
If you look at me then my half sister Zoe, you could tell there was some resemblance but not really. At 11 years old she is already as tall as me if not taller. Her eyes are small but round going with the cat green color of them, my own are brown and almond shape. She has a heart shaped face while I have been told my face is rounder. My hair is longer, dark with a odd mixture of waves and curls. Zoe's on the other hand hits around her chin, has a gold color to it and is extremely curly.
 Even outside our looks is completely different. We have very different personalities to the extreme. How to simply condense down are major differences? Well she is off the wall, loud, bubbly, toughness 24/7. Though I can be loud at times I am actually quiet and reserved, out side of it and it plays up more in comparisons to her. If you put the two of us in a room she would run around while I write or read a book.

 The list of our personality, likes, actions, even our appearances differences continues to grow. To some degree it makes me wonder why did I wish for a little sister. But then again it doesn't. I adore Zoe more then anyone. Since we were little I always dotted upon her and cared for her. I use her as an inspiration to work hard so that she has a good role model to look up to. Even if we don't get to see one another often I always let her know where to find me so she can have me to talk to and get support from. Never would I let her down because we are sisters.

Sierra Dinvil

Doing this project I learned that procrastination is really bad. When you procrastinate you get less done and your final project won't be the best that it could be. Even though I feel like in some areas I could have done better, overall I'm proud of my project. If I were to do this project over however, I would use my class time more effectively since we were given several class periods to do it. I liked this project because it helped me learn my vocab words by applying it into a short story.

Spanish 2 Project: Daily Routines

 For the third quarter, I was assigned a project where I present to you a typical day in my life. This project was done over a three week period, where we created lines for us to act out, and edit with our peers. After our lines were edited, we were then able to record and create a video. In my video, I present to you my self preforming each part of my day, with a spanish voice over and subtitles. 

  I learned a lot from doing this project, both Spanish, and things that can be applied outside of class. One thing I learned was managing time once given an extension. Sure, the extension's great while it last, till very last minute you're panicking over the project. I learned a lot of Spanish from this. I can describe my day pretty well, and congregate these terms well after doing this. 

  Like most project I do, I like and dislike it. On one side I dislike it, because I feel as if I could have done so much more with it, like many other projects that I've done. On the other hand, I'm happy with the end result, which is a piece which presents my day with accurate Spanish and silly faces. 

  If I were given a second opportunity to do this project, I'd defiantly redo a lot of things. I'd add more parts of my day, better lighting, more creative elements…. I could make a list of things I'd like to do differently. Haha. 

I enjoyed this project. It was fun. I got to go over my daily routine in Spanish, and create a video showing it! Sure, so parts of my final product were a bit sloppy, but it was pretty enjoyable doing. It had me actually think about why I do certain things each day.

Due to me not being able to access the link where I place my dropbox final, the link's right here.:

A Human's Worth

He asked me, "Do you know how big the universe is?" 

I thought about it. I only understood that it was larger than I could ever expect. 

So many people don't understand how unimportant they are in this universe. 

He said, "The only thing that makes you worth anything is making someone else happy." 

mi rutina diaria

In this project I learned how to conjugate more and put sentences together properly. In my final project I think my pronunciation and verbs were used correctly that was the most important thing to me. My design being okay was a bonus.
If I could do this project differently I would get better pictures and have words on my imovie. I wouldn't change anything I did in my process I followed and did everything I had to do.
I think this project was okay. I feel like since we had so much other work it took away from me enjoying it and having a different final project.

A Weak week.

​I missed three days of a three day week because I was sick. Good news is i'm better now... just in time for it to be the weekend. The childish side of me rejoices while the side of me that recognizes I desperately need to go to school to make up standards is crying.

Vincent Russell La rutina dia

What did you learn from doing this project? (skills, life lessons, words etc) 


I learned a lot in this project. Using iMovie helped me get a better feel for the program and to use it to what I needed to do. Also, I now have a better understanding on the spanish actions and words.


How do you feel about your final product?


I feel as though my project was simple and to the point. It could have been a little more complex or specefic but I'm happy with my final product.


If you could do your project all over again, what would you do differently/the same?


If I was to do this again I would manage my time more and know what I needed to record before I recorded. That was the main issue for me but overall nothing else.


Did you enjoy this project? Why or why not?


Yes, I enjoyed this project because you had freedom on what you wanted to teach or make a video on. Also, If I ever need to teach someone this or refresh my memory, I have a video on exactly what the actions are in Spanish.

Staircase Suicides (for 2/24)

"Okay, run from the first floor up to the second floor, back down to the first floor, then up to the third floor, then back down to the first floor, then up to the fifth floor, and finally back down to the first floor."

