Councilman Curtis Jones & Fraking

I live in District 4 and Curtis Jones represents me. 
Curtis Jones hosted and sponsored a fracking resolution in order to forbid fracking from the Marcellus Shale.

Curtis Jones and I both have similar opinions about fracking. It has a negative impact on the environment. He is attempting to make changes with the power he has as a Councilman. 

The area (District 4) Councilman Jones represents in where he went to high school (Overbrook High School)
What Councilman Jones has done prior to his Councilman position:
Councilman Jones has served on numerous boards and executive committees including the Pennsylvania Convention Center Authority’s Minority Advisory Committee, Genesis II Board of Directors, and the Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau Minority Advisory Council. He has also served as co-Chair of the Philadelphia MED week Committee.

Councilman Jones has served in city government throughout the past seven mayoral administrations; the councilman has been invited to the White House by both the Clinton and Bush Administration.  He has also addressed the State House by way of several of its committees on issues germane to Philadelphia, giving his insight on Economic Development.

As a result of his numerous years of experience in the Philadelphia Economic Development landscape, Councilman Jones has become one of City council’s most formidable advocates for community development and educational stability. 


Lobbying Post #2-Curtis Jones & Fracking

I live in District 4 and Curtis Jones represents me. 
Curtis Jones hosted and sponsored a fracking resolution in order to forbid fracking from the Marcellus Shale.

Curtis Jones and I both have similar opinions about fracking. It has a negative impact on the environment. He is attempting to make changes with the power he has as a Councilman.

Ayanna, Donna & Uyen's food project(Yummmmm)

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How to make Kimpab

1 teaspoon rice vinegar

1/2 teaspoon soy sauce

8 sheets  fresh seaweed

2 cucumbers

4 eggs, beaten

1 tablespoon sesame seed, toasted

4 slices pickled yellow radishes

1/2 teaspoon sesame oil

4 cups hot cooked rice


1.Put the Rice into a pod or a rice cooker, add some water and let it cook. 
2.Let the rice cool a bit.

3. Mix the rice with the vinegar, soy sauce, and sesame oil.

3. Fry eggs as if it were a pancake.

4. Cut egg into strips.

5. To assemble, put rice on a bamboo roller

6. Spread rice over 2/3 of the sheet, lay the cucumbers radish, and egg on top.

7. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and roll like a jelly roll.

8. Cut into 1/2 inch rounds.

9. Enjoy!!!!!! 


How to make Oyakodon

1 lb Free Range chicken (cut into bite size pieces)
1 1/2 tbsp onion flakes

1 2/3 cups dashi soup stock

7 Tbsp soy sauce

4 Tbsp mirin

3 Tbsp all natural sugar

4 Organic eggs (beat)

5 cups Botan Calrose Rice



1. In a large skillet, heat the dashi stock over medium heat.

2. Add in soy sauce, sugar and mirin. Stir.

3. Add in chicken and let heat for about 5 minutes.

4. Add in onion flakes and let sit for another 5 minutes.

5. Add eggs into the skillet.

6. Bring to a boil.

7. Lower heat and cover with a lid for 1-3 minutes.

8. Remove from heat and serve over steamed rice.

9. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 



From the two part meal, out of 15 ingredients, 10 weren't processed. (Rice, rice vinegar,  chicken, sugar, eggs, sesame seeds, seaweed, cucumbers, sesame oil, and onion flakes) So about 67% of our total meal was whole foods.

For the Kimpab the meal consisted of mostly oils, complex sugars, protein.

For the Oyakodon the meal consisted of protein, complex sugars, simple sugars, protein and oils.

Complex sugar-Complex sugars are tecnically carbs. Carbs regulate the sugar in your blood so all cells get the appropriate amount of energy, help foster growth of good bacteria in your intestines, help the body to absorb calcium, regulate blood pressure and give your body energy that it burns off slowly rather than right away.

Simple sugar-Simple sugars are quickly broken down by your body to give you quick energy. They don't last very long but they give you energy to do what you need to. It goes straight into your bloodstream.

Protein-Proteins build and repair body tissue, produce enzymes and hormones, regulated natural bodily functions, helps the immune system and helps to produce stored energy to increase stamina. Different types of proteins go different places and perform different functions.

Oil-Oils insulate under skin from the cold and heat, support organs and nerve fibers and oils take part of every cell membrane in your body.

So our body will be able to maintain normal bodily processes while retaining some of the energy for later use. While this isn't a meal to eat right before an important athletic event, for a day out walking this should be the thing. This meal wouldn't hurt you right away. It has most of the food groups as well as essential bodily nutrients. For a sedentary lifestyle this meal is probably acceptable. More proteins are needed to truly make this a good meal. This meal does tend to have a lot of simple sugars in it so you could develop diabetes or have your insulin have issues.

