Real Heart Over Fake Talent (PEDs)

Performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) are used by people who want to have a competitive edge.  Most of the time these drugs are used by bodybuilders and professional athletes.  The satisfaction of becoming a star on a team or representing your country becomes too great and PEDs is what opens the door for these athletes to shine.  By taking these drugs you are giving yourself an advantage over players by using a substance that improves your abilities to perform.  As good as these drugs sound, there are a lot more bad qualities than there are good.  

Most people think that PEDs just consist of steroids but they are wrong.  There is a drug by the name of Erythropoietin that increase the count of someones red blood cells.  Red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body, so if one can increase his/her red blood cell count, there will be more oxygen going through ones muscles.  This is just one example and there are many more that are more effective.

The people who use PEDs are putting their bodies at risk for a temporary boost of performance.  The effects of these drugs can differ between genders and different drugs have different effects on the body.  Anabolic steroids come with severe physical side effects such as acne, high blood pressure, risk of tendinitis, and more.  If one consumes Gonadotropin side effects could include joint pain, muscle weakness, diabetes, and fluid retention.  Taking these drugs effects someones in a lot more bad ways than good.

This is a very touchy topic to me because me being an athlete, all I want is a fair chance.  For someone to cheat and use anything for them to get an unfair edge sickens me.  Me personally I will never use any type of unfair advantage to get myself better.  I believe the only way you will ever progress is if you show hard work and dedication to whatever you want to get better at, no matter what it is or what level you are on.

Word Can Be Strong

In today's soctiey, young teens are always under constant pressure, and they may not know how to release pain and stress, other than to harm themselves. That's were self harming comes in. It's when someone harms themselves by cutting, burning themselves, or other ways. I've interviewed one of my fellow upper classmate, and she told me how she struggled with self-harming. 
English interview

As I growth up, I had never being in a environment where teenager are cutting, drinking, smoking, and harming their-self is command. When I see those story or hear a story of self harming I begin to judged them, I feel like those are not normal, people like that had problem in their mind in order to do that to their-self . Like other, I often say thing that doesn't mean to hurt anyone, something that I view as joke, but many people who are under depression are taking it really serious. Attend SLA help me realize that people who surround me who had different story then  I'm. Some growing up without both of their parent being their life, some struggle with relationship, or eve and many other thing that I cant image is happened to their life. Everyone had it own journal and they had their own struggling.Their struggle maybe different from I wont know how it feel because I'm not in their shoe therefore I don't have any right to judge them. I should also be mindful of what I saying because that joke or a command that I make can hurt someone. Word can be really strong.

Bundy, Kenyatta; Digital Story (Interview w/ Kenyatta Sr.)

My goal with this project was to simply learn more about my father and his upbringing. This was an eye-opener for me in more ways than one. The project revealed a few things for me that I didn’t expect it to do. Those things include, understanding of my father, as well as what it means to really struggle and overcome boundaries at a young age. This project allowed for my father and I to sit down and have a deep conversation that was unlike any other that I’ve ever had with him. The deep interaction that occurred allowed for all walls to be broken down and the truth to come out. Throughout this project, I realized some of my own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to podcasts and creating them as well as when it comes to the interviewing process. The strengths that appeared for me during this time included; my mastering of GarageBand, as well as asking the necessary questions that allow for a true story to be told by the other person. I was able to get my father to talk for over an hour and fifteen minutes with only about ten simple questions. Although I had to edit about 90% of it out of my podcast in order to make it only twelve to fifteen minutes, this long conversation allowed for me to get some things that I normally would not have been told if I only asked simple questions about the specific story. Once the interview/conversation process was over, the editing had to begin and this is where I believe I did the very best. The cutting out, and mixing and mashing of different parts of the conversation in order to get a good twelve minutes of recording allowed for the best podcast that I could produce. With the many positives that I just talked about, it’s obvious that I would have a few weaknesses considering no one is perfect. My most apparent weakness came from my procrastination as well as lack of overall focus on the project after the recording was finished. Although I do not think my procrastinating affected the final outcome of the project, I do believe that if I were to actually not procrastinate I would have been a little less stressed out about the entire thing. To conclude this I would just like to say how much I enjoyed this project, and thank you whomever you may be for listening to this.

Philly School Funding

Philly School Funding

For my topic, I will be researching and hopefully positively contributing to Philadelphia school funding.  I am interested in this because I personally go to a public school in Philadelphia, who is struggling due to the lack of funding in our schools.  Currently, according to an article on the Education Week website, the school districts deficit is about 216 million dollars.  The school district plans on raising the cities sales tax to cover only half of that.

The states previous governor, Thomas Corbett, caused many problems for schools by giving tax breaks to large companies instead of money towards schools.  Our new governor.  Our current governor, Tom Wolf has been more compliant in supporting the school system, but the damage has been, and our schools are facing a crisis.  Here is a look at where the money in Philadelphia schools is being spent.

Almost no money is being spent on important extra utilities such as safety, food services, and transportation.   And, even with 45% of the money going towards instruction, there were still many lay-offs, especially for teachers with positions considered more minor or less necessary.

I am wondering the main ways I can help school funding, because although the problem is a lack of money, my donations would not go very far.  I will talk to teachers and students who have experience with this issue to say how they contribute.  I will do my best to spread awareness of the topic, however I think most people around me are aware of the problem because it affects them as well.  I don’t feel informed enough to design my own plan on how to fund the school system, because I am not sure of a fair way of raising the kind of money needed.      

Philadelplhians have a very bad view of public schools.  A survey showed that only 18% of people have a positive view of the schools, while most others see it as “poor”.  However, studies have shown that over 85% of teachers are competent in their teaching, meaning the problem lies elswhere.  America puts more money into their school systems than many other countries whose students excell beyond ours.  Therefore, the problem does not reside entirely within the school, but rather the personal lives of the people.  Unfortunately, I cannot change everyones lives, and make them richer.  So, I will use an interview as a way to come up with ideas of how to

benefit schools.

I wonder if any students in past years have chosen the same topic I am doing.  If I find out about someone who did, I wonder what I should ask them so they could help me with my project.  As the project goes on, I hope I thoroughly learn all the information I will need for this project about my topic, because it is useful and very relevant information.


The Difficulty of Living

Blog Post #1:

My topic is going to be Depression and Anxiety (for any age group). I am interested in this topic because I myself was recently diagnosed with depression and anxiety, and it’s fascinating because this is something that can developed over time or maybe after a certain event. Also how there is so many in’s and out’s to it, and how it can be different for everybody. Depression is basically chemical imbalance in the brain, that causes a lot of mental and physical symptoms that can affect you and your loved ones.

This issue is significant because Depression and Anxiety is one of the main causes of disability, and even death. It is extremely important to be aware about it because you never know when or if you would run into this kind of situation in desperate need of help. Depression and Anxiety is basically an imbalance in your brain. Everyone every now and then gets a little blue sometimes, however if you are waking up in tears almost every morning, feel like you are dragging your feet 24-7.

At this point I’m wondering how educated people are these days about this subject, I also question what I haven’t learned yet about Depression and Anxiety. I’m hoping that I can find great ways to explain this kind of subject because it can be extremely difficult sometimes explaining to others what seems confusing sometimes yourself.

Uneducated sex leads to worse things than educated sex

I am passionate about sex education. Teens need to be taught about the dangers of       sex but also that sex is a natural thing. I’m connected to this topic, because I didn’t learn  much about sex in middle school, just abstinence. I went to a private school, so it was their choice to educate us about it or not. I think teens these days should have the right to be educated in a safe setting about a natural occurrence. 

 In most states, sex education is not mandatory. It is required in 25 states & Washington DC. Most of these courses are abstinence only anyway. Teens are already having sex, I doubt any type of course is going to change that. But what we can do is make sure they’re safe while doing it. That could mean giving them condoms, or telling them the dangers of unsafe sex. Of course abstinence is the only way to make sure of being safe, but do teens really care nowadays?


A pie chart about Texas sex    

education in 2009. Almost all

abstinence only. Abstinence plus

should be required in schools as well.

In a research done by Columbia University, virginity pledges increased the risks of STDs or pregnancy since those taking the pledges did not know how to have safe sex. Even 88% of those that took the pledge, had premarital sex. There are articles saying that abstinence pertaining to god forces you into marriage

In the state of Pennsylvania, sex education is not required. The state actually received over a million dollars in 2010 to teach abstinence until marriage courses. Even though the age of sexual consent in Pennsylvania is 16, so many kids aren’t taught safe sex at all. Most private schools don’t choose to teach sex education as a whole, because most private schools are religious & think sex before marriage is sinful. So if most public schools & practically all private schools are rejecting sex education, how do teens find their information? The internet is a fairly reliable source, but sometimes they learn some things that aren’t quite true. Most articles about abstinence make it seem awful if you have premarital sex. Nowadays people staying abstinent for god are more believing that its sinful and they’ll be punished instead of doing it for themselves.


A survey teen girls took about how they got educated
about sexual health. Only 4% say they became educated
from a teacher!                               

In conclusion, I believe that all states should be required to teach sex education in public schools. Teach them the bad, but also the good. Teens probably aren’t going to stop having sex anytime soon, so why not express that its a natural thing, though illegal at their age. I just believe that we should be given proper education on important things. Like which STDs are the worst for you & and how to cure them, how to properly put on a condom, where the nearest clinic is, where to buy condoms, or how to ask your doctor about birth control. These things are so important to know, not just now, but for the future as well.

Public Speaking: Will Fear Be the Death of You?

The “You and The World” project consists of strategies that will teach students and/or other participants the values of issues that affects the world as a whole. The goals of the student(s) are to generate solutions to those problems. Each person might have a different view of the chosen situation, but the student will focus on their perspective and argue with further information they have gathered.

My topic consists of people and their fear of public speaking. (Closely related topics such as social anxiety are also largely included.) This topic enthralls me because of my own fear of it. My public speaking skills improved over the years, but anxiety still sets in whenever there is a huge crowd in front of me. Interacting might not be a problem when it comes to talking one on one with someone else, but it becomes one when talking to large group. Knowing about social anxieties is essential to further interact and deal with the problems that are a part behavioural structures. Social interaction is a key step to learning about the psychologic reasons as to why people are “afraid” of large crowds.

As I have mentioned before, my topic will consist of people being afraid of public speaking. But the fear can manifest itself into an uncontrollable chronic sense of worry or tension, which is anxiety. They are merely on the same boat, but barely. Recent studies have highlighted the role of right-sided temporal and prefrontal lobes activation during anxiety. When fear is activated in the brain, the signal travels to the amygdala. The amygdala processes a chemical called glutamate out into two regions of the brain. One of the signals is sent deep into the base of the brain into an area that humans physically have little to no control over. The second signal is sent to the hypothalamus and triggers the autonomic nervous system, which results to the body having movement without the recognition of the person. From this analysis, people now have the ability doubt that everyone experiences fear differently because of how the brain processes it.

We, as humans, have (mostly) similar brain functions. That is why TMVision interviewed, researched and surveyed over 3,000 U.S. inhabitants. The #1 ranked fear out of those 3,000 participants is (none other than) “speaking before a group.” Compared to that, the fear of death is ranked #6. This survey shows that there is more pressing matters on their mind rather than death, which is public speaking. A scenario might be, someone might fuss over their presentation for school/work they have to do for next week. Yet, they might not be thinking about death quite yet until something grave happens. To put in simpler words, people may actively fear public speaking more than they fear death, but their fear of public speaking is actually not stronger than their fear of death. This speaks out about what our society has to offer about what we’re afraid of collectively as the human race.

Screenshot 2015-04-23 at 3.03.57 PM.png

Figure 1: This shows the result of TMVision’s result of 3,000 U.S. inhabitants that participated in the survey that asked what they were afraid of most, on the top of their heads. Public speaking is ranked #1.

Anxiety attacks might be hard to relate to because individuals experience them in different ways. Suffering from any mental illness is not similar at all to a physical one. You can treat a physical injury with prescription drugs and medicine. When it comes to mental illnesses, the symptoms of having it is real. The only problem is, they reside within you and your mind. Many people do not understand the meaning of this, mostly because they haven’t been in the same or mostly similar situation as someone else. It’s quite hard to make them understand or feel empathy because they have not felt the same way.

Studies show that there is a clear distinction between fear and anxiety. Not only it is a matter of linguistics, another reason is the way our minds are different. Some are afraid of something. While others might have anxiety about something. Two different scenarios have to unfold if someone experiences fear or anxiety. Fear is driven by a physical object, such as a tarantula ready to pounce on you from your bedroom window. Anxiety derives from possibilities in your mind and it reverberates into your body through feelings of sickness (ie. nausea, dizziness).

“Curing" the whole world of social anxiety will surely be ineffective. This sounds a little pessimistic, I know. But every individual experiences and goes through so much that it’s not fair to compare them to someone else’s story. Different approaches should be taken when dealing with such a catastrophic amount of people. There are about 7 billion people inhabiting the world today. Slow steps are required, one at a time. Anyone and everyone can suffer from fearing speaking out to large groups. Even people that you know, work with, attend school with, etc. The Social Anxiety Association (SAA) is a “nonprofit organization that promotes understanding and treatment of social anxiety disorder.” This organization helps and treats those who suffer from social anxiety and those who fear public speaking. 7% of the population today suffer from some type of social anxiety disorder. 7% of 7 billion accumulates to 490,000,000 people. Every single number equals to a single person. Each person needs help with their anxieties. There are 490,000,000 different reasons as to why we need to help them.

Figure 2: “Social Anxiety is the third largest mental health care problem in the world today. Alcoholism is first, depression is second, and social anxiety is third. Social anxiety causes chronic anxiety and fear over social situations.” -- The Social Anxiety Association

Social problems prevent people from achieving the life they ultimately want. Being put in a situation in which a person has fears of speaking in a group is the fact that it affects their social life as well. A similar scenario is: wanting to hang out with your friends/coworkers/classmates with the fear of losing them all. But the thing is, you have that aching feeling that they’re all going to leave you if you slip up once, twice, or numerous times. This feeling can be overcome with going to a therapy session with a structured therapist. Having friends and family on one’s side when overcoming their current situation is much needed. Those who suffer from social anxiety need to have those closest to them helping them in every step of the way. That is one of the many active ways that you could help anyone you know that suffers from social anxiety.

