Indiya Remix Slide

During the last past few weeks, I've learned how to make an okay slide. My first slide was a complete fail. I didn't like anything after I'd seen my classmates slides. Theirs had nice quote not too short or for long. I also got told that my picture looked "like a decapitated gymnast" and it was also pixelated. I then realized that my slide was not as great as I thought it was so then I had to decide to just re-do the inter thing.
I decide to change my whole slide because I wasn't feeling the vibes of the slide with the " decapitated gymnast". So I searched up dance on Pinterest, Google, etc. I finally found a picture that I liked. I then searched again on Pinterest, Google, etc. I had trouble picking between two quotes but the picture I'd use had to do with feet so I then choose the saying "Dance with your heart your feet will follow". I then made the words follow the sunsets curve because it looks ascetically pleasing.
The research that I did really did help me create this slide because I found that bleeding doesn't work for every picture. In my old slide, it looked like a "decapitated gymnast" Those weren't the vibes I was looking for so when I heard this I knew I had made the mistake of bleeding. I also found that the way the text is formed and follows the picture it looks really nice. I found out many things while doing this project and I hope that I will create better slides later on.
tech prestation (1)

Final Slide-Islam

1 Slide Project (3)

     The criticism I got from my classmates for my slide didn’t impact me as much as the criticism Ms. Hull gave me. I didn’t want to continue on with the theme I had but I did it anyways. My slide was a very spread out collage that I had no confidence in presenting in front of the class. Ms. Hull told me that if I wanted to make a collage then go for it. I had to get rid of the white spaces and “make people look at everything at once”. Those are exactly the changes I made.

     I stuck to the composition video on youtube that explained how pictures should intersect at the four intersecting points and the slide tutorial video that explained how important pictures are in a presentation as my sources. There is a numerous amount of different pictures explaining different things that all tie to one main topic.

     My slide may or may not have improved but this time I have a little bit more confidence in myself. I learned that slide making takes time and effort and the smallest things are actually a big deal. From the videos and websites I gained much knowledge on how to make my slide better in the future. I thank these videos and the people behind the voice overs, but most importantly, Ms.Hull.

Single Slide part II


After the first slide that I did, I thought the project was okay just like how my slide was just okay. It wasn’t anything special but it worked for what the project was asking for. This is why it took a little while to even start the revised version. I didn’t have much interest to do the first slide. Yes I looked at some of the websites that suggested strategies for design but knowing how to make the slide look decent didn’t really help me choose an image, a topic, something to go off of. So there was no real motivation. Although I did still have to do something so I put a slide together very last minute and that was that. Like I said I thought the slide was okay seeing as I didn't put much effort into it but, when it was time for me to present to the class about how I designed my slide I didn’t really know what to say.

The feedback I got from the presentation was definitely helpful and in general it sounded to me like I should take my own picture for the slide instead of looking one up. Now I understood where that was coming from and I also thought a picture of my own would be better but I don’t have a super amazing camera so that didn't really work out. But I did indeed make my own picture in a way. Now if the comment on my slide wasn’t “take your own picture” it was “it’s too blurry at the bottom”... both things I couldn't really change. So I decided to start over completely. I stayed with the soccer theme though so I wasn’t completely lost or anything, just had a blank slide.

For some reason starting the new slide was much easier than the first one (that is when I actually decided to start.) In place of the soccer ball on the field by itself I tried to find a picture of player I liked on the ball or just holding one. After stretching a couple of photos to try and fit in the background of a slide I decided to try something different. I got a picture of the player I wanted and this time it wasn’t the whole background of the slide but only an image in there. I threw a couple more in the slide to try and add more flavor but that wasn't working either. The idea was really good but it just looked ugly with a bunch of rectangular images in there with no good way to fit them together. At this point I decided to devote myself to a good looking slide. I thought well the players would look fine but just without the stupid backgrounds. So I found a free photo editing site and fiddled around with the images till I found a good brightness and whatnot. It was pretty much all downhill after that, I figured I could keep two uniform colors present then make the text that color as well. Overall I was happy with the outcome and enjoyed the project.

