Robbie McCormac English Benchmark

Script bellow 

Robbie McCormac Benchmark Script 10/21/12


Bateman(Calmly)- “Come on in Paul I have been dying to show you around my apartment.” I have a very modern upscale apartment right in the heart of New York City I love being showvnistic about it especially since all Paul talk’s about is wanting to live here.

Paul(Walking around the house)- “Wow Bateman I’m truly In pressed” He stares at the the Polo rug I have sitting by the T.V.(Sit’s at counter) “Any good channels to watch?”

Bateman- Cinemax and HBO something you don’t know about I say smuggle in my head. “Yes you can put on HBO if you’d like, Do you want anything to drink?”

Paul- “Can you make me a Vodka with Cranberry?”

Bateman(Laughing to himself)- I knew he was a bitch but really a vodka and cranberry? “Yes of course I can let’s go to the outside bar though.”


Paul(Sitting at chair relaxed)- “You really have it good out here Bateman , Your own little private peace of the American Dream.”

Bateman( At the bar making the drink) “Yes I suppose so Paul but Isolation start’s to slowly consume you, It’s a very odd feeling” (Notices an ax by the side of the wet bar)

Paul( Staring at my Louise vitton chair’s) “I’m sure everything will be fine with that Bateman we all have been there, work start’s to make you go a little insane ahah right?”

Bateman(Smiling) “Yes I would agree with that Paul I really would”

Paul (turning on the outside TV) “Amazing you get HBO outside here too? Simply perfect.”

Bateman( Hand’s drink over) “Here you go Paul your drink’s done.”

Paul- “Thank you.”

Bateman(At the bar Pouring himself scotch),(Put’s a rain Jacket on and pick’s up the AX) “Paul, Paul, Paul I don’t know about you but I hate work so goddamn much it’s a pain in the ass, And I dread seeing the same low life scum’s everyday. In fact let’s change that right now.” ( Goes run’s at Paul and put’s the ax in his head)

Bateman (Staring at the body) “Goddamn it there’s blood on my Ralph Lauren chair. THANKS PAUL.” No matter I have business to attend to.



In order to say the alphabet in spanish you have to know:
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Here is a video of Felix saying the spanish alphabet: 

Brownlee, Q1 Benchmark, Eve

Eve - Iris Johansen
     The book that I will be using for the Q1 English Benchmark is Eve by Iris Johansen. I will be using an art piece as a representation of the book. the reason that I chose an art piece to represent the project instead of any other means is because, in my opinion, the book is veritably visual. There are also many symbols that are repeated a couple of times.

To represent

Fiery hair
Eves passion and a physical attribute of hers
Skeletal baby

Different sketch ideas
- Eve breastfeeding a baby skull
- Eve sitting head turned toward the audience (viewers of the sketch) holding a pile of bones, or clutching her pregnant belly which is a bone x-ray of a baby.
- Eve and Cassandra at the park and them searching (looking panicked) frantically for Bonnie (crowded blurred figures passing)
- John Gallo in a very dark place with a vision of Bonnie (reaching out to her).

- Plan out the sketches.
- Start have a really rough sketch (blueprint)

10/20/12 - 10/21/12
- Start the draft sketches
- Buy the supplies
    Though this is only one painting and has few things on it it represents a whole lot in the book. This central piece (two skulls) is the main focus because its the main thing the book involves. One of the main characters - Eve Duncan - is a forensics sculptor and has to be around skulls during work and 'normal' living. The next main character - John Gallo - has dealt with so much hardship and death in his life.
The halo - yes it is a halo- over one of the skull is supposed to show that victims are noticed and the crimes are brought to light. It also shows that some people do experience joy and ecstasy because of the murders.
    The plaid blanket helps to show the bond - wanted or not - between John Gallo, Eve Duncan, and Bonnie. The colors aren't just random, it's to show the many different feelings between them.
    The color scheme represents the variety of feelings and the bond between them. I had not done named a specific emotion to each color for a reason. Its up to the viewers to decide what colors represent what emotions.

Reflection -
    During this project I had had a hard time deciding what to paint. Something I would be able to do but would represent a lot. I am - In my opinion - fairly talented at drawing, though not so much when it comes to painting. So even though it looks like not so much time was put into it, it had taken a while to do.  I also have a smaller version of the project in my sketchbook where I had planned most of the painting out. I had also experimented with what colors would be the best. and most of the colors I used were not just for no reason.
    Over the course of the week I had changed the ideas a bit, and sketched out different versions. The final took one or two days to paint. The whole project took the course of the week.
    If I were to do this project again, then I would choose to do an abstract piece. I find that its easier to represent emotion and themes with abstract art.

- I do not have a digital picture of the final version because it is at school already.

What's you're Birthday?

​What's you're Birthday?

In order to ask someones birthday and age you have to know:
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Here is a video of Carlos asking tinker bell how old she is and when is her birthday: 



In order to know how to speak informal and formal you have to know:
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Here is a video of Carlos being told how to respectfully address an adult or elderly person: