The Beauty of Printmaking

Today, Printmaking is used as an art technique in which you etch a design on a piece of wood, stone, or other material and are able to transfer that design onto a piece of paper.  It is used for more than just making art pieces, however.  For example, it is used to make the design for every dollar bill in America.
    The first etching ever found (and possibly created) was during the Ice Age on bones and cave walls.  Duplicating an etching was not actually used until around 3000 BCE by the Sumerians.  Only stone cylinders were used back then, but more and more materials were being used as time went on and by many different cultures.  Like how wood was first used by the Japanese back in 764 CE.  Techniques of making Printmaking have also branched off to make unique styles.  Such techniques as Relief, Lithographing, Intaglio, etc.  Printmaking may be used mainly just for art nowadays, but it was, in fact, a revolutionary technique used by scholars, scientists, and designers alike. The reason it was so revolutionary, was because it was the first method ever that allowed people to copy a design/information that someone's created, without having to make/write it all over again.
    Printmaking allows such works as the one above to be made.  I notice how by using the contrast of the Black and White, it gives the owl such a shadowy and creepy feel.  The shadowy characteristic may also be thanks to how he/she used White as the outlining, and Black to fill in the negative space.  I wonder what I would feel if the colors reversed.  Would I still feel the creepiness of the menacing Black eyes?  What if it was a different animal? Would I feel a different emotion if it was a squirrel, even if he/she used the same method?

Emma Risher Printmaking Blog

Thea Risher

Relief Printing

April 17, 2017

Printmaking is a very important skill. It has been used for generations, and the art that can be made from prints has no limits. You can essentially make any design that you choose, and replicate it as many times as needed. This is a feature that no other art form has in the same way. Today, I researched relief printing, how it has revolutionized printmaking everywhere, and how it is still an impressive art form today.

Relief printing is a method of printing in which you print from raised images. In this process, a protruding design is created on a surface. It is then covered with ink, and firmly pressed upon a paper to create the desired image. It is a very unique type of printing. It contrasts directly with Intaglio printing, which is where the the image is carved into a surface, and is indented. Some elements of relief printing has inspired other kinds of printing, such as viscosity. It is different from all different types, including lithography, viscosity, and many other kinds of printing. It is distinguished by the fact that the image is on a raised surface, and that is not present in any other methods of printmaking.

The invention of Relief printing is still very controversial and there seem to be more than one origin. It was believed that relief printing was first found in Egypt in 500 BC. It was made by the Egyptians. Their original method was different than the relief printing that we see today. It was made by using a knife and wood, and using ink and pressing the print onto fabric. It was also found very early on in China. In China they carved stone and used it for chinese scholars to read scriptures. They were also used to make seals for letters. It can’t be determined where it originated first, but it is thought that these two different variations of relief printing were created separately but in the same time period. They could have had similar ideas and therefore two possible origin periods.

The history of relief printing has been going on for centuries. Relief printing slowly made its way through the middle east in 100-1300. It began to start in India. They started to use relief printing to mass produce books and famous paintings. In 1300, it was brought back to europe by crusaders and they adopted the method of printing as well. In Germany, a man named Gutemberg created the first printing machine. It spread and relief printing made art easier for everyone. Over time, the art of relief printing has been changed and adapted to different cultures and styles, but it has remained strong through it all. It is now a major part of the art industry.

Relief printing was revolutionary in art because there had never been anything like it before. It was the first printing that could allow mass production of any single work of art. It was also revolutionary because it had many different uses that went far beyond art just for pleasure. Finally, it was revolutionary because it remains a major art form today and never died out and is still making history.

Source: East London Printmakers. No artist. Experimental relief printing with japanese vinyl. April 20th 2017.

