Art Week5 Day2 Final Stamp Design

(NOTE): I finished my stamp before it was assigned to glue the cut out in our art books on May 8th 2017

This stamp symbolizes me as I play a lot of games at home. The stamp I made uses the Destiny symbol which is the game I play the most of at home on the PS4. Inside the symbol I wrote my name on the ends then the word Gamer in the middle-bottom which is the word I chose when I brainstormed ideas. Some words that I listed down on my brainstorm are intelligent, tall, strongish, and quick. The brainstorm was to help us figure out what we students wanted to do for starting designs. After the starter designs I chose my gamer design to be my final design as it was more symbolic to my personal self and not my school self. Negative and positive space is important especially when making stamps as positive or negative space will be covered in ink to make the image that whatever other space makes. It’s also important to make sure you know what space is which of the image as if you use the wrong space the stamp won’t look right when you use it. I used negative and positive space by cutting out the letters I used to make my name, and word chosen from my brainstorm as part of the background. I kept the inside part for my letters O, D, and tried to with A as part of the actual image. To truly understand negative space you have to look at the image itself then do the same with the background as you don’t know what the actual image was supposed to be if it's confusing. Trying to put the inside letters was a problem as it was hard to get it to stay on its own and I had to use the cutting knife to keep it in place. A mental problem was just the nervousness of not ruining the cut as I was cutting it. Well what I learned about positive and negative space along the way is a tricky thing to answer. If you mean by this week then no, as a whole through the entire quarter up to now I learned a lot of negative and positive space from how you can use it to make 2 images into one frame. Also how you could just use the background to give pictures details without all the lines and colors.

Final Stamp Design


When I was designing my stamp I first started out with this basic idea of my name. I wanted to just get this done as fast as possible because I’m not the best artist. Eventually I really thought about what’s something that could really represent who I am, as a teenager in high school. My stamp symbolizes how easy it is for me to let people into my life, and how easily they can just walk out hence the open door. I wanted to have the background of the image in black so that it would seem like the image had depth, when you looked into the door it felt like you were actually looking into something. I wanted to create something that could make the viewer seem like they could enter this door with their eyes. I used one point perspective when I was making the door to make it more noticeable. Although it was hard in the beginning, my understanding of positive and negative space in art has grown and I feel comfortable using it in my future drawings.

Final Stamp Design - Siarra C

I chose this scale because it is the symbol of my birth month. My birthday is October 13 so I am a Libra. This scale is a symbol of intuitiveness and knowing when things are equal. These two things I value the most when it comes to my character and personality. I also made it pink because it's my favorite color which is apart of me. At first I wanted to create a flower but then I realized I only really like to draw flowers they don't really represent me. So I went with something a little more cliche and something that connects with me well. I wanted to do something that represents me more than anything else and I think my zodiac sign and the meaning behind it fits what I was looking for. 
The process behind doing my design was hard. I tried to make it look as symmetrical as possible but it wasn't working out. Using that knife was a little challenging at points since I don't have steady hands using stuff like that. My negative space is all the space I don't use. Like in my picture I decided to use black since that's what I consider negative space to be, just there. Negative space is the space that isn't needed and the positive space is the drawing itself, it's everything that needs to make the picture.
I think I truly understand the meaning of negative and positive space. Some pictures like intricate ones it could be hard to point out the different spaces but if you start to get the context it's not that hard. In the future though I would like to start doing some of these negative and positive space drawings they are actually pretty cool to look at.

Final Stamp Design

There are many reasons why I chose the symbol that I chose. One being because it symbolizes royalty. It is a crown for a king, but also a crown for a queen. Most words that I used in my brainstorming described what a king and a queen is. Royalty, smart, nice, proper, intelligent, etc.

The assignments given throughout this unit helped me to better understand what negative and positive is. I had problems with the difference between the two, and the pictures just looked completely confusing when I was first introduced to negative and positive space.  When we actually cut out images and put them into positive and negative space, I understood it completely.

Positive and negative space to me means erasing all detail and identifying the picture when it is outlined(negative) or colored in solid(positive). When viewing positive and negative space, you are supposed to look at the subject from different perspectives. Take the vase and the two faces for example. Some people see a vase, and others see two faces. It’s all in your perspective.

