood I ever wanted . When I was 5 my parents got a divorce. They went their separate way. My father went to stay at his sister house. My mother moved back with her parents. And as for me and two youngest siblings, we stayed with our mother. When my parents separated we was too young to understand or know the reason why. We just know that my parents hated each other. They never spoke about it. Nor the family. All i ever saw was when my father came to visit my mother never spoke to him. She acts if he’s not there. As days passes my parents never spoke to each other. My father didn’t come as much and my mother moved on and didn’t care as much.

   When my father left I never understood why he had to. He and my mother should of slept in different rooms. It would of made things better.  When he came to visit the only time I ever saw him was every two weeks or every other month. Whenever he came he would take me and my brothers out shopping, out to eat and do all the other stuff. When he was done he would leave and we would not see him until the next two weeks or month . He always told us before he left that he was going to work to make money to take us out again. The hours we spent with my dad were the best times ever. We did so many things and it was one of the most unforgettable things ever. Even though he wasn't around like he was suppose to he would always talk to us. Tell us how we should be. Don't be like him and my mom . He wanted us to Grow up and be somebody. Have a good life . Go to school . And to make sure I listen to my grandmother"Everything he told us,we would listen . My father wasn't a bad father, even though he wasn't around he would tell us right from wrong .

  I remembered when he took us fishing it was something really unexpected. Before we got to the place I pictured it with trees,  the lake and a deck where we can sit and fish. But Instead of that when we got there, comes to find out we were at the back of the airport at a dirty river fishing for fun. We never really caught anything. But we did still enjoyed ourselves. Another time was when we went to his sister house. She had a party and he thought us how to climb on the walls in the hallway where we would put one foot up against one side of the wall as the other foot on the other side of the wall . And we would repeat the same steps until we touched the ceiling. We kept doing until we grew tired of playing. That night when we stop his sister started to scream out my fathers name and it scared the hell out of us because we thought something had happen to her. But instead she was screaming his name because there were foot prints all over the side of each wall from our dirty feet. She just kept yelling and yelling and yelling until my dad agreed to buy paint and repaint the walls.  It was hilarious because as my father was painting he still would crack jokes and make everything more exciting.  Although my father wasn't around as he was suppose to, he still acted like one. He would still come around take us out, and made sure we make the best of it.

 My mother on the other hand. She wasn't around as much as she was suppose to nor how my dad was . Even though we lived in the same house. When we moved to our grandparents house I barely saw my mother . She would work, And after work she would go out and get  a couple of drinks with her friends. On the weekend she would go out, come home late, and sometimes she would not come back home until the next day, or sometimes weeks. I remembered when she took us out over her friends house and we slept over there because she was too drunk to come back home. When we got back to our grandparents house my grandmother was screaming because she was worried sick about my brothers and I. I remembered he saying “why would you take the kids with you if you know you wasn’t gonna come back home. You are drinking and taking your kids with you something bad could of happen. My grandmother used to get mad everyday and every night, because my mom would always go out. She would scream at everyone because my mother would never come home . It was like ever since my parents split my mother was a different person. She drinks more, goes out everyday, she was never home. I never understood her feelings at the time or how she was reacting at that time. But not only hurting herself but she was hurting my grandmother.

  My grandmother would be very stressed because at the time my family didn't have much . She went to work, she made sure my brothers and I was well taken cared of. But other than that living in a 3 bedroom house apartment with like 10 people living there was really difficult. My grandmother was a family person. It didn't really matter to her how many people was living with her. She just love the family being together. My grandmother loved her kids and her grand kids she did everything for us and was very over protective. It used to drive everyone crazy. Especially me. She never wanted me to go outside because she thinks something bad might happen to me. Even If she would go to work she would tell our neighbor and her friends to make sure I stay in the house. But I really didn't care because I always had my brothers to play with. I never blamed my grandmother for doing the things she did because she always wanted to make sure I'm on the right tract and don't end up like my mother and father. My grandmother practically raised my brother and I growing up, after my mom left and father. She taught me many things, showed me how should I handle and do things. How I should not end up like my mother leaving her kids.