Art: Printmaking and Why It Is Important

     Printmaking is a form of art used to create designs. The designs are first made on special material, including blocks of linoleum or wood, and then they are pressed onto another material, usually being paper. The design can then be multiplied through the same pressing process as many times as necessary. This is one of the many reasons why printmaking is important. Being able to reproduce a piece of art helps preserve the artwork. Also, photo recreations can never be as precise as the original artwork, which makes printmaking crucial in the sharing of artwork.
     One style of printmaking is known as relief printmaking. Originating from Egypt, it is a process in which ink is put on the front of a printmaking material, giving those spots color once printed. The spots that are not occupied by ink stay colorless. Through this process, a block of material can be directly placed onto a piece of paper to produce artwork. 
     Printmaking was first created in early AD, notably in China. The man credited for its creation is Hishikawa Moronobu. He would usually display his pieces of art to common people on the street, and most of these pieces showed off the traditions of the time. It then spread and began to be used by many. 
     Printmaking was revolutionary from the moment it was invented. It was originally used to display cultures of religious people, which spread these customs and ideas across the world. Printmaking also made it easy to spread this artwork without fear of losing it or damaging it, as it could be copied many times. Printmaking was also revolutionary because it helped workers like goldsmiths document the work they had done. Printmaking could be copied onto the surface of book covers, which made these books more interesting to the eye.

The following artwork is a piece by Lucien Pisarro.
The following artwork is a piece by Lucien Pisarro.
     ​This print originally caught my eye because of the woman in the front. Because her body takes up most of the frame, it is easy to see her and what she is doing. This automatically drew me to this pictures. The patterns of lines seen on her dress are also very pleasing to the eye. The lines are all heading to the same direction, which gives the viewer a calm view of the image. If the lines were all over the place with no common pattern, it would interrupt the eye and make it harder to look at. However, there are problems with the art. There is more than just the woman in the design, and a lot is going on behind her. Because she is so prominent in the frame, the viewer's eyes may miss the people in the back as well as even the beautiful background. 
     Overall, printmaking is a very interesting art style. It revolutionized art as a whole, and helped culture and religion spread across the world. This style also makes it easier to reproduce art, and is still used widely in many places today.

E1 U5 Mi Familia

Alina Seing
Soy yo 
La hija de Cambodian familia
Soy budista
Producto do Cambodia

Veo la dureza alrededor
Pruebo la deliciosa comida en la mesa
Escucho música tradicional
Siento la sopa caliente y las mesas duras
Yo huelo el aroma de la sopa

Yo hablo mucho ingles dentro y fuera de la escuela
Escribir inglés es muy difícil
Yo hago muchas tareas

Somos producto de Cambodia
Somos Cambodia y Americanos
Hablamos Teochew, Cambodian, y Americano
Viviamos en Filadelphia
Nosotros no somos camboyanos, Camboya está en nuestra sangre
Juntos como uno

Sam Gualtieri E1 U5 Mini Proyecto

Mi nombre es Sam

Mi familia y yo somos de America

Yo soy muy artistico

Me gusta dibujar por mucho horas

Me gusta hacer películas también

Mi familia gustamos ver la tele

Gustamos comedia y drama, yo quiero hacer un película o programa de tele

Me gusta tocar la guitarra y ukelele

Tuvimos cuatro jerbos, pero ellas todo mueren

Mi nombre es Sam

E1 U5 "La Reunion"

Elijah Afrifa

Soy yo

El hijo de mamá americano,

Niño sin hermanos,

Mi papá de desconocido

Veo gente de toda América

Saboreo dedos de pollo y papas fritas

Oigo risa llenando el aire

Toco crayones en mi mano

Huelo comida que se está haciendo en la cocina

Yo juego al futbol con mis primos

Nosotros encanta tomar el uno al otro y wrestle en la hierba

Yo también juego videojuegos con mis primos

Visitamos parques de atracciones todo el tiempo y siempre vamos go-karting

Somos productos de America

Somos americanos

Hablamos ingles

No somos. África en mi familia.