My eyes widened in surprise.


I stepped onto the first step but my legs wouldn't move. He chuckled and gave me a motivational push.

"Come on LeLe, you can do this; let's go."

I sighed. Forget about a healthy lifestyle; prom better be worth this.

Vampire Dreaming

Giana woke up with the sun shining down. Today would be a good day, she promised herself that it would. How could it not be? So, she got ready for school, ate breakfast and walked out of the door. School passed by without fault, in fact she had gotten her English test back with a big, red "A" on it. She did A Cappella after school and started to head home around five. It was dark, chilly and there were storm clouds high above her. How had the day gotten so gloomy? She didn't mind, really. If it happened to rain, well, she loved the rain as much as she loved the sunshine.
Then the rain started to fall and drench Giana's clothes, bounce off of the tip of her nose and saturate her head causing her straight brown hair to wave and clump together. She looked like a wet dog; she didn't care. She strolled to the middle of the street and spun in circles, holding her face up toward the sky and smiling as the drops of cool liquid hit fell across her face and streamed down her neck and chest. She felt something. Something in her told her she was being watched from somewhere behind the trees that lined the sidewalk.
At first, Giana just didn't care. She went along her merry way, dancing and spinning on the midnight street. But she kept feeling the eyes on her and she stopped her play and looked into the line of trees. It was too dark to see anything, but she thought she saw a shadow. Perhaps it was a cat, maybe she was just seeing things. She didn't stick around to find out, she walked down the center of the street at a steady pace towards her home. A block down and she still thought she felt eyes on her, watching her, studying her.
Giana, unwisely, turned into an alley. She always did, she was close to home now and this was the fastest way to get there. Once she was towards the end of the alley she heard a soft whistle. She froze. Was this person dangerous? If they were, why had they warned her of their presence by issuing a whistle? Maybe they thought she wouldn't react quickly enough, maybe they thought she wouldn't recognize a threat and that she was a silly child. She turned and saw a dark figure who was slowly moving toward her. She couldn't tell who it was from here, but they didn't seem to be much taller than her. As this stranger came closer she saw it was a boy, he appeared to be about her age (16), and his eyes and hair were dark and sharply contrasted his extremely pale skin.
Giana caught this stranger's eyes and found herself trapped in their depths. Who was this stranger? She had certainly never seen him before. He smiled slightly at her, more of a smirk of his deep red lips. She smiled a small, shaky smile in return and asked his name. His reply was a wide smile, he was so close now that she could see every one of his flawless, white teeth… and the sharpness and length of his fangs. She shuddered and her hands began to tremble, but she couldn't find the will to move away. She was curious about this boy. She let him come within a foot of her and then stepped back. He stopped his movement forward and stared into her eyes.
And then she went blank. She couldn't speak or move; she was trapped. And within a moment he was right in front of her, his mouth an inch from hers. He moved his mouth to her ear and whispered softly, "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." Well, it's not like she could do anything about it even if he were going to hurt her. She was stuck. What had he done to her? Her mind started to spin in wild directions of the things that this boy could do to her.
And then her thinking stopped, all of her thoughts ran into nothing because suddenly his soft mouth was on her neck. She felt the heat of his breath and then a sharp pain before she felt him sucking from her neck. She knew he must be taking blood, his elongated eye teeth and surreal speed before showed that he must be something more than human. Who knew he'd turn out to be a vampire? Like a real one that took blood to survive. But soon even this wonder died away from her thoughts because she was slowly filling with heat. Everything was slowly become warmer as he drank from her. She didn't have it in her to think and wonder about what was happening to her because she was floating away from herself. And then his mouth was gone, he kissed her and his tongue filled her mouth… And then he was gone.
Giana walked the rest of the way home in a daze and when she got there she went straight to her room and locked the door. She looked at her neck in the mirror above her vanity and gasped in shock at two small holes where neck meets shoulder. They were tiny and glistened slightly; she thought they were beautiful. She had never experienced anything like that before, her entire body had felt as though it was on fire. And the boy? He was beautiful. She had never seen anyone as amazing as him. She drifted to her bed and collapsed onto it and fell into a heavy sleep full of dreams of the beautiful vampire and his soft mouth.​

Sasha Sapp, "Mi Rutina Diaria"

1. Some things that I learned from doing this project are more involved with using the Mac. I was able to learn new things about programs like Imovie, Garageband, and Comic Life. I feel as though these new skills would definitely be able to help me in the future.

