Final Perspective Drawing

Before this project I didn't know about orthogonal lines. Orthogonal lines really helped me draw 3D objects.

Using what I learned about the different types of lines made my drawing neat and clean. It helped me achieve the goal of drawing the room to the best of my ability. This project provided me with a lot of practice of drawing the different types of lines. If I did this project again, I would try to ask Ms. Hull more questions. I would also work on it at home more than I did. I would tell someone who has never drawn a one point perspective drawing is to keep going even though it is frustrating. Also, I would tell them to never forget their vanishing point Some things may look weird but when you are finished it will be good. One of my resources were my classmates. They answered all of my questions and taught me a lot.

photo (25)
photo (25)

One point perspective drawing


1) I learned many things throughout this project. The most helpful thing was vanishing point and orthogonal line.

2) Learning about the vanishing point made my drawing better because most of the line I have to draw for vanishing point.

3) If I did this assignment again, I will more focused on my windows.

4) My advice to someone who has never drawn a one point perspective drawing is to always make more focused on vanishing. The vanishing point is a most important drawing for a one point perspective drawing because all your lines end up going back to vanishing point.

5) The slideshow was the resource because the instructions were very clear  and the pictures were easy to look.

Final One Point Perspective Drawing

​A. What is one thing that your learned specifically that you did not know before?
I had done a one point perspective drawing before, in which I made an "x" on the back wall and drew a point in the center of the x. I did not know that this was called the vanishing point, or that diagonal lines are called orthogonal and must come out of the vanishing point. 

B. How did learning this thing make your drawings better?

 Before, I had made diagonal lines parallel to each other, but a one point perspective drawing looks more realistic and three-dimensional if the diagonal lines are all orthogonal, and come out of the vanishing point. The objects in this drawing seem to stretch out of the paper due to the orthogonals.

C. If you did this assignment again, what would you do differently?

I would be more careful when going over my lines in marker, and would have only used the thin-tipped sharpie instead of using both a regular sharpie and a thin-tipped one.  I made a few mistakes from extending my lines too far in marker, and from being a little impatient. I should have taken my time and experimented more, by changing the length of the lines in pencil, to make the sizes of objects seem more realistic and visually appealing.

If Ms. Hull had allowed it, I would have used a different type of paper, because the paper we used was too smooth to shade in with colored-pencils. I had to switch to crayon to get most of the coloring done, and the wax tended to rub off the paper. The markers stayed on though. Next time, I may not color the drawing in at all.

D. What is your advice to someone who has never drawn a one point perspective drawing before?

Do not be afraid to start drawing. As long as you use a ruler, find a vanishing point, and only use orthogonal, vertical, and horizontal lines, the drawing will look accurate and amazing. Even if you have done a one perspective drawing before, there will always be lines to erase. Just keep drawing lines and observing the room, and before you realize it, you will have captured three-dimensional objects on paper. As you complete the drawing, it will seem to become easier.

E. What resource helped you the most and why?

Watching other people draw and asking them for advice helped me the most. I am mostly a tactile learner, and it helps to see the process of how to line up the ruler, and the lines needed to set up the paper in the order they are made. Watching people sketch parts of the room was easier to understand than looking at a photo. If I had only seen photos, I would have had to guess which lines are made when. Plus, people can give me feedback on my own drawing as they draw their own.

I could not imagine how to draw the stools. I was able to use Google Images and see what a stool looks like in a one perspective drawing, From there, I was able to sketch the stools on my own paper.

I was unable to take pictures of the room that showed everything I wanted to draw in detail. Plus, it was hard to remember what colors the walls and ceiling tiles were. So, I looked at videos from educon that were filmed in the art room to make my drawing look accurate when finishing at home.

marker one perspective drawing 001 (1)
marker one perspective drawing 001 (1)

Final Perspective Drawing

Blue Stream:

a.) I learned that your lines have to be straight and the drawing depends a lot on the vanishing point and orthogonal lines.
b.) Learning this made my drawings better because I could then be more realistic when I started to draw.
c.) If I did this assignment again I would get more help and make my lines darker so it's easier to see.
d.) My advice to someone who has never drawn a one point perspective would be to practice on regular paper first, get help from a teacher, and pay attention to her or his instructions.
e.) The class tutorial helped me the most because i was able to see the drawing done step by step. 

Final Prospective Drawing

Final Prosepctive Draw
Final Prosepctive Draw

One thing that I learned from this project is that the vanishing point is extremely important to all art forms. All of the lines I have made came from the vanishing point. I think that every drawing need a center to start with, so the vanishing point have to be the center of a room drawing.

Learning this made me draw better because now I know how to use the vanishing point to my advantage to draw a leveled drawing. For example, without the vanishing point, my room drawing will be uneven because I don’t have anything to focus everything on.