E1 U5 Poem

Soy yo niya El más joven de la familia Criado en una casa Una familia afroamericana. Veo a niños corriendo Huevo el aire fresco con una brisa agradable Me encanta el sabor de un cheesesteak philly. Toco las flores en mi patio A menudo oigo campanas de iglesia Soy un ejemplo de mis padres Un estudiante trabajador Un niño divertido Y muy amable Soy americano africano De philadelphia Respeto mi pais Respeto a mi gente Y me encanta

Yo Shaheed

Shaheed Williams

Soy yo

El hijo de Khadijah y Rashim,


Hijo con hermanos de padre

Hijo con hermano de madre,

Americano en el corazón

Veo marrón, marrón veo

Veo negro de blanco

Saboreo libertad

ogio hip hop

Huelo comida

Toco emociones

Soy producto de África

Practicar todo deportes, básquetbol, hockey, béisbol, ultimate, y esquire

Atletico y alto

Yo amor música hip hop

Leo para divertida

Somos de afroamericanos

Nosotros comicos

Nosotros exploramos

Nosotros divertida

Vivimos en filadelfia

Nosotros armeme el uno al otro

E1 U5 "Mi Familia"

Me llamo Briannie Matos,

Soy hija única y Puertorriqueña.

En Filadelfia yo nací,

Mi familia es muy importante para mi.

Hablo con confianza.

Bailo para representar mi cultura.

Dibujo para mostrar mi inspiración.

Veo el mundo como hogar.

Somos Puertorriqueños.

Hablamos español y inglés.

Comemos arroz con gandules.

Visitamos a Puerto Rico.

Vivimos en Filadelfia.

No somos inmigrantes pero somos Americanos.

Reflection of Poems

My poem really reflects on where my family is originated from and what we do throughout life. We aren't immigrants, but we do enjoy life and love each other to the fullest. Here in the U.S, there are a lot of challenges we face even though we are Americans. I know we can overcome those challenges by standing for what is right as an American citizen. 

E1 U5 Poema

Soy el hijo of los cuidadanos / I am a son of citizens

Un niño que tiene una familia functional/ a boy who has a family that is dysfunctional

Un niño de una familia donde necesita ser independente/ A family where you have to be independante

Yo veo el hermoso océano claro / I see the beautiful ocean clear

Yo veo mi símbolo del país, el coqui/ I see my country symbol the coqui (little frog)

Yo oigo la música del español / I hear spanish music

Yo huelo la comida que tiene muchos colores/ I smell the multicolored food

Yo saboreo los alimentos ricos y fuertes sabores/ I taste the rich and strong flavored food

Yo toco Los peces en el océano/ I touch the fishes in the ocean

Yo juego domino y escho musica del bachata / I play dominos and listen to bachata music

Leo para divertise/ read books for fun

Como arroz y frijoles y bebo malta / I eat rice and beans and drink malta (spanish drink)

Nadar en la piscina del mi abuelos

Somos los ciudadanos

Somos puertorriqueños

Nosotros hablamos ingles y español

La lengua de arroz y habichuelas

Nosotros somos ciudadanos

Vivimos en FiladelFia

E1 U5 My Heritage and Family

In Spanish:

Mi nombre es Teyonna Little
Soy una adolescente afroamericana y con padres afroamericanos y una familia afroamericana
Mi familia es el círculo de mi orgullo y alegría, son personas que pueden levantarme y gente que puede hacerme enojar, pero yo los amo.
Mi familia es única y original, todos tenemos fuertes semejanzas, pero somos tan diferentes.

Nos vemos unos a otros y nos amamos, miramos hacia las ventanas hacia el alma y reconocemos lo que hay en el interior.
Escuchamos lo que cada uno tiene que decir, nos escuchamos, discutimos, nos reímos, gritamos, lloramos, tocamos la música y cantamos.
Nos tocamos y sostenemos el uno al otro, tocamos y sostenemos nuestras posesiones más especiales y sagradas, nos tomamos de las manos, tocamos las caras, tocamos los pies, no hacemos daño o poco, y nos tocamos la piel del otro y sabemos que lo que tenemos Es familia
Saboreamos la maravillosa comida tradicional hecha en Acción de Gracias y Navidad, y Semana Santa, y para cualquier otra fiesta o celebración. Cuando nos reunimos, probamos el amor en el aire, y bebemos de nuestras tazas. Saboreamos el amor que se puso en el pollo y el pavo, y las verduras y patatas de col rizada, los ñames de caramelo, el macarrón y queso al horno, y los postres caseros.
Hemos olido la belleza de la familia, olimos a la abuela allá y las tías aquí, los tíos y los hijos allí, las tías y las hijas allí, los primos, los nietos, la familia a través del matrimonio, los padres de paso y los primos de paso y hermanas y hermanos. Todas las fragancias de cada uno inmediatamente unidos en uno. La felicidad y la alegría, vemos, escuchamos, nos tocamos, saboreamos y olfateamos.

