
​It should be warmer out. It's to cold. I got nervous when it snowed yesterday. It makes me think the apocalypse is going to happen. I'm very afraid of that. I'm also afraid of cockroaches, the girls from the ring lurking under my bed, going up the stairs in the dark, oranges, the scent of pickles, and situations where people are upset because I don't know how to comfort them and feel very uncomfortable.


It should be warmer out. It's to cold. I got nervous when it snowed yesterday. It makes me think the apocalypse is going to happen. I'm very afraid of that. I'm also afraid of cockroaches, the girls from the ring lurking under my bed, going up the stairs in the dark, oranges, the scent of pickles, and situations where people are upset because I don't know how to comfort them and feel very uncomfortable.

Dragon Fly Heart Camp

During my stay in the hospital i met a little girl who loved the little mermaid. She found out that i could sing and begged me to sing "part of your world" whenever we ran into each other ( which was a lot cause we were staying on the same floor). After some time she got heart transplant on her birthday and was so excited that she threw a disney princess tea party with all the patients. After that she left and i didn't hear from her in a while until she invited me to come to her camp that her and her mother founded which was named " dragon fly heart camp"  dragon fly is in the name cause her and her mother love dragonflies and mary land chester town is filled with them. she created the camp so that children who received heart transplants or has heart complication could have a good time like any other normal kid would at a regular camp. I'm very proud she created this camp from her experience and help others she's one of the people that have inspired from this day forward.

March 25

Today, while my class went off to a museum. I spent the day in the office. It's always funny to sit and talk to the teachers and faculty. You get use to them teaching to you and it's always interesting how the tone changes when you talk to them on an "non teacher- student" level. It makes me smile. The office always has something interesting happening in it.

The Friday Afternoon Show with Justin Pullins: Episode #1!

Here it is. The grand premiere that everyone, (and by everyone, I mean 10 people), has been waiting for! Here is the second, first episode of The Friday Afternoon Show with Justin Pullins, featuring guests Stephanie Dunda and Aimee Leong!

The Best Children In The World

My cousins Nasha and Anthony have grown up together since I could remember. They have been through so much but they still smile. I always considered Anthony my personal body guard, because to date, he is 6"2 and about 220lbs and its crazy watching him grow up. Everything that I do when we are around each other is like be careful or wait I'm gonna just carry you. Its craziness.  Nasha is sweet but dangerous. I remember this one time she was telling me about the time she was planting some flowers in a garden. When she stood up a frog was in the way so she decided to kick it out her way against the wall. When she told me this, she was so nonchalant it had me on the floor cracking up. Having cousins that you know love you unconditionally keeps you going.
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Screen shot 2010-09-30 at 11.10.16 AM


yesterday I had an interview with Arcadia. Hopefully I did well. Well I hope so.
Any who, I always forget to post to the blogger, BUT then I write my posts in a word document.

I have a meeting with some dude about my capstone today, hopefully that goes well.

I got denied from American University *womp.


It's just one of those days -_-

I'm so tired.

I am really curious as to know what I got on my math benchmark. I think I did well on it.
I absolutely love when people bitch and complain about absolutely everything they can possibly think of.

You're boy-boy-boy-boy-boy-boy-boy-boyfriend.
I love Big Time Rush. They're adorable.

I keep coughing.

Our first softball game is today and I am so excited. (:
I can't wait, yay. We're playing Randolph on our home field (@Lemon Hill) come out and see us!

I hate when you're texting someone and they just stop answering.

Tedious Work

Well, its a Thursday and despite having to go through roughly 8 hours of school work, I still have to go to my regular job which is working in a nice little local pharmacy. Its nice if your the customer at least. I got to clean the whole bathroom today, it was definitely a change in pace from doing other janitorial duties like vacuuming the whole store or cleaning all the soda fridges and stocking them up. It was not however a good change of pace. I dont have much things that I am grossed out by, but cleaning a toilet which has not been cleaned for roughly half a year is not something on my convenient to-do list. Horrible busy day.


E: Feel like coffee in an hour?
R: I just got into my pjs, but sure. only, where would we get coffee from?
E: Um actually sorry no. I just got in and I feel dead
R: I hate you haha, bi polar. tomorrow?
E: I think so
R: Plan on it, no lame excuses

It's Always Something

If it's not me being on time to school. It's my grades in school.
If it's not me cleaning. It's me not cleaning good enough.
If it's me not going out. It's me going out too much.
If it's me not talking to you. It's me talking back to you.

No matter what I do it will always be something. Will anything I ever do be good enough?

I hate You

​I hate you
You locked me out
I hate you
You made me cry
I hate you
You chose her
I hate You
You forgot me
I hate You
You missed my birthdays
I hate You
I'm growing up
I hate You
I'm graduating
I hate You
I turned 18
I hate You
I drive now
I hate You
I'm still alive
I hate You
You'll always love me
I hate You
I'm nothing to You
I hate You
She's nothing to me
I hate You
You pushed me away
I hate You
I'm going away
I hate You
You'll never see me again
I hate You
You missed out on it all
I hate You
Your loss not mine
I hate You