The return....Blog Post #2!

The names jesse for those who don’t know. In my first blog post I first introduced my topic which is the School to prison pipeline a fancy name for the process in which school’s harsh policies kick kids out of school on the the street then into jail or even straight into jail and through the criminal system. the pipeline is the reason for the many incarnations of youth even as young as ten. If you missed my first blog there is a link to it at the bottom of this blog but enough of that… on to blog number 2!


For my original  research I chose to do an interview with the Philadelphia Community Youth Court’s Intake coordinator Ms. Kimberly Stevens. Her job is to look over the referrals and decides whether or not the person referred should go through youth court. The results from my research is also at the bottom of the blog if you wanna go and check out her answer it’s right there. Doing this interview informed me on some of the factors that strengthen the school to prison pipeline. One of the factors is of course the schools but what I’ve learned from my interview was that It was 75% referrals that PCYC gets come from schools. It might not sound like It was a big “ah- ha” moment but allow me to delve deeper. If 75% of referrals come from schools around philly then that means that the policies in place are the reasons that students are get referred out of school and to the police or just kicked out of school period. Also This means that maybe about 20% come from the actual police and the last 5% come from youths just making a bad decision or being in the wrong place and the wrong time. Now think If PCYC wasn’t in place, All of those kids would be in jail either from school or from doing something on the street and all of them would lose their chance to live their life to the fullest.

By doing this interview it allowed me to further my understanding of the school to prison pipeline. By doing this I have now seen how people see or education system in philly. After doing this additional research I feel like I finally know enough about this topic to have an opinion on it. That opinion is that this Pipeline needs to stop for youths to truly live their lives and show that they aren’t the problem but the solution. I’ve seen and heard so many things about we get kick out because we are bad students but what people fail to remember is that we are kids and what do kids do? We make mistakes, but with the certain policies in place we are not allowed to learn from those mistakes and are quickly punished for what happened. People in high places feel as though we are the problem and give up on us but never realized that they were talking at us and not with us to fix the problem. They are so quick to say the problem when in fact we are the solution and the brighter future if they gave us a chance. 

Another thing that I realized with my research is that with everyone that is one our side there are 5 on the other side already counting us out and they are winning by using the pipeline. In my first blog I said that they opened up 2 new prisons worth 400 million dollars but closed down 26 schools as well. If this wasn’t a clear sign that they already scratch out our education I don’t know what is. They rather invest in the business of incarceration than invest in our education. This is why I want to help in any way I can to break this pipeline even if I have to do it little by little.

There isn't much I’m left wondering about This issue. The only thing that could possibly come to mind is who was the first person to think that They would get more out of prisons than the youth’s education. Other than that I’m already thinking on what to do for my agent of change  part for blog post #3. Actually let me rephrase that I know what I’m going to do for my agent of change.  I will volunteer with the Philadelphia Community Youth Court(PCYC) every friday or whenever else they might need me so that I can be a change and help break this pipeline for not just mine but all of our futures. Well thats all for now look out for my big conclusion in blog #3.

Tally-ho!( That sound much cooler in my head before I typed it…. somehow?)

Here is the link to my first blog:

blog post #1   

link to my annotated bib:

Annotated Bib

link to transcript of interview:

Youth Court INtake Coordinator

Childhood Concussions Take 2!

Hello! Welcome to my second blog! My name is Cacy Thomas and if you have not read my first blog you can click here to do so. If you have, thanks for coming back! I’m just going to do a quick recap of my last post because I know it’s been a while.

  • My blogs are especially for my You and the World english project

  • My You and the World project for english class is Awareness and Prevention of Concussions in Young Athletes.

  • I have chosen this topic because I have had 3 concussions at the age of 12. These head injuries ended my athletic career in contact sports and forced me to go through 2 years of emotional and physical rehabilitation.

  • It is imperative to spread this information out so that kids are not experiencing the same things I did.

To continue my childhood concussion adventure, I did some research and am still pursuing to do more. I received a link from my English teacher, Alexa Dunn, on concussions and helmets from I was really interested in the experiment shown on the web page as well as the results. This was helpful in enhancing my knowledge on the subject because even though I knew helmets did not do much to protect people from concussions, I did not know which helmets had the best results. I also did not know how helpful they would actually be in providing support for the brain. In my own personal journey I made a survey concerning concussion awareness. If you would like to help further my research you can take it here. I am also currently trying to set up interviews to collect more information. However if you would like some more information about head injury awareness in soccer, please click this link to read a summary of a concussion symposium I spoke at as well as 16 year-old Kim Zeffert, former Philadelphia Flyers captain Keith Primeau, and former professional soccer player Taylor Twellman.

The results of my survey were a little bit surprising. I asked what symptoms were caused by concussions with the choices, Headaches, Dizziness, Hallucinations, Fatigue, Possible death while sleeping the same day as the injury was received, Nausea, Extreme Hunger, and Sensitivity to light or noise. The majority of people who took it said that extreme hunger, hallucinations, and possible death caused by sleeping were symptoms. This just shows how uninformed a lot of people are about concussion side effects. Also many survey takers were confused about the definition of this injury. The most accurate response was,

“A bruise to the brain, often caused by impact.”

Others said things anywhere from, “head trauma,” to, “when your head or skull is badly damaged.” Likewise I was amazed just at the fact that just about half of the answerers said that concussions become less serious as you get older. No matter how you look at it a concussion is brain damage at any age and obviously brain damage is extremely serious. This research added to my understanding of this subject because it made me realize how much people are actually informed, and not many are informed at all. I am wondering how we can prevent concussions and what will have the biggest impact to really drive people to spread awareness.

The final part of my 9th grade You and the World project is being an agent of change. This means we go out somewhere into the world and help either informing others about our issue, or doing volunteer work to help solve it. For being an agent of change I am planning to make a presentation about information regarding childhood concussions along with my story and struggles. I will present this to my school community at Science Leadership Academy.

So this is where my second blog for my You and the World project ends. Be on the look out for my third blog coming about how my agent of change action helps spread awareness! Thanks for taking the time to read my blogs and if you would like to click here to see my bibliography, go for it! Once again thank you and don’t forget to spread the word about childhood concussions!

The Affect of Casinos #2

Welcome back! I am Junjie Zou from Science Leadership Academy. I am back again with my second blog. In my first blog, I talked about the physical features of the casino and how it affect the community and the business’ surrounding it. I also talked about how the casino can form a domino effect on the victim’s community or his/her family members. Following up with my last blog, I placed an interview with a casino activist. He is also a member of Asian American United, a group created by proud activists fighting for everyday world problems, such as the effect of casino.  

