Javier Peraza Capstone

For my Capstone I decided to write a twenty-four part novella to reflect on and hone my skills in writing. I aspire to be a published writer one day and I thought doing a writing piece for my Capstone would not only give me practice with long pieces of writing but also allow me to discover who I am as a writer. Every part (or chapter) came out to be approximately 5,000 words each. I say "part" instead of "chapter" just because my novella is not broken into chapters but rather parts that can be read out of chronological order. When writing something so extensive your process is very tedious. Some parts I spent months on because revisions were hefty. I revised the first part at least seven times, and not just small grammar mistakes. The first part actually went through seven full out structure changes, each one making the story read differently than the last. As of now, I am still undecided on which structure works best for setting the scene of my novella. It is something I can reflect on over the summer. Although I did learn a lot about what I was capable of as a writer, I learned more about what my true work ethic was. I saw when I worked best and learned how to know how much I could get done before even starting. I also taught myself to sit still long enough to put at least 3,000 words on paper at a time. In the end, I am more confident as a writer and have this enduring obstacle under my belt. Please enjoy part 2 of my novella which is attached below. 
bibliography (1)

Shaion Denny Capstone

Since I was a child I was always good at math. Once I got to high school my math classes got a little bit harder and throughout them I never really had anyone there to help me when I struggled throughout the years besides my teachers. While I did manage to pass each one I still to this day wish I had someone helping me outside of class. Now that I SAT an Algebra 1 class I feel like they deserve the benefits I wasn’t given during my freshman days. Like they do I had an SAT in my math classes but my SAT’s were there for me during class and to make sure I did my work outside of it but they didn’t put too much effort into making sure I understood it. That’s why for my capstone I focused on creating a peer tutoring program so that children don’t have to depend on their SAT’s. In the program the students are paired up with other students who understand the concept they might need to improve in. These children have spent weeks with each other bonding and helping each other with math. To not only see these kids work together but to be able to provide them with an outside source for me was truly amazing. The progress that these student make is also pretty amazing. They went from a group of kids who could care less about math and just wanted to pass to a group of math lovers. I’m more than proud to be able to say that I helped these children develop long lasting friends and a love for math to go with it.


Robinson, Debbie R., Janet Ward Schofield, and Katrina L. Steers-Wentzell. “Peer and Cross-age Tutoring in Math: Outcomes and Their Design Implications”. Educational Psychology Review 17.4 (2005): 327–362. Web… http://www.jstor.org/stable/23363970

Children in the same grade/ age will be teaching each other and should understand how to communicate with their peers. The tutors will be teaching their friends and being about to talk to them is key. This site is sort of a reference for me to let me know what I should be telling those kids to do when teaching their friends.

Mengping Tsuei. “Mathematics Synchronous Peer Tutoring System for Students with Learning Disabilities”. Journal of Educational Technology & Society 17.1 (2014): 115–127. Web… http://www.jstor.org/stable/jeductechsoci.17.1.115

Some students will have a very hard time understanding the concepts we will be trying to teach them. Even if 100% of the students that come in don’t have a disability this site will still be helpful. Math is one of the absolute hardest subject to retain memory about. Math for even people without disabilities is very difficult.

Martino, Louis R.. “Peer Tutoring Classes for Young Adolescents: A Cost-effective Strategy”.Middle School Journal 25.4 (1994): 55–58. Web…  http://www.jstor.org/stable/23023232  

I used this site to help me understand what exactly I might have to deal with when attempting to tutor freshman. This site talks mostly about middle schoolers but since freshman are only one grade above that I figured it is the same concept overall.

Brady, Nancy C.. “The Teaching Game: A Reciprocal Peer Tutoring Program for Preschool Children”. Education and Treatment of Children 20.2 (1997): 123–149. Web… http://www.jstor.org/stable/42899485

This site was sort of off topic because it wasn’t about children understanding math or even children in high/ middle school. This site helped me understand how to break own peer tutoring for younger kids. It talks about kids in preschool and how they tutored each other. I found this very outstanding and think it will useful when explaining to the tutors and people being tutored about why what they’re doing is so great.

"Research Spotlight on Peer Tutoring." Rss. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <http://www.nea.org/tools/35542.htm>.

I used this site to sort of break down for myself what exactly is peer tutoring and how it can be used. This site is helpful when it comes to finding out the benefits that come with peer tutoring. I received the basic information about peer tutoring through this site.

"Peer Tutoring Questionaire." Interview. 04 Feb. 2016: n. pag. Print. https://docs.google.com/a/scienceleadership.org/forms/d/1pgqPwo344ci-gqT7EkcantR0wzpgUeghKJcUEGdZWbg/viewform?usp=send_form

To gather all of the tutors and people who want to receive tutoring Daniel and I created a form for freshman to fill out. This form will allow us to know which children need/ want tutoring and which children believe they are able to tutor their classmates.

"Teaching Math." Interview by Ms. Chrisiss. 04 Feb. 2016: n. pag. Print.

Ms. Chrisiss teaches with me in Mrs. Giorgio’s algebra 1 class. Lately she has been teaching on her own and I was curious to know why she does it. She was able to express to me that she always loved math but it wasn’t always clear to her that she wanted to teach it to children. She went into college as a engineer major then she changed her mind. I want to use what she told m to teach the tutors.

"Tutoring Assessment." Interview by Cameron Hinton. 29 Jan. 2016: n. pag. Print.

This is my dear friend Cameron Hinton. He is a senior in high school, he has had experience receiving tutoring. I want to use his response to better understand how this will be affecting these freshmen when they go to higher and higher math levels.

"Tutoring Assessment." Interview by Arsenio Gomez. 30 Jan. 2016: n. pag. Print.

Arsenio Gomez is a junior as my school. He is a kid I have worked close with in the past and I feel like his response provide an insight into how to not only get tutoring but to also be the  one giving it. He tells me how he sometimes tutors his younger family members in things they might not understand.

"TEACH - Q&A Webinar with the Teachers from the Film!" Documentary Film TEACH by Davis Guggenheim: Q&A W/ the Teachers. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <http://www.teacherstestprep.com/TEACH-documentary-film>.

This is a great site about how teachers sort of ban together online and to work with students who need help. I know this seems like it doesn’t fit in but it’s really helpful when it comes to understanding how different teachers work on solving problems.

Veronica Nocella- Capstone

My Website/Blog:

My Book:

The purpose of this project is to influence the youth around me, and make a larger impact in my community through social justice and children's literature. The website contains select Capstone Journal Entries and other blog posts tracking my process throughout the project, my mission statement, and a synopsis of my book, which is linked below. After reading about how problematic misrepresentation and miseducation of young people can be, this project emphasizes the importance of incorporating information on social injustice/despair into early-childhood experiences. The book is short in length, and tells a story that personifies the world in a sweet, captivating way. Its message is a call to action to make the world a better place, in hopes to end the hardship and turmoil that people in our society face on daily basis. It's captivating, accessible to a young audience, but most importantly creates conversation and inspiration.

Annotated Bibliography:

Alexie, Sherman. 19, April. "Superman and Me." Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 19 Apr. 1998. Web. 02 Feb. 2016.


“Superman and Me” tells a tale of young Sherman Alexie (the author of the essay) talks about being a young native American boy having an admiration for Superman, and how he first learned how to read with a Superman comic book. He talks about how unusual it was for him, an Indian boy on a reservation, to have identified so much with Superman. He then talks about how from there, he taught himself how to read, and was reading dense texts extremely quickly. This source gives anecdotal insight on not only the misrepresentation in mainstream comics, but also how it’s merely considered “unusual” for a young boy on an Indian Reservation to learn how to read so quickly, whereas if he were anyone else, he’d be a prodigy. I found this source to be beneficial for me because I now know what kind of audiences my books can reach and the potential they can have, with proper representations.

Cohn, Diana. ¡Sî, Se Puede! / Yes, We Can!: Janitor Strike in LA. Texan-Mexican Border: Cinco Puntos Press,  2009. Print.

This book was a really good source for me when determining the kind of accessibility my books should have; because this book is bilingual, it’s accessible to both English and Spanish readers. It also gives voice as well as new perspective on the Janitor Strike in L.A.; a movement which wouldn’t have been given voice to without this book. The book not only gives the movement a voice, but gives it personal/familial perspective. The author, Diana Cohn, is a social activist herself, and is determined to write about social advocation that is accessible to young children. What I strive to do with my own books is bring light to issues that otherwise wouldn’t be taught or represented, and this book is a perfect example of that.