Single Slide Remix

Untitled presentation (1)

Originally I was going for the the Ikea look, like focusing it on one thing. To me, it made sense at first but then explaining it to people I can could see why it was so many of my teammates were confused.  My and teammates think my topic was clear.  Somethings that my teammates told me to improve ways to make sure my topic was more clear.  Also to not have as many pictures because at first look they didn't make sense.  My pictures were also srinked and weren't pleasing to the eye.

After taking in all my critiques and applying them to my slide i decided to improve it by just having ONE picture and basing it on my topic(languages).  I also changed my background to blue because it’s like the sky in my picture and also when asking people what’s their favorite color many siad blue so I thought it would be appealing to the eye.  My front color is yellow because I think yellow is a color that pops to the eye.  Also since my background is the sky, the yellow front goes well with the sun my my picture.  Now I think my slide is more understanding and well done.

After all us this I really appreciate the speech Ms. Hull gave us because it made me feel a lot better knowing that none of us got the project done right and that we are supposed to learn from our mistake, so I want to thank Ms. Hull for that because not only do I feel more confident in Tech I feel better in my other classes.

My Family- Tech

   My slide at first to me was the quintessential example of what a slide should not look like. The pictures were unorganized the angles were not symmetrical it just needed a whole revamp. I decided to re do the slide in a more home type style which is why there are frames on the walls. I now knew what I needed to fix to make my slide better. Reading this you will see the time and effort I put into my slide.

   Doing research I found that the style of your words along with the background help make a slide a slide. So when picking a color background for my letters I wanted it to resemble the modern family style cursive words with a black or white background. So that is what I incorporated into my slide. Going into this I knew I could make my slide much better than it was previously and that is what I believe I did. Moving on I will now show some of my sources.

    Some sources I used to make my slide was the presentation zen link which is basically a website that explains how to make a slide and things that make a good slide. In conclusion my slide was originally how can I say this a mess, but after hearing my fellow peers and Ms.Hull I think I was better equipped to tackle the challenge of revamping my slide. Thanks for reading!

Tech Slide

Untitled presentation (1)

When I first began to create this slide, I tried to think of what my theme could be. I knew that I wanted it to be simple like the Ikea advertisements but I didn’t really know what it could be about. I started off by looking at pictures to get an idea of what I might want. I decided to choose a simple yellow flower. After that, I began to look for a quote.  The quote that I chose reflected on open-mindedness and I thought of myself as an open-minded person so I thought that i chose to use it in my slide.

When I presented in front of the class last time, I was given some helpful suggestions by the class and by ms Hull on how to make my slide look better. One of the suggestions was to fix the color of the font to make it darker so that the audience could see it a little better. Ms Hull said to use a different colored background as well. When I was presenting, I realized that it looked different from when it was on the computer screen to the when it was on the board. When I was making the slide, the font showed up darker and more visible.

I used presentation zen to make my slide because it provided really helpful tips. It said to make the text as big as I can, use a theme, and to keep it simple. I kept this advice in mind when creating my slide and I think that it really helped me. I also used a website called “Top Ten Slide Tips” which provided pretty much the same tips. Overall, this is my process of making my slide.

Tech slide and reflection

Untitled presentation (2)
Untitled presentation (2)
From this assignment I have learned how to make slides a lot better, and I know that this will help me in the future because everybody at some point in their life has to get a point across in the most efficient way possible. I have learned that a bad slide makes people want to look away and not decide to ascertain any of the information that is being given to them. This is why slides need to not only hold information, but they need to look good and pop so the viewers will be more interested in what is going on in the slides, and so their brain can take in the big loud information on the slide as important. I used to think that slides didn’t need to catch the eye, it just needed to have a bunch of information on one page. Really though, it just matters on how important the information seems on the slide. I will hold this information with me, and help myself get through life a lot more easily.

Remix Slide(Vincent Cammisa)

​For the past few weeks we have been leaning about slide design and lately we have presented and received critique from classmates and Ms.Hull on what I can or could do to get our slide design to get better, not only for our current slides but as a life lesson for future slide presentations that will help us throughout our lifetime in education.

The changes that i took into consideration was mainly the extra stuff that were just hanging in random places around my slide. So for one I took tristan's idea and put a signature into my baseball and the most helpful which makes my slde a whole lots better is wrap the words around the image s the viewers can have one focus point throughout the slide. One source i used were my classmates as suggestions and two i used clipart, so that what what i changed.t helped e improve on y skills as a designer when it comes to creating a slide.

