1 Slide Presentation

1 personality slide

For my slide, I decided to incorporate all of the things that I like most. I chose to have purple as the color scheme because it is my favorite color. I have one main color as my background, plus lighter and darker versions of this color for the design and text. I have the text describing my interests surrounding my name in the center to give the slide symmetry. I chose to do the colorblocked corners to give contrast and in a simplistic form. I did try to keep it as simple as possible so it wasn’t too much for the eyes. I used shape while creating the pale purple bands of color around the edge and the darker purple corners that bleed off of the slide. I used balance in the sense of symmetry in my words and shapes. I used emphasis to make my name the focal point, then the words around it. I also used large text and bright colors to really pull it all together and make it visible, just as it would appear on a billboard. Similarly to the emphasis of the page, I used the rule of thirds to draw attention to my name.

Me Magazine One Slide

Me Magazine One Slide

I started off the slide by choosing the background. It was a simple bright red to contrast the white / grey “Me Magazine” text and to emphasize it more. I then decided in my head to choose a theme. This would be silhouettes that generalized the most important aspects of the Me Magazine. I found a black martial arts silhouette and placed it right below the text on the slide. I made it the biggest silhouette to draw attention towards it because it was my passion and the highlight of my life. I then found a black silhouette of a man taking a picture / video to represent the event in my life that released my creativity. I made it the smallest and put it in the corners of the screen because it isn’t as important as the other aspects. The last silhouette was a school boy and I place him between both of the other silhouettes. It was the middle height because it wasn’t as important as my passion and it was more important than the event. I lastly reflected both across the slide to provide repetition. I lastly placed two wind gust silhouettes beside the text to emphasize it more. My slide was very simplistic so that people could look at it for a very short amount of time and understand the message of the slide.

My Life

My life_

I chose this design because I like beaches and seashells. The spirals remind me of waves and seashells. I wrote who I am as a person. Don't judge me that I have autism and ADHD because it's hard to learn sometimes. And sometimes I get distracted which is bad because I lose focus and be so silly that it is hard for others to concentrate on their work.

Night Time Monologue

I don’t want to be here right now. Not now and not ever. This is the 7th sleepover I’ve been invited to. I had a way out every other time, until now. (She says with frustration). I still got my list of excuses: a family member died, early doctor’s appointment tomorrow, I’m sick, dog died, and my favorite: throwing mom under the bus and saying she’s making me finish all my homework. But my good old mother just had to rat me out this time. (Sighs and laughs.) She told Lucy’s mom I was free tonight! (Shakes head.) And now I’m stuck here and I can’t even have fun. I want to, I really do. But it’s just eating away at me.

It’s midnight. (Looks towards window.) It’s really dark out. They already watched movies, chugged gatorades, and they just finished the final round of truth or dare. One of them just curled up on the couch with a blanket! Soon they’ll be sleeping. First one will drift off, then the next. I’m not worried about a sharpie mustache on my face. No. I can’t sleep. I just can’t fall asleep. If I do, my friendships will all be ruined. They’ll know, the secret will be out. That I’m a freak. A weirdo who wakes up almost every night in tears, unable to breath, shaking, sometimes screaming. It’s the terrors, the night terrors.

They started a year ago. Every night, it’s the same god damn thing. The same image, the same person haunting me. It’s a never ending nightmare, but worse. I just can’t fall asleep. Lucy, Olivia, Emma--they all won’t like me anymore. They won’t know what to do with me, or how to help. (Tone switches to hopeful.) I mean maybe, maybe if they see me like that, maybe I won’t get another invite. Then I’ll be in the clear! (Frowns.) But, no. They’ll still know. I mean, I’ve dealt with it long enough. None of my friends know, I’ve kept it to myself. If people know they’ll just ask too many questions. (Shakily.) I’m tired of all the questions. (Sighs and tears up.)