Crown in positive space
Crown in positive space
Crown in negative space
Crown in negative space

Final Stamp Design

In this stamp, I believe it symbolizes me greatly. To start off just by looking at the picture you notice the bright yellow color. this surely represents me because of I very vibrant and bright. I stand out in any plain space.the words that were given to me and suggested that it used from a very close friend were the words perfectionist, upbeat and ambitious.
The word upbeat definitely came from the color of the stamp. The word perfectionist made me think of a clear target, and the evenness and clean fit of all the pieces that made up the whole picture. Last but not least is ambitious. This word is represented on this picture with the arrow pointing up. I found some images online and there was this repetition of an arrow. I believe that symbolized reaching for my goals. Any obstacle that's been set I've been told that I show my strongest desire to reach and succeed in it. 
  My final design was influenced by the classroom paintings and google images. When I saw the words images popped up into my head. For example, for the word perfectionist, I looked at the captain America flag and the target sign and it automatically created connections between the images and the words. For the word ambitious, I googled it and one key component that I realized in all of them was the arrows and stars. I made a slight adjustment and made sure the arrow was centered in the middle of the star in which was in the center of the target. The word upbeat was a last minute arrangement because I didn't know how to incorporate into my drawing and then I thought of colors. Once I searched the symbolism for different colors and I came across yellow in which was the best one that fit the description of upbeat. 
The importance of positive and negative space is that it centers the focus of the viewer to positive spaces. The positive spaces in my image are the most important parts that symbolize the words that described me. 
One part that I got stuck in was when I was about to cut out the positive and negative space. Then I realized that the arrow which was positive space ran into the strips that made up the target which was also positive space. I then decided to stop the strips before that encountered the strips. I created a negative out layer around the arrow and the star. 

Final Stamp Design

         In this assignment, I created negative and positive space. I expressed myself through this design. I had the letter C for the first letter of my name. Inside there's an outline of the Dominican and Salvadorian flag. My parents come from El Salvador and the Dominican republic. They are a huge part of me. I love my parents. They're apart of how I became the person I am. The first step I had to take was to think of 10 adjectives to describe myself. The most important one to me was my hispanic culture, my name, and family. I decided to combine these things into a symbol. Also when I visited the Dominican Republic, the palm trees were beautiful. When I think of these places, the palm trees are the first things that come to mind.

I had to figure out negative and positive space. Originally, I had a line drawing that didn't show positive and negative space. I colored my whole paper in pencil and created eraser marks to create my design. This strategy helped me understand how to understand this concept. Another concept that helped me was when I colored in the positive space so I could identify my mistakes and fix them. I realized I should focus on how the design will look afterwards when I cut it out. I have learned how to create my design and properly understand them. The vision in your head must be shown through the negative and positive space concept. The positive space is the main focus of the picture and the negative space is referring to the background. Practicing new strategies and testing them out independently really helped me fully understand it better.

"Final Stamp Design"

​I chose to do a stamp cut out on my picture because it kind of represents me and my culture. Yin Yang means dark and bright. In the bad, there is a good in it, and in the good, there is bad in it. To me it means that everyone can change either for the good, or for the bad. Everyone is different and has things that they don't want to share out to people because they are afraid that they might be judged by others. The words that I thought of was different and surprise. 
At first I was supposed to do a different picture and cut it out, but it was too complicated for me and this one was nice and simple for me to do. The curves of the dripping part was hard for me to cut out because it was small for my razor and it would always move and get caught with each other. Since the Yin Yang is black and white, it was very easy for me to know the negative and positive side to cut out. One side of the Yin Yang is black, and the other side is white. Black would be the negative place for me and white is positive. The other two small circles in them would be white on the black side, and black on the white side. 
Negative space is the part that I cut out and the positive space is the empty part where you just leave it alone. It was easy and simple for me to do it and I would only get stuck when I was cutting the small little drops. Since the positive side had space and there it blended into the paper, I cut out green to bold the sides to show that it's there. Since I didn't have glue to paste on the green bold part, I had to use super glue because that was the only glue that I had (it's why there's small dots on the green line sorry guys). Negative and positive space is easy for me to learn because I've already learned how to do it when I was younger back in my old school.

