

All black scenery

Setting is a church. 

It was raining, inside. 

No umbrellas. 

Battle cries of

young and old. 

Makeup and thoughts,


There was no color, but 

the flowers. 

There was a count of everyone.

There was some one missing. 

He said he could do anything. 

He said he can make miracles. 

He said nothing happens without

a reason.

He said that he is always there.

Yet He is missing. 

Calc Quiz

​For once I don't think i bombed a math quiz, it's an awesome feeling. On top of that and on an unrelated note I get to go on a trip up the mountains tomorrow and that should be awesome too. I need to use the word awesome some more, I MUST FIND MORE AWSOME THINGS!!!


It felt good to go out there tonight against them Nationals. I can't beLEEve I had 13 k's which tied my record and also a club record! Hopefully Roy Os. goes out and pitches his butt off. (we'll see)... Well, time to watch our close neighbors the Flyers!

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Screen shot 2011-04-14 at 9.50.54 PM

More good news...

So for the past week I have been applying to jobs because I felt that I would need something to do until the Summer. After a few days with no replies, I decided to give up. On Sunday I began to make a list of all the local stores around my way that were hiring, my list narrowed down to Staples and Target. After applying on Sunday, I didn't expect to get a call back from either, in fact I didn't. Today for some reason I felt like I should call one of the stores to check on my application. I decided to call the store closer to my home, Staples. While on the phone, I asked for the manager, he asked for my name, but he couldn't find my application. After five minutes or so he figured out that he was looking for "DaPonte" instead of "DaVonte", once he found my application he asked me a few questions about my school. Then to my surprise he said, "How would you like to come tomorrow for an interview?".  My instant response was of course. Then he said, "See you tomorrow at 5...". 

Best Day... So Far

So today I received some of the best news while in school. I received an email to my cellphone which read "FWD: Emma Bowen". About several months ago I'd applied to an paid internship/scholarship, where I would work at a television station: NBC, CBS, ABC, HBO, Comcast, or A&E every summer until I graduate from college. The paid internship would also give me $10,000 a year for college. While in college I plan on majoring in Broadcasting, and something else along the lines of digital media, so this internship would be perfect. Well, today when I received the email, I expected to read a paragraph telling me that I should apply again next year. But to my surprise, the email read: Congratulations! You have been selected for a phone interview on Saturday , April 16th@ 9:30am. "

our wall

Is there meaning in the words I never say?

Do they have to be spoken to matter at all

I mean, you’re the one I think about all day

But there is always this damn wall in the way


It might seem like I’m a slow typer

But maybe I just delete what I was gonna say

Sometimes, I tend to get too hyper

Carried away with this feeling, how I feel for you


And there is always something wrong with me

I can write, but hell I can’t sing

But you say to let it be

But sometimes, I know your lying



Is there meaning in the words I never say?

Do they have to be spoken to matter at all

I mean, you’re the one I think about all day

But there is always this damn wall in the way


When you say its nothing

And I know Its something

When I say I want to be there for you

And you don’t need my help

What am I supposed to do


We have the kind of love that makes people puke

But when we have a disagreement its like a nuke  

And I don’t want to fight at all

So here I am, trying to break this wall


And I may have words, I don’t say

And that wont change, not ever, not today

But I’ll still fight forever for you




Is there meaning in the words I never say?

Do they have to be spoken to matter at all

I mean, you’re the one I think about all day

But there is always this damn wall in the way


Always, this damn wall


"El Bola" Proyecto

Here are two wanted posters made by me looking for two characters in the movie "El Bola". These posters refer to the child abuse in the movie. Asking the viewer if they have seen either of these people, so that they can be found and saved or brought into custody.
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Screen shot 2011-04-14 at 2.31.06 PM


So it's crazy. I was just sitting here in my E Band class thinking okay I think I will be okay. I'm caught up on everything. And I don't think I missing anything from none of my classes. I'm sitting here each class passing through my mind so I can think about whether or not I'm missing something or have anything I need to make up. The name Mr. Chase pops into my head and the word DAMN! comes out of my mouth. It just hit me that I forgot all about writing my daily stories and I start to shake my head. I just say to myself "Let's get it together Deja". Now here I am trying to get back on track with that.

What I did Today

-Woke up
-Got dressed
- Morning commute with mom
- Went to bakery
- Arrived at school
- Socialized
- Finished work for Urban Ecology
- Finished class work for globalization
- Socialized
- Read some funny stories
- Socialized
-Thought about studying for math quiz
- Cat nap
- Just failed math quiz

Go To Sleep

My puppy is so overprotective of my nephew. Last night I finally put my nephew to sleep and he has a cold so it was a little hard for him to breathe he snored a little. Every time he snored my puppy barked which woke him up. I would put him back to sleep then my puppy did it again. We went the whole night playing this game.

SLA 10th Graders Write Plays about Hope, Resistance, & Change

10th Graders have been working with Kate McGrath from Philadelphia Young Playwrights on a five month playwrighting project. During this time students researched Enlightenment Philosophers and investigated the evolution of ideas of human rights. Then students choose an issue and a location to focus on. They researched and began crafting monologues that focused on one or more of our essential questions:

1) How do people find hope in the face of struggle?
2) How do people find ways to resist power?
3) How does individual change happen?

Throughout the winter students wrote, revised, heard their work out loud, got feedback, wrote, revised, heard their work out loud, got feedback…

The finished plays are the product of many, many hours of hard work.

See the completed plays and videos by clicking here.

This whole process could not have succeeded without the tireless efforts of Kate McGrath, play advisor extraordinaire. Thanks Kate!