Negative Space Reflection

A. Negative space is the area around the main focus of a picture.
B. 1. Negative space in my cut-out picture is all the black space. 2. The negative space in my stool drawing is the area that is shaded in.
C. It helps artists see in negative space because it is just as important as positive space, and can help define the main focus.
D. Negative space is helpful in creating art because it helps you define your main focus.

Session 1

​Group Members Present: Jalen S., Robbie M., Sarybel M. Rose K
What your book club discussed:
We all talked about the first four chapters of the book.
How you discussed it:
While reading the book individually we all wrote down things that stuck out to us. Once it came time for us to discuss the books we all were able to share questions or things we found interesting. As far as the format we thought it would be easiest to follow for us and the listeners to go chapter by chapter. Once we had acknowledged the chapter we were discussing someone would share an interesting point and we would go back and forth on things we agreed with and how the book brought in examples to support the thought. 
Any points of conflict/disagreement in discussion:
At this point in the book there is not to much controversy so it was pretty easy for us to all be in agreement. 
Questions that came up as a result of the discussion:
As a group we all are wondering about how there could be some sort of regulation in how advertisements and really anywhere uses statistics. Sort of finding a way to keep people accountable and really speaking the complete truth and not tricking people. 


Negative Space Drawing

Negative space is space around a drawing or painting in other words a piece of artwork that makes up the picture or makes it look better. I found negative space in my cut out of the bird with the blue paper that showed the negative space in the drawing to the actual picture that was in pink. I found negative space in my stool drawing by the different shapes that were around the table that made it look like a table with triangles and rectangles that almost made up the picture. So space that was not containing a object was the negative to the drawing. It helps a artist to see in negative space because it can really extenuate the picture that you are trying to show and shows the central image if you know what you are trying to show around that. Negative space is important in creative art because it allows the artist to again focus on what they want to show and the viewer really gets to wrestle in there mind the difference in the both. For example in bird cut out.

Quarter 4 Final Reflection

Zack Hersh Señorita Manuel

“Una elección primaria y también especial”
Por Committee of Seventy

Este es mi último reflexión del año. Después de un año de reflexión después de reflexión después de reflexión, semana después semana, este finalmente es mi último. Cada semana yo escribía por lo menos dos cientos palabras sobre un artículo y hablar sobre lo. A veces estaban completados en clase, otras veces no, pero en orden de asistir en la clase de español cuatro el próximo año, yo tenía que hacer uno cada semana.Esta reflexión va a ser un reflexión en mis reflexiones pasados por el año. A veces, fueron una lata, y a veces, yo los disfrutaba. Haciendo los me ayudó quedar informado en los deportes y los Phillies, y también los sucesos actuales. Para este reflexión (cuantos tiempos ha decido “reflexión” en este reflexión?) contar como un reflexión, lo tiene que ser sobre un artículo. Entonces, para mi último, yo leí un artículo sobre los eleciones primarias que son solo dos días lejos, este Martes el viente (yo saberia porqué no tenemos que ir a escuelo eso dia). El artículo habla sobre muchas de las mismas cosas que el uno que yo leí el Viernes pasado. 
Y ahora, estoy completado todos mis reflexiones del año. No habere otra reflexión de mi por lo demas del año de escuela. (Yo dijo “reflexión” once, ahora doce veces!)

Palabras: 240

First Podcast

  • Group members present during the discussion?

  • Robert Jenkins, Martez Cards, Niyala Brownlee, and Markitra Kesse

  • What your club discussed?

  • Introduction and Chapter one

  • How you discussed it?

  • Our discussion was about biases in statistics and if its possible to have a statistic without a hidden agenda.  

  • Any points of conflict/disagreement in discussion?

  • We disagreed on what was a bias study and how are the displayed.

Negative Space Drawing and Cutout

photo (4)
photo (4)
photo (3)
photo (3)

A. Negative space is the empty space around the subject of a drawing or photo. The negative space is just as important as the subject because the negative space can make the subject stand out more.