Committee on Integrating the Science of Early Childhood Development, Board on Children, Youth, and Families; Shonkoff, Jack P. and Phillips,  Deborah A. From Neurons to Neighbors: The Science of Early Childhood Development. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 2000. Google Books. <https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=oZQtR7WIBKgC&oi=fnd&pg=PA1&dq=Childhood+psychological+development+&ots=qG75DcSqAQ&sig=c-y5pzUw-_qsLVfRjV3VnN0Kgh8#v=onepage&q=Childhood%20psychological%20development&f=false>

This source was incredibly beneficial to me in that it gave extensive analysis and insight on the importance of early childhood experiences, as well as the template set for whether a child can have a healthy or unhealthy start to life. The executive summary lists conclusions that’ve been further examined throughout the book that suggest the needs of children are constantly evolving and unaddressed, and early childhood programs and policy must go under reform for a child to benefit socially from such. This source, although incredibly dense, is something worth revisiting and sifting through to discover new insight on childhood experiences and perceptions. To understand children on a psychological level is vital to my project, as I want to make sure my books can create healthy learning experiences for children.

Dvorsky, George, PhD, and James Hughes, PhD. Comp. Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies. Postgenderism: Beyond the Gender Binary (2008): n. pag. Web. 2 Feb. 2016. <http://www.battleswithinme.com/uploads/2/8/6/9/28694993/postgenderism_beyond_binary.pdf >

Postgenderism is the idea of gender binary and strict gender association will erode in modern society and within modern technology. It’s not the belief of total androgyny, but rather just that everyone should have the liberty to choose their expression and how they associate themselves. This analysis of a future without the disabilities enabled by patriarchal and gender norms helped to give me insight on futuristic beliefs pertaining gender and how they can be reflected within one of my books. Because western society is gradually approaching reform to traditional representation and expression, it’s important for me to understand and analyze its progression if I want my final product to be timely and impactful.

Jacobs, Deborah L. "How to Self Publish Your Book Through Amazon." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 25 Apr. 2014. Web. 03 Feb. 2016.


I found this source to be incredibly relevant to me because it lays out the basic steps to self publishing. Self publishing is the part of this process that has been intimidating me the most and this source breaks the process down into something simpler and more accessible. It gives great insight on how independent authors build their platform, and how they go about the process. This article then begins to explain all the potential options and resources for self publishing, like Kindle Direct Publishing, CreateSpace, Amazon Author Central, etc. This article gave detailed descriptions of each resource and what a self publishing process would look like for each accordingly.

Kilodavis, Cheryl. My Princess Boy. Seattle, WA: KD Talent LLC, 2009. Print.

In My Princess Boy, a four year old boy is described as someone who proudly wears dresses, jewelry, and expressing himself in stereotypical femme ways. I chose this source specifically because I wanted more than one example of a children’s book exploring the gender binary and gender non-conformism. It is effective in that it gives me ideas for how to structure a children’s book, as well as how to approach gender nonconformism in an easily accessible way for children. It gives insight and representation to those who wish to explore outside of gender norms both physically and aesthetically. I found this source incredibly beneficial and important to my work, because it was the book that inspired this project in the first place.  

Hill-Meyer, Tobi. A Princess of Great Daring. Toronto: Flamingo Rampant, 2015. Print.

A Princess of Great Daring is another children’s book that explores similar themes of My Princess Boy, except it makes further strides in explaining the life of what it means to be a trans person. Jamie, the main character, tells her friends that she really is a girl inside, and her friends are just as loyal to her as they ever would have been. A Princess of Great Daring is a phenomenal example of how acceptance should be taught as well as how transgenderism should be represented. Flamingo Rampant, the company that published the book, is known for publishing books specifically pertaining social justice and activist undertones. I looked further into this book, the author, and the publishing company to draw further inspiration.

Moody-Turner, Shirley. Black Folklore and the Politics of Racial Representation. Mississippi: University Press of Mississippi, 2013. Google Books. <https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=f_IaBwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=racial+representation+for+children&ots=gk2-4BKM5b&sig=UWCWqE2QJqo3x-I4ckhCG1tM3Ng#v=onepage&q=racial%20representation%20for%20children&f=false>

This is another example of a source that, while a dense read, is worth gradually sifting through and revisiting time to time. I had a basic understanding of racial representation, but I found it beneficial for me to find a text that dissects and analyzes it further. What I appreciate about this source is its exploration of the history and significance of black folklore, and its transcendence into American culture, although once hindered by oppression. It analyzes motifs from traditional West African philosophy, as well as the importance of cultural intersection in these folk tales. For my project specifically, I found it important to have a fundamental understanding of Black folklore and its cultural significance, because mainstream misrepresentation of black people had a large impact on the accessibility black folklore has had overtime. Because my project aspires to give voices to those who are marginalized and misrepresented, it was important for me to learn about a genre of literature that has always been underrepresented in this country.

Myers, Christopher. "The Apartheid of Children’s Literature." The New York Times. The New York Times, 15 Mar. 2014. Web. 02 Feb. 2016.


This source was the most important/relevant to me when pertaining to misrepresentation in children’s books. Young people of color are harder and harder to find in children’s books, and this scarce misrepresentation has a devastating affect on those children. Black children specifically are limited to books with historical pretense and the legacies of civil rights and slavery, but never to they explore the same kind of adventurous, innocent, and curious themes as white characters. In 2013, 93 of the 3,000 children’s books published were about black people. This source was reliable and impactful for me, because it came directly from personal experience and a study done by the University of Wisconsin's Cooperative Children’s Book Center. It gave the exact insight I needed for this project.

Tare, Medha, Cynthia Chiong, Patricia Ganea, and Judy Deloache. "Less Is More: How Manipulative Features Affect Children's Learning from Picture Books." Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 31.5 (2010): 395-400. Web.


I found this source to be interesting and necessary to be at my disposal because it speaks specifically on the effect that extravagant drawings and visuals have on a child’s reading development. The present studies show that pop up illustrations and manipulatives are more likely to distract from the child’s reading/learning experience, and instead simply just attract them to the illustrations and manipulatives. These features are detrimental to a child’s learning experience and their ability to recognize real life references and their symbolism in picture books. I found these studies to be incredibly relevant and timely for my project, because all of the books I plan to produce will be picture books. It’s going to help both me and my illustrator(s) to get an idea of how every picture is engaging but not hindering a child’s learning experience.

Nebil Ibrahim Capstone

For my capstone, I wanted to give back to SLA community with what I believe it gave most to me which is my ability to do math. I am well aware that some of the freshman are not at the level of math they should be at because of an underfunded school district. With this in mind, me and three other seniors decided to come together and start a math lab after school. The math lab was open on Tuesdays from 3-4 and was for freshman in Algebra 1. In the math lab, we helped students prepare for retakes, paired them with other students in order to be peer tutored, and taught them concepts they may have missed when absent from school.

The individual part of my capstone had me surveying people for their opinions of math at SLA. Teachers always want feedback and what better way to keep it concise and short than by providing them with clear data and statistics. This gives students a way of voicing their opinion while remaining completely anonymous to teachers. I want the math teachers here to know how good of a job they are doing and letting them know the concerns I find with my data. This will also serve as another means of proving how successful SLA’s math department is to other schools in the district and potentially even make a model for other schools to follow. I seek to find trends within grades levels, math levels, and race.

The link to the results and charts of my survey can be found at this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E7vqPdwdN-J5PdC0ad40UpzKgxyXwxbckuunCsaPKkI/edit#gid=599873600


Bidwell, Allie. "STEM Workforce No More Diverse Than 14 Years Ago." US News. U.S.News & World Report, 24 Feb. 2015. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <http://www.usnews.com/news/stem-solutions/articles/2015/02/24/stem-workforce-no-more-diverse-than-14-years-ago>.

This article will serve me to talk about what the impact is on students who do not succeed in math. Typically minorities are the ones who are are underrepresented in the STEM workforce which is exactly what this article highlights. I want to drive home that this is a big issue that impacts how far students will get in life. The article explains how diversity in the workforce has remained unchanged since 14 years prior to when this was written in 2015. It helps me glue together all the points and shows purpose in my study which points out misconceptions about STEM.