2. I really like my final project, I like my music, and other little details that I put in it to show my personal life.

3. One thing that I would do over is choose my steps, so I could take me pictures. For example, I said "seco con la toalla" which means that I dry myself with my towel, and obviously, I couldn't take a picture of that. So instead, I'll choose my practical steps, so I could have more images. I would keep my music the same though :).

4. I enjoyed this project, because you can be very flexible with it, and you can show who you are. It gives you a lot of room to be creative, and it also gives you a chance to better yourself with the programs no the laptop.

Cornelia Zangerl


What did you learn from doing this project? (skills, life lessons, words etc)

I learned a lot of Spanish. Having to write and talk about things that happen in my everyday life taught me many new words and how to use them. 


How do you feel about your final product?

I'm really happy with it. Though there are a lot of technical difficulties, I think it was one of my best pieces of work in Spanish class.

If you could do your project all over again, what would you do differently/the same?

I'd put more time into the presentation to avoid having last minuted problems. 

Did you enjoy this project? Why or why not?

I really enjoyed this project. Using comic life was a great amount of fun. It gave me the chance to be really creative. :)

La Rutina Diaria de Imani Johnson

From doing this project, I learned how to work with imovie like doing a voiceover. I learned how to conjugate certain verbs and I learned a lot of words that describes what I do everyday. I've also realized how long my days really are because I never realized how much I do each day. I'm actually kind of proud of my final project because I got to film everything with my new camera and I'm happy with the quality of the videos. Another reason as to why I'm proud of it is because I recorded my Spanish sentences pretty well. Like I did better than I thought I would do. I still need some help with pronouncing some words though. Overall I think my project turned out nicely. If I was able to do this project over again I would probably actually film myself rowing, and maybe rehearse with Señorita G before i actually started with recording. I throughly enjoyed working on this project because it really gave me something to do and helped me really connect my Spanish vocab to my life. 

Chelsea Ann Smith

Mi Rutina Diaria (: 

What did you learn from doing this project? (skills, life lessons, words etc) 
I learned how to say all the words i used in the movie, also how to conjugate the words correctly. I also realized all the stuff I do during my day that I normally take for granted. I was able tot make the movie and have it flow and be something interesting to watch.

How do you feel about your final product?
I think it turned out really good. I think I should of had a closing slide or something, but I thought it was interesting and funny. Also I tried really hard for it to be something that people would want to watch.

If you could do your project all over again, what would you do differently/the same?

I would try and use other programs and mix things up, also to try and add other things I do during the day. I used still images maybe next time have it be video, but i would continue to use a song and have subtitles. I think them two things really worked well. 

Did you enjoy this project? Why or why not?

I did enjoy this project. I love making movies and stuff and the topic of it wasn't to hard either. It was about what we did during the day, but there was so much person creativity which was great. It was fun!

On December 20, 2009

you were taken from us. Not only has it broken us down, but it has made us stronger. We have realized that it is always five o'clock in heaven...and every day, I thank god for saving you, because he saved me too. <3. Rest in peace Jerry Morgan; gone but never forgotten.
Photo on 2011-02-25 at 13.27
Photo on 2011-02-25 at 13.27

Goodbye Music

In a world that was small the size of SLA of course
Music was special and kept everyone on course
People would play and enjoy the sound
The type of music didn't matter
It's ways or it's sound
But as our artist died
So did the music
Some of us cried
But it was useless
We tried to bring the music back
In ways that we could
Programs and courses
But what was the use
As the music fades 
So will those who adored it
So goodbye music
Sorry no one else truly enjoyed it

*"I wrote this thinking about the arabic music group.  It seems like no one truly enjoys learning about the music of different countries anymore.  I hope that the teachers find students who truly do love it someone else.  I'm sorry.  I'm so sorry we couldn't show our love for music to you.  I'M SORRY....*

My Cat Pecan

​Last post talked about my Cat, Smokey. This one is about my other cat, Pecan Swirl.

One day, during a break last year, I was sitting on the couch watching tv. The sound of the two cats was echoing though out the house and it was starting to get really annoying. It lasted for (oh I would say) a good 3 hours, but then suddenly it stopped. Joyful peace, it was nice but then It got too quiet. Then, I started hearing something odd...and then I heard something smashing and flopping around. I looked out..and saw...a giant fur ball. I thought "what the heck is that?" I go over.....the cat managed to get her back paw stuck in her ear. First I thought "Only I would pick a cat that could put her paw in her ear." I went and got my mom and she got her paw out. Now we make sure her claws aren't so long so it doesn't happen again, and everytime I tell the story, I just love seeing the look on their faces.