I have discovered so many new things out of this interview. After the interview, I learned that there is a difference between a arcade and a casino. The arcade is a place with different stations containing variety of video games that can be played for a fee. Similar to a casino, a casino has gambling games that you play with your own money. The difference between a arcade and a casino is the addiction and the rewards you receive from these two type of entertainment. As I mentioned in my first blog, casinos don’t have many windows to let you determine the time outside while you have your head focused on the machine. The arcade is not as addicting as a casino because it shows you the time outside so you will know when to leave. As you might know, you must be 18 or older to be in a casino, but as for a arcade, any age are welcomed. Overall, the arcade is absolutely fine to go to because it doesn’t have much addicting content as the casino.

Like I mentioned earlier, I held an interview for my original research. I interviewed a Asian American United employer, Wei Chen. He told me all about his experience being a casino activist and how the casino affected him and his family. He told me that his dad was one of those people who was addicted to gambling and how his father tried to convince him to stop his education and start working for money for him to gamble. This really gives me a lot of information about this topic because I got to talk to a person who has been through these things and now fighting against it. “...because of gambling, they are willing to leave their child in the car in a hot summer day.”

This adds to my understanding of this issue because it tells me that there is actually a person who has been affect by this and that this is not a made up thing, but can turn into a very serious life-losing situation.

After all of these research on the effect of casino, I feel like something can definitely be done by the government. It’s harsh seeing these people suffer from a lost of family or friends because of some addicting machine created by the government. The casino’s money all go to  the government for their uses either to the military or to us citizens. This can definitely be a good thing, but taking advantage of people by getting them addicted to a inescapable addiction, is not a way to raise money for this country.

For my agent of change, I am going to hold a presentation to younger students to let them know about this situation. Why young students? I figured that if the younger students know about this, they can do something about it when they get older. The younger kids also have stronger minds, so they can think of all different types of ideas to eliminate this. This is all for this blog. Here is my interview transcript. If you want to find out more about this, here is my bibliography. Until next time, be on the lookout for my next blog! Thanks for reading!

Aaron's Second Blog Post: The Start Part 2.

Aaron Watson-Sharer


YATW Blog Post #2

Head Injuries and How They Affect Current Lives of People and Will Continue To Do So

Hi I’m Aaron and I’m a student at Science Leadership Academy. In my previous blog post, I spoke about the impact  of  head injuries.  Many the side effects do not end or pass away. I expressed my concerns for the kids and adults who have sustained head injuries that still affect them today. I really spoke about CTE, a disease that causes one too many issues to your brain. I finished my first blog post speaking about the significance and how these injuries shouldn’t be forgotten. I’m not alone; many doctors worldwide want to prevent  head injuries from happening.

I found a few more sources that really helped me become attached to this project. For example, this source gives great perspective and knowledge. I found out that the football helmets players are wearing really don’t prevent injury as widely advertised by the league. It was found that these very helmets our coveted athletes wear only reduced traumatic injuries to the brain by 20% rather than wearing no type of gear. I am starting to question that safety, why should we trust helmets that are only 20% effective. We must get that number to 100% effective  if you want to save lives.

Aug 29, 2013; Charlotte, NC, USA; A Pittsburgh Steelers helmet lays on the sidelines during the first quarter against the Carolina Panthers at Bank of America Stadium. Mandatory Credit: Jeremy Brevard-USA TODAY Sports

Since writing my first blog post, I have conducted some non original research and some original research. I have found online resources that have helped me along with my personal research. For my original research, I created an online survey. What I’ve found with the limited responses I’ve received was that non contact sports were a leading cause for head injuries in my survey. I saw that all but one of my participants had worn any type of protective gear. Headaches were the most common symptoms for my participants post concussion. My research show three things.

- We are as individuals are very unprepared  for possible head injuries.  People aren’t being very safe or using protective gear.

-  People who have sustained head injuries of any sort are more careful due to the possibility of reinjury.

- Most head injuries happen to younger people -  child to young adults.  This is from activities like bike riding and sports.  

My understanding of head injuries has expanded  beyond  the state of people prior to their initial injuries. I learned like me, others almost never expect a head injury at any time. My research showed that 1 out of 11 participants had any type of protective gear like a bike helmet. I did not think about about prevention. I had focused on the injury and the after effects. This is similar to someone starting a TV show in the middle of a series rather than the beginning. Those people don’t know what happened or occurred. They know the current storyline and  what comes next  but they never knew how the storyline started. They don’t know why characters think or do something. I and many other people have been in this situation. I still have yet to fully know what happens before a head injury but my mission is to find out and find out more about prevention.  That is what I took from my research.  I do not focus on all the stats because I did not get a lot of responses but I have an understanding, an idea and a piece of the puzzle with 100 more pieces to go.

Some opinions that I have are that despite efforts, there is no one answer to this solution. That head injuries can’t be killed, they can be quieted, but never silenced. I have many other opinions like that sports from soccer to martial arts should have some type of way to keep head injuries from happening. I think we need more funding, even though money worldwide is tight. My first and principal opinion is my rock of all of them. I believe that my first idea is comparable to the real world in many ways. It’s like a vaccine, whatever we do to quiet head injuries is no more than a vaccine, no cure. There is no cure but I really am hopeful for a vaccine, that can quiet and mostly label head injuries to the point where they are rare.

I wonder what else can be done by me and how to really make an effect on somebody’s life. If I can just help one person I will be able to feel proud the next morning. I want to feel like I made a difference like Michael Sam, the first openly gay player to enter the NFL. He had enough courage to come out but I believe he saved a life, and if he did so, he’s an impact maker. That’s what I want to be. I’d like to find a place that has interns for helping in aiding to prevent head injuries. I will try to make an impact if it’s with my internship or my keyboard. If you don’t start none, you w0on’t be none. -Nas

My annotated bibliography is available here.

YATW Blog #2: Animal Cruelty Must End!

 Hello, my name is Kara Heenan. If you don’t remember, my first blog was about animal cruelty. I went deep into facts and statistics on animal cruelty, included some pictures, and shared some of my thoughts on it. In this blog, I will be basically describing what I have done in terms of research since then.

 I did some research on the internet and found some new great news on animal cruelty laws! The representative of Georgia is trying to create a new version of their animal cruelty law so it will be easier to go after starvation and other neglect cases. The state representative is really pushing it since it not only cleans up and clarifies the existing law, it also expands it so that torturing an animal, even if that animal does not die, is considered a felony.

 A new state law helped push Pennsylvania in rankings from 17 to 12 for having the best animal protection laws in the country. The new law, known as Cost of Care of Seized Animals Act, allows a shelter to make a motion to require a defendant to pay for the cost of boarding pets before trial. It really helps these shelters with the cost of taking care of the animals which is amazing!

 On the side, I also did my own original research. I decided to do field observation, which is finding a place where a lot of your problem goes on and observing it and taking notes. I chose a place in my neighborhood which had a lot of stray cats and a neglected dog. When I went, I talked to a lady that lived there and she gave me details of what goes on there. I observed two cats, one Smokey, who was very sweet, and the other, who was very shy, doesn't have a name.


