Ian McClendon - The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

What went well?
- The process of gathering the information was really useful because I was learning more about the Garbage Patch and contributing to my info-graphic. Also the art work and creative process went well. 


What did not? 
-The research slump. Everybody's been there before while researching something. Your brain gets stuck, you don't know what to do next, and valuable time is wasted. The only other problem was finding information that would make the poster flow. Those were only the main problems.  
What would you do differently next time? 
-I would gather more information, brain storm harder, think of how more creative I could be, and like everyone else, not procrastinate. 

I never really referenced the 10 Infographic Tips.    

The Love Canal By: Emilisa, Jason, Daniel

What went well?
Things that went well while doing this project was the research about our topic. We found a lot of primary sites with good and useful information. Another thing that went well was the group collaboration. We all shared and read over the information provided by one another.

What did not?
One thing that didn't go well was the creating of our info-graphic. We all got a lot of information and all but the hard part was visually presenting it. We wanted to present it in a way that would tell the story with out saying too much. As you can see we have a dense level of text below. Using the picture in the background did give it a little more spark but the text need to be shorter.  

What would you do differently next time?
Next time we will summarize the information a little better. We even present it a different way.

Are You Always Going to Have Authority Over Me?

 Here at SLA we learn to be leaders and today I was robbed of that chance. Every Monday and Thursday I give up my X band lunch to student teach freshman drama. This is part of capstone but I would do it even it wasn't. Today Mr. Kay was absent and I had a plan. But this plan went downhill the minute I walked in. Every word that came out of my mouth was undermined by the substitute that was present. Now I understand that the readers of this might be think well she is the adult figure in this classroom and your still a student. And this would be true for small situations; like if I told one person they can get a drink of water and the other that they can use the bathroom and you told them that only one of them can leave the room. I can understand that. But when you undermine my lesson plan you are basically implying that the authority I was given has no value in your eyes. I tell them to practice for their scenes. You tell them after less than two minutes to stop because they were too loud (trust me it's way louder in there before). I call on someone to give a shout-out and you cut them off and start to talk about your trip to the movies. I start to teach them an improv game you cut me off and make up your own scenario for them to do. And on top of all that my name apparently changed to Marissa. 

Around the World

Studies have shown that America is within the top 10 fattest Countries in the world. But we're not as high as most people think. At 74% America is the 9th fattest country on the planet. Now of course this isn't the worst, but if you look at it in another way America is the fattest superpower in the World. If compared with China, there is  huge difference. Why is that? Is it dieting? What about laws and resources? Here in America any store available has an abundance of food able to make any person become a glut whether they're the regular, vegetarian or vegan. It's worthy of stating that the fattest country in the world (Nauru) isn't number one due to over eating, but from disease. This is an excusable case from saying that these people are a bunch of gluts. Just to point out, the skinniest country in the world is eritrea with on a 4% obesity rate. That may not be the healthiest possible state if that was America.

Love, Blood, Sweat, and Tears! Domestic Violence #2

Me & The World

In the last blog I gave the basic information about domestic violence. I gave a summary about the types of domestic which are emotional violence, physical violence, and sexual violence. Domestic abuse is an epidemic in communities, cities, states, countries, and the world.  One of the most un reported crimes in the world. Change sure will come, but this blog is about the numbers and statistics.

One in every four women will experience domestic violence on any type of level in her life times. 1 of every 30 men will experience domestic violence in his lifetime. 85% of the victims are usually women. 1 of every 6 women will be raped, and 1 of every 33 men will be raped. More women get abused sexually and physically abused than men do. Their partner or lover sexually assaults most of the men and women.

Domestic violence is serious and is an eye opener. Even though women are usually the main victims, gentlemen please be aware you can also be a victim. Domestic violence can end your life, give you emotional trauma, and harm you severely. Domestic violence can be anywhere and sometimes people don’t even know when their partners are harming them emotionally. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IS FAR FROM A GAME! 

Love, Blood, Sweat, and Tears! Domestic Violence #1

Me & The World

In the last blog I gave the basic information about domestic violence. I gave a summary about the types of domestic which are emotional violence, physical violence, and sexual violence. Domestic abuse is an epidemic in communities, cities, states, countries, and the world.  One of the most un reported crimes in the world. Change sure will come, but this blog is about the numbers and statistics.