Most of our ingredients came from America in areas that specialize in asian cuisine. The specific state could be anymore but in our case probably in small asian shops here in PA. (H-Mart usually has pretty local ingredients.) So I'm thinking our furthest ingredient was probably the seaweed, chicken, or botan calrose rice with an estimated 30-50 miles traveled. The grown ingredients were not grown with pesticides but most likely used fertilizer. The processed foods, rice vinegar for example, are probably damaging to the environment from constantly having to grow and be stripped of its product. It's being reused often without break.

Kimpab = $30.29

Oyakodon = $37.48

While initially this is more expensive than fast food factor in that it was made for 10+ people which brings the prices down to $3.03 and $3.74 per person. This is the price of a dollar menu meal at mcdonalds and cheaper than a value meal. AND it's much healthier. H-mart and it's farming partners made the money off our meal. H-mart is the largest corporation involved in our food.

There were only two processes followed for all of our foods.

Whole foods:

1. Animal/earth

2. Harvested

3. Truck

4. Cleaned (at H-mart)

5. Onto H-Mart shelves


1. Animal/earth

2. chemically pimped out

3. harvested

4. Truck (to factory)

5. Additives are added/final products are made

6. truck to H-mart

7. onto shelves

Honestly had we grown these items ourselves the only missing steps would be steps 3 and 5 for whole foods and steps 2,4,6,7 for processed foods, H-mart is pretty awesome like that.


Ayanna Robinson's reflection/Food rule 

If it weren't for this unit I would have known that I have very little say in the way my food is produced but I wouldn't know why. Because of this unit I learned just how screwed the organic vs. processed food debate is. As a consumer, I should have the right to know what I'm paying for but through Food Inc. I learned how important it is to keep the consumer in the dark so the producer can sell the cheapest things for the biggest profit. 

A good starting change would be for me to try and put more of my money into small farms. These are the cleanest producers with minimal use of middle men. Because small farms don’t use the middle man I know my money is going straight into my product. What I buy is actually what I paid for. Also, I help myself by buying from small farms because the food is sure to be more organic than what the FDA lets pass for organic in Wal-Mart.

But I also learned its not just about what you eat. Moderation in what you eat can affect you just as much. A person who eats junk in moderation might not get diabetes while someone who gorges on healthy food does. And even then your genetics might simply be working against you. Healthy diets are affected by more than just food!

Although hard at first, these changes would be in the best interest of all people. If we start creating healthy habits earlier, generations of kids can grow up with healthy appetites. If we worked hard enough, there could one day be a generation of kids for which diabetes is a rare occurence. For me as an individual im not entirely willing to make the change, but for the community as a whole I would love to. After learning all the secrets the food industry has hidden from its customers im less likely to willingly stick to eating its food. 

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food ruleaya

Uyen Nguyen's reflection/Food rule 

One of the biggest thing that I learned from this unit was that about all of the food Incorporation and how the food industry really affect the economy. However, that is not one of the main thing I notice about the chapter, I also notice a lot of important facts that the general public should acknowledge. As simple as it sound, its actually more than just any food that you can easily purchase at the market or where else. These foods are going through a system that is almost like a cover up for the truth and as consumers we are not taking our time to investigate in these issues. I would like the general public to realizes all of the issues that are running in the food industry and tries to change it before it is too late. Some of the steps that I personally can do to address this issues is by talking about it at home and starting it out with my parents and friends. It might be a small change that we can do one by one, but the small changes might be able to help us spread the words and get people to listen and start getting involve with consuming in organic foods as as well as growing their own instead of spending a small amount of money to ruin the human health. 

I also enjoyed reading the facts about the new way to grow potatoes as well as how they are being describes more of a computer than just a plant. 

This chapter has changed my view on the food industry more than ever before. Also it has struck to me that there are so many ways that I can go with my diet without having to conflict with all of the unhealthy eating habits. I might return to being a vegetarian once again. 

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Donna Survillo 's reflection/Food rule 

This unit definitely helped me to have a better understanding of how the food industry works and what goes on behind the scenes of the supermarkets and their providers. In the food system, I’m a consumer and being a part of a secretive food society isn’t fair to not only myself, but to many others as well. The largest problem that we have with the food industry is that so much stuff, aside from the million and one things that are listed in the ingredients, is put into our food without us knowing; so many things are hidden from us. The food industry is using products that are cheaper and more convenient to obtain. They’re processing food to make it appear more edible than waiting for it to grow naturally that way. For example, in the movie Food Inc. we learned how farmers would basically drug their chickens with steroids to fatten and grow larger a lot quicker than they normally would. Compared to a “normal” chicken, the modified chickens are about 2-3 times larger.