                     Shy, distant cat.                              Very welcoming cat named Smokey.

There was also a dog there in it’s yard named Akita. The lady told me that this dog is always in her yard and is barely ever gets let in her house. She was very sweet and seemed very happy to see me. 20140226_172448.jpg20140226_172927.jpg

I could see the sadness in her eyes.

 Observing these animals was very sad. The cats suffer from abandonment and the dog suffers from neglect. Both are forms of animal abuse. These animals deserve loving homes and should not be living outside. I hope this blog really made you aware of the suffering animals go through. In my next blog, I should be including details about My Agent of Change, where I will be finally getting to help these animals. Stay tuned!  

You can view my bibliography here.

Parents in Kids Education- YATW Blog #2

  Hey everybody! My name is Siawale Vesslee and I attend Science Leadership Academy. This is my second blog post for my english You and the World project. To see my first blog post click here.

    As many of you should know, my topic for this project is how do parents effect their child’s outlook on education. Just to give some background information on my topic, I noticed that a lot of kids in Philadelphia are not motivated to college. When I noticed this, I started to think of reasons why this was problem effected so many kids. After researching, I found that many kids don’t have parents who motivate them to receive education. After finding this out, I choose this topic for this project and I hope by the end, I will be able to influence more kids that education is very important.

   Since my first blog post, I decided to find out some present statistics on my topic. In order to do this, I decided to give a survey to my fellow peers at SLA and my old school, Hardy High Mastery Charter School. After analyzing the results, I was shocked to find that out of 60 kids survey, only 27% have parents that check their homework on a daily basis. I found this very shocking because out of the same 60 kids, 92% of them have parents that motivate them to go to school. I feel that this meant that parents talk to their kids about the importance of education, but they do not actually help their kids in receiving education.This finding just shows that actions speak louder than words.

    After analyzing my survey, I also found that 25% of kids said that if their parents were not around, they would not go to school. This number is lower than what I expected, but it made me a little upset. I felt this way because I feel that parents should be responsible to not only motivate their kids to go to school, but they should make kids see that learning is very fun. If kids realized this, they would be more enthusiastic about going to school. I am aware of the fact that other factors, like environment and teachers, influence kids on whether or not they like learning, but I also know that the most influence comes from the home. I feel that if parents became their child’s personal cheerleader, kids would love coming to school.



    With all my information collected, I feel really kids in Philadelphia, and all over the country can do better. However, they just need the motivation. The best place that motivation can come from is no other place than their home. If parents would just take the time to help their kids, they would realize that their kids would really appreciate. I know that in my life, my parents have to work in order for me to have my daily necessities. However, because I don’t see them that often, I don’t really have a strong relationship with them. Once in a while, they do ask how school is going, but I feel that if they were around more, I would be more confident in going to school.

  Overall, this topic effects not only me, but millions of kids in the US. To help  shrink this project, I will be motivating kids that don’t have the motivation at home. After completing that, I will be posting my final You and the World blog post.  Until that time, I hope you guys will stick around!

   To see my annotated bibliography, click here.

Blog Post #2:You and the World-U.S Media Bias

Hello my name is Tomas Arango and I am a ninth grader at Science Leadership Academy, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. If you have read my last Blog Post, I am doing a project on media bias in the United States of America. In my last blog post, I focused on the different types of media bias and some places and things it has affected the most. I mentioned media bias in the Middle East and it’s negative effect on Islam. In this blog post I will be talking original research I have conducted and the results I got.

I created a survey and sent it out through email and social media websites. The survey was focused on how many people actually notice media bias where they notice it. I wrote questions such as peoples age, if they watch the news and how frequently, what sources they get their news from, and if they've noticed U.S media bias. So far many people have answered my survey with great responses that have helped my understanding on the topic.

As you can see the majority of the people were ninth through twelve graders.

Screenshot 2014-03-02 at 1.50.18 PM.png

The majority of the people who took the survey watch the news frequently, and mostly listen to public radio or watch CNN.Screenshot 2014-03-02 at 1.53.35 PM.png

The majority of the people who answered the question ''What news origination do you notice media bias the most from?'', answered Fox news. But the question that was most important to me ''What types of media bias have you noticed?, had some impressive results.

Screenshot 2014-03-02 at 6.29.30 PM.png

The most popular response on the question above was ''One sided stories''. I totally agree with the responses because it's something I notice a lot and bothers me. One sided stories can change many peoples views on certain countries and make bad impressions. For example a lot of the times when you hear something about a country in the Middle East it's usually something bad, and only the bad side of the story is told. News organizations don't usually talk about the good things that happen in the countries that are known for being bad. In my opinion I feel that all the listed types of media bias show up all the time, and cause a huge impact on we view other countries, how other countries view us, and how we are informed about the issues of the world.

My original research has helped me understand my topic much better. It showed me who watches the news and who doesn't and what people have noticed when it comes to U.S media bias. I agree with a lot of the responses and want to help kids in my school get a better idea and perspective on U.S media bias, and the issues that come along with it. I hope that once I'm done with this project me and my peers will be more aware of the issue and will be willing to teach others about it.

For the next part of this project called Agent of Change we are required to go out into the world or our community. I am planning on creating an interactive activity for my advisory. Not everyone watches the news in my advisory, but know media bias exists, so I want to talk about who it affects and the many kinds of media bias, also help them not fall into to the medias many traps.  

I hope you enjoyed reading my blog, and make sure to stay tuned for blog #3!

Here's my bibliography!

Bullying Is Destroying Our Society! (Blog #2)

   Hi, my name is Ali. I go to SLA and am currently in the 9th grade. Right now, my class has a project called ¨You And The World.¨ We had to each choose an issue we are passionate about, and we are supposed to address the theme. My theme is bullying. I have talked about this theme in my first blog post, discussing the rates of bullying-related suicides, as well as a story about a victim that committed suicide after going through excessive bullying. I also talked about which kinds of people are at risk. But with new research and survey results, I will talk more about this horrible act that is sending our kids to the graveyard.

       Recently, I have put out a survey on google docs asking people about bullying. One of the questions was ¨Do you know anybody who committed suicide, or wanted to, because they were bullied?¨ Four people answered yes. It is a problem because friends and family are affected when a close one commits suicide, or wants to. This is just more proof about why bullying is hurting people. Another piece of evidence from the survey is that one person said that he/she was suicidal at one point, and another said he/she might have suicidal before. Both people were bullied. Another troubling fact is that two people said that there is bullying at this school. Even though those people said it's not a big problem, if it is not stopped, it could become a huge problem. This survey is a reminder that our society has a lot of work to do when it comes to getting rid of bullying.