I think that this assignment was very beneficial ad it helped me improve on my skills as a designer when it comes to creating a slide. I belive in my future i see nice slides along with a well presentation to go with it all because this one assignment 

Remix Slide- Nickell Caesar

Create 1 Slide(Remix)
From the critiquing of my slide I learned that I had made a tangent where one of my pictures were really close to the edge. I also learned that I had done a bit too much on my slide, for example I had basically put two of the same things, I had put an Eagles Logo and Carson Wentz right next to each other, which really didn’t make sense. They said I should have just put Carson Wentz, because I wanted to make him the main center of attention and the other logo had drawn the attention away from him.

I decided to remove the Eagles Logo so that it wasn’t distracting and made Carson Wentz even bigger. The Slide Design for Developers link said that you should make the text size bigger, you want people all the way in the back of the classroom to see what you’ve written, not the people that are in the front.
The Presentation Zen Link said that you want it to be a quick glance type of design. You don’t want people to have to take forever to get the gist of what the point of your slide is going to be about. All of these sources, suggestions, and constructive criticism from my classmates helped me create a new and improved slide.

Tech final slide-Rene Hart

Tech Me slide  (4)

In tech class I was critiqued on my original slide. I heard feedback like reducing the tangent I had in the original slide. I learned that  I can play with the background and foreground in many different ways.I was also told to get rid of the speech bubble.  I was told I had a good eye for design so there wasn’t much feedback.

I made many different changes to my slide. The first thing I did was get rid of the half basketball court in the background. It was hard to work with and had a weird shape that I couldn’t change. Second I added just a basket to the picture. It was made on a slant so I put it in a corner in the background. I kept the basketball because I felt like it grabbed the most attention. I changed the font of my phrase and got rid of the speech bubble.

Researching on Presentation Zen really helped my design. I read that “vision trumps all other senses” and tried to make that saying come to life in my design. The website also gave me great ideas on how to contrast colors and shapes. I think my biggest source for my final design was my peers. There designs really inspired me. Youtube videos also gave me great ideas. I feel like I perfected my slide.

Single Slide Remix

Tech_ 1 Slide (1)
From the critiques of my slide, I learned that my slide can be narrowed down even more than I think and some suggested that I should include a drawing of mine since my focus of drawing are flowers. They think that I should fill in more of the empty space or augment the font. I also agree with them about the amount  of empty space, but I think that if there things included in the slide I feel like the text and images may look crowded. Also, if more things are added then the audience would have to put more focus on what's on the slide. From this single slide project, I learned that it's okay to make mistakes because from every mistake we make we learn something new from it and we can improve from it. 
I changed the font of the word "Drawing" because it the main focus of my slide. I also took images of the flower pattern and art materials because I think that the main focus of the slide can be more narrowed. After I took out the images, I took out the text "Focus:Nature->Flowers" because I feel like if that is included then there are two topics or ideas focused on the slide and not one. I changed it to only having what drawing is to me, an image of a sunflower and sort of a vine like image because I think that they link together as a story cause sunflowers are something that I enjoy drawing and the vines of leaves kind of reminds me of including our own idea or personality into the drawing piece.
The research I did helped me create a better slide because the websites I used talked about what elements usually catch the audience's attention the most. For example, color pops out to people from far distance like the ikea signs. I didn't only use websites to help me create a better slide, I used the knowledge about slides before I came to SLA. At my old school, my teachers told me that the slides that we create aren't suppose to tell your entire story, but to give the audience a general idea of what your story because if your slide tells your whole story then there is nothing left to say about it. My sources are the presentation zen link and the knowledge about slides from my old school.

Tech Media Fluency reflection

Tech media fluency  (3)
From the critique of my slide, I learned that the text kind of looked a little blocky and out of place so I moved it to the center so it would flow better with the pictures. In moving the text, I also changed to font so it wasn't the blad generic text and fit more with my personality. I looked more into the presentation zen website to see how I could make everything flow evenly and also used an old project of mine as a reference. This research helped me to still stay true to the rule of threes while still making everything cohesive. 