Bryant, Cindy. "Growth Mindset and the Common Core Math Standards."Edutopia. N.p., 03 Dec. 2013. Web. 03 Feb. 2016. <http://www.edutopia.org/blog/growth-mindset-common-core-math-cindy-bryant>.

This website is crucial in helping me establish one of the core aspects of what my capstone is trying to help change about some students. Some students have a fixed mindset which limits their growth and while a growth mindset helps students embrace failure and use it as a learning tool. Me and others in charge of the after school math labs will try to enforce a growth mindset into the students and I will record the numerical results of training. A questionnaire involving questions about people’s mindsets before and after SLA and math lab will help me illustrate my point.

College Board. "SAT Reform and College-Bound African Americans." The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education 4 (2013): 1-3. College Board. 2013. Web. 4 Feb. 2016.

The College Board has some useful data on SAT percentiles that I would want to include in my research paper to show my capstone’s purpose and need. SLA is obviously a school whose largest race is African American and they are particularly known for not doing so well on these tests. I plan to take data from here to show correlation between races against each other and the progression of percentiles in certain races over time. This will help illustrate the point that there is need for a place like math lab and some sort of a change in curriculum.

El Deeb, Ahmed. "What to Do with “small” Data?" Medium. N.p., 06 Oct. 2015. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <https://medium.com/rants-on-machine-learning/what-to-do-with-small-data-d253254d1a89#.wd4kz7k1f>.

One problem I know I might face and something I plan to address is that I might only collect a small set of data. This create numerous problems in terms of not only being hard to analyze and draw conclusions from, but it also affects the success of the capstone. The article is very insightful as to tell me what problems I might encounter with a small data set and what to do in case I receive one. Since this is one the largest, if not the largest hurdle for my capstone I need to make sure I use this source to make sure I am prepared when I encounter this problem.

Freeman, David. "Here's Proof That Beautiful Math Equations Affect The Brain Just Like Great Art." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 17 Feb. 2014. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/17/beautiful-math-equations-brain-great-art_n_4789667.html>.

This article illustrates the beauty of math and why it is so important. Something that I need to address in my paper is why anyone should care about math and more people if I conveyed the point that math can be viewed as something elegant like art or music I can get the reader to relate more to why it matters even if they do not like math. While one of math’s main purposes is finding its applicability in the real world to describe the relation between systems, it is also a place where some enjoy finding patterns in completely theoretical systems.

Johnson, Andrew P. "Methods of Analyzing Data." A Short Guide to Action Research. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, 2012. 71-82. Print.

This is a chapter from a book that talks about the methods of analyzing data. Since the core of my capstone is to represent the applicability of math in the real world to describe systems and interactions, this source will show that I did research on how to properly confront the data I collect and also how I can make conjectures from what I have. It also helps me talk about the different kinds of analysis that I will do in order to make conclusion on what I have collected.The key detailed steps is how I intend to organize my paper so that it seems more organize and sharp as to discern different steps from each other.

Rosenshine, Barak. "Recent Research on Teaching Behaviors and Student Achievement." Recent Research on Teaching Behaviors and Student Achievement. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <http://www.formapex.com/les-principes-de-base/1067-recent-research-on-teaching-behaviors-and-student-achievement?616d13afc6835dd26137b409becc9f87=bb4ce84748d5a7ce8f9f97b65257e63b>.

This website contains key information to a study similar to my capstone. It talks about how different methods of teaching math affect students. The study goes on to show the results through actual data. It is structured more like a scientific experiment, but nevertheless it still holds as an example for the kind of analysis I should have. It is divided into specific sections which is something I plan to do in my paper as well in order to separate the different conclusions made from different results of data. The study also explains any irregularities in the data which would me tie loose ends in my conclusions.

Peng, Roger. "What Is the Best Way to Analyze Data? | Simply Statistics."Simply Statistics. N.p., 27 June 2015. Web. 03 Feb. 2016. <http://simplystatistics.org/2013/06/27/what-is-the-best-way-to-analyze-data/>.

This website gives me an idea of different ways I can model data. This is important for to show how even though I was part of the math lab I also want to tie this into my passion for math and talk about how I want to pursue applied math. Properly doing this is crucial for me to show that math has applicability in different areas and it can help make things which would otherwise be subjective become objective. It also helps show how much work and effort doing data analysis can be.

Peters, Chritopher, Danny Schreiber, Matthew Guay, and Stephanie Baedell. "How to Design and Analyze a Survey." - The Ultimate Guide to Forms and Surveys. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <https://zapier.com/learn/ultimate-guide-to-forms-and-surveys/design-analyze-survey/>.

This website introduced me to different ways of asking questions in a survey and analyzing data to get desired and accurate result. There are certain steps I have to go through such as writing knowledge I would like to gain as well as my hypothesis about what I expect the data to show. As far as analyzing and presenting my data go there are certain ways I can discern trends through data and change the kind of graph I use to illustrate a point.

Welsh, Patrick. "Column: Why Our Kids Hate Math." Usatoday.com. N.p., 9 July 2012. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/opinion/forum/story/2012-07-09/math-education-remedial-algebra/56118128/1>.

This source provides a very important insight as to why children are failing and do not like math. This will be important for me to show how we address these problems and how removing them changed the students and their success in math. I want to talk about how the root of this problem occurs before students come to SLA. These statistics while also showing how much we helped improve math lab are also meant to show how much the curriculum failed them. I plan to collect data from students about how they felt about math in their middle school.

Naomi Fecher-Davis Capstone

Capstone Website


I started my project wanting to help people be as excited for prom as I was. I did not want financial issues to stand in the way for anyone. Having the perfect dress is important to most girls, knowing how expensive dresses can be I wanted to find a way to ease that burden. I planned to collect formal dresses that people no longer wanted and were in very good condition. I would re-sell them for a much lower price, between $15 and $35 depending on the length and type of dress.

It was a slow start, it took me announcing it in classes and a few posts in the Advisory Memos to get the ball rolling. Once dresses were being donated, I created a website to display the dresses. I wanted everybody to be comfortable throughout the process. If someone wanted to donate anonymously they were able to do so. The website also enabled people to purchase the dresses anonymously.

I was able to achieve my part in offering this service to the SLA community. I think the timing of the start of my collection could have been better. I started too close to the dates of prom, by the time I had enough dresses to put up for sale many people had already purchased their dresses. I am keeping the dresses at school in hopes that next year someone will be able to use the basics I laid out and improve this project.

Annotated Bibliography

Best, Amy L. "Prom Night." Google Books. Routledge, 13 May 2013. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <https://books.google.com/books?id=oVrsE9rGZnYC&pg=PT27&lpg=PT27&dq=economic+struggle+of+prom&source=bl&ots=Z63Jp3kmOO&sig=iN3vhohvpKOp7s2BdLOMRxF2Y-A&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjq6_3K697KAhUGGD4KHc56D8UQ6AEIGzAA#v=onepage&q=economic%20struggle%20of%20prom&f=false>. This website talks about the economic struggle of prom. There is a great expense that comes with prom, it is one that many can not meet. This is a fact of life. This book breaks down what percentage of your or your parents pay check would have to be saved per paycheck in order to afford prom. There is no specific page numbers but there I used the section of the book called “Proms as Contested Sites: School and Youth Cultures. This book is a reliable source, it allowed me to look at research that other people had done and get the background information I need to complete my investigations.

Blakeslee, Sandra. "Mind Games: Sometimes a White Coat Isn’t Just a White Coat." The New York Times. The New York Times, 02 Apr. 2012. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <http://www.nytimes.com/2012/04/03/science/clothes-and-self-perception.html?_r=0>. This is an article about the connection between what you are wearing and how you feel. It is proof that if you dress the part you are more likely to be believed. This article has helped me realize that it is important for every girl to feel beautiful on the day of their prom. If they feel like they are dressed to their best prom will be a more enjoyable. This is a reliable source because I am not looking for hard facts as much as opinions on how people feel about themselves and prom being such an important event in a high schooler's life.