B. I found the negative space in the cutout with the base paper after I cut out the traced template that was in another color. I found the negative space in the still-life when I was drawing only the outside lines of the objects and shading in the empty spaces.

C. I helps an artist see in negative space because the negative space defines the subject of the drawing or photo. Without paying attention to negative space, the subject could just blend into the background.

D. Negative space is helpful in creating art because the negative space like explained in the previous question, makes the subject stand out and the negative space can make the drawing more interesting.

Negative Space Cut Out Reflection

A. What is negative space (explain this concept to a fourth grader that has never heard of it)

Negative space is the space around a subject in a image.

B. Explain how you found negative space in your 1. your cut out? 2 in your stool drawing?

I found the negative space in my cut out by finding the space that was outside the tree the I cut out.  In my stool drawing it was the same as my cut out.  I founf the space outside the stool and lamp.

C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?

It helps when an artist can see in negative space becasue it can help the person who is looking at the art to get a better undersanding at what they are looking at.

D.  How is negative space useful in creating art?

Negative space is useful in creating art because it helps make the drawing look better.

negative space tree
negative space tree
negative space
negative space

Book Discussion (Introduction- chapter 3)

  • Group members present during the discussion?

  • Taylor Ximines, Tsion Habtamu, Tyikenyua Anthony, Ananda Knight

  • What your club discussed?

  • Our club the introduction of the book up until chapter 3.

  • How you discussed it?

  • We started out discussing what each chapter was about and what we got from it. We were able to make connections with the book and our personal lives as well as school assignments that we could relate to what we read. Each of us took turns stating our opinions of what we read, using quotes from the book to support our understandings.  

  • Any points of conflict/disagreement in discussion?

  • No. For the most part every part of the book that we have read thus far we have all agreed on what the book was saying and how we interpreted it.

  • Questions that came up as a result of the discussion?

  • After reading the first three chapters we all are wondering what other statistical tools can be used to deceive people. So for the next few podcast the question of ways to not lie with statistics will be present.

Podcast :

Negative Space: Drawing and Cutout

photo 2
photo 2
photo 1
photo 1
  • A. What is negative space (explain this concept to a fourth grader that has never heard of it)
Negative space is the space inside a picture that is not in the main object of that picture so Its basically the rest of the paper that isn't taking up by the picture that was actually drawn.

  • B. Explain how you found negative space in 1. your cut out?, 2. in your stool drawing?
First the cut out I found the negative space by cutting out the template and and used that to trace it on another piece of paper so that all of the space surrounding the drawing becomes the negative space and then when it comes times to do the other side just reverse and what was white becomes black and what was black becomes white.
  • C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?
It allows said artist to be more precise in the drawing and that make the picture that much better. 

  • D. How is negative space useful in creating art?
Well first of all like I said in the question before this it makes the art that more precise and sharp thus making the art look better but it also helps by adding a creative aspect to it all making the picture interesting to look at.

Negative Space

A. What is negative space (explain this concept to a fourth grader that has never heard of it) Negative space is when you have a drawing that has no detail and that is just the outline of the project and the rest of the paper is just black. 

B. Explain how you found negative space in 1. your cut out?, 2. in your stool drawing? The way I saw negative space in the stool drawing or flower in my case was when I was coloring the paper in i could see the outline of the flower and there was nothing in it just white space. For the cut out I saw that the second half of the bat was nothing more then just a outline combined with the other half. 