One in every four women will experience domestic violence on any type of level in her life times. 1 of every 30 men will experience domestic violence in his lifetime. 85% of the victims are usually women. 1 of every 6 women will be raped, and 1 of every 33 men will be raped. More women get abused sexually and physically abused than men do. Their partner or lover sexually assaults most of the men and women.

Domestic violence is serious and is an eye opener. Even though women are usually the main victims, gentlemen please be aware you can also be a victim. Domestic violence can end your life, give you emotional trauma, and harm you severely. Domestic violence can be anywhere and sometimes people don’t even know when their partners are harming them emotionally. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IS FAR FROM A GAME! 

Love, Blood, Sweat, and Tears! Domestic Violence #1

Me & The World

In the last blog I gave the basic information about domestic violence. I gave a summary about the types of domestic which are emotional violence, physical violence, and sexual violence. Domestic abuse is an epidemic in communities, cities, states, countries, and the world.  One of the most un reported crimes in the world. Change sure will come, but this blog is about the numbers and statistics.

One in every four women will experience domestic violence on any type of level in her life times. 1 of every 30 men will experience domestic violence in his lifetime. 85% of the victims are usually women. 1 of every 6 women will be raped, and 1 of every 33 men will be raped. More women get abused sexually and physically abused than men do. Their partner or lover sexually assaults most of the men and women.

Domestic violence is serious and is an eye opener. Even though women are usually the main victims, gentlemen please be aware you can also be a victim. Domestic violence can end your life, give you emotional trauma, and harm you severely. Domestic violence can be anywhere and sometimes people don’t even know when their partners are harming them emotionally. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IS FAR FROM A GAME! 

Love, Blood, Sweat, and Tears! Domestic Violence #1

Me & The World

In the last blog I gave the basic information about domestic violence. I gave a summary about the types of domestic which are emotional violence, physical violence, and sexual violence. Domestic abuse is an epidemic in communities, cities, states, countries, and the world.  One of the most un reported crimes in the world. Change sure will come, but this blog is about the numbers and statistics.

One in every four women will experience domestic violence on any type of level in her life times. 1 of every 30 men will experience domestic violence in his lifetime. 85% of the victims are usually women. 1 of every 6 women will be raped, and 1 of every 33 men will be raped. More women get abused sexually and physically abused than men do. Their partner or lover sexually assaults most of the men and women.

Domestic violence is serious and is an eye opener. Even though women are usually the main victims, gentlemen please be aware you can also be a victim. Domestic violence can end your life, give you emotional trauma, and harm you severely. Domestic violence can be anywhere and sometimes people don’t even know when their partners 


As we all have heard before, the ozone is disappearing. What is the ozone? The ozone makes up 90%+ Of the stratosphere. This protective layer filters out harmful UV rays that can potentially kill any living thing. As the ozone disappears, we are have a more likely chance of getting hit by harmful UV rays. But there is hope! After a quick search around the internet, there are reports that state that the ozone is no longer disappearing but actually rebuilding itself. It should be completely back to normal. But it will take a couple of years. This might be around 2078.

Waking up in the morning, I took the time to look out the window and saw trash everywhere. Looking back at my calendar, I slowly realized it wasn't trash day. All the trash outside just fortified my assumption. Littering was the answer for all the trash being everywhere. It wasn't just a piece  of paper here or there. It was little mole hills everywhere with all sorts of things. All these little mole hills of trash, decay and make toxins that destroy the Ozone layer.




El Bola, Maltrato Infantil (Thomas Nicolella, D Band)

Thomas Nicolella

Español 4, D Band

Maltrato Infantil

El Bola, Q4 Proyecto


pruebas compiladas:

moretones y cicatrices

miedo de volver a casa

tímido, no habla mucho sobre la familia

Desaparecidos de la escuela por una semana

deprimidos, evitando amigos

se escapo de casa porque su padre lo azote

confeso a la policia: insultar, azotar, escupir por el padre


Posibles preguntas de las autoridades:


¿Como puede usted estar seguro de estas cicatrices so de su padre?


Son de su padre porque era evidente que él estaba tratando de esconderse de la gente y finalmente admitió que su padre era abusivo y lo golpeó varias veces.


¿Es su madre también la culpa?


No tanto como el padre porque ella no golpeó al joven. Sin embargo, ella no hizonada para detener la violencia sólo porque ella pensó que haría más daño y, posiblemente, conseguir hacerle daño también. Toda la situación era peligrosa.


¿Por qué esperar tanto tiempo para informar a las autoridades de las acciones del padre?