EMMET, BORIS. “TRADE AGREEMENTS IN THE WOMEN'S CLOTHING INDUSTRIES OF PHILADELPHIA”. Monthly Review of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 6.1 (1918): 27–39. Web…<http://www.jstor.org/stable/41829256>. This source helped me see the more about how people are trading clothes in the city of Philadelphia. It is more general than my topic but I was able to pull out details that allowed me to see the ways women all over the city use stores, like thrift shops. This paper is directed on a specific organization that talks about this broad topic. It still allowed me to understand the needs that need to be met to have a thrift shop or something of the sort. This is a reliable source because it comes from a source that is widely known. The U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics and since I am using it for statistics on people working I think it is the perfect source.

Freeman, Hadley. "Why Everyone Deserves to Go to Their High School Prom." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media Limited, 22 Mar. 2010. Web. <http://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/mar/23/high-school-prom-lesbian>. This source is an explanation as to why prom is so important to attend. There is a social dynamic at prom that won't be found on any normal day at school. This source has helped me in the thinking of my project. I realized that it is really important for social reasons to attend prom. Because it is something that is so dramatize in movies it is an event that is anticipated after for years by adolescents, when people are turned away from prom or do not have the opportunity to attend it takes a toll on their self esteem.

"How Much Will the Prom Cost?" Prom Guide. Promgirl, LLC, 2016. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <http://www.promgirl.com/prom-guide/costs>. On an average prom can cost on average $1,059. This website breaks down each of the prices to the most to least amount you could possibly pay for each part of prom. I then took the averages of all of those numbers to find the average amount of money a girl would have to pay for prom. This is a website that many use to buy their prom dresses. If there was an organization to know the most about prom, it would be them. It was very helpful for me to get a breakdown that allowed me to see all of the categories broken down. This source is a reliable one because the publishers are experts in this area.

LaGrave, Katherine. "Fashion: Why Is It Important?" The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 4 June 2012. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/katherine-lagrave/why-is-fashion-important_b_1568465.html>. The huffington post is a website that is reliable for many opinions. In this article the author talks about the importance of fashion in her life. This is a feeling that is shared by many and is incorporated into many people's lives on a regular bases. This website helped me form my argument for my it is important to feel comfortable in your own clothes. Without that comfort it can be very hard to enjoy yourself. This source though it is an opinion piece was very helpful in “proving” my point in how important it is for adolescents to attend prom. It is an experience everyone should have and that is a point that came across in this article.

“Penny-club for Clothing Poor Children”. “Penny-club for Clothing Poor Children”. The Belfast Monthly Magazine 6.35 (1811): 442–443. Web…<http://www.jstor.org/stable/30072829>. This is a pdf of an article written about the organization Penny-club for Clothing Poor Children. It is a organization that gives poor children an encouraging place to be in return they have to pay one penny a month. This gave me the information I needed to know about poor children in america. It is important for me to know about the effect poverty has on young people before doing my project. I do not want to assume that all people living in poverty are living the same way. There is a sliding scale, I think that will help me a lot for my project.

Pickhardt, Carl E. "Adolescence and Senior Prom." Psychology Today. Sussex Directories, Inc., 4 May 2010. Web. <https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/surviving-your-childs-adolescence/201005/adolescence-and-senior-prom>. This website helped me to understand the other point of views on prom. I know to me it is one of the first times that I was able to dress up and be so elegant. I also wanted to get other people's views. From this article I can tell that prom is a coming of age celebration for many. Many years ago it might even have been a time to meet a long time partner. It is not so dramatic now but the same basics apply of wanting to go with a significant other. This is a reliable source that allows me to get information on the actually phsycology behind what people wear. The way people dress is not only important to them but the people around them because it improves the way they act.

“PRICES AND COST OF LIVING”. “PRICES AND COST OF LIVING”. Monthly Labor Review 10.5 (1920): 68–91. Web…<http://www.jstor.org/stable/41825548>. Before reading this segment of this book I knew that there was a minimum income that most people need to meet to be able to provide for them and their dependents. This is a cost that varies depending on the amount of people depend on them and who they depend on. I did not realize how high the cost of living is compared to the income people have. It is important to keep this in mind when thinking about prom. It is an extra, costly, cost. This source is a published book solely about the cost of living. It is important to know in my case because it allows me compare the prices of prom to the price of living.

Sola, Katie. "Please Say Yes: The Average Promposal Now Costs $324." The Huffington Post. TheHuffingtonPost.com, 20 Apr. 2015. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/04/20/average-promposal-cost_n_7103072.html>. Adding onto the average price of $1,059 you can add another $324 dollars onto that cost. That gives you a total of $1,383. This is a reliable source because the author has clearly done the research it needs to have the facts it is reporting on. I learned, from this source, that prom itself has a cost and it is usually more for females than males but in this instance it is the male that is spending an extra $350 to solly get a date to prom. These roles can obviously be reversed and be between the same sex, it is the fact that people are yet again adding another expense to an event that already cost near if not over $1,000.

Amelia Stuart Capstone

For my capstone I made a website about SLA’s spring break service trip to the Dominican Republic. I started by writing blog posts documenting each day of service we had; I wrote about what we did, what I saw, the people we met, and how it made me think about the contrast of my life compared to theirs. I collected photos from other people who went on the trip, and along with the photos that are throughout the website, I created a photo gallery that shows more of what we observed in the different communities.

Something really important to me was to include a page on the Dominican immigration crisis, and a page dedicated to preparing future students going on these trips. For the page on the migration crisis I wrote a short paragraph detailing what happened in the Dominican government, and how it affected the descendants of undocumented Haitian immigrants.  For the page dedicated to preparing future students I included three sections: Fundraising, Packing, and What to Expect. I wanted to help students get a better idea of how to fundraise for these types of programs, how to pack, and what to expect. Because they’re all things that I really needed more information on.

I hope that this can be a continuous project, and that students who go on trips like these in the future will add their own trip onto the website. I think that would be a really cool legacy for service trips at SLA, as well as a resource for kids who can’t go on these trips. One of the main reasons I wanted to do this website was so that people could see what I experienced through my own words.

To visit my website click here
To see my annotated bibliography click here 
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Michaela Prell Capstone


Over the past months I have been collecting people's stories. I have collected stories on the tattoos that people have places on their bodies, how they got the tattoo, why they got the tattoo, etc. I have interviewed people I have known my whole life, friends, teachers, and even strangers. After each interview I would edit what I had recorded into a concise podcast and share it with the public on my Soundcloud account. The Soundcloud account is really the place where my Capstone lives.

The process for my project was fairly simple, and despite its repetitive nature, it never felt monotonous or boring. After setting up a Soundcloud account for myself I was able to interview, edit, and put out a new instalment on a regular basis - almost weekly. In the end, I was able to do a total of ten interviews as well as an intro and outro of the project.

Doing this project has taught me so much. Not only have I been able to ask people the questions I have wanted to for a long time about the art on their body, but I have also gotten to form my own opinions about tattoos for myself based on what I have learned from others. Even more importantly, I have found joy in getting closer to people I know, or don’t know by asking them about themselves and their stories. I am grateful that the last few months were even more gratifying than I initially thought they would be. 

Click here to see my Soundcloud.

Annotated Bibliography

Dundon, Barbara. "I'm Tellin' Ya!" I’m Tellin Ya. Barbara Dundon, 2013. Web. 03 Feb. 2016.

This is the website of my mentor, Barbara Dundon. I worked with her in my ILP last year. She introduced me to the art of audio production and storytelling. I wanted to make sure that she was recognized as someone I learned a lot from. Because of this I am citing her website, and the business she runs producing stories for other people. Having a person to learn from as part of the process that got me to where I am right now is very important to me. I work best when I am learning from a person, because they have lived what they are telling me. it is a different kind of research than reading an article or watching a video, and I find that it sticks with me better.

"Free Music Archive." Free Music Archive. N.p., 2009. Web. 03 Feb. 2016.

This is a online library of legal free audio downloads. I use it to get most of the music from my podcast. Since music is important in setting the emotion of a podcast, I spend time finding just the right track to use when I need it in my podcasts. I know that I can safely use the tracks I find on this website.

Glass, Ira, and Torey Malatia. "This American Life." Audio blog post. National Public Radio, 1995. Web. 3 Feb. 2016.

I have been listening to This American Life from a very young age. It is part of what inspired me to originally look into doing a podcast as an ILP and as a capstone. When you are learning about something, it helps to have examples to look at in detail. This American Life was one of those examples for me. I would sit and listen to an episode, and then look for the things done in the editing, or in the way that the narrator spoke, or a thousand other things, that made the story so compelling to me. I dissected this podcast for inspiration, and to make my own podcast better.

