MMarton and SHolts - Weather

Weather You're Ready or not, You're About to Learn!

Here is our blog post that should help you with learning the basics of the weather world. Here you'll learn some key terms, what influences change in weather, and how to read a weather map! Enjoy, and we hope you'll learn a lot!


Artist StatementQ4

This quarter, I have improved as an artist. The first project that Olivia and I decided to do (we partner up to create assignments for ourselves that test our artist abilities) was a valentines day inspired project. the only guidelines were having to use 3 different materials, and valentines day related. For my project, I painted cardboard with scenery from Alice in wonderland's queen of hearts army; and then made a three dimentional flower out of layers of newspaper.

Another assignment Olivia and I decided to do was to practice self portraits. I did 2 self portraits, one in charcoal and one in pencil, below are the photos: we used mirrors to find out where our features were to be drawn.

Street art was our third art project and I made a kony 2012 poster for april 20ths cover the night. below is a photo, it was inspired by quotes and facts from the video promotion for the cause.

We also created fashion inspired collages with our own drawings of styles and fashion as well as what inspired the drawings.

the final project olivia and I did was the cieling tiles in Mrs. Hulls classroom.
for the fourth quarter I think I want to pick a single object or thing like a butterfly persay, and have to draw it in every different aspect and method I can think of.
Photo on 4-12-12 at 2.47 PM #2
Photo on 4-12-12 at 2.47 PM #2
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Photo on 4-12-12 at 2.48 PM
Photo on 4-12-12 at 2.48 PM

The Characteristics of the Universe

Breeanna Noi and Sabrina Stewart-McDonald

This PSSA topic is centered around the life cycle of stars. The star is born from the nebula is goes through a process in which the core changes, eventually running out of energy and collapsing on itself or becoming dimmer. The process depends on how big the star is. 


My goal is to be able to be comfortable having a conversation with someone.

-Have a conversation with someone and ask them about what they did that day. If I can be comfortable and keep the conversation then I think I will be successful.

-I would talk to my Columbian friend who is fluent in spanish and will be able to tell me what I need to improve on.

Goals para Proyecto de Conversación

​My goal for the conversations in general would be to speak a little more fluently and understand how a native speaker usually speaks and how to keep up with the conversation. I have a problem with pronunciation and that is also one of my goal. 

I have couple of spanish friends who speak spanish fluently and I'm going to have little chat with them. 

Arlana Brown Environmental Impact

Environmental Impact

"Both natural processes and human activities are capable of changing the environment."-Study Island

Slow Changes to the environment include:

•Changing of the seasons

•Ecological succession

Rapid Changes to the environment include:


•Volcanic Eruptions

•Asteroid Impacts

Humans contribute to the environment in many ways, especially if they are treating the environment bad. 

•Habitat destruction

•Fossil fuels burning

•Genetically engineering organisms


•Greenhouse Gases

So we are going to focus on ecological succession and it's impact on the environment. Ecological succession is basically a process that a community undergoes and has a predictable change. Think of "I Am Legend" when you see the deers running around and trees growing in the streets. Basically that street has turned into a "forest" that's ecological succession.Example below:


Over time as you can in 1840 it started out as a pond but ended up being a forest.  In 1870 you can that some of the plants are starting to get a little bigger and that the fish are still present. In 1900 algae are starting to fill up the pond. 1930 the pond is almost covered now with a tree on the side and algae almost filling the whole thing. In the last two years the trees are more present with the pond covered with algae and dirt.

Questions to think about:

What is ecological succession?

What is primary ecological succession?

Listed below is pictures of ecological succession which one shows it the most?



My goal is to talk in spanish slightly fluently. 
- To not use any english words in between. 
- Try not to stutter and space out a lot. 

I already talked to a telemarketer in spanish. He was laughing a little because I asked him if he could speak spanish to me for my school project. He was really nice though, he helped me a lot. 

A dieta

Pick one of the following people (or someone else) and create a one-week nutritional plan for him/her. Choose to work on the plan for desayuno OR almuerzo OR cena. The person's name is the title of your post.