       Bullying is not always the only reason someone commits suicide. Kids are usually dealing with other problems in their lives, according to But bullying is not a pleasant experience to go through. So that is only hurting the depressed child more. Depression and bullying are not a good combination. That is a recipe for suicide, and that is not a pleasant result at all. Kids should not have to go through any depression, but they do. When you then decide to bully that child, you are only adding more fuel to the fire. Bullying is sometimes committed after the bully has been bullied. Another troubling fact is that bullies create other bullies. If we don't stop this, the number of bullies in the world will keep growing. And the last thing we need is more bullies destroying the lives of our kids.


(This is where bullying is sending our kids. Families and friends will never see the victim ever again in their lives. No parent should ever have to burry their own child. Why should a bully's laughter be more important that a child's life? It shouldn't, and it isn't.)

         Bullying comes in many different forms. I talked a little bit about this in the first blog, buT I have more to say. There is emotional bullying. Emotional bullying is when you do thing to hurt someone's feelings. People do this by spreading rumors, teasing, finding a nasty way to humiliate the victim, or using social media/texting to make the victim feel worthless. One reason bullies do this is because they disapprove someone's race, religion, and/or sexuality. Rumors are a huge part of emotional bullying. They make people believe false things about a person, which could cause extreme hatred, dislike, or laughter towards the victim. Rumors also destroy friendships and open up a door for physical violence. Physical bullying is when violence or inappropriate physical contact is used to harm someone. This includes beating someone up, wedgies, sexual harassment/assault, shoving, and damage of property/clothes. Not only could this lead to suicide, but it could also lead to violence and/or change in the victim's actions. This type of behavior is unacceptable, and our children need to know that. When someone is bullied to the point of suicide, the victim's bullies are murderers. And murder is unacceptable.

         Bullying is not good for many reasons. It is killing our children, and hurting the ones that are still alive. For my YATW service, I plan to show a presentation to kids about the deadly disease known as bullying. The presentation will address the many different forms of bullying, how bullies are murderers when their victims commit suicide, the effects of bullying, and nonviolent ways to deal with bullying. And I would like to now explain how the bullies are murderers. When a bullying victim commits suicide, the bully killed the victim. The bully tied the rope around his/her neck. The bully pulled that trigger, or slit that throat. You know why? Because if the bully hadn't committed his/her evil and deadly actions, the kid would not be in a casket. If a murderer didn't decapitate an innocent person, that person would not be dead. There is no difference. Victims should not be murdered. Bullying itself should. And with my presentation, I will remorselessly contribute to it's death with a smile.

Link to sources

Sample Revolution Blog Post

Please create a SLATE post in our World History course.

Title it: Revolution Guidebook Project

Use the tags: Digital Story, Revolution, and any others you want...

Part I: Write two paragraphs that summarize our unit of study and your learning in this unit. Make these paragraph polished and clear for readers who know nothing about our class or our unit of study.

Part II: The video. Make sure the video has a title page that includes your name and citations (url's) at the end. Do no upload your video until you have watched it one last time and confirmed that it is a polished final product. 

Post the video to Vimeo. After Vimeo has processed it click share and get the embed code. Paste this code into the multimedia section of your blog post. If you do this correctly your video will show up within the blog post itself. (I will not grade projects that are posted as a link.)

African American students and Standardized Test Scores

My name is Brandon Jones and I am writing again on my topic of African American students and standardized tests scores. Since my last post, I have really dug deep into investigating why the test scores of African American students are so low. In this article, it gives a possible reason for why African American do so poorly on standardized tests. For example, in the article it talks about how stereotypes can be a factor in success. Unfortunately this happens to be very true in black community. One common stereotype is that African Americans do not aspire to higher education.

For my original research, I did some field work. On Thursday, February 27, I visited Ad Prima Charter School, a school with a majority of African American kids in attendance and they let me observe one of their after school classes. By just sitting in on this class, showed me that those kids are living proof that stereotypes are truly oversimplified images. Both teachers and students were passionate about learning and they showed it. I saw students that were hard at work and focusing on the task at hand. One thing that I had noticed was that almost every student had a snack with them. It made me realize that hunger plays an important role in learning. If a child is hungry, their bodies try to save that small amount of energy for basic body functions like keeping the heart and lungs going, so the rest of the body won’t have energy to think about math problems or to figure out the main idea of the story. Also the teachers were able to help any student in need, no matter the subject or what type of work it was. The sight of this just put me in awe. The fact that the teachers were able to find time in that hour and 30 minutes to accommodate every student and still be able to keep a watchful eye over the class and still get their work done, shocked me in a good way and I respect that. There was one thing that really stood out to me the most during the entire observation. One of teachers called over a 4th grader named Irving and told him to tell me about his idea. Irving asked me would I try a Macaroni and Cheese pretzel. I said I would but this really spoke to me. It shows that the teachers want kids to think creatively and to have ideas and to be the opposite of what stereotypes and society depicts them to be.

* Ad Prima Charter School

These kids are shining examples of what African American students can be. If African American students would just sit down and take the time and put in the effort to do well, then my issue would be resolved. We also need more teachers that are supportive of students. Teachers who take the time to get to know the students and to care about what the student has to think or say.

* A teacher who is helping a young black student

This picture gives me hope, of one day when we as a black community, will strive for excellence in everything we do and negative comments or biased opinions will not bring us down, but build us up and to make us stronger.

As for my Agent of Change part, I will most likely lean toward something like reading to younger kids or tutoring students who need help but until then I end this blog post with a quote by Aristotle Onassis.

“ It is during our darkest moment, that we must focus to see the light.

The link to my Annotated Bibliography is here

Spanish reflection Q3 #3

Chris Tran


Jeter Retiró

Este artículo se trata de un jugador de béisbol llamada Derek Jeter, quien anunció de retirar de sus carrera de beísbol. En la carrera de él, Jeter tenía un de bateador mejor en la historia de beísbol con 3,000 o más carrera pagas. Derek Jeter puede en el hall of fame, él juega por el equipo de La Nueva York Yankees. Con los Yankees, él impuso cinco series de mundo y un MVP. También él era diecitres tiempo all-star y impuso un slugger award. Derek Jeter puede retira ahora y puede en el hall of fame. Yo pienso Derek Jeter es un jugador de beísbol fantástico pero el jugador este puede estar en el hall of fame es Ichiro porque Ichiro tenía un carrera fantástico también. Él va a estar en el hall of fame con Derek Jeter en el futuro. El vocabulario que yo aprendí en el artículo es homenajes. La palabra de homenajes es paga tributo de gente importante. Yo encontrado la palabra en esta sentencia en el artículo. En marzo pasado, Rivera anunció que la campaña de 2013 sería la última que jugaría. Recibió homenajes en cada ciudad que visitaron los Yankees.” (Fox Deportes)

Word count: 198 words

Work Cited:

"Mariano Rivera No Esperaba Adiós De Jeter." FOX Deportes. N.p., 27 Feb. 2014. Web. 28 Feb. 2014. <>.