As I got older I started to realize that I don't need my parents anymore. Even if they came around once in the blue moon. I would go to school, come home, eat , do my homework, help my brother with his homework and play with my baby brother. My grandmother always told me "As a big sister , my duties are to go to school, come home do my homework, eat, and make sure my little brothers are ok because I would be like another mother to them" and I was only 12 when my grandmother told me that. I know that it may sound weird but it was really true.

  As years come I was about 15 years old my mom and dad started to come around more they started to show my brother in I more attention when we didn't need it anymore. It was really hard really hard for my brothers and I to reconnect with parents. I till this day don’t blame them for leaving us. They was young , married,  having kids , going threw a break up.

  Now as years comes my parents has gotten along, but they are still split. My father has his own house and mother has a new husband and a child. And she does not live with us anymore.  My brothers and i are still living with my grandparents because we chose not to live with any of our parents. Everything is not that confusing anymore now that i am older and now that I am a young mother, who is married. about to graduate high school  , and have a baby, I don't want to follow the same foot step my mother and father has done.  I want to make sure even if I gone thru a break up I would not let my emotions, feelings, or anything affect my relationship with my child. Or even if it stresses me so bad, to the point where I'm about to lose my mind I will never leave my baby. Everything that I have gone thru with my parents barely around has taught me to be a better parent to my child.  Looking at my child grow each day sometimes makes me question myself why would my parents want to leave my brothers and I . Do they love me , as much as I love my child. No because they actually left my brothers and i with my grandparents. Than decided to come back in our life when we are old enough to understand things and how we are able to take care of ourselves and live on our own. Everything does not matter to me. The only thing that those is my own little family that i have. I would always remember those words that my grandmother told me. To never be like my parents, to be strong, and believe that their are better.

Q#4 Benchmark

  • What did you set out to do?
For this english benchmark my goal was to craft a reflective piece on my experience with facing challenges in my life and how that related to me becoming a diplomat in society. From my experiences I've also tied this with me going to college and how I expect my college experience to prepare me to become a better leader in the future. 

  • How does your work incorporate the art of storytelling?
While writing my passage I've decided to describe all of my experiences in depth. Usually in story telling authors always describe their stories in depth and also include imagery, which I have decided to include. 

  • What do you hope your audience gains from your work?
I would really like the audience to take my personal experiences with facing challenges and incorporate them into their own lives. I don't want them to take exactly the same scenarios however, I would like for them to generate there own ideas based on my scenarios that I have given them and use it for their own lives.

  • What did you gain from doing this work. 
I've gained better confidence for explaining my struggles and my plans for improving my future. I feel better explaining my situation and I also feel confident that my story would help to improve other people's views on how they deal with their own problems.

"Time" by Roger Bracy

Thinking about what story to base this last english benchmark on I was clueless wasting my time procrastinating. I waited, until I came across this video. I was doing my regular rounds of internet surfing. Through a long stretch on Facebook I discovered a video that spark this idea about time. A young man about the age of 23 from Harlem, New York was speaking on time. He told the viewers that they have 84,600 seconds a day to live. He then compared it to the fanatical aspect saying, if you had 84,600 dollars in your bank account every day that you’d spend it as much as you could each day and get the most out of those 84,600 dollars. He concluded that time works the same way, our 84,600 seconds we get each day should be used to get the most out of each day.

Rolling on this train of information my mind arose, as I was looking over twitter and I notice an image of a clock. Now the clock in this picture was getting stretched in two directions. One side was easy to figure out, common apps we use everyday like a phone call Facebook or Instagram. The other side of the photo let the viewer know that there was a person that  the clock (representative of the time) belonged to. All of this fell into my theme of ways we waste time which is actually one of the most important and FREE qualities of our lives as humans.