My Stamp

When I was first giving this assignment of creating a stamp that represent me I had thought of many different. In order to get my ideas straight I wrote words that described me the best like caring, "colorful" and many more. Now my stamp has two words representing it since the two words, that were nice and mean, just fit me. Sometimes I can a mean friend or one of the most caring when I know you need someone. I now needed a drawing that can represent those two things. Eventually I thought of the picture you see down below which is half the angel and demon and when I thought of it I just knew it was perfect. Since in our assignment we had to show negative and positive that's what I did when I finished drawing but I was having a problem. I was able to show positive space but I was not able to show negative space. I looked around me and saw how my other peers had done their artwork with the negative space making me able to know how to show negative space in my drawing. Afterward I cut the construction paper as best as I could and created the artwork you see down below. It's very important for you to be able to show that negative and positive space because when you contrast your art you bring out more feelings and catch viewer's eye with the you contrast it.

"Final Stamp Design"

 Well I used the words lit and king to describe me. I used this to symbolize the type of person I am. I love to hang out with my friends so I tried to emphasize something that they would think is what represents me. The assignment that I was given consisted of me gathering words that somehow described me as a person. With those words we would have to find a symbol that represented a select few of those words.  Positive and negative space is very important in art. The two combined create an image and shows the outline of that figure that the artist draws. I used this by having the crown as my positive space and the flame as my negative space. It took awhile for me to figure out negative and positive space. I got stuck when I had to figure out which one was which but as soon as I found out how to do that it started to become easy to me. 

Final Stamp Design

IMG_7607.JPG This speech bubble represents me because I tend to have a lot to say. I usually don’t say what I want to say, so that’s why the dots are there. The assignment said to write down 10 words that best describes who we are. We then had to pick 3 of the 10 words that best describes who we are. My 3 words were unique, intelligent, and creative. This stamp represents me because when I give my opinion on things, it tends to open people’s minds in a different way. I came upon this design because a classmate said it suits me due to my abilities to entertain people. I however thought this design suits me because of my creative ideas.

Negative and positive space is important because without it, we wouldn’t be able to see things clearly. They help us focus on what the main idea of a picture is. I used positive space in my design by outlining the speech bubble and the 3 little dots. To truly understand the process of negative and positive space, you have to know what the main subject in a picture is. The main subject is the positive space, and the rest is the negative space. I rarely got stuck on anything while completing this assignment. I had trouble cutting my original drawing of the speech bubble, but other than that, there wasn’t any difficult parts. I learned that positive space is usually the space that is the lightest or darkest in a picture.

Final Stamp Design

For this assignment I had to create a stamp the represented me. The previous assignment helped guide us to make our “stamps.” We made our design on a separate piece of paper.  We then shaded the other side of the paper so we could get the design of the stamp on construction paper. We cut out our designs to show the negative and positive space. My final product is above.

The green is my negative space and the white is my positive space. The eyes shouldn’t be cut out. I found the negative space by thinking if a light was behind it what would the light go through. If there wasn’t negative and positive space my guy wouldn’t be shown in the picture.

When we first learned about negative space it was really confusing. Then over time I started to understand it more and more. I got stuck when doing this assignment because I had a belt but due to the negative and positive space it wouldn’t show. Another thing that wouldn’t show would be the eyes but I didn’t realize that until I cut them out. I also had to change lines into shapes so that they could show on the final product.

Final Stamp Design

My stamp contains a crown on top of a lowercase n. I choose this because of my name. Me personally, I love my name and as a young girl I also enjoyed the Disney princesses. Until this day I still enjoy them. Looking at the princesses I saw that most of them have crowns. My mother asos calls me her princess. At first when I was introduced to this assignment I honestly didn't know what I was going to do. All I was thinking about was what was really important to me that really represent me. I was stuck there for a while too. I was drawing a lot of objects and then telling myself noo too many times. What really helped my during this assignment was making the 10 top things that represented me. In my stamp my n and the crown is the negative space. During making my stamp I didn’t really get stuck. This assignment helped me a lot ad know I know the difference between negative and positive space.

