¡Hola, amigo! : How to ask where are you from to someone

Have you ever wanted to learn basic Spanish lessons about asking basic questions to someone? This lesson will be about asking someone about themselves, such as where are you from and where you live. This lesson will also teach you how to reply and answer to those questions.

As you can see in the picture below, the word tú at the end of the question means that you are talking to someone around your age. Ud. is when you are talking to an older person.

tú = person around your age
Ud.= person that is older than you, such as an adult

The word soy means I'm and de means from. So if you put it together, you get, I'm from. If you are from that place and you live somewhere else, you would have to say , pero vivo en. Meaning that you live somewhere else from where you are from. This is similar to saying, I'm from. You would just need to add, pero vivo en, after the place you are from. So its, Soy de (a place of where you're from) pero vivo en ( a place where you live, instead of where you are from).

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After you tell where you're from and/or live, you can ask them, ¿Y tú ? or ¿Y Ud.? , meaning " And you?" or they may say, Yo tambien, which means " Me, too".

¿Y tú ? = And you?
Yo tambien = Me, too.

* All questions in español has an upside question mark before the question, another question mark, that is not upside down, is after the question.
*Exclamation points are similar to the question marks in questions. It has an upside down exclamation point before and after the sentence.

        ¿De dònde eres (tù)?
        ¡Gracias!  *meaning "Thank you!"
Here's a video of a Hispanic and an American student asking where they are from on their first day of school. This video can be applied in real-life, whereas a student, that knows only English, but can also communicate in Spanish to make them feel welcome on their first day of school. Enjoy the video.
Here's a link to learn the days of the weeks en español from Temperance and I.

¿Qúe Día es Hoy?

In order to learn the days of the week, you will need to know how to say the days of the week in Spanish and know what days they are. Unlike English, the days of the week in Spanish aren't capitalized and the week starts with Monday instead of Sunday.
*miércoles and sábado are the only two days that have accents on top of them
If you are to tell someone what day of the week it is and what day it is tomorrow, here is a way you can say it:

Hoy es lunes. Mañana es martes.
Hoy es martes. Mañana es miércoles.
Hoy es jueves. Mañana es viernes.
Hoy es viernes. Mañana es sábado.
Hoy es sábado. Mañana es domingo.
A man asks a woman what day it is. He first says "disculpe" which means "excuse me" and asks the woman what day it is. The woman tells the man that it's Tuesday and the man thanks her.
Here's a link to learn the months of the year in Spanish. 

Knowing the a,b,c en español

Knowing the alphabet is very important to learn. By learning the Spanish alfabeto, you can know how to write someone's name, if they don't know English. If you're at work and someone approaches you, asking for something, but you can't understand whose name they are saying. So you can ask them to spell it in español and you would know who they are talking about. The alfabeto is very easy to learn and kind of fun too.
*Fun fact : There are 27 letters in the Spanish alfabeto, whereas in English, there are only 26.
* All español letters are lower-cased, not upper-cased.

a   (ah)                  i  (eee)                    p (peh)           x (equis)    

b   (beh)                j   (hota)                 q (cooo)         y ( eee griega)  

c   (seh)                 k  (kah)                   r (ereh)          z (seta)     

d   (deh)                l   (eleh)                  s  (eseh)         

e    (eh)                 m  (emeh)                t  (teh)

f    (efeh)               n   (eneh)                u  (oooo)

g    (hey)                ñ  (enyeh)               v  (beh)

h    (acheh)            o    (o)                     w (doble ve)

You may notice that the pronunciation for the letter "v" is the same as the letter "b". Those 2 letters' pronunciation are the same, so if you are spelling a name, Billy. You would have to say "B" larga. If the name is Victor, the "V" would be corta. So you need to tell which letter you are saying, either b (larga) or v (corta). Both same pronunciations, but different letter.

b = larga
v = corta

This is a video of a spelling bee contest, where they hear the words in English and spells it in Spanish. A judge asking a contestant to spell "cat" and "dog" in Spanish. Enjoy!
This link is a lesson to learn how to greet someone en español​. Please feel free to click here.

Learning the Los Meses del Año (Months of the Year) and saying the dates

All the months in español are similar to the months in English and is fairly easy to learn. This guide will make you learn the months easily. Everything is simplified for beginners. The pronunciations will be shown after the months in español. A song of the months will also be included in this guide.

January enero                  e-ner-o

February febrero                fe-brer-o

March marzo                  mar-zo

April abril                     ab-ril

May mayo                   ma-yo

June junio                    ju-ni-o

July julio                     ju-li-o

August agosto                 a-gos-to

September septiembre          sept-ti-em-bre
October octubre                oc-tu-bre

November noviembre            no-vi-em-bre

deciembre            de-ci-em-bre

*All the months in español are lower-cased. Another thing to keep in mind is that the j is always silent in the months. For example, junio and julio would be pronounced as who-ni-o for the month junio and julio would be pronounced as who-li-o.

All the months are somewhat similar to the English months, but the only month that is different than the rest of them are January. January in español is enero. That's the only difference. The rest of the months are similar in English and in español.