                  A few food changes that I could make are to buy organic food and free-range meats. The only problem with organic food, as we learned, is that it can be extremely pricey and it’s not really affordable, which isn’t fair. People shouldn’t have to spend a fortune on healthy food for their selves and their families. But since they do, the majority of America is overweight due to the cheaper, unhealthier food options that are provided for us. So, until I’m working or until the food industry decides they wanna let us buy healthy food for a cheaper price, I’m not AS willing to make the change as I should be.

Food Rule Slide
Food Rule Slide


As we sat down as a group, our conversation focused on changes we would like to see concerning voting. We all agreed that we would like to see the voting age be lowered to at least age 16, making it possible for teens to vote.  We believe that if 16 and 17 year olds vote a wider majority of issues involving young people will be addressed.

  The main goal of our project is to convince the public that more teens should be allowed to vote. In order for an individual to create and sustain change is to have a voice in the change process. Voting is the only way to make a difference all the times.

  After  completing this project my understanding of the electoral process has improved dramatically. I now understand how much decision making, and preparation  that goes in to election day and voting. Learning all the information that I have about voting, I still believe America is a democracy, because everyone has the opportunity to take part in the decision making process, but the problem is the government adding new voting requirements.   

 In this unit I learned that there are so many different reasons why people come out and vote. The overall reason was to effect change in their community. I also learned that the process in which will allow people to vote can effect voter turnout.  Having Tuesday as a voting day , opening the polls at 7:00am and closing at 8:00pm limits the amount of people that can vote. Some people work all day and cannot find time to vote.

 To create a message to reach out to a national audience, we thought it would be best to create a video, and print ads, to show what we are trying to persuade people to do. In the video and print ads we thought to use slogans, and pictures, and the thoughts, and opinions, from real teenagers to make our ideas and points come alive.   



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Kimberly Cayamcela's Benchmark Reflection

this is my contribution to the project: ​
this is where you can view the project in its entirety:

  • How did your group go about making a decision for what to focus on for the project?
    Well, I was absent the day my group chose what the focus was going to be for the project. I would have chosen something different than focusing on felons, perhaps giving the right to vote to immigrants or sixteen year olds. But, throughout the project the thought of giving felons the right to vote grew on me. 
  • 11th grade Essential ? - What is the role of the individual in creating and sustaining change? 
    The role of an individual in creating and sustaining change is: being able to point out what is needed to be changed within oneself- not by having someone else point out what is needed to be changed- as well as sticking to what they choose to change by believing in oneself and not giving up. 
  • How has your understanding of the electoral process and whether or not the US is a democracy evolved during this unit?
    My understanding of the electoral process was not as enhanced as I hoped for it to be. I didn't question voters about the electoral process because when I interviewed them they seemed to not be interested in politics. But, I feel as if America is losing its label of being called democratic. The voter turnouts through out the years have not been high. This project helped me realize what kind of people it is that don't have the right to vote. If America is a democracy, everybody living in this nation should have the right to vote! 
  • How did you decide to best relay a message to a national audience with your marketing campaign?
    was in charge of writing the position paper. In the beginning I found it difficult to write it due to not agreeing to what I had to write about- how felons should have the right to vote. When I think about felons I think about all the crimes I can possible think of. I started out with "they shouldn't be able to vote!" to "they should be able to vote!" after my research. And so after actually agreeing with what my group said, I began write the position. What I tried to include in the position paper as best as I could was facts to support the main idea. I thought that by doing so the audience would be convinced and agree with the idea of giving the right to all felons of voting. 

Jason Davis- Lobby#2: Public Official

​The public official that represents my area and topic the most would be State Rep. Ronald G. Waters of the 191st. district of pennsylvania. He has served his seat since 1999, being an ambassador for areas in both Philadelphia and Delaware Counties. His legislation has consisted of a variety of different topics, including health, judiciary, children and youth, and most recently environment.

 I believe that Waters would be an appropriate legislator because he has shown efforts in the past to fight for opportunities for children, and has been very involved in his community. His resumé includes the "Ought To Be A Law" contest, in which 3rd graders around the state submit papers to their district representatives on topics that they believe affect them the most and ought to be a law. Recently he has backed up the 'Dream Act', a piece of legislation that fights to insure the opportunities for children of ilegal immigrants to receive higher education. 

Other influential officials include Janie Blackwell, who is the councilwoman of my district on the city level. Although my lobby is one that appeals to the views of American's nationwide and target the federal level, legislators like Blackwell have recently taken part in campaigning for the reform of education in the Philadelphia area. Anthony Williams, another resident of the West Philadelphia area, as state senator may also pose as a direct connection to the federal level.