Esperamos informar a las autoridades ya que fueron instruidos por un consejeroque esperar hasta que tuviéramos la evidencia real de los abusos y no solo es peculaciones de los hechos.


¿Qué se debe hacer con el niño en términos de refugio?


Bueno, ya que es muy amigo de mi hijo y he llegado a pensar en él como un hijo, Lo llevaré a mi casa como su tutor legal.


Evidencia / argumento contra el padre de Pablo:


En primer lugar, El Bola ha sido un buen amigo de mi hijo desde que comenzó ir a la escuela igual que Pablo. Definitivamente tienen una buena relación y si el niño vivía con nosotros, su relación podría crecer como la de hermanos. Además, mi hijo notado muchos moretones y cicatrices en Pablo cuandoregresamos de nuestro viaje a las montañas.

Cuando Pablo le faltaba a la escuela por una semana de clases, mi hijo fue elque trajo esto a mi atención. Pablo estaba bien antes de que él desapareció de la escuela y mi hijo sabía que algo andaba mal. También fue a guardar el padre del niño para ver qué le pasaba a Pablo. El hombre estaba claramente mentir cuando contestó a mis preguntas.

El colmo llegó cuando Pablo llegó corriendo a mi casa hace un par de noches, llorando de miedo porque su padre acababa de pegarle. No tenía más remedio que huir de su hogar y buscar refugio en mi casa. Estaba cubierto de hematomas y cortes y rogaron que se quedara en mi casa para pasar la noche. Siento que él confíe en mí mucho, y yo sería la mejor opción para ser su tutor legal. Si se envía a un hogar de crianza temporal que podría sufrir la misma suerte que él hizo con su padre.




Hemos visto en este caso muy bien y es muy evidente que este chico, Pabloestaba siendo golpeado por su padre. La mayor cantidad de evidencia provienedel propio niño, porque él nos dijo a todas las cosas horribles que hizo su padrey le dijo en los últimos años incluyendo insultos y los golpes / golpearlo. Hemosdecidido colocar José, el padre de Alfredo en la custodia del niño y el cambio éla su tutor legal, porque los padres de Pablo no son aptos para cuidar de un niño. No se sabe qué se hará con el padre, sino que se llevará a cabo en la corte muy pronto.






Is it ok ?

TV shows like Teen Mom and 16 & Pregnant is  either directly or indirectly celebrating teenage pregnancy and encouraging it. A recent survey by the Center of Disease Control and Prevention has reported that the rate of teenage pregnancy is not declining any more.According to the report, nearly 64 percent of the teenage boys found it acceptable for an unmarried girl to have a child and more than 70 percent of the girls agreed with the boys. What I am wondering is , why is this acceptable. Majority of the teen girl pregnancies have resulted in broken families, children who have been neglected proper care, health impacts on the young mothers and higher infant mortality rates. As the reader do you feel that birth control is safe , even though it's known to being 100 percent safe.Sex is a way of life. However, our last generation of the baby boomers made promiscuity a fashion. Sex is not sacred anymore. The results are unfolding in front of us as mothers who are themselves kids, and children who are sick, uncared for and who have a high mortality rate. It is in our hands to put a stop to teen pregnancies. Personally i think its not acceptable , but fallow me more for more info on why i think it might increase over the years nd this issue might grow.

Copy An Artist

I chose an abstract drawing on purpose. I knew with the materials of paint we had, I wouldn't be able to create the perfect shades or even duplicate it on such a big piece of paper. I had trouble defining lines, however, if I had more time, I would be able to pay more attention to detail. Overall, it is an abstract drawing for both of them, therefore, harder to duplicate. There are more shades in my painting, but it's very hard to see because of the megapixel camera used. Difficult task to do, yes, but I enjoy the product. 
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Screen shot 2011-05-16 at 8.48.18 AM

Espanol, Alicia en el pais de maravillas

En mi libro que acabo de terminar, hay una tema de encontrarte te a ti mismo. Alicia esta buscando y llendo en aventuras todo el libro que en verdad, todo lo que esta buscando es ella misma. Ella expiriencia muchas cosas, y aprende cosas de que confudida siempre esta, y se da cuenta que ya sabe quien es. Es alicia la sonadora, y la chica confundida con una imagination creativa.

(this would not post before!)

E1 CLASE/TAREA 16/05/11 (mini-proyecto)

We are now going to add to our collaborative blog our thoughts on the dishes and drinks we tried at Sazón.