Currently, I wonder if people suffering from social phobia as I do get their motivation. Also, I ask if people understand what it means to have phobias of socializing, yet they turn it down and see it as a petty fear. I want to continue further in my research of finding out who deals with their fears and anxieties. My main goal after conducting research, experiments, and movements through this project is to help those who solely suffer from these awful mental disorders.

Click here to view my sources.

Filling The Gaps In America's Mental Health "System"

I was devastated when I realized that I would likely be disregarding of America’ s failing mental health system if it were not for my own nonverbal, autistic, younger brother. I find it terrifying to think that I would just be another kid who paid this issue no mind, if I did not have this personal connection. It disappoints me even more that there are many people who simply do not care about this problem, or even refer to this as a significant issue.  Despite the occasional spark a deadly school shooting ignites in the discussion of mental illnesses, this topic is usually ignored and the invisible cult of depressed, autistic, bipolar,  children remain hidden at the back of classrooms, where they become shadows of a system that fails to provide the resources essential to their growth.  They are then forced to thrive in a competitive world, where people with differences are usually ostracized and shunned without a chance. In my project, I plan to connect the defective mental health care system to the general ignorance shared by the public about how these issues affect the mentally-challenged.


This picture metaphorically illustrates the dangers the breaches in the mental health care system cause in reference to the Connecticut shooting.

The numbers are sickening. 40,000 people die a year by means of suicide. Only 30% of depressed teenagers are being treated for depression. These statistics make me wonder: Why is there not a lot of emphasis being put on mental illnesses? Why do politicians seldom talk about underfunded special education programs at school? Why does death resuscitate the usually ephemeral debate? I believe that if the public was educated about the cracks in the mental health system,and the deadly consequences they engender, more citizens would care enough to drive an imperative discussion that can lead to awareness concerning ways to make people with mental illnesses feel welcome in the society they live in.iStock_000011573406Large_blog.jpg

This picture represents a campaign to stop teen suicides.

For years, I have watched my parents struggle to provide my brother with the best opportunities, mainly because few exist  without a hefty price tag. Moreover, many of the programs that are supposed to aid his development are uncoordinated to the extent when calling the state of unorganized, and sometimes ineffective services,  offered to the mentally-challenged,  a “ system”, can be questioned. Families in desperate need of assistance are usually forced to navigate a circuitous route, involving professionals who know little about their child’ s history, and experimenting with countless prescriptions, praying that one bottle of pills makes a difference in their children’ s lives along the way. These families, like my own, live in the constant fear of being unable to provide their loved ones with the necessities they need in order to stay healthy and content mainly because the current makeshift system is not secure enough to support their needs.

Through research, I found that there are only 7, 500 psychiatrists, while 20,000 are actually needed. 5 million American children suffer from mental illnesses, however, reimbursement for mental health services, from public and privates insurers, often falls short of providing the most salient services. These issues are seldom spoken about in society and in the media unless a mentally ill person goes on a murder spree. Even then, the excitement is short-lived.


 This graph shoes how mental illnesses affects American students.

My project will bring awareness to the gaps in our mental health care system. I plan to do so by showcasing how little the public knows about the issues that negatively affect the mentally-ill through a survey and field observation at a treatment center , and correlating my findings to the broken system. Stay tuned!


Spanish Skit

Syeda: Así que, ¿dónde debemos ir hoy? (so, where should we go today?)

Nana: Tengo muchas ganas de ir de compras. (i really want to go shopping)

Athalia: yo también (me too)

Liv: Pero yo quiero ir a la fuente (but i want to go to the fountain)

Tajnia: Sí, yo tambien! (yeah, same here)

Syeda: el centro comercial cuenta con ropa bonita (the mall has nice clothes)

Tajnia: ...... pero tiene largas colas (...but it has long lines)

Liv: hay una tienda de helados junto a la fuente (there is an ice cream store next to the fountain)

Nana: ... pero la fuente que te hace mojado (...but the fountain makes you wet)

Athalia: debemos ir de compras y luego la fuente (we should go shopping and then the fountain)


(inside the mall)

Nana: (looks at phone) Oh... Tengo que ir al baño (Oh... I gotta go to the bathroom)

Athalia: Yo iré contigo (I'll go with you)

Nana: NO!.... sólo compras (no... just keep shopping)

Athalia: Bien(Okay)

Tajnia: quince minutos más tarde (fifteen minutes later)

Nana: (looks behind her) Debo ir a casa (I gotta go home)

Syeda: Por que? (why?)

Nana: Tengo que llevar a mi perro al veterinario (I have to take my dog to the vet)

Liv: No tienes un perro (You don't have a dog)

Syeda Tajnia Athalia Liv: (looks back) Es el novio, Mason?!

Mini-Proyecto: Harrison, Anthony, Noah

Raul: Huh? Who’s there?

Pedro: Just some friends we would like to invite you over to our house.

Juan:  Yeah, do you want to come over?

Raul: Uhhh….

Juan: They’ll be candy….

Pedro: And tacos….

Raul: Sounds tempting, where are we going?

Pedro: Mexico City, home of the slums and the dru-I mean, the candy and the chocolate!

Juan: So whaddaya think? Do you want to come with us?

Raul: Yeah, I think so. It sounds good!


(Raul Starts running)

(Pedro and Juan chase with batons)

(We circle around the room a couple of times)

Sex Slavery

I am participating in this project called “You and the World Project”. It was given to me in my English class and basically what we have to do is find an issue in the world and interact with it. So based on this, I chose to have my topic be Sex Slavery.

Many people believe that slavery no longer occurs, whereas that is not the case. Specifically, I will like to inform the world of sex slavery. Sex trafficking is the oppression of women and children being forced into forms of sexual activity. I have done research on many personal stories from women and children who have gone through forms of this. According to this article, I have learned that sex trafficking occurs in places like Cambodia and India, but not only that, they also occur in places in the US such as New York. The sex typically happens in places called brothels, which are houses of prostitution.

It is estimated that there are 8.4 million children in slavery or practices similar to slavery. Girls being sold into sex slavery are more likely to be in between the ages of 10-15. There are 215 million child laborers 5-17 years old (2010). Sex slavery is recorded to be the worst and highest in Asian countries. Many girls in Cambodia are said to be dead by the age of 20 with AIDS because of slavery. Mother’s at times sell their girls to sex slavery because of lack of money. According to this site human trafficking produces $9.5 billion a year in the United States. A sex slave can be forced to have sex up to 20-48 times per day. Pimps here in the United States can make $150,000-$200,000 per child each year and pimps usually have 4-6 girls. All the money earned has to be given to a pimp and if the victim does not meet their quota for the day, they may be asked to remove their clothing so they can get a beating. Kolab, a survivor of sex trafficking in Cambodia was beaten with a stick until she fainted, often getting electrocuted and getting cut by a knife by her pimp. One out of every three runaway teens are lured into prostitution within 48 hours of being in the street. Most victims suffer from emotional trauma, are under mental and physical threat and have symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

In order to fight against sex trafficking, efforts must be made to eliminate gender discrimination and inequality. Poverty and the lack of protection from abuse and violence perpetuate and feed into the demand for sex trafficking. According to this article “It is critical to implement legal safeguards for women and girls to alleviate poverty and create greater possibilities for non-exploitative options for girls and women”. Sex tourism is also another form of sexual exploitation. A sex tour operator makes it feasible for someone that travels in from another country access to sex slaves in that city. Advocates against this type of tourism have worked hard to criminalize and prosecute sex tour operators under the law.