Isabella Torres - Remix Slide


When I first  showed my slide to my group, the really enjoyed it. They liked how it was “tumblr vibes,” which was my goal for the aesthetic of the slide. They liked the layout because it was easy to see and you eyes could move around the page easily. They said the slide was straightforward and flowed well together. They also mentioned there were some minor issues with how it looked. My name “isabella” was black, and the background was black and white marble, so it was a little hard to see. They recommended to change the color for it to “pop.” The other small issue was the top picture. They said it didn’t exactly go with the other picture, so I got rid of it as a whole.

I then centered my now colored name in the center and I put the bottom picture directly under it. I read somewhere that if there are similar colors or the same color in a picture, there would be some type of cohesion all around. I knew I needed to change the color of my name to make it pop and I changed it to the color of my shirt in the picture I kept. I centered my name so your eye would easily see the point of the slide and the photo under it was centered also.

Other research I read was that open space isn’t a bad thing. I didn’t fill up the whole slide because it could get distracting and annoying looking at all the different things. I kept it simple and easy to see. I also based my design off of the ikea sign article. They said to hang a big picture or image of something and very little words. I did just that. I followed these articles because I wanted my slide to be simple and easy to understand. I personally think I did a good job on this project and I learned a lot from what I read.

Sam Friedman-Slide Remix

Tech Design Slide (1)

I learned from the critique of my slide that short and sweet is the move and tangits are bad. To be honest my slide was awful, it was too crowded, disorganized, some pictures were blurry, and some pictures didn’t align right. I did not put as much effort as I could have put when making my original slide. I intended to create a cool collage of some sort but I didn't meet myself halfway and the slide came out bad. I didn’t really do enough research either so that may have been another factor.

I made the changes that I made because I needed to clean things up and properly format stuff. I also made the changes because my peers strongly thought that I needed to. It was not only them, I wasn't very fond of it either. My peers told me to make sure to align stuff correctly, get less blurry pictures, and most importantly, no tangents! After moving some stuff around and deleting other stuff, my peers comments helped me a lot.

The main research that I did that actually influenced what I did/changed was that color is the first thing that people notice. Also how space makes it breathable and calm. Lastly, that if this slide was an IKEA billboard, that it would look organized and sweet/simple. A good source for information is slide design for developers. The reasoning behind the necessary elements are very good and convincing. In conclusion the research that I did, and the comments from others helped shaped my slide into a very good slide.

Slide Remix

slide Remix (2)

From my original Slide, I learned that I should try experimenting more with a tangent versus image bleeding, and I feel that I have reached a slightly better balance.  I’ve also removed the SpaceX logo as the rockets already have them, and I’ve removed one of the rockets for the symmetry of having 3 words of “Earth, Mars, and Beyond” and 3 rockets.    I’ve learned from Presentation Zen that I should still keep it as simple as possible and not overload the audience with information.  

I’ve slightly edited the design from a simple black and white into a dark indigo color which is more pleasing to the eye, while still contrasting sharply with the white rockets and white words.  I’ve changed it after looking for more color palettes on Colourlovers and found a palette with a dark color and white.  I’ve increased the size slightly of “The Future” at the top from learning about size on Zach Holman.  

In conclusion, I’ve learned that a tangent is harder to separate from image bleeding.  I’ve learned that color palettes can make a huge a difference in how pleasing an image can look and the contrast is important to making an image more vibrant and pop.  Although it is better than my old slide however, there are some small tweaks that can be made somewhere and nothing is fully perfect.  


Elena Smith- Remix Design Slide

Tech slide (1)
In my original slide, I had too many things going on at once. On my design slide there were paragraphs that did not line up correctly, two different definitions of l'esprit de l'escalier and a picture of a ladder instead of a staircase, because I though it would make more sense. There were fonts of different sizes, the picture was blurry and was a tangent, and overall it was hard to digest all of the information on my slide, especially if someone were to drive past it 60 miles an hour on the highway. 
When designing my new slide, the first thing I did was get rid of the ladder in my picture and replace it with stairs. I decided to make the background black and the font and picture white to make it appear more simplistic and less crazed. With two colors, it created more of a contrast and was more appealing to the human eye. I wanted to make the font wrap around the circle, but instead opted to put the font on the sides of the slide, and in the end it created something that is sort of similar to a flag.
In my design research, the thing I mainly used was contrast, putting the white on a black background to make it pop. If I inverted the colors, then there would be a lot more negative space and it would look less official. The website I used for the contrast was the one that talked about the IKEA cups and how effective simple billboards would be.