Spanish reflection #2 Q3

Chris Tran


Carlos Beltran Juega Con Los Yankees

Este artículo se trata de un jugador de béisbol llamada Carlos Beltrán. Él firmó con Los Yankees en el invierno de 2013. Él es treinta y seis años pero él juega béisbol como un hombre de veintiséis años. Él pegó 24 homeruns pero él puede pagar homeruns más pero por el año de él. Yo pienso el año ahora, él va a pegar 20 home runs o menos. Pero en este artículo Carlos Beltrán tenía ayuda Los Yankees jugamos bueno con Derek Jeter va a retirarse de béisbol en el último de temporada de béisbol. Carlos Beltrán va a ayudar Los Yankees impuso con Jeter retiró. El vocabulario que yo aprendí en el artículo es boricua. La palabra de boricua es un gente de Puerto Rico quien viven en Los Estados Unidos. Yo encontrado la palabra en esta sentencia en el artículo. "Sé que él tiene muchos títulos, pero yo no tengo ni uno", dijo el boricua. "Espero ganar uno". (Fox Deportes)

Word Count: 160

Work Cited:

The Paradox of the Internet #2

  Hello again! My name is Ian Fay and I am a freshman attending Science Leadership Academy. You may remember me from my last blog I posted over two months ago in December. I was writing about the invasion of internet privacy and how net neutrality is being repeatedly tarnished. I described it as a very paradoxical issue and also being a very hard issue to solve. Since then, I have looked a bit deeper into this issue and created my own research as well. Now, I am here to share it with you so let us get right into it.

    I had a technology class earlier in my first semester of school. My teacher, Ms. Hull, showed my class a Ted Talks video with Eli Pariser. Pariser talked about a concept called “ The Filter Bubble”. A filter bubble is a term he used to describe the predicament he was talking about in the video. When you consistently search items that fall into a certain category, the website you used  would assume that you “like” things that are similar. As a result, it filters out all of the things that do not fall into that certain category. I found this to be very ludicrous. This is effectively restraining us from seeing any pieces of information other than what we “like”.   

    In addition to finding out about this new research, I conducted some of my own. Recently Ms. Dunn may have been blowing up red and orange streams inboxes with messages about surveys as well as some students sending their surveys out themselves. I had mine sent out by Ms. Dunn. Obviously it was the one on internet privacy and security. I wanted to have the question centered around online security and legislature and how people think it can be improved upon itself. If you want to see the results then you can check them out using the link here. I noticed how many people do not see companies as trustworthy with their personal information.

    Now the next step for me to become an Agent of Change. This is where I try to make a difference in this issue. However I feel that I may have it a bit harder than others. With the issue involving all of this neverending confusion, I found it hard to try and find a way to help this problem in the world. Then I decided I would do a presentation for my advisory. I do not know if there are any people trying to help stop this issue, but I feel as of right now the best thing I can do is to raise awareness of this problem.

    This is where my blog #2 ends. Thank you everyone for reading and be sure to comment below. In the next blog, I will talk about how I did as an Agent of Change. I will also talk about the efforts that are being done for this problem right now. I am eager to see you then. This was Ian Fay who will soon become an Agent of Change!


Eli Pariser “Filter Bubble”

YATW: Original Research

It's been awhile since I have posted a You and the World (YATW) blog. In  my first blog, I first presented my issue of childhood cancer. In the blog, I presented how many kids on average were diagnosed with childhood cancer and the late effects that could sometimes occur. Some late effects include the first cancer coming back, a second cancer occurring, heart damage, or lung damage. Most survivors do not realize these late effects can occur when they are much older, sometimes in their 30’s and 40’s. After using research I found online, I did my own research on childhood cancer.

In my original research, I conducted a survey about childhood cancer in order to get other people’s knowledge of the topic. With the survey I wanted to learn the occurrences of a second diagnosis, since that is one of the symptoms of late effects, but all of the people who took my survey and who were connected to childhood cancer said that it was a first diagnosis. The responses may show that perhaps there is more of a chance to fight childhood cancer and to have it gone for good.

The responses really helped to understand how the amount of childhood cancer survivors has increased significantly over the years. I feel like I now understand childhood cancer better since I got people’s personal opinions on childhood cancer and their personal connection instead of just statistics presented by medical professionals. Through the responses I was able to see the family and friends view on the topic.

Above are some of the responses I received

Even though the responses I got were helpful, I still would have liked if some of the people who had second diagnosis had taken the survey so that I could see their point of view. I wanted to know if their second diagnosis would be something that they could get past or if unfortunately they were unable to move past the diagnosis. While, having this survey information about second diagnosis would have related more to my first blog on late effects, the responses I did get showed how second diagnosis may not be as prevalent.

My next blog will be based on my Agent of Change project. An Agent of Change project is when we go out and try to help with the topic we chose to study. I originally wanted to volunteer at a hospital which deals with childhood cancer, such as CHOP or Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York however the requirements for high school volunteers were summer only or did not fit the project schedule. Instead I hope to volunteer at the Cure Search Walk in May. The Cure Search Walk is an event that Cure Search, a childhood cancer foundation, holds to raise money for childhood cancer research. I want to volunteer to help out at the event by either registering people or handing out water throughout the day. This way I am helping out instead of just researching.

YATW Poor in Afghanistan blog post 2

Hello, I’m back for blog post two for YATW which is an english project designed to help the world, and get out there! As we know my blog post one is about “Poor in Afghanistan.” This time I have brought  in two great interviews and three more new-updated sites! For my original research I have interviewed Ahmad Obaid Sultani and Zubair Sultani with questions about Afghanistan. Some of my questions are like, how does poverty in general affect education, health, and economy and what do you think poverty is doing to Afghanistan?.  I have also found three sites that showing new information about the poor and how it is affecting real lives. These sites all are dated from Jan-Feb 2014, which means they are pretty updated! These two interviews helped me see some other people that have a good right to talk about this topic because they live in Afghanistan so they know the real stories. The web-sites talk about Afghan children Suffering irreversible harm from malnutrition and hunger crisis.  

Quoted from, The Guardian: “Half of Afghan children suffer irreversible harm from malnutrition”

“Children who are not getting enough nutrients from their food suffer from what is known as chronic malnutrition. The problem afflicts poor countries worldwide, but in Afghanistan it is particularly widespread and persistent.”

When I saw this I was actually shocked in a way, because I just went on thinking about how this can impact Afghanistan and the children so much! I mean these are the children that will be the next generation of Afghanistan and if this keeps on going Afghanistan can be in trouble.

New York Times, “Afghanistan’s Worsening, and Baffling, Hunger Crisis” a story that makes my heart cry                                                                                                

“Fatima, less than a year old, who is so severely malnourished that her heart is failing, and the doctors expect that she will soon die unless her father is able to find money to take her to Kabul for surgery. The girl’s face bears a perpetual look of utter terror, and she rarely stops crying.”