I am interested in this topic because, aside from women, forced sex happens to children my age! It is a mind blowing situation that needs to be discontinued and terminated. This hurts lots of families all over the world and  I expect to learn more about the personal encounters and stories these women and children have to share.

Annotated Bibliography

Anti Semitism All Over

Anti Semitism is something that I have always been fascinated by. Throughout history jews have been faced with prejudice, exile and genocide. As a jewish boy who went to school in a private jewish school for 9 years I felt almost no ais very important because many innocent people are being mistreated and abused due to their religion. Many people are not aware of the struggle that a lot of jews go through. My first time going to school where their were almost no jews has been very different. A lot of people at SLA and other public schools do not know any jews and most people are not taught and educated about the struggle that jews have been through to keep their heritage and religion alive. If people knew more about what jews have been through and that kind of way we are treated in other countries in Europe and Asia their might be less anti semitism in Philadelphia and in the world. A lot of anti semitic countries are located in the Middle East and Israel has been attacked several times in the past and now.  Israel has taken part in 15 battles and wars and is still fighting once again to keep it’s freedom.  Countries like Greece are in high support of those who fight against Israel. For the first time since the holocaust NeoNazis have entered into government in Greece. The world is becoming more and more against the idea of jews having their own country.

A survey was taken asking people around the world whether or not they believed certain statements and stereotypes about jews. The results were astounding and scary. One statement was “Jews are responsible for most of the world’s wars.” 38% of people who were surveyed said that this was probably true.  

At this point in the project I am wondering what steps and actions are being taken the world and in the community. I want to learn more about anti semitism and how a lot of it started. For the rest of the project I want to make a difference in the community by showing how anti semitism affects millions of people. I also wonder why and how certain anti semitic thoughts are started and pushed to millions of people throughout the world.

Stranger Danger !!

While growing up I have heard many stories about people of all different ages being abducted for reasons such as personal entertainment, money, custody disagreements, and other things that you would never think of. Almost everyday I  watch the news and it is so mind blowing when you hear about the things that are going on today in the world. However when I watch the news there will always be that one thing that catches my attention the most and that is when they talk about the amber alerts. A lot of the younger people are not educated enough about the different scenarios that can be used to lure people into the danger of a strangers arms. I have always been interested in this topic because I have always wondered how anybody could take away another human being knowing that, that person has somebody that loves them and cares for them. How could anybody do something for their personal gain while knowing that it is hurting somebody else. By taking on this project I want to try to show people what kind of approaches could be used and I also want to inform people on what could be done to help yourself and others when a possible abduction could take place. If you keep up with my blog posts you can learn ways to protect yourself and others by. Together we can decrease the amount of people that get abducted a year..

Image #1Pie chart showing Non-Family Child Abductions by Age: 0-5 years, 7%; 6-11years, 12%; 12-14 years, 22%; and 15-17 years, 59%; and pie chart showing Non-Family Child Abductions by Gender: Male, 35%; Female, 65%.


Pie chart showing Identity of Perpetrator in Non-Family Abductions:  Friend, 17%;  Acquaintance, 21%; Neighbor, 5%; Authority Person, 6%; Caretaker or Babysitter, 4%; Stranger, 45%; Someone Else, 3%.

                                                                               Image #2

  • Image number one shows the statistics for the abductions by gender and age.

  • Image number two shows the statistics for the abductions by showing the percentages of who the perpetrator in non- family Abductions.

Approximately 4,600 children are abducted by strangers (non- family members ) each year in the United States. There are 300 long term abductions each year where children are murdered, never found, or returned back to their parents after months or even years later. Surviving an abduction can start a development of Social Anxiety, Eating Disorders, numerous hallucinations, and lots of other things. The 450,700 children that ran away from home did not think about the possibility of being picked up by a stranger. More than 758 kids have been saved from Amber Alerts in all 50 states.

If you ever see someone being abducted you want to try to be as helpful as possible without putting yourself in danger. To help out the police you could try to look for scars, tattoos, or even the logos that could be on the clothes of the abductor. Also if you the abductor came out of or is in a van or car try to take pictures the vehicle so that way the police can run it through the system. If you can get a picture of the vehicles license plate that would be even better.

Everyday innocent people are being ripped away from their families and are being held captive by a stranger or family member. We can help teach this generation of kids to learn how to protect themselves and others when in danger. After being abducted they life is cut short, they can not live their life anymore without fearing that someone is going to take away their happiness again. I hope to dive further into my topic so I can inform others about how to be aware of your surroundings and how to protect yourself. I can not wait to learn more about abduction and make a positive change.

This video is a video that test to see if these  young children were taught enough about what and not to do when being approached by strangers. This also shows that you should not give out your information just because your friends did. If you have a feeling that something is not right then stick with that.

Click Here To See My Bibliography !


My topic is on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; most commonly known as OCD. This is a brain and behavioral disorder that causes anxiety, obsessions and compulsions. My project will be in video form, involving a thorough OCD explanation, statements from people suffering from OCD, and tips that have helped others. As child I had mild OCD relating to my body and even actions. I would have to touch something an even amount of times on both sides in the exact same way. If I mess up, I would have to finish the first set and make a completely new one to accommodate my mistake.

OCD based repetitive checklist. Example of ODC situation

There are many stories that are similar to my own. ADAA provides a similar story, from an anonymous person “The stress of moving away from home made my OCD explode. My parents and I wondered why I couldn’t adjust to college. Like a member of an audience, I watched my hall mates experience the normal worries of college: homesickness, classes, and the quality of dining hall food. I assumed the nervous feeling would eventually subside, but I was wrong. Even when the initial stress of college wore off, my anxiety remained.” This person struggled with their OCD. College drove them to stressful situations.Their OCD left a big impact on their life, along with many others.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder art

Another example from the ADAA is this person who had a college problem as well.“Episodic OCD burdened me for over a decade, from my college years until 2006. Self-punishment made matters worse, as it does for everyone. I compulsively checked the coffee maker to see if it was off, and over checked my written work.“ College is putting a really big strain on this person. It was so hard he became a slave to his OCD. He started checking things in his daily life over and over again, routinely too. These habits disrupt people's lives and create a barrier against the rest of the world.

OCD isn't always a seriously dangerous experience. For some people the thing that sets them off could be considered normal to others.  “Diance doesn’t know why she felt so anxious. But she knows what she saw when the feeling overwhelmed her: a nearby woman wearing a v-neck sweater.” Some peoples OCD is different from most. Like this person, she simply didn't like they way something looked. A piece of clothing bothered her. Even though it may seem ridiculous, its very real and frustrating. She has to live with it for the rest of her life. Things may seem weird to her, but she feels like it needs to be fixed. Thats just how some cases of OCD are.