These are the things I hoped to get the viewer (along with myself ) to gain during this Story "Time":


Time is valued to some and overlooked by others.

We as human are taught directly out of the womb, what day and time we are born.

As humans, universally, we count how many years, months, days, and seconds we have spent on this earth

Time is very valuable because time isn’t refundable.

Time isn’t just paid at an hourly rate. Time is all around us, anywhere you venture there is time posted up walls wrist and cellphones.


The Relationship between time and humans will have analyzed into a story about how we concede, sponsor, and  dissipate it our everyday lives

I will have story full of real people and their interviews on how they view their time on this earth.


For my project I wrote a story that had a lot to do with art and how people perceived it. There were three pieces of art that were important to the main character that I was able to bring to life thanks to my mother. I took these art works and showed them to several people so that they could talk about what they though each picture represented. This way I can convey the fact that art is just a story without words, and that it can be a different story for each person who sees it. This is exactly what I set out to do and I believe that it worked out well. This is something that I hope the readers can take with them. This experience has made me a better writer and I appreciate that. The link for my scroll kit with my story is below. Warning: The audio for two of the recordings have a lot of background noise. 

The boy

This story is about a boy who is in love with a girl with meaning. I set out to show what high school boys really want, but often times can't have because the girl is in a relationship or they are too scared. I believe I accomplished the task at hand. Since I created a short film, and the script had poetry in it, I felt that it reflected art plenty. I was creative and expressive, and I wanted my words to be hurt. I hope the audience understands the story, and get the message I was trying to deliver. It's confusing and powerful, but it's very moving and unique. I gained the power of story telling, and I learned from my own thoughts and other input. It took lots of work to create a 3 minute film. Plenty of outside sources and help. I learned the importance of storytelling and time management.

Skilled in the art of Video Games?

With this project I set out to show that the ways that games have us learn skills aren't that different from the ways that we might be able to learn skills for the the real world's use, in fact some may even overlap in some situations, maybe not the ones that let you fix the office stapler or the ones that let you take on the fire breathing dragon to save the town, but some.  My video tells the story of some of the skills that people who play games might have been learning without really even noticing it, a bunch of them have some real life applications too making it all the better.  I hope that people will, after watching my video, gain a different understanding of how we might be able to use this growing trend of games sucking us up into something that can really benefit our lives in the real world, that we don't just have to keep using the old methods that really can't compete with a world that was engineered to grab and hold someone's attention we can being to meld the two into a better state of learning and working for everyone.  I think that while doing this project I certainly deepened my understanding of all of those things even more so than I have with similar projects in the past.

Video Can Be Found Here

Poverty in America

I produced a series of art work that can be displayed across a wall. From the first picture until the last picture, a story is told about poverty. I was able to create three pictures that compliment each other to create the final product.The pictures are also in black and white volume. I choose to tell my story of poverty in America to show the urgency of the matter. I did this to show the effects on children who live in poverty and show the American struggle to make it. 

Story: I would like to make a story based on poverty within America. I would like to show the effects on children who live in poverty and show the American struggle to make it.  

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photo 2
Originally, my objective was to present a piece of creative work in the form of drawing. Through the weeks, I wanted to be able to document my process by creating a website that has pictures of my pieces evolving into its’ final product. I never show things like that. But, I wanted to try. However, I became way too busy to even do two project into one. I couldn't make a website, design it, figure out what to draw, then draw it and then take pictures--- it just becoming too much for me. So, the idea of documenting was done! But, drawing what you feel and what you see is a challenge within itself but the outcome is always amazing. I hoped to gain confidence throughout this benchmark by taking a leap of faith. It was definitely something because I never did anything artisty if it wasn't for art class. I hope my audience is able to see my story and appreciate it because it did take up a lot of time. 