 C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space? I think it can help because when you don't know how you want to start it a outline will give you a visual of what its going to look like in the end and if you like it you can do it a plus it also make it look like a outline of a drawing 

D. How is negative space useful in creating art? I think that negative space is useful in creating art because you have the out line when you have negative space if you are unsure about you drawing the negative space can give you a way of what i looks like plus its something that is easy too do and i know people that are not creative can do this without being artiest

Article Response #5 [Q4]

Lauren Thomas

Senorita Manuel Q4

Un día con Tim Burton

Estoy escribiendo una respuesta a este artículo porque me gusta el trabajo, la animación y el cine Tim Burton crea. La gente ve a Tim Burton como un género loco, pero por dentro esconde pero por dentro esconde un alma sensible capaz de crear personajes entrañables. Tim Burton nació en Burbank, California, el veinticinco de agosto de mil novecientos cincuenta y ocho. Comenzó se carrera en la compañía Disney como dibujante. Sin embargo, Tim Burton muy pronto comprendido que los cuentos infantiles que Disney hicieron y que allí se rodaban eran diferentes a los que él imaginaba.

Tim Burton's second film, Bitelchús, fue una divertida y nada terrorífica historia de fantasmas protagonizada por Michael Keaton. Another Burton film, Eduardo Manostijeras, was well-received among critics. This film, Eduardo Manostijeras, also marked the beginning of his collaboration with Johnny Depp. Johnny Depp se encuentra en casi todas las películas de Tim Burton ha hecho. Johnny Depp ha estado en Alicia en el País de las Maravillas, Dark Shadows, Charlie y La Fábrica de chocolate, Sweeney Todd, el barbero diabólico de la calle Fleet, Sleepy Hollow, y Ed Wood. Johnny Depp también ha estado en las animaciones de Tim Burton. Johnny Depp ha estado en La novia cadáver.

Pero la magia de Tim Burton no se detiene.


Article Response #4 [Q4]

Lauren Thomas

Senorita Manuel Q4

Godzilla al habla

Hoy, el dieciséis de mayo, dos mil catorce, la nueva adaptación cinematográfica de las famosas películas de Godzilla llegó a los teatros. Director de cine Gareth Edwards fue elegido para dirigir esta blockbuster del año. Gareth Edwards no podía creer que Hollywood lo recogió. “Todavía estoy sorprendido y me tengo que abofetear cada mañana," Edwards dijo. Él continuó, "Y ahora que veo los posters por toda la ciudad sé que para siempre seré 'el tipo que hizo la secuela de Godzilla'. La cuestión es cómo me recordará la gente." Para alguien como Edwards, recibir la oferta de dirigir Godzilla es una especie de milagro.

La principal responsable por el dinosaurio radioactivo en la pantalla grande es porque de La productora Legendary Pictures. Este cabreado nacido dinosaurio radiactivo es de las ruinas de Hiroshima y Nagasaki en mil novecientos cincuenta y cuatro. El dinosaurio radioactivo es concebido por las estudios japoneses Toho. El película ha un casting nada desdeñable: Bryan Cranston (Walter White en Breaking bad), Juliette Binoche, Elisabeth Olsen y Ken Watanabe.

Para Edwards, “Godzilla es la representación de la ira de la naturaleza que se rebela contra el hombre. No puedes ganar en ese lucha. La naturaleza siempre nos va a ganar y ese es el subtexto de la película. Godzilla es el castigo que nos merecemos por lo que estamos haciéndole al planeta. Hemos trasladado las preocupaciones de la película original al mundo de hoy, que desafortunadamente no parece haber cambiado mucho desde entonces”.


Article Response #3 [Q4]

Lauren Thomas

Senorita Manuel Q4

La muerte de un ‘caddie’: ¿sentimiento o negocio?

