​Have you ever looked at the label on the back of your food at the grocery store? Most of it is “MADE IN CHINA” and then what’s the next leading brand you’ll see if you pick up the next item across from your product? “MADE IN JAPAN”, especially in supermarkets. But ever since the radiation leak, tsunami, and earthquake that happened in Japan, consumers are reluctant on buying products from Japan.

Let's start off on the history of Japan's exports and imports with different countries. In the 1980s, Japan had one of the largest economies in the world. In fact, the second largest with the Unites States being the number one in the world. The reason they were the second largest is because they had tremendous stock and property to sell in the 1980s. Though when the 1990s came along, Japan's stock and properties sold began to decrease and this became the slow but heavy decline in the once great Japan's population. Ever since the 1990s, Japan has not been able to get themselves out of their decline and in the 2010; China surpassed Japan in its economy. At the start of 2011, Japan's credit ratings company, Standard & Poor, gave the country a huge reminder of what has been bothering them for the last decade by decreasing the debt Japan owes.

Meanwhile, many people are seeing the dramatic shortage of exports and imports of Japan. This is because of the power outages, radiation levels in certain areas, drowning, and damage of property all caused by the quake and tsunami resulting in a trade discrepancy in April, May, and months to come. The March 11th quake and tsunami devastated the economic activity in the world’s third-largest economy. This caused Toyota Motor, Honda Motor, Nissan Motor, and Sony to have a factory shut down. Many farmers, businesses, and factories had to pack up and leave their job because of the damage done to Japan’s Nation.

  In my next blog, I will bring my focus on the food in Japan and what farmers are saying about their crops and what they had to do. I'll even include a story each from a grocery consumer and a farmer.

Until then, Ellen TO 


Trail Run

Did a 4 mile trail run today. It was brutal. There were two up hills. I couldn't make it. I feel so ashamed, but I made up for my lack of effort in the up hill part and ran really fast for the last 3 miles. Tommorow I'm running 3 mile, on Thursday I ran 6 miles, and on Monday I did 4 miles. So in total I ran 17 miles this week. Booooooyah!

What happened in Japan? blog 2

Matthew Hamilton



As of today May 14, 2011 the death toll from the Japan earthquake is approximately 15,035. Authorities have stated that only 18 new bodies were found in the last 24 hours. It is a good sign that the body count is slowing down. People are working to identify the revered bodies. DNA analysis is helping with this matter. Even though many dead bodies are still being identified, the sad thing is many more people are lost at sea and will never be found or identified.

            On the other hand, Fudai, a fishing village on the coast of Tohoku lost almost every ship but no homes and only one person. How did this happen? I will tell you. Their mayor of 10 terms had a passion of a project which was to build a wall 15 feet high in case of a tsunami. He died before a tsunami ever came, however, when the March 11 tsunami did come it topped the wall by five meters but the wall held tight. Just a little water came over the top. The only person who died was someone who went outside of the wall to check on his boat. He really should of stayed home and written a blog.



Feathers and Felines: One Man's Quest to Make His Grandmother's Cat A Star!

For a portion of my capstone I need to create a gang, names and personalities included. I had been making no progress on this front for the three days I had been regularly thinking about it until I sat down to do my Anatomy and Physiology homework. (For those who may have occasion to read this today, have no fear there is no new assignment. You may rest easy.) I was reading when I encountered the term osteoclasts. Osteoclasts, as defined by The Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology- Ninth Edition by Elaine N. Marieb, are large cells that resorb and break down bone matrix.
They bone breakers. (Granted this is an incredibly simplistic description of their role, but I am going to ignore that on the grounds of artistry.) I had found the nickname for my enforcers! Hoorah hoorah! What luck. While I completed my science I happened across this gem of a title, a win for everyone I think. 

Why Abuse the Creatures Who Did Nothing Wrong?!? Pt 2

In my first blog, I mentioned that I was doing a project in English class called "You and the World". I also mentioned that I was looking for information about animal abuse and wanted to let people know what is happening to the animals around them because I love animals. Also in my first blog, I found out some information that was about how some animals around the world are being treated like, the elephants in the circus and the horses in the United States.

