E1 U6 Spanish assignment

(Text conversation)​

Sean : Hola charles! Que tal!

Charles : Hola Sean! Asi asi y tu?

Sean : Mas y menos. Donde esta tú hoy?

Charles : Soy Ecuador!

Charles : me puedo esta fin de semana

Sean : Bien! A donde vas en Ecuador?

Charles: Soy Manta, Manta Ecuador

Sean: es basante?

Charles : Mucho

Sean: es Calor?

Charles: Mucho

Sean : Poder los fotos?

Charles : Si! Un  momento.

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Charles: Sé justo!

Sean: visito los museos o attraciones?

Charles : Si, quieres ver?

Sean: Si!

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Sean: el edificio es muy alto!

Charles : Si! Ecuador es muy divertido!

Sean : mas?

Charles: Si, uno mas!

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Sean: Que es eso?

Charles: Es el resturante!

Sean: Como es la comida?

Charles: muy delisioso!

Sean: mmmm Tengo hambre!!!

Charles: jajaja

Sean: mi telefono es uno percento!

Charles: Tu tengo el Cargador?

Sean: Si, estoy casi alli!

Charles: Sean?

Charles: Sean?

Charles: mucho comida for me jajaja!


My group and I decided to choose Madrid, Spain!

Meymey Seng (its_me_mey) posted pictures of where she visited while in Madrid. She posted pictures of a beach and a museum where her two friends Tyreek Speedwell (reek.__) and Salsabeel Elbakhadaoui (_bell_14) has a conversation. 
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E1U8 Leo, Marcin, Julia

Barcelona, Spain

Marcin: ¡Hola amigos! ¿Qué vas a hacer después?

Leo: Voy a estar de vago. ¿Y tú Marcin?

Marcin: ¡Voy a viajar!

Julia: ¿Adonde vas?

Marcin: Barcelona, España. ¿Y tú, Julia? ¿Qué vas a hacer después?

Julia: Voy a ver las atracciones.

Marcin: ¡Qué interesante! Hay muchos museos en Barcelona.

Leo: ¿Qué vas a hacer mañana?

Marcin: Estar de vago.

Julia: Hay un jugar de fútbol después. ¿Quierés ir?

Leo: ¡Claro qué sí!

Marcin: ¡Absolutamente!

Leo: ¿Cómo llegamos allí?

Julia: ¿Por tren?

Marcin: Sí. ¿Dónde está un estación de tren?

Leo: Carrer del Rector Triadó. En Avenue de Roma.

Julia: ¿Qué es el estadio de fútbol?

Leo: Camp Nou.

Marcin: ¿A qué hora es que en?

Leo: Son las dos en punto.

Julia: ¿Qué debemos usar?

Leo: ¿Jerseys, posiblemente?

Julia: Bueno. Qué bueno Yo recéin compré un jersey.

Marcin: ¿Que hora son?

Julia: Son las doce y media.

Leo: Bueno, nosotros tenemos hora. ¿Qué ustedes querer algo mientras nosotros espera?

Marcin: Tengo hambre. ¿Tienen almorzar conmigo?

Leo: Seguro. ¿Dónde está el restaurante más cercana?

Julia: Él está tres manzanas desde aquí.

Leo: Bueno ¡Vamos!

(Cuarto horas más tarde)

Julia: Eso estar divertido. ¿Debemos pasar con cada otro mañana?

Marcin: ¡Claro qué sí! Nosotros debemos pasar con cada otro más frecuentemente.

Leo: Yo esto de acuerdo. Nosotros debemos absolutamente. ¡Hasta luego!

Julia and Marcin: ¡Hasta luego! ¡Adios!

E1U6: Conversación por teléfono Li, Hughes, Norton, Silverman

San José, Costa Rica

Ayala- (calls their friends that are in Costa Rica)

Ailin- (picks up phone call) ¡Hola mis amigos!

Dayanna- ¡Hola!

Ayala- ¡Hola! Veo tus fotos en instagram. ¡Me encanta mucho!

Sharron- ¡Hola y Si! Me encanta también.

Ailin- ¡Gracias¡ Costa Rica es muy hermosa. Tú el tipo debes venir a visitar.

Dayanna- ¡Si! Venga por favor, es muy bueno aquí.

Sharron- A ver… No sé. No tengo dinero.

Ayala- Es caro para nosotros.