1. Log into the blogger account I have given you access to.
2. Add the following information/items en español:

Title of post: (name of dish you're writing about)
In the post:
  • Mi nombre es (your name). Create a hyper link to your name that goes to your ePal letter.
  • (photo of the dish you're writing about - one you took or from googleimages)
  • Opinión: (give your opinion of the dish. use your notes.)
  • (add the video from Sazón of you trying the dish)
3. This last part of the blog post is a reflection in english. You don't need to answer all the question.
  • What was your impression of Sazón and the owners? What were your thoughts when you walked in? How about when you saw the food?
  • What was your impression of this dish? Is it similar to anything you've tried before? Would you order it if you went back to Sazón?
This mini-proyecto is due before class starts on el jueves, 19/05/11. It is worth 50 puntos.
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Screen shot 2011-05-16 at 8.08.03 AM


1. Qué opinas: ¿Sabe la Mayoría de expect La Que Gente 30 DerechosHumanos Universales nombrados Por Las Naciones Unidas?
  Creo que mucha gente no sabe que tenemos 30 derechos humanos.
2. ¿Crees Que es IMPORTANTE expect sable Que los 30-Derechos HumanosUniversales?
  Creo que es importante que conozcamos nuestros derechos humanos.

3. Si supiéramos Todos Nuestros 30-Derechos Humanos Universales, ¿CreesDiferente Lo Que seria Sociedad?
  Sí, porque más gente sería capaz de protesta en contra de otros que violan las leyes

A Simple Request

​I would like heels for prom that will make my ankles cry.
I would like heels for prom that drag queens would refuse if offered on the grounds of them being too over the top.
I would like heels for prom that will lift me into another level of the atmosphere each time I step into them.
I would like heels for prom that will be impossible to walk in, forcing me to spend my evening being carried from place to place until eventually the kind volunteer who has moved me to and fro, here and there injures their back, leaving me stranded for what may very well be weeks on end.
I would like heels for prom that could act as a mighty thin party tent should something prove amiss with the hotel.
Oh yes and I would like them in blue.

(Bolded sentence within: I would like drag queens that lift impossible to eventually.)

CMonroe Tarea 13 de Mayo

1. Qué opinas: ¿Sabe la mayoría de la gente que tenemos 30 derechos humanos universales nombrados por Las Naciones Unidas?

- No, muchos personas en el mundo no tienen los 30 derechos. Creo que La Naciones Unidad necesita hacen cumplir las leyes mas fuerte. 

2. ¿Crees que es importante saber que tenemos los 30 derechos humanos universales?

-Si creo que es muy importante. Cada persona merecen los mismos derechos.

3. Si todos supiéramos nuestros 30 derechos humanos universales, ¿crees que lo sociedad sería diferente? 

- Si, si todos supiéramos nuestros derechos humanas lo sociedad seria muy diferente. Si esto se pasara, la gente tratarían uno al otro con respecto y dignidad. 

E1 AHORITA 16/05/11

Cierto o Falso. All these statements have to do with Sazón.
  1. Sazón es un restaurante bastante grande.
  2. Se ofrecía el refresco Inca Kola.
  3. Es restaurante se especializa en comida poblana.
  4. Tenía comida vegetariana.
  5. Comimos flan.
  6. Comimos tequeños con queso y jamón.
  7. Comimos empanadas con pollo, queso, y arroz dentro (inside).
  8. Bebimos jugo de banana.
  9. Bebimos jugo de parchita.
  10. Sazón está en un parque.
  1. ¿Te gustó el restaurante?
  2. ¿Qué comida más te gustó?
  3. ¿Qué comida no te gustó mucho?
  4. ¿Qué bebiste? ¿Te gustó?

These are the foods that were part of the buffet:
  • tequeños
  • plátanos fritos
  • caraotas negras
  • empanadas domino
  • asado negro
  • pernil (pork)
  • arroz con pollo
  • arroz blanco
  • postre: torta tres leches
  • bebidas: jugo de parchita, jugo de guava, refresco, jugo de guanabana

Tarea. 5/12

Es sorprenda que la mayoría de la gente tienen los 30 derechos porque no parecemos que tenemos los derechos a veces…no realizamos.

Si, es importante saber que tenemos los derechos porque son aplicable a las vidas y todo no tienen los derechos.

Si, creo que la sociedad sería diferente y personas tomaría [advantage] de los derechos.