
You know what I rediscovered? Coloring books. They are awesome. All my childhood fun has come rushing back to me. I got two coloring books for my birthday along with a pack of colored pencils. I was home last night coloring in my fairy coloring book and was having a blast. I get such a fulfillment from coloring inside the lines. It's great now because I can easily stay within the lines, but when I was younger it was hard for me to meet this fulfillment because I was quite uncoordinated with coloring (like many kids are).


You know what I rediscovered? Coloring books. They are awesome. All my childhood fun has come rushing back to me. I got two coloring books for my birthday along with a pack of colored pencils. I was home last night coloring in my fairy coloring book and was having a blast. I get such a fulfillment from coloring inside the lines. It's great now because I can easily stay within the lines, but when I was younger it was hard for me to meet this fulfillment because I was quite uncoordinated with coloring (like many kids are).

We're All Different

My family is extremely diverse - to the point where, if you were walking by, you would probably mistake it for a group of strangers congregating in the park, rather than a family picnic. These are my cousins Sydney and Cameron, who, despite our physical differences, we are related.
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The Role of Women in America in the 1920s- a photo story by Gina Dukes

NOTE: ** Photos are below citations and may take a few seconds to appear.

​My Citations: 

*Web. 18 Mar 2011. <>.

*"Votes for Women." Web. 18 Mar 2011. <>.

*"National Suffrage ." Web. 18 Mar 2011. <>.

*"Women protesting." Web. 18 Mar 2011. < A_group_of_women_on_the_sidewalk,_June_3,_1920.png>.

*"Mabel Vernon Addressing Crowd at Van Buren Street and Michigan Avenue." Web. 18 Mar 2011. <>.

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The role of women in the world today- a photo story by Gina Dukes

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Hilary Clinton runs for United States president

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Women in Advertisement 

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Bride burning in the Middle East

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Afghan women fight for protection rights

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The future 

My Citations:

"Hillary Clinton, posing at a Milwaukee diner Sunday, stresses her mastery of issues, while her rival advances for his charisma.." Clinton's struggle vexes feminists. Web. 18 Mar 2011. <>.

*"After two years of abuse, Mariam fled and sought help from the police." Protecting Afghan Women . Web. 18 Mar 2011. <>.

*Ansar Burney Trust-Violence against Women. Web. 18 Mar 2011. <>.

*"Dolce and Gabbana." Ansar Burney Trust-Violence against Women. Web. 18 Mar 2011. <>.

*"First Lady Michelle Obama." Ansar Burney Trust-Violence against Women. Web. 18 Mar 2011. <>.


Can I live in your pocket? I want you to tote me around, unseen. You can pull me out whenever you need me. I'll be there to help you if you get into trouble or comfort you when you're sad. You can tell me all of your secrets because you know I won't judge you. When you're out with your friends I can just curl up in a ball and fall asleep safely at your side. You don't need to give me attention all day every day, I just need you to make me feel special every once in a while. Just feed me and take good care of me and I'll always be your best friend.