Dayanna- ¡No te preocupes por el dinero! Nos podemos ayudar con eso!

Ailin- ¡Sí! Nos preocupamos por tener un gran tiempo y estar aquí con nosotros!

Ayala- ¿De veras? Es asombroso.

Sharron- Bueno, Si insistes.

Ailin- Aquí tienen los edificios antiguos.

Ayala- ¿En serio? ¿Qué más?

Dayanna- Si en serio. ¡Usted puede ir dentro de los edificios antiguos también!

Sharron- ¡Es tan genial!

Ailin- También, la comida es deliciosa.

Dayanna- ¡Si¡ Costa Rica comida es mejor que la US.

Ayala- ¿En serio? La comida de Costa Rica en mejor que la de los estados unidos.

Sharron- ¿Qué tipos de comida tienen?

Dayanna- ¡Tienen arroz y frijoles!

Ailin- Y tienen gallo pinto. Es muy bueno.

Sharron- ¡Me encanta mucho!

Ayala- También, la comida es deliciosa. Yo comer todos los días.

Ailin- A propósito, estamos en San José, Costa Rica.

Dayanna- Yo creo que es el mejor sitio en Costa Rica.

Ailin- El cielo siempre es hermosa.

Dayanna- y puedes conseguir fotos asombrosos de lugares y la vista aquí.

Ayala- Nosotros vamos a venir el próximo año, lo prometo.

Dayana- Sí, vamos a ver el año que viene.


My Work On the Q4 BM

Café Mosqueto

Iquique beach

Chile’s capital is like no other; surrounded by the white peaks of the Andes, the bustling metropolis is a vast mosaic of winding streets and tall buildings. The landscape of Chilean cuisine is equally exciting. Mixing Spanish influences with excellent native recipes, the freshest of ingredients with exotic fruits and fish, it offers tantalizing combinations best enjoyed with a glass of acclaimed Chilean wine. Here are the ten best restaurants in Santiago.

Barrio Lastarria in Santiago de Chile | © Alexander Fns/Flickr

Barrio Lastarria in Santiago de Chile | © Alexander Fns/Flickr


Chile is famous for its wine, so it comes as no surprise that a wine specialist has made it onto this list of Santiago’s best restaurants. Bocanáriz is one of the capital’s most famous places to enjoy the best wine that Chile has to offer. Locals and curious tourist gather to taste local wines in a comfortable urban setting, where bare brick walls and heavy wooden tables are combined with the seemingly ill-fitting but ultra cool crystal chandelier. A true gastronomic and oenological journey through the country, Bocanariz menu has been designed to perfectly fit the different types of wine that Chilean vineyards produce every year.

Bocanáriz, José Victorino Lastarria 276, Santiago Historico, Santiago, Chile, +56 2638 9893


© Bocanariz

Bajo Llave

Located in the hip neighborhood of Barrio Lastarria, this cozy bar is the perfect place to take a break from Santiago’s bustling streets. The hidden and subterranean character of the location adds to Bajo Llave dark and cave-like charm, making it the perfect place to combine a meal with the first few drinks of the evening. Locals drop by to enjoy a beverage chosen from the huge selection of national beers and wines. Of course, Bajo Llave also offers generous meals for the hungry. Next to pizzas and tapas that fuse Mediterranean and Chilean cuisine, guests can also order more traditional meat dishes.

Bajo Llave, Calle Nueva de Rosal 344, Santiago, Chile, +56 2664 8053

Bar Bajo Llave

© Bar Bajo Llave

El Diablito

While Barrio Lastarria is the current It spot in Santiago. El Diablito was already there in 1984. It would not be an exaggeration to state that this restaurant contributed to the development of the now fashionable district. Famous for its traditional beers, local specialties such as pisco sour casero and the carne a la diabla, El Diablito is the perfect place to meet young locals in an alternative and laid-back atmosphere. A special mention goes to the decoration of the restaurant, somewhere between a cabinet of curiosities and an antique dealer’s mysterious shop.

El Diablito, Merced 336, Local 2, Santiago, Chile,+56 2638 3512

El Diablito

© El Diablito

Don Victorino

The place to be for gourmand hedonists, Victorino offers a menu made of the best dishes that South American cuisine has to offer. The ingredients selection is exquisite, their presentation simple but classy, and the setting of the restaurant is an absolute must-see: Located in a maze-like antique house surrounded by historical monuments, Victorino is without any doubt the most romantic place to discover the delicate traditional food in the Lastarria neighborhood.