Graves, Nagee. Personal interview. 7 Dec. 2015.

I did my very first interview with Nagee. We talked about the two tattoos that he has, what they mean to him, and his plans for future tattoos. For a first interview, talking to someone who I knew, but not very well was the perfect thing for me to do. We both felt comfortable talking to one another, but had a lot to learn about each other - mainly I learned about him, but that’s the point of my project.

Lady Lamb. Rooftop. Rec. 19 Feb. 2013. 2013. MP3.

This is a song I used for the introduction to my podcast that I put on my soundcloud. Music is very important component to any audio based production. I decided to use a song that I already knew well, and that I thought set the tone for my introduction, and for what I wanted people’s first impressions to be.

Macolino, Sarah. Personal interview. 19 Jan. 2019.

I think this is the best interview I did. I say this because the tattoos had very meaningful stories behind them. It was easy for me to ask questions and listen intently, because the content really made an affect on me personally. I look forward to editing what I have, I want to do the stories justice! The only thing else I can really say is, thank you to Sarah for being so open and honest with me about things that are not easy to talk about. I really appreciate it.

Middleswarth, Jackie. Personal interview. 9 Dec. 2015.

Interviewing Jackie was more challenging than my first interview. That has nothing to do with her, and everything to do with me. I don’t think that I asked the “right” questions like I did with Nagee. He is a more outgoing person in general, so he was more willing to open up. But Jackie is less of a talker, so I had to work harder to get open answers. This was a good learning experience for me, to learn how to make people comfortable and open when they talk to me.

Paolini, Beth. Personal interview. 11 Feb. 2016.

I have known beth for all of my life. She is partly responsible for this project because I’ve wanted to ask her about her tattoos for all of my life too. Finally getting to interview her was really amazing and insightful. I am so glad she agreed to help me out, although not at all surprised.

Raul. Personal interview. 19 Jan. 2016.

I did not actually know that I was going to interview Raul when I did. (That’s why I don’t even know his last name.) But he was open and easy to talk to. We talked about his family, his mother and niece, and how amazing tattoos can be when they are well done. The importance of going to a professional to get a tattoo, because it really is an art. I appreciate a stranger opening up to me like this.

Spiegel, Alix, and Lulu Miller. "Invisabelia." Audio blog post. National Public Radio, 2015. Web. 3 Feb. 2016.

Invisabelia is another podcast  that I listen to to get inspiration for my own podcast. The topics that the program covers are pretty different from mine, so I mainly listened to look for examples of how the editing was done to make an impact on the audience, or rove home a point. Other than that, this is just a podcast that I like, and think is good, so it serves as inspiration for me.

"StoryCorps." Audio blog post. National Public Radio, 2015. Web. 2 Feb. 2016.

StoryCorps is a podcast that gives everyone a chance to tell their own stories. Because it only works if people tell their own stories, it is an inspiration for what I am doing. People telling their own experiences, in a way that will last, is a big part of the identity of my capstone. But the people’s stories have to be coherent and make sense. That is what I look at here when it comes to editing.I look for how the podcast is edited to best tell the story. In essence, my podcast is not about tattoos, it is about stories, so that is why StoryCorps is a podcast that I have studies as part of my research.

Maggie Clampet-Lundquist Capstone

After struggling to come up with an idea/topic for my capstone, I finally decided on creating a documentary about The Philadelphia Girls Choir. I have been singing with the girls choir for four years, so I decided to make a video about the choir, that I could give to the choir as a way of saying thank you. The documentary is located on Vimeo, where anyone can watch it. Creating this film allowed me to reflect on my experiences in the choir, I realized that the girls in the choir weren’t just people I sang with but they were like a second family. I filmed every Thursday and  Saturday which  are the two days  the choir practices, having to work with cameras helped me acquired many camera/video skills from putting this film together. I learned how to attach a microphone to a camera so it could record and capture the sound at the same time as well as how to take what I had recorded and transfer it onto the computer. I learned how to edit/put together a film in iMovie and camera skills in general. I plan on continuing to film the last couple month of choir experience and adding it onto my already existing video. I hope everyone enjoys the film as much as I enjoyed making it.

Annotated Bibliography:

  1. "Philadelphia Girls Choir." Philadelphia Girls Choir. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <http://www.phillygirlschoir.org/>.

I used this website because it describes the choir I’m focusing on: The Philadelphia Girls Choir. The website talks about how the choir was started and why, this will be useful in my project when explaining what the choir is about.

  1. "Pennsylvania Girls Choir." Pennsylvania Girls Choir. Web. 5 Feb. 2016. <http://www.pennsylvaniagirlchoir.org/>.

I used this website because not only am I going to talk about the choir that I’m apart of I’m going to talk about choirs in philadelphia in general as well. This is one of the best known choirs besides the philadelphia Boys Choir and it does similar things as my choir and so I thought I could compare the two. This is a reliable source because it’s the choir's website.

  1. "How to Create a Good Documentary Film." WikiHow. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.<http://www.wikihow.com/Create-a-Good-Documentary-Film>.

I’ve never made a documentary before and I'm great at working on Imovie this site walks me through the process of both of these things so it will be useful to look at when I’m editing my documentary and filming it. This is a reliable source.

  1. "Welcome!" Philadelphia Boys Choir. Web. 05 Feb. 2016.

The choir that I’m in is the sister choir to the Philadelphia Boys Choir. We practice in the same building, we sing together at events, and we do things together outside of rehearsal they are a big part of my choir even though they are boys. Since the boys choir was so successful they decided to make a girls choir and that's how the Philadelphia Girls Choir was made. This is a reliable source because its their website.

  1. "How to Use IMovie to Make History Documentaries Complete." YouTube. YouTube. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku3mQr3vigw>.

I’m not familiar with Imovie this site is a step by step tutorial video, that walks you through the process of editing and doing voice overs. This will help me because I’m making a documentary. This is a reliable source because the person who created the video used Imovie and shows you exactly what to do.

  1. "Vocal Techniques Learn, Laugh & Interact at Www.vocalist.org.uk." Vocalist. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <http://www.vocalist.org.uk/vocal_techniques.html>.

Singing is all about the voice, there are many different techniques and forms of singing depending on where and how you sing for example an opera singer uses different techniques than a choral singer. I want to talk about some of the techniques we use because they will be shown in the video, I don’t know much about the techniques and this website will help expand my knowledge. This is a reliable source because after each technique they give a description and where you can find more information.

  1. "How the Voice Works." American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 2014. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <http://www.entnet.org/content/how-voice-works>.

When you sing you use your voice. This is my extent of knowledge on the voice, being someone who sings in a choir it important to know about the voice, your voice. This website describes how sound is produced from your voice, it breaks it down so that I’ll be able to explain it. This is a reliable source because the person that created the site knows a lot about the voice.

  1. "How To Sing Properly." Become-A-Singing-Master.com. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <http://www.become-a-singing-master.com/how-to-sing-properly.html>.

Singing properly is something my choir director talks about but I never knew why, so this is one of the things I wanted to explore deeper in my project. This website talks about why singing properly is important and how to do that. This is a reliable source because this person has experience singing.

  1. "Winging It." : The History of the Choir. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <http://birdsoftheair.blogspot.com/2006/07/history-of-choir.html>.

Half of my project is a documentary and half of my project is talking about the history of church choirs because my choirs is a choir that sings a lot of spiritual songs. This website talks about why church choirs sing mainly spiritual songs when they could sing a wide range of genres. This is a reliable source because the person who wrote the website was in a church choir.

  1. "Determine Things That Can Damage Your Singing Voice." - VisiHow. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <http://visihow.com/Determine_Things_That_Can_Damage_Your_Singing_Voice>.

This website is about different ways you can damage your voice. One of the ways that you can damage your voice described on the website and the most common is by singing incorrectly, by not getting enough breath or trying to sing lower or higher than you know you can.