Science/Society Food Benchmark

Marquis Simmons

Homemade Toaster Pastries


2 cups (8 1/2 ounces) all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup (2 sticks or 8 ounces) unsalted butter, cut into pats
1 large egg
2 tablespoons (1 ounce) milk

Strawberry jam
Fresh strawberries, chopped
½ a vanilla bean, split and scraped

Vanilla icing/frosting for the top of the pastries.


Pie dough mixed with sugar, flour and salt can be used for the outside of the pastry. The first step is to separate two sheets, one for the top and the other for the bottom of the pastry. Put the dough in the oven for a little while to allow them to harden some, so about 5-10 minutes is good. After it has its form, it is ready for the filling. Smear it evenly, but also make sure it's thick enough to be tasted. Once the filling is put onto the bottom, put the top on it. Push it down so that the filling is on both sides and begin smearing icing on the top of the top piece. Sprinkles are optional, but if they are added, make sure they are pushed into the icing. Place in oven for 15 minutes. Remove, let cool and enjoy. (I'm guessing this is how it'd be made)

Personal Reflection

My main role in the larger food system is a consumer, since I spend my money on food all of the time. This unit we learned about a lot of food related problems, some of which I already knew and many I didn't even know existed. I think the problems that stood out to me the most were the ones we saw in the Food, Inc. movie. When it comes to me personally, some food choice changes I can make would be eating less fast food. I eat fast food at least twice a week because its cheap, easy to get and made quickly. If I could do this, I'd probably be healthier because this would mean that I'd have to eat more home-cooked meals. Even though it'd have a good impact on me, I think I'd only give up fast food for a week before I'd be back at the counter ordering. It's hard to let it go.

Food Rules Slide

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Rugeiatu BMK reflection

​How did your group go about making a decision for what to focus on for the project? 
My group went about choosing our topic by, saying what we each wanted to do and why and how the idea that we pick might or might not work. Basically the pro and cons towards our ideas. Afterwards we pack the best two out of four then did the pros and cons on it and pick one, which was weekend voting.

-11th grade Essential Question: What is the role of the individual in creating and sustaining change? 
The individual in creating and sustaining is , it has to be a good leader step up to the plate and make a change towards the ideas and have proof/events about that idea.

-How did you decide to best relay a message to a national audience with your marketing campaign?  We deciding to create an Ad and an Logo that stands out the most, the logo is the main one that has the messages to our audience. 

-How has your understanding of the electoral process and whether or not the US is a democracy evolved during this unit?  My understanding of the electoral process has changed, because before we learned about the voting systems and how the process of voting is organize, Now that I know after this unit is over. I feel as though it is sad the most democracy voters in the US is democracy.

Q1 Benchmark Reflection

People in jail who are serving prison sentences should not be give the right to vote in elections. Prisoners should lose their rights to vote when they have committed crimes and are serving prison sentences. We believe that voting is a given right. When elections are coming up it is optional to go to the election polls and choose whether or not you want to vote. Even though it is highly recommended it is optional. Since it is an option and a right to choose what we want to do, prisoners have that option and right revoked from them for disrupted and assaulting the rights and laws in the Amendments and Constitution. When they break the law they are proving to themselves, the law, and the people that they are not productive members in their society. And when they aren’t productive members in their society, what contribution will they do when they are determining mayors in our cities to picking the new leader of our country.

In the beginning of the process there was only two people who were present, so we just decided to bounce off an idea that involved family members of friends. So it was personal but also something that we had a strong opinion about.

The role of the individual in creating and sustaining change is learning the background before making the change to determine whether the change is drastic or minor. 

My understanding of the electoral process and whether or not the US is a democracy evolved during this unit is that not everything is far when it comes to government. What might be right for one person could be totally wrong or doesn't work for another person.

How I best relay a message to a national audience in my marketing campaign is by making  it aware to people across the nation. So my group decided to make a twitter page talking about these issues and giving an insight to a more major issue.

The Bach[ery] food project

​Recipe for Sushi Roll Philadelphia Style

Serving size: 1

Material: Bamboo rolling mat, a butter knife, a sharp knife, and a bowl of warm water.


- 1 cup of warm cooked White rice
- 1 Seaweed

- 2 Crab classic leg style (Can be bought in package at ShopRite)
- 1 Cucumber green
- 1 Avocado green
- 2 tbsps (30 g) of regular cream cheese


Step 1: Preparing:

Start by cutting the filling ingredients. For the cucumber, slide it into long pieces by its length. For the avocado, cut it into two halves then use a spoon to scoop the meat out of its skin. Next, slide the half avocado by its length.