El Open de Madeira parecía maldito. El Open de Madeira es el torneo 1,500 en la historia de circuito europeo. Había niebla en el campo de golf durante del juego en jueves, el ocho de mayo dos mil catorce. La niebla obligó a suspender la jornada del jueves. En viernes, el nueve de mayo, dos mil catorce, el juego se retrasó seis horas. En domingo, el once de mayo, dos mil catorce, la primera ronda no acabó hasta 10:00. Algo muy inusual, fue que el torneo se disputó a solo 36 hoyos. Pero lo peor no fue eso. El caddie, de el jugador Alastair Forsyth, Iain McGregor, de 52 años, se desplomó. Iain McGregor se desplomó a la izquierda de la calle del hoyo nueve, a unos ciento treinta metros del green. El médico de el Open de Madeira le ayudó Iain McGregor. Sin embargo, McGregor falleció a causa de un infarto. El juego se suspendió temporalmente. Se preguntó si el torneo debe terminar o continuar. Hubo reuniones y llamadas telefónicas para ayudar a determinar.

“Decidimos seguir jugando porque sentíamos que era lo que él hubiera querido”, explicó Forsyth, el jugador que empleaba a McGregor; “le conocíamos desde hace 15 años y era un hombre muy popular y querido. Era la alegría del cuarto de caddies”.


Article Response #2 [Q4]

Lauren Thomas

Senorita Manuel Q4

La policía busca en el río el arma que mató a Isabel Carrasco

Isabel Carrasco Lorenzo, de 59 años, era la presidenta de la Diputación de León desde 2007. Isabel Carrasco Lorenzo era también la presidenta del Partido Popular en esa provincia desde 2004. On el trece de mayo, dos mil catorce Isabel Carrasco Lorenzo fue tiroteada. Fue poco después de las cinco de la tarde, por el paseo de la Condesa de Sagasta, muy cerca de su domicilio en la capital leonesa. Una mujer de cincuenta y cinco anos y su hija, de treinta y cinco, son las supuestas autoras del crimen. La investigación no ha demostrado cual sospechoso disparó el arma. Los dos sospechosos, la mujer y su hija, se han negado a aportar ningún dato a la investigación. La persona que vio el asesinato y que identificó a las presuntas autoras fue un policía jubilado.

Yo aprendí nueva vocabulario de este artículo. Uno frase que aprendí fue la causa de la muerte de Isabel Carrasco Lorenzo. Yo aprendí que "shock hipovolémico [hemorragia] y destrucción de centros nerviosos superiores, provocado por una agresión por arma de fuego" es "hypovolemic shock [bleeding] and destruction of higher nervous centers, caused by an assault firearm" en Inglés. Yo aprendí que un policía jubilado es “a retired police” en Inglés.


Negative Space

1. Negative space is the background space around and between an object in a picture. Usually the negative space is white and the positive space is white. 
2. To find negative space, you have to cut the positive space part and fold the paper to see if the sides are symmetrical. If you are drawing a picture, you have to draw the first image, color the background a dark color, and color the positive a different lighter color. 
3. Its helpful for artists to be able to see negative space because it makes things easier to see. 
4. Negative space is useful because it makes pictures pop and catches people's eyes. 
photo 1 (7)
photo 1 (7)
photo 2 (9)
photo 2 (9)

Negative Space

unnamed (1)
unnamed (1)
  • A. What is negative space (explain this concept to a fourth grader that has never heard of it)                    

Negative space is the clear blank empty space around a picture.

  • B. Explain how you found negative space in 1. your cut out?, 2. in your stool drawing?

I found negative space in my cut out by when I used different colour for template to background paper I saw the shape of the cut out. In my stool drawling I did scissors, I found by when I shaded white paper then erase the outline of the scissors. So when I saw the different colours I found negative space.     

  • C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?

It helps an artist by it him see what he drawled only and it adds a balance to the picture.

  • D. How is negative space useful in creating art?

Negative space is used to just focus what has been drawled.  

Reflection 5, Quarter 4

La elección para gobernador de Pennsylvania viene en noviembre, y los candidatos han sido elegidos. Actual gobernador republicano Tom Corbett no se ve bien. Muchas personas no les gusta lo que ha hecho en su primer mandato. Ha dicho muchas cosas malas, incluyendo uno que comparaba el matrimonio homosexual al matrimonio de hermanos. También hizo que miles de maestros perderán sus empleos. Un estudio dijo que sólo uno de cada cuatro personas que deberían darle un segundo mandato. Corbett dijo que está contento con lo que ha hecho como gobernador, diciendo que él ha ayudado económicamente al estado.