This time I found out more information about how animals are being treated in the United States. In New York, an abuser was convicted with two cases. One case was for a cat name Scruffy who was drench with lighter fluid and then set on fire leaving the poor animal severely burned to the muscles in the legs. The other case was involved with a cat name Madea who was so viciously beaten that her lungs was ripped and had to be put down. I also found that in California, a man name Timothy Arie Kooyman was sentence d for seven years and eight months behind bars after he was found guilty of abusing cats in his motel room in Corona, California. It was said that in that motel room he would break the cats legs before cutting it off with an ax. Also where he ran over another with his truck and killing a third cat by continuing slicing her with razor blades. Lastly, a poor dog, who was renamed Angel by rescuers, escaped form his family’s yard and was found the next morning suffering deep cuts on his head, face, back, and feet apparently after being hit with a machete about six times. His tail was nearly detached and had to be amputated.

When I hear about the things that people do to these poor animals, I wonder if those people ever stop and wondered why they were doing this or what would happen if they did abuse these animals. I sometimes wonder if they would feel guilty of what they did and see that they took a poor innocent animals' life. And for what, to get even with somebody or to just take their anger out on them.

In my further research, I will continue to look for reasons why people abuse animals and how people can help things like animals abuse from happening.

If you want more information visit this website: Animal Abuse


My tabby cat lola finally had her babies.Most of them are black and white but different patterned and the other two are tabby's like their mothers. My mom said i can only keep one of them and i have to give the other ones away ( she had 7) If anyone wants a kitten please let me know. they're all adorable and i'm trying to find a place where they can be without being disrupted i don't have any pictures but i post some later now i gots to go to work.

The Manipulation- WALE

I got that better love that no one better love 
That hit it and gone tomorrow but this forever love 
Lemme mine ya til your vagina is wet enough 
And fill your mind with pleasant thoughts of champagne by ya tub. 
Rose petals as u walk. You know the floor dont need to see ya. 
I got that good stroke, come be my mona lisa. 
Ya see them other guys pay they mind to your physical features 
And i can admire ya body but ya mind is much deepa 
And i found me a keepa 
And i found me a winner. 
And i found me a queen. What we eatin for dinner? 
You kno i cook it and clean it and do wateva for ya. 
Black motha of the earth u kno i forever owe ya 
I will never ignore ya cuz im foreva loyal 
Lets fall in love lemme put my seed in ya soil 
See it'd be a honor to create life wit ya 
Can i lay right wit ya? 
And wake u up wit light kisses? 
Goodmorning sunshine see the more i see ya eyes is the more that i admire ya. 
Whenever you tired i be right there beside the pillow talkin confide 
Make ya secrets all mine may i sleep between ya thighs and wake up deeply in 
Your heart in ur mind for foreva and repeat when we get up? 
I aint even gon front girl i think you is the one 
So lets fall asleep with the moon and i will greet you with the sun 


Yesterday I went to see my cousin Shane off on his prom, and tonight I'm going to see my other cousin Tiara off on her prom. I can't wait to see how she looks and I hope she'll have fun. Seeing other people go off on their prom is making me anticipate mines even more. This Friday coming up should be one of the best nights of my life so far. 

Reflexion sobre "Un Arbol Crece en Brooklyn"

Yo leí "Un Árbol Crece en Brooklyn". Estoy en el primer capítulo ahora. El libro se trata de una niña pobre en Nueva York. Ella es la hija de inmigrantes de Este Europa. El en primer capítulo, ella y su hermano (que es un año menor) se acumulan basura en las calles - papel y varios tipos de metal. El sábado, van col la chatarra para venderla a un hombre. Reciben 16 centavos a cambio. Son muy pobres, y el libro toma lugar cuando un centavo era como 25 centavos. Entonces, ellos son muy feliz tener el dinero. En una escena feliz, la niña toma mucho tiempo para decidir en que va a gastar su dinero. La escena me recuerda que la gente que no tiene nada – como la niña y su hermano – son muy feliz recibir un poco, mientras a la gente que tiene mucho no hace feliz unos centavos. Para cada dólar que tiene, el próximo parece menos importante.


So I went to see my cousin off for his prom. He looked nice and the girl he took was nice. I was so happy for him. Kinda jealous his came before mines but hey I know come next week I'm going to have my fun. 

Hope you had fun tonight cuz! :)