OCD example of order (Alphabetically)

The three examples used showed that OCD can have an effect on peoples lives; even in small ways. This Disorder makes people who they are, and I want to help people find a way to help themselves without suppressing it with medication. I am curious to find out how OCD can differ from person to person. I want to learn how OCD is developed. I Also plan on finding the statistics of OCD. How many people are diagnosed, what ages, and where.  

Animal Abuse-A Chance to Help

Throughout my life, I witnessed animal abuse through many aspects. For example, commercials, infomercials, videos, pathlets, and movies. I have also noticed animals injured throughout my neighborhood. I see glimpses of cats with no tail, walking without a leg, and ears chopped off. Before I walk over to them they run away because they are afraid of what humans can do. Luckily, some people have gathered together and formed shelters and fundraisers to help animals in need. In my experience, My father and I used our cat box and fixed it with a heating pad. We built this for a cat to survive the winter who was occasionally at our house. We have helped this cat many times by feeding it and giving it water.

For my “You and the World” I chose to focus on Animal abuse. I decided to go on further with trying to help animals and the “You and the world” project is a chance to get motivated and have a visual of what I should be expecting. It will also give me an insight of what I will be dealing with if I continue with this activity. I mainly chose this topic because I have seen many animals abused and injured and I could not help, but now I know I have a chance to help make change. The average amount of abused animal is growing each year. Approximately 7.6 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year. Of those, approximately 3.9 million are dogs and 3.4 million are cats.

  • This is Oogy, he was tied to a stake and used as bait for a Pit Bull. The left side of his face including most of his ear was torn off. He was bitten so hard a piece of his lower jaw was crushed. Afterward, he was thrown into a cage and left to bleed to death.

  • This is Lincoln, he is a Plott Hound mix who was brought to a high-kill shelter. A local rescue group saved him on the day he was to be put to sleep. He was immediately taken to a veterinary clinic for medical attention because of a severely injured back leg. Xrays revealed it was old fractures. His left hind limb had sustained such damage that it was thought impossible to save. Sadly, it had to be amputated.

Whenever veterinary surgeons see cases of “non-accidental injury” in pets, they know that there’s a serious risk that humans in the same household could be at risk of similar injuries. The second way that animal cruelty has serious consequences for humans is a phenomenon known as the “erosion of empathy”. It’s been known for some time that most serial killers start their murderous careers by killing animals: Jeffrey Dahmer impaled the heads of cats and dogs on sticks. The self-named Crossbow Cannibal from Bradford was reported to keep large lizards which he fed on live rodents. Cruelty to animals is the first step; once this moral hurdle has been stepped over, it’s much easier to be cruel to humans. It follows that if animal cruelty can be prevented, or stopped at an early stage, assault and murder of humans will also be prevented.

Animal cruelty is basically when an owner hurts an animal or does not care for an animal responsibly, like not giving a dog or cat food and water. It is against the law to be cruel to or harm animals, even your own pets. It’s also called animal abuse, or neglect. Animal abuse is important for people to know because people need to understand the importance of keeping animals safe. If people see animal abuse, they should know not to stop the abusers, but to call for help. It would be very dangerous to stop the abusers alone.

I wonder if people knew when they how they animal felt when they are injured, would they stop? How do people get the idea to hurt animals? Do abusers hurt animals for enjoyment? I hope I learn more about why people make these choices and why they do it.

Heads Up!

Bullying is one of the biggest problems in schools all over the world. It all starts with an annoying comment then it leads to sever matters. We've seen it happen and unfortunately, lots of people know how it feels. No one likes it, especially people who can’t fight back whether it's physically or verbally. Those people or students are immigrants and English Language Learners (ELLs).

My interest on ELLs being bullied is very personal. Two years ago I moved to the United States knowing only twenty words in English.  I went to a new school where people were nice to me, but a few other students were making fun of me. I remember they were making fun of my accent and a few words I used. They continued to do that for a full school year and it really bothered me. It wasn't just me they were making fun of, there were more of my classmates that had to go through their bullying and act like everything was okay.

The issue is that these students can’t fight back in any way other than inappropriate behavior. There are many ways these kids get bullied. For example, students get taunted and sometimes physically abused. They are made fun of the way they dress or what they believe in and many more.

This is important because if all these non-ELLs are getting bullied and not a lot of peple know about it. There a many difficulties that these students have. Like, learning disabilities, adjusting to the environment and meeting new people. Language differences, they might not understand what is being said or cannot respond to the point. Bullying experiences may lead to inappropriate behavior and self-harm.

Research shows that about 50% of students say that they make fun of non-ELLs accents and 29% say that they use physical force to bully them.

Frequently asked questions

Annotated Bibliography

Image by:  

Are they really that Important ?

For my ¨You and the World¨ project, I decided to research the abuse of drugs. Drug abuse is when a person use more of a drug than they are suppose to. Drug abuse interested me because drugs have encounter in my life in many ways. For instance, Some people that I personally know are addicted to drugs and don’t know that they are. In addition, I am interested in this topic because drugs are frequently used in and outside of school. Drugs that are prescribed from the doctors is not abuse; It becomes abuse when people continue to use the drug after the amount or days prescribed are over. A person is usually addicted when they continue to use the drug for the pleasure that they receive while taking that certain drug. Risk for addiction is influenced by a combination of factors that include individual biology, social environment, and age or stage of development.

"HarmCausedByDrugsTable" by User:Tesseract2 - "Scoring drugs", The Economist, data from "Drug harms in the UK: a multi-criteria decision analysis", by David Nutt, Leslie King and Lawrence Phillips, on behalf of the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs. The Lancet. 2010 Nov 6;376(9752):1558-65. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(10)61462-6 PMID:21036393. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons -

In this picture it shows a list of severe drugs. The picture depicts how many people each drugs harms. It also shows how many people around that person is harmed even though they do not use the drug.

Drug abuse is a problem that occurs all around the world. Most people who use drugs are influenced by their environment. Although a numerous amount of people use drugs, Not many know the effect it had on your brain. It is important for you to know about drugs because they can cause lifelong problems or even death. You probably know that the United states is in debt, but did you know that drugs are a big reason why we are this predicament? The United States spend about $193 billion on illicit drugs, $193 billion on tobacco, and $235 billion on alcohol yearly. It is significant to inform you about drugs because you as a reader probably didn’t know the effects drugs have one people and the country itself.   

Before doing this project and research, I already knew an iota amount of knowledge on drugs such as if a person is addicted to a drug and they really want to stop, it will be a hard process because of your brain not the person. From the research so far, I have learned some new types of drugs. In addition, I also learned how drugs disrupts your communication system inside your brain. Learning all these negative things about drugs made me think of other things. As I continue to this project, I would like to discover if there are any ways that these horrible drugs help a person in a positive way. I hope to learn that there are other people out in the world trying to find ways to lower the drug abuse rate. Also, I hope to learn that the government or police are trying to eliminate any illegal drugs from any users.