If I were to do this project again, I would spend more time adding details to the actually drawing instead of the practice drawing. I have spent a lot of time focusing on perfecting my practice piece instead of getting a start on my final drawing.

I would suggest him or her to mark the orthogonal from the vanishing point to the angle of each shape in the drawing because it really help you keep level and the right elevation for each object.

The source that really helped me was the slides that you made to show us step-by-step how to draw the room.

Final Perspective Drawing

photo 2
photo 2

a) I learned how to make drawing look the way I wanted them to be. I now can take a image and pretty much draw it in a way that'll make you think that you see exactly what I do. It's a cool skill to know because it messes with the person's mind.

b) Learning this skill really helped me because my drawings look more realistic. I have a skill that makes the viewers believe that what I'm drawing is really in front of them.

c) If I did this assignment again, I'd spend more time on it to really make sure that I captured everything in my drawing. If I could get more detailed, it would be a excellent drawing.

d) My advice to someone who has never drawn in one point perspective is to just try. I thought that I couldn't do this kind of drawing but I did pretty well. As long as you try, you will do just fine.

e) Something that really helped me was my classmates. They were there to keep me on the right track, and helped me when I needed assistance. 

Final Perspective Drawing

I have learned a lot about art this year. For one, I am not a grand artist. I never had that "artist eye". However, during this course I was able to find my inner artist, my inner perspective. The most important thing I have learned about art is, its how you see it. Drawing isn't a correct or incorrect message, it's the view of the person that makes it. 

From this I was able to use four very important tools to make my drawing the greatest it could be, a pencil, multiple erasers, a ruler and my mind. I was able to view the room for which I drew in a whole different way once I started. It became a drawing for which I was proud of to call mine. 

There were multiple things I would do differently, for one, I would work on my couch and table more. I was in a rush when I made them so it was not a Picasso object. I would also work more on my floor. I feel as though I did not complete the floor greatly, which I wish I could redo again. 

If anyone were to make a perspective drawing, I would give them one rule: use your artist eye. That's really all you need. You do not need to be the greatest, you just need to use your ruler and your one point and you will do fine. 

Honestly, my viewing of the drawing was the greatest measure for completing my drawing. The website Ms. Hull gave me was great as well, yet I really would not be able to accomplish such a great drawing as this one without a intense look at the classroom around me. 

Final Perspective Drawing Blue Amanda Bolli 2014 perspective

photo (4)
photo (4)
a. What is one thing that your learned specifically that you did not know before? Your lines have to be very straight.

b. How did leaning this thing make your drawings better? I get to put the things I learned in class into the project.

c. If you did this assignment again, what would you do differently? I would chose a different wall.

d. What is your advice to someone who has never drawn a one point perspective drawing before? Make sure you know the basics of drawing , then try it out yourself and see how it works. 

e. What resource helped you the most and why? The resource that I used that helped me the most is the one on the canvas art page. I liked this resource because it was really helpful because it gives me step by step instruction.

Final Perspective Drawing

​a. One thing that I learned is that perspective drawing is easier than it seems. All it is is straight lines and measurements.
b. Learning this made making my drawings easier because it helped me remind myself that doing this is simple and all I had to do to get it right was slow down a little bit.
c.If I did this assignment again, I would probably go into the art room during lunch so I could work on it more and get help on drawing the things I didn't know how to draw.
d. My advice to someone who has not done this assignment is to slow down and look over your work. Rushing to get it done will make your drawing sloppy. If you need to, take a break. Just slow down.
e. The resource that helped me the most was my classmates and Ms. Hull. They helped me when I did not know how to do something.

Final Perspective Drawing

In my 9th grade art class we drew one point perspective drawings of a wall in our classroom. One thing I learned that I did not know before was that one point perspective drawings are only made up of three types of lines: vertical, horizontal, and orthogonal. A vertical line is one that goes straight up and down, a horizontal line goes directly side to side, and an orthogonal line goes through the vanishing point. The vanishing point of a drawing is the one spot where all of the orthogonal lines come together and essentially disappear. Hence the name vanishing point. Learning this definitely made my drawings better because without it, my paper would look unrealistic and disproportionate.
If I did this assignment again I would manage my time better than I did before. I thought I had all the time in the world to finish my drawing but then I found out I had nerve damage in my hand. The brace I am wearing makes it difficult to write and hold a pencil so I was scrambling to get it done. My advice to someone who has never drawn a one point perspective drawing before is to, as my art teacher says it, "Use your artist's eye." This basically means to look at your picture and see if everything looks real and proportionate. You need to just guess where some lines go and look good, and if you don't use your artist's eye your picture won't look good at all.
The resource that helped me the most was definitely the slide deck we were told to look at. It gave a clear and concise tutorial of how to draw a one point perspective. Another resource that helped me was my friends. It was great to have different opinions of my work and to hear and see what I was doing right and wrong. Both of these resources really helped me to finish my drawing and make it look realistic.