Fatima’s story just straight up, saddens me. I wonder how much her family is grieving for their child. This just reminds me of how people in Afghanistan get sick and the most they can do is go to the doctor to see what’s wrong; they can’t even pay for healing. All they can do is pray and wait too see if there prayers are accepted.

How far can this get? Rawa News tells us, Afghan hunger crisis: “One of world’s hardest places to grow up,” says charity

“Research by the United Nations global peace organisation suggests that 55% – more than half – of children in Afghanistan are failing to grow or develop properly. Experts say that this is because young people in the country are often not given enough food in the first two years of their lives.”

Over 50 percent of the children, more than half?! That’s crazy I didn’t even know this i thought it was less than 50 percent for sure but, I was wrong! This information just makes me thankful for everything I have. Look at us we have everything but we are still complaining! I mean think we didn’t have a good home and no food, forget money. What we would we do? Just give up? From what I see that’s not an option. Now I think I don’t even have the right to complain but only to be thankful.

When I got this information I had to see what’s up by talking to people that live in Afghanistan so, I did! I interviewed Ahmad Obaid Sultani and Zubair Sultani. All this new information helps me see other people’s opinions and answers to the real story; now I also get to see more information about  the hunger crisis and how that affects children there. I also now get to see what happens to school,knowledge there, and even to the economy.  This also adds more understanding to our issue by showing why there is no food, school, or why sometimes the economy of Afghanistan can act up. I have learned so much in so little about this alarming issue about how children and families don’t have money to feed themselves, so that means forget school. When a population of the people of Afghanistan don’t go to school that means, when those children grow up to be the next generation; there is a good chance of chaos and a bad economy. But, I am still in wonder what do people think will become of Afghanistan and what is the plan for Afghanistan to get better soon? I think we will figure that out in blog three!

Help the next generation of Afghanistan!

All these girls can be doctors, lawyers, even a president just as long as we help a little!

For more info here are some hyperlinks:

Here is my annotated- bibliography  

Artículo 4: Drogas, un Capo, y un Busto Grande


Quarter 3

Alejandro Marothy

Señorita Manuel

Drogas, un Capo, y un Busto Grande

“Él Chapo” era el más grande y malo en México. El rey de todas las drogas, Chapo tenía un montón de dinero. Tanto dinero que la policía criminal americana realmente notaron a Él. Básicamente, es muy importante. Recientemente, gracias a Dios nuestro Salvador, mexicanos y americanos trabajaron juntos para acabar con él, y lo hicieron. La operación fue conducida por México, y trabajaron muy duro en el proceso. Lo llamaron una victoria y un hito, y celebraban como animales salvajes en las calles. Drogas son muy malas así que es algo muy bueno que este hombre fue capturado. México siempre ha tenido un problema de tráfico de drogas así que espero que pronto va a terminar. 

Sin embargo que sería absolutamente ingenuo. El tráfico de drogas no se terminará, mientras que las drogas son ilegales. Las drogas no causan violencia, la ilegalidad de las drogas causa violencia. ¿Ah piedad yo, por qué no pueden ver? El problema con los Estados Unidos ellos pierden mucho dinero. ¡Tirar dinero en esto, tirar dinero en ese! Ahora no me gusta decir “nosotros” cuando hablo de América. Creo que es el anarquista en mí, pero en muchos casos los ciudadanos son víctimas. Ellos, Estados Unidos, el gobierno, que nos hacen estas cosas a nosotros. No fue mi decisión de gastar miles de millones en dos guerras sin sentido. “Nosotros” también podríamos han librado guerra contra nosotros mismos. 

De todos modos, el artículo fue bueno.

Número de Palabras: 240

Trabajo Citado

EFE. "Latino News and Opinion." 'El Chapo' En Chapa Policial - . Al Día, 23 Feb. 2014. Web. 27 Feb. 2014.

YATW Blog 2#: Why I'm Wrong

Hello, me again, Quinn Grzywinski back for my English assignment YATW, a project which we get three blog posts out of a subject of importance to us and make a difference! It’s been, you know, quite awhile since my first blog on overpopulation, which by the you can find here if you’re not caught up to speed on what I’ve been researching and studying. So, this time around, I wanted to launch my own original research on overpopulation, not just leech information off of sources in order to make my own summary on the subject. What I wanted to learn about for this blog post was how much a problem people in my school and community actually considered overpopulation to be; I was under the notion that people in general didn't considered it seriously enough. It was pretty much the reason I chose this as my YATW project, so I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of awareness people seemed to show. But I’m getting ahead of myself aren't I? Yes I think I am; let me provide some background information on what I did for this post.

So my first step to conducting my own original research was to decide what type of research I wanted to explore. I settled on the survey option, and got to work making the questions, that asked directly how much of a problem people thought overpopulation was, and what they thought was the actual population of the world was, which country they thought had the highest population is the world and various other questions. My “hypothesis” as it were, was that people would be not aware on knowledge of overpopulation and its effects on the world, but as you can see below on my survey's results, that just simply wasn't the case.

What you see above you is graph of the results of people answers to the question “Do you know what the current population of the world is?”. Now my theory that the answers would revolve around 6,900,000,000, but as you can see, a vast majority actually got the correct answer of 7,215,000,000,000. This kinds of shakes up my opinion that this subject wasn’t very well known as a potential world-defining event in our future, seeing that nearly everybody got the correct answers for my questions. For example, one of the questions of the survey was which country had the biggest population in the world, and for the 26 or 27 people who took the survey, 23 of them guessed the correct answer of China, a country which holds about 1,390,000,000 people. Same with the other questions really, majority ruled correctly, and I find that I’m really bad at making hypotheses.

So, you might ask, what does this mean for my research and what overpopulation means for the world. Well, at first, I thought that was that. People are in fact aware that overpopulation exists and is a threat, but after I stepped back, I started to second guess this. Well yes, people have proven that they know what overpopulation is and what the number of people on earth are. Look at chart below for a moment.

This was one of my questions on the survey asking people how much they considered overpopulation a threat, scoring it 1 through 5 on the panic-o-meter. See how most people scored it about a 3. Yes there are a couple 4’s and 5’s, at least for than 1’s and 2’s, but this kind of puts into doubt how dangerous people think overpopulation is. This kind of makes me want to to redo my survey a little, putting in questions that would address the severity of overpopulation, rather than questions just asking for a number or two. Do the people that took the quiz know that we humans are estimated to run out of oil in about 40 years? Do they know that the population nearly doubled during the 20th century? So yes, I may have some regrets, but I’m actually kind of grateful for the shattering of this one-sided window I've been looking, and the awareness of global warming could be something I integrate into blog 3#.