Tech Slide

tech (2)
  I learned from the critique that the simpler the design, the better. Before the critique, I had a bunch of pictures and words that described me. My group told me to find the one word that described all those words so I chose artist. I learned that I should focus only on one topic and make it simple. 
I made the changes of deleting the photographs of myself. They took away from the focus on the slide which was the words that describe me. I chose to delete most of the words because they were too much to try and focus on. The viewer's eyes wouldn't know where to look or what to focus on since there wasn't a main focus.
The research I did taught me how to make my design pop. I learned that bright words against a darker background would make the words really stand out. A source I used to create my slide is symmetry. I have four pictures in total which all mirror each other. They are symmetrical.

Sarah Cohen- Remixed Slide

Tech Presentation due Nov 22   (2)

From the critique of  first my slide I learned that less is more. People said that they were overwhelmed. To solve this I made a wordle which turned all of the things I wanted to into a photo graphic that was easier to look at than just a lot of images put onto a slide. My research helped me to see what components go into making a slide visually appealing. I learned that a slide is supposed to accompany the presentation not be the presentation. From a website called Presentation Zen I learned about using colors that look together and how to put together your slide so that you can control what order people see that different components of your image. If I could do this project all over again I would have thought of other ways to express the things that I am passionate about without using too many quotes.

Remixed Slide

Untitled presentation (1)
I learned from my critiques that even though the color of my sunflowers could have triggered a memory it didn't do completely what I wanted it to because of the square shape it should have been more shaped as a sun into a circle so that it could represent what I wanted it to. I learned that the font of my quote mattered. The changes I made were needed because the colors I picked in my opinion were dull, and my quote was empty meaning to me. The quote I used was by a poet who's literature brought me out of a dark place in life and who moved me to find self love. The colors white and red do contrast better than blue and yellow because one is such a harsh color and the other represents a blank slate to some people.

The research I did helped because looking it over again helped me see that the font matters more than someone would think when you see a bland font you the words might not hit you as they're meant to. The font is meant to appeal and not make you feel like you're reading but that your eyes are allowed to flow across the screen. The resources I used to make an amazing slide was presentation zen and talking to people in my stream. They told me how to fix it such as the placing of the words and how close they were to the borders. Looking over presentation zen helped me see that my words needed to large enough to not make the viewer get uninterested and that bold colors needed to be added to make the reader focus. The rule of thirds also helped because the roses would be the first third and both layers of the quote would be the other two thirds. 

My peers had an amazing influence and were a big help on how people viewed my slide and what they saw first and what messed with their eyes and what appealed to them. My quote was said and lifted me up because I realized not all my achievements have to be seen or brought to attention but that I am progressing no matter what. The roses look as if they're sitting on top of my words which helps because no matter what you see first their colors are the same it helps keep your attention on the slide. 

My slide: Revision 2

All About Me (Tech)Caresten Moses (1)
From the critique I received, I learned to lessen the amount of writing and pictures I had on my slide. My previous slide had three pictures with different color schemes, and they didn't compliment each other well. I decided to keep the same background because my viewers found it visually attractive. I also chose to change the transparency on the picture to create a more satisfying touch on the picture, from the colors of the background, fading into the photo.
From my research, I learned about  Variety in art, using different shapes, sizes, and/or colors in a work of art. I displayed that with the multicolor background that bleeds into the picture. I also wanted to have Balance in my slide, since that was something else I researched.  Having balance in my artwork is combining elements to add a feeling of equilibrium or stability to a work of art. I had balance because I included symmetry with my name creating small pockets of Space. That was another thing I learn that is important in having a good slide. Having the right amount of good space can set your slide up for success in the appearance.
Some sources I used to make a better slide were Presentation Zen and Elements of Design Defined. Elements of Design Defined helped me to get the definition of elements I needed to have in my slide. Presentation Zen helped me to get a better idea of how to display those elements.

Brooklin's "remixed" slide

slide 2

I learned that my original slide was different, but didn’t follow a lot of the presentation zen rules. People explained that there was a lot of information on my slide. They told me that they weren’t sure what to focus on. I learned that I needed to make sure my slide showed a lot more simplicity.