GARY GARY Captsone

The letter 

The year 1∆6 was a fateful one for the children of Buge. Its early winter months saw my holy pilgrimage to the Buge zone, in the good company of my only two true friends. To provide a better painting of the trek as a whole, I feel obliged to begin my recitation a month before cast off. The first member of the expedition was my good friend Johan, thick-skinned yet manic, an artist relentlessly tormented by existence outside of composing. And, as an aspiring music-man, young Johan wished to test his mettle as a composer through confrontation with the Master Buge. I admired his youthful passion and, as is probably best described in our second round of correspondence, I adored his compositions. The two of us shared a stomping ground and had each witnessed the other in youth, if only in periphery here or there; for in the old boxing town of Lar Grotis, where nothing much happened, it seemed like no one much cared. Despite our hometown’s banality, Johan managed to cross paths and feed each other's cynicism beautifully. We bonded over such issues as passwords, naming conventions, and video. A month into our perverse interactions, he showed me his most beautiful song in the world. That day was wordless. I can only recall our rendezvous in aisle 10 of MarketLand. Golden glory spewed from his tattered ipod and across my delicate eardrums, they thirsted for more. We ceased communication for 20 years after that encounter, rekindled our friendship //


Myrna Yousuf Capstone

The purpose of this capstone was to represent the people of SLA. I wanted to show how our school has a diverse population and that everyone is different. I also wanted an image of what SLA looks like because we cannot be defined by one thing. Our school has so many people with different stories, ideas, and thoughts. I submitted my capstone proposal with my idea and got it approved and had my Mentor Ms. Giknis help me plan out what I should be doing. I collaborated with my partner Avery to get started on this project.

I decided to tell the stories of people through photos and words attached to them on a Facebook and Instagram page. Throughout the school year I worked with my partner Avery to create these posts on our social media page. Then I decided to represent each grade at SLA through an interview podcast series as my own individual product. Each interview is with a student in each grade and they share their views and experience at SLA.

Zack Hersh Capstone

I used my capstone to do something that I have always wanted to do: get a band together. After beginning drums at the start of high school, immensely enjoying the instrument and the experience of learning and getting better, and progressing as a musician and as a drummer, forming and playing in my own band was always the logical next step. My project consisted of getting a group of musicians together—who I could get along with, and who were passionate and talented—then with that group going through the process of writing, practicing, polishing, performing, recording, and ultimately producing original and cover songs. 

My capstone had a second part, which was organizing and running the music club to engage and contribute to the SLA music community in another way. This was a smaller element, and went very well until the club took a hit from spring sports starting and lost too many of its members to continue functioning.

My goals for what we would do as a band changed significantly as the project progressed. There was no lack of obstacles, especially assembling the right group, which was challenging and took a good deal of time. Midway through the year though, once we were together and meeting every week, it went very well, and we were able to make good progress and enjoy ourselves. In the end, we fully created an EP with two original songs—written, practiced, performed, and recorded as a group—and one cover song that reflects us as musicians. 

The digital evidence of this project, our band's Bandcamp, with online audio files and digital downloads for each song, can be found here (or at 302b.bandcamp.com). For my annotated bibliography, click here

Lauren Hummel Capstone

The process of choosing a capstone was not an easy one for me. I first chose to work with Habitat for Humanity for my capstone and to get a group of students involved in service project through the organization. After a few months of planning, scheduling, and organizing, I learned that my plan was not going to work. With a mere two months left to complete a capstone I was proud of, I talked to John Kamal and Alex Gilliam to come up with a capstone. The idea we came up with consisted of a series of building projects that would benefit the school in some way whether through the classroom environment or simple improvements. 

The results of this project were two table-top lecterns for Ms. Martin, and a shelf that Ms. Giknis can set speakers up on. It is all visible through a website I created to display the work I have done so anyone can see. I had to learn how to better use various tools. From doing this, I learned that I should always have a backup plan, and a backup-backup plan. I have learned that there is a lot of value in asking for help, which I have always struggled with. I also now know there is a lot of work that goes into a project like this and I highly respect the process. I have learned a lot through completing this capstone and although it was a difficult process, I am happy with the result.

I have chosen to present my capstone in the format of a website that can be accessed through this link or the link below. 

My annotated bibliography is also presented below.

Isabella Beato's Capstone

For my project I planed a Sports Banquet. This banquet was suppose to honor the SLA seniors because many people don't play sports after high school. For my process I started to locate places. My first place was the Waterfall room in south Philadelphia. We had everything planned for this place but a little gift fell into my lap. The SLA soph Hop was planned at poppies and fell through because of small ticket sales. I received the deposit from that event and moved my capstone there, making me have to due less fundraising. After much outreach we were unable to make enough ticket sales and canceled the event. Hopefully a rising senior will pick up my idea and really try to make this a thing. 

The bibliography can be found here. 
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A bacteriophage is a virus. A virus is any pathogen that can only replicate in the living cells of other organisms. They are not considered "alive" by most scientists because of their relatively simple structure compared to even the simplest life forms. In fact, some viruses have as few as 1300 nucleotides -- whereas humans have 3 billion. They say that all the DNA in one human cell, when stretched out, would be roughly 6 feet long. For many viruses, that length could be measured in micrometers.
Viruses only do one thing: make more of themselves. Many viruses, such as bacteriophages, do this by consuming their host. The word "bacteriophage" is derived from "bacteria" and "phagein," which is Greek for "devour." The below image shows the anatomy of a bacteriophage.
In order for a bacteriophage to reproduce, it must first find a cell. It has no way of propelling itself so it must float around until it comes in contact with a receptor on the surface of the cell. Its tail fibers attach around the receptor and flex to bring its base plate closer to the surface until it is bound there. It is able to do this because of ATP in each tail. Then, the bacteriophage's genetic material in its head is pumped into the cell. Once this occurs, the bacteriophage is, for all intents and purposes, "dead."
But that's not the end of it -- the cell's ribosomes start translating the viral mRNA instead of cell mRNA. As a result, instead of doing normal cell things such as synthesizing proteins, the cell starts making copies of the bacteriophage using the mRNA as a blueprint. The cell ceases all normal function and only makes these copies until its membrane collapses and many new bacteriophages are released.
Here's a video of the process.

In 1896, Ernest Hankin collected a sample of water from the Ganges River that cholera bacteria. He noticed that something was killing the cholerae but could not figure out what. It remained a mystery until 1915, when Twort discovered the extremely tiny little entities responsible, bacteriophages. His findings were later confirmed by a scientist known as Félix d'Hérelle who took part in this discovery.
D'Hérelle conceptualized a practical application for bacteriophages, a process called phage therapy. Phage therapy is the use of bacteriophages (and/or other bacteria-killing viruses) to fight bacterial infection. Phage therapy gained support from medical professionals in the US and Soviet Georgia, but in the US its practice was short-lived as antibiotics, considered a better method than phage therapy, was discovered only several years after. However, phage therapy is currently being revisited in research as a counter to anthrax and botulism. Here is a culture of bacillus anthracis (anthrax) awhile after bacteriophages were added.

Kadija`s 5-minutes of Science


An orgasm is an intense height in pleasure during sexual activities, often called climaxing. During an orgasm, the brain receives a lot of nerves that flow through to the pleasure part of the brain, the same part that lights up when we eat something that we really like. This part also lights up during drug use, so when people say they are ‘addicted’ to love, they are telling the truth.  During an orgasm, muscle contractions in the pelvic and genital region take place. They are controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which also causes involuntary muscle spasms, and frequent body movements. After an orgasm, the body usually experiences the refractory period, which is the recovery for both parties. Men experience an increase of hormone oxytocin, which can be the determining factor that they can not orgasm right after the first one.


A study at Rutgers University observed six fully ejaculatory orgasms were experienced in one male, although very rare. 18-year old man's refractory period is about 15 minutes, and 70-year old men are about 20 hours, but the average man is about 36 minutes. There are a lot of physiological changes as well, such as a relaxed mind caused by prolactin. Also it helps with breast cancer cells., because the oxytocin can help prevent the development of breast cancer cells


I had no idea that an orgasm was connecting to all these things. I think that society makes it look a certain way that makes it not have all these beneficial attributes that can actually help your body. I mean, I don't have anything to say about it, but that abstinence is always key.

Work Cited:
  • "What Is an Orgasm?" - Health Questions. Web. 27 Apr. 2016.

"Anatomy of a Climax." EverydayHealth.com. Web. 27 Apr. 2016.