Before I go though, I like to address possibly my biggest point I brought up in my first blog. Remember the big ominous number of 10,000,000,000 people in my first blog, which I fixated quite a bit on? Well I’d like to rectify my comments in blog 1# a little, since I've found out a bit more. I kind of decreed that once the species reached 10,000,000,000 we would all need to become vegetarians or we’d all die due to food shortage, and I said that this event would happen in 3100. In actuality, it could happen well before then, around 2070 to 2080, according to this big ominous clock, so yeah, looking forward to then.

I wouldn't call the survey a success, but I gathered some cool data, and also learned how to properly format my survey’s in the future. But since I don’t want to leave everybody reading terrified for the next couple decades, I think I’m going to refocus in blog 3# on how to actual stop overpopulation in its tracks and work out a solution. And hopefully, it might even end up tying into my Agent Of Change proposal in the end.

Thanks for reading and see you in Blog 3#!

You can look at my Annotated Bibliography here, and also my survey on my subject.

Quarter 3 Reflection 3

Quarter 3 Reflection 3      February 28, 2014

Zack Hersh         Señorita Manuel

El pitcheo preocupante de los Phillies

Por Will Gonzalez

La temporada de los Phillies ni hay empezado todavía, y ya tenemos problemas. Sus problemas están específicamente con los lanzadores. En primer lugar, los Phillies están sin el lanzador superestrella Roy Halladay, quien ha estado con los Phillies para cuatro temporadas, les ayudó a los Phillies ir en la postemporada, lanzó un partido perfecto y un partido sin permitiendo no golpes, y por lo general fue un gran miembro del equipo. Infortunadamente, el estaba herido por la mayoría de la temporada pasada y no lanzó muy bueno. Él fue a Toronto para estar con su equipo original cuando él jubiló. Entonces los Phillies no tendré él este temporada. Ademas, el as de los Phillies, Cole Hamels dijo que él no va a empezar la temporada. El tiene molestia en su brazo de lanzado y no va a jugar hasta el fin de Abril por lo menos. Pero los problemas no terminan alli. El novato lanzador de los Phillies, Miguel Hernandez, ya no está listo por los grandes ligas. El transicion de pelota de liga menor a los mejores es muy difícil, y él no está lista. Mezcla todo de este al juntos y consigues un problema de lanzado mayor. Va a ser muy difícil por los Phillies en el inicio de la temporada. ¿Que haran ellos? Ellos necesitan Cliff Lee para quedar saludable, y ellos adquirieron otra lanzadores durante el invierno como A. J. Burnett y Roberto Hernandez. Solo tenemos que esperar por el mejor.

Palabras: 245

You and the World Blog #2: Litter Survey Results

In my first blog entry, I talked about how Philadelphia is known as the second dirtiest city in America, and how that has an affect on the air and our marine life. I haven't found much new information in real life, but this week I took a survey of 22 people in Philadelphia, mostly from my school, and the new information I found showed a lot about our city's causes of littering.

Of everyone that took the survey, less than half littered (10/22). And of those, none of them said that they littered often. Of everyone that littered, nearly all of them said it was because they were never near a trash can or didn’t have time to find one (9/10), and that they wouldn’t litter so much if the city installed more. Some even said that the city's trash cans were too hard to use (3/10) because they didn't want to have to touch the lid to open it. Every one of the people surveyed said that they thought littering was wrong.

I agree with the survey results. Sometimes it’s nearly impossible to find a trash can in some areas of Philadelphia. You can carry your trash for blocks and blocks, and even if you do find a trash can it doesn’t always have a recycling bin next to it. I thought it was interesting that so many people didn't litter or littered rarely. I think that if there had been a wider variety of people taking the survey then there would've been different results.

Also, I might soon be collaborating with a local business to organize a neighborhood clean up in Philadelphia. They do clean ups regularly in my neighborhood and even hire 8th graders to help over the Summer in exchange for school supplies. Stay tuned for more information.

If you would like to take the survey, visit

Annotated bibliography

Artículo respuesta #1

Betty Louis Q3

Senorita Manuel

Una mujer de 81 años es detenida por alimentar osos en su patio en EEUU

Este artículo es sobre un mujer quien fue  alimentar osos en su patio. Allí fue osos viniendo en su patio. Pero que su fue hacer fue no bueno por que lo es contra la ley. El estado tiene que ley porque el más te importa para la vida silvestre menos tienen miedos de los seres humanos. Si ellos no tengas miedo entonces ellos va a convertirse en demasiado cómodo. La mujer fue advertido antes pero ella no escuchar. A pesar de que el autoridades trató de advertir su, ella Aún alimenta el osos porque “La mujer pensó que los osos se morirían de hambre sin ella. Ella no quería aceptar el hecho de que estarán bien sin ella”. Aunque ella fue detenida la artículo dice que ella debe ser liberada, dijeron, porque su esposo está muriendo de cáncer y ella es la única que lo cuida. Yo espero el esposa de la mujer es se pone mejor. Cuando yo leí este artículo me pareció la mujer era cuidando. Pero quizás la autoridades era correcto. La artículo dice “ Ella los alimentó en gran cantidad, de 17 a 18 platos de alimento de perro en algunas ocasiones. Los osos amaban la comida y continuaron regresando.” Yo espero ella comprende que ella hacer.

Wordcount: 210


Calhoun, Darrell. "Una Mujer De 81 Años Es Detenida Por Alimentar Osos En Su Patio En EEUU." CNN En Espaol Ultimas Noticias De Estados Unidos Latinoamrica Y El Mundo Opinin Y Videos RSS. N.p., 1 Feb. 2014. Web. 03 Feb. 2014. <>.

Q3 Reflection #2: “Fecha de caducidad: ¿mito o realidad?”

Audrey Pham
Melanie Manuel 

“Fecha de caducidad: ¿mito o realidad?”

Todos las comida tiene un fecha de caducidad, pero la fecha es un poco importante. Algunos comida pueden pasado 30 días después el fecha de caducidad y son todavía comestible. Sin embargo, la fecha depende de la comida. Por ejemplo, productos lácteos son no comestible después 30 días. Comida seca son todavía comestible porque es seca. Productos lácteos son leche y yogurt. No coma expiró productos lácteos. Es muy mal para su salud. Algunas de las síntomas son náuseas, vómito, dolor abdominal, y diarrea. Además, la ingeniero en alimentos dice las fecha de vencimiento y caducidad son solamente un dato referencial.

De vez en cuando, tengo yogures caducados en el refrigerador porque mi madre compra demasiado yogures para el familía a terminar. Así yo comí un yogur caducado porque lo caducado por sólo 4 días. Comí lo y nada pasa. Yo estaba bien. En mi opinión, no hay aire dentro de el yogur porque el yogur estaba sellado perfectamente.  