Q4 Benchmark Taylor Thomas

  • What did you set out to do?
  • For this Benchmark I set out to make a music video to an inspirational song that included the inspirations of myself and others. I chose the song Walking On Sunshine, by Katrina and the Waves in Memory of the most inspirational woman in my life, Beth Hildebrand-Jordan. She passed away in August and this song has reminded me of her since.
  • How does your work incorporate the art of storytelling?
  • My product show the stories of how I gain inspiration to do the things I want in life. I also put at the end of the video a text to let people know that they can comment on my video and write what inspires them, so that I can learn their stories.
  • What do you hope your audience gains from your work?
  • I hope that my audience sees that some things can inspire them without even knowing that they are being inspired. You would be surprised at what you can find inspiration in, or what you can think about while you are doing little every day things.
  • What did you gain from doing this work. 
  • I gained a lot of knowledge about myself and about my family and friends from doing this project. It was very difficult for me to pick what was going to go into this project because some of my family and close friends did not want me to record them doing certain things but they did allow me to put in pictures of what their inspirations represent, so hopefully they will watch this and become inspired to make their own videos.

What school did you come from ?

Artist Statement:
What I set out to do is tell my personal story about the different school environments I've been in and compare them with my peers. My work incorporates the art of storytelling because in the video I created, the students are in fact telling there own story about the schools they attended. In the film I ask a series of questions in which they go in depth with their answers so the viewer can possibly relate to some of the stories being told. I hope that the audience gains a better understanding that even though we all come from different school environments we all have the ability to do our best because we all got accepted into SLA and enrolled. I personally gained a better understanding of how to tell a story and one that is not just my own. I feel like making this film helped me gain confidence in myself that I can be storyteller.
Personal Story:

As a young child I have always loved school, learning new things everyday was always just a wonder to me. Math in particular has always been my favorite subject, there is just something about numbers that I really enjoy. Problem solving has always come naturally to me even in everyday situations, knowing that I have found the solution to things has always been a good feeling. Growing up, I attended a private school called Ivy Leaf located in the Mt. Airy section of Philadelphia until it closed my 6th grade year in 2008. Ivy Leaf was an all black private school and I loved it there. I still until this day communicate with some of my friends from there. After Ivy Leaf my parents enrolled me into St. Raymond’s an all black catholic school also located in Mt. Airy. My first impressions of the school weren’t so good. It was smaller than what I was use to and I wasn’t entering school with people I knew. After a while I started to warm up to my peers and eventually made friends. Now that I’m in high school enrolling into a public school was a different experience but not that much because SLA is so much different from other Philadelphia public schools. There were a lot of new things I wasn’t use to, such as not having a uniform or dress code, taking public transportation to and from school, using a laptop as my foundation of learning instead textbooks, and having classes that were vastly diverse. At first SLA rubbed me the wrong way but now that I’m a senior I’m actually glad I came here.

Below is a video of me interviewing my peers on their experiences at the school(s) they attended:

Q4 Benchmark

  • What did you set out to do?

In this benchmark I set out to create a piece that will tell a story of something that impacted my life in a tremendous way. I decided to make this piece of art very personal and make myself vulnerable to the public. I used the lovers dictionary and the book of qualities as mentor texts what I created is very similar. This work is more than a replication of those pieces, but a journey that documents a peak time in my life.

  • How does your work incorporate the art of storytelling?

It incorporates this art by telling a story. As a storyteller I set out with a goal, learned new things, gained new experiences, and wrote along the way. My final products goal is to tell a story in a different way than I would usually do it.

  • What do you hope your audience gains from your work?

I really don’t want this piece of work to go viral. I would like to keep it between Rami and I. My only hope is that she gains some understanding of the things that happened in my life and how I have progressed into something different. 

  • What did you gain from doing this work. 

My only hope was  to fulfill my passion as a writer with this piece of work. Discover who I was as a person and analyze the various situations in my life. I think I am very accomplished with this piece and it is filled with many thoughts and emotions. Overall, I enjoyed this process and I am nervous for someone other than myself to read it. 