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Final Stamp Design

Screenshot 2017-05-12 at 10.22.02 AM
Screenshot 2017-05-12 at 10.22.02 AM

My design was inspired by my overall personality and vibe, although it may not seem like what it was supposed to be, I was aiming for a specific figure in this work or art. This shell looking sort of cut of out was originally meant to be an image of a sunset. I interoperate sunsets as being very relaxing and calm, especially when it is a beach sunset. This would represent me because of my personality traits, mostly. I am a very easy going person and like to take things easy most of the times. Also, I like to look at sunsets and for a lack of other ideas of what to sketch, this came to mind. This project was given to me in art class as an understanding of negative and positive space. The negative and positive space were used in this image (poorly) to represent the shadows of the sun. Understanding it was not so easy, and it still is not as easy looking back onto this project. The positive spaces in an image are the spaces reserved for the prominent images in your art. The negative spaces are the spaces surrounding the image. Overall, this was a very informative unit and I would be hesitant at first, but willing to do it again.

Final Stamp Design

​My brainstorming took a lot of effort and thought. Some words I used were confident, pretty, smart, caring, kind, and thoughtful. I decided to use the word peace to symbolize who I am. I am all about peace instead of violence.  
There were several steps I took to complete my final product. First step I took was brainstorming my stamp. My second step were to create three different ideas to choose from. At first I was going to go with my original idea but then I learned never go with your first idea. Luckily I ended up with my third idea which was a peace symbol.
Understanding positive and negative space was easy and confusing for me. Finding the difference between positive and negative is challenging at first. While drawing my stamp I learned that the things inside my circle were negative and the positive space was white. The part that was challenging for me was to not draw a line drawing. 
The difference between negative and positive space is a very important. It helps the  artist focus on a main part of the object. It gives the audience a different perspective of the drawing itself. The darker space of your drawing would be the negative space. Anything that is not shaded is your positive space. You can also describe the color difference. For instance in my drawing the white is positive space. The negative space is colored in pink. Thats a way to discover the difference between negative and positive space. 

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FullSizeRender (12)

Final Stamp Design- Nasya Ie

I had a lot of ideas in my brainstorm, I had a paper crane, a pepper and more. But out of all of those ideas I choose this magical peach. This magical peach reminds me of my family and I. This peach reminds me of me and my sister how we both love magical creatures, this also shows the background of my family gardening and how delicate we can be.

In art, we had to find what represents me, like I said before I choosed this magical peach. This peach was originally a line drawing and make the line thicker, so it can be stamp like. This peach is in positive space, but how? As you can see, the peach is in a white background and the peach is in a different color, pink. The background is the positive and the peach is negative. Negative and positive space is important because it shows the different details and sections you might not notice. On my peach you can see the swirl because of the positive space.

The thing I got stuck is how am I going to cut this out so it can be positive or negative. And I choosed positive because I wanted people to see the details. So, I had on the internet to figure out if I was correct. I was confused what is the difference between positive and negative, but this assignment help me on that. By doing this assignment it can help you tell the differences.


Final Stamp Design


Brainstorming my stamp was quite a challenge. I had a page full of sketches and it was hard to choose one because all of them were my favorites. The goal of the stamp was to not only show who you are but positive and negative space. My stamp is called a Shikigami from a Studio Ghibli film called Spirited Away. They are a very fascinating magical creature to me ever since I was younger.

For the assignment, I was to write down 10 words that describe me and then put some ideas inside of my sketchbook. When I was sketching, I realized that I only drew line drawings, which was incorrect, there wouldn’t really be a shape or it wouldn’t look so stamp like. Once I choose my final stamp design, I sketched it on paper and grabbed color paper. I cut my image out and glued it into my sketchbook.

I got stuck many times in the process but now, I think I got the hang of it. I had a hard time figuring out which is which, which is negative and which is positive. The stamp itself and other resources had helped me figure it out.

Rubber Stamp - Cut out

My work symbolizes an owl, and a heart. The owl represents intelligence, and femininity. And I feel like that describes me because I see myself as intelligent, and I’m a female. The heart represents love. And I feel like that describes me because I see myself as a caring, and loving person. I purposely choose the color pink, because first it is one of my favorite colors, and second because pink is a delicate color, it represents sweet, nice, feminine, and it’s associated with flowers, and cotton candy. And I feel like those describe me as well. I mostly brainstormed words that described me physically. For example, I am female, and a student at SLA. There are some other words I brainstormed that doesn’t associate with my physical character for example I am friendly, and intelligent.