He hit me. He beat me. He made me feel so worthless. My mom’s boyfriend. (Screams) He hurt me. (In a more exhausted tone.) And I’ll never forget it. He’ll never let me forget it. He’s gone now; he’s been gone since I told my mom. But now, look what I have to deal with. Every night he’s there. In the darkness he comes. I don’t know how to make him leave. I just want my life back, I want to be normal. I want to go to sleepovers, I want to sleep a full night through. I just want it to be over!

Maybe there’s only one way to get rid of him. I need to be stronger. I need to tell people, and stop hiding. The more secrets I keep, the more I go through this alone, it won’t ever stop. He’ll always have power over me. I won’t be safe or free until I finally let people in. It’s just so scary. I don’t know how they’ll feel, or what they’ll say. But I have to get help, I can’t keep greeting each night like this! Maybe if I tell people, get help--maybe I’ll finally get some power. I can make him go away. Just maybe. I want to be normal. (Burrows further into sleeping bag and rubs eyes.) I want my life back. (Yawns.) Maybe tonight, maybe for once in my life, the only thing I’ll find in the darkness, is night time. Maybe.

Me in one slide

Me in one slide (1)
I chose this picture to represent me for a couple of reasons. One is that really like this quote. I believe that you shouldn’t worry what other people style is. Your own style is more and important for you to really appreciate yourself. Another reason I made my picture like this is because black and white are one of the best colors to go together. On one site the author said that black is know as a powerful color while white is know to be more peaceful. They are opposites yes, but sometimes opposites attract which is what is happening here. Because instead of fighting for power, black and white contrast. In other words, contrast creates completion. Another way is the spot the quote is located. In the video of composition, one of the the tips is to have your main idea in a corner of a cross frame. I also made the words as big as I can that isn’t obnoxious. This helps the reader be able to read the quote with no problem. Lastly, I made the quote short and sweet so if they were driving by in a car, they can read it before it passes them.

Ethan Chen Slide Design

Slide Design

So for my me magazine I talk a lot about my passion with cars especially drifting and rally driving. So what I decided to have in my slide design is to have a visual of a car drifting because The Presentation Zen stated that we humans notice compelling images and also we can easily remember visuals. What Presentation Zen also taught me is to have only one point because if you put too much information, the reader gets bored of reading it and just pass. Also the audience wouldn’t be able to remember it all in less than 5 seconds because there’s too many words and we humans can remember things visually better than reading. So I decided to keep it short, a way for the audience to remember, understand that I am a very passion about cars, and make is humorous. I decided to use the word skrt skrt because it a common slang term for cars that is drifting on the road which is a perfect thing on my slide. I also play with the moment of my two words. I decided to have the word follow that car path so I organize the font in a way to make the words lead up to the car. What I also play around with the words is the font size and the color. For size, I wanted to have like a sort of noise effect like the closer the word is to the car, the more loud it is which I demonstrated by increasing the size of the word near the car. Then vice versa for the word father away from the car because the sound is now softer. I wanted the word to stand out from the light brown dirt from my background image of the car so the reader can easily see the word and also have this contrast of warm and cool colors. While doing further research, I found about the wheel of color which was a helpful tool to help find the right colors. To make my text stand out from the light brown, I use complementary colors which are colors that are directly opposite from each other and are useful when you want to make colors stand out. So I use the wheel of colors to find out the complementary color of light brown which is light blue. Finally, the light brown is a warm color and the light blue is a cool color to make a good contrast.     

"Me" slide

For my slide, I decided to use four elements of design. I used bleeding, contrast, empty space, and the rule of thirds. The element of bleeding is when the picture doesn’t fit on the slide. I decided to use this element because it was a nice way to save space and make the slide more organized.  I used the rule of thirds so the first thing you see is the picture and then it will guide you to the text which it will be related to the picture. Following the rule of thirds, I added the empty space element so it creates a clean background and focuses on the text and the picture. 
The empty space makes the colors contrast. It makes the colors contrast together in a way that you can focus on both of the colors. Only that one of them reflects better than the other.