In conclusion, My ¨ You and The World “project is on the abuse of drugs and how it affects people. For my outside portion of the project I will be doing a survey and a visit to a rehabilitation center.

Annotated Bibliography

Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?

Which country won the Vietnam war? Who is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court? What is the number of voting representatives in the House of Representatives? Can’t answer those questions? Chances are you are not alone, as most of the American population cannot answer basic questions about US civics, politics and history. That is not acceptable and I am here to help solve the crisis.

How did I come to know about the problem at hand? It came to light from of all media, a Youtube video. This video accurately showed that the majority of the American public does not know basic information. For one of the questions, most responses to “Name a country that begins with u,” were “Utah.” Utah is not country, the United States of America is. An overlooked problem in our society is that the citizens are not fully informed about the country they live in. It has always frustrated me to see that citizens who grew up in a school system, which although is not the greatest, can’t remember the topics they learned in class or in school.

“Americans Don't Know Much About History” reads the title of an NBC article, detailing the lack of knowledge the country as a whole has. This could be the fact that our education system and our method of news distribution has been . I am not fond of American news agencies for their constant repetition of information and only reporting about the “breaking news.” One might at least know, from all of the ad hominem thrown at the public, what some current issues are and maybe basic facts. But no, an article by on a study done by Ispos-MORI, shows that our country is the 2nd most ignorant in the world when it comes to knowing about social issues and topics.


This infographic above is a great showing of where we fall on the ignorance scale.

What does not being informed mean to the country though? By not being informed, the country will not be able to make decisions that help the situation. Like immigration, most citizens know that illegal immigrants cross the border, but many don’t know that immigrants legally take the citizenship test have a 97% chance of passing! What does this have to do with the situation? Well the whole test is about American civics and politics so Americans should pass with ease, right? Wait for it, 1 out of 3 naturalized citizens would fail the test. If the number of answers right needed to pass the test was 7 instead of 6, 1 out of 2 naturalized citizens would fail. What does this all say about our country? That we are losers and or stupid? No, it says we need to study more and be engaged in the topics that affect us allScreenshot 2015-04-24 at 11.41.34 PM.png

This above is the chart on how many native citizens would actually still get to live in the country if they had to take a citizenship test to determine their status.

After reading this, some might say, “Who cares? The government makes the decisions and not me, besides I already am informed about this country.” It does make a difference on what you know,  this country is a republic and built off the people. I hope to see throughout the course of this project, that citizens will all take charge of our American knowledge and strive to learn about the country we call home. It is a civic duty to be informed. Our country must enlighten itself.

Images are taken from sources listed in the bibliography.

Practice your American smarts

Check out the youtube video which got me started, I bet you will laugh!

Want to take the Ipsos-MORI test, click on me!


Unchain the Voice

  In our English class we were given a project call Passion,Information Change : You and the world. In this project we become people called the agents of change . We  focus on an issue in the world we would like to change and than we go out into the world and try to change it   in the best we know possible .  The issue I am focusing on is “The difference between Snitching and Speaking out “. My project is called  “Unchain the voice”. When you hear this , the first thing that might come to your mind is bullying, speaking up  and out . Well it is, some of the way. Not totally though .   It is more about how to define the terms for ourselves and use them in positive instead of negative ways .  Snitching is a negative term that only in riches criminals. “ - Robert Watson  Speaking out  is a term that brings justice  to others and even yourself .  I choose this topic because  people have  bent the definition so many times that I believe people have forgotten the true meanings.  We need to be educated about it and be ready for when the time comes to identify it .    Identify it may be easy once you practice it but acting on it is going to be the difficult part.

 The issue we face   is all over the world . We see it in schools and on the street and in jails and prisons the most . Snitching is to keep from justice happening . For example , you see one  your best friend push a kid to the floor but you say nothing . You chain your voice up because that is your best friend . Why don’t you say anything ? Why don’t you get help? What are you afraid of?  I can explain , the consequences that follow up with the voice that is unchained. You lose respect but why ?  This is why I want to educate young people about the issue before it gets to out of control .  Keeping a secret for a friend ,,,, to witnessing or hearing something that can cause harm to yourself or someone else is wrong. It is time to unchain the voices .  We unchain by finding one key at a time .

Fig 1: This is our  voices when we   speak out to help others or ourselves . This is when  we use our voices for the right cause. We don’t just free the voice but our own selves from restraint . We speak out . We do not snitch  . Snitch is only a negative term that empowers those who do not have the power to bring justice on themselves .

fig 2 : symbolizes the rhyme. Snitches get stiches . A lot of people probably thought it was a stupid rhyme to probably keep you  quiet from telling the truth .  The rhyme did have some truth to it though . Much truth probably  . The consequences of bringing someone to justice may not always be  always sometimes physical  depends on your situation and your surroundings . The consequences in high  school or a lower school may be that you get left out , labeled a snitch , and you might lose friends. So why do it ? What if you don’t do it . Consequences will come in all types and forms but only leaders can  handle the pressure of speaking out not snitching speaking out .  So will you lead or will you follow for someone else to suffer the consequence of you saying nothing at all.

figure 3: We spoke about all the things before .  Breaking the chain and the consequences for it  but just think about your reward. Just reach out your hands up and say I can use my voice. You have to believe before you can actually do it .  You will earn a good reputation for being accountable .  Speak out and finally be free.

At this point I wonder about people responses and what they think about snitching and speaking out. I wonder if this issue even crossed their mind or did they even think this was an issue at all . I wonder if people will agree and try to stop or fight against what I am saying because of past experiences,  I want to know if an unchained voice to them is better chained.

You are what you listen to

What is your favorite type of music? Can I assume pop? Possibly rap? Or are you a classic rock or classical music fan being overwhelmed by the popularity of pop music?
Well… I am one of those classic rock and classical music fans in the minority. Yes, I listen to classical music for fun. No, not just for music class. It isn’t boring! I find it diverse, dramatic, energetic, relaxing and more. Like a human being, there are so many different moods, personalities and styles. And what of pop music?

“Pop” or popular music is simple. The most popular pop songs are based on the same four chords. That’s right! The same four chords over and over and over. Don’t believe me? Watch “The Four Chord Song” by Axis of Powers here:

And what of the lyrics? The melodies are rudimentary at best and these songs are all about sex, drugs and our material culture. See Nicki Minaj's “Anaconda” written as a poem.

The first program to be cut from our schools is music. Music and art. Musical training helps increase coordination, emotional development, builds imagination, teach disciplines and much more! Here’s “20 Important Benefits of Music In Our Schools”. Oh, did I mention better SAT scores?

The music you listen to correlates to your smarts! Click here to see where your musical tastes fall in this chart of SAT scores. Are you in the thousands? Or, gasp, 800s? Did this inspire you to listen to Mozart right now? This chart dates back to 2009 but the graphic is new. It maps the musical tastes of college students and their SAT scores.