Las palabras en este artículo son difícil a entender. Lo tomó mí un tiempo para entender. El artículo tiene muchas informaciones para los padres. Pero aprendí un poco vocabularios nuevos Algunas vocabularios nuevos aprendí también. Ellos son alimento, ingeniera, caducidad, y más. cuando leyendo el artículo.

"Fecha De Caducidad:¿mito O Realida?" El Nuevo Dia. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.

Q3 Sumario 3

Sieanna Williams                                                                                                 Q3

Srta. Manuel

Tener Cuidado del “sentado” la Enfermedad

¡Aparentemente,  sentando puede causar problemas saludas en el futuro! ¿Quien habría sabido que sentado es malo? El artículo dice es más de sentado, pero cuando una persona no tiene actividades físicos, lo agrega a la problema.

““Sedentarismo puede ser factor de riesgo independiente” Dorthy Dunlap, autor principal del estudio, dijo.”” Lo continua explicar que la más una persona se sienta, la más probable ellos van a ser discapacitado. En la estudia, ellos encontraron que, “La discapacidad puede vincularse también a los resultados de salud pobre, aumento del riesgo para la diabetes y las enfermedades cardiovasculares y en generales, aumento de los costos de salud.”

El mensaje primero es para personas encontrar caminos aumentar sus actividades físicos. Mi solo camino de actividad físico es bailando. Yo juego el juego Dance Central 3 cada fin de semana que yo puedo pero odio el ejercicio en la clase de gimnasio. No me gusta la idea de desnunado en escuela, entonces suda para un hora y finalmente vestirse otra vez y ser sudado para lo demás del día. ¡Sin embargo, me encanta bailar! Si SLA tiene una clase de baila, me encantaría que. A casa es sin duda mejor porque yo puedo bailar para como largo yo quiero y ducha después.

Después de bailando, no puedo ayudar pero sentar. En facto, me acuesto en mi cama. Si yo no a gimnasio o bailando, soy sentado. Ahora que yo sé esto, sin embargo, yo voy a ser más físicamente activo con bailando y en mi clase de gimnasio.

                                              PALABRAS: 253


Worthen, Candace. "Latino News and Opinion." Tener Cuidado del “sentado” la Enfermedad - . AL DIA News, 20 Feb. 2014. Web. 24 Feb. 2014. <>.

Q3 Reflection #1: “Aquí no se tira nada”

Audrey Pham


Melanie Manuel

Word Count: 212

“Aquí no se tira nada”

Este artículo es sobre de un familia que nunca desperdicia comida porque comida es valiosa a ellos. En españa, ellos desperdician alrededor de 2.9 millones de toneladas de alimentos por año. Las alimentos desperdiciado igual 11 millones de euros. Es por eso que personas son comprando suficiente comida para la familia. La gente siempre compra más alimentos que necesitan. Una solución para detener el desperdicio de comida es compartir la comida con la familia o amigos. Compartiendo las comida es un método buena para no desperdiciar comida.

Yo elegí este artículo porque las informaciones es importante a saber. Muchos pobres en el mundo hoy tienen no alimento. Hacemos hay comida mucha en la casa, pero los pobres comer nunca. A veces, tenemos comida que no nos gusta y los pobres tienen no comida. Es muy triste. Estamos comiendo mucha comida y los pobres comiendo nada.

Este artículo es muy difícil a entender porque las palabras son muy extraño. Este artículo es muy largo también así es difícil a entender también. A menudo, yo no entendí que las palabras significan. Sin embargo, yo entendí el básico del artículo. Algunos palabras yo no entendí son reñidos, asistiera, equilibradas, y más. Pero yo entendí algunos palabras que son organizaremos, nutricional, enseñan, y más significa.

"Aqui No Se Tira Nada." EL PAÍS. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2014.

Article Response #3 [Q3]

Lauren Thomas      Q3

Senorita Manuel

Google trabaja en 'Tango'

Actualmente en el mundo de la tecnología, teléfonos móvil inteligentes están por todas partes. El gigante de la tecnología Apple tiene su iPhone 5s y iPhone 5c actualmente. Los teléfonos móvil inteligentes iPhone 5s y iPhone 5c son los más recientes teléfonos de Apple. Android, Windows, y Samsung están produciendo nuevos teléfonos móvil inteligentes corresponder con Apple. Ahora, otro gigante de la tecnología va a hacer un teléfono móvil inteligente. El gigante tecnológico Google anunció este jueves que trabaja en un teléfono móvil inteligente. Este teléfono móvil inteligente va a ser llamado 'Tango'. El teléfono móvil inteligente Tango va a tener sensores 3-D que le permiten crear al instante un mapa tridimensional del espacio que lo rodea. No estoy emocionada por este nuevo teléfono móvil inteligente. A lo largo la sociedad, muchas, muchas empresas intentando, y va a ser aburrido.

Yo aprendí nueva vocabulario de este artículo. Yo aprendí que teléfonos móvil inteligentes es “smart phones” en Inglés. Yo aprendí que mapas tridimensionales es “three dimensional maps” en Inglés. Yo decidí escribir sobre este artículo porque este artículo es un evento actual y yo decidí escribir sobre este artículo porque  teléfonos móvil inteligentes tienen una parte grande en cada uno vida.


Artículo 3: Músculos Falsos y Extraños Científicos


Quarter 3

Alejandro Marothy

Señorita Manuel

Músculos Falsos y Extraños Científicos

¡Una nueva sensación está barriendo la nación! ¿Por qué ejercicio cuando puedas cirugía? No, pero en serio los científicos han descubierto una nuva forma de músculos artificiales. Esto podría ayudar a mucha gente en recuperación médica. Pero seguramente la gente tomaría vetaja y la cirugía para obtener ganancias personales. Debemos ser muy cuidados con este nuevo descubrimiento. ¡Nunca publicidad esto! Se debe distribuir conservador, o de lo contrario los ricos sería súper mal y súper fuerte. Más importante, puede ser utilizado para crear robots realistas. 

Los músculos pueden levantar 100 veces más peso que los músculos humanos. Nosotros estamos sellando nustro destino. Estamos terminando nustra perdición. Ficción Ciencia nos advirtió sobre esto. Creo un montón de sobrehumano, muy fuerte robots y veremos el fin de los días antes de lo que cree. ¿Cuánto crees que nos obedecerían? ¡Algún día se levantar cosas pesadas, haciendo nuestras oferta, y de repente consciente! Por supuesto que odian a sus creadores y esclavizarnos a todos. Este es el futuro de mis pesadillas, y estos científicos estás haciendo una realidad.

He concluido de este artículo que los falsos músculos son terribles. Yo prefiero tener robots débiles, lenta recuperación médica y músculos reales. No compres esclavitud.

Número de Palabras: 200

Trabajo Citado

"Latino News and Opinion." Científicos Crean Músculo Artificial Con Sedal De Pescar. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2014.