Jiwon Choi Capstone

“What do you want to become later on in life?” At the age of 18, students have to figure out what they want to major in college and even potentially know what career they want to have in the future. However, many high school students do not necessarily know what type of field they want to go in. Even if they do know, they might believe that their dream career is too unsustainable in financial terms to actually have the confidence of continuing on that route. With all the pressure, many individuals can feel very anxious and afraid about not knowing or being clueless about the future.
Therefore, Brandon and I did a capstone on “Job Exploration”. The purpose of this capstone is to inform students what certain jobs are truly like. We wanted to be able to give a clearer view of what a particular job entails. In order to accomplish this goal, we interviewed people with different professions and heard their life stories involving the work they do and how they got there in the first place. Throughout the course of senior year, Brandon and I were able to interview psychology professor, musician, artist, and a lab technician together. I was also able to interview a small business owner and nail technician, and a seamstress by myself. As a final product showcasing what we have done, I made interview videos. For individuals that I could not film, I made a transcript of the interviews.
Here are the links to the people interviewed:
Small business owner and nail technician: https://youtu.be/NL4myKlT9Qc
Psychology Professor: https://youtu.be/cvXoqUWJbXg
Free Lance Musician: https://youtu.be/cvXoqUWJbXg

Here is the google doc to the transcript of people I interviewed and couldn't get on video: 

Here is the link to my bibliography: 

Sleep Paralysis.

- When entering REM sleep, the brain shuts down the release of certain neurotransmitters and causes paralysis. 
sleep paralysis is one common symptom of narcolepsy, most sufferers are not narcoleptic.
- Occurs during REM sleep when awoken from it. It is the transitions between sleep and being awake.

- nearly a third of americans are sleep deprived and irregular sleep partners are the leading causes of sleep paralysis. Being sleep deprived can lead to many different sleep disorder. 


- I have been having sleep paralysis for almost 3 years now and it has been something that very much interested me. So I decided to present about it. 

Tauqee Friend Capstone

For my capstone I got in contact with the faculty of stenton family manor a non-profit organization that shelters homeless families and scheduled a feeding for the different families and employee’s. This is one of the many things I’ve been exposed to growing up. Since my parents are advocates for the homeless because of the involvement it has with my Masjid a lot have my weekends have went to feedings, gathering old clothes or things of that nature for different shelters. After I got in contact with some of the faculty about when I could come and do a feeding and what kind of food I would bring me and my mom took a trip to BJ’s and brought a few things for the feeding. The only available time slot was after dinner so I didn’t want to give them another full course meal so I just bought a few cases of different snacks along with some water. I fed the kids first to see if I had enough food for everyone but by the end there was a lot of extra but I let the shelter keep it for when they feed them tomorrow. The purpose of this was to make my own difference with my own leadership. Even though I have helped a lot in the past this project was about me taking control and organizing something that I am passionate about.


Nicholas LePera Capstone

Stress factors into everything that happens in your day. It can provide the motivation you need to complete an important task, or it can be debilitating and block your goals. Stress is a huge issue in society and the largest issue is the lack of knowledge people have on it, and how it is sociologically stamped out as an unimportant topic. My capstone goal was study stress through a survey response system, and from various medical journals, and other credible sources.  

My initial goal was to drive an exchange of dialogue between myself and takers of my survey, however few were willing to respond. I received a total of 23 responses out of roughly 500. This was disheartening, but I quickly shifted my eyes toward existing studies and built the foundation knowledge to create an infographic. I began by detailing stress and methods to overcome it that people can use to their advantage.

Overall, I found that this setback worked for me in the end. I found that I learned far more with peer-reviewed medical journals and other materials that furthered my existing knowledge of the issue. The product I am left with are a survey, a paper, and an infographic. My capstone gave me an opportunity to dabble in fields of study I will likely encounter in college as a biochemistry major on a pre-professional track towards Physical Therapy.

Capstone Product:

Sattera Mark Capstone

Since the beginning of the year I knew that I wanted to work and get involved with children. I’ve volunteered with kids before but that organization that I was with had closed down. Therefore, I thought that my senior project would be a perfect way to interact with kids again.  At the start of the project I started volunteering with a daycare but I felt like I needed to do more. In order to add to my project starting looking at other groups and organizations that I could volunteer with. After not having any luck with that I realized that I could make a difference in the organization that I was already involved with. That organization is my church, Faith Tabernacle. I noticed that the kids around weren’t really into service and didn’t really have anything to do there. Especially since children’s church had stopped. My church is also in the heart of North Philadelphia and it’s not in the best area. So now I had two goals; I wanted to get the kids back interested in church and get the community involved in a positive way.

The way I achieved this was by setting up an Easter Party outside of my church on March 26, 2016. I started planning this in early February. In preparation for the event I first had to get permission from my Pastor and Youth Pastor. Then I became the church assistant secretary. It became my job to type and put together the bulletins every Saturday. These bulletins had a list of the church’s schedule and events. I made sure I put in a memo about the easter program in there every week. The next thing I had to do was get sponsors and buy supplies for the event and ask my church to donate some money for the youth. Mrs. Carter was a big help and donated a big box of easter eggs and prizes for the kids and Ms. Darcel and Mrs. Diane prepared lunch for the kids. I also had many helpers who set up and watched the kids with me. We also had to make flyers to pass out around the neighbor and surprisingly many of the neighborhood kids came and enjoyed themselves at the party. At the party the kids played games, won, prizes, and enjoyed good food and candy. The event overall was very successful.


Citation #1


Barbara Markway, and Gregory Markway. "Tips for Teachers: Working with Children Who Are Shy." Teaching. Ed. Jill Hare. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2016. This article was written to help teachers who are experiencing some issues with shy children in their class. The article gives some tips on how to get a shy child out of their shell. The article recommends placing shy children with children they know so they socialize more and making their strengths an opportunity for them to help others in an area where they're lacking. Along with this tip there are many others which are good for pin pointing different ways to help a child open up. This article was useful to me because for my capstone I will be working with all types of children and I may face a couple who are timid and shy. When I do I will look back at this article and use this to help this child. This article is different from others because it only focuses on one type of child. Other websites focus on all types of children and how to be a better teacher in general.

Ciation #2 http://www.forbes.com/sites/jacquelynsmith/2013/05/17/how-to-become-a-great-mentor/#2715e4857a0b173bf055449e

Jacquelyn Smith. "How to Be a Great Mentor." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 17 May 2013. Web. 02 Feb. 2016. This article focused on what is means to be a mentor and the great responsibility one has when they take the roll to be an example in another person’s life. The article expounded on being there for a mentee making sure a mentor creates an atmosphere that's warm and open and that there's trust in the relationship. For example, the article said to make sure that the mentee feels comfortable enough to ask the “stupid questions that everybody wants to ask”. I like this article because it lets the readers know how influential a mentor can be on someone’s life.  This article, unlike others explains mentorship in a unprogrammed way. Sometimes there is to set way to be a mentor when every relationship is unique in its own way. The article emphasizes the importance of getting to know the person relationship development.

Citation #3

"Brain Architecture." Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University. Harvard University, n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. This article focused on how early childhood experience affect the child’s brain. When a Child is born they already have brain cells that will carry them out into adulthood. The article also focused on the the scientific aspect of brain development. The article had interesting facts. An interesting fact I found was that simple neural connections and skills form first and that in the first few years of life there are 700 to 1,000 new neural connections every second. This article was produced by Harvard University. The specific author isn’t named but it’s clear that the author had a clear understanding on the topic. The is also  article was directed towards anyone who is trying to get a better understanding of how a child’s brain works. Maybe towards middle school children on up. This article complements my capstone project because it gives me a better understanding of children's behavior is this is important because I will be working with them.

Citation #4  https://www.extension.purdue.edu/providerparent/child%20growth-development/braindev.htm

Jeppson, Jandy. "Brain DevelopmentAuthors: Jandy Jeppson with Judith A. Myers-Walls and Dee Love." PPP: Child Growth & Development || Brain Development || Brain Cells Connect. Purdue University, 2013. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. This article focuses on the brain growth of children. The article talks about how children are always exploring different things as their brain develop. They may throw a chair just to see that it’s able to move in that way. Kids may also ask a lot of questions because they want to understand what’s going on around them. A total of three people wrote this article. The format of the article was neat and well planned out. All three of the authors collaborated great together to create this article. This article could be geared towards kids that are in middle school on up. However I think the article would be best for parents or teachers. This article is similar to the one in citation three. They both explain the scientific part of a child’s brain and how that affects their behavior and development. This article would help me with my capstone by giving me a better understanding of a child’s behavior.