Step 2: Filling:

Put the seaweed on the bamboo rolling mat (make sure the smooth side faces down). Then spread the warm cooked white rice evenly on the seaweed. Next, place the fillings length-wide next to each other. For the cream cheese, use a butter knife to make a slide of cream cheese, and place it next to other fillings.

Step 3: Rolling:

Begin with the side nearest from you and roll it further away. Avoid rolling the mat into the sushi. Use the mat to tighten the roll.

Step 4: Cutting:

Dip the sharp knife into warm water. Using sawing (back-and-forth) motion and very light pressure, slice each sushi roll crosswise into eight or more pieces. For easier cutting, frequently dip knife blade into hot water.


* Approximately, 70% is processed food. All, but cucumber and avocado, are packaged and precooked.

* Approximately, the serving is 300 calories, total fat 10g, 10g of sugar. The body will deal with this food by breaking down the nutritions, then use them. The extra will be stored in muscle tissues and liver. As always, the unnecessary parts will be[come] waste. This type of food is not the healthiest, but also not the worst. One might not get fat from it, since there is little calories, sugar, and fat. 

* The crab is packaged in Wisconsin, seaweeds are from Korea, rice is from Thailand, Cream cheese is made in Philadelphia, cucumber grows locally, and avocado is shipped Guatemala. So the farthest traveler would be rice. So my meal traveled around thousand of miles before reaching my mouth. Most sadly, none of them was organically grown. On top of that, the process of growing rice is particularly harmful to the environment, due to the modern model of farming as to increase number of harvests per year quantitatively and qualitatively by using pesticide and GMO seeds. Similarly with avocado and cucumber, where the new market set up by large corporation created a new farming culture of capitalist oriented. 

* The meal costs around $10. It is as cheap as fast food. There is n regulation on the import of milled rice. For avocado, it needs to meet a certain requirement by a grading system issue from USDA. Other products have no regulation. The major corporation that hold the ground of fruit and vegetable import is Dole Food, which is also the largest producer of fruit and vegetable. 

* These food items can be bought at any super market, and restaurants. The ingredients are well traveled, and that they are grown from GMO seed and went through a highly biochemical process of farming. Since the soil and climate of the US limit the kind of plant and animals to be farmed, there are certain type of agricultural products that need to be imported such as wet rice. Beside these types, there are possibilities of growing avocado, cucumber in the backyard. 

Personal Reflection:

There is definitively a tremendous growth of my knowledge about food, particularly the food industry. I remember walking into the class with a very vague idea of how the two phenomenons science and society are intersected and related. However, with the discussions around different topics, from Fracking to Food Inc, I have consolidated the understanding as I been through the class. 

The biggest problem in my view is the ubiquity of GMOs in daily dietary and its negative effect on human health and the environment. It is even scarier when one re-examined their life and realized that they have been raised on bio-chemical food. The unit also pushes me to be more active in my diet, as I always need to be conscious of what I am eating. At the same time, I have been having conversations with different people about the issues with our food system. The movie Food, Inc has changed my view of what I eat, as well as where are my foods coming from. I have been more critical in shopping for groceries lately because of that. 

There are certainly changes that I could take. The first one is to know my food, and minimize what is unnecessary. On top of that, adding more vegetable into my diet is another step to take. 

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Final Food Benchmark

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Macaroni Salad 


◦ Macaroni – Whole box

◦ Vegetable oil – 2 caps

◦ Salt – 1tbs.

◦ Butter – 1 TBSP.

◦ Parsley Pereil – N/A

◦ Turkey Ham – A Whole Slice Of Turkey Ham Cut Up

◦ Bacon Pieces: Bacon Flavored Bites – N/A

◦ Peas - Half Of A Can

◦ Dry White Cooking Wine – 4 Drops


Steps On How It Was Made:

  1. Stir macaroni into 6 cups boiling water
  2. 1 tsp. of salt into the pot
  3. Boil rapidly 7 to 10 minuets or until macaroni is tender
  4. Drain the macaroni
  5. Put it into a bowl (or wherever you want to put it at)
  6. Grabbed 1 slice of turkey ham
  7. Sliced the ham into little boxes
  8. Put it into the salad
  9. Pour 2 caps of vegetable oil
  10. 1 TBSP. of butter
  11. Mix it up
  12. Pour some parsley into the bowl, doesn’t matter how much you pour but what I did was I shacked it once or twice so that it can have some type of taste to it
  13. Same with the bacon pieces, you can pour how much you want into your salad but I shacked it a little once or twice so that it can have flavor
  14. Pour half of a can of peas
  15. 4 Drops of white wine
MIX IT ALL UP & you’ll get a macaroni salad