Bailo con amigos y familia
Escribo poesía y mi mamá las interpreta
Yo canto y bailo como si nadie estuviera mirando
Vivo la vida y soy feliz, mi herencia es África

Viveímos en Filadelfia



Amamos la vida

In English:

My name is Teyonna Little

I am an African American teenage girl and with African American parents and an African American family

My family is the circle of my pride and joy, they are people who can lift me up and people who can make me mad, but I love them.

My family is unique and original, we all have strong resemblances, but we are so different.

We see one another and love each other, we look into the windows to the soul and we recognize what’s on the inside.

We listen to what each other have to say, we hear each other out, we argue, we laugh, we yell, we cry, we play the music and sing.

We touch and hold each other, we touch and hold our most special and sacred possessions, we hold hands, we touch faces, we touch feet, we do no harm or little, and we touch each other’s bear skin and know that what we hold is family.

We taste the wonderful traditional food made on Thanksgiving and Christmas, and Easter, and for any other holiday or celebration. When we gather, we taste the love in the air, and we drink from our cups. We taste the love that was put into the chicken and turkey, and to the collard greens and potatoes, to the candy yams, and baked mac and cheese, and to the homemade desserts.

We smell the beauty of family, we smell the grandma over there and the aunts over here, the uncles and sons there, the aunts and daughters there, the cousins, the grandchildren, the family through marriage, the step parents and the step cousins and sisters and brothers. All the fragrances of each immediately bonded into one. The happiness and joy, we see, we listen, we touch, we taste, and we smell.

I dance with friends and family

I write poetry and my mom performs them

I sing and dance like nobody's watching

I live life and be happy, my heritage is Africa

We live in Philadelphia

We love

We smile

We love life

E1 U5 ( La familia incompleta)

Soy yo Asnain Khan

El hija de padres inmigrantes

Un inmigrante legal

Niño sin la mitad de su familia

Vengo desde muy lejos

Buscando una mejor oportunidad

Veo a niños nadando en el logo

Saboreo la comida picante

Huelo la contaminación

Oigo el Azan, una llamada de oración

Tocó los hermosos cultivos

Yo leo con mucha pasión

Yo trabajar con todo mi fe

Yo escribo con pasión tratando de buscar fama

Yo necesito mi familia, un pedazo de mi corazón

Somos de Paquistán, nuestra patria

Somos musulmanes, nunca renunciamos a nuestra religión

Hablamos pashto:

La lengua del arte y la creatividad

No somos Americanos. Somos los ciudadanos de América

No somos Pakistanis. Tenemos eso en nuestra carne  

Mi familia y yo somos uno

Pero no estamos completos

-Asnain Khan

William Flenner y mi Historia E1 U5

William Flenner

Soy yo el hijo de una familia de viajeros.

Soy el resultado de varias razas de mezcla

y incontables generaciones explorando.

Como es mi familia's historia.

Veo las colinas rodantes colorado.

Veo los suburbios de wilmington delaware.

Veo la Gran Muralla china.

Saboreo arroz y salsa de soja.

Toco la suave tela de seda.

Oigo el arrullo de las palomas en Colorado.

Vuelo desde muy desde muy lejos.

Vivo en una ciudad del norte.

Somos americanos europeos.

No hablamos alemán, escocés, o irlandés.

No vivimos en europa.

Nuestras raíces son europa.

E1 U5 Producto Soy producto de África

Soy producto de África

Soy un descendiente africano

Soy yo la hija de padres migrantes

Veo la tele

Nado en el duche

Como la comida

Leo los libros

Mi familia están descendiente africano

Soy producto de África

Una de piel oscura de américa

Se supone que debo hablo frances

Soy una unido estados cristino

Africa esto en mi

Hablo ingles

Vivo en america
-Kyla Gladney-Enos