Listening to Mozart during a test makes you get better results as proven by the University of California at Irvine. “... they conducted a study to improve your IQ with specific kinds of music. The study psychologists observed that participants who listened to 10 minutes of a Mozart piano sonata achieved higher scores on a test of spatial intelligence than the participants who took the test without having listened to the music.” Psychologists found that if they listened to a different type of music, for example, a dance piece with lots of rhythms, there is no improvement. This suggests that composition such as Mozart’s sonatas stimulate pathways in your brain that have a connection with mental skills. This “... asserts that music has a direct effect on human intelligence and can improve your IQ.” So how can you stimulate your brain with music and eventually improve your IQ? Take advantage of wonderful opportunities such as...

Project 440, created by Joseph Conyers, a bassist currently a part of the Philadelphia Orchestra, is an organization “designed to encourage, educate and empower communities through the unifying power of music.” They want “ establish music as a central tool for education, leadership, and community building.” Through training young musicians to serve their community with sharing their gift of music, they have increased appreciation of classical music in young people. Project 440 strives to ignite young people’s excitement about sharing their music with the world. With help during the college audition process, Project 440 empowers students to turn their passion for playing into a passion for giving.


These children are getting to see Joseph Conyers, a bassist, up close and in action. Learning a new instrument, like a new language, only gets more challenging as you grow older. It’s easier to start at a young age! (Source)

In conclusion, music can improve your IQ and test scores and is an invaluable opportunity for all. wonder what classically trained musicians listen to in their free time? How do most teenagers actually feel about classical music? About learning a classical instrument?

The Teenage Struggle, Lifes So Hard

In our English class we are doing a project that is called You and the World. Basically this project is when the students in our ninth grade English class were we research deeper into societal issues of today, and look more into what we can do to help the problem or get closer to ending it.

What my You and the World project is about is Teen Stress. I chose this topic to research in one because, I didn't a lot of other topics in mind. But more importantly two, because this is a problem that I face myself and see a lot of other teenagers around me struggle with as well and I see this a big problem in our society the is overlooked a lot of times, and can be hard for people to deal with.

The reason I am interested in this project because I think that some of the studies show some really crazy things that you would have never thought of. We all know that adults always have a lot on their plates to deal with ranging from bills and things to even taking care of their own child. But could you think through all of that your child has a higher stress level than the adult. Now you may be thinking well they are an adult they know how to deal with that better, but it is still a valid problem, and teenagers should be able to get the help earlier in their lives so they will be able to deal with it.

This image is showing actually displayed a mostly accurate portrayal of a lot of the things that can cause teen stress.

You see a good amount of these things do not really actually involve the teen but is more of a mental thing. Like the fitting in, or the expectations. These are things that can be problematic for some, but it just takes someone to be there for them and help them out when they are feeling a little down. Like the fitting in, I don’t think people should worry about fitting in with everyone else and maybe just get more of quality friends than quantity of friends. And expectations can be a really hard one for people because I have to deal with this problem all the time in my life, and it happens when people know how well you can do and push you to always do that 120% amount of work that they know you can, and that is very stressful on people. Because we start to feel like if we don’t meet the expectations that we aren't doing good enough. I think that people should be able to work as much as what is comfortable with them and be able to push themselves sometimes, which is different from always having someone do it for you.

Image result for teen stress

Since I have already done a good deal of research on my topic, I am starting to ponder upon many different ideas that we could do to help teens deal with stress that they have so that maybe we can bring the level down from a 5.8/10 to the average of 3.9/10. Whether it be from something as large making everyone teen instantly nice to each other and make everyone get along. To something like spreading awareness enough so that it reaches out to the genuinely nice people who might take time out of their own day to help a teen or anyone for that matter not feel as stressed or depressed.

Annotated Bibliography

Sponsoring, for Immigration.

What I like to do this Benchmark for this quarter is doing, Sponsors for Immigrants.

I would like to do this topic because there are many students, kids, and even adults who came to America, from another country, but wasn’t able to do so without a sponsor.

Sponsoring has a different meaning in both America, and outer-America. I think it’s obvious what it means in America, which is a person, firm, organization, etc., that finances and buys the time to broadcast a radio or television program so as to advertise a product, a political party, etc. . In the immigration field, the term "sponsor" often means to bring to the United States or "petition for".

Tan Le, a women who had a similar experience. Tan Le is the founder & CEO of Emotiv, a bioinformatics company that's working on identifying biomarkers for mental and other neurological conditions using electroencephalography

She talked in a TEDtalk to share her immigration story.

Immigrants who boards to the U.S are considered “Aliens” as said here;

The reason why? I don’t know myself, I still have more research to go through but, I have enough research to tell you about the topic i'm doing and enough information to give you a “Sneak Peek” at the topic.

Another thing I like to talk about is William Sloane.

This picture is William Sloan,William Milligan Sloane III, also known simply as William Sloane, was an American author of fantasy and science fiction literature, and a publisher. Sloane is best known for his novel To Walk the Night.

When I asked my father what his sponsor’s name was before he came to America, He answered with excitement. He asked me if I know where he lives or what not, how’s he doing, or how his children were. He told me stories like how young my sister was, when they came. My father also spoke about wanting to visit to say his thanks for helping him and his family to be here and live a happy life. The thing that saddened my Dad was the death of William Slaone. He died April 12, 2004. My father still kept a smile up and asked if I can have any sort of contact to his kids. The only thing I found interesting about William Slaone before he died, was his extended interview;

To this day, my father still remembers him, always wanted to visit him, he wasn't able to do so since he didn’t have a vehicle to travel far enough to give his thanks. Now that I heard my father’s story, I’d want to take this research to another level, to the point where my father can give his thanks, find more information about Sponsoring for Immigration, know how immigrants feel about their sponsors. Did they feel happiness? Do they even want to visit their sponsors? These questions would be the future towards my research.

Killadelphia- The City of Brutally Love?

Gun Violence. Something that could affect you, your family, and community. I hear a lot about fatal shootings on the news, from people, and social media. I could have lost my cousin because he was a victim of gun violence. He was shot four times, and I wasn’t sure if I was ever going to see him again. This is something that goes through the minds of millions of people throughout the world each day when they learn that a loved one is a victim of gun violence. But what are we going to do about it? Are we going to just sit around and let this happen to young men and women? There are so many reasons why this is happening. You can find these reasons in your own backyard. We may think if this does not happen to us or are family we are fine. But maybe the neighborhood you live in isn’t.  How do you know if you are safe or not? Is Philly a safe place to be? Is your neighborhood a safe place ? Or even better, are you mindful of your surroundings and what’s going on in the environment you live in? Are there ways of preventing this from happening in the city of Philadelphia? Come along with me on my journey to learn more about this topic on my “You and The World’ project to make Philadelphia and your neighborhood a safer and happier place to be.

At the close of 2014, Philadelphia was ranked #4 overall in number of gun murders with 729 people being killed throughout the United States. This is out of more than 35,000 cities and towns in the US that Philadelphia was listed fourth.  Above please see the statistics as it relates to gun shooting victims in the months of January through September in 2014.  The graph below shows the number of shooting victims by for each day in the month of August of 2014.