Self Reflection:
 I’ve learned a lot since I’ve had science and society. In this class we talked and read about the big food vs. big Insurance op-ed basically the op-ed talked about how three-quarters of health care spending now goes to treat “preventable chronic diseases.” Not all of these diseases are linked to diet, there’s smoking, for instance. We also learned about cancer and one of the articles we had to read was a cure for cancer? Eating a plant based diet, and that article talked about how one out of every two of us will get cancer or heart disease and die from it. And starting in the year 2000, one out of every three children who are born after that year will develop diabetes. We also talked about sugar prices. My mom also said that cooking at home can be a healthier and cheaper solution, the effects of diabetes can be reversed with a good diet and that eating healthy is much easier when you have a simple food rule to live by because buying stuff from the store or from the cart isn’t healthy. I think its better if you cook at home then buy junk at the store or from anywhere else it’s way healthier if you cook at home because usually my mom would buy mostly healthy stuff for the house even though me, my brother and my sisters love junk food on regular basics.

Food Rule:
This is a statement my mom always said to me when i used to always buy random things in the store and eat anything i had in my house. I thought this was a good rule because i thought it was true, you cant trust everything you eat, what if its old or have something in it that you don't know about.

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Lobbying Post #2

Who represents me?

Michael Nutter

What do you and your representative have in common?

We like Larry’s cheesesteaks, and believe in public service to your community.

·       Learn their biographies

·       Micheal Nutter born in 1957 lived in west Philadelphia and attended Saint Joseph University. He moved on to The Wharton School at University of Pennsylvania. In June 2002, as councilman, Nutter introduce a measure requiring college students under 23 years old in Philadelphia’s Fourth Council District (students at SJU). He has influenced much of the policies throughout Wynnfield.


·       His main policy is direct to community affairs, to serve and help the community.

·       His interests are directed toward community service, and ethics.

·       We have worked together before and both believe in community service to better our environment.


Art 2- Quarter 1- Art Collection

​Figure Drawing & Clear Object Drawing

In my experience I had a very hard time comprehending how to draw the person, when we were doing our figure drawing. There were many times when I did want to stop, give up and be done, but since Ms. Hull doesn't let us give up, that wasn't an option. I think in the end i did have a good out come, I do think I could have made it better though. That applies to everything though. This was one of the harder things I've ever had to do in any art class. That was because I was completely out of my comfort zone, I hate drawing people. I am proud of what I accomplished though. None of our drawings looked exactly, but after a while I understood that everyone has a different perspective, so there really is no "Correct" way for your project to end. So though I don't think it's perfect, I'm proud of what I was able to accomplish, because it was much more than I ever saw myself doing. 

With the Clear Object Drawing I was scared before we started, because I've never drawn anything I could see through before. So that was something new, and clearly I did finish it, but I feel like there was a point in the middle of the process where I would have liked to stop and be done. Not because i was tired of the drawing, it just felt finished to me. I do like what I ended up with though, I think I did eventually get the essence of the glass. The video we watched in our art class really did help though, before that I had no idea how to even start drawing the cup. It really gave you the essence of how to get all the curves, and the lighting and how that traveled through the glass. So in the end, I like my outcome, and am glad I learned from the experience.

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2011-11-03 14.21.57

Marquis Simmons Drawings

This quarter I drew two pictures, the see-through glass drawing and the full body drawing.

Glass Drawing:
For the glass drawing, I used charcoal and an eraser. The charcoal was used to shade the background and draw the actual glass. Then I used an eraser to create the reflection of the light off of the glass. The hardest part of this drawing was making sure the reflection of the light looked right and in the correct perspective of the glass. I didn't want to make the light look too unreal, but I also didn't want to not have enough of the light because it would have taken away from the 3-D aspect of the picture.

Full Body Drawing:
The full body drawing was the hardest out of the two drawings I did. Going into the drawing I thought it would be easy. I started off by outlining the model's body from my perspective of her. Then I tried to get into detail by adding little things to the picture. It was hard to try to copy her exactly and to keep certain parts of her body in proportion to the rest of it. If I had more time, I would have probably gone more into the details of her face and clothing; adding shade would have given the picture a more realistic aspect.

Art Within Bodies

        This project required me to take photos of five different people. These photos were taken in the same position and around the same place. By doing this, I ensured that there was no difference between the pictures that would drastically affect the difference in body structure. All of the pictures were in taken in a natural and relaxed position. After taking all those pictures, I went into Photoshop and cut the photos in fourths. The fourths consisted of head, shoulders to waist, waist to ankle, and ankle to end of shoe. My intentions were to put a persons head on top of another persons shoulders on top of another persons legs with someone else’s feet. However, I kept the heads next to each other at the top of the page, and spread the rest of the parts of the people throughout the rest of this page.