This is a positive space art. Positive space is when the picture focuses on the main focus instead of the background. Unlike negative space which focuses on the background instead of the main focus. For my art, I just drew my symbol in a pink colored construction paper. In order to successfully make a positive art, you must make the symbol look like a shape. So when you cut it out, you cut out the outer layers. Then after you finish cutting it, you glue it to another paper. Positive and negative space may seem confusing at first. But, once you do more research about it you’ll understand it better.

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Screenshot 2017-05-12 at 1.48.21 PM

Final Stamp Design


When brainstorming for my rubber stamp, I thought of several words that I associate with and that represent me. Some of the words I used were thoughtful, intelligent, kind, humorous, and adventurous. My stamp is inspired by a symbol of a house being carried away by hundreds of balloons. This symbol appears in the Disney Pixar film, Up. I have always loved the image of the floating house because it conveys a sense of freedom to me. My stamp symbolizes my adventurous side as well as my willingness to try new things.

The original assignment was to create an image based on one of the words I had used to represent myself. I had to draw the image so that there were no lines, but rather shapes. This process is similar to writing words in block letters instead of printing them.

When sketching the design, I tried to replicate the same image from the movie. I found that this design was very difficult, however, because there was so much detail involved in the many balloons. Instead, I decided to make a single, larger balloon carrying the house.

Negative space and positive space were important things for me to keep in mind while creating my work. The negative space, in the above image, is the white sections. It sort of acts as a background. The positive space is shown in yellow and is the actual image. I cut out the interior of the house in my design to show the detail of the door. This was useful because I could not add detail using a pencil or other medium, I could only make cutouts.

When learning about negative and positive space, I was confused for a long time. I did not quite understand the true differences between the two concepts. When I finally did understand though, I was able to see just how creative these two concepts can allow an artist to be.

Final Stamp Design - Ossowski

For the past 4 days, I have been developing my knowledge on negative and positive space. I came to think of it as positive space is the actual picture while negative space is the background. With this project you are to pick a picture, cut out the positive space and leave the negative space alone. The hard part was seeing the negative space in the positive pace. I had to picture the symbol i was doing as two different colors then cut out as I pictured it.

I’ve learned that artists use this to make different art pieces. They use this to see how the negative space surrounds the positive space. Artists use this tool to show the image easily. If the picture is a solid image, the negative and positive space are easy to detect, however if the picture has no negative space, it is hard to detect what the picture is sometimes. They can use this tool to show emotion. If there is a animal looking sad, it's raining, there is a lot of negative space, you are going to think that the image is trying to portray as sad.

For this stamp, I picked the “Deathly Hallows” sign from “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”. Ever since I was a little girl, I was obsessed with Harry Potter and everything about it, including the story of the three brothers (where the Deathly Hallows sign originated from). This sign I liked because it could go with any color, the positive space could be red and the negative space blue. . This sign consists of a triangle with a circle in the middle then a straight line down the middle. I thought this would be a good sign to portray the lesson of negative and positive space because there is negative space that intersects with the positive space. I had to cut out the spaces inbetween the lines so you could see the actual picture. You can easily see the picture of the Deathly Hallows sign with the black and white combination (Black being the positive space and white being the negative space).

This project has given me a different perspective on what artwork is and how artists see it. Now whenever I look at a picture or painting I will look for the negative and positive space in it. I will know the difference on what is the negative and positive space. I will be able to tell what the picture is conveying through the negative or positive space. I hope this helped you know what negative and positive space is and I hope that you will use it to your advantage also.

Final Stamp Design Rivera

It took idea after idea after idea until I came across a solid idea for my stamp. An idea I had was video game and animals. I had three other ideas but failed each time. You should never pick your first idea. Always brainstorm new ideas and then something will just come to you. I tried to make lines but that didn't work. That didn't work because what game or animal would I do. Next I was sitting back in my living room on snapchat and seen the zodiac signs. I thought to myself what is my zodiac sign. I searched up my birthday and seen that I was a Scorpio. The image of the scorpio is a Scorpian. Next I had to look up what a scorpian looked like and started to draw shapes into the body and create a scopian out of shapes. Next I got Charcoal and smeared it on the back of the paper and traced the shapes on top of some construction paper.. I lifted the paper and seen my stamp on it. I cut out the shapes with a blade on a cutting board. I put all the pieces of the scorpian in order. Next I glued the pieces together and waited. I let it dry and i got my master piece.