Artist Statement:

  I set out to learn about seniors and their struggles throughout this year. How my work incorporated the art of story telling was by incorporating different thoughts and answers to the questions I asked. To make it have that type of story flow, I incorporated how I felt during this senior year. What I hope the audience gains is insight on how other seniors felt during this year, and whether it was similar to how they feel or not. What I gained from doing this work was that, the majority of the students I interviewed had the same answers, and they were more laid back during there senior year.

Senioritis-A lack of motivation by  students who are close to graduating, which  also includes laziness and a lack of studying.

  Every single thing distracted me this year as a senior, I’m actually pretty surprised how I was given A’s in the majority of my classes this year. My procrastination kicked in five time stronger than it was in 11th, 10th and 9th. I have a lot of regrets as student this year, because I wish I was more organized. I wish I was able to just complete the assignments instead of day dreaming or binge watching series. At the beginning of the year, I was a go getter as always, then I get comfortable, and lazy. I began to get side tracked by other things, I was always distracted by either something or someone.


  After a couple of months, school was no longer a place where I was able to peacefully do my work. Instead of doing my assignments in school I would wait until I got home to do my work. Home, wasn’t a place to do work either, I didn’t know what I was able to do to over come my procrastination and senioritis. I began to make check lists for myself every week, including the different assignments and projects that were due each week. I had to make the change to become more organized, because when in college, I won’t have the time to procrastinate and wait until the last minute.

  This senior year,has widened my eyes to the things that I never really payed much attention to. I’ve learned from my mistakes in order to not make those same mistakes in the future. I intended to better myself, so I could become more organized, but I never knew how that was going to happen, or how I would discipline myself to became this person I wanted to be and become after high school in a learning area. 

Media: Podcast

Briana's Manga

For this project I really wanted to finally make a successful chapter of a manga I've been working on for quite some time. I enjoying drawing so I didn't see anything better to do than to draw. Since I'm not mega great with writing, I'd figure I just tell my story in a way I could best tell it...which happens to be drawing it out as a manga! What I hope is gained from this from my audiance is that they can see the hard work that was put into this drawing as well as the story because drawing isn't easy nor is it a quick thing to do (especially drawing like 50 panels in total for only 27 pages). I think I've gotten better drawing wise as well as I know my limit. I understand how much I can do in a day and how much I can finish over a period of time. This was never supposed to be easy so I hope that others can see and witness all of my hardwork within these 27 pages. 

Click here to read Vol. 1 Chl. of Watashi no hason Buraddo. 

Can You Dance!

Dancing is an act of expression, through this project I hoped to show that anybody could dance as long as they were able to move there bodies. In my proposal I aimed to show many people dancing but I was inspired to do interviews and show videos of different types of dance to show the broadness and variety of different types of dance. The wide variety of dance shows the story that dance has evolved so much that it has become different forms and there are many different opinions on dance which shows the story that dance is what we make it. I hope the audience gains the confidence to never say that they can't dance. I want the audience to feel able to understand that dance is just a physical form of expression that is supposed to be fun and not over thought. I was gained a scene of enjoyment and happiness from this project. While doing this project I realized how much, I myself enjoy dancing and the excitement of watching other dance/ express themselves. I feel as if this project helped me to know how I can relieve stress later in life and what I can do as a hobby.

Qrt. 4 Benchmark

I wanted to create a  visual story that depicted inequality in the U.S and how young people grow up masked by their surroundings. I think it is important to show how helpless and innocent children are in a world ruled by adults. My work incorporates storytelling by using the worlds of a song and footage to match my interpretation of those words. I hope my audience gains a perceptive of a child in a world of corruption with very little assistance to escape poverty. By doing this project I gained a lot of experience editing film and trying to depict an ever changing vision.  

Song: Double Dipping 

Artist: Subliminal Orphans (My Uncle’s Band) 

Footage of Military and U.S events I didn’t tape myself:   