Final Perspective Drawing

Final One Perspective Rislam - Edited
Final One Perspective Rislam - Edited

What is one thing that your learned specifically that you did not know before?

I learned many things throughout this project. However, the most helpful was learning the types of lines, which were horizontal, vertical and orthogonal.

How did leaning this thing (types of lines) make your drawings better?

Learning about the different types of lines made my drawing better because to complete the project we had to draw each type of line many times. Knowing and understanding what they were and how to draw them truly made it easier to draw and made my final product look neat and clean.

If you did this assignment again, what would you do differently?

If I did this assignment again, I’d be more efficient during my class work periods so I’d have less work to do later on. Also next time instead of folding my drawing, I would find a better way to store it. Due to the folding, I had to deal with a lot of crease marks which interfered with my drawing. In addition to those, I’d also try to be more patient with my drawing! Yes, sometimes it was stressful, but the more patient you are the better your final product will look!

What is your advice to someone who has never drawn a one point perspective drawing before?

My advice to someone who has never drawn a one point perspective drawing is to always keep an eye on the vanishing point! Without the vanishing point, your drawing may look really weird and your lines may be off. The vanishing point is a key tool in drawing an one point perspective drawing since all your lines end up going back to it.

What resource helped you the most and why?

The slideshow was the resource that helped me the most because the instructions were very descriptive and the pictures were easy to see! They helped me to complete my project step by step.

Final Perspective Drawing

Art Class
Art Class

While working on this project, I’ve learned that keeping a one point perspective while drawing is difficult and very important. While I was drawing this, I constantly messed up because the perspective of the drawing varied each time I added a new object to the picture. Some orthagonal lines were not connected to the center and some horizontal lines were at a slope. In order for the picture to look right, each object had to have correct, straight lines and each object had to have correct visual representations because everything was in a different place in relation to the center point. By learning this, it made my drawing to turn out better. If each object had lines that weren't straight, the drawing would look crooked and as if multiple people were looking at it from multiple angles. This would defeat the purpose of the drawing being from a one point perspective.

If I had to redo this assignment, I would definitely focus more on how it looked. Some objects weren’t drawn to scale, now that I look at it, and I think I spent too much time on things of a lesser importance. I wouldn’t focus so much on the details as I had tried to do this time because I feel as though the perspective should be most important. After I get the perspective right, the details would just fall into place. If I had to give advice to someone who hadn't done this project before, I would say that they should use their eyes to most determine the way the drawing should look. Your eyes are the best way of making the drawing look the proper perspective and the best in relation to how the room actually looks.

The resources that helped me the most are my eyes and the ruler. My eyes helped me because I had to determine how the room looked, how to represent it on paper properly, and how to make sure that the perspective was mostly correct. The ruler helped me take what I was looking at and draw it. It helped me make straight lines, proper scales and neat objects.

Gabby Santaniello Art

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for a lot of these I used my tablet, I recently got a new art program called Mischief and used this as an opportunity to practice using it. It has a really different feel than drawing on paper and it got some taking used to with the coloring and all of the options it has. I still have a lot to practice with colors and blending, I'm not quite where I want to be. I practiced anatomy a lot with these, trying to get proportions right while still keeping my more cartoony feel that I like to use with my drawing style. 

Final Perspective Drawing

photo 1 (3)
photo 1 (3)

One thing that I have learned through this project is that vertical, horizontal and orthogonal lines shape a precise drawing. If one other the three lines was not precise the rest of the drawing would be off too. Learning the importance of precision made me spend more time and put in more effort in the drawing. I was constantly erasing, making sure the alignment and proximity of the drawings was the best of my ability.

If I could do this assignment once more I would definitely begin the process of drawing earlier than I did. I would also spare some of my time apart from class to work on the drawing. Additionally, I would take photos of the room that we were drawing to make sure I had as much detail as possible. My number one piece of advice to someone who has never drawn a one point perspective drawing is to follow directions. The lines that you draw have to be straight and placed in the appropriate place because each line is essential in creating different parts of the drawing. The resource that helped me the most was the slide show posted on Canvas. They included step-by-step instructions to creating the one point perspective drawing. At the end I was able to see a completed figure drawn and try to duplicate it by simply drawing what I see.

Final Perspective Drawing green

a. What is one thing that your learned specifically that you did not know before?:

How orthogonal lines help to correctly draw 3D objects. I have drawn 3D objects before but I see much improvement now that I am using orthogonal lines versus trying to just judge it visually.

b. How did leaning this thing make your drawings better?:

This technique, as I said, will make all 3D object I draw realistic and easier to do.

 c. If you did this assignment again, what would you do differently?