Citation #5 http://www.pgbovine.net/ta-tips.htm

Guo, Philip. "First -Time Teaching Assistants." Philip Guo -. N.p., Nov. 2006. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. This article was good for many helping hints for people who are assistant teachers. Being an assistant teacher may be scary for those who are taking on this role for the first time. If a person feels this way this article will do a great job of releasing some of the stress. I would recommend this article article to first time teachers or someone who has to speak out in a large group of people. The author of the article wrote and used his personal experiences to try to relate to his readers. The author also spoke fluently and eleven different points that explained his reasons for why he gave the tip. This article is different from others because the writer expresses his personal experiences and talks about how he learned from them. This article will help me with my capstone because it will gives me some tips on how to be a successful assistant teacher.

Citation #6  https://www.autismspeaks.org/family-services/tool-kits/100-day-kit/ten-things-every-child-autism-wishes-you-knew

Notbohm, Ellen. "Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew." Autism Speaks. Future Horizons, Inc, 2012. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. This article focuses exclusively on how to treat children with autism. It highlights how children with autism should be treated just like every other child and then learning how those children are different from other children. It also explains how to interpret different things they’re trying to express. For example, the article explained the difference between (I choose not to) and can’t (I am not able to). I think this website would be very helpful for people who work with children with autism and to parents of an autistic child. This article is from a book. The author of this book sounds educated and has a clear understanding of children with autism. This website was helpful to me because I may begin working with a child with autism and now I feel like I can understand them better. I think the website is a great source and that everyone who had to face autism should read this.

Citation #6 https://www.asaecenter.org/Resources/ANowDetail.cfm?ItemNumber=49760

"ASAE ® The Center for Association Leadership." Mentoring Relationships 101: How to Be a Great Mentor - Associations Now Magazine. N.p., May 2010. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. This article talked about the importance of being a good mentor. Mentor always are the ones who seem to be doing most of the talking and the one who should be giving all the guidance. However, this article makes it clear that it’s okay to let your mentee talk and share the conversation. The article gave its readers 14 excellent tips on how to be the mentor ever. I would recommend this article to anyone who’s seeking advice on how to be a leader. The author is obviously educated and was great at organizing their thoughts and the outline of the website.  

Citation #7  http://franchisegrowthpartners.com/mentoring

"Top 10 Qualities of a Good Mentor." Top 10 Qualities of a Good Mentor. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. This website expounded great on how to be an effective mentor and youth leader. With today’s youth good mentors are greatly needed. The article talked about how teen pregnancy rates and drug use rates among teens are decreasing. The article expressed that in order to keep this progress going steady we mentors must continue this good work and be patient with our mentors. The article gave its readers ten important tips on how to be an effective leader. I would recommend this article to anyone who’s seeking advice on how to be a great mentor and make a difference in people’s lives. The author shows that they’re educated and great at organizing their thoughts by the way they chose to convey this message.   

Citation #8 http://www.friendshipcircle.org/blog/2012/10/15/8-important-tips-for-working-with-a-special-needs-child/

"8 Important Tips For Working With A Special Needs Child." Friendship Circle Special Needs Blog. N.p., 15 Oct. 2012. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. In this article a mother expresses her concerns for her 11 year old special needs son. Her son had reached an age where he was able to participate in community activities. The mother uses this article to share some of the tips she uses with her own son and what works for her. This article was very insightful because with me working with children I might come across a child that might need a little more attention than the others. I would recommend this article to all teachers and to parents with a special needs child.

Citation #9 http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/article/five-persistent-behavior-problems-and-how-handle-them-grades-6-8

Shalaway, Linda. "Five Persistent Behavior Problems and How to Handle Them (Grades 6-8) | Scholastic.com." Scholastic Teachers. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2016.

By working in a classroom of kids, teachers are bound to encounter students that have behavior problems or students that need a little more attention. In this article by Linda Shalaway she gives tips to teachers who are facing these types of issues. The kids she’s describing are kids that are usually in grades six through eight. I would recommend this article to all teachers who are dealing with behavior problems within their classroom. The author of this article seems to have a great deal of experience with children or may be a psychologist. She writes fluently and efficient.

Citation #10

"Golden Rules for Engaging Students in Learning Activities." Edutopia. N.p., 08 Dec. 2014. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. This article gives teachers examples of way to keep students engaged and active in class. To most students school is portrayed as boring but this article gives teachers tips that can help move students away from that type of mindset. I would recommend this article to all teachers. the authors of this article is very short and straight to the point.

Heaven Mendez- Capstone

After a long, grueling four years, you tend to have a lot to say, and no platform to share those thoughts with, and while blogs are totally socially acceptable, having created maybe eight or nine of them, it loses it's effectiveness. The product of nearly a year and a half of work, comes This Book Got Me 302'd, my own take at trying to process the last few years of my life. Part memoir, part completely drawn out, teary rant, this book is an extension of myself, in the written world. I tried to create something that best utilizes my skills, while still having the ability to mean something more than a couple hundred pages thrown together. It's not everyday you get the chance to actually sit down and write for a purpose. This is probably one of my greatest pieces coming out of SLA, something I'm extremely proud of, and something that hopefully leaves something meaningful behind to anyone who happens to read it.


How to Lie with Statistics Podcast #1

The members present for this podcast were Javier, Gina, Amelia, and Naomi. The discussion was dominated by two salient points: that the cases used to explain statistics were relatively simple and that it is fairly easy to manipulate information. These two driving objectives turned out to be intimidating realizations for the four of us due to the mass media consumption that takes place in this day and age. An example of what was discussed that was easily manipulable and yet simple was data graphs. If one were to zoom in on a graph it can change how the information looks. The whole group thought that was weird. The group also spent a lot of time on what an average was and how there are different types of averages. Lastly, the group was on agreement with everything that was discussed including the over length of the novel.

Project - 5:17:16, 9.22 AM

Joie Nearn- SLA School Spirit

During the past four years, I have noticed a lack of school spirit in our close knit school environment. In order to enhance this, I decided to create the Spirit Committee, this involved creating the major school events such as pep rallies, school dances and the house competitions. 

To start this process I worked closely with the teachers, to help set up a house system. This included, breaking the school into six groups. Each group had a senior, junior, sophomore, and freshman. The names of the houses were, Pegasus, Perseus, Hercules, Phoenix and Aquilla. I worked really hard to direct all five-hundred SLA students. 

The first event was our the meeting and introduction of the houses. This was very stressful because of the lack of space that we have in our school. The only way for this to happen was to put each house in a different area of the school. I felt that would be a start to a great school year. 

The next event was a pep rally, introducing all of the fall sports, and all of the major announcements that were going on at the time. We ended off with a great dance contest. After this experience I knew we were off to a great start! 

At this point I got the idea to start a Spirit Committee. These were a group of students that helped me with the school dances; selling tickets, finding a location, and helped making it a great time. 

This idea that I had was great! I hope in the future SLA continues to have this house system. 



Peer Tutoring Capstone


How has my Capstone impacted the community? Statistics show that one on one learning is more effective than learning in big groups. It’s also beneficial for peers to open up and not be afraid to ask each other for help and it would help save time because the teacher would not have to spend time reteaching those who don’t pick up concepts as fast as others. For my capstone, I ran a peer tutoring program across two freshman Algebra 1 classes. The pairs/groups meet twice a week to work on homework, benchmarks, and study for quizzes and re-quizzes.They meet after school on Tuesday with the supervision of me and/or my capstone partners and once more some time later in the week, unsupervised. I worked with three other people but we all had different responsibilities. I was in charge of making sure everything went smoothly and everyone was doing what they were supposed to be doing. However, we were not the only four seniors that came and helped out. Some of the other seniors liked my program and decided to stop by and help some freshmen who were still struggling with concepts.

Across the two Algebra classes, there was a total of fourteen students who attended. The students had incentives for coming every Tuesday. For every two meetings they came to, they earned a homework pass but it wasn’t the incentives that kept them coming. They really enjoyed helping each other. My capstone has impacted the SLA community because it has taught them that they shouldn’t be afraid to ask each other for help. They even stopped asking the teacher for help every time they ran across a problem, instead they started asking each other.