Don Victorino, José Victorino Lastarria 138, Barrio Lastarria, Santiago, Chile, +56 2 2639 5263


© Bar Restaurant Victorino

E1 U6 - Hamidou en Caracas

Hamidou is on a class trip to Caracas, Venezuala. He posted a picture onto Instagram and his hermanos, Majd and Sean held a conversation about Caracas.

@majd_de_boston y @flyboy_majd = Majd (had to change accounts due to technical difficulty)
@entus_blaze = Sean 
@darknightbatman = Hamidou
@real_donald_duck = Alan

The Taming of the Shrew in the Room

An essay by Cameron Samodai

   Having read the Taming of the Shrew, my first thought was to compare it to Tommy Wiseau’s magnum opus, and what is commonly regarded as one of the worst movies of all time, The Room. In The Room, the characters of Johnny and Lisa have an unhappy marriage that prompts Lisa to have an affair with Johnny’s best friend, Mark. In The Taming of the Shrew, numerous Italian men vie for the affection of Bianca, apparently the most beautiful woman in Padua, by pretending to be teachers with reasonable day rates.The common theme here is deception. Though an essay could be written about that, a more interesting area to cover here is the intention of the authors of the media in question. Throughout the course of both pieces, it is plausible that a reader may ask themselves “Is the author serious?” This uncertainty propels the reader forward in both stories, proving that it is a useful and lasting method.

   The catch in the Taming of the Shrew is that Bianca’s older sister Katherine must first be married before a man can become Bianca’s suitor. A wealthy man in pursuit of more power, Petruchio, offers to marry Katherine. Petruchio, unfazed by Katherine’s reputation as a shrew (the titular shrew, in fact), began training his new wife, just as one would train a pet. After a non-specified duration of training, Katherine eventually submits to the will of Petruchio, delivering this brief announcement during a mid-travel argument in which Petruchio swears to ensure they do not reach their destination unless she gives in:

"Then, God be bless'd, it is the blessed sun:

But sun it is not, when you say it is not;

And the moon changes even as your mind.

What you will have it named, even that it is;

And so it shall be so for Katherine."

(Act 4, Scene 5, lines 21-25)

   Certainly, that’s a convincing way to affirm that you have become the perfect wife, docile and obedient. However, the context of this quote must be considered. Katherine has not said anything along these lines, or even vaguely cooperative, to Petruchio before. This is the written word we’re talking about here. Knowing the character of Katherine, she very well could be being sarcastic. Unfortunately, whether that is the case or not is lost to history. In addition, this set of lines have the vibe that they are spoken merely to keep Petruchio content with how his glorious plan is going, at least to the point where he is willing to allow the completion of the trip. Tying into the theme of deception, Katherine is manipulating and deceiving Petruchio, who believes he is manipulating and deceiving Katherine. Next, the intent of the author must be considered. Shakespeare, being a playwright, wanted people to see his plays. He wanted people to pay to see them multiple times, in fact. Therefore, it is probably in his best interest to keep things somewhat ambiguous so multiple directors and such could have different takes on the written play. Another example of this ambiguity is at the very end of the book, where Katherine reveals her apparent change of heart:

"Thy husband is thy lord, thy life, thy keeper,

Thy head, thy sovereign; one that cares for thee,

And for thy maintenance commits his body

To painful labour both by sea and land,

To watch the night in storms, the day in cold,

Whilst thou liest warm at home, secure and safe;

And craves no other tribute at thy hands

But love, fair looks and true obedience;"

(Act 5, Scene 2, lines 162-169)

   Doesn’t this seem to be laying it on a little thick? Especially since this is a mere component of a larger rant/monologue on the same topic, which was a portion of a bet that Petruchio made with the other husbands at a gala. Isn’t it a bit convenient that Katherine is suddenly so willing now that earning money is in the picture?


   In this highly peculiar non sequitur, male leads Johnny, Mark, Denny, and Mike decide to play football in their tuxedos in an alley. Not only does this scene have no context, it also has no later relevance. On a related note, Claudette (Lisa’s friend) suddenly reveals to Lisa during a conversation the she has breast cancer, another subplot that continues on to mean absolutely nothing. These subplots, like the mysterious nature of Katherine’s allegedly changed behavior, do a wonderful job of keeping the reader perplexed.