Sus posibles oponentes son Allyson Schwartz, Rob McCord, Tom Wolf y Katie McGinty. Allyson Schwartz dice que ella debe ser gobernador porque tiene la experiencia y el registro. Rob McCord tiene el plan más alto por el salario mínimo. Tom Wolf dice que debe ser gobernador porque tiene experiencia como dueño de un negocio, y Katie McGinty dice que mejorará la clase media.

La elección primaria demócrata es el 20 de mayo. ¿Quién ganará? ¿Lo más importante, quién será el próximo gobernador de Pennsylvania?

200 Palabras:

Negative Space Reflection

photo (5) - Edited
photo (5) - Edited
photo (4) - Edited
photo (4) - Edited
  • A. What is negative space (explain this concept to a fourth grader that has never heard of it)

Negative space is all the empty space that surrounds the subject in a photograph or drawing.

  • B. Explain how you found negative space in 1. your cut out?, 2. in your stool drawing?

1. To find the negative space in my cut out, the template was helpful. The darker shades in the template was my negative space and the lighter was the positive space.

2. To find the negative space in the ‘stool drawing’, I was initially very confused. I didn’t know where to start, but then Ms.Hull gave me pointer. She said I should lightly sketch the stool . Then, I was to shade all around it which was the negative space. Thanks for the help Ms.Hull!

  • C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?

It helps an artist see negative space because it can make their image more appealing to the eye and adds a nice balanced look. The positive space in the drawing also defines the negative space.

  • D. How is negative space useful in creating art?

Negative space is useful because it lets the artist focus on the main subject, rather than unnecessary details.  It also gives the drawing more dimension.


​A. What is negative space (explain this concept to a fourth grader that has never heard of it)

A negative space drawing, is an outline of an object or someone. It is opposite of a silhouette. The negative space is outside and positive space is inside.

B. Explain how you found negative space in 1. your cut out?, 2. in your stool drawing?

Negative space in my cut out was, the blue. The pink is the background that touches with the edge of the negative space. In my stool drawing i found the negative space by the outline of the object that i drew. Outside of the outline that was the negative space.

C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?

Negative space helps artists because they can focus on one side, and come out with two. It can make things more attention grabbing.

D. How is negative space useful in creating art?

Negative space is useful in art, by sometimes making drawings two dimensional and more interesting.
still life
still life
cut out
cut out

Negative Space Drawings

  • A. What is negative space (explain this concept to a fourth grader that has never heard of it)
  • = Negative space is something that is an illusion of something. It's when the surrounded space helps a object to reflect even though it's not meant to be drawn out. The use of negative space is a key element of artistic composition.
  • B. Explain how you found negative space in 1. your cut out?, 2. in your stool drawing?
  • =  I have found my negative space in my first drawing while I was cutting out the squares of the trees. I started to notice that one side is going to reflect another if I cut the opposite of each other and keep the cutout papers. Then glue it to the opposite sides with it's opposite face and it'll be shown as negative space drawing. Then in my second drawing, I have shaded the full page except keeping the filled where I wanted to reflect a bottle. I drew it in some ways that no one notices its a bottle but the shade helps it notice that it's a bottle without actually drawing it out. 
  • C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?
  • =It helps an artist to use negative space because they can play with other's illusion and make many things out of it. They show that negative space can be drawn out where other possibilities aren't present.
  • D. How is negative space useful in creating art?
  • = Negative space is useful creating art because sometimes it can show two drawings inside of one another. They can show what other things can be meant in a  drawing. The artist can include many things inside one drawing and the viewer can view it in different perspective but still will find the same or different. That['s the power of negative space. 