I changed my whole layout for my slide. I choose an influential background and a quote, instead of bullet points and a picture. This ensured that I could design my slide and use tips and tricks from presentation zen. I made changes to my slide so people can have a clear understanding of one aspect about myself.

I researched and analyzed different sources on the internet about slides. “Presentation Zen” helped me to understand how to make a great slide. It taught me about the rule of thirds and that empty space was okay. It also taught me about contrast between images and text. I used the information in “Slide Design for Developers” to choose the perfect colors in my slide. To conclude, presentation zen and critiques helped me to “remix” my slide.

Remix One Google Slide- Hannah Flanagan

Tech Presentation (1)

The changes I was given really helped with changing my slide. I was told the heart in the side of the slide was barely visible and you couldn’t really see it. It didn't even think about the fact that the slide would look different being projected. Secondly, I was told my name was unnecessary for the slide. That taught me that text is really less, and that we all know the slide is about me, so my name doesn’t really need to be there. Finally, I learned that the more people say things you could of done better, the better you are going to get. I knew going into this that my slide wasn’t very good. But after presenting, I saw everyone’s minds come together and really help me improve on my slide.

I really only had to make three changes to my side. First I got rid of my name because I was told that I didn’t really need it there. Secondly, I fixed the lining of my quote. There was just “Emerson” on the bottom line and that was kind of a problem. So I just moved my text over to the left, which made all of my quote go on two lines. Finally, I changed the heart on my slide completely. I was told to maybe make a constellation heart, but I couldn’t really find a picture of that. So, I decided to use a heart made of paw prints. I did this because my old dog Jake passed away, but I also recently got a new dog named Winter. I care about these dogs a lot, so I decided to talk about that and me being a kind hearted person. I also changed the placement of the heart. Since I really love dogs, it put it around the moon to say “I love them to the moon and back”.

I used a few sources to make an amazing slide. First, I used Presentation Zen, which was given to us by Ms. Hull. This was the first website I really went to for good ideas, but it gives you a more basic idea of what a slide needs in it to be amazing. Secondly, I used to create a more professional looking slide. Presentation Zen gave me good ideas, but I feel like they didn’t look too professional looking all together. Finally, the last big website I used was This website had a lot of cool tricks to making a really interesting slide. I used this website to add a shadow to my quote.

Overall, I learned a lot after presenting my slide. After hearing the critiques from my fellow classmates and Ms. Hull, it opened my eyes to new things I never even noticed. After hearing that I know now why I needed to change to grow as a person and a student. With the critiques I was given and the other research I did, I believed I enhanced my slide even more.

Remix Slide

Tech Slide #2

    The critique of my slide was to mess around with it more and to change the text so it

could match the shows font. So I took the advice and found better images that I could do more with. I also found a font that matches the shows logo so it could resemble each other. My critique taught me that there was much more that I could’ve done with my slide. I also learned that the things you choose to put in your slide matters.

  I made the changes I did to my slide because once I got the critique I saw problems

with my slide. I realized that the picture I choose was blurry so Iooked for pictures that were better. I also changed the color and the font of my text so it could contrast more since my old slide was bland. Then I found a picture to bleed. That's why I made the changes I did to my slide.

 Research helped me make a better slide because it made me realize that contrast

is important. It also made me realize the font is important. Research also made me realize that bleeding tings is important. I used Presentation Zen as a source. I also used Slide Design for Developers.

Remix 1: Google Slide and Reflection

After presenting my original slide, I was given a lot of constructive criticism. The critique that I heard the most was that my background was distracting and did not make my text pop out to the viewer. I was also told that the font of the quote was confusing and hard to read. I was praised however, on the concept of my slide, and how I used thirds. I was encouraged to change the size of my quote, so it could take up more of the slide and minimize unused space.

In the remix of my slide, there were multiple changes from my first slide. The largest difference between my first and second slides, was the opacity of the background image. In my second slide, the background is much more transparent, directing the viewer’s eyes towards the text, and not details in the background. I also changed the font from Indie Flower to Oswald. I believe that these changes helped bring my slide focus.

The research that I gathered pushed me to use the thirds concept and natural lines in my background and slide. Also, I incorporated something I learned from presentation zen, which was to limit the amount of information on my slide. I used the sites that were provided on canvas to format and design my slide. Overall, I am proud of both my original and new slide.

Remix of My Slide