Here is a song of the months in español. ENJOY!!

Saying the dates......

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In Spanish the way to write the date is, day-month-year, and in the American way it's month-day-year.

 Example: el 15 de agosto de 2011

Here's a video of a Hispanic student asking another Hispanic student what the date for today is. (Discuple means excuse me).

"What Time is it?"

Imagine a time where your really late to school, but then you don't know the time. You see a spanish speaking person and you don't know how to ask for time. Here in this lesson I'm going to teach you how to ask for time and how you answer it. So the phrase for asking time in english is "What time is it", but in spanish it is "¿Qué hora es?","¿Qué hora son?",  or "¿Qué hora tiene(s)?". Well when you answer it is really simple. The phrase is Son las.. which means It is.. 
Well when you answer for 12:00 pm or am there is also phrases for those too. For 12:00 pm in the middle of the day it is " es el mediodía". For 12:00 am it is "es la medianoche". Well in spanish when you say one o'clock its not " son las uno" that is not the right way to say one o'clock.The correct way is "es la una punto". Well "punto" means "on the dot", so if i say "son las dos punto". It means 2 o'clock on the dot. Well there are also phrases for in the morning, afternoon, and evening. In the morning is "de la mañana".For afternoon is "de la tardes". Then for the evening is "de la noches". You will have to add this when your giving somebody the time. Below you will see flashcards that you can use to practice the phrases in the lesson.
This video is going to be about asking for time and how to answer say time in Spanish. In this scene you will see again a guy and a girl, but this time in this scene this guy is in a hurry. Wondering what time is it really? Then stops by and ask a lady or girl who is sitting in the bench. This guy asks her “¿Qué hora es?” meaning, “What time is it?” and then the way she answers it is “Son las..” meaning “ It is..”.

Here is Molly's leccíon on Weather
Here is Molly's leccíon on the Spanish Alphabet
Here is Molly's leccíon on Days of the Week
Here is another of my leccíon on How to Introduce Yourself 

What day is it?

Everyone needs to know what day it is! ​Let's say you are in class and your spanish teacher says "tenemos una prueba el viernes."
You know that she said "We have a test on..." But you are unsure on what day "viernes" is.

Use this chart to figure out what day it is.
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Knowing what day it is could be useful for multiple situations. HERE is a song that's helpful for memorizing the days of the week.
Here is another video on how to greet someone is spanish.
Here is another video on how to tell the time in spanish.

How to Greet Someone When You First Meet

Well there is a way to greet someone in Spanish. The word to say hello is ¡hola!. Well after you say hi don't you want to ask for their name? Well the phrase to ask them for their name is ¿Cómo te llamas? or to ask an adult you got to ask formally ¿Cómo se llama?. As you can see I underline "se" is the sentences. When you ask a adult you have to use "se" not "te". 

As you can see here there are flashcards you can use to study spanish anytime and anywhere.
Well now I'm going to show you how to answer and ask how are they in spanish. When you ask how are they there will be three phrase for asking how are they. For example ¿Qué tal? or ¿Cómo esta? (tú or usted). Well "usted" is used at the end of the sentence. It is used when asking an adult, tú is used to ask a friend or someone younger than you. So one day if you want to ask your grandparents how are they you should say "¿Cómo está usted?. Well when you answer there are three possible. One possible phrase is Mas o menos, Muy bien, or Muy horrible. On the bottom here there are flash on how you say these things. When you wanna ask someone back you would say "y Tú" it means how about you. Then the person answer back.
Well here is an example for a realife situation of how you ask and answer a " how are you doing" type of questions.
When they ask you you have to end the conversation by saying nice to meet you or nice talking to you right? Well there is one phrase "mucho gusto" means nice to meet you and the way to answer is "igualmente" means  likewise.
This video is going to be about this lesson of how to introduce you. In this scene you will see a guy and a girl. Who are actually meeting each other for the very first time. In this video you will hear these two saying hi to each other. Then the guy asks the girl for her name. After the girl answers him, she also want to know his name so she would say “¿Y tú?” which means “and you”. Also pay close to how they ended the conversation with the words “mucho gusto” meaning “nice to meet you” and “igualmente” meaning “likewise”.
Here is Molly's leccíon on Weather
Here is Molly's leccíon on the spanish alphabet
Here is Molly's leccíon on Days of the week
Here is another of my leccíon on What time is it

Greetings In Spanish

Here's is a lesson on greetings on spanish. You can use spanish to meet and talk to other or to end what the other person is talking about but frist you'll need how to greet some one frist. There is a video on when someone iss greeting someone and there is a small part in this blog where u will see a small chart to help u in greeting and show you many way of saying some of the greeting we didn't use in the video.
this is part one of greetings 

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now part 2 
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Uso Modales

Introduction to Video:
In a real-life situation, you may need to use your manners in a restaurant to get your waiter's attention and to say thank you when the waiter hands you your food. Also, if you leave a tip and say you're welcome.
Now to learn a lesson on the dates and months, click on the url below.


¡Hola amigo!