The statistics help to paint the picture of how severe this problem in our city.There was some hope for Philadelphians in January of 2015 when Tom Wolf was installed as the Governor of Pennsylvania.  Prior to being elected, Governor Wolf was endorsed by CeasefirePA, the leading gun control group in Pennsylvania.  Governor Wolf has taken a strong stance on gun issues in the state of Pennsylvania which will have a direct impact on Philadelphia.  Here are some of the changes that would possibly take place based on Governor Wolf’s stance:

  • Governor Wolf supports expanding gun background checks to include the private sale of both rifles and shotguns.

  • Governor Wolf supports background checks for the purchase of ammunition. This would mean that anytime you needed ammunition, you’d have to have a background check.

  • Governor Wolf is also open to providing support for bills requiring businesses to have a license to sell or transfer ammunition.

  • Governor Wolf is considered requiring all firearms, not just handguns and pistols, to have locking devices on them.

  • Governor Wolf opposes national reciprocity, which means those people who are hoping to be able to cross state lines and still have their permit to carry concealed valid, are probably not going to see it during his term.

These are just a few of the stances that Governor Wolf has proposed to take as it relates to gun issues in Pennsylvania.  These stances would not only affect those that legally carry firearms but also the suppliers.  This brings hope for our city and our communities.  I am hopeful that better control through regulations and stricter background checks, we can begin to seek to remedy this problem in our city, hopefully save some lives, and be known as we should be “Philadelphia- The City of Brotherly Love.  

Throughout learning and gathering further information on my topic, I hope to educate you on gun issues in Philadelphia, and what to be aware of in your neighborhood. I am ready and looking forward to helping to make a difference in Philadelphia for you and to be in a healthier and safer place as we should be.

To read my bibliography click here: )!

Internal Affairs: The Right to Know in an organization on need to know basis

I am doing my project on the philadelphia Police department and their handlings of complaints made by the public. The issue that I wish to address and make more aware to people is that The Philadelphia Police Department, is an organization that oversees one of the largest cities in the U.S, yet thousands upon thousands of complaints ranging from stealing to shooting unarmed people. These complaints, when they are made are filed with the Police Advisory Commission. However, Internal Affairs is how the PPD chooses to investigate these claims. But they rarely ever release these documents to the public, despite the freedom of information that still holds in our society today.

  This is an issue because the usual outcomes of these cases. The Police officers are not given any punishment in most cases. Most recent to come to light is the story of Brandon Tate Brown. He was shot in the back of the head by a police officer. In all of these big influential cases police departments have always made the facts of the case public. The Brandon Tate-Brown case was handed out completely the opposite. The way that case was handled is just one of many ways that the Police Department has done the citizens of Philadelphia a great injustice. The way that I intend is to show this is through three steps: Interviews, Outreach and Conveying the message

 First I will interview three different people who all have different roles in the problems with the police department. First I will interview the chair of the Police Advisory Commision, Kelvyn Anderson. He can show the board’s view on the public affairs and handlings of the Police. Second I will interview a police officer. I have decided to talk to the police officer in charge of Public Affairs, John Stanford to see if he can get me in touch with an officer willing to talk to me. Then I will interview an Activist who is voiced in the problems of this particular problem that the PPD seems to have.Then I will do community outreach. All I have to do is take a handful of students and see what knowledge they know of this issue. Then proceed to show them my project and hope that by influencing them in any way that I can show them the problem so that they might become aware of it and try to help improve it.


Brandon Tate-Brown. 26 year old man shot by a police officer. There were no charges made on the man.

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Kelvyn Anderson Head of the Police Advisory Commission

What’s in your Happy Meal?

Many Americans have explored the luxurious world of fast food but not many of them know what they are actually eating. On the top 15 fattest Countries in the world the United states is number nine. I believe most people are or becoming obese is because they don’t know what they are eating. I would now like to introduce you to my project. My project is based upon fast food industries, what I am doing is bringing awareness to what is actually in the food that we are eating. Yes, they might tell you the calories in their food but they don’t tell you what’s actually in their food. That is what my project is for to raise awareness and hopefully make a change in people’s diets. I’m interested in this topic because my little brother eats McDonalds, Wendy’s, Popeyes, etc. and he is 30 pounds overweight for his change and I don’t only want to show him what he’s doing to his body but my mom as well because she feeds it to him. Showing them Data and all the things I researched will hopefully change my brother’s eating habits.boys-height-weight.png

"Average Height to Weight Chart- Babies to Teenagers." Disabled World. Disabled World. Web. <>.

My project is very significant to the World because no one ever stops to take a look and see what they are actually eating and I think it’s about time we should. McDonald’s is one of the most famous and largest fast food restaurants in the world. There was a documentary called Super Size Me directed by Morgan Spurlock. It brought awareness to what McDonald’s food does to your body. Yeah sure people laid off McDonald’s after seeing the documentary but of course Most people went back to their regular diet. With my project I want to dig deeper into the fast food industries food. Not only McDonald’s but Wendy’s, Chic-Fil-A and Chipotle. I picked these other 3 because they seem to be the most prominent fast food joints now and I would like to research more on where where all of their food supply comes from.

I first researched the World’s favorite side order, French Fries and what I found is horrifying. I first researched McDonald’s French fries and rather having the usual three ingredients Mcdonald’s had 17. I found this great website that tells you all 17 ingredients and how hazardous they are to human health. One in particular that I found very disturbing is the sodium acid pyrophosphate which is used for the color in the fries. It makes you think well what is the actual color of the fry? This is not only McDonald’s fries either, it’s Wendy’s too. Wendy’s has made a claim that their new and improved fries are natural, well that’s a lie. They first get a dip of sodium acid pyrophosphate then they are powdered with a little more natural D-glucose. So this proves that Wendy’s is a little less natural than they make it seem and this website gives you a lot more information on Wendy’s fries. McD'sFries.pngVaughan, Mark. "We Did the Fast Food Burgers,now We Need to Do the Fries." You Are Not a Fit Person. 26 May 2010. Web. <>.

It is important for everyone to know about this because I bet you are reading this now and wondering what is in the food you are eating now. I bet you are questioning everything you eat and order from fast food restaurants. Have you ever questioned what is in the chicken nugget and what makes it a nugget. Well these doctors in this article questioned the same thing and they did a whole experiment on it. They dissected two different chicken nuggets from two unknown places. When they looked at the chicken nuggets under the Microscope they found blood vessels, fat, skeletal muscles, cartilage, organ tissue, bone fragments and many more disturbing things. So if you have to ask why this is important to you, read that. It’ll change your mind.

Hamblin, James. "Look Inside a Chicken Nugget." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 21 Oct. 2013. Web. 24 Apr. 2015. <>.

Going through the process of my project I am wondering about many more things that I haven’t researched yet. For one where does all of the beef come from that is in the burgers? Also questions like where does Chic-Fil-A’s chicken come from since it claims to be real and I also want to dig a little more into Chipotle and see what they’re hiding. Moving forward with this project I am sure that I will answer all of the many questions I have. Not only will I do that but I will accomplish my goal with this project which is raising awareness. At least 2.8 million people in the world die each year as a result of being overweight or obese. I want to stop this and I am hoping my project will atleast help with this problem.

Annotated Bibliography