Negative Spaces

A. Negative space is empty space, it is usually white. 
B. When I was doing my cut out with construction paper I found out the negative space was the paper I was cutting. Moreover, when I was drawing the stool I found the coloring around the white space made it negative space. 
C. Negative space is used to organize or make the drawing more balance and clean. It also compliments the subject. It defines the drawing and again, makes it cleaner looking. 
D. Negative spacing in art is useful, because the negative space outlines the idea. Meaning, there is enough subject where the negative stands out, which helps to define the object. It keeps it creative and different. 

Quarter 4 Reflection 5

Quarter 4 Reflection 5        May 16th, 2014

Zack Hersh       Señorita Manuel

¿Quién se Enfrentará a Corbett en las Elecciones Generales?

por Ana Gamboa

¿Quién se enfrentará a Corbett en las elecciones generales? Esa es la pregunta como las elecciones primarias estan se acercando muy rápido. El dia de las elecciones primarias es este Martes, el veinte de Mayo. Muchas gente alrededor del ciudad de Filadelfia va a salir y votando para quien ellos piensan es el mejor candidato democrático a gobernador del estado de Pennsylvania. Hay cuatro personas quien candidato a gobernador: Tom Wolfe, Rob McCord, Allyson Schwartz, y Katie McGinty. Todos son candidatos buenos, pero por el momento Tom Wolfe es favorito para ganar, basado en las últimas encuestas. La pregunta es, ¿puede alguno de ellos ganar contra del actual Gobierno de Pennsylvania?  El gobierno de Pennsylvania es un hombre se llama Tom Corbett. Él es un republicano quien ha estado en oficina para los cuatro años pasados, y está candidato a la reelección. Yo pienso que el candidato mejor sería el uno que tiene la mejor oportunidad a ganando contra de Corbett; pienso que no significa que demócrata gana, solo que es un demócrata. Ahorita, pienso que, y mucha gente está de acuerdo conmigo, el estado es un desastre gracias a él.

Palabras: 215

Negative Space Reflection

  • A. What is negative space?
The object in a drawing is the subject. For example, if you are drawing a plastic bottle, the plastic bottle is the subject. The negative space is the area around the subject, also known as the background.

  • B. Explain how you found negative space in 1. your cut out?, 2. in your still-life drawing?
  1. I found negative space in my cut out by cutting along the edges of where the two shades of gray met on the template. When I glued the pink pieces of paper onto the green piece, the green paper was the negative space.
  2.  In my still life drawing, I found negative space by sketching the edges of the water bottle (where the subject touches the background), and then coloring the outside of that shape in black sharpie.

  • C. Why does it help an artist to see in negative space?
If I am struggling to draw an object, I can draw the space around it (the negative space). Focusing on the negative space around the object more than the subject makes the drawing look more realistic and accurate.

  • D. How is negative space useful in creating art?
Drawing negative space gives art a different look without making the subject unrecognizable. Instead of shading and coloring details inside the subject, an artist can boldly shade the background all in one color. Drawing negative space is similar to drawing with a different perspective.
Even if an artist draws the negative space and the subject, looking at both makes difficult parts of a drawing easier to complete, and the entire drawings looks more realistic and to scale.
negative space drawing 001(1)
negative space drawing 001(1)
negative space drawing 002(1)
negative space drawing 002(1)

Reflection and Drawings

A. Negative space will be the white space in the drawing, possibly black. It creates an image without actually drawing the item. It makes drawings more accurate and pretty!

B. In my cut out drawing the negative space is created using the paper, in which was cut. The background created the foreground for the image, so when the paper was glued down in made the bat/bird image. For the stool drawing the negative space was established by the colors. The colors in the background and the pockets of colors allowed the stool to come to life. 

C. It helps an artist to see in negative space, because the drawing becomes more accurate and aesthetically pleasing drawing.

D. It allows their mind to think different, and focus on what is not there; it makes everything more complex and interesting. 
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1000x1000 (1)