  In conclusion, it is important to consider the tone of the author when analyzing a text on its portrayal of love and romance. As proven by these two texts, keeping the reader in question of whether or not a text is serious is an effective way of at least maintaining interest. However, confusing the reader with false starts and missteps can only go so far. While the Taming of the Shrew is generally accepted as a classic, the Room is known worldwide purely for being a terrible film.


Barcelona, Spain

Marcin: ¡Hola amigos! ¿Qué vas a hacer después?

Leo: Voy a estar de vago. ¿Y tú Marcin?

Marcin: ¡Voy a viajar!

Julia: ¿Adonde vas?

Marcin: Barcelona, España. ¿Y tú, Julia? ¿Qué vas a hacer después?

Julia: Voy a ver las atracciones.

Marcin: ¡Qué interesante! Hay muchos museos en Barcelona.

Leo: ¿Qué vas a hacer mañana?

Marcin: Estar de vago.

Julia: Hay un jugar de fútbol después. ¿Quierés ir?

Leo: ¡Claro qué sí!

Marcin: ¡Absolutamente!

Leo: ¿Cómo llegamos allí?

Julia: ¿Por tren?

Marcin: Sí. ¿Dónde está un estación de tren?

Leo: Carrer del Rector Triadó. En Avenue de Roma.

Julia: ¿Qué es el estadio de fútbol?

Leo: Camp Nou.

Marcin: ¿A qué hora es que en?

Leo: Son las dos en punto.

Julia: ¿Qué debemos usar?

Leo: ¿Jerseys, posiblemente?

Julia: Bueno. Qué bueno Yo recéin compré un jersey.

Marcin: ¿Que hora son?

Julia: Son las doce y media.

Leo: Bueno, nosotros tenemos hora. ¿Qué ustedes querer algo mientras nosotros espera?

Marcin: Tengo hambre. ¿Tienen almorzar conmigo?

Leo: Seguro. ¿Dónde está el restaurante más cercana?

Julia: Él está tres manzanas desde aquí.

Leo: Bueno ¡Vamos!

(Cuarto horas más tarde)

Julia: Eso estar divertido. ¿Debemos pasar con cada otro mañana?

Marcin: ¡Claro qué sí! Nosotros debemos pasar con cada otro más frecuentemente.

Leo: Yo esto de acuerdo. Nosotros debemos absolutamente. ¡Hasta luego!

Julia and Marcin: ¡Hasta luego! ¡Adios!

Fifty is better than One

A comparison of the movie 50 first dates and the play the taming of the shrew

I will be talking about the main male characters in both the movie and the play. I will be comparing and contrasting the methods they use to win over their love interests.

In the movie 50 First dates, the main character Henry Roth (played by Adam Sandler) has to work to win over his love by taking her on a 50 first dates. He has to do this because she has short term memory loss and forgets him by the next morning. This is completely different than the method used by Petruchio in The Taming of the Shrew, Petruchio manipulates his love interest Katherine by “taming her” and withholds things from her. He tries to win over his love interest through manipulation, whereas Roth from 50 first dates allows his infatuation to guide him.

These texts are similar because in both they demonstrate how one can try and use different tactics to win over a love interest. Even if they go about it in greatly different manners, the dedication is still the same.

In act four, Petruchio is having a conversation with Grumio about what he is planning to do to make Katherine more obedient.


“That bate and beat will not be obedient.

She ate no meat today, nor none shall eat.

Last night she slept not, nor tonight she shall not.

This is a way to kill my wife with kindness.

And thus I’ll curb her mad and headstrong humor.

He that knows better how to tame a shrew,

Now let him speak: ‘tis charity to shrew.”

This quote from Taming of the Shrew demonstrates his ruthless disregard for the woman he supposedly is in love with. He is showing how selfish he is by making sure his own needs are cared for while not considering hers, and actually withholding basic needs from her.

In this screenshot, it is easy to see that Henry is willing to go to any length to win over Lucy. He attempts to win her over everyday and uses a different and creative method to do so. Here he attempts to discover what she loves and in giving her lilies, he also gives her a movie that had taken a lot of effort to show her what is going on in her life. Henry goes above and beyond every day to win her love and is successful.

The main difference between the idea of courtship in the movie and the play is that in the movie Henry actually loves Lucy the way she is and follows his heart to win her over. In the play however, Petruchio has more of an obsession and wants Katherine to be a certain way and tries to tame her to his specifications.