ME (1)
The critiques I received were mainly about how I could use the space on my slide. They helped me a lot, so I decided to get delete the pencil because it doesn't seem to relate to the theme of the slide. I changed the position of the turtle, instead of just showing half of the turtle, I'm showing more of its head than its tail. I also made the word "ME" bigger and change the font. Some sources I used to make my slide better where the Zen Presentation and the IKEA article. 

Sam Friedman-Vegetarianism

Tech Design Slide

Sam: This collaboration of images you see before you are all related to Vegetarianism. I have been a vegetarian for my whole life, it has affected my life in the following ways, the way I interact with people, my options, and the way I think about animals. I chose to add these images also because they are colorful, Also these are all images of things that I see pretty often. I also chose to have a balance of color between white and color. I also chose to make it multiple images because I am more than one image.

It affects the way I interact with people because people always ask “oh you're a vegetarian” or “you're a vegetarian, how!”, and that's what people mostly talk about when they find out.

The way it affects my options because when I go out to dinner there might not be vegetarian options, or when I'm in the school lunch line there might not always be a meal ready or at all.

Lastly it affects my opinions on animal cruelty, and meat in general. I think that It is important that we conserve animals, because they have feelings too, also no offense if you like meat but just how you might think my vegetarian food is gross, I think that meat is gross.

In conclusion those are just some ways it's like to be a vegetarian.

Tech One Slide

Fionn Hyland


Red Stream

The slide

    I made my slide the way it is because I put thought and research into it. In my slide there is a map in the background I decided to put the map in the background because people can look at the map just by looking at it it does not take time to look at it. I decided to say places I have been as the title was because I thought it was short and to the point but I also decided to do that because of my research. In the article presentation zen in the section glance media they mentioned that people will not slow down to look at something that takes time to read they will not slow down to read something that does not take forever to read. I decided to put the country’s I have been to in different colors because I thought that it made the country’s pop but I also did it because of my research. I research I used was presentation zen and it was in the same section of the article glance media in that section it said when people slow down they notice a few things but one of them was color so I put some color in there.

Screenshot 2017-11-21 at 8.46.52 AM
Screenshot 2017-11-21 at 8.46.52 AM

Tech Presentation-One Slide

I learned that I could do more research about the design about my slide. I could mess around with the theme and colors for my text. They also asked why I chose my font. I chose my font because most lawyers use Times New Roman and I want to be a lawyer.

The changes I made was changing the theme and color. I made the theme a basic black background as to not distract anything from the text. I also made the text red instead of orange since it is my favorite color combination and it contrasts well with the black background. Lastly I centered the words instead of having it off to the left. 

My research told me that using few words in a slide is valuable, but I feel as though for a slide about me I can not be described in few words. I decided to have my name as the center piece since the eyes will go to my name first and then move around to the rest of my slide. 

I used sources such as businesstutsplus.com and pcworld.com to help me understand how to make colors pop and what colors to use.

Tech Presentation (3)

Art Q1 Portfolio (ReDo)

This is my portfolio, containing my artwork from Quarter 1. It contains all three art assignments from the quarter: the ceiling tile, the Autumn and/or Halloween-related wall hanging, and my self-portrait. With these projects, I generally (with the exception of the last one - the self portrait) had a Scotland-related theme. While this was not purposeful, it certainly is a nice feature.

My first piece of art is my ceiling tile. It features the Scottish Saltire with a thistle in the middle. Above the thistle is a Royal Scots Dragoon Guards medallion. The words say "Saor Alba". I originally had a more complicated design in mind, but then I realized I would not have the time to sketch it all out.

The next one was an art project where we had to make a wall hanging that was fall-related. For my work, I created a fall scene combining elements of rural living in Scotland and rural living in the Appalachian.

The final work for the portfolio is a self portrait. I used past shading techniques that I had learned to make it look realistic and really look like me.

Artist Statement

This marking period in art, created multiple projects. They include: a ceiling tile, a fall wall hanging and a self portrait. 

For the ceiling tile, I️ wanted to create something that meant something to me. When I️ was younger, I️ immigrated form then Dominican Republic to the United States at the age of 3. I️ left my younger brother and my mother behind and lived with my older brother and father and we all shared one TV. One of my oldest memories are of me watching the show Care Bears. I️ took that as inspiration and painted a care bear on my ceiling tile. I️ used acrylic paint. 