         Within this project, I focused on what I wanted to express through my art. I wanted to convey the different parts of people and how they can be looked at separately and more in depth. I wanted to show why certain parts of the body are a certain way on certain people. The final project conveys how people are meant to have certain features about themselves. If they are not on their own bodies than they should just be in space.  

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Reflection! Mohamed Marzouk

How did you group go about making a decision for what to focus on for the project?
We just told each other to work on each others part. And, who ever had problems we would help out. Also, when coming down to a decision on what to focus on we just agreed  

·       11th grade Essential ? - What is the role of the individual in creating and sustaining change? 
We have to always change. Because, no one's perfect.  Everyone has there own prefrefence so they are responsible for there own learning

My understanding of the electoral process improved, since I talked with someone close with the process so, he told me a lot of the things that he knew and he told me some things that I already knew, but he was a lot of help.


I thought it being written down would be the best way because people can read the interview and really understand what the person is saying other then a video because sometimes a video can go too fast and not explain anything.

Benchmark:History Of A Bill

  • I chose to do my benchmark on Defense Of Marriage Act, because i thought it was interesting and i wanted to know more about it. I chose Keynote because i think keynote is awesome but sometimes it crews you over because it can't be uploaded to some places such as so i had to screen shot the slides on my keynote and add it to google docs and make it into a presentation on there so that my teacher can see it, so of course i had to share it with her. If i had to do my benchmark over i would probably put less words, (i do not know if its to much words) because i have lots of wording in it and i think it looks smashed together, and i do not like my presentations with to much of information. When i first started researching my bill/law i noticed that the Defenses Of Marriage did have lots of problems, people had trouble with there lover because they couldn't marry the same race. I thought it was pretty hard doing because i didn't know exactly what to put on my keynote.

Artist Statement - Breeanna Noi

So my first drawing was of Gabe. It looks very cartoon-like and it resembles Sam Sirochman more than it resembles the "model." I attempted to draw it in a more realistic form, but all of my screw ups caused me to just say, "This isn't working, so let's try it THIS way.." But other than that, I think my alternative piece came out well enough. 

My first drawing was of a round clear object. Again, still and realistic art pieces have never been my strong point. I also have a tendency to outline my pieces really dark and then include the detail. Which may be the reason why they didn't come out too well. I started out just drawing because I didn't watch our outline video. I learned a new thing with shadowing with helped me tons. Shadowing first was never something I thought about. Now, I feel like I'm gradually improving in art. But I'm also improving on my real life writing so that's always a plus.. 

Quarter 1 Benchmark Reflection

​My portion:
Campaign Ad and Logo

​Entire Project:

We at first brainstormed on what was one of the biggest issue on why there were significantly low percentage of voting turnouts. And we thought because, Tuesdays are rather busy days. It's after monday but not even the middle of the week. So we came upon a decision on weekend voting.

Great change is brought upon by great leaders, one must lead in order to gain followers and bring a revolution in effect.

I honestly didn't have much of a clue of how the electoral college worked along with voting. Instead of an object as you would think it'd be, it's actually a process to go through and as each part of the government has their own role. 

In my group's marketing campaign, I honestly thought the Campaign Ad I made was pretty convincing, it just shows a slow down in our daily lives. Like a busy city, busy streets, and packed up schedule, yet we vote on Tuesday? So weekend voting is less stressful more convenient and indeed more relaxing without bringing so much concern. This would encourage people to vote more. 

Non Discrimination act


Why I choose to the the Non Discrimination Act was because I feel that 
it is wrong that  judge people based on looks and their gender 
identity. equality is the most important thing to have. Not everyone 
understands how important equality is.
My method for choosing a flow map was because I thought It would be 
easier way to tell a story 
If I was to do this project again I would choose a different method 
then what I did and also staying more on top of things with the 
organization process.
The research of my bill taught me that it can be either passed or fail. 
In my case my bill kept getting re- introduced and brought into congress. 
As of today they are still fighting to pass the law officially. The 
process was harder then what I imagined.  