  • The most common way of saying hello in Español is ¡Hola!

  • When talking to your friend or someone closer to your own age you may say ¡Hola amigo!

  • To say how are you in Spanish, You may say "¿Comó estás?' or ¿Qúe tal?

  • When leaving a conversation, to say goodbye there is many different ways to respond such as,
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​In a real-life situation, you may need to say hello, how are you, and goodbye if you wonder how a person feels in a conversation, and how to say goodbye when the conversation is finished.

Click on the url below to learn a lesson on the weather in Español.


Ways of asking basic conversation questions

​Basic Conversation Questions En Español


Ways of asking what someone’s name, both informally and formally.


¿Cómo te llamas? – What is your name? (Informal)- when talking to a friend or someone your age.


¿Cómo se llama? – What is your name? (Formal)- when talking to someone of authority or an older person.


Ways of asking how someone is doing, both informally and formally.


¿Cómo estás ? – How are you? (Informal)- Same rules apply as above.


¿Cõmo esta usted? – How are you? (Formal)- Same rules apply as above.


Ways of asking where someone is from, both informally and formally.


¿De dónde eres ? – Where are you from? (Informal)- Same rules apply as above.


¿De dónde es usted? – Where are you from? (Formal)- Same rules apply as above.


Ways of asking when someone’s birthday is, both informally and formally.


¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? – When is your birthday? (Informal)- Same rules apply as above.

Do you want to learn more Spanish?

Time, Weather, and Numbers

Hey You! Are You Up To Date In Español?

Here is a guide to learn how to ask what todays date and day.
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We use the days and month everyday of our life weather it some ones birthday or someone need tho know todays date. And remember the day always come before the month. Here is a video of someone asking someone birthday in en español.
 Click on the link below for other lesson in Español :

To learn about the greeting and goodbye in Español


Are you planing to go to a spanish speaking country and you want to know whats the weather is like . Learning the weather is very simple. Follow the table and you will learn it in a flash.
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When planing to go to a  different country is always good to know what the weather is like so you can pack proper clothing . Here is a video asking what the weather is  like in Cuba.

Los dias de la semana ( days of the week)

  1. If you wanted to impress your friend that speaks english and spanish fluently and you wanted to say the days of the week the key things that you will need to know are.  Always start with monday for the days of the week. In espanol the days of the week is not capitalized. You will also need to know how to say the letters in spanish.  And you need to pay close attention to the pronouncation. The days of the week are 

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when you say jueves for thursday you need to pronounce it without the j, the j is silence , and when you say viernes for friday you pronounce it "biernes".
Here is owen's lessons about formal and informal and the way you use it.http://scienceleadership.org/blog/T-VS-Usted-Know_your_place 

Morgan Taylor

What grade would you assign yourself for each category?

Exceeds Expectations


Meets Expectations


Approaches Expectations


Does Not Meet Expectations













Strengths of your process or product

Weaknesses of your process or product

Designing my album was easy for me and writing descriptions was pretty easy.

The reflection for my project kept on getting deleted and my song for itunes will not save as a file on my blog. I also had trouble trying to mix up what I was saying in my photos because many of them were in the same summer and the same day.

How did you apply the SLA core values to your project?

I was asked the question and answered “Qué hice el verano pasado”
I researched what to say for pictures in the past.
I had people review my work and I practiced pronunciation with them.
I made my project a photo album so it was fun and creative and I made an itunes song as my recording.
I wonder how (if I get a chance to do it again) I would change my project and pictures.

What did you learn about Spanish through completing this project?

I learned how to speak in the preterit tense, I always wanted to know how to do that.

What did you change about your final project based on peer feedback?  What did you change based on Srta. G’s feedback?

I changes the way i wrote my descriptions.

If you had the opportunity to start your project all over again, how would you do it differently?

I would use different pictures and maybe do an imovie or comic life.

Did you enjoy this project? Why or why not?

Yes, because it was fun and creative, I love letting my creative side out.

Do you have any suggestions for me if I do this same project next year?

No, I think this project was great the way it was. It is fun and enjoyable to do.

Mi Verano- Nicholas Murray


What grade would you assign yourself for each category?


Exceeds Expectations


Meets Expectations


Approaches Expectations


Does Not Meet Expectations


























Strengths of your process or product

Weaknesses of your process or product


How did you apply the SLA core values to your project?

  • Researched all my summers up to this point and spanish words I did not know
  • I collaborated with my peers so that I could improve upon my project
  •  I reflected on my past year of spanish so that I could complete my project

What did you learn about Spanish through completing this project?

  • I learned that their were many uses of past tenses that I did not care about last year, and that past tense is important.

What did you change about your final project based on peer feedback?  What did you change based on Srta. G’s feedback?

  • I changed the pronunciation of some of my words, and changed some of the music I put in my project.

If you had the opportunity to start your project all over again, how would you do it differently?

  • I would add me pictures to my project so that I could give you a better view of my summer

Did you enjoy this project? Why or why not?

  • Yes because it was a project based on me, which made it easier

Do you have any suggestions for me if I do this same project next year?


  • No, this project was great