Michael Phelps who exercises 9 hours/day

Lindsay Lohan who needs to gain weight for a role

Angelina Jolie, a vegetarian with a voracious appetite

Dora la Exploradora who is vegan

            Nick Jonas who is diabetic

Be sure:            

- to indicate quantity (UNA manzana, DOS hamburguesas)

- to provide variety so they don’t get sick of it

- to recommend a drink (un vaso de = a glass of, una taza de = a mug of)

- to be creative (Peruvian Andes cuisine?)

You can use words that are not on the vocab sheet.


























Umm . . .

Conversation Goals

- Keep going with the conversation without stoping or saying "Umm" a lot. 

- Make the conversation flow better and not stumble over words I do not know how to pronounce. 

- Learn how to use conjugations better and make sure I am using them correctly.

I want to know more about the spanish speaking countries and I think it is better to learn from them instead of something read on the internet or text book.

What is normal day in your country?
What do you do for fun?
What type of music do you listen to?
How is the education in your country?
What do you dislike about your country?

Atoms - R. Harris & D. Wirt

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Major Understanding:

The basic major understanding of atoms are that they composed virtually everything in the universe. Everything is composed of atoms, from your mom, to your dad and even something huge like the Sun is composed of atoms. Without the basic structure of atoms, mass, and objects with really large masses couldn't exist. Also with things such as ionic and covalent bonds give way to much more complex structure and organisms like humans, and the Sun. 

Simple Questions

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El secreto del Perro en las montañas de Virginia.

Había una familia en las montañas de Virginia. Había un papá, una mamá, un hijo, y una hija. La familia vivía en una casa humilde, pero ellos gustaron el humildad de la casa. La familia tenía un perro. Era una perro especial, y era de ascendencia labordoodle. El perro era bastante importante. El perro tenía un secreto. El Perro estaba preocupadísima. El perro lloraba. El perro le sollozó al mamá, "El Mar, mamacocha, está furioso. Mamcocha va a destruir el mundo. Había un problema. Era un problema grave.


Había un gato. El perro le dijo al gato, "Hay un problema. El mar, Mamacocha está furioso! El Mar va a destruir el mundo. Sube la montaña más alta con nosotros." El gato comprendeó perfectamente. El gato se escapó con el grupo.


Había un cerdo. El perro le exclamó al cerdo, "Hay un problema. El mar está enojadísimo! El mar va a destruir el mundo. Escala la montaña más alta con nosotros, por favor!" El perro era muy preocupadísima. El cerdo comprendío bien, pero no caminaba con el grupo. El cerdo saltó.


Había un delfín. El perro le dijo a la delfín y hablé la problema. El delfín entendío, y se fue con el grupo. Pero, él necesitó a nadar. Entonces él buscó un río.


Había un espantapájaros. El perro explicó al espantapájaros, "Hay un problema. El mar, Mamacocha, está furioso. El mar va a destruir el mundo. Escala la montaña más alta con nosotros." El espantapájaros comprendió, pero no se fue con el grupo. El espantapájaros montó en el cerdo.


Había un unicornio. El perro le dijo, "Hay una problema! El, Mar, Mamacocha, está furioso. El mar va a destruir el mundo. Sube la montaña más alta con nosotros." El unicornio no les hizo caso. El unicornio no se fue con el grupo y era demasiado perezoso.


El grupo subió la montaña más alta. La familia, el perro, y el gato subieron Huillcacoto, la montaña más alta. El cerdo y el espantapájaros saltaban. Y el delfín nadaba.


El mar subió. El mar subió con furia. Había un problema. Era un problema grave. El unicornio no estaba con el grupo. El unicornio corrio. El unicornio no caminó. El unicornio no voló. El unicornio corrió muy rápido. El unicornio subió la montaña más alta, pero se cayó.


Por fin el mar, Mamacocha, estaba contento y no subió más. El mar bajó. La familia bajó. El perro bajó. Los otros animales bajaron. Y todos estaban felices. Y ya no había problemas.




Genetics- Ruben Burenstein and Winston Wright

Genetics explains why we are the way we are. It explains how our parents effect our lives, and the traits that we inherit, and generally how our body works. Genetics also explains what can effect our lives, for example how our environment changes how we act or look. It could impact our future greatly, depending on what happens with cloning. Cloning people could provide endless organs, which would save a lot of lives but it is very controversial whether this is morally correct to do or not.

We have both a creative source of information, and a traditional presentation format. Please enjoy both, and happy PSSA testing! 
Genetics Keynote =)