Final Stamp Design - Sam Gualtieri

My stamp is a silhouette of Calvin (from Calvin and Hobbes) With negative space where the brain is. The point of this is not to say that Calvin has no brain, the intention is that I can draw inside of this space to represent imagination. Calvin has a vivid imagination, as shown when he talks to his life size intelligent tiger friend. In a letter from my 7th grade teacher, I was compared to calvin for have a Calvin style of thinking. I have a pretty big imagination. I think of lots of things. I don't think of a lot of actually good things. However, I think of lots of things. I tried doing a compilation of all the things I enjoy, but that proved to be difficult since I couldn't overlap or show detail in anything through negative space. I needed something more simple. I ended up making this. It's important that the brain is in negative so that, as I said before, I can doodle inside of it every time it's stamped or printed. I didn't have a very hard time grasping the concept of negative space since it's pretty just what's there and what isn't there. The space around a person or object is negative. The person or object is positive. I learned that it can be used to incorporate details outside of just what's physically there, such as simple facial features or seams. Overall there weren't too many hurdles to jump, and it was fairly interesting. 

This I Believe // Creative Writing 2016-2017 // Taytiana Velazquez-Rivera

SHHHHHHH, be quite, listen, Hey do you hear that? Yeah that, while reading listening to the voice in my head read, like everyone reads with (like you are now) and thinks with. I realized I had multiple voices, don’t worry I’m not crazy- or at least I don’t think I am. I have more than my vocal voice and the one I think with, I also have two that tell me what to do. Some may just think I’m crazy but they are different, they sound different and have different tones and have different feelings, emotions and some don’t have any at all. Sometimes a lack of one voice makes for sadness, or anger while the lack of the other makes room for happiness and success. I believe that along we have three consciences and they control the forth one that the world gets to hear. I also believe that some people can hear your other voices when your souls connect, in a way no other does. Once I heard the saying “Two wolves live inside of you a good wolf and a bad wolf, they are in a constant fight, the one who wins is the one you feed.” I always thought after this my brain tells my speaking voice to say what the winning wolf says. There is no need to use your thinking voice in a moment of no ration and when all is done-one had just one. My mom always would say “Think before you speak”, I never could though. The thing is I never got the chance to. I always fought and fed the truth-telling side so I’d always open my ‘big-mouth’ so she’d always say-it was honest to me. On the flip side, there were moments the other wolf would win like hitting my brothers, acting before I thought because the wolves already came to their conclusion. I hate when someone tell’s me to shut up, me and my voices have so many thoughts to share. Now, I try to teach my niece to use the same logic as she speaks before she thinks. I believe there’s multiple versions of you controled by your consciences, i believe they grow, spiritual ones might arise, the one about your race, your sex, politics and so forth, they may also leave and you can always change it’s mind- just like I try mine. Philosophy and belief is what will drive my day, not letting the bad win over the good. Your voices will be your worst enemy, your best friends, your supporters, your naysayers, they can be your downfall or rise; Over the years I learned when to feed each voice and wolf, everyone must learn themselves, you must take them all and figure out what the perfect concoction off all your you’s and their voices are, so you can present the ones you want to feed onto the world. I’ll never hear “Hey do you hear me? I’m here and so are they, we are here so listen” They will never make themselves known but through the vast journey of your brain you will discover just like I did.

Love Is All We Need


                                                        LOVE IS ALL WE NEED

I believe in love. The historical lust that was suddenly accepted because of God. Love has many forms. Not always good but never wrong. Sexually, romantically, and even hate. Some of our love stems from fear. It's love that gets me boxed up and hiding from an open window. It's love that makes me crazy enough to run outside in the middle of a thunderstorm at 1am and cry on the benches at 6. It's always stalking me. Haunting my flesh and making it sin. Giving me a thirst for action, love is always missing. It's like you could never get enough of it. I got some stories to tell....