Food Benchmark: Baklava/ Food, Food, and more Food

Baklava (Arabic Pastry)


- Fellow Sheets (Flour Sheets) One pack 20 sheets
- Canola oil half cup
- Almonds half pound
- Sugar 4 tbsp
- Vanilla
- Syrup (4 small cups of sugar and 1 1/2 cups of water and 1 tbsp of lemon juice)

1. Bring the a rectangular tray and brush it over with the canola oil so it doesn't stick to the pan
2. Divide the 20 sheets into 2 groups: one group for the bottom and one group for the top.
3. Put 10 flour sheets on the tray for the bottom and every two sheets you put down, brush the whole surface with canola oil.
4. Put half a pound of almonds into a food processor and grind until it is in small pieces.
5. Take the almonds out of the food processor and place into another bowl. Then proceed to add the 4 tbsp of sugar into the almonds and add the vanilla in as well.
6. Put in a bit of water and mix.
7. Spread the almonds onto the sheets you prepared and then take the other group of 10 sheets and every two sheets you put down, brush the surface of the sheet with canola oil.
8. Then proceed to cut the whole thing into small square pieces. (you can make the pieces big or small). Then spread canola oil all over the top.
9. Then put the whole tray into the oven on 325˚ for 30 minutes. Then after the 30 minutes has passed, raise the temperature to 450˚ for 5 minutes exact.

(Meanwhile you already prepared the syrup just by mixing the 4 small cups of sugar, 1 1/2 cups of water,  together and then put them on the stove until it boils. Then lower the flame a bit and add the 1 tbsp of lemon juice in. Let it proceed to boil until the mix looks like a honey mixture. Let it cool completely.)
10. Proceed to take the tray out.
11. Right when you take it out, spread the cooled syrup on top of the whole baklava.


a. I would say that its approximately 25% processed and 75% whole foods. Everything is whole except the Almonds. The almonds are the only processed.

b. The caloric count is about 250 calories, about 7 grams of sugar id assume, and about 10 g of fat I'd say. My body will store some of sugar that it obtained from the baklava I made and get rid of what it doesnt need to the liver.  Some health issues that would come up if I ate this meal every day would be diabetes because of the amount of sugar it has, possibly get sick because I am not taking in certain amounts of nutrition, just alot of protein, sugar.

c.  About everything came from the United States I'd say, but I would say that it was mostly grown in California, because it is a popular place to grow many ingredients, especially the almonds. The sheets and vanilla traveled far I know because they were bought from an Arabic Store, in which most of the products were made in Middle Eastern countries. It was not organically grown. The processing for the sheets may effect the environment, but on the package it said it was processed in a factory, so the factory probably uses gas and that gas goes to the atmosphere, etc.

d. The meal, not counting everything in all of the packaging (only the amount of ingredients used) approximately costed 10 dollars. It is so much better than fast food because 2 sandwichs from Mcdonalds would cost about 10 dollars while this 10 dollar pastry would last you a very long time because of the large quantity made from the partial amount of ingredients.

Fellow flour sheets

Berkley and Jensen




I would say that Berkley and Jensen and Wesson are big companies and the others are smaller espeicially because they are from middle eastern companies. I believe that there is always a bigger company that controls everything.

e. I'd say that they probably added some preservatives and also grew them in a certain way to make them either grow faster or grow a certain size/ have a certain taste etc. Just like we saw in the movie, how they use different fertilizers and feed differently makes the product different than if you were to grow normally. Many companies say certain things to attract customers. They will say anything to please the people; money over everything basically. Growing the ingredients myself might not give me the best quality that you get from using different fertizlizers and such, but it would still be fresh and "clean".


Personal Reflection

If it weren't for this quarter, I definitely would not have known this much about food and the real story behind where your food comes from. I learned things that I really was surprised about, such as the point that 90% of all foods are either made with or from corn, food conditions (how they are slaughtered, treated, etc.), how the food industry has a hold on everyone, and how every single word you say can be used against you. I could keep naming so many more things I learned, but it would make this more of a list, not a reflection. Learning all this information in this unit, making presentations on the Food Inc. movie, presenting all that infromation; it made me think about what I can do to inform people about what is truly in their food and how their food is produced. Many people don't get the chance to be informed like we did, and its a problem. People need to become educated and find out more; do research, do interviews, go the extra step. The government doesn't want us to know about the truth, but if we knew the truth and we spread the word, it would impact the world in a big way, and possibly make change in the food industry. Another problem in our food system is the point that its basically all about the money. If the people don't know about it, then why tell them and possibly lose the money? People have to really fight to put all of this out in the open. After watching and learning so much this unit, it has actually change my eating habits in a big way. I started eating less outside, I encouraged my parents to buy many products from the amish stores around the block and they finally did so, and I even started reading the nutrition facts and trying to avoid the bad stuff like high fructose corn syrup, etc. These choices have really played a great impact. I stopped spending so much money, I'm becoming more informed, and I'm more content with what I'm putting into my mouth. I think that if everyone were to take the same step I took, it would really impact their lives for the good as well. In conclusion, this unit has really taught me alot, and though many people might not think the same way I did after this unit, I'm really glad I learned what I did. From Food Inc. to organic/non-organic foods, this unit was a great learning experience.


Food Rules Slide

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