For my fall hanging, I️ drew a cartoon of Minnie and Mickey Mouse, my favorite characters as a kid. They were picking up acorns besides a tree. I️ crumpled up green pieces of paper to make the top of the tree look more realistic one would say. To tie my work all together I️ a book like joke and when you open the piece of paper the answer to the joke was inside. I️ wanted to include many different parts to make my work as creative as possible.

The last piece of art we worked on this quarter was our self portrait. For my self portrait I️ decided not to use color. I️ too I️ more simple route and sketched myself, adding more details on my eyes and hair, which was meant to highlight my two favorite features about me. 

As this school year progresses, I️ would like to work on trying to express myself through art, to a point where I️ wouldn’t even need to explain myself, people would already know what message I am trying to convey. 

Artist Statement

This marking period in art, created multiple projects. They include: a ceiling tile, a fall wall hanging and a self portrait. 

For the ceiling tile, I️ wanted to create something that meant something to me. When I️ was younger, I️ immigrated form then Dominican Republic to the United States at the age of 3. I️ left my younger brother and my mother behind and lived with my older brother and father and we all shared one TV. One of my oldest memories are of me watching the show Care Bears. I️ took that as inspiration and painted a care bear on my ceiling tile. I️ used acrylic paint. 

For my fall hanging, I️ drew a cartoon of Minnie and Mickey Mouse, my favorite characters as a kid. They were picking up acorns besides a tree. I️ crumpled up green pieces of paper to make the top of the tree look more realistic one would say. To tie my work all together I️ a book like joke and when you open the piece of paper the answer to the joke was inside. I️ wanted to include many different parts to make my work as creative as possible.

The last piece of art we worked on this quarter was our self portrait. For my self portrait I️ decided not to use color. I️ too I️ more simple route and sketched myself, adding more details on my eyes and hair, which was meant to highlight my two favorite features about me. 

As this school year progresses, I️ would like to work on trying to express myself through art, to a point where I️ wouldn’t even need to explain myself, people would already know what message I am trying to convey. 

Q1 Final Projects

Throughout this quarter us students were assigned three major pieces of artwork. Everyone's favorite piece was the ceiling tile because we were able to display our work in the school for every student and staff to see. With every assignment my idea for it was very last minute because the many ideas I would have ahead of time didn't suit me.  
For my ceiling tile I did an outline of an butterfly then I splattered paint over it. I used a technique seen before by my sibling which I put paint on the brush and glided my finger across the brush so spots will appear on the tile. I paint the butterfly black. For the splatter paint I mixed dark color with white so they will become like pastel colors such as lavender.
During my studio time I was at first complete some missed assignment for my other classes then get started on my pieces. While completing those missed assignments it gave me time to brainstorm on what methods I should use or what my product should even be. I can admit that I missed one period of studio to partake in something else involved with school. So I had to make up for it with my results for that piece.
With making any piece of form of art, it is very time consuming. you have to be prepare with your ideas and materials. A piece of art should always having meaning to you. Because why put all your time and effort into something and I not have noting to do with it.

Q1 Final Project

For my ceiling tile, I used a mix of several acrylic paints to create a muted background and then painted the design in black. The hardest part about this was getting the mixture just right and that took almost an entire class period. I couldn't really decide what to paint, so I just used a drawing in my sketchbook. It depicts a sad crow boy sitting underneath a dead tree.
For my fall wall hanging I drew a possessed scarecrow in a moonlit cornfield. I used pencil for the line work and colored it with colored pencil. To give it a sort of darker look, I decided to leave it rough instead of cleaning it up and inking it like I originally planned (and totally not because I ran out of time).
For my self portrait, I decided to once again go with the rougher style and used mostly pencil and a bit of charcoal to give myself a disheveled appearance. The little guy on my head is supposedly a representation of my darker thoughts. This was drawn on 18x24" paper.