Almost a decade ago, I met my dad. I can remember everything like it happened yesterday. My aunt gets into a car accident with my uncle. They make an connection with my mom. My mom then connect to my grandmother. There I am, sitting on my grand mothers couch. Staring at family pics knowing I'm not in none of them. Love hurts. It's dangerous to look at. I had this big smile on my face. A smile that was glazed in sweat created by nervousness.  Then my father came. The smile grew more. We took family photos and I even worked with him the next day. That's was the last time I ever saw him.    How can you love someone after two days when they been neglecting you for 12 years? It was my first heartbreak and I wasn't present to know. I believed every little bull shit of a lie that he told me. All the things he would do for me. All the things he hoped of me becoming. I could finally call someone dad without having that second thought. He never told me he love me. At Least, I don't think I ever heard him say that word . Maybe he did and I just forgot because I knew it was a lie.  It never really matter to me though because I already had a love growing on him. Now I'm heart broken again and calling random men "daddy". Love makes you do crazy things.

Butterflies drifted away. The sun stood still. My eyes never opened that day. How can love do me like this? How dare it take away my pride and  throw away my vision? Why did love make me blind? I never fell. I tripped on flat ground, treated it like a fall. I can't stop eating. Im gaining weight. No one's checking on me. My insecurities look so beautiful to me. If looks can be deceiving then why do we die from the same trick?

That day, love did not exist. It giggled at me while holding my veins tight. It embrace my body and ripped every man made thing off of me. It knew what it was doing. I am dumb and naive. I am dumb and wise. I am wise yet dumb. The setting was so perfect. It smelt so pretty. It felt so good. It read me like a  dog begging to go outside to pee. All it had to do was unlock a few things and put a leash on me. Now the door is open. I only wanted to rest. Love woke me up. It made my words seem like corny excuses so I had to allow it. Love assaulted me that day. I went out to celebrate. I wanted love to assault me again and again and again. I try finding it in many other forms. It died. If It can die than it must've lived at some point. For it to live then it must've been real. It is real because I was forced to believe in it. I know it exist. I feel it everyday. I use it everyday. I taste it twice a week and I listen to it once every five years. I believe in love.

This I Believe

There is one quote I like from one of my favorite actors Jim Carrey. He once said ¨ Forget the pain, Mock the pain, Reduce it. And laugh.¨. I had chronic migraines from March of 2016 to April 6th,2017 the day of my septoplasty but we will see in mid June what my neurosurgeon says if I still have them. I probably had them longer but there is no way to tell.

The 3 days I sat there trying to avoid the discomfort of the stents,stitches,blood covered gauze pad,and trying to avoid sneezing and all without blowing my nose. Yes,that all sucked but in the end I have no headaches and a facelift with a nose job as well. Not only did I get a teenage girl's dream but for 3 days I got to watch my favorite comedians to relieve my pain even though I was not supposed to laugh. So it must true that laughing is the best medicine.

I believe that causing someone it or receiving it from someone laughter is the best medicine to feel better or just at random you don't even have to be sick. For this treatment I could either 1st go and and see the doctor at his office (buying a ticket right to show or movie),or 2nd I could call him and ask him to come to my house (Searching comedian on internet or watching movie on TV or On Demand). Well personally,I have multiple doctors (Comedians) I like to watch every time they are on. Here is the list Gabriel Iglesias,Jeff Dunham,Carlos Mencia,Adam Sandler,Kevin James,David Spade,Chris Farley,Jim Carrey,Joe Gatto,James Murray,Sal Vulcano,Brian Quinn and possibly a few other just to name a few.

I think that for those who have diseases or sickness or even recovering this really helps out. But the best one of all would possibly half to be doing your own comedy for those people. So for example let's say my mom is sick from the flu and she is bored but she does not want to watch TV so I crack some jokes or just at random say funny things and she laughs. I also crack jokes even when someone has surgery so my grandpop had surgery last week so I called him and told him jokes as well.

But if my jokes do not work their is always old plain 1 and 2. Which are going to see a comedian or just my favorite comedians and watching them. But there is one more option and this is probably the best one as well which is go and crack jokes with your friends. So here is an example you are sitting and then something funny happens boom everyone laughs and then we crack jokes laughs some more and then stop and repeat.

So if you want be happy after being sick,surgery or even if not sad at all just go ahead like I do and watch,see,do it yourself or do it with friends laugh and comedy.