I would try to pick a wall that I was allowed to do the first time. 

d. What is your advice to someone who has never drawn a one point perspective drawing before?

Do the wall in the guild because it is a difficult concept and it will make it easier if you can see a correct example of what you are attempting. 

e. What resource helped you the most and why?

Other classmates because they were accessible and they could show it while they talked about it and that was extremely helpful. 


Q3 Artwork



photo (3)
photo (3)

One thing that I have learned specifically that I did not know before is how to try one point perspective. Before taking this art class I could never draw a one point perspective for my life, but after learning the steps and tips for drawing one point perspective it enriched my abilities to draw. So now it comes easily to me to draw one point perceptive drawings. This made my drawing better because it tested me and it brought out skills that I would of never found if it was not for this lesson. Also it helped me make my drawings more clear? For example before I would just free hand my drawing and would not use my artist eye to see if it was realistic. But now it comes a custom to me to make sure to proof-edit my work and make sure that my lines are correct. If I were to do this assignment again I would use my time wisely and finish the main components of the room first then add the details in. My advice for someone who has never drawled a one point perceptive is to use a ruler at all times! If not it would mess up the whole room and also use your artistic eye. Artist or not everyone has an artistic eye. Also make sure you use your Horizontal line and vanishing point, this is the main structure for the drawing. Resources that had helped me the most was the ruler because the lines are the one that brought the drawing to life and made everything realistic. 

Q3 Artwork

This quarter, I spent a lot of my class time working on painting another ceiling tile. This time, Arshelle, Leah and I all worked on painting Olaf from Frozen. This was really fun, and I think he turned out really well. It also taught us a lot about painting, we learned how to paint shadows and create depth on the tile.
This quarter, I also took a trip to England. While I was abroad, I noticed a lot of the pictures I took included things like horizon lines, perspective points, and other things I remember from previous quarter sketches. I've included a few of these pictures at the bottom of my portfolio. 
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Final Perspective Drawing

One new thing that I learned was that when you draw something like a window or any object, you have to make the part going farther back smaller or at a slight angle because things that are farther away, are smaller.   This made my drawings better because they looked more realistic.  If everything was the same size it wouldn't be or look visually correct.  

If I did this assignment again I think one thing I would do differently is give myself more time outside of class to work on this project so that at the end of the project and during the class periods I wasn't as stressed.  It would also help me from rushing through the project.

My advice for someone who has never done a one point perspective drawing is to always have an eraser and a ruler on hand, because they will be used a lot.  I would also just tell them to not get

stressed out when they mess up because you can just erase it and do it again.  

One of the most helpful resources for me was the slide deck that Ms.Hull made and my eraser.  Sometimes it was hard to figure out what to do next so the slide deck was a big help. There was so many times that I messed up because the lines weren't straight or they weren't the same distance apart, so my eraser was extremely useful.

Displaying photo.JPG

Final Perspective Drawing

One thing I learned was how to draw in one perspective. I learned about the vanishing point, the horizon line and orthogonals. Before this class I didn’t know how to draw in one perspective and I just drew freehand. After learning how about one perspective my drawings looked more realistic and proportional. If I were to do this assignment again I would measure some of the lines more precisely so I could make sure they were perfectly horizontal or vertical. I would also add more details, like some of the pictures on the walls and other details. My advice to someone who has never drawn in one point perspective before is to always use a ruler and make sure to measure everything. I would also tell them that you need to make sure you have a good ruler or it will be hard to draw some of the longer lines. The resource that helped me the most was the slide show that Ms. Hull made that had step by step instructions on how to draw a room in one point perspective. The reason it was so helpful was because it was very specific and easy to understand. It also had pictures that were useful for seeing what you were supposed to draw.

Final Perspective Drawing

1. I learned one to draw a stool, and I did not know how to do that before. But I I saw one way to do it, and it will be helpful for if I draw another room or table.

2. I dont draw that much, but learning this while doing it helped me improve my project as I did it. But I will be able to draw more 3d objects than I used to. I am far from perfect at this, but it will be an improvement.

3. I would work on the tables and stools first, because they still look far from what I would have liked them to look like. Then, I would move onto the sinks and cabinets. I would also make sure I completely understand how to use the vanishing point before Ms. Hull left.

4. I would tell them to just do your best. I would tell them to look at how-to-draws for certain objects, but not to be afraid to make mistakes.

5. I think the internet may have helped me the most since it had the how-to guide, and you could look up how to draw certain things. But it might have been Ms. Hull, because she gave me advise, and told me when and where I was wrong during the drawing process0417142303a.jpg

Q3 Art- Gina Sorgentoni